.wy-affix position: fixed top: $gutter .wy-menu a:hover text-decoration: none .wy-menu-horiz +clearfix ul, li display: inline-block li:hover background: rgba(255,255,255,.1) li &.divide-left border-left: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) &.divide-right border-right: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) a height: $base-font-size * 2 display: inline-block line-height: $base-font-size * 2 padding: 0 $base-font-size .wy-menu-vertical width: $nav-desktop-width header, p.caption height: $base-font-size * 2 display: inline-block line-height: $base-font-size * 2 padding: 0 $gutter margin-bottom: 0 display: block font-weight: bold text-transform: uppercase font-size: 80% color: $menu-dark white-space: nowrap ul margin-bottom: 0 li &.divide-top border-top: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) &.divide-bottom border-bottom: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) &.current background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 10%) a color: $menu-link-medium border-right: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 1.5 &:hover background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 15%) code border: none background: inherit color: inherit padding-left: 0 padding-right: 0 // Expand links span.toctree-expand display: block float: left margin-left: -1.2em @extend .fa @extend .fa-plus-square-o font-size: .8em line-height: 1.6em color: darken($menu-link-medium, 20%) // On state for the first level li.on a, li.current > a color: $menu-link-color padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter font-weight: bold position: relative background: $menu-vertical-background-color border: none padding-left: $gutter -4px +font-smooth &:hover background: $menu-vertical-background-color span.toctree-expand color: $menu-link-medium span.toctree-expand @extend .fa @extend .fa-minus-square-o display: block font-size: .8em line-height: 1.6em color: darken($menu-link-medium, 30%) li.toctree-l1.current > a border-bottom: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) border-top: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) // This is the on state for pages beyond second level li.toctree-l1.current li.toctree-l2, li.toctree-l2.current li.toctree-l3 > ul display: none &.current > ul display: block li.toctree-l2 &.current > a background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 1.5 li.toctree-l3 > a display: block background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 2.5 a:hover span.toctree-expand color: $menu-link-medium span.toctree-expand color: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 35%) li.toctree-l3 font-size: .9em &.current > a background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 25%) padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 2.5 li.toctree-l4 > a display: block background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 25%) padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 3.5 a:hover span.toctree-expand color: $menu-link-medium span.toctree-expand color: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 40%) li.toctree-l4 font-size: .9em li.current ul display: block li ul margin-bottom: 0 display: none li ul li a margin-bottom: 0 color: $menu-link-light font-weight: normal a display: inline-block line-height: 18px padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter display: block position: relative font-size: 90% color: $menu-link-light &:hover background-color: lighten($menu-background-color, 10%) cursor: pointer span.toctree-expand color: $menu-link-light &:active background-color: $menu-logo-color cursor: pointer color: $menu-link-active span.toctree-expand color: $menu-link-active .wy-side-nav-search display: block width: $nav-desktop-width padding: $gutter / 2 margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 z-index: $z-index-popover background-color: $nav-search-background-color text-align: center padding: $gutter / 2 display: block color: $nav-search-color margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 input[type=text] width: 100% border-radius: 50px padding: 6px 12px border-color: darken($link-color, 5%) img display: block margin: auto auto $gutter / 2 auto height: 45px width: 45px background-color: $menu-logo-color padding: 5px border-radius: 100% > a, .wy-dropdown > a color: $nav-search-color font-size: 100% font-weight: bold display: inline-block padding: $base-line-height / 6 $base-line-height / 4 margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 +font-smooth &:hover background: rgba(255,255,255,.1) img.logo display: block // display on its own line all the time margin: 0 auto height: auto // undo badge styling above width: auto border-radius: 0 max-width: 100% // shrink on mobile, if appropriate background: rgba(0,0,0,0) // make hover background of parent show up properly &.icon img.logo margin-top: 0.85em // space it away from the title text > div.version margin-top: -1 * ($gutter / 4) margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 font-weight: normal color: rgba(255,255,255,.3) .wy-nav .wy-menu-vertical header color: $link-color a color: $text-light &:hover background-color: $link-color color: $white [data-menu-wrap] +transition(all .2s ease-in) position: absolute opacity: 1 width: 100% opacity: 0 &.move-center left: 0 right: auto opacity: 1 &.move-left right: auto left: -100% opacity: 0 &.move-right right: -100% left: auto opacity: 0 .wy-body-for-nav background: $section-background-color .wy-grid-for-nav position: absolute width: 100% height: 100% .wy-nav-side position: fixed top: 0 bottom: 0 left: 0 padding-bottom: 2em width: $nav-desktop-width overflow-x: hidden overflow-y: hidden min-height: 100% background: $nav-background-color z-index: $z-index-popover .wy-side-scroll width: $nav-desktop-width + 20px position: relative overflow-x: hidden overflow-y: scroll height: 100% .wy-nav-top display: none background: $link-color color: $white padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter / 2 position: relative line-height: 50px text-align: center font-size: 100% +clearfix a color: $white font-weight: bold +font-smooth img margin-right: $base-line-height / 2 height: 45px width: 45px background-color: $menu-logo-color padding: 5px border-radius: 100% i font-size: 30px float: left cursor: pointer padding-top: inherit .wy-nav-content-wrap margin-left: $nav-desktop-width background: $section-background-color min-height: 100% .wy-nav-content padding: $gutter $gutter * 2 height: 100% max-width: $nav-content-width margin: auto .wy-body-mask position: fixed width: 100% height: 100% background: rgba(0,0,0,.2) display: none z-index: $z-index-modal - 1 &.on display: block footer color: $footer-color p margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 span.commit code padding: 0px font-family: $code-font-family font-size: 1em background: none border: none color: $footer-color .rst-footer-buttons &:before, &:after width: 100% +clearfix .rst-breadcrumbs-buttons margin-top: 12px +clearfix #search-results .search li margin-bottom: $base-line-height border-bottom: solid 1px $table_border_color padding-bottom: $base-line-height .search li:first-child border-top: solid 1px $table_border_color padding-top: $base-line-height .search li a font-size: 120% margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 display: inline-block .context color: $text-medium font-size: 90% +media($tablet) .wy-body-for-nav background: $section-background-color .wy-nav-top display: block .wy-nav-side @if $nav-desktop-position == left left: -$nav-desktop-width @else right: -$nav-desktop-width &.shift width: 85% left: 0 .wy-side-scroll width: auto .wy-side-nav-search width: auto .wy-menu.wy-menu-vertical width: auto .wy-nav-content-wrap margin-left: 0 .wy-nav-content padding: $gutter &.shift position: fixed min-width: 100% left: 85% top: 0 height: 100% overflow: hidden @media screen and (min-width: $nav-media-query) .wy-nav-content-wrap background: rgba(0,0,0,.05) .wy-nav-content margin: 0 background: $section-background-color @media print .rst-versions, footer, .wy-nav-side display: none .wy-nav-content-wrap margin-left: 0