#******************************************************************************* # Ledger App # (c) 2016-2019 Ledger # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #******************************************************************************* -include Makefile.env ifeq ($(BOLOS_SDK),) $(error Environment variable BOLOS_SDK is not set) endif include $(BOLOS_SDK)/Makefile.defines APP_LOAD_PARAMS=--appFlags 0x240 --path "2152157255'" --curve secp256k1 $(COMMON_LOAD_PARAMS) ifeq ($(APPNAME),) APPNAME = OpenPGP endif ifeq ($(APPNAME),OpenPGP) ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) GPG_MULTISLOT:=0 else GPG_MULTISLOT:=1 endif else ifeq ($(APPNAME),OpenPGP.XL) GPG_MULTISLOT:=1 APPNAME:=OpenPGP.XL else $(error APPNAME ($(APPNAME)) is not set or unknown) endif ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) ICONNAME = images/icon_pgp.gif else ICONNAME = images/icon_pgp_nanox.gif endif APPVERSION_M:=1 APPVERSION_N:=4 APPVERSION_P:=4 APPVERSION:=$(APPVERSION_M).$(APPVERSION_N).$(APPVERSION_P) SPECVERSION:="3.3.1" DEFINES += $(OPENPGP_CONFIG) DEFINES += OPENPGP_VERSION_MAJOR=$(APPVERSION_M) OPENPGP_VERSION_MINOR=$(APPVERSION_N) OPENPGP_VERSION_MICRO=$(APPVERSION_P) DEFINES += OPENPGP_VERSION=$(APPVERSION) DEFINES += OPENPGP_NAME=$(APPNAME) DEFINES += SPEC_VERSION=$(SPECVERSION) DEFINES += GPG_MULTISLOT=$(GPG_MULTISLOT) #DEFINES += GPG_LOG ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) DEFINES += UI_NANO_S else DEFINES += UI_NANO_X DEFINES += GPG_SHAKE256 endif ################ # Default rule # ################ .PHONY: allvariants listvariants all: default mkdir -p release cp -a bin/app.elf release/$(APPNAME).elf cp -a bin/app.hex release/$(APPNAME).hex cp -a debug/app.asm release/$(APPNAME).asm cp -a debug/app.map release/$(APPNAME).map ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) VARIANTS = OpenPGP OpenPGP.XL else VARIANTS = OpenPGP endif listvariants: @echo VARIANTS APPNAME $(VARIANTS) allvariants: make MULTISLOT=0 clean all make MULTISLOT=1 clean all ############ # Platform # ############ #SCRIPT_LD := script.ld ifneq ($(NO_CONSENT),) DEFINES += NO_CONSENT endif DEFINES += OS_IO_SEPROXYHAL DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL HAVE_SPRINTF DEFINES += HAVE_IO_USB HAVE_L4_USBLIB IO_USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS=4 IO_HID_EP_LENGTH=64 HAVE_USB_APDU DEFINES += CUSTOM_IO_APDU_BUFFER_SIZE=\(255+5+64\) DEFINES += HAVE_LEGACY_PID DEFINES += USB_SEGMENT_SIZE=64 DEFINES += U2F_PROXY_MAGIC=\"MOON\" #DEFINES += HAVE_IO_U2F HAVE_U2F DEFINES += UNUSED\(x\)=\(void\)x DEFINES += APPVERSION=\"$(APPVERSION)\" DEFINES += HAVE_USB_CLASS_CCID ifeq ($(NO_CXNG),) INCLUDES_PATH += $(BOLOS_SDK)/lib_cxng/include endif # RSA addition. DEFINES += HAVE_RSA INCLUDES_PATH += $(BOLOS_SDK)/lib_cxng/src SOURCE_PATH += $(BOLOS_SDK)/lib_cxng/src/cx_rsa.c SOURCE_PATH += $(BOLOS_SDK)/lib_cxng/src/cx_pkcs1.c SOURCE_PATH += $(BOLOS_SDK)/lib_cxng/src/cx_utils.c # RSA - End ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOX) DEFINES += HAVE_BLE BLE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS=2000 DEFINES += HAVE_BLE_APDU # basic ledger apdu transport over BLE endif ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) DEFINES += IO_SEPROXYHAL_BUFFER_SIZE_B=128 else DEFINES += IO_SEPROXYHAL_BUFFER_SIZE_B=300 DEFINES += HAVE_GLO096 DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL BAGL_WIDTH=128 BAGL_HEIGHT=64 DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL_ELLIPSIS # long label truncation feature DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL_FONT_OPEN_SANS_REGULAR_11PX DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL_FONT_OPEN_SANS_EXTRABOLD_11PX DEFINES += HAVE_BAGL_FONT_OPEN_SANS_LIGHT_16PX DEFINES += HAVE_UX_FLOW endif # Enabling debug PRINTF DEBUG = 0 ifneq ($(DEBUG),0) ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOS) DEFINES += HAVE_PRINTF PRINTF=screen_printf else DEFINES += HAVE_PRINTF PRINTF=mcu_usb_printf endif DEFINES += PLINE="PRINTF(\"FILE:%s..LINE:%d\n\",__FILE__,__LINE__)" else DEFINES += PRINTF\(...\)= DEFINES += PLINE\(...\)= endif ############## # Compiler # ############## ifneq ($(BOLOS_ENV),) $(info BOLOS_ENV=$(BOLOS_ENV)) CLANGPATH := $(BOLOS_ENV)/clang-arm-fropi/bin/ GCCPATH := $(BOLOS_ENV)/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_3-2016q1/bin/ else $(info BOLOS_ENV is not set: falling back to CLANGPATH and GCCPATH) endif ifeq ($(CLANGPATH),) $(info CLANGPATH is not set: clang will be used from PATH) endif ifeq ($(GCCPATH),) $(info GCCPATH is not set: arm-none-eabi-* will be used from PATH) endif CC := $(CLANGPATH)clang #CFLAGS += -O0 -gdwarf-2 -gstrict-dwarf CFLAGS += -O3 -Os #CFLAGS += -fno-jump-tables -fno-lookup-tables -fsave-optimization-record #$(info $(CFLAGS)) AS := $(GCCPATH)arm-none-eabi-gcc LD := $(GCCPATH)arm-none-eabi-gcc #LDFLAGS += -O0 -gdwarf-2 -gstrict-dwarf LDFLAGS += -O3 -Os LDLIBS += -lm -lgcc -lc # import rules to compile glyphs(/pone) include $(BOLOS_SDK)/Makefile.glyphs ### variables processed by the common makefile.rules of the SDK to grab source files and include dirs APP_SOURCE_PATH += src SDK_SOURCE_PATH += lib_stusb lib_stusb_impl SDK_SOURCE_PATH += lib_ux ifeq ($(TARGET_NAME),TARGET_NANOX) SDK_SOURCE_PATH += lib_blewbxx lib_blewbxx_impl endif cformat: clang-format -i src/*.c src/*.h load: all cp -a release/$(APPNAME).elf bin/app.elf cp -a release/$(APPNAME).hex bin/app.hex cp -a release/$(APPNAME).asm debug/app.asm cp -a release/$(APPNAME).map debug/app.map python -m ledgerblue.loadApp $(APP_LOAD_PARAMS) run: python -m ledgerblue.runApp --appName $(APPNAME) exit: echo -e "0020008206313233343536\n0002000000" |scriptor -r "Ledger Nano S [Nano S] (0001) 01 00" delete: python -m ledgerblue.deleteApp $(COMMON_DELETE_PARAMS) # import generic rules from the user and SDK -include Makefile.rules #include $(BOLOS_SDK)/Makefile.rules #add dependency on custom makefile filename dep/%.d: %.c Makefile