=========== Diagnostics =========== The interface diagnostics page contains various tools to help debug network issues. --------------------- ARP Table --------------------- The `ARP `__ table module shows all MAC addresses known by this firewall. ============================================================================================================================================== =========================== ================================================================================================================== IP IPv4 address MAC `MAC `__ address Manufacturer Manufacturer looked up with the mac address above Interface Associated interface Interface name The name of the interface if found Hostname In case of a DHCPv4 client, the hostname when found in the leases file =========================== ================================================================================================================== --------------------- DNS Lookup --------------------- Perform a quick dns lookup from the firewall. --------------------- NDP Table --------------------- Show addresses learned by the `Neighbor Discovery Protocol `__ for IPv6. ============================================================================================================================================== =========================== ================================================================================================================== IPv6 IPv6 address MAC `MAC `__ address Manufacturer Manufacturer looked up with the mac address above Interface Associated interface Interface name The name of the interface if found =========================== ================================================================================================================== --------------------- Packet capture --------------------- The packet capture module can be used to deep dive into traffic passing a (or multiple) network interfaces. It has some options you can choose from, such as the interface to listen on, protocol you interested in and host to track. Packet capture uses `tcpdump `__ and runs in the background. After a capture is performed you can either look into it using the **View capture** button or download the pcap file to inspect it in an external tool, such as `Wireshark `__. --------------------- Ping --------------------- Use ping to establish if a remote host can be reached using ICMP. --------------------- Port Probe --------------------- Test if a host has a certain TCP port open and accepts connections on it. --------------------- Trace Route --------------------- Use `traceroute `__ / `traceroute6 `__ to measure the path traffic would follow when trying to reach a specific host.