Development / Models / Field types

Document available options, move item in the menu for better navigation.
Ad Schellevis 2 years ago
parent 77ace0bd4c
commit 7691de4e9d

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The OPNsense frontend is implemented with `PHP/Phalcon <

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ In this chapter we will explain how models are designed and build.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Standard field types
Creating Models / Field types
OPNsense comes with a collection of standard field types, which can be used to perform standard field type validations.
These field types can be found in `/usr/local/opnsense/mvc/app/models/OPNsense/Base/FieldTypes/ <>`__
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ and usually decent from the `BaseField` type.
This paragraph aims to provide an overview of the types included by default and their use.
.. Tip::
When using lists, the :code:`Multiple` (Y/N) keyword defines if there may be more than one item selected at a time.
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ This paragraph aims to provide an overview of the types included by default and
The xml keyword :code:`Required` can be used to mark a field as being required.
@ -33,11 +35,32 @@ AuthGroupField
Returns and validates system (user) groups (found in :menuselection:`System --> Access --> Groups`)
.. csv-table:: AuthGroupField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
Select and validate authentication providers, maintained in :menuselection:`System --> Access --> Servers`.
.. csv-table:: AuthenticationServerField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Filters", "Y,N", "A structure of regex filters per atribute to exclude certain options from the list"
@ -45,26 +68,75 @@ AutoNumberField
An integer sequence, which automatically increments on every new item of the same type in the same level.
.. csv-table:: AutoNumberField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"MinimumValue", ":code:`int`", "Minimum number also starting point of the sequence"
"MaximumValue", ":code:`int`", "Maximum number"
Validate if a given string contains a valid base64 decodable value.
.. csv-table:: Base64Field
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"Mask", ":code:`regex`", "Optional validation regex"
Boolean field, where 0 means :code:`false` and 1 is defined as :code:`true`
.. csv-table:: BooleanField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
Option list with system certificates defined in :menuselection:`System --> Trust`.
.. csv-table:: CertificateField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Type", ":code:`ca`, :code:`crl`, :code:`cert`", "Type of certificate to select, defaults to :code:`cert`"
List of (comma) separated values, which can be validated using a regex.
.. csv-table:: CSVListField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"Mask", ":code:`regex`", "Optional validation regex"
Option list with system certificates defined in :menuselection:`System --> Trust`, use the `Type` keyword to distinct between the
available options (:code:`ca`, :code:`crl`, :code:`cert`), defaults to :code:`cert`.
@ -80,27 +152,110 @@ only shows actions which have a description.
.. csv-table:: ConfigdActionsField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Filters", "Y,N", "A structure of regex filters per atribute to exclude certain options from the list"
Select and validate countries in the world.
.. csv-table:: CountryField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"AddInverted", "Y,N", "Add 'inverted'/excluded countries to the list, copies contry codes prefixes an :code:`!` (e.g. :code:`!NL`)"
Select available configd actions, supports filters to limit the number of choices. For example, the example below
only shows actions which have a description.
.. code-block:: xml
<command type="ConfigdActionsField">
.. csv-table:: ConfigdActionsField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Filters", "Y,N", "A structure of regex filters per atribute to exclude certain options from the list"
Validate if the input contains an email address.
.. csv-table:: EmailField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
Check if hostnames are valid (optionally allows IP addresses as well)
Check if hostnames are valid, includes the following options:
.. csv-table:: HostnameField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"IpAllowed", "Y,N", "Allow an ip address"
"HostWildcardAllowed", "Y,N", "Allow :code:`*` for all hostnames"
"FqdnWildcardAllowed", "Y,N", "Allow partial wildcard for fully qualified domain names (e.g. :code:`*`)"
"ZoneRootAllowed", "Y,N", "Allow the zone root marker (:code:`@`)"
Validate if the input contains an integere value, optionally constrained by minimum and maximum values.
.. csv-table:: EmailField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"MinimumValue", ":code:`int`", "Minimum number"
