================================================== Setup Self-Signed Certificate Chains with OPNsense ================================================== This how-to describes the process of creating **self-signed certificate chains** with the help of OPNsense which has all the tools available to do so. Chains give the possibility to verify certificates where a single one is nothing more than that, a single certificate. Look at the default install, one certificate is created for the webgui/dashboard. There is nothing wrong with that certificate if we use a real world CA, but we do not. We create our own chain so that one has no purpose once done. Should you even consider using **self-signed certificate chains** in this age of free available certificates? * Self-signed certificate are just as secure as real world certificates. * They are trustworthy chains, you **know** all parties. * Intranets are often set up with these chains. * Depending on what you do with your network/servers this is a good solution. * Creating your own chain will give some insight in the process. * Only use them if you are sure you can. Read about the concept in common there is a lot of info on the net. * They are required for intercepted connections (see proxy chapter) What you should not do with a self-signed chain: * Use them for a web-facing server. * Intercept encrypted traffic on a public wireless network (for example if you provide access in a hotel) What you should know about self-signed certificates: * They are **only** as trustworty as the person, company or organization signing it, this is also true for trusted certificates. A chain will need at least a CA and certificate; an intermediate CA is not needed, but in case of a compromise the CA key would be compromised too. The CA private key should be stored offline on an USB stick/HD and put in a safe, not reachable by malicious software or criminals/burglers. The intermediate CA, which is intended for a shorter lifetime can be kept on the firewall host. The chain we are going to create will be made with the following ingredients: * **CA** ``=`` certificate authority ``=`` root certificate ``-->`` signs intermediate certificates * **Intermediate CA** ``=`` subordinate certificate ``=`` signed by CA ``-->`` signs certificates * **Certificate** ``=`` signed by Intermediate CA ``=`` can be used for different services Please backup before you proceed. --------------------------- Create a Chain for OPNsense --------------------------- The Authority ------------- The first certificate to create is the **CA**. The only thing this CA does is sign the intermediate CA next in the line of trust. .. Note:: Self-signed root CA's anchor trust chains, they are vital and OpenSSL requires them for your chain of trust. Go to **Trust/Authorities** .. image:: images/trust.png Some entries in the form are showed here. Click on the thumbnail for a picture. When you are done save the form, the CA is now generated. ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** opnsense-ca *Choose a name that makes sense to you* **Method** create an internal ca *Main purpose of CA* **Common Name** internal-ca *Default is fine, change to liking* **Lifetime(days)** 3650 *Longer is also no problem for CA* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/CA.png :width: 100% .. Tip:: Always use valid email addresses for your certificates. Bogus addresses can pose a security risk - and not only for certificates. F.I.: If one should use user@example.com and someone claims example.com mail will be send there! The Intermediate ---------------- Time to create the second CA, which is an **intermediate CA**. This certificate will be signed by the root CA we just created. In return it will sign the sever certificate for OPNsense. Go to **Trust/Authorities** Have a look at the form, create an intermediate CA and save it. ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** opnsense-ca-intermediate *Choose a name that makes sense to you* **Method** create an intermediate ca *Main purpose of CA* **Common Name** intermediate-ca *Default is fine, change to liking* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/CA-inter.png :width: 100% The Certificate --------------- The thirth certificate will be a **server certificate** signed by the intermediate CA we just created. This will also be the last one we create for this chain. Go to **Trust/Certificates** Have a look at the next form and notice the common name, create a server certificate and save it. ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** opnsense-ca-intermediate *Choose a name that makes sense to you* **Method** create a server certificate *Main purpose of certificate* **SAN** opnsense.localdomain *This should reflect the FQDN see Tip* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/webgui-cert.png :width: 100% .. Tip:: When creating the server certificate make sure the **SAN - Subject Alternative Name** is in fact the the **FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name**. You can find it on **Linux/Unix** with this command ``hostname -f`` Now we need to start using the chain: * Download the intermediate CA. .. image:: images/export_CA_cert.png - * Open your browser and go to **Preferences/Certificate/Authorities** * Import the downloaded CA. * Go back to the dashboard & open **System/Settings/Administration** * Set **SSL-Certificate** to use the new server certificate. Open your browser and open the OPNsense/webgui page. You should be presented with a certificate that is verified by your intermediate CA. --------------------------------------- A Chain for Your Local Nextcloud Server --------------------------------------- The local chain for Nextcloud server so we can use OPNsense backup to Nextcloud. Go ahead and create a new chain **CA -- intermediate CA -- server cert.