You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33448 lines
1.8 MiB

"cells": [
"attachments": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Recommendation using embeddings and nearest neighbor search\n",
"Recommendations are widespread across the web.\n",
"- 'Bought that item? Try these similar items.'\n",
"- 'Enjoy that book? Try these similar titles.'\n",
"- 'Not the help page you were looking for? Try these similar pages.'\n",
"This notebook demonstrates how to use embeddings to find similar items to recommend. In particular, we use [AG's corpus of news articles]( as our dataset.\n",
"Our model will answer the question: given an article, what other articles are most similar to it?"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 1. Imports\n",
"First, let's import the packages and functions we'll need for later. If you don't have these, you'll need to install them. You can install them via your terminal by running `pip install {package_name}`, e.g. `pip install pandas`."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# imports\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import pickle\n",
"from openai.embeddings_utils import (\n",
" get_embedding,\n",
" distances_from_embeddings,\n",
" tsne_components_from_embeddings,\n",
" chart_from_components,\n",
" indices_of_nearest_neighbors_from_distances,\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 2. Load data\n",
"Next, let's load the AG news data and see what it looks like."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>title</th>\n",
" <th>description</th>\n",
" <th>label_int</th>\n",
" <th>label</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>World Briefings</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>World</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>Nvidia Puts a Firewall on a Motherboard (PC Wo...</td>\n",
" <td>PC World - Upcoming chip set will include buil...</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>Sci/Tech</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>Olympic joy in Greek, Chinese press</td>\n",
" <td>Newspapers in Greece reflect a mixture of exhi...</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>Sports</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>U2 Can iPod with Pictures</td>\n",
" <td>SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple Computer (Quote, Cha...</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>Sci/Tech</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>The Dream Factory</td>\n",
" <td>Any product, any shape, any size -- manufactur...</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>Sci/Tech</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" title \\\n",
"0 World Briefings \n",
"1 Nvidia Puts a Firewall on a Motherboard (PC Wo... \n",
"2 Olympic joy in Greek, Chinese press \n",
"3 U2 Can iPod with Pictures \n",
"4 The Dream Factory \n",
" description label_int label \n",
"1 PC World - Upcoming chip set will include buil... 4 Sci/Tech \n",
"2 Newspapers in Greece reflect a mixture of exhi... 2 Sports \n",
"3 SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple Computer (Quote, Cha... 4 Sci/Tech \n",
"4 Any product, any shape, any size -- manufactur... 4 Sci/Tech "
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"# load data (full dataset available at\n",
"dataset_path = \"\"\n",
"df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path)\n",
"# print dataframe\n",
"n_examples = 5\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Let's take a look at those same examples, but not truncated by ellipses."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Title: World Briefings\n",
"Description: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.\n",
"Label: World\n",
"Title: Nvidia Puts a Firewall on a Motherboard (PC World)\n",
"Description: PC World - Upcoming chip set will include built-in security features for your PC.\n",
"Label: Sci/Tech\n",
"Title: Olympic joy in Greek, Chinese press\n",
"Description: Newspapers in Greece reflect a mixture of exhilaration that the Athens Olympics proved successful, and relief that they passed off without any major setback.\n",
"Label: Sports\n",
"Title: U2 Can iPod with Pictures\n",
"Description: SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple Computer (Quote, Chart) unveiled a batch of new iPods, iTunes software and promos designed to keep it atop the heap of digital music players.\n",
"Label: Sci/Tech\n",
"Title: The Dream Factory\n",
"Description: Any product, any shape, any size -- manufactured on your desktop! The future is the fabricator. By Bruce Sterling from Wired magazine.\n",
"Label: Sci/Tech\n"
"source": [
"# print the title, description, and label of each example\n",
"for idx, row in df.head(n_examples).iterrows():\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" print(f\"Title: {row['title']}\")\n",
" print(f\"Description: {row['description']}\")\n",
" print(f\"Label: {row['label']}\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 3. Build cache to save embeddings\n",
"Before getting embeddings for these articles, let's set up a cache to save the embeddings we generate. In general, it's a good idea to save your embeddings so you can re-use them later. If you don't save them, you'll pay again each time you compute them again.\n",
"To save you the expense of computing the embeddings needed for this demo, we've provided a pre-filled cache via the URL below. The cache is a dictionary that maps tuples of `(text, engine)` to a `list of floats` embedding. The cache is saved as a Python pickle file."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# establish a cache of embeddings to avoid recomputing\n",
"# cache is a dict of tuples (text, engine) -> embedding, saved as a pickle file\n",
"# set path to embedding cache\n",
"embedding_cache_path_to_load = \"example_embeddings_cache.pkl\"\n",
"embedding_cache_path_to_save = \"example_embeddings_cache.pkl\"\n",
"# load the cache if it exists, and save a copy to disk\n",
" embedding_cache = pd.read_pickle(embedding_cache_path_to_load)\n",
"except FileNotFoundError:\n",
" embedding_cache = {}\n",
"with open(embedding_cache_path_to_save, \"wb\") as embedding_cache_file:\n",
" pickle.dump(embedding_cache, embedding_cache_file)\n",
"# define a function to retrieve embeddings from the cache if present, and otherwise request via the API\n",
"def embedding_from_string(\n",
" string: str,\n",
" engine: str = \"text-embedding-ada-002\",\n",
" embedding_cache=embedding_cache\n",
") -> list:\n",
" \"\"\"Return embedding of given string, using a cache to avoid recomputing.\"\"\"\n",
" if (string, engine) not in embedding_cache.keys():\n",
" embedding_cache[(string, engine)] = get_embedding(string, engine)\n",
" with open(embedding_cache_path_to_save, \"wb\") as embedding_cache_file:\n",
" pickle.dump(embedding_cache, embedding_cache_file)\n",
" return embedding_cache[(string, engine)]"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Let's check that it works by getting an embedding."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Example string: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.\n",
"Example embedding: [-0.010660368017852306, -0.022390639409422874, -0.008842820301651955, -0.025445666164159775, 0.03140103444457054, 0.010763490572571754, -0.016757531091570854, 0.004205495584756136, -0.008024279028177261, -0.02146252989768982]...\n"
"source": [
"# as an example, take the first description from the dataset\n",
"example_string = df[\"description\"].values[0]\n",
"print(f\"\\nExample string: {example_string}\")\n",
"# print the first 10 dimensions of the embedding\n",
"example_embedding = embedding_from_string(example_string)\n",
"print(f\"\\nExample embedding: {example_embedding[:10]}...\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 4. Recommend similar articles based on embeddings\n",
"To find similar articles, let's follow a three-step plan:\n",
"1. Get the similarity embeddings of all the article descriptions\n",
"2. Calculate the distance between a source title and all other articles\n",
"3. Print out the other articles closest to the source title"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def print_recommendations_from_strings(\n",
" strings: list[str],\n",
" index_of_source_string: int,\n",
" k_nearest_neighbors: int = 1,\n",
" engine=\"text-embedding-ada-002\",\n",
") -> list[int]:\n",
" \"\"\"Print out the k nearest neighbors of a given string.\"\"\"\n",
" # get embeddings for all strings\n",
" embeddings = [embedding_from_string(string, engine=engine) for string in strings]\n",
" # get the embedding of the source string\n",
" query_embedding = embeddings[index_of_source_string]\n",
" # get distances between the source embedding and other embeddings (function from\n",
" distances = distances_from_embeddings(query_embedding, embeddings, distance_metric=\"cosine\")\n",
" # get indices of nearest neighbors (function from\n",
" indices_of_nearest_neighbors = indices_of_nearest_neighbors_from_distances(distances)\n",
" # print out source string\n",
" query_string = strings[index_of_source_string]\n",
" print(f\"Source string: {query_string}\")\n",
" # print out its k nearest neighbors\n",
" k_counter = 0\n",
" for i in indices_of_nearest_neighbors:\n",
" # skip any strings that are identical matches to the starting string\n",
" if query_string == strings[i]:\n",
" continue\n",
" # stop after printing out k articles\n",
" if k_counter >= k_nearest_neighbors:\n",
" break\n",
" k_counter += 1\n",
" # print out the similar strings and their distances\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"\"\"\n",
" --- Recommendation #{k_counter} (nearest neighbor {k_counter} of {k_nearest_neighbors}) ---\n",
" String: {strings[i]}\n",
" Distance: {distances[i]:0.3f}\"\"\"\n",
" )\n",
" return indices_of_nearest_neighbors"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 5. Example recommendations\n",
"Let's look for articles similar to first one, which was about Tony Blair."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Source string: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.\n",