"MaximumValue", ":code:`int`", "Maximum number"
@ -108,6 +263,19 @@ Option list with interfaces defined in :menuselection:`Interfaces --> Assignment
The example below shows a list of non-dhcp active interfaces, for which multiple items may be selected, but at least one
should be. It defaults to :code:`lan`
.. csv-table:: InterfaceField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Filters", "Y,N", "A structure of regex filters per atribute to exclude certain options from the list"
"AddParentDevices", "Y,N", "Add parent devices in the list when not assigned"
"AllowDynamic", "Y,N,S", "Allow dynamic (hotplug) interfaces, when set to :code:`S` hotplug interfaces without a static address are ignored"
.. code-block:: xml
<interfaces type="InterfaceField">
@ -138,6 +306,20 @@ A construct to validate against a json dataset retreived via configd, such as
In which case :code:`syslog list applications` is called to retrieved options, which is valid for 20 seconds (TTL) before fetching again.
.. csv-table:: JsonKeyValueStoreField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"ConfigdPopulateAct", ":code:`text`", "Configd command responsible for the data"
"SourceFile", ":code:`text`", "Temporary filename where results are stored"
"ConfigdPopulateTTL", ":code:`int`", "Time To Live in seconds"
"SortByValue", "Y,N", "Sort by value, default sorts by key"
@ -178,6 +360,16 @@ Define relations to other nodes in the model, such as to point the attribute :co
.. csv-table:: ModelRelationField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Model", ":code:`xml`", "structure as described in the sample above"
@ -198,21 +390,71 @@ Predefined special networks contain the following choices:
All network/host type aliases (including, but not limited to GeoIP) defined in :menuselection:`Firewall -> Aliases` are
also valid choices.
.. csv-table:: NetworkAliasField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
Validate if the value is a valid network address (IPv4, IPv6).
.. csv-table:: NetworkField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"Mask", ":code:`regex`", "Optional validation regex"
"NetMaskRequired", "Y,N", "Is a netmask required"
"NetMaskAllowed", "Y,N", "Is a netmask allowed"
"AddressFamily", ":code:`ipv4`, :code:`ipv6`", "Which address family to use, blank means ipv4+ipv6"
"FieldSeparator", ":code:`text`", "Separator character to use"
"WildcardEnabled", "Y,N", "Allow the use of the :code:`any` clause"
"AsList", "Y,N", "Field type should return list items"
Validate input to be of numeric type.
.. csv-table:: NumericField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"MinimumValue", ":code:`int`", "Minimum number"
"MaximumValue", ":code:`int`", "Maximum number"
Validate against a static list of options.
.. csv-table:: OptionField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"OptionValues", ":code:`xml`", "Xml structure containing keys and values, when keys should be numeric, the value tag is also supported :code:`<opt1 value='1'>option1</opt1>`"
@ -220,29 +462,107 @@ Check if the input contains a valid portnumber or (optionally) predefined servic
:code:`EnableRanges` is set to :code:`Y`.
.. csv-table:: PortField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options, when set the type is treated as a list"
"EnableWellKnown", "Y,N", "Allow the usage of well known names such as 'http' and 'ssh'"
"EnableRanges", "Y,N", "Allow the usa of ranges, such as :code:`80:100`"
List field type to validate if the provided value is a valid protocol name as defined by /etc/protocols
(e.g. TCP, UDP) extended with the :code:`any` option.
.. csv-table:: ProtocolField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
Validate regular text using a regex.
.. csv-table:: TextField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"Mask", ":code:`regex`", "Optional validation regex"
Generate unique id numbers.
.. csv-table:: UniqueIdField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
Write only text fields, can be used to store passwords
.. csv-table:: TextField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"Mask", ":code:`regex`", "Optional validation regex"
Validate if the input contains a valid URL.
.. csv-table:: UrlField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
Select a virtual address defined in :menuselection:`Interfaces -> Virtual IPs -> Settings`, use with a bit of care as
the keys (addresses) are subjected to change.
.. csv-table:: VirtualIPField
:header: "Parameter", "Options", "Purpose"
:widths: 30, 20, 40
"default", ":code:`text`", "Default value for new attributes"
"Required", "Y,N", "Mark field as required"
"ValidationMessage", ":code:`text`", "Error message on validation failure"
"BlankDesc", ":code:`text`", "Set a label for the empty option"
"Multiple", "Y,N", "Allow to select multiple options"
"Type", ":code:`text`", "The virtual ip type to select, :code:`*` for all (default)"