**. The Nextcloud Authority ----------------------- Go to **Trust/Authorities** create a new CA for Nextcloud and save it. .. image:: images/trust.png ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** nextcloud-ca *Choose a name that makes sense* **Method** create a ca *Main purpose of CA* **Common Name** nextcloud-ca *Change to liking* **Lifetime(days)** 3650 *Longer is also no problem for CA* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/CA-cloud.png :width: 100% The Nextcloud Intermediate CA ----------------------------- Next in line will be the **intermediate CA** which will be signed by the root CA we did just create. This intermediate CA will sign the Nextcloud server certificate. Go to **Trust/Authorities** and create an intermediate CA. ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** nextcloud-intermediate-ca *Choose a name that makes sense to you* **Method** create an intermediate ca *Main purpose of CA* **Common Name** cloud.localdomain *Change to liking* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/CA-cloud-inter.png :width: 100% Download the intermediate CA and install it to your browser: * Head to the webgui **Trust/Authorities** export **nextcloud-intermediate-ca.crt** * Back to the browser, open **Preferences/Certificate/Authorities** * Import the intermediate CA into the certificate store from your browser. The Nextcloud Server Certificate -------------------------------- Next we create the server certificate for the Nextcloud server. Go to **Trust/Certificates** create a server certificate. ====================== =================================== ======================================== **Descriptive name** cloudserver-cert *Choose a name that makes sense to you* **Method** create a server certificate *Main purpose of certificate* **SAN** cloud.localdomain *Should reflect the FQDN* ====================== =================================== ======================================== .. image:: images/cloud-cert.png :width: 100% We need to install this certificate and key to our Nextcloud server, two ways are shown here. * Upload the ***.p12** archive to your Nextcloud server in a safe way. * Extact the archive into a single **PEM** file and create a certificate and a key. * Use the following commands for a key and certificate: :: openssl pkcs12 -in nextcloud-crt.p12 -nodes -out nextcloud.key -nocerts openssl pkcs12 -in nextcloud-crt.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out nextcloud.pem cp nextcloud.pem nextcloud.crt - * Or download the key and certificate separately from OPNsense. * If SSH is used '-i private-key' is not needed. :: scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/private/nextcloud.key /etc/ssl/keys/nextcloud.key scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/nextcloud.pem /etc/ssl/localcerts/nextcloud.pem - * Or use the next quick and dirty method for a single key/certificate file: * Upload the ***.p12** archive to your Nextcloud server, in a safe way.. * Extact the archive into a single **PEM** file and create a certificate. :: openssl pkcs12 -in nextcloud-crt.p12 -out nextcloud-crt.pem -nodes cp nextcloud-crt.pem nextcloud-crt.crt - * **/etc/ssl/localcerts** will be alright for the certificate or choose your own prefered location. * If the key was extracted separatly, **/etc/ssl/private** would be a good choice. * Be sure to set sane permissions on the private directory, ``755`` would do it. * You could set ``umask`` too (see) ``man umask`` - on your Linux box. * Edit the webserver config to use the certificate and key or single key-cert file. * Sane permissions, ``400`` read only owner is sufficent. You should now be able to backup to Nextcloud and have a verified page. - :doc:`cloud_backup` After setting up the Nextcloud backup everything should work. ----------------------------- Chain for the Local Webserver ----------------------------- This following **chain** we create is basically the same as the previous chain for Nextcloud server. If needed use the pictures from the Nextcloud chain. Create a chain for your server **CA - intermediate CA - server cert.** Once done go through the following points: * Download the server.p12 archive. * Upload it to the server and extract the archive. * Store the certificate and key respectively in **/etc/ssl/localcerts** and **/etc/ssl/private** * Use the following commands for that: :: openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -nodes -out server.key -nocerts openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out server.pem cp server.pem server.crt - * Or download the key and certificate separately from OPNsense. * If SSH is used '-i private-key' is not needed. :: scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/private/server.key /etc/ssl/keys/server.key scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/server.pem /etc/ssl/localcerts/server.pem - * Or if you want to use a single file: :: openssl pkcs12 -in some-server-crt.p12 -out some-server-crt.pem -nodes cp some-server-crt.pem some-server-crt.crt - * Some sane permissions on them. * Set the server to use the installed certificate. * Download the intermediate CA. * Install it in your browser. * Head to the webservers page and be presented with a verified certificate.