diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e9edeb87..d2d11cea 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Some pictures are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ -Logos may be subject to additional copyrights, property +Logos may be subject to additional copyrights, property rights, trademarks etc. and may require the consent of a third party or the license of these rights. Deciso B.V. does not represent or make any warranties that it owns or licenses any of the mentioned, nor does it grant them. @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ pkg install py37-pip jpeg-turbo gmake Install Sphinx, our default theme and contrib packages: ``` -pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade +pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade ``` ### Update API endpoints @@ -61,35 +61,3 @@ make html ``` (```make clean``` to flush) - -#### Changing theme - -* Install Sass (http://sass-lang.com/). On macOS, this is done via ```/Library/Ruby/Gems``` - -``` -gem install --no-user-install sass -``` - -* Install npm (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) -* Install Bower (https://bower.io/) - -``` -npm install -g bower -``` - -Install required stylesheets using bower - -``` -bower install wyrm -bower install robotoslab-googlefont -bower install inconsolata-googlefont -bower install font-awesome#4.7.0 -``` - -(for font-awesome, choose newest) - -#### Build your theme: - -``` -sass -I bower_components/wyrm/sass/ -I bower_components/bourbon/dist/ -I bower_components/neat/app/assets/stylesheets/ -I bower_components/font-awesome/scss/ themes/opnsense/sass/theme.sass > source/_static/css/opnsense.css -``` diff --git a/source/_static/css/opnsense.css b/source/_static/css/opnsense.css deleted file mode 100644 index 68df6649..00000000 --- a/source/_static/css/opnsense.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4501 +0,0 @@ -@charset "UTF-8"; -* { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; } - -article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { - display: block; } - -audio, canvas, video { - display: inline-block; - *display: inline; - *zoom: 1; } - -audio:not([controls]) { - display: none; } - -[hidden] { - display: none; } - -* { - -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; - -moz-box-sizing: border-box; - box-sizing: border-box; } - -html { - font-size: 100%; - -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; - -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; } - -body { - margin: 0; } - -a:hover, a:active { - outline: 0; } - -abbr[title] { - border-bottom: 1px dotted; } - -b, strong { - font-weight: bold; } - -blockquote { - margin: 0; } - -dfn { - font-style: italic; } - -ins { - background: #ff9; - color: #000; - text-decoration: none; } - -mark { - background: #ff0; - color: #000; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: bold; } - -pre, code, .rst-content tt, .rst-content code, kbd, samp { - font-family: monospace, serif; - _font-family: "courier new", monospace; - font-size: 1em; } - -pre { - white-space: pre; } - -q { - quotes: none; } - -q:before, q:after { - content: ""; - content: none; } - -small { - font-size: 85%; } - -sub, sup { - font-size: 75%; - line-height: 0; - position: relative; - vertical-align: baseline; } - -sup { - top: -0.5em; } - -sub { - bottom: -0.25em; } - -ul, ol, dl { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - list-style: none; - list-style-image: none; } - -li { - list-style: none; } - -dd { - margin: 0; } - -img { - border: 0; - -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; - vertical-align: middle; - max-width: 100%; } - -svg:not(:root) { - overflow: hidden; } - -figure { - margin: 0; } - -form { - margin: 0; } - -fieldset { - border: 0; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; } - -label { - cursor: pointer; } - -legend { - border: 0; - *margin-left: -7px; - padding: 0; - white-space: normal; } - -button, input, select, textarea { - font-size: 100%; - margin: 0; - vertical-align: baseline; - *vertical-align: middle; } - -button, input { - line-height: normal; } - -button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] { - cursor: pointer; 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- text-align: left; - direction: ltr; - *line-height: 0; } - -.ir br { - display: none; } - -.hidden { - display: none !important; - visibility: hidden; } - -.visuallyhidden { - border: 0; - clip: rect(0 0 0 0); - height: 1px; - margin: -1px; - overflow: hidden; - padding: 0; - position: absolute; - width: 1px; } - -.visuallyhidden.focusable:active, .visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { - clip: auto; - height: auto; - margin: 0; - overflow: visible; - position: static; - width: auto; } - -.invisible { - visibility: hidden; } - -.relative { - position: relative; } - -big, small { - font-size: 100%; } - -@media print { - html, body, section { - background: none !important; } - - * { - box-shadow: none !important; - text-shadow: none !important; - filter: none !important; - -ms-filter: none !important; } - - a, a:visited { - text-decoration: underline; } - - .ir a:after, a[href^="javascript:"]:after, a[href^="#"]:after { - content: ""; } - - pre, blockquote { - page-break-inside: avoid; } - - thead { - display: table-header-group; 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} - -.clearfix { - *zoom: 1; } - .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { - display: table; - content: ""; } - .clearfix:after { - clear: both; } - -/*! - * Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome - * License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) - */ -/* FONT PATH - * -------------------------- */ -@font-face { - font-family: 'FontAwesome'; - src: url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0"); - src: url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0") format("woff2"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0") format("woff"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular") format("svg"); - font-weight: normal; - font-style: normal; } -.fa, .wy-menu-vertical li span.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.on a span.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.current > a span.toctree-expand, .rst-content .admonition-title, .rst-content h1 .headerlink, .rst-content h2 .headerlink, .rst-content h3 .headerlink, .rst-content h4 .headerlink, .rst-content h5 .headerlink, .rst-content h6 .headerlink, .rst-content dl dt .headerlink, .rst-content p.caption .headerlink, .rst-content table > caption .headerlink, .rst-content tt.download span:first-child, .rst-content code.download span:first-child, .icon { - display: inline-block; - font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; - font-size: inherit; - text-rendering: auto; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } - -/* makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */ -.fa-lg { - font-size: 1.3333333333em; - line-height: 0.75em; - vertical-align: -15%; } - -.fa-2x { - font-size: 2em; } - -.fa-3x { - font-size: 3em; } - -.fa-4x { - font-size: 4em; } - -.fa-5x { - font-size: 5em; } - -.fa-fw { - width: 1.2857142857em; - text-align: center; } - -.fa-ul { - padding-left: 0; - margin-left: 2.1428571429em; - list-style-type: none; } - .fa-ul > li { - position: relative; } - -.fa-li { - position: absolute; - left: -2.1428571429em; - width: 2.1428571429em; - top: 0.1428571429em; - text-align: center; } - .fa-li.fa-lg { - left: -1.8571428571em; } - -.fa-border { - padding: .2em .25em .15em; - border: solid 0.08em #eee; - border-radius: .1em; } - -.fa-pull-left { - float: left; } - -.fa-pull-right { - float: right; } - -.fa.fa-pull-left, .wy-menu-vertical li span.fa-pull-left.