update changelog collection script to cope with multiple flavours, while here, also swich to python3

Ad Schellevis 3 years ago
parent 9edba62645
commit ea214e1ab0

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Ad Schellevis <ad@opnsense.org>
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Ad Schellevis <ad@opnsense.org>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import requests
import zipfile
import collections
import re
import pathlib
from packaging import version
from jinja2 import Template
@ -120,42 +121,65 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.isfile(changelog_zip):
template_data = {
'major_versions': collections.OrderedDict(),
'versions': collections.OrderedDict(),
'nicknames': collections.OrderedDict(),
version_metadata = {
'community': {
'prefix': 'CE',
'name': 'Community Edition'
'business': {
'prefix': 'BE',
'name': 'Business Edition'
all_versions = dict()
all_versions = {'community': dict(), 'business': dict()}
# read all changelogs (from zip)
this_dir = str(pathlib.Path(".").resolve())
with zipfile.ZipFile(changelog_zip, mode='r', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
for item in zf.infolist():
fparts = item.filename.split('/')
if len(fparts) > 3 and fparts[1] == 'doc' and item.file_size > 0:
all_versions[fparts[3]] = zf.open(item).read().decode()
for my_version in sorted(all_versions, key=lambda x: version.Version(x.replace('.r','rc')), reverse=True):
major_version = ".".join(my_version.split('.')[:2])
if major_version not in template_data['major_versions']:
template_data['major_versions'][major_version] = dict()
template_data['versions'][my_version] = parse_change_log(all_versions[my_version], my_version)
if major_version == my_version:
template_data['nicknames'][my_version] = ""
tmp = all_versions[my_version].replace('\n', ' ')
m = re.match(r'.*nicknamed ["\'](?P<nickname>[^"\']+)', tmp)
if m:
template_data['nicknames'][my_version] = m.groupdict()['nickname']
# root menu index
with open("%s/source/releases.rst" % root_dir, 'w') as f_out:
template = Template(open("%s/source/releases.rst.in" % root_dir, "r").read())
# per version rst file
template = Template(open("%s/source/releases/default.rst.in" % root_dir, "r").read())
for major_version in template_data['major_versions']:
if major_version in template_data['versions']:
# wait for the main version before writing a changelog
with open("%s/source/releases/%s.rst" % (root_dir, major_version), 'w') as f_out:
template_data['this_version'] = major_version
if len(fparts) > 3 and fparts[1] in all_versions and item.file_size > 0:
all_versions[fparts[1]][fparts[3]] = zf.open(item).read().decode()
if len(fparts) == 3 and fparts[1] in all_versions and not item.is_dir():
# resolve links
tmp = pathlib.Path("%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(item.filename), zf.open(item).read().decode()))
link_to = str(tmp.resolve()).replace(this_dir, '')[1:]
for item2 in zf.infolist():
if item2.filename.startswith(link_to) and not item2.is_dir():
all_versions[fparts[1]][os.path.basename(item2.filename)] = zf.open(item2).read().decode()
for flavour in all_versions:
version_prefix = version_metadata[flavour]['prefix']
template_data = {
'major_versions': collections.OrderedDict(),
'versions': collections.OrderedDict(),
'nicknames': collections.OrderedDict(),
'flavour': flavour
versions = all_versions[flavour]
for my_version in sorted(versions, key=lambda x: version.Version(x.replace('.r','rc')), reverse=True):
major_version = ".".join(my_version.split('.')[:2])
if major_version not in template_data['major_versions']:
template_data['major_versions'][major_version] = dict()
template_data['versions'][my_version] = parse_change_log(versions[my_version], my_version)
if major_version == my_version:
template_data['nicknames'][my_version] = ""
tmp = versions[my_version].replace('\n', ' ')
m = re.match(r'.*nicknamed ["\'](?P<nickname>[^"\']+)', tmp)
if m:
template_data['nicknames'][my_version] = m.groupdict()['nickname']
# root menu index
with open("%s/source/%s_releases.rst" % (root_dir, version_prefix), 'w') as f_out:
template = Template(open("%s/source/releases.rst.in" % root_dir, "r").read())
# per version rst file
template = Template(open("%s/source/releases/default.rst.in" % root_dir, "r").read())
for major_version in template_data['major_versions']:
if major_version in template_data['versions']:
# wait for the main version before writing a changelog
with open("%s/source/releases/%s_%s.rst" % (root_dir, version_prefix, major_version), 'w') as f_out:
template_data['this_version'] = major_version

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{% if prefix == 'CE' %}
.. image:: /development/images/ideas_join_the_development.jpg
:width: 600px
:align: center
@ -9,6 +11,18 @@ Releases
As of January 2015 there have been *{{ versions|length }}* releases leading to the latest version *{{ versions|first }}*
named "{{nicknames.items()|list|first|last}}".
{% elif prefix == 'BE' %}
.. image:: images/architecture-blue-sky-business-2599538.jpg
:width: 600px
:align: center
OPNsense Business Edition is intended for companies, enterprises and professionals looking for a more
selective upgrade path (lags behind the community edition), additional commercial features and who want to
support the project in a more commercial way compared to donating.
{% endif %}
The list below contains all releases, ordered by version number categorized by major version.
.. toctree::
@ -17,6 +31,6 @@ The list below contains all releases, ordered by version number categorized by m
{% for major_version in major_versions%}
{%- if major_version in versions %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