" --- Recommendation #1 (nearest neighbor 1 of 5) ---\n",
" String: THE re-election of British Prime Minister Tony Blair would be seen as an endorsement of the military action in Iraq, Prime Minister John Howard said today.\n",
" Distance: 0.153\n",
" --- Recommendation #2 (nearest neighbor 2 of 5) ---\n",
" String: LONDON, England -- A US scientist is reported to have observed a surprising jump in the amount of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.\n",
" Distance: 0.160\n",
" --- Recommendation #3 (nearest neighbor 3 of 5) ---\n",
" String: The anguish of hostage Kenneth Bigley in Iraq hangs over Prime Minister Tony Blair today as he faces the twin test of a local election and a debate by his Labour Party about the divisive war.\n",
" Distance: 0.160\n",
" --- Recommendation #4 (nearest neighbor 4 of 5) ---\n",
" String: Israel is prepared to back a Middle East conference convened by Tony Blair early next year despite having expressed fears that the British plans were over-ambitious and designed \n",
" Distance: 0.171\n",
" --- Recommendation #5 (nearest neighbor 5 of 5) ---\n",
" String: AFP - A battle group of British troops rolled out of southern Iraq on a US-requested mission to deadlier areas near Baghdad, in a major political gamble for British Prime Minister Tony Blair.\n",
" Distance: 0.173\n"
"source": [
"article_descriptions = df[\"description\"].tolist()\n",
"tony_blair_articles = print_recommendations_from_strings(\n",
" strings=article_descriptions, # let's base similarity off of the article description\n",
" index_of_source_string=0, # let's look at articles similar to the first one about Tony Blair\n",
" k_nearest_neighbors=5, # let's look at the 5 most similar articles\n",
"attachments": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Pretty good! 4 of the 5 recommendations explicitly mention Tony Blair and the fifth is an article from London about climate change, topics that might be often associated with Tony Blair."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Let's see how our recommender does on the second example article about NVIDIA's new chipset with more security."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Source string: PC World - Upcoming chip set will include built-in security features for your PC.\n",
" --- Recommendation #1 (nearest neighbor 1 of 5) ---\n",
" String: PC World - Updated antivirus software for businesses adds intrusion prevention features.\n",
" Distance: 0.112\n",
" --- Recommendation #2 (nearest neighbor 2 of 5) ---\n",
" String: PC World - The one-time World Class Product of the Year PDA gets a much-needed upgrade.\n",
" Distance: 0.145\n",
" --- Recommendation #3 (nearest neighbor 3 of 5) ---\n",
" String: PC World - Send your video throughout your house--wirelessly--with new gateways and media adapters.\n",
" Distance: 0.153\n",
" --- Recommendation #4 (nearest neighbor 4 of 5) ---\n",
" String: PC World - Symantec, McAfee hope raising virus-definition fees will move users to\\ suites.\n",
" Distance: 0.157\n",
" --- Recommendation #5 (nearest neighbor 5 of 5) ---\n",
" String: Gateway computers will be more widely available at Office Depot, in the PC maker #39;s latest move to broaden distribution at retail stores since acquiring rival eMachines this year. \n",
" Distance: 0.168\n"
"source": [
"chipset_security_articles = print_recommendations_from_strings(\n",
" strings=article_descriptions, # let's base similarity off of the article description\n",
" index_of_source_string=1, # let's look at articles similar to the second one about a more secure chipset\n",
" k_nearest_neighbors=5, # let's look at the 5 most similar articles\n",
"attachments": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"From the printed distances, you can see that the #1 recommendation is much closer than all the others (0.11 vs 0.15+). And the #1 recommendation looks very similar to the starting article - it's another article from PC World about increasing computer security. Pretty good! "
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Appendix: Using embeddings in more sophisticated recommenders\n",
"A more sophisticated way to build a recommender system is to train a machine learning model that takes in tens or hundreds of signals, such as item popularity or user click data. Even in this system, embeddings can be a very useful signal into the recommender, especially for items that are being 'cold started' with no user data yet (e.g., a brand new product added to the catalog without any clicks yet)."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Appendix: Using embeddings to visualize similar articles"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"To get a sense of what our nearest neighbor recommender is doing, let's visualize the article embeddings. Although we can't plot the 2048 dimensions of each embedding vector, we can use techniques like [t-SNE]( or [PCA]( to compress the embeddings down into 2 or 3 dimensions, which we can chart.\n",
"Before visualizing the nearest neighbors, let's visualize all of the article descriptions using t-SNE. Note that t-SNE is not deterministic, meaning that results may vary from run to run."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/Users/ted/.virtualenvs/openai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/manifold/ FutureWarning: The PCA initialization in TSNE will change to have the standard deviation of PC1 equal to 1e-4 in 1.2. This will ensure better convergence.\n",
" warnings.warn(\n"
"data": {
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"config": {
"plotlyServerURL": ""
"data": [
"customdata": [
"BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF<br>CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister<br>Tony Blair urged the<br>international community to<br>consider global warming a dire<br>threat and agree on a plan of<br>action to curb the<br>quot;alarming quot; growth of<br>greenhouse gases."
"KABUL, Sept 22 (AFP): Three US<br>soldiers were killed and 14<br>wounded in a series of fierce<br>clashes with suspected Taliban<br>fighters in south and eastern<br>Afghanistan this week, the US<br>military said Wednesday."
"AUSTRALIAN journalist John<br>Martinkus is lucky to be alive<br>after spending 24 hours in the<br>hands of Iraqi militants at<br>the weekend. Martinkus was in<br>Baghdad working for the SBS<br>Dateline TV current affairs<br>program"
" GAZA (Reuters) - An Israeli<br>helicopter fired a missile<br>into a town in the southern<br>Gaza Strip late on Wednesday,<br>witnesses said, hours after a<br>Palestinian suicide bomber<br>blew herself up in Jerusalem,<br>killing two Israeli border<br>policemen."
"RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi<br>police are seeking two young<br>men in the killing of a Briton<br>in a Riyadh parking lot, the<br>Interior Ministry said today,<br>and the British ambassador<br>called it a terrorist attack."
"A gas explosion at a coal mine<br>in northern China killed 33<br>workers in the 10th deadly<br>mine blast reported in three<br>months. The explosion occurred<br>yesterday at 4:20 pm at Nanlou<br>township"
"Reuters - Palestinian leader<br>Mahmoud Abbas called\\Israel<br>\"the Zionist enemy\" Tuesday,<br>unprecedented language for\\the<br>relative moderate who is<br>expected to succeed Yasser<br>Arafat."
"Nasser al-Qidwa, Palestinian<br>representative at the United<br>Nations and nephew of late<br>leader Yasser Arafat, handed<br>Arafat #39;s death report to<br>the Palestinian National<br>Authority (PNA) on Saturday."
"CAIRO, Egypt - France's<br>foreign minister appealed<br>Monday for the release of two<br>French journalists abducted in<br>Baghdad, saying the French<br>respect all religions. He did<br>not rule out traveling to<br>Baghdad..."
"United Arab Emirates President<br>and ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheik<br>Zayed bin Sultan al-Nayhan<br>died Tuesday, official<br>television reports. He was 86."
"PALESTINIAN leader Yasser<br>Arafat today issued an urgent<br>call for the immediate release<br>of two French journalists<br>taken hostage in Iraq."
"The al-Qaida terrorist network<br>spent less than \\$50,000 on<br>each of its major attacks<br>except for the Sept. 11, 2001,<br>suicide hijackings, and one of<br>its hallmarks is using"
"A FATHER who scaled the walls<br>of a Cardiff court dressed as<br>superhero Robin said the<br>Buckingham Palace protester<br>posed no threat. Fathers 4<br>Justice activist Jim Gibson,<br>who earlier this year staged<br>an eye-catching"
"Julia Gillard has reportedly<br>bowed out of the race to<br>become shadow treasurer,<br>taking enormous pressure off<br>Opposition Leader Mark Latham."
"AFP - Maybe it's something to<br>do with the fact that the<br>playing area is so vast that<br>you need a good pair of<br>binoculars to see the action<br>if it's not taking place right<br>in front of the stands."
"Egypt #39;s release of accused<br>Israeli spy Azzam Azzam in an<br>apparent swap for six Egyptian<br>students held on suspicion of<br>terrorism is expected to melt<br>the ice and perhaps result"
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip: Hamas<br>militants killed an Israeli<br>soldier and wounded four with<br>an explosion in a booby-<br>trapped chicken coop on<br>Tuesday, in what the Islamic<br>group said was an elaborate<br>scheme to lure troops to the<br>area with the help of a double"
"AP - The 300 men filling out<br>forms in the offices of an<br>Iranian aid group were offered<br>three choices: Train for<br>suicide attacks against U.S.<br>troops in Iraq, for suicide<br>attacks against Israelis or to<br>assassinate British author<br>Salman Rushdie."
"ATHENS, Greece - Gail Devers,<br>the most talented yet star-<br>crossed hurdler of her<br>generation, was unable to<br>complete even one hurdle in<br>100-meter event Sunday -<br>failing once again to win an<br>Olympic hurdling medal.<br>Devers, 37, who has three<br>world championships in the<br>hurdles but has always flopped<br>at the Olympics, pulled up<br>short and screamed as she slid<br>under the first hurdle..."