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.on a span.fa-pull-left.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.current > a span.fa-pull-left.toctree-expand, .rst-content .fa-pull-left.admonition-title, .rst-content h1 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h2 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h3 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h4 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h5 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h6 .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content dl dt .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content p.caption .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content table > caption .fa-pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content tt.download span.fa-pull-left:first-child, .rst-content code.download span.fa-pull-left:first-child, .fa-pull-left.icon { - margin-right: .3em; } -.fa.fa-pull-right, .wy-menu-vertical li span.fa-pull-right.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.on a span.fa-pull-right.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.current > a span.fa-pull-right.toctree-expand, .rst-content .fa-pull-right.admonition-title, .rst-content h1 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h2 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h3 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h4 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h5 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h6 .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content dl dt .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content p.caption .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content table > caption .fa-pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content tt.download span.fa-pull-right:first-child, .rst-content code.download span.fa-pull-right:first-child, .fa-pull-right.icon { - margin-left: .3em; } - -/* Deprecated as of 4.4.0 */ -.pull-right { - float: right; } - -.pull-left { - float: left; } - -.fa.pull-left, .wy-menu-vertical li span.pull-left.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.on a span.pull-left.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.current > a span.pull-left.toctree-expand, .rst-content .pull-left.admonition-title, .rst-content h1 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h2 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h3 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h4 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h5 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content h6 .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content dl dt .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content p.caption .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content table > caption .pull-left.headerlink, .rst-content tt.download span.pull-left:first-child, .rst-content code.download span.pull-left:first-child, .pull-left.icon { - margin-right: .3em; } -.fa.pull-right, .wy-menu-vertical li span.pull-right.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.on a span.pull-right.toctree-expand, .wy-menu-vertical li.current > a span.pull-right.toctree-expand, .rst-content .pull-right.admonition-title, .rst-content h1 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h2 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h3 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h4 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h5 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content h6 .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content dl dt .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content p.caption .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content table > caption .pull-right.headerlink, .rst-content tt.download span.pull-right:first-child, .rst-content code.download span.pull-right:first-child, .pull-right.icon { - margin-left: .3em; } - -.fa-spin { - -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; - animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; } - -.fa-pulse { - -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8); - animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8); } - -@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin { - 0% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); - transform: rotate(0deg); } - 100% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); - transform: rotate(359deg); } } -@keyframes fa-spin { - 0% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); - transform: rotate(0deg); } - 100% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); - transform: rotate(359deg); } } -.fa-rotate-90 { - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)"; - -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); - transform: rotate(90deg); } - -.fa-rotate-180 { - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2)"; - -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); - transform: rotate(180deg); } - -.fa-rotate-270 { - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)"; - -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); - -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); - transform: rotate(270deg); } - -.fa-flip-horizontal { - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1)"; - -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); - -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); - transform: scale(-1, 1); } - -.fa-flip-vertical { - -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)"; - -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1); - -ms-transform: scale(1, -1); - transform: scale(1, -1); } - -:root .fa-rotate-90, -:root .fa-rotate-180, -:root .fa-rotate-270, -:root .fa-flip-horizontal, -:root .fa-flip-vertical { - filter: none; } - -.fa-stack { - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - width: 2em; - height: 2em; - line-height: 2em; - vertical-align: middle; } - -.fa-stack-1x, .fa-stack-2x { - position: absolute; - left: 0; - width: 100%; - text-align: center; } - -.fa-stack-1x { - line-height: inherit; } - -.fa-stack-2x { - font-size: 2em; } - -.fa-inverse { - color: #fff; } - -/* Font Awesome uses the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) to ensure screen - readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */ -.fa-glass:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-music:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-search:before, .icon-search:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-envelope-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-heart:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-star:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-star-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-user:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-film:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-th-large:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-th:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-th-list:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-check:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-remove:before, -.fa-close:before, -.fa-times:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-search-plus:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-search-minus:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-power-off:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-signal:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-gear:before, -.fa-cog:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-trash-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-home:before, .icon-home:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-file-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-clock-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-road:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-download:before, .rst-content tt.download span:first-child:before, .rst-content code.download span:first-child:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-arrow-circle-o-down:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-arrow-circle-o-up:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-inbox:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-play-circle-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-rotate-right:before, -.fa-repeat:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-refresh:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-list-alt:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-lock:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-flag:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-headphones:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-volume-off:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-volume-down:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-volume-up:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-qrcode:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-barcode:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-tag:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-tags:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-book:before, .icon-book:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-bookmark:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-print:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-camera:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-font:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-bold:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-italic:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-text-height:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-text-width:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-align-left:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-align-center:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-align-right:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-align-justify:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-list:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-dedent:before, -.fa-outdent:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-indent:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-video-camera:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-photo:before, -.fa-image:before, -.fa-picture-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-pencil:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-map-marker:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-adjust:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-tint:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-edit:before, -.fa-pencil-square-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-share-square-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-check-square-o:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-arrows:before { - content: ""; } - -.fa-step-backward:before { - content: ""; 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- border: none; - padding: 0; - font-size: 100% !important; } - .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) tt.descname, .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) tt.descname, .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) code.descname { - font-weight: bold; } - .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) .optional { - display: inline-block; - padding: 0 4px; - color: #000; - font-weight: bold; } - .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) .property { - display: inline-block; - padding-right: 8px; } -.rst-content .viewcode-link, .rst-content .viewcode-back { - display: inline-block; - color: #27AE60; - font-size: 80%; - padding-left: 24px; } -.rst-content .viewcode-back { - display: block; - float: right; } -.rst-content p.rubric { - margin-bottom: 12px; - font-weight: bold; } -.rst-content tt.download, .rst-content code.download { - background: inherit; - padding: inherit; - font-weight: normal; - font-family: inherit; - font-size: inherit; - color: inherit; - border: inherit; - white-space: inherit; } - .rst-content tt.download span:first-child, .rst-content code.download span:first-child { - -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; } - .rst-content tt.download span:first-child:before, .rst-content code.download span:first-child:before { - margin-right: 4px; } -.rst-content .guilabel { - border: 1px solid #7fbbe3; - background: #e7f2fa; - font-size: 80%; - font-weight: 700; - border-radius: 4px; - padding: 2.4px 6px; - margin: auto 2px; } -.rst-content .versionmodified { - font-style: italic; } - -@media screen and (max-width: 480px) { - .rst-content .sidebar { - width: 100%; } } -span[id*='MathJax-Span'] { - color: #404040; } - -.math { - text-align: center; } - -@font-face { - font-family: "Inconsolata"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 400; - src: local("Inconsolata"), local("Inconsolata-Regular"), url(../fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Inconsolata"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 700; - src: local("Inconsolata Bold"), local("Inconsolata-Bold"), url(../fonts/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Lato"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 400; - src: local("Lato Regular"), local("Lato-Regular"), url(../fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Lato"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 700; - src: local("Lato Bold"), local("Lato-Bold"), url(../fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Lato"; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: 400; - src: local("Lato Italic"), local("Lato-Italic"), url(../fonts/Lato-Italic.