Firewall - Live log: bring documentation in line with 21.1, for

Ad Schellevis 3 years ago
parent 623afdce8a
commit 90396d191e

@ -17,22 +17,35 @@ Live View
Live view updates itself in realtime if a rule is matched that has logging enabled or one of the global logging options is enabled under:
:menuselection:`System --> Settings --> Logging`
For better troubleshooting you can provide a filter string. This filter may include regular expressions.
Lets assume one logging entry as one single string without special separators.
In the top left corner of the page you can build filter conditions for rules to match when inspecting traffic, while
here you can select different fields (for example `label`, `src` address, `dst` address) and how to match them
(contains, is, is not, does not contain) combined with a criteria (either a string or a preselected value, depending on type).
The [+] button adds the the filter to the view.
So for just displaying packets that match DNS replies from wan to your lan clients in segment, you have to use:
By default results should match all criteria (AND), but you can change that to an any of criteria (OR). The latter is sometimes
practical if you want to track a small list of hosts.
.. code-block:: sh
Detailed information for a specific rule can be provided using the info button at the end of each line.
.. Tip::
or to be even more correct
The :code:`host` and :code:`port` fields are a bit special and apply to both source and destination, which makes sure that
traffic matched to and from a specific address or port are both matched.
.. code-block:: sh
.. Tip::
Usually a rule contains a :code:`rid` field which corresponds to the rule or setting in OPNsense responsible for this match,
when clicking on the link the system will try to redirect you to the correct setting (or rule).
========== ====================== ===================== ====================== ========================
**WAN** **.*** **:53** **.*** **192\.168\.1\.**
Interface 1 or more characters first match of port 1 or more characters destination ip address
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.. Note::
The live log only shows rules that are matched by the firewall, in case a state is created the flow will be reported for the first packet,
as long as the state still exists no new lines will be reported for the same traffic flow.
If you need to inspect raw traffic, it's often practical to combine the live-log with the packet capture feature found under
interface diagnostics in the menu.
.. Note::
Since log lines are stored on the system without an exact match to the rule in question, we do need to translate the sequence
in the file back to the rule definition stored in the system. Due to this fact, the information is less accurate
historically if the firewall was reconfigured. (labels may be incorrect when looking at older data)
