rearrange security section and add an explanation around our third party security verification process.

Ad Schellevis 2 years ago
parent 0549395c2d
commit 0f94ce005a

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Table of Contents
:maxdepth: 2
@ -41,4 +42,3 @@ Table of Contents

@ -90,3 +90,101 @@ or ask the reporter to do so.
When the submitter is interested in a coordinated disclosure process, this should be indicated in any submission to avoid
discussions later on.
Third party security verification
Within the OPNsense team and community we spend a lot of time safeguarding our software and keeping up with the latest threats,
like checking used software against CVE's on every release, implementing best practices in our development methods and
offering clear and transparent release engineering.
To even improve this further, we decided to bring a third party on board and mold a process around our security verification
by trained security professionals.
Business Edition
As our business edition is aimed at professional users, it does make sense to offer additional safeguards, like even more extensive testing on
this product. Looking at the lifecycle of our software, this is also the most mature stage of what we do have to offer:
* Development version
- Available at every release, offers a glimpse of what to expect in the near future
* Community version
- When changes survive the development version, these are included in the community version, these are internally tested and
feedback has been offered by community members.
* Business Edition
- Functional changes are being included in a more conservative manner, more feedback has been collected from development
and community, leading to a mission critical version of your well known OPNsense firewall.
As security testing is quite time-consuming, we aim to offer a full qualification cycle at every major release.
Framework / Type of testing (LINCE)
In our quest for a framework to use, we found the LINCE methodology.
LINCE is a lightweight methodology for evaluating and certifying ICT products, created by Spain's National Cryptologic Center (`CCN <>`__),
based on Common Criteria principles and oriented to vulnerability analysis and penetration tests.
LINCE strengths over other methodologies mainly consist of reduced effort and duration.
However, the way in which it is applied also makes it possible to pay more attention to the critical points of each product,
giving more weight to concrete and practical tests that combat real threats than to dense documentation or exhaustive functionality tests.
As most frameworks are not intended to be repeated very regularly, together with `jtsec <>`__ we came up with an approach which
makes it possible to pass the test twice a year, which is needed to align with our Business Edition releases.
During every cycle, there's always a chance that (small) issues appear which should be fixed, in close accordance with jtsec, the OPNSense
team prepares fixes for the findings and makes sure that these are included in a future (minor) release.
Steps in the process
To better understand where a version of OPNsense is at in terms of verification, we distinct the following stages in the process, which
we will also note on the version at hand.
1. In test - Software delivered to jtsec, in process (interaction between OPNsense and jtsec).
2. Tested - Software verified / tested, documentation not yet published.
3. LINCE Compliant - Test complete including summarised report (by jtsec)
4. Certification pending - Offered for formal certification. (as of 2023)
5. LINCE Certified - Certified by CCN (as of 2023)
The certification steps are planned to be executed once a year starting in 2023, this process is quite time consuming, but
adds another independent party to the mix.
The first fully certified product has been a community version (21.7.1), which offered us insights into the process and
helped us improve the process which we would like to use for the business edition. Starting with 22.4, we run the cycle
until full testing by jtsec and made plans for the future.
Below you will find the versions that have been tested or are currently in test.
| Version | status | Download |
| BE 22.04 | LINCE Compliant | :download:`BE22.04-STIC_OPNSENSE_CQ-ETR-v1.0.pdf <pdf/BE22.04-STIC_OPNSENSE_CQ-ETR-v1.0.pdf>` |
| | | 49a6ed38ec787090d19f1fd302fc730e62671d37ec8b26ed5b3385c68f81f467 |
External references