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Lato"; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: 700; - src: local("Lato Bold Italic"), local("Lato-BoldItalic"), url(../fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto Slab"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 400; - src: local("Roboto Slab Regular"), local("RobotoSlab-Regular"), url(../fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf) format("truetype"); } -@font-face { - font-family: "Roboto Slab"; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: 700; - src: local("Roboto Slab Bold"), local("RobotoSlab-Bold"), url(../fonts/RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf) format("truetype"); } - -.menuselection { - font-weight: bold; -} diff --git a/source/_static/css/theme-overrides.css b/source/_static/css/theme-overrides.css index 0bf6bd56..f25df460 100644 --- a/source/_static/css/theme-overrides.css +++ b/source/_static/css/theme-overrides.css @@ -10,4 +10,8 @@ .wy-table-responsive { overflow: visible !important; } -} \ No newline at end of file +} + +body { + overflow-wrap: break-word; +} diff --git a/source/conf.py b/source/conf.py index c3689769..f0eb4474 100644 --- a/source/conf.py +++ b/source/conf.py @@ -134,12 +134,14 @@ todo_include_todos = True # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'alabaster' html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" -html_style = 'css/opnsense.css' +#html_style = 'css/opnsense.css' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} +html_theme_options = { + 'style_nav_header_background': '#d94f00', +} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. #html_theme_path = [] diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge.sass deleted file mode 100644 index f2f04894..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -.rst-versions - position: fixed - bottom: 0 - left: 0 - width: $nav-desktop-width - color: $section-background-color - background: darken($menu-background-color, 8%) - font-family: $base-font-family - z-index: $z-index-tray - a - color: $link_color - text-decoration: none - .rst-badge-small - display: none - .rst-current-version - padding: $base-line-height / 2 - background-color: darken($menu-background-color, 5%) - display: block - text-align: right - font-size: 90% - cursor: pointer - color: $green - +clearfix - .fa - color: $section-background-color - .fa-book - float: left - .icon-book - float: left - &.rst-out-of-date - background-color: $red - color: $white - &.rst-active-old-version - background-color: $yellow - color: $black - &.shift-up - height: auto - max-height: 100% - &.shift-up .rst-other-versions - display: block - .rst-other-versions - font-size: 90% - padding: $base-line-height / 2 - color: $text-medium - display: none - hr - display: block - height: 1px - border: 0 - margin: 20px 0 - padding: 0 - border-top: solid 1px lighten($menu-background-color, 5%) - dd - display: inline-block - margin: 0 - a - display: inline-block - padding: $base-line-height / 4 - color: $section-background-color - &.rst-badge - width: auto - bottom: 20px - right: 20px - left: auto - border: none - max-width: $nav-desktop-width - .icon-book - float: none - .fa-book - float: none - &.shift-up .rst-current-version - text-align: right - .fa-book - float: left - .icon-book - float: left - .rst-current-version - width: auto - height: 30px - line-height: 30px - padding: 0 $base-line-height / 4 - display: block - text-align: center - -+media($tablet) - .rst-versions - width: 85% - display: none - &.shift - display: block diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge_fa.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge_fa.sass deleted file mode 100644 index dbc3bf4f..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_badge_fa.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// Slimmer version of FA for use on the badge_only.sass file. - -+font-face(FontAwesome, '#{$font-awesome-dir}fontawesome-webfont') - -.fa:before - display: inline-block - font-family: FontAwesome - font-style: normal - font-weight: normal - line-height: 1 - text-decoration: inherit - +font-smooth - -a .fa - display: inline-block - text-decoration: inherit - - -li - .fa - display: inline-block - .fa-large:before, - .fa-large:before - /* 1.5 increased font size for fa-large * 1.25 width - width: 1.5 * 1.25em - -ul.fas - list-style-type: none - margin-left: 2em - text-indent: -0.8em - li - .fa - width: .8em - .fa-large:before, - .fa-large:before - /* 1.5 increased font size for fa-large * 1.25 width - vertical-align: baseline - // width: 1.5*1.25em - -.fa-book:before - content: "\f02d" - -.icon-book:before - content: "\f02d" - -.fa-caret-down:before - content: "\f0d7" - -.icon-caret-down:before - content: "\f0d7" - -.fa-caret-up:before - content: "\f0d8" - -.icon-caret-up:before - content: "\f0d8" - -.fa-caret-left:before - content: "\f0d9" - -.icon-caret-left:before - content: "\f0d9" - -.fa-caret-right:before - content: "\f0da" - -.icon-caret-right:before - content: "\f0da" diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_breadcrumbs.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_breadcrumbs.sass deleted file mode 100644 index fb5e022e..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_breadcrumbs.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -.wy-breadcrumbs - +clearfix - -.wy-breadcrumbs li - display: inline-block - &.wy-breadcrumbs-aside - float: right - a - display: inline-block - padding: 5px - &:first-child - padding-left: 0 - code - padding: 5px - border: none - background: none - &.literal - color: $text-color -.wy-breadcrumbs-extra - margin-bottom: 0 - color: $text-light - font-size: 80% - display: inline-block - - -+media($mobile) - .wy-breadcrumbs-extra - display: none - .wy-breadcrumbs li.wy-breadcrumbs-aside - display: none - -@media print - .wy-breadcrumbs li.wy-breadcrumbs-aside - display: none diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_awesome_compatibility.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_awesome_compatibility.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 58579568..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_awesome_compatibility.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.icon - @extend .fa -.icon-home - @extend .fa-home -.icon-search - @extend .fa-search -.icon-book - @extend .fa-book -.icon-caret-down - @extend .fa-caret-down -.icon-github - @extend .fa-github -.icon-bitbucket - @extend .fa-bitbucket -.icon-gitlab - @extend .fa-gitlab -.icon-fire - @extend .fa-fire -.icon-circle-arrow-right - @extend .fa-arrow-circle-right -.icon-circle-arrow-left - @extend .fa-arrow-circle-left -.icon-link - @extend .fa-link diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_local.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_local.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 0e02343c..