" NAIROBI (Reuters) - The<br>Sudanese government and its<br>southern rebel opponents have<br>agreed to sign a pledge in the<br>Kenyan capital on Friday to<br>formally end a brutal 21-year-<br>old civil war, with U.N.<br>Security Council ambassadors<br>as witnesses."
"AP - Former Guatemalan<br>President Alfonso Portillo<br>#151; suspected of corruption<br>at home #151; is living and<br>working part-time in the same<br>Mexican city he fled two<br>decades ago to avoid arrest on<br>murder charges, his close<br>associates told The Associated<br>Press on Sunday."
" - BRUSSELS,<br>Aug. 26 -- The United States<br>will have to wait until next<br>year to see its fight with the<br>European Union over biotech<br>foods resolved, as the World<br>Trade Organization agreed to<br>an E.U. request to bring<br>scientists into the debate,<br>officials said Thursday."
"Insisting that Hurriyat<br>Conference is the real<br>representative of Kashmiris,<br>Pakistan has claimed that<br>India is not ready to accept<br>ground realities in Kashmir."
"VIENNA -- After two years of<br>investigating Iran's atomic<br>program, the UN nuclear<br>watchdog still cannot rule out<br>that Tehran has a secret atom<br>bomb project as Washington<br>insists, the agency's chief<br>said yesterday."
"AFP - US Secretary of State<br>Colin Powell wrapped up a<br>three-nation tour of Asia<br>after winning pledges from<br>Japan, China and South Korea<br>to press North Korea to resume<br>stalled talks on its nuclear<br>weapons programs."
"CAIRO, Egypt An Egyptian<br>company says one of its four<br>workers who had been kidnapped<br>in Iraq has been freed. It<br>says it can #39;t give the<br>status of the others being<br>held hostage but says it is<br>quot;doing its best to secure<br>quot; their release."
"AFP - Hosts India braced<br>themselves for a harrowing<br>chase on a wearing wicket in<br>the first Test after Australia<br>declined to enforce the<br>follow-on here."
"Prime Minister Paul Martin of<br>Canada urged Haitian leaders<br>on Sunday to allow the<br>political party of the deposed<br>president, Jean-Bertrand<br>Aristide, to take part in new<br>elections."
"Hostage takers holding up to<br>240 people at a school in<br>southern Russia have refused<br>to talk with a top Islamic<br>leader and demanded to meet<br>with regional leaders instead,<br>ITAR-TASS reported on<br>Wednesday."
"Three children from a care<br>home are missing on the<br>Lancashire moors after they<br>are separated from a group."
"Diabetics should test their<br>blood sugar levels more<br>regularly to reduce the risk<br>of cardiovascular disease, a<br>study says."
"Iraq's interim Prime Minister<br>Ayad Allawi announced that<br>proceedings would begin<br>against former Baath Party<br>leaders."
"A toxic batch of home-brewed<br>alcohol has killed 31 people<br>in several towns in central<br>Pakistan, police and hospital<br>officials say."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - North<br>Korea is committed to holding<br>six-party talks aimed at<br>resolving the crisis over its<br>nuclear weapons program, but<br>has not indicated when, a top<br>British official said on<br>Tuesday."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>interim government extended<br>the closure of Baghdad<br>international airport<br>indefinitely on Saturday<br>under emergency rule imposed<br>ahead of this week's U.S.-led<br>offensive on Falluja."
"Rivaling Bush vs. Kerry for<br>bitterness, doctors and trial<br>lawyers are squaring off this<br>fall in an unprecedented four-<br>state struggle over limiting<br>malpractice awards..."
"AP - Hundreds of tribesmen<br>gathered Tuesday near the area<br>where suspected al-Qaida-<br>linked militants are holding<br>two Chinese engineers and<br>demanding safe passage to<br>their reputed leader, a former<br>U.S. prisoner from Guantanamo<br>Bay, Cuba, officials and<br>residents said."
"In an alarming development,<br>high-precision equipment and<br>materials which could be used<br>for making nuclear bombs have<br>disappeared from some Iraqi<br>facilities, the United Nations<br>watchdog agency has said."
"A US airman dies and two are<br>hurt as a helicopter crashes<br>due to technical problems in<br>western Afghanistan."
"Jacques Chirac has ruled out<br>any withdrawal of French<br>troops from Ivory Coast,<br>despite unrest and anti-French<br>attacks, which have forced the<br>evacuation of thousands of<br>Westerners."
"Japanese Prime Minister<br>Junichiro Koizumi reshuffled<br>his cabinet yesterday,<br>replacing several top<br>ministers in an effort to<br>boost his popularity,<br>consolidate political support<br>and quicken the pace of<br>reforms in the world #39;s<br>second-largest economy."
"TBILISI (Reuters) - At least<br>two Georgian soldiers were<br>killed and five wounded in<br>artillery fire with<br>separatists in the breakaway<br>region of South Ossetia,<br>Georgian officials said on<br>Wednesday."
"Laksamana.Net - Two Indonesian<br>female migrant workers freed<br>by militants in Iraq are<br>expected to arrive home within<br>a day or two, the Foreign<br>Affairs Ministry said<br>Wednesday (6/10/04)."
"A bus was hijacked today and<br>shots were fired at police who<br>surrounded it on the outskirts<br>of Athens. Police did not know<br>how many passengers were<br>aboard the bus."
"AP - President Bashar Assad<br>shuffled his Cabinet on<br>Monday, just weeks after the<br>United States and the United<br>Nations challenged Syria over<br>its military presence in<br>Lebanon and the security<br>situation along its border<br>with Iraq."
"AP - President Vladimir Putin<br>has signed a bill confirming<br>Russia's ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol, the Kremlin<br>said Friday, clearing the way<br>for the global climate pact to<br>come into force early next<br>year."
"AP - The authenticity of newly<br>unearthed memos stating that<br>George W. Bush failed to meet<br>standards of the Texas Air<br>National Guard during the<br>Vietnam War was questioned<br>Thursday by the son of the<br>late officer who reportedly<br>wrote the memos."
"Canadian Press - OAKVILLE,<br>Ont. (CP) - The body of a<br>missing autistic man was<br>pulled from a creek Monday,<br>just metres from where a key<br>piece of evidence was<br>uncovered but originally<br>overlooked because searchers<br>had the wrong information."
"AFP - German Chancellor<br>Gerhard Schroeder arrived in<br>Libya for an official visit<br>during which he is to hold<br>talks with Libyan leader<br>Moamer Kadhafi."
"The government will examine<br>claims 100,000 Iraqi civilians<br>have been killed since the US-<br>led invasion, Jack Straw says."
"Eton College and Clarence<br>House joined forces yesterday<br>to deny allegations due to be<br>made at an employment tribunal<br>today by a former art teacher<br>that she improperly helped<br>Prince Harry secure an A-level<br>pass in art two years ago."
"AFP - Great Britain's chances<br>of qualifying for the World<br>Group of the Davis Cup were<br>evaporating rapidly after<br>Austria moved into a 2-1 lead<br>following the doubles."
"Asia-Pacific leaders meet in<br>Australia to discuss how to<br>keep nuclear weapons out of<br>the hands of extremists."
" TALL AFAR, Iraq -- A three-<br>foot-high coil of razor wire,<br>21-ton armored vehicles and<br>American soldiers with black<br>M-4 assault rifles stood<br>between tens of thousands of<br>people and their homes last<br>week."
"LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. - Even<br>though he's facing double hip<br>replacement surgery, Bill<br>Smith is more than happy to<br>struggle out the door each<br>morning, limp past his brand<br>new P.T..."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>poured cold water on Tuesday<br>on recent international<br>efforts to restart stalled<br>peace talks with Syria, saying<br>there was \"no possibility\" of<br>returning to previous<br>discussions."
"Dutch smugness was slapped<br>hard during the past<br>fortnight. The rude awakening<br>began with the barbaric<br>slaying of controversial<br>filmmaker Theo van Gogh on<br>November 2. Then followed a<br>reciprocal cycle of some"
"pee writes quot;A passenger<br>on a commuter plane in<br>northern Norway attacked both<br>pilots and at least one<br>passenger with an axe as the<br>aircraft was coming in to<br>land."
"Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>pledged Sunday to escalate a<br>broad Israeli offensive in<br>northern Gaza, saying troops<br>will remain until Palestinian<br>rocket attacks are halted.<br>Israeli officials said the<br>offensive -- in which 58<br>Palestinians and three<br>Israelis have been killed --<br>will help clear the way for an<br>Israeli withdrawal."
"NEW YORK - Wall Street<br>professionals know to keep<br>their expectations in check in<br>September, historically the<br>worst month of the year for<br>stocks. As summertime draws to<br>a close, money managers are<br>getting back to business,<br>cleaning house, and often<br>sending the market lower in<br>the process..."
"A group linked to al Qaeda<br>ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said<br>it had tried to kill Iraq<br>#39;s environment minister on<br>Tuesday and warned it would<br>not miss next time, according<br>to an Internet statement."
