This application implements "The OpenPGP card" specification revision 3.0. This specification is available in *doc* directory and at .
Building from sources requires the the Nano S SDK on firmware 1.3.1. See
The SDK must be slightly modified:
- replace lib_stusb/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/CCID/src/usbd_ccid_if.c and - replace lib_stusb/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/CCID/inc/usbd_ccid_if.h by the one provided in sdk/ directory
- edit script.ld and modify the stack size : STACK_SIZE = 832;
1. First it is necessary to [disable SIP]( That doesn't allow the editing of files in /usr/.
2. You have to have to add the NanoS to /usr/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
In <key>ifdVendorID</key> add the entry <string>0x2C97</string>
In <key>ifdProductID</key> add the entry <string>0x0001</string>
In <key>ifdFriendlyName</key> add the entry <string>Ledger Token</string>
This 3 entries must be added at the end of each list.