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_font_local.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -@font-face - font-family: 'Inconsolata' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 400 - src: local('Inconsolata'), local('Inconsolata-Regular'), url(../fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Inconsolata' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 700 - src: local('Inconsolata Bold'), local('Inconsolata-Bold'), url(../fonts/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Lato' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 400 - src: local('Lato Regular'), local('Lato-Regular'), url(../fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Lato' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 700 - src: local('Lato Bold'), local('Lato-Bold'), url(../fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Lato' - font-style: italic - font-weight: 400 - src: local('Lato Italic'), local('Lato-Italic'), url(../fonts/Lato-Italic.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Lato' - font-style: italic - font-weight: 700 - src: local('Lato Bold Italic'), local('Lato-BoldItalic'), url(../fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Roboto Slab' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 400 - src: local('Roboto Slab Regular'), local('RobotoSlab-Regular'), url(../fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf) format('truetype') - -@font-face - font-family: 'Roboto Slab' - font-style: normal - font-weight: 700 - src: local('Roboto Slab Bold'), local('RobotoSlab-Bold'), url(../fonts/RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf) format('truetype') - diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_layout.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_layout.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 94ed7ee3..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_layout.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,404 +0,0 @@ -body - overflow-wrap: break-word - -.wy-affix - position: fixed - top: $gutter - -.wy-menu - a:hover - text-decoration: none - -.wy-menu-horiz - +clearfix - ul, li - display: inline-block - li:hover - background: rgba(255,255,255,.1) - li - &.divide-left - border-left: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) - &.divide-right - border-right: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) - a - height: $base-font-size * 2 - display: inline-block - line-height: $base-font-size * 2 - padding: 0 $base-font-size - -.wy-menu-vertical - width: $nav-desktop-width - header, p.caption - height: $base-font-size * 2 - display: inline-block - line-height: $base-font-size * 2 - padding: 0 $gutter - margin-bottom: 0 - display: block - font-weight: bold - text-transform: uppercase - font-size: 80% - color: $menu-dark - white-space: nowrap - - ul - margin-bottom: 0 - li - &.divide-top - border-top: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) - &.divide-bottom - border-bottom: solid 1px hsl(0, 0%, 25%) - &.current - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 10%) - a - color: $menu-link-medium - border-right: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 1.5 - &:hover - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 15%) - code - border: none - background: inherit - color: inherit - padding-left: 0 - padding-right: 0 - // Expand links - span.toctree-expand - display: block - float: left - margin-left: -1.2em - @extend .fa - @extend .fa-plus-square-o - font-size: .8em - line-height: 1.6em - color: darken($menu-link-medium, 20%) - - // On state for the first level - li.on a, li.current > a - color: $menu-link-color - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter - font-weight: bold - position: relative - background: $menu-vertical-background-color - border: none - padding-left: $gutter -4px - +font-smooth - &:hover - background: $menu-vertical-background-color - span.toctree-expand - color: $menu-link-medium - span.toctree-expand - @extend .fa - @extend .fa-minus-square-o - display: block - font-size: .8em - line-height: 1.6em - color: darken($menu-link-medium, 30%) - - li.toctree-l1.current > a - border-bottom: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) - border-top: solid 1px darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) - - // This is the on state for pages beyond second level - li.toctree-l1.current li.toctree-l2, li.toctree-l2.current li.toctree-l3 - > ul - display: none - &.current > ul - display: block - li.toctree-l2 - &.current - > a - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 1.5 - li.toctree-l3 > a - display: block - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 20%) - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 2.5 - a:hover span.toctree-expand - color: $menu-link-medium - span.toctree-expand - color: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 35%) - li.toctree-l3 - font-size: .9em - &.current - > a - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 25%) - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 2.5 - li.toctree-l4 > a - display: block - background: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 25%) - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter * 3.5 - a:hover span.toctree-expand - color: $menu-link-medium - span.toctree-expand - color: darken($menu-vertical-background-color, 40%) - li.toctree-l4 - font-size: .9em - - li.current ul - display: block - li ul - margin-bottom: 0 - display: none - li ul li a - margin-bottom: 0 - color: $menu-link-light - font-weight: normal - a - display: inline-block - line-height: 18px - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter - display: block - position: relative - font-size: 90% - color: $menu-link-light - &:hover - background-color: lighten($menu-background-color, 10%) - cursor: pointer - span.toctree-expand - color: $menu-link-light - &:active - background-color: $menu-logo-color - cursor: pointer - color: $menu-link-active - span.toctree-expand - color: $menu-link-active - -.wy-side-nav-search - display: block - width: $nav-desktop-width - padding: $gutter / 2 - margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 - z-index: $z-index-popover - background-color: $nav-search-background-color - text-align: center - padding: $gutter / 2 - display: block - color: $nav-search-color - margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 - input[type=text] - width: 100% - border-radius: 50px - padding: 6px 12px - border-color: darken($link-color, 5%) - img - display: block - margin: auto auto $gutter / 2 auto - height: 45px - width: 45px - background-color: $menu-logo-color - padding: 5px - border-radius: 100% - > a, .wy-dropdown > a - color: $nav-search-color - font-size: 100% - font-weight: bold - display: inline-block - padding: $base-line-height / 6 $base-line-height / 4 - margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 - +font-smooth - &:hover - background: rgba(255,255,255,.1) - img.logo - display: block // display on its own line all the time - margin: 0 auto - height: auto // undo badge