============== Dnsmasq DNS ============== Dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure, DNS forwarder, which can be used to answer to dns queries from your network. Similar functionality is also provided by "Unbound DNS", our standard enabled forward/resolver service. In some cases people prefer to use dnsmasq or combine it with our default enabled resolver (Unbound). .. Note:: Since OPNsense 17.7 Unbound has been our standard DNS service, the main reason for Dnsmasq being shipped in our product is for compatibility. Although there are some use-cases that require Dnsmasq specifically, most users better opt for Unbound. ------------------------- General settings ------------------------- Most settings are pretty straightforward here, enable the service, listen on a port (53 when empty) and assign interfaces to listen to. You can register dhcp static mappings as well, so the forwarder will know internally defined hosts. ------------------------- Host overrides ------------------------- Here you define static hostnames, which allow you to reply a specific address when being asked. ------------------------- Domain Overrides ------------------------- If a specific domain should be answered by a different DNS server, you can configure it here.