"The Israeli military killed<br>four Palestinian militants on<br>Wednesday as troops in tanks<br>and armored vehicles pushed<br>into another town in the<br>northern Gaza Strip, extending"
"KIRKUK, Iraq - A suicide<br>attacker detonated a car bomb<br>Saturday outside a police<br>academy in the northern Iraqi<br>city of Kirkuk as hundreds of<br>trainees and civilians were<br>leaving for the day, killing<br>at least 20 people and<br>wounding 36, authorities said.<br>Separately, U.S and Iraqi<br>forces clashed with insurgents<br>in another part of northern<br>Iraq after launching an<br>operation to destroy an<br>alleged militant cell in the<br>town of Tal Afar, the U.S..."
"AP - Many states are facing<br>legal challenges over possible<br>voting problems Nov. 2. A look<br>at some of the developments<br>Thursday:"
"Israeli troops withdrew from<br>the southern Gaza Strip town<br>of Khan Yunis on Tuesday<br>morning, following a 30-hour<br>operation that left 17<br>Palestinians dead."
"PM-designate Omar Karameh<br>forms a new 30-member cabinet<br>which includes women for the<br>first time."
"Bahrain #39;s king pardoned a<br>human rights activist who<br>convicted of inciting hatred<br>of the government and<br>sentenced to one year in<br>prison Sunday in a case linked<br>to criticism of the prime<br>minister."
"Leaders from 38 Asian and<br>European nations are gathering<br>in Vietnam for a summit of the<br>Asia-Europe Meeting, know as<br>ASEM. One thousand delegates<br>are to discuss global trade<br>and regional politics during<br>the two-day forum."
"A US soldier has pleaded<br>guilty to murdering a wounded<br>16-year-old Iraqi boy. Staff<br>Sergeant Johnny Horne was<br>convicted Friday of the<br>unpremeditated murder"
"Guinea-Bissau #39;s army chief<br>of staff and former interim<br>president, General Verissimo<br>Correia Seabra, was killed<br>Wednesday during unrest by<br>mutinous soldiers in the<br>former Portuguese"
"31 October 2004 -- Exit polls<br>show that Prime Minister<br>Viktor Yanukovich and<br>challenger Viktor Yushchenko<br>finished on top in Ukraine<br>#39;s presidential election<br>today and will face each other<br>in a run-off next month."
"Rock singer Bono pledges to<br>spend the rest of his life<br>trying to eradicate extreme<br>poverty around the world."
"AP - Just when tourists<br>thought it was safe to go back<br>to the Princess Diana memorial<br>fountain, the mud has struck."
"AP - Three times a week, The<br>Associated Press picks an<br>issue and asks President Bush<br>and Democratic presidential<br>candidate John Kerry a<br>question about it. Today's<br>question and their responses:"
"In an apparent damage control<br>exercise, Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin on Saturday<br>said he favored veto rights<br>for India as new permanent<br>member of the UN Security<br>Council."
"AP - Nigeria's Senate has<br>ordered a subsidiary of<br>petroleum giant Royal/Dutch<br>Shell to pay a Nigerian ethnic<br>group #36;1.5 billion for oil<br>spills in their homelands, but<br>the legislative body can't<br>enforce the resolution, an<br>official said Wednesday."
"Australian troops in Baghdad<br>came under attack today for<br>the first time since the end<br>of the Iraq war when a car<br>bomb exploded injuring three<br>soldiers and damaging an<br>Australian armoured convoy."
"Pakistans decision to refuse<br>the International Atomic<br>Energy Agency to have direct<br>access to Dr AQ Khan is<br>correct on both legal and<br>political counts."
"MANILA, 4 December 2004 - With<br>floods receding, rescuers<br>raced to deliver food to<br>famished survivors in<br>northeastern Philippine<br>villages isolated by back-to-<br>back storms that left more<br>than 650 people dead and<br>almost 400 missing."
"Talks on where to build the<br>world #39;s first nuclear<br>fusion reactor ended without a<br>deal on Tuesday but the<br>European Union said Japan and<br>the United States no longer<br>firmly opposed its bid to put<br>the plant in France."
"CLEVELAND - The White House<br>said Vice President Dick<br>Cheney faces a \"master<br>litigator\" when he debates<br>Sen. John Edwards Tuesday<br>night, a backhanded compliment<br>issued as the Republican<br>administration defended itself<br>against criticism that it has<br>not acknowledged errors in<br>waging war in Iraq..."
"SEOUL (Reuters) - The chairman<br>of South Korea #39;s ruling<br>Uri Party resigned on Thursday<br>after saying his father had<br>served as a military police<br>officer during Japan #39;s<br>1910-1945 colonial rule on the<br>peninsula."
"ALERE, Uganda -- Kasmiro<br>Bongonyinge remembers sitting<br>up suddenly in his bed. It was<br>just after sunrise on a summer<br>morning two years ago, and the<br>old man, 87 years old and<br>blind, knew something was<br>wrong."
"JAKARTA - Official results<br>have confirmed former army<br>general Susilo Bambang<br>Yudhoyono as the winner of<br>Indonesia #39;s first direct<br>presidential election, while<br>incumbent Megawati<br>Sukarnoputri urged her nation<br>Thursday to wait for the<br>official announcement"
"Reuters - A ragged band of<br>children\\emerges ghost-like<br>from mists in Ethiopia's<br>highlands,\\thrusting bunches<br>of carrots at a car full of<br>foreigners."
"AP - A U.N. human rights<br>expert criticized the U.S.-led<br>coalition forces in<br>Afghanistan for violating<br>international law by allegedly<br>beating Afghans to death and<br>forcing some to remove their<br>clothes or wear hoods."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>said on Thursday Yasser<br>Arafat's death could be a<br>turning point for peacemaking<br>but he would pursue a<br>unilateral plan that would<br>strip Palestinians of some<br>land they want for a state."
" AL-ASAD AIRBASE, Iraq<br>(Reuters) - Defense Secretary<br>Donald Rumsfeld swept into an<br>airbase in Iraq's western<br>desert Sunday to make a<br>first-hand evaluation of<br>operations to quell a raging<br>Iraqi insurgency in his first<br>such visit in five months."
"WASHINGTON - Democrat John<br>Kerry accused President Bush<br>on Monday of sending U.S.<br>troops to the \"wrong war in<br>the wrong place at the wrong<br>time\" and said he'd try to<br>bring them all home in four<br>years..."
"More lorry drivers are<br>bringing supplies to Nepal's<br>capital in defiance of an<br>indefinite blockade by Maoist<br>rebels."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Floods<br>and landslides have killed 76<br>people in southwest China in<br>the past four days and washed<br>away homes and roads, knocked<br>down power lines and cut off<br>at least one city, state<br>media said on Monday."
"AP - Victims of the Sept. 11<br>attacks were mourned worldwide<br>Saturday, but in the Middle<br>East, amid sympathy for the<br>dead, Arabs said Washington's<br>support for Israel and the war<br>on terror launched in the<br>aftermath of the World Trade<br>Center's collapse have only<br>fueled anger and violence."
"SEATTLE - Ichiro Suzuki set<br>the major league record for<br>hits in a season with 258,<br>breaking George Sisler's<br>84-year-old mark with a pair<br>of singles Friday night. The<br>Seattle star chopped a leadoff<br>single in the first inning,<br>then made history with a<br>grounder up the middle in the<br>third..."
"The intruder who entered<br>British Queen Elizabeth II<br>#39;s official Scottish<br>residence and caused a<br>security scare was a reporter<br>from the London-based Sunday<br>Times newspaper, local media<br>reported Friday."
"Canadian Press - FREDERICTON<br>(CP) - A New Brunswick truck<br>driver arrested in Ontario<br>this week has been accused by<br>police of stealing 50,000 cans<br>of Moosehead beer."
"Chinese authorities detained a<br>prominent, U.S.-based Buddhist<br>leader in connection with his<br>plans to reopen an ancient<br>temple complex in the Chinese<br>province of Inner Mongolia<br>last week and have forced<br>dozens of his American<br>followers to leave the region,<br>local officials said<br>Wednesday."
"Adorned with Turkish and EU<br>flags, Turkey #39;s newspapers<br>hailed Thursday an official EU<br>report recommending the<br>country start talks to join<br>the bloc, while largely<br>ignoring the stringent<br>conditions attached to the<br>announcement."
"Thailand's prime minister<br>visits the southern town where<br>scores of Muslims died in army<br>custody after a rally."
"Beijing: At least 170 miners<br>were trapped underground after<br>a gas explosion on Sunday<br>ignited a fire in a coalmine<br>in north-west China #39;s<br>Shaanxi province, reports<br>said."
"SAMARRA (Iraq): With renewe d<br>wave of skirmishes between the<br>Iraqi insurgents and the US-<br>led coalition marines, several<br>people including top police<br>officers were put to death on<br>Saturday."
"AFP - Like most US Latinos,<br>members of the extended<br>Rodriguez family say they will<br>cast their votes for Democrat<br>John Kerry in next month's<br>presidential polls."
"FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Four Iraqi<br>fighters huddled in a trench,<br>firing rocket-propelled<br>grenades at Lieutenant Eric<br>Gregory's Bradley Fighting<br>Vehicle and the US tanks and<br>Humvees that were lumbering<br>through tight streets between<br>boxlike beige houses."
"AP - Several thousand<br>Christians who packed a<br>cathedral compound in the<br>Egyptian capital hurled stones<br>at riot police Wednesday to<br>protest a woman's alleged<br>forced conversion to Islam. At<br>least 30 people were injured."
"A group of Saudi religious<br>scholars have signed an open<br>letter urging Iraqis to<br>support jihad against US-led<br>forces. quot;Fighting the<br>occupiers is a duty for all<br>those who are able, quot; they<br>said in a statement posted on<br>the internet at the weekend."
"Mountaineers retrieve three<br>bodies believed to have been<br>buried for 22 years on an<br>Indian glacier."
"President Thabo Mbeki met with<br>Ivory Coast Prime Minister<br>Seydou Diarra for three hours<br>yesterday as part of talks<br>aimed at bringing peace to the<br>conflict-wracked Ivory Coast."
" KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal's<br>Maoist rebels have<br>temporarily suspended a<br>crippling economic blockade of<br>the capital from Wednesday,<br>saying the move was in<br>response to popular appeals."
"Reuters - An Algerian<br>suspected of being a leader\\of<br>the Madrid train bombers has<br>been identified as one of<br>seven\\people who blew<br>themselves up in April to<br>avoid arrest, Spain's\\Interior<br>Ministry said on Friday."
"KABUL: An Afghan man was found<br>guilty on Saturday of killing<br>four journalists in 2001,<br>including two from Reuters,<br>and sentenced to death."
"Yasser Arafat, the leader for<br>decades of a fight for<br>Palestinian independence from<br>Israel, has died at a military<br>hospital in Paris, according<br>to news reports."
" JABALYA, Gaza Strip (Reuters)<br>- Israel pulled most of its<br>forces out of the northern<br>Gaza Strip Saturday after a<br>four-day incursion it said<br>was staged to halt Palestinian<br>rocket attacks on southern<br>Israeli towns."
"THE Turkish embassy in Baghdad<br>was investigating a television<br>report that two Turkish<br>hostages had been killed in<br>Iraq, but no confirmation was<br>available so far, a senior<br>Turkish diplomat said today."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>supporters of<br>Ukraine's\\opposition leader,<br>Viktor Yushchenko, celebrated<br>on the streets\\in the early<br>hours on Monday after an exit<br>poll showed him\\winner of a<br>bitterly fought presidential<br>election."
"LONDON : The United States<br>faced rare criticism over<br>human rights from close ally<br>Britain, with an official<br>British government report<br>taking Washington to task over<br>concerns about Iraq and the<br>Guantanamo Bay jail."
"LONDON - A bomb threat that<br>mentioned Iraq forced a New<br>York-bound Greek airliner to<br>make an emergency landing<br>Sunday at London's Stansted<br>Airport escorted by military<br>jets, authorities said. An<br>airport spokeswoman said an<br>Athens newspaper had received<br>a phone call saying there was<br>a bomb on board the Olympic<br>Airlines plane..."
"ATHENS, Greece - Sheryl<br>Swoopes made three big plays<br>at the end - two baskets and<br>another on defense - to help<br>the United States squeeze out<br>a 66-62 semifinal victory over<br>Russia on Friday. Now, only<br>one game stands between the<br>U.S..."
"Scientists are developing a<br>device which could improve the<br>lives of kidney dialysis<br>patients."
"KABUL, Afghanistan The Afghan<br>government is blaming drug<br>smugglers for yesterday #39;s<br>attack on the leading vice<br>presidential candidate ."
"One of the leading figures in<br>the Greek Orthodox Church, the<br>Patriarch of Alexandria Peter<br>VII, has been killed in a<br>helicopter crash in the Aegean<br>Sea."
"CANBERRA, Australia -- The<br>sweat-stained felt hats worn<br>by Australian cowboys, as much<br>a part of the Outback as<br>kangaroos and sun-baked soil,<br>may be heading for the history<br>books. They fail modern<br>industrial safety standards."
"A London-to-Washington flight<br>is diverted after a security<br>alert involving the singer<br>formerly known as Cat Stevens."
"AP - President Bush declared<br>Friday that charges of voter<br>fraud have cast doubt on the<br>Ukrainian election, and warned<br>that any European-negotiated<br>pact on Iran's nuclear program<br>must ensure the world can<br>verify Tehran's compliance."
"TheSpaceShipOne team is handed<br>the \\$10m cheque and trophy it<br>won for claiming the Ansari<br>X-Prize."
"Security officials have<br>identified six of the<br>militants who seized a school<br>in southern Russia as being<br>from Chechnya, drawing a<br>strong connection to the<br>Chechen insurgents who have<br>been fighting Russian forces<br>for years."
"SEOUL -- North Korea set three<br>conditions yesterday to be met<br>before it would consider<br>returning to six-party talks<br>on its nuclear programs."
"US-backed Iraqi commandos were<br>poised Friday to storm rebel<br>strongholds in the northern<br>city of Mosul, as US military<br>commanders said they had<br>quot;broken the back quot; of<br>the insurgency with their<br>assault on the former rebel<br>bastion of Fallujah."
"JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime<br>Minister Ariel Sharon, facing<br>a party mutiny over his plan<br>to quit the Gaza Strip, has<br>approved 1,000 more Israeli<br>settler homes in the West Bank<br>in a move that drew a cautious<br>response on Tuesday from ..."
"GHAZNI, Afghanistan, 6 October<br>2004 - Wartime security was<br>rolled out for Afghanistans<br>interim President Hamid Karzai<br>as he addressed his first<br>election campaign rally<br>outside the capital yesterday<br>amid spiraling violence."
"China has confirmed that it<br>found a deadly strain of bird<br>flu in pigs as early as two<br>years ago. China #39;s<br>Agriculture Ministry said two<br>cases had been discovered, but<br>it did not say exactly where<br>the samples had been taken."
"AP - Ten years after the Irish<br>Republican Army's momentous<br>cease-fire, negotiations<br>resumed Wednesday in hope of<br>reviving a Catholic-Protestant<br>administration, an elusive<br>goal of Northern Ireland's<br>hard-fought peace process."
" SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican<br>Republic, Sept. 18 -- Tropical<br>Storm Jeanne headed for the<br>Bahamas on Saturday after an<br>assault on the Dominican<br>Republic that killed 10<br>people, destroyed hundreds of<br>houses and forced thousands<br>from their homes."
"An explosion tore apart a car<br>in Gaza City Monday, killing<br>at least one person,<br>Palestinian witnesses said.<br>They said Israeli warplanes<br>were circling overhead at the<br>time of the blast, indicating<br>a possible missile strike."
"Beijing, Oct. 25 (PTI): China<br>and the US today agreed to<br>work jointly to re-energise<br>the six-party talks mechanism<br>aimed at dismantling North<br>Korea #39;s nuclear programmes<br>while Washington urged Beijing<br>to resume"
"AFP - Sporadic gunfire and<br>shelling took place overnight<br>in the disputed Georgian<br>region of South Ossetia in<br>violation of a fragile<br>ceasefire, wounding seven<br>Georgian servicemen."
" FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) -<br>U.S. forces hit Iraq's rebel<br>stronghold of Falluja with the<br>fiercest air and ground<br>bombardment in months, as<br>insurgents struck back on<br>Saturday with attacks that<br>killed up to 37 people in<br>Samarra."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - The<br>fate of a radical Shi'ite<br>rebellion in the holy city of<br>Najaf was uncertain Friday<br>amid disputed reports that<br>Iraqi police had gained<br>control of the Imam Ali<br>Mosque."
"Until this week, only a few<br>things about the strange,<br>long-ago disappearance of<br>Charles Robert Jenkins were<br>known beyond a doubt. In the<br>bitter cold of Jan. 5, 1965,<br>the 24-year-old US Army<br>sergeant was leading"
"The United States on Tuesday<br>modified slightly a threat of<br>sanctions on Sudan #39;s oil<br>industry in a revised text of<br>its UN resolution on<br>atrocities in the country<br>#39;s Darfur region."
"AP - France intensified<br>efforts Tuesday to save the<br>lives of two journalists held<br>hostage in Iraq, and the Arab<br>League said the militants'<br>deadline for France to revoke<br>a ban on Islamic headscarves<br>in schools had been extended."
"At least 12 people die in an<br>explosion at a fuel pipeline<br>on the outskirts of Nigeria's<br>biggest city, Lagos."
"Volkswagen demanded a two-year<br>wage freeze for the<br>170,000-strong workforce at<br>Europe #39;s biggest car maker<br>yesterday, provoking union<br>warnings of imminent conflict<br>at key pay and conditions<br>negotiations."