styling above - width: auto - border-radius: 0 - max-width: 100% // shrink on mobile, if appropriate - background: rgba(0,0,0,0) // make hover background of parent show up properly - &.icon - img.logo - margin-top: 0.85em // space it away from the title text - > div.version - margin-top: -1 * ($gutter / 4) - margin-bottom: $gutter / 2 - font-weight: normal - color: rgba(255,255,255,.3) - - -.wy-nav .wy-menu-vertical - header - color: $link-color - a - color: $text-light - &:hover - background-color: $link-color - color: $white - -[data-menu-wrap] - +transition(all .2s ease-in) - position: absolute - opacity: 1 - width: 100% - opacity: 0 - &.move-center - left: 0 - right: auto - opacity: 1 - &.move-left - right: auto - left: -100% - opacity: 0 - &.move-right - right: -100% - left: auto - opacity: 0 - - -.wy-body-for-nav - background: $section-background-color - -.wy-grid-for-nav - position: absolute - width: 100% - height: 100% - -.wy-nav-side - position: fixed - top: 0 - bottom: 0 - left: 0 - padding-bottom: 2em - width: $nav-desktop-width - overflow-x: hidden - overflow-y: hidden - min-height: 100% - background: $nav-background-color - z-index: $z-index-popover - -.wy-side-scroll - width: $nav-desktop-width + 20px - position: relative - overflow-x: hidden - overflow-y: scroll - height: 100% - -.wy-nav-top - display: none - background: $link-color - color: $white - padding: $gutter / 4 $gutter / 2 - position: relative - line-height: 50px - text-align: center - font-size: 100% - +clearfix - a - color: $white - font-weight: bold - +font-smooth - img - margin-right: $base-line-height / 2 - height: 45px - width: 45px - background-color: $menu-logo-color - padding: 5px - border-radius: 100% - i - font-size: 30px - float: left - cursor: pointer - padding-top: inherit - -.wy-nav-content-wrap - margin-left: $nav-desktop-width - background: $section-background-color - min-height: 100% - -.wy-nav-content - padding: $gutter $gutter * 2 - height: 100% - max-width: $nav-content-width - margin: auto - -.wy-body-mask - position: fixed - width: 100% - height: 100% - background: rgba(0,0,0,.2) - display: none - z-index: $z-index-modal - 1 - &.on - display: block -footer - color: $footer-color - p - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 - span.commit code - padding: 0px - font-family: $code-font-family - font-size: 1em - background: none - border: none - color: $footer-color - -.rst-footer-buttons - &:before, &:after - width: 100% - +clearfix - -.rst-breadcrumbs-buttons - margin-top: 12px - +clearfix - -#search-results - .search li - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - border-bottom: solid 1px $table_border_color - padding-bottom: $base-line-height - .search li:first-child - border-top: solid 1px $table_border_color - padding-top: $base-line-height - .search li a - font-size: 120% - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 - display: inline-block - .context - color: $text-medium - font-size: 90% - - -+media($tablet) - .wy-body-for-nav - background: $section-background-color - .wy-nav-top - display: block - .wy-nav-side - @if $nav-desktop-position == left - left: -$nav-desktop-width - @else - right: -$nav-desktop-width - &.shift - width: 85% - left: 0 - .wy-side-scroll - width: auto - .wy-side-nav-search - width: auto - .wy-menu.wy-menu-vertical - width: auto - .wy-nav-content-wrap - margin-left: 0 - .wy-nav-content - padding: $gutter - &.shift - position: fixed - min-width: 100% - left: 85% - top: 0 - height: 100% - overflow: hidden - -@media screen and (min-width: $nav-media-query) - .wy-nav-content-wrap - background: rgba(0,0,0,.05) - .wy-nav-content - margin: 0 - background: $section-background-color - -@media print - .rst-versions, footer, .wy-nav-side - display: none - .wy-nav-content-wrap - margin-left: 0 diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_mathjax.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_mathjax.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 10049936..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_mathjax.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -span[id*='MathJax-Span'] - color: $mathjax-color - -.math - text-align: center diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_rst.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_rst.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 62e3a4ba..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_rst.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// CONTRIBUTORS, PLEASE READ THIS! -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Couple things... -// 1. Lots of this @extends from wyrm_core/_type.sass (http://www.github.com/snide/wyrm/. -// * Try not to replace any @extends code. It's pretty generic stuff meant to work together. -// * That said, know that I'm very unlikely to accept PRs from wyrm just to change style here. -// 2. I plan to remove the !importants in here. Part of it is due to lazyness, part to sphinx's fondness for nesting. -// 3. Try to use variables from wyrm_core/wy_variables.sass. Notable are... -// * $base-line-height // All margins, padding and line-height should use this in .25 increments. -// * $text-color, $text-light, $text-dark...etc -// * $base-font-family, $custom-font-family, $code-font-family -// 4. If you have changes for mobile/tablet, put them at the bottom of the sass file. -// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -.rst-content - // Sphinx by default applies HxW style attributes to images. This fixes that oversite. - img - max-width: 100% - height: auto - - div.figure - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - p.caption - font-style: italic - p:last-child.caption - margin-bottom: 0px - - div.figure.align-center - text-align: center - - // Usually it's a good idea to give images some space. - .section > img, .section > a > img - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - - // normalize browser styling - abbr[title] - text-decoration: none - - // Style external links - &.style-external-links a.reference.external:after - font-family: FontAwesome - content: "\f08e" - color: $text-light - vertical-align: super - font-size: 60% - margin: 0 0.2em - - // For the most part, its safe to assume that sphinx wants you to use a blockquote as an indent. It gets - // used in many different ways, so don't assume you can apply some fancy style, just leave it be. - blockquote - margin-left: $base-line-height - line-height: $base-line-height - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - - pre.literal-block, div[class^='highlight'] - border: 1px solid $table-border-color - padding: 0px - overflow-x: auto - // 1px hack otherwise border won't show. lame - margin: 1px 0 $base-line-height 0 - div[class^='highlight'] - border: none - margin: 0 - // Needs 100% width for line highlighting to work properly - div[class^='highlight'] td.code - width: 100% - .linenodiv pre - border-right: solid 1px lighten($table-border-color, 2%) - margin: 0 - padding: $base-line-height / 2 $base-line-height / 2 - font-family: $code-font-family - user-select: