----------------------------------- Custom (app specific) field types ----------------------------------- Applications can add their own custom field types, which should be derived from :code:`BaseField` or one of its descendants. A very simple single item custom field type could look like this: Build the field type ........................................ .. code-block:: php 'can not use a reserved word', 'domain' => $reservedwords)); } return $validators; } This example extends the standard validations with a list of reserved words, in which case it would yield :code:`can not use a reserved word` if one of the reserved words are provided. .. Note:: This file should be placed in the subdirectory :code:`FieldTypes` of the model itself. .. Tip:: Use :code:`BaseListField` as simple template for list type items. Use in model ................. The validation can be used as any standard type, but using :code:`.\` the model knows it concerns a local field. .. code-block:: xml //OPNsense/MyFirst/App 1.0.0 My first application Y .. Tip:: Inspect the `basic field `__ types for inspiration, a concrete example of a custom field type can be found in the `firewall `__ section