# Unit tests ## Prerequisite Be sure to have installed: - CMake >= 3.10 - CMocka >= 1.1.5 and for code coverage generation: - lcov >= 1.14 ## Overview In `unit-tests` folder, compile with: ```shell cmake -Bbuild -H. && make -C build ``` and run tests with: ```shell CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make -C build test ``` To get more verbose output, use: ```shell CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make -C build test ARGS="-V" ``` Or also directly with: ```shell CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 build/test_io ``` ## Generate code coverage Just execute in `unit-tests` folder: ```shell ./gen_coverage.sh ``` it will output `coverage.total` and `coverage/` folder with HTML details (in `coverage/index.html`).