none - pointer-events: none - div[class^='highlight'] pre - white-space: pre - margin: 0 - padding: $base-line-height / 2 $base-line-height / 2 - font-family: $code-font-family - display: block - overflow: auto - & .hll - // Line emphasis spans full width - display: block - margin: 0 -1 * $base-line-height / 2 - padding: 0 $base-line-height / 2 - pre.literal-block, div[class^='highlight'] pre, .linenodiv pre - font-size: 12px - line-height: normal - - @media print - .codeblock, div[class^='highlight'], div[class^='highlight'] pre - white-space: pre-wrap - - // These are the various note pullouts that sphinx applies - .note, .attention, .caution, .danger, .error, .hint, .important, .tip, .warning, .seealso, .admonition-todo, .admonition - @extend .wy-alert - .last - margin-bottom: 0 - .admonition-title - @extend .wy-alert-title - @extend .fa - @extend .fa-exclamation-circle - &:before - margin-right: 4px - .note, .seealso - @extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-info - .hint, .tip, .important - @extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-success - .error, .danger - @extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-danger - .warning, .caution, .attention, .admonition-todo - @extend .wy-alert.wy-alert-warning - // Some people put tables in notes. Let's give them very basic support. - .admonition table - border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) - td, th - background: transparent !important - border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) !important - .section ul, .toctree-wrapper ul - @extend .wy-plain-list-disc - .section ol.loweralpha, .section ol.loweralpha li - list-style: lower-alpha - .section ol.upperalpha, .section ol.upperalpha li - list-style: upper-alpha - .section ol, ol.arabic - @extend .wy-plain-list-decimal - .section ol p, .section ul p - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 - &:last-child - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - .line-block - margin-left: 0px - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - .line-block .line-block - margin-left: $base-line-height - margin-bottom: 0px - - // Generics handling of headings and toc stuff. - .topic-title - font-weight: bold - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 - .toc-backref - color: $text-color - .align-right - float: right - margin: 0px 0px $base-line-height $base-line-height - .align-left - float: left - margin: 0px $base-line-height $base-line-height 0px - .align-center - margin: auto - // Do not override display:table for tables - &:not(table) - display: block - .toctree-wrapper p.caption - @extend h2 - - // This is the #href that shows up on hover. Sphinx's is terrible so I hack it away. - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, dl dt, p.caption, table > caption - .headerlink - visibility: hidden - font-size: 14px - @extend .fa - &:after - content: "\f0c1" - font-family: FontAwesome - &:hover .headerlink:after - visibility: visible - - table > caption .headerlink:after - font-size: 12px - - .centered - text-align: center - - // Sidebar content. You'll see at the bottom of this file I change it in mobile. - .sidebar - float: right - width: 40% - display: block - margin: 0 0 $base-line-height $base-line-height - padding: $base-line-height - background: $sidebar-background-color - border: solid 1px $sidebar-border-color - // Sidebar content is usually less relevant, so adjust the margins and sizes. - p, ul, dl - font-size: 90% - .last - margin-bottom: 0 - .sidebar-title - display: block - font-family: $custom-font-family - font-weight: bold - background: $table-border-color - padding: $base-line-height / 4 $base-line-height / 2 - margin: -$base-line-height - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - font-size: 100% - // Sphinx can highlight searched text with ?highlighted=searchterm - .highlighted - background: $highlight-color - display: inline-block - font-weight: bold - padding: 0 $base-line-height / 4 - - // These are the little citation links [1] that show up within paragraphs. - .footnote-reference, .citation-reference - vertical-align: baseline - position: relative - top: -0.4em - line-height: 0 - font-size: 90% - - // Tables! Sphinx LOVES TABLES. Most of wyrm assumes you're only going to use a table as a table - // so I have to write a bunch of unique stuff for Sphinx to style them up differently like it's 2003. - table.docutils.citation, table.docutils.footnote - background: none - border: none - color: $text-medium - td, tr - border: none - background-color: transparent !important - white-space: normal - td.label - padding-left: 0 - padding-right: 0 - vertical-align: top - code - color: $gray - // Remove the large vertical space between citations and footnotes - .wy-table-responsive.citation, .wy-table-responsive.footnote - margin-bottom: 0 - // Re-add vertical space to element directly following citation and footnotes, - // if the following element is of a different type - .wy-table-responsive.citation + :not(.citation), - .wy-table-responsive.footnote + :not(.footnote) - margin-top: $base-line-height - // Re-add vertical space after citation and footnotes if it is the last child of a parent - .wy-table-responsive.citation:last-child, .wy-table-responsive.footnote:last-child - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - table.docutils - @extend .wy-table - @extend .wy-table-bordered-all - th - border-color: $table-border-color - &:not(.field-list) - @extend .wy-table-striped - // This table is what gets spit out for auto-generated API stuff. I style it smaller bits of padding. - table.field-list - @extend .wy-table - border: none - td - border: none - td > strong - display: inline-block - .field-name - padding-right: 10px - text-align: left - white-space: nowrap - .field-body - text-align: left - - // These are the "literals" that get spit out when you mark stuff as ``code`` as your write. - tt, code - @extend code - color: $black - padding: 2px 5px - big, em - font-size: 100% !important - line-height: normal - - &.literal - color: $text-code-color - &.xref, a & - font-weight: bold - color: $text-codexref-color - // If the literal is inside an a tag, let's color it like a link - a tt, a code - color: $link-color - dl - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - dt - font-weight: bold - // Most of the content within these dls are one liners, so I halve the normal margins. - p, table, ul, ol - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 2 !important - // rST seems to want dds to be treated as the browser would, indented. - dd - margin: 0 0 $base-line-height / 2 $base-line-height - // This is what Sphinx spits out for its autodocs. Depending upon what language the person is referencing - // these things usually have a class of "method" or "class" or something similar, but really who knows. - // Sphinx doesn't give me a generic class on these, so unfortunately I have to apply it to the root dl. - // This makes me terribly unhappy and makes this code very nesty. Unfortunately I've seen hand-written docs - // that