
Ad Schellevis 2 weeks ago
parent 619937dfc3
commit fe35539c67

@ -257,6 +257,13 @@ Here are the full patch notes:
* ports: suricata 7.0.4 `[34] <>`__
* ports: syslog-ng 4.6.0 `[35] <>`__
A hotfix release was issued as 24.4_5:
* system: prevent out of memory on gateways migrations
* system: adjust log levels in Google Drive backup
* ipsec: allow the equal sign for identity parsing in connections
* plugins: os-OPNBEcore fix for rule sync behaviour
Migration notes, known issues and limitations:
* Audits and certifications are requiring us to restrict system accounts for non-administrators (without wheel group in particular). It will no longer be possible to use non-adminstrator accounts with shell access and permissions for sensitive files have been tightened to not be world-readable. This may cause custom tooling to stop working, but can easily be fixed by giving these required accounts the full administration rights.