"Citing security concerns, the<br>U.S. Embassy on Thursday<br>banned its employees from<br>using the highway linking the<br>embassy area to the<br>international airport, a<br>10-mile stretch of road<br>plagued by frequent suicide<br>car-bomb attacks."
"AP - Tom Daschle bade his<br>fellow Senate Democrats<br>farewell Tuesday with a plea<br>that they seek common ground<br>with Republicans yet continue<br>to fight for the less<br>fortunate."
"AP - Police defused a bomb in<br>a town near Prime Minister<br>Silvio Berlusconi's villa on<br>the island of Sardinia on<br>Wednesday shortly after<br>British Prime Minister Tony<br>Blair finished a visit there<br>with the Italian leader."
"The coffin of Yasser Arafat,<br>draped with the Palestinian<br>flag, was bound for Ramallah<br>in the West Bank Friday,<br>following a formal funeral on<br>a military compound near<br>Cairo."
"US Ambassador to the United<br>Nations John Danforth resigned<br>on Thursday after serving in<br>the post for less than six<br>months. Danforth, 68, said in<br>a letter released Thursday"
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Photos<br>were published yesterday in<br>newspapers across Pakistan of<br>six terror suspects, including<br>a senior Al Qaeda operative,<br>the government says were<br>behind attempts to assassinate<br>the nation's president."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The Athens<br>Paralympics canceled<br>celebrations at its closing<br>ceremony after seven<br>schoolchildren traveling to<br>watch the event died in a bus<br>crash on Monday."
"DUBAI : An Islamist group has<br>threatened to kill two Italian<br>women held hostage in Iraq if<br>Rome does not withdraw its<br>troops from the war-torn<br>country within 24 hours,<br>according to an internet<br>statement."
"A heavy quake rocked Indonesia<br>#39;s Papua province killing<br>at least 11 people and<br>wounding 75. The quake<br>destroyed 150 buildings,<br>including churches, mosques<br>and schools."
"Reuters - A small group of<br>suspected\\gunmen stormed<br>Uganda's Water Ministry<br>Wednesday and took<br>three\\people hostage to<br>protest against proposals to<br>allow President\\Yoweri<br>Museveni for a third<br>term.\\Police and soldiers with<br>assault rifles cordoned off<br>the\\three-story building, just<br>328 feet from Uganda's<br>parliament\\building in the<br>capital Kampala."
"Venezuela suggested Friday<br>that exiles living in Florida<br>may have masterminded the<br>assassination of a prosecutor<br>investigating a short-lived<br>coup against leftist President<br>Hugo Chvez"
"Facing a popular outcry at<br>home and stern warnings from<br>Europe, the Turkish government<br>discreetly stepped back<br>Tuesday from a plan to<br>introduce a motion into a<br>crucial penal reform bill to<br>make adultery a crime<br>punishable by prison."
"North-west Norfolk MP Henry<br>Bellingham has called for the<br>release of an old college<br>friend accused of plotting a<br>coup in Equatorial Guinea."
"AFP - Want to buy a castle?<br>Head for the former East<br>Germany."
"AFP - Steven Gerrard has moved<br>to allay Liverpool fans' fears<br>that he could be out until<br>Christmas after breaking a<br>metatarsal bone in his left<br>foot."
"MINSK - Legislative elections<br>in Belarus held at the same<br>time as a referendum on<br>whether President Alexander<br>Lukashenko should be allowed<br>to seek a third term fell<br>significantly short of<br>democratic standards, foreign<br>observers said here Monday."
"An Olympic sailor is charged<br>with the manslaughter of a<br>Briton who died after being<br>hit by a car in Athens."
"AP - Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Friday praised the<br>peace deal that ended fighting<br>in Iraq's holy city of Najaf<br>and said the presence of U.S.<br>forces in the area helped make<br>it possible."
"26 August 2004 -- Iraq #39;s<br>top Shi #39;ite cleric, Grand<br>Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,<br>arrived in the city of Al-<br>Najaf today in a bid to end a<br>weeks-long conflict between US<br>forces and militiamen loyal to<br>Shi #39;ite cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"PARIS : French trade unions<br>called on workers at France<br>Telecom to stage a 24-hour<br>strike September 7 to protest<br>government plans to privatize<br>the public telecommunications<br>operator, union sources said."
"The Indonesian tourism<br>industry has so far not been<br>affected by last week #39;s<br>bombing outside the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta and<br>officials said they do not<br>expect a significant drop in<br>visitor numbers as a result of<br>the attack."
"MARK Thatcher will have to<br>wait until at least next April<br>to face trial on allegations<br>he helped bankroll a coup<br>attempt in oil-rich Equatorial<br>Guinea."
"NEW YORK - A drop in oil<br>prices and upbeat outlooks<br>from Wal-Mart and Lowe's<br>helped send stocks sharply<br>higher Monday on Wall Street,<br>with the swing exaggerated by<br>thin late summer trading. The<br>Dow Jones industrials surged<br>nearly 130 points..."
"ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia --<br>Hundreds of protesters<br>ransacked and occupied the<br>regional administration<br>building in a southern Russian<br>province Tuesday, demanding<br>the resignation of the region<br>#39;s president, whose former<br>son-in-law has been linked to<br>a multiple"
"AFP - Iraqi Foreign Minister<br>Hoshyar Zebari arrived<br>unexpectedly in the holy city<br>of Mecca Wednesday where he<br>met Crown Prince Abdullah bin<br>Abdul Aziz, the official SPA<br>news agency reported."
"Haitian police and UN troops<br>moved into a slum neighborhood<br>on Sunday and cleared street<br>barricades that paralyzed a<br>part of the capital."
"withdrawal of troops and<br>settlers from occupied Gaza<br>next year. Militants seek to<br>claim any pullout as a<br>victory. quot;Islamic Jihad<br>will not be broken by this<br>martyrdom, quot; said Khaled<br>al-Batsh, a senior political<br>leader in Gaza."
"The U.S. military has found<br>nearly 20 houses where<br>intelligence officers believe<br>hostages were tortured or<br>killed in this city, including<br>the house with the cage that<br>held a British contractor who<br>was beheaded last month."
"AFP - Opponents of the Lao<br>government may be plotting<br>bomb attacks in Vientiane and<br>other areas of Laos timed to<br>coincide with a summit of<br>Southeast Asian leaders the<br>country is hosting next month,<br>the United States said."
"AP - Russia agreed Thursday to<br>send warships to help NATO<br>naval patrols that monitor<br>suspicious vessels in the<br>Mediterranean, part of a push<br>for closer counterterrorism<br>cooperation between Moscow and<br>the western alliance."
"A military plane crashed in<br>the mountains near Caracas,<br>killing all 16 persons on<br>board, including two high-<br>ranking military officers,<br>officials said."
"A voice recording said to be<br>that of suspected Al Qaeda<br>commander Abu Mussab al-<br>Zarqawi, claims Iraq #39;s<br>Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is<br>the militant network #39;s<br>number one target."
"BEIJING -- More than a year<br>after becoming China's<br>president, Hu Jintao was<br>handed the full reins of power<br>yesterday when his<br>predecessor, Jiang Zemin, gave<br>up the nation's most powerful<br>military post."
"AP - Greenpeace activists<br>scaled the walls of Ford Motor<br>Co.'s Norwegian headquarters<br>Tuesday to protest plans to<br>destroy hundreds of non-<br>polluting electric cars."
"AFP - The chances of Rupert<br>Murdoch's News Corp relocating<br>from Australia to the United<br>States have increased after<br>one of its biggest<br>institutional investors has<br>chosen to abstain from a vote<br>next week on the move."
"AFP - An Indian minister said<br>a school text-book used in the<br>violence-prone western state<br>of Gujarat portrayed Adolf<br>Hitler as a role model."
"DOVER, N.H. (AP) -- Democrat<br>John Kerry is seizing on the<br>Bush administration's failure<br>to secure hundreds of tons of<br>explosives now missing in<br>Iraq."
"United Nations officials<br>report security breaches in<br>internally displaced people<br>and refugee camps in Sudan<br>#39;s embattled Darfur region<br>and neighboring Chad."
"KINGSTON, Jamaica - Hurricane<br>Ivan's deadly winds and<br>monstrous waves bore down on<br>Jamaica on Friday, threatening<br>a direct hit on its densely<br>populated capital after<br>ravaging Grenada and killing<br>at least 33 people. The<br>Jamaican government ordered<br>the evacuation of half a<br>million people from coastal<br>areas, where rains on Ivan's<br>outer edges were already<br>flooding roads..."
"North Korea has denounced as<br>quot;wicked terrorists quot;<br>the South Korean officials who<br>orchestrated last month #39;s<br>airlift to Seoul of 468 North<br>Korean defectors."
"The Black Watch regiment has<br>returned to its base in Basra<br>in southern Iraq after a<br>month-long mission standing in<br>for US troops in a more<br>violent part of the country,<br>the Ministry of Defence says."