output similar, but not quite the same nesting so this is really the best we can do. - dl:not(.docutils) - margin-bottom: $base-line-height - // This would be the equivilant of a .. class:: - dt - display: table - margin: $base-line-height / 4 0 - font-size: 90% - line-height: normal - background: lighten($class-color, 50%) - color: $class-color - border-top: solid 3px lighten($class-color, 20%) - padding: $base-line-height / 4 - position: relative - &:before - color: lighten($class-color, 20%) - .headerlink - color: $text-color - font-size: 100% !important - // And this would be the .. method:: - dl dt - margin-bottom: $base-line-height / 4 - border: none - border-left: solid 3px hsl(0,0%,80%) - background: hsl(0,0%,94%) - color: $method-color - .headerlink - color: $headerlink-color - font-size: 100% !important - dt:first-child - margin-top: 0 - // Since dts get the callout style, we treat this less as callouts. - tt, code - font-weight: bold - &.descname, &.descclassname - background-color: transparent - border: none - padding: 0 - font-size: 100% !important - &.descname - font-weight: bold - // This is for more advanced parameter control - .optional - display: inline-block - padding: 0 4px - color: $black - font-weight: bold - .property - display: inline-block - padding-right: 8px - // Doc links to sourcecode - .viewcode-link, .viewcode-back - display: inline-block - color: $text-viewcode-color - font-size: 80% - padding-left: $base-line-height - .viewcode-back - display: block - float: right - p.rubric - margin-bottom: 12px - font-weight: bold - //Download link - code.download - background: inherit - padding: inherit - font-weight: normal - font-family: inherit - font-size: inherit - color: inherit - border: inherit - white-space: inherit - span:first-child - -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased - @extend .fa - @extend .fa-download - &:before - margin-right: 4px - .guilabel - border: 1px solid lighten($guilabel-color, 25%) - background: lighten($guilabel-color, 50%) - font-size: 80% - font-weight: 700 - border-radius: $base-line-height / 6 - padding: $base-line-height / 10 $base-line-height / 4 - margin: auto $base-line-height / 12 - .versionmodified - font-style: italic - - -// Mobile specific -+media($mobile) - .rst-content - .sidebar - width: 100% diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_variables.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_variables.sass deleted file mode 100644 index c294be6e..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/_theme_variables.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -// In here are varibles used for sphinx_rtd_theme, they either add to or overwrite the default ones -// that are set in wyrm_core/wy_variables.sass. You'll find wyrm in bower_components if you're looking -// for a reference. - -$font-awesome-dir: "../fonts/" -$static-img: "../img/" - -$nav-content-width: 800px -$nav-media-query: (($nav-desktop-width) + ($nav-content-width)) - -$mathjax-color: $text-color - -$headerlink-color: $text-color - -// Code colors -$text-viewcode-color: $green -$text-codexref-color: $text-color - -// Definition list colors -$class-color: $blue -$method-color: $gray - -// GUI label color -$guilabel-color: $blue - -// Footer colors -$footer-color: $text-medium - -// Menu colors -$menu-vertical-background-color: $section-background-color - -// Menu text colors -$menu-color: $gray -$menu-dark: lighten($menu-color,10%) !default -$menu-medium: lighten($menu-color,25%) !default -$menu-light: lighten($menu-color,45%) !default -$menu-lighter: lighten($menu-color,60%) !default - -// Menu link colors -$menu-link-color: $text-color -$menu-link-dark: $text-dark -$menu-link-medium: $text-medium -$menu-link-light: $text-light -$menu-link-active: $white - -// Navigation colors -$nav-background-color: $menu-background-color -$nav-search-background-color: #d94f00 -$nav-search-color: $section-background-color -$nav-link-color: $blue -$nav-link-color-visited: $purple -$nav-link-color-hover: lighten($nav-link-color, 6%) !default -$nav-link-color-alt: hsl(33, 100%, 51%) - -// Sidebar colors -$sidebar-background-color: $table-stripe-color -$sidebar-border-color: $table-border-color -$sidebar-title-background-color: $table-border-color - -// Sphinx highlight color -$highlight-color: $yellow - -$base-font-family: "Lato", "proxima-nova", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif -$custom-font-family: "Roboto Slab", "ff-tisa-web-pro", "Georgia", Arial, sans-serif -$custom-font-family2: Georgia, serif -$code-font-family: Consolas, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", Monaco, "Courier New", Courier, monospace diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/badge_only.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/badge_only.sass deleted file mode 100644 index b8cdac3a..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/badge_only.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// CONTRIBUTORS, PLEASE READ THIS! -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// This generates the RTD sticky badge for non RTD themes. As -// always, only files labeled "theme_*.sass should be edited". -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -$border-box-sizing: false !default - -@import wyrm_core/wy_variables -@import theme_variables -@import bourbon -@import neat -@import wyrm_core/mixin -@import wyrm_core/grid_settings -@import _theme_badge_fa -@import _theme_badge diff --git a/themes/opnsense/sass/theme.sass b/themes/opnsense/sass/theme.sass deleted file mode 100644 index 5ae5a075..00000000 --- a/themes/opnsense/sass/theme.sass +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// CONTRIBUTORS, PLEASE READ THIS! -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// This theme pulls from other frontend projects. The only -// things you should edit are the sass files that start with -// "theme_*.sass". All other files are loaded through bower. -// ------------------------------------------------------------ - -// Variable defaults set by Wyrm -@import wyrm_core/wy_variables - -// Variable overrides that change coloring and fonts for this theme. -@import theme_variables - -// bourbon.io framework -@import bourbon - -// Bourbon.io/neat framework, with some default media queries -@import wyrm_core/grid_settings -@import neat -// Some corrections for neat -@import wyrm_core/neat_extra - -// Custom reset -@import wyrm_core/reset - -// Wyrm mixins -@import wyrm_core/mixin - -// Font Awesome 4.0 with wyrm extras -@import font-awesome -@import wyrm_core/font_icon_defaults - -// Wyrm core styles used in this theme -@import wyrm_core/alert -@import wyrm_core/button -@import wyrm_core/dropdown -@import wyrm_core/form -@import wyrm_core/generic -@import wyrm_core/table -@import wyrm_core/type - -// Theme specific styles. These are likely the files you want to edit. -@import theme_breadcrumbs -@import theme_layout -@import theme_badge -@import theme_rst -@import theme_mathjax -@import theme_font_awesome_compatibility -@import theme_font_local