diff --git a/source/manual/how-tos/caddy.rst b/source/manual/how-tos/caddy.rst index b40fb380..888adcd7 100644 --- a/source/manual/how-tos/caddy.rst +++ b/source/manual/how-tos/caddy.rst @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Option Description =========================== ================================ **enabled** `enable` or `disable` this domain **Domain** Can either be a domain name or an IP address. If a domain name is chosen, Caddy will automatically try to get a Let's Encrypt or ZeroSSL certificate, and the headers and real IP address will be automatically passed to the upstream destination. -**Reverse Proxy Port** Should be the port the OPNsense will listen on. Don't forget to create Firewall rules that allow traffic to this port on ``WAN`` and ``LAN`` to destination ``This Firewall``. Leave this empty if the default ports of Caddy (`80` and `443`) should be used with automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS. +**Port** Should be the port the OPNsense will listen on. Don't forget to create Firewall rules that allow traffic to this port on ``WAN`` and ``LAN`` to destination ``This Firewall``. Leave this empty if the default ports of Caddy (`80` and `443`) should be used with automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS. **Access List** Restrict the access to this domain to a list of IP addresses defined in the Access Tab. This doesn't influence Let's Encrypt certificate generation. **Basic Auth** Restrict the access to this domain to one or multiple users defined in the Access Tab. This doesn't influence the Let's Encrypt certificate generation. **DNS-01 challenge** Enable this for using DNS-01 instead of HTTP-01 and TLS-ALPN-01 challenge. This can be set per entry, so both types of challenges can be used at the same time for different entries. This option needs the `General Settings - DNS Provider` configured.