============================== Reserve dedicated bandwidth ============================== **Reserve dedicated bandwidth for a realtime traffic such as (hosted) Voice Over IP (VOIP) server.** In this scenario we will create a pipe dedicated for traffic going to and coming from our realtime application. For the sample we presume a SIP trunk or hosted Voice Over IP (VOIP) server. For this example we presume a requirement of 4 uncompressed voice channels of 64 kbps, resulting in a total bandwidth of 256 kbps. The internet connection in this example has 10 Mbps Download and 1 Mbps Upload. .. nwdiag:: :scale: 100% :caption: Shaping hosted VOIP / SIP trunk sample nwdiag { span_width = 90; node_width = 180; Internet [shape = "cisco.cloud"]; ip_phone [label="IP Phone",shape="cisco.ip_phone"]; ip_phone -- switchlan; network LAN { switchlan [label="",shape = "cisco.workgroup_switch"]; label = "LAN OPNsense"; address ="192.168.1.x/24"; fw1 [label="OPNsense",address=""]; } network WAN { label = ".WAN OPNsense"; fw1 [label="OPNsense", shape = "cisco.firewall", address=""]; Internet; } network SIPHOST { label = ".WAN SIP PROVIDER"; Internet; sip_server [label="SIP/VOIP Server",shape="cisco.sip_proxy_werver", address=""]; } } To start go to :menuselection:`Firewall --> Shaper --> Settings`. Step 1 - Create Upload and Download Pipes ----------------------------------------- On the **Pipes** tab click the **+** button in the lower right corner. An empty **Edit Pipe** screen will popup. Create Pipe For Upload (To our VOIP Server) ====================== ================ ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **bandwidth** 256 *Numeric value of the desired bandwidth* **bandwidth Metric** Kbit/s *Metric to use with the numeric value* **mask** (Empty) *Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample* **description** PipeUp-256kbps *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================ ================================================ Create Pipe For Upload (Other Traffic = 1024 kbps - 256 kbps = 768 kbps) ====================== ================ ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **bandwidth** 768 *Numeric value of the desired bandwidth* **bandwidth Metric** Kbit/s *Metric to use with the numeric value* **mask** (Empty) *Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample* **description** PipeUp-768kbps *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================ ================================================ Create Pipe For Download (From our VOIP Server) ====================== ================== ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **bandwidth** 256 *Numeric value of the desired bandwidth* **bandwidth Metric** Kbit/s *Metric to use with the numeric value* **mask** (Empty) *Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample* **description** PipeDown-256kbps *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== ================== ================================================ Create Pipe For Download (Other Traffic = 10240 kbps - 256 kbps = 9984 kbps ) ====================== =================== ================================================ **enabled** Checked *Check to enable the pipe* **bandwidth** 9984 *Numeric value of the desired bandwidth* **bandwidth Metric** Kbit/s *Metric to use with the numeric value* **mask** (Empty) *Used for auto queueing, empty for our sample* **description** PipeDown-9984kbps *Free field, enter something descriptive* ====================== =================== ================================================ Step 2 - Create Rules ---------------------- On the **Rules** tab click the **+** button in the lower right corner. An empty **Edit rule** screen will popup. Create a rule for traffic directed towards the VOIP Server (Upload). ====================== ================= ===================================================== **sequence** 11 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** any *The source IP to shape, leave on any* **src-port** any *The source port to shape, leave on any* **destination** *The IP address of our VOIP server* **dst-port** any *Use any of the destination port if static* **target** PipeUP-256kbps *Select the Upload 256 kbps Pipe* **description** ShapeVOIPUpload *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== ================= ===================================================== Create a rule for traffic coming from the VOIP Server (Download). ====================== ================= ===================================================== **sequence** 21 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** *The IP address of our VOIP server* **src-port** any *The source port to shape, leave on any* **destination** any *The destination IP to shape, leave on any* **dst-port** any *The destination port to shape, leave on any* **target** PipeDown256kbps *Select the Download 256 kbps Pipe* **description** ShapeVOIPDown *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== ================= ===================================================== Create a rule for all other internet upload traffic ====================== ================= ===================================================== **sequence** 31 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** *The source IPs to shape, our LAN network* **src-port** any *The source port to shape, leave on any* **destination** any *the destination address, leave in any* **dst-port** any *Use any of the destination port if static* **target** PipeUp-768kbps *Select the Upload 768 kbps Pipe* **description** ShapeUpload *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== ================= ===================================================== Create a rule for all other internet download traffic ====================== =================== ===================================================== **sequence** 41 *Auto generated number, overwrite only when needed* **interface** WAN *Select the interface connected to the internet* **proto** ip *Select the protocol, IP in our example* **source** any *The source IP to shape, leave on any* **src-port** any *The source port to shape, leave on any* **destination** *The destination IPs to shape, our LAN network* **dst-port** any *The destination port to shape, leave on any* **target** PipeDown-9984kbps *Select the Download 256Kbps Pipe* **description** ShapeDown *Enter a descriptive name* ====================== =================== ===================================================== .. Note:: Be aware of the sequence! It is important to make sure the right traffic is passed to the right pipe. Now press |apply| to activate the traffic shaping rules. *Screenshot Rules* .. image:: images/shaping_rules_s1.png :width: 100% .. |apply| image:: images/applybtn.png