.. _api_core_firewall: {{ title }} {{ title_underline }} {% for controller in controllers %} .. csv-table:: {{controller.type}} ({{controller.filename}}) :header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters" :widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40 {% for endpoint in controller.endpoints %} "``{{endpoint.method}}``","{{endpoint.module}}","{{endpoint.controller}}","{{endpoint.command}}","{{endpoint.parameters}}" {%- endfor %} {%- if controller.uses %} {% for use in controller.uses %} "``<>``", "", "", "", "*{{use.type}}* `{{use.name}} <{{use.link}}>`__" {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} .. Tip:: In order to inject rules using an API, you may take a look at the :ref:`Firewall Plugin API `, currently the core system does not support rule modifications via the API for this topic.