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Ledger App OpenPGP.
(c) 2024 Ledger SAS.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
LaTex substitution Definition
| Ledger App OpenPGP.
| (c) 2024 Ledger SAS.
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| You may obtain a copy of the License at
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| limitations under the License.
OpenPGP Card Application add-ons summary
Key management:
OpenPGP Application manage 4 keys to Perform Security Operation (PSO) plus 2 for secure channel.
The 4 keys are defined as follow:
- One asymmetric signature private key (RSA or EC), named 'sig'
- One asymmetric decryption private key (RSA or EC), named 'dec'
- One asymmetric authentication private key (RSA or EC), named 'aut'
- One symmetric decryption private key (AES), named 'sym0'
The 3 first asymmetric keys can be either randomly generated on-card or
explicitly imported from outside.
The 4th is imported from outside.
It's never possible to retrieve private key from the card.
This add-on specification propose a solution to derive those keys from the
master seed managed by the Ledger Token.
This allows owner to restore a broken token without the needs to keep track of keys
outside the card.
Moreover this add-on specification propose to manage multiple set of the 4 previously described keys.
Keys Slots
To modify the keys slot, just select the corresponding menu from the screen.
.. image:: slots.png
Random number generation
OpenPGP Application provides, as optional feature, to generate random bytes.
This add-on specification propose new type of random generation:
- random prime number generation
- seeded random number
- seeded prime number generation
Key Backup
A full key backup mechanism is provided.
Ledger OpenPGP Application
Deterministic key derivation
The deterministic key derivation process relies on the **BIP32** scheme.
The master install path of the App is set to ``/0x80'GPG'``, aka ``/80475047``.
Deterministic key derivation maybe activated in:
| ``Settings -> Seed Mode -> Set on``
This activation remains effective until *set off* is selected.
The key management remains the same if seed mode is *on* or *off*. So there is no performance impact when using seeded keys.
Seeded keys are generated as follow:
**Step 1**:
For a given keys slot n, starting from 1, a seed is first derived with the following path
| ``Sn = BIP32_derive (/0x80475047/n)``
**Step 2**:
Then specific seeds are derived with the *SHA3-XOF* function for each of the 4 key:
| ``Sk[i] = SHA3-XOF(SHA256(Sn \| <key_name> \| int16(i)), length)``
- Sn is the dedicated slot seed from step 1.
- key_name is one of 'sig ','dec ', 'aut ', 'sym0', each 4 characters.
- i is the index, starting from 1, of the desired seed (see below)
**Step 3**:
*RSA key generation*
Generate two seed Sp, Sq in step2 with:
- i € {1,2}
- length equals to half key size
Generate two prime numbers p, q:
- p = next_prime(Sp)
- q = next_prime(Sq)
Generate RSA key pair as usual:
- choose e
- n = p*q
- d = inv(e) mod (p-1)(q-1)
*ECC key generation*
Generate one seed Sd in step2 with:
- i = 1
- length equals to curve size
Generate ECC key pair:
- d = Sd
- W = d.G
*AES key generation*
Generate one seed Sd in step2 with:
- i = 1
- length equals to 16
Generate AES key:
- k = Sk
Deterministic random number
The deterministic random number generation relies on the **BIP32** scheme.
The master install path of the App is set to ``/0x80'GPG'``, aka ``/80475047``.
**Random prime number generation**:
For a given length *L*:
- generate random number r of *L* bytes.
- generate rp = next_prime(r)
- return rp
**Seeded random number**:
For a given length *L* and seed *S*:
- generate Sr = BIP32_derive(/0x80475047/0x0F0F0F0F)
- generate r = SHA3-XOF(SHA256(Sr \| 'rnd' \| S), L)
- return r
**Seeded prime number generation**:
For a given length *L* and seed *S*:
- generate r as for "Seeded random number"
- generate rp = next_prime(r)
- return rp
Key Backup & Restore
In order to backup/restore private key the commands `put_data` and `get_data` accept the tags:
- `B6` (signature key)
- `B8` (encryption key)
- `A4` (authentication).
`put_data` command accept the exact output of `get_data`. The `get_data` command
return both the public and private key.
For security and confidentiality, private key is returned encrypted in AES.
The key used is derived according to previously described AES key derivation
with name 'key'.
The data payload is formatted as follow:
| size | Description |
| 4 | OS Target ID |
| 4 | API Level |
| 4 | compliance Level |
| 4 | public key size |
| var | public key |
| 4 | private key size |
| var | encrypted private key |
APDU Modification
Key Slot management
Key slots are managed by data object *01F1* and *01F2* witch are
manageable by PUT/GET DATA command as for others DO and organized as follow.
On application reset, the *01F2* content is set to *Default Slot* value
of *01F1*.
| bytes | Description | R/W |
| 1 | Number of slot | R |
| 2 | Default slot | R/W |
| 3 | Allowed slot selection method | R/W |
Byte 3 is endoced as follow:
| b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | Meaning |
| \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | x | selection by APDU |
| \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | x | \- | selection by screen |
| bytes | Description | R/W |
| 1 | Current slot | R/W |
| bytes | Description | R/W |
| 1-3 | 01F1 content | R |
| 4 | 01F2 content | R |
*Access Conditions:*
| DO | Read | Write |
| 01F0 | Always | Never |
| 01F1 | Always | Verify PW3 |
| 01F2 | Always | Verify PW2 |
Deterministic key derivation
P2 parameter of GENERATE ASYMMETRIC KEY PAIR is set to (hex value):
- 00 for true random key generation
- 01 for seeded random key
Deterministic random number
P1 parameter of GET CHALLENGE is a bit-field encoded as follow:
| b8 | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | Meaning |
| \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | x | seeded random |
| \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | \- | x | \- | prime random |
When *seeded mode* is set, data field contains the seed and P2 contains
the length of random bytes to generate.
Other minor add-on
GnuPG use both fingerprints and serial number to identify key on card.
So, the `put_data` command is able to modify the AID file with '4F' tag.
In that case the data field shall be 4 bytes length and shall contain
the new serial number. '4F' is protected by PW3 (admin) PIN.