Contribute by testing the latest development version to make the next release even
better than the last. If you like to test a development version then the easiest
way is to login to the console and type:
pkg install -y opnsense-devel
And to revert back to the production version:
pkg install -y opnsense
That is all there is to it to test the latest development release.
Development releases are usually built at the same day the latest production
release comes available.
Reporting an issue
Issues can be easily reported on github, please consider carefully if the issue
could be a configuration or user error before reporting it. If you are unsure,
report you issue on the `Forum <>`__ or on IRC/Freenode (#opnsense).
Fixing issues
If you are a programmer or just know how to fix a certain issue then you can help
by either sharing your ideas on or send in a pull request on github.
Designing new features
If you like to help designing new features then start with reading the :doc:`Development
manual </develop>` and checkout our `roadmap <>`__ as well as our `issue tracker <>`__.
Before starting it is always a good to share your idea first with a core developer,
to do so you can use either:
*`github <>`__ and `create a issue <>`__
and mention you volunteer for taking on the development task (we will correctly label it as enhancement or feature)
* find one of us on IRC/Freenode (#opnsense) and see if we are available to
discuss your idea.
OPNsense has an active `translation project <>`__,
currently supporting:
* Czech
* English
* French
* German
* Japanese
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Simplified Chinese
Working on translations is time consuming, but if you feel up to it and would
like to help adding another language, then please contact us via email (contact @
Documentation & wiki articles
The easiest way to help with documentation is to write how-to type articles.
As the wiki & documentation project itself is written in **reStructuredText** you
can offer your content in this format (preferably as pull request), but other
formats are also possible, such as:
* markup with ./images/directory including the used images(in any)
* word document with embedded images (if any)
To include you documentation send it to contact @ Make sure that:
* Your content does not include copyrighted material if you do not own the copyright yourself
* State that we may use the content under our Documentation Copyright as listed in the :doc:`legal` section.
Forum & IRC
If you are an experienced network engineer, know a lot about firewall technology
or if you are excited about OPNsense, then you can contribute to the project by helping
others on the forum or on irc.
Social media
Contribute to the success of the project by letting others know how OPNsense helped
solving your network or security challenges. Let others know about OPNsense and/or
follow us & retweet our messages on `twitter <>`__.
Anything you can do to spread the word about OPNsense will help to reach our goal
to become the most widely used open source security & firewall platform.
Closing Words
If you have suggestions on how others can contribute to OPNsense and it is not yet
listed on this page, then let us know. You can reach us at contact @