"AP - A senior Congolese<br>official said Tuesday his<br>nation had been invaded by<br>neighboring Rwanda, and U.N.<br>officials said they were<br>investigating claims of<br>Rwandan forces clashing with<br>militias in the east."
"UNITED NATIONS - The United<br>Nations #39; nuclear agency<br>says it is concerned about the<br>disappearance of equipment and<br>materials from Iraq that could<br>be used to make nuclear<br>weapons."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU's<br>historic deal with Turkey to<br>open entry talks with the vast<br>Muslim country was hailed by<br>supporters as a bridge builder<br>between Europe and the Islamic<br>world."
"Iraqi President Ghazi al-<br>Yawar, who was due in Paris on<br>Sunday to start a European<br>tour, has postponed his visit<br>to France due to the ongoing<br>hostage drama involving two<br>French journalists, Arab<br>diplomats said Friday."
" SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>President Luiz Inacio Lula da<br>Silva's Workers' Party (PT)<br>won the mayoralty of six state<br>capitals in Sunday's municipal<br>vote but was forced into a<br>run-off to defend its hold on<br>the race's biggest prize, the<br>city of Sao Paulo."
"ATHENS, Greece - They are<br>America's newest golden girls<br>- powerful and just a shade<br>from perfection. The U.S..."
"AMMAN, Sept. 15. - The owner<br>of a Jordanian truck company<br>announced today that he had<br>ordered its Iraq operations<br>stopped in a bid to save the<br>life of a driver held hostage<br>by a militant group."
"Israel is prepared to back a<br>Middle East conference<br>convened by Tony Blair early<br>next year despite having<br>expressed fears that the<br>British plans were over-<br>ambitious and designed"
"AP - U.S. State Department<br>officials learned that seven<br>American children had been<br>abandoned at a Nigerian<br>orphanage but waited more than<br>a week to check on the youths,<br>who were suffering from<br>malnutrition, malaria and<br>typhoid, a newspaper reported<br>Saturday."
"\\Angry mobs in Ivory Coast's<br>main city, Abidjan, marched on<br>the airport, hours after it<br>came under French control."
"Several workers are believed<br>to have been killed and others<br>injured after a contruction<br>site collapsed at Dubai<br>airport. The workers were<br>trapped under rubble at the<br>site of a \\$4."
"Talks between Sudan #39;s<br>government and two rebel<br>groups to resolve the nearly<br>two-year battle resume Friday.<br>By Abraham McLaughlin Staff<br>writer of The Christian<br>Science Monitor."
"Stansted airport is the<br>designated emergency landing<br>ground for planes in British<br>airspace hit by in-flight<br>security alerts. Emergency<br>services at Stansted have<br>successfully dealt"
"The massive military operation<br>to retake Fallujah has been<br>quot;accomplished quot;, a<br>senior Iraqi official said.<br>Fierce fighting continued in<br>the war-torn city where<br>pockets of resistance were<br>still holding out against US<br>forces."
"There are some signs of<br>progress in resolving the<br>Nigerian conflict that is<br>riling global oil markets. The<br>leader of militia fighters<br>threatening to widen a battle<br>for control of Nigeria #39;s<br>oil-rich south has"
"A strong earthquake hit Taiwan<br>on Monday, shaking buildings<br>in the capital Taipei for<br>several seconds. No casualties<br>were reported."
"A policeman ran amok at a<br>security camp in Indian-<br>controlled Kashmir after an<br>argument and shot dead seven<br>colleagues before he was<br>gunned down, police said on<br>Sunday."
"New York police have developed<br>a pre-emptive strike policy,<br>cutting off demonstrations<br>before they grow large."
"Bulgaria has started its first<br>co-mission with the EU in<br>Bosnia and Herzegovina, along<br>with some 30 countries,<br>including Canada and Turkey."
"AP - The pileup of events in<br>the city next week, including<br>the Republican National<br>Convention, will add to the<br>security challenge for the New<br>York Police Department, but<br>commissioner Ray Kelly says,<br>\"With a big, experienced<br>police force, we can do it.\""
"LONDON, Dec 11 (IranMania) -<br>Iraqi Vice-President Ibrahim<br>al-Jaafari refused to believe<br>in remarks published Friday<br>that Iran was attempting to<br>influence Iraqi polls with the<br>aim of creating a<br>quot;crescent quot; dominated<br>by Shiites in the region."
"The late Princess Dianas<br>former bodyguard, Ken Wharfe,<br>dismisses her suspicions that<br>one of her lovers was bumped<br>off. Princess Diana had an<br>affair with Barry Mannakee, a<br>policeman who was assigned to<br>protect her."
"Long considered beyond the<br>reach of mainland mores, the<br>Florida city is trying to<br>limit blatant displays of<br>sexual behavior."
"Senator John Kerry said today<br>that the war in Iraq was a<br>\"profound diversion\" from the<br>war on terror and Osama bin<br>Laden."
"A group claiming to have<br>captured two Indonesian women<br>in Iraq has said it will<br>release them if Jakarta frees<br>Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir<br>being held for alleged<br>terrorist links."
"Indonesian police said<br>yesterday that DNA tests had<br>identified a suicide bomber<br>involved in a deadly attack<br>this month on the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta."
"NEW YORK - Wal-Mart Stores<br>Inc.'s warning of<br>disappointing sales sent<br>stocks fluctuating Monday as<br>investors' concerns about a<br>slowing economy offset their<br>relief over a drop in oil<br>prices. October contracts<br>for a barrel of light crude<br>were quoted at \\$46.48, down<br>24 cents, on the New York<br>Mercantile Exchange..."
"Iraq #39;s top Shi #39;ite<br>cleric made a sudden return to<br>the country on Wednesday and<br>said he had a plan to end an<br>uprising in the quot;burning<br>city quot; of Najaf, where<br>fighting is creeping ever<br>closer to its holiest shrine."
"KABUL, Afghanistan Aug. 22,<br>2004 - US soldiers sprayed a<br>pickup truck with bullets<br>after it failed to stop at a<br>roadblock in central<br>Afghanistan, killing two women<br>and a man and critically<br>wounding two other"
"SYDNEY -- Prime Minister John<br>Howard of Australia, a key US<br>ally and supporter of the Iraq<br>war, celebrated his election<br>win over opposition Labor<br>after voters enjoying the<br>fruits of a strong economy<br>gave him another term."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two rockets<br>hit a downtown Baghdad hotel<br>housing foreigners and<br>journalists Thursday, and<br>gunfire erupted in the<br>neighborhood across the Tigris<br>River from the U.S. Embassy<br>compound..."
"The Prevention of Terrorism<br>Act 2002 (Pota) polarised the<br>country, not just by the<br>manner in which it was pushed<br>through by the NDA government<br>through a joint session of<br>Parliament but by the shabby<br>and often biased manner in<br>which it was enforced."
"The US military says marines<br>in Fallujah shot and killed an<br>insurgent who engaged them as<br>he was faking being dead, a<br>week after footage of a marine<br>killing an apparently unarmed<br>and wounded Iraqi caused a<br>stir in the region."
"Description: NPR #39;s Alex<br>Chadwick talks to Colin Brown,<br>deputy political editor for<br>the United Kingdom #39;s<br>Independent newspaper,<br>currently covering the British<br>Labour Party Conference."
"Hamas vowed revenge yesterday<br>after an Israeli airstrike in<br>Gaza killed one of its senior<br>commanders - the latest<br>assassination to have weakened<br>the militant group."
"A senior member of the<br>Palestinian resistance group<br>Hamas has been released from<br>an Israeli prison after<br>completing a two-year<br>sentence."
"MPs have announced a new<br>inquiry into family courts and<br>whether parents are treated<br>fairly over issues such as<br>custody or contact with their<br>children."
"Canadian Press - MELBOURNE,<br>Australia (AP) - A 36-year-old<br>businesswoman was believed to<br>be the first woman to walk<br>around Australia on Friday<br>after striding into her<br>hometown of Melbourne to<br>complete her 16,700-kilometre<br>trek in 365 days."
"Most remaining Pakistani<br>prisoners held at the US<br>Guantanamo Bay prison camp are<br>freed, officials say."
"French police are<br>investigating an arson-caused<br>fire at a Jewish Social Center<br>that might have killed dozens<br>without the quick response of<br>firefighters."
"Rodney King, whose videotaped<br>beating led to riots in Los<br>Angeles in 1992, is out of<br>jail now and talking frankly<br>for the first time about the<br>riots, himself and the<br>American way of life."
"AFP - Radical Islamic cleric<br>Abu Hamza al-Masri was set to<br>learn Thursday whether he<br>would be charged under<br>Britain's anti-terrorism law,<br>thus delaying his possible<br>extradition to the United<br>States to face terrorism-<br>related charges."
"Louisen Louis, 30, walked<br>Monday in the middle of a<br>street that resembled a small<br>river with brown rivulets and<br>waves. He wore sandals and had<br>a cut on one of his big toes."
