================================================== Prioritize Applications (Weighted) using Queues ================================================== By utilizing queues we can influence the bandwidth within a pipe and give certain applications more bandwidth than others based on a weighted algorithm. The idea is simple: Let presume we have a pipe of 10 Mbps and 2 applications for instance smtp (email) and http(s). The http(s) traffic will get a weight of 1 and the smtp traffic a weight of 9, then when all capacity of our pipe is in use the email traffic will get 9x more bandwidth than our http(s) traffic, resulting in 1 Mbps for http(s) and 9 Mbps for smtp. For our example we only look at download traffic, but the exact same can be done for the upload traffic. +----------------+--------+-------------------+ | Application | Weight | Minimum Bandwidth | +================+========+===================+ | SMTP (port 25) | 9 | 9 Mbps | +----------------+--------+-------------------+ | HTTP (80) | | | +----------------+ 1 | 1 Mbps | | HTTPS (443) | | | +----------------+--------+-------------------+ To start go to :menuselection:`Firewall --> Shaper --> Pipes`. Step 1 - Create Download Pipe ------------------------------ On the **Pipes** tab click the **+** button in the lower right corner. An empty **Edit Pipe** screen will popup. Create Pipe For Download (10 Mbps) ====================== ================= =============================================== **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **bandwidth** 10 *Numeric value of the desired bandwidth* **bandwidth Metric** Mbit/s *Metric to use with the numeric value* **mask** (empty) *Leave empty* **description** PipeDown-10Mbps *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================= =============================================== Step 2 - Create Queues ---------------------- On the **Queues** tab click the **+** button in the lower right corner. An empty **Edit queue** screen will popup. Create Queue for SMTP ====================== ================== ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **pipe** PipeDown-10Mbps *Select our Pipe* **weight** 9 *Weight to use with the numeric value* **mask** (empty) *Leave empty* **description** Queue-SMTP *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================== ================================================ Create Queue for HTTP ====================== ================== ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **pipe** PipeDown-10Mbps *Select our Pipe* **weight** 1 *Weight to use with the numeric value* **mask** (empty) *Leave empty* **description** Queue-HTTP *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================== ================================================ Step 3 - Create Rules ---------------------- On the **Rules** tab click the **+** button in the lower right corner. An empty **Edit rule** screen will popup. Create a rule for smtp download traffic (email) ====================== =================== ===================================================== **sequence** 11 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** any *The source address, leave on any* **src-port** smtp *The source port to shape, smtp or 25* **destination** any *The destination IP to shape, leave on any* **dst-port** any *The destination port to shape, leave on any* **target** Queue-SMTP *Select the SMTP queue* **description** ShapeSMTPDownload *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== =================== ===================================================== Create a rule for HTTP download traffic ====================== =================== ===================================================== **sequence** 21 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** any *The source address, leave on any* **src-port** http *The source port to shape, http or 80* **destination** any *The destination IP to shape, leave on any* **dst-port** any *The destination port to shape, leave on any* **target** Queue-HTTP *Select the HTTP queue* **description** ShapeHTTPDownload *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== =================== ===================================================== Adding an extra rule for HTTPS traffic is simple as we can use the same HTTP queue if we like: ====================== ==================== ===================================================== **sequence** 31 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** any *The source address, leave on any* **src-port** https *The source port to shape, https or 443* **destination** any *The destination IP to shape, leave on any* **dst-port** any *The destination port to shape, leave on any* **target** Queue-HTTP *Select the HTTP queue* **description** ShapeHTTPSDownload *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== ==================== ===================================================== This way HTTP and HTTPS traffic will be treated the same (total max of 1 Mbps). Now press |apply| to activate the traffic shaping rules. *Screenshot Rules* .. image:: images/shaping_rules_s4.png :width: 100% .. |apply| image:: images/applybtn.png