Development: add some view help, work in progress for

Ad Schellevis 4 years ago
parent c6cfdd7dd7
commit 51a8ab63b0

@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ The OPNsense frontend is implemented with `PHP/Phalcon <

@ -56,6 +56,56 @@ directory.
More information on how to write Volt pages can be found here :
User forms
When designers need forms for users to input data, they can use the :code:`getForm()` method on our standard controller
to feed a simple xml file as definition for the template engine to use. The example section contains a step by step
guide how to use these.
The getForm() method itself merily passes the structure to thew view, which can use this information to render
forms on page load (statically).
In our standard layout `partials <>`__ we offer some different record types which we will detail below:
============ ===========================================================================================
Name Description
============ ===========================================================================================
id unique id of the attribute
type type of input or field. For a list of valid types, use the Type table below
label attribute label (visible text)
size size (width in characters) attribute if applicable
height height (length in characters) attribute if applicable
help help text
advanced property "is advanced", only display in advanced mode
hint input control hint
style css class(es) to add, helps identifying items easier using jQuery selectors
width width in pixels if applicable
allownew allow new items (for list) if applicable
readonly if true, input fields will be readonly
============ ===========================================================================================
================== ===========================================================================================
Name Description
================== ===========================================================================================
header Header row
text Single line of text
password Password field for sensitive input. The contents will not be displayed.
textbox Multiline text box
checkbox Checkbox
dropdown Single item selection from dropdown
select_multiple Multiple item select from dropdown
hidden Hidden fields not for user interaction
info Static text (help icon, no input or editing)
================== ===========================================================================================
API based controllers

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
View construction (and tools)
Although most of our code base is being processed server side, some things just require interaction on the
clients machine for a fluent user experience.
In this chapter we will try to explain some of the components we use when designing pages and how pages are usually constructed.
To ease reading of volt templates, we recommend using a fixed layout when creating templates.
The base of our rendered page always contains the standard `layout <>`__
which is hooked via our standard frontend controller.
Below you will find the sections and their order, which we will describe briefly.
.. code-block:: html
{1} Copyright notice
$( document ).ready(function() {
{2} UI code
{3} page html
{{ partial("layout_partials/base_dialog",...)}} {4} dialog forms (see getForm())
#. The copyright block, 2 clause BSD with the authors on top
#. Javascript code which belongs to this page
#. HTML code, usually starts with some :code:`<div>` containers and uses standard Bootstrap 3 layouting
#. When forms are used, these are placed last, these will be generated to the client as standard html code