.. _api_plugins_firewall: Firewall ~~~~~~~~ The firewall API plugin (**os-firewall**) offers a way for machine to machine interaction between custom applications and OPNsense, it can easily be installed like any other plugin via :menuselection:`System --> Firmware --> Plugins`. Although the plugin does contains a basic user interface (in :menuselection:`Firewall --> Automation`), it's mirely intended as a reference and testbed. There's no relation to any of the rules being managed via the core system. .. Tip:: Use your browsers "inspect" feature to compare requests easily, the user interface in terms of communication is exactly the same as offered by the API . Rules not visible in the web interface (:menuselection:`Firewall --> Automation`) will not be returned by the API either. .. csv-table:: Abstract [non-callable] (FilterBaseController.php) :header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters" :widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40 "``POST``","firewall","filter_base","apply","$rollback_revision=null" "``POST``","firewall","filter_base","cancelRollback","$rollback_revision" "``GET``","firewall","filter_base","get","" "``POST``","firewall","filter_base","revert","$revision" "``POST``","firewall","filter_base","savepoint","" "``POST``","firewall","filter_base","set","" "``<>``", "", "", "", "*model* `Filter.xml `__" .. csv-table:: Resources (FilterController.php) -- extends : FilterBaseController :header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters" :widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40 "``POST``","firewall","filter","addRule","" "``POST``","firewall","filter","delRule","$uuid" "``GET``","firewall","filter","getRule","$uuid=null" "``*``","firewall","filter","searchRule","" "``POST``","firewall","filter","setRule","$uuid" "``POST``","firewall","filter","toggleRule","$uuid,$enabled=null" .. csv-table:: Resources (SourceNatController.php) -- extends : FilterBaseController :header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters" :widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40 "``POST``","firewall","source_nat","addRule","" "``POST``","firewall","source_nat","delRule","$uuid" "``GET``","firewall","source_nat","getRule","$uuid=null" "``*``","firewall","source_nat","searchRule","" "``POST``","firewall","source_nat","setRule","$uuid" "``POST``","firewall","source_nat","toggleRule","$uuid,$enabled=null" ----------------------- Concept ----------------------- The firewall plugin injects rules in the standard OPNsense firewall while maintaining visibility on them in the standard user interface. We use our standard :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase` to allow crud operations on rule entries and offer a set of specific actions to apply the new configuration. Since firewall rules can be quite sensitive with a higher risk of lockout, we also support a rollback mechanism here, which offers the ability to rollback this components changes. .. blockdiag:: :scale: 100% diagram init { savepoint [label = "savepoint()"]; administration [label = "administration"]; apply [label = "apply(savepoint)"]; cancelRollback [label = "cancelRollback(sp)"]; savepoint -> administration -> apply ; apply -> cancelRollback [label = ".. 60s", style = dashed]; } The diagram above contains the basic steps to change rules, apply and eventually rollback if not being able to access the machine again. When calling :code:`savepoint()` a new config revision will be created and the timestamp will be returned for later use. If the :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` is not called within 60 seconds, the firewall will rollback to the previous state identified by the savepoint timestamp (if available). .. Note:: The examples in this document disable certificate validation, make sure when using this in a production environment to remove the :code:`verify=False` from the :code:`requests` calls .. Tip:: The number of versions kept can be configured as "backup count" in :menuselection:`System -> Configuration -> History`. This affectively determines within how many configuration changes you can still rollback, if the backup is removed, a rollback will keep the current state (do nothing). ----------------------- Administration example ----------------------- Administrative endpoints are pretty standard use of :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase`, the example below searches for a rule named "OPNsense_fw_api_testrule_1", when not found one will be added otherwise it will print the internal uuid. Inline you will find a brief description of the steps performed. .. literalinclude:: firewall.sample_create.py :language: python :linenos: :caption: administrative_example.py .. Tip:: Since our model contains default values for most attributes, we only need to feed the changes if we would like to keep the defaults. In this case the TCP/IP version was IPv4 by default for example. In most cases one would like to set all relevant properties in case defaults change over time. ----------------------- Apply / revert example ----------------------- This example will disable the rule created in the previous example and apply the changes using a savepoint, since we're not calling :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` it will revert after 60 seconds to the original state. .. literalinclude:: firewall.savepoint.py :language: python :linenos: :caption: savepoint_example.py .. Note:: The savepoint will only revert this components changes, other changes won't be affected by this revert, for example add an additional interface between savepoint and revert won't be affected.