"A car bomb exploded outside<br>the main hospital in Chechny<br>#39;s capital, Grozny, on<br>Sunday, injuring 17 people in<br>an attack apparently targeting<br>members of a Chechen security<br>force bringing in wounded from<br>an earlier explosion"
"AP - Gay marriage is emerging<br>as a big enough issue in<br>several states to influence<br>races both for Congress and<br>the presidency."
"More than 30 aid workers have<br>been airlifted to safety from<br>a town in Sudan #39;s troubled<br>Darfur region after fighting<br>broke out and their base was<br>bombed, a British charity<br>says."
"It #39;s the mildest of mild<br>winters down here in the south<br>of Italy and, last weekend at<br>Bcoli, a pretty suburb by the<br>seaside west of Naples, the<br>customers of Pizzeria quot;Da<br>Enrico quot; were making the<br>most of it."
"WASHINGTON - A spotty job<br>market and stagnant paychecks<br>cloud this Labor Day holiday<br>for many workers, highlighting<br>the importance of pocketbook<br>issues in the presidential<br>election. \"Working harder<br>and enjoying it less,\" said<br>economist Ken Mayland,<br>president of ClearView<br>Economics, summing up the<br>state of working America..."
"Canadian Press - MONTREAL (CP)<br>- A 19-year-old man charged in<br>a firebombing at a Jewish<br>elementary school pleaded<br>guilty Thursday to arson."
" quot;Resuming uranium<br>enrichment is not in our<br>agenda. We are still committed<br>to the suspension, quot;<br>Foreign Ministry spokesman<br>Hamid Reza."
"The U.S. military presence in<br>Iraq will grow to 150,000<br>troops by next month, the<br>highest level since the<br>invasion last year."
"UPDATE, SUN 9PM: More than a<br>million people have left their<br>homes in Cuba, as Hurricane<br>Ivan approaches. The ferocious<br>storm is headed that way,<br>after ripping through the<br>Cayman Islands, tearing off<br>roofs, flooding homes and<br>causing general havoc."
"German Chancellor Gerhard<br>Schroeder said Sunday that<br>there was quot;no problem<br>quot; with Germany #39;s<br>support to the start of<br>negotiations on Turkey #39;s<br>entrance into EU."
"MANILA Fernando Poe Jr., the<br>popular actor who challenged<br>President Gloria Macapagal<br>Arroyo in the presidential<br>elections this year, died<br>early Tuesday."
"AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - A<br>Dutch filmmaker who outraged<br>members of the Muslim<br>community by making a film<br>critical of the mistreatment<br>of women in Islamic society<br>was gunned down and stabbed to<br>death Tuesday on an Amsterdam<br>street."
"Zimbabwe #39;s most persecuted<br>white MP began a year of hard<br>labour last night after<br>parliament voted to jail him<br>for shoving the Justice<br>Minister during a debate over<br>land seizures."
"A smashing blow is being dealt<br>to thousands of future<br>pensioners by a law that has<br>just been brought into force<br>by the Federal Government."
"AP - An Israeli helicopter<br>fired two missiles in Gaza<br>City after nightfall<br>Wednesday, one at a building<br>in the Zeitoun neighborhood,<br>witnesses said, setting a<br>fire."
"The Philippines put the toll<br>at more than 1,000 dead or<br>missing in four storms in two<br>weeks but, even with a break<br>in the weather on Saturday"
"Reuters - Four explosions were<br>reported at petrol\\stations in<br>the Madrid area on Friday,<br>Spanish radio stations\\said,<br>following a phone warning in<br>the name of the armed<br>Basque\\separatist group ETA to<br>a Basque newspaper."
"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -<br>Hurricane Jeanne got stronger,<br>bigger and faster as it<br>battered the Bahamas and bore<br>down on Florida Saturday,<br>sending huge waves crashing<br>onto beaches and forcing<br>thousands into shelters just<br>weeks after Frances ravaged<br>this area..."
"NEW YORK - Elena Dementieva<br>shook off a subpar serve that<br>produced 15 double-faults, an<br>aching left thigh and an upset<br>stomach to advance to the<br>semifinals at the U.S. Open<br>with a 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (1)<br>victory Tuesday over Amelie<br>Mauresmo..."
"Prime Minister Dr Manmohan<br>Singh inaugurated a research<br>centre in the Capital on<br>Thursday to mark 400 years of<br>compilation of Sikh holy book<br>the Guru Granth Sahib."
"THE re-election of British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>would be seen as an<br>endorsement of the military<br>action in Iraq, Prime Minister<br>John Howard said today."
"President George W. Bush<br>pledged Friday to spend some<br>of the political capital from<br>his re-election trying to<br>secure a lasting Middle East<br>peace, and he envisioned the<br>establishment"
"NEW DELHI - A bomb exploded<br>during an Independence Day<br>parade in India's remote<br>northeast on Sunday, killing<br>at least 15 people, officials<br>said, just an hour after Prime<br>Minister Manmohan Singh<br>pledged to fight terrorism.<br>The outlawed United Liberation<br>Front of Asom was suspected of<br>being behind the attack in<br>Assam state and a second one<br>later in the area, said Assam<br>Inspector General of Police<br>Khagen Sharma..."
"A UN envoy to Sudan will visit<br>Darfur tomorrow to check on<br>the government #39;s claim<br>that some 70,000 people<br>displaced by conflict there<br>have voluntarily returned to<br>their homes, a spokesman said."
"AP - Most of the presidential<br>election provisional ballots<br>rejected so far in Ohio came<br>from people who were not even<br>registered to vote, election<br>officials said after spending<br>nearly two weeks poring over<br>thousands of disputed votes."
"AP - Rival inmates fought each<br>other with knives and sticks<br>Wednesday at a San Salvador<br>prison, leaving at least 31<br>people dead and two dozen<br>injured, officials said."
"BAGHDAD - Two Egyptian<br>employees of a mobile phone<br>company were seized when<br>gunmen stormed into their<br>Baghdad office, the latest in<br>a series of kidnappings in the<br>country."
"BRISBANE, Australia - The body<br>of a whale resembling a giant<br>dolphin that washed up on an<br>eastern Australian beach has<br>intrigued local scientists,<br>who agreed Wednesday that it<br>is rare but are not sure just<br>how rare."
"President Bush aims to<br>highlight American drug-<br>fighting aid in Colombia and<br>boost a conservative Latin<br>American leader with a stop in<br>the Andean nation where<br>thousands of security forces<br>are deployed to safeguard his<br>brief stay."
"Dubai - Former Palestinian<br>security minister Mohammed<br>Dahlan said on Monday that a<br>quot;gang of mercenaries quot;<br>known to the Palestinian<br>police were behind the<br>shooting that resulted in two<br>deaths in a mourning tent for<br>Yasser Arafat in Gaza."
"A Frenchman working for Thales<br>SA, Europe #39;s biggest maker<br>of military electronics, was<br>shot dead while driving home<br>at night in the Saudi Arabian<br>city of Jeddah."
"China will take tough measures<br>this winter to improve the<br>country #39;s coal mine safety<br>and prevent accidents. State<br>Councilor Hua Jianmin said<br>Thursday the industry should<br>take"
"BAGHDAD (Iraq): As the<br>intensity of skirmishes<br>swelled on the soils of Iraq,<br>dozens of people were put to<br>death with toxic shots by the<br>US helicopter gunship, which<br>targeted the civilians,<br>milling around a burning<br>American vehicle in a Baghdad<br>street on"
"Reuters - A key Iranian<br>nuclear facility which<br>the\\U.N.'s nuclear watchdog<br>has urged Tehran to shut down<br>is\\nearing completion, a<br>senior Iranian nuclear<br>official said on\\Sunday."
"Spain's Football Federation<br>launches an investigation into<br>racist comments made by<br>national coach Luis Aragones."
"Bricks and plaster blew inward<br>from the wall, as the windows<br>all shattered and I fell to<br>the floorwhether from the<br>shock wave, or just fright, it<br>wasn #39;t clear."
"Surfersvillage Global Surf<br>News, 13 September 2004: - -<br>Hurricane Ivan, one of the<br>most powerful storms to ever<br>hit the Caribbean, killed at<br>least 16 people in Jamaica,<br>where it wrecked houses and<br>washed away roads on Saturday,<br>but appears to have spared"
"LONDON, England -- A US<br>scientist is reported to have<br>observed a surprising jump in<br>the amount of carbon dioxide,<br>the main greenhouse gas."
"Zimbabwe #39;s ruling Zanu-PF<br>old guard has emerged on top<br>after a bitter power struggle<br>in the deeply divided party<br>during its five-yearly<br>congress, which ended<br>yesterday."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>demonstrators pressing<br>to\\install Ukraine's<br>opposition leader as president<br>after a\\disputed election<br>launched fresh street rallies<br>in the capital\\for the third<br>day Wednesday."
"Michael Jackson wishes he had<br>fought previous child<br>molestation claims instead of<br>trying to \"buy peace\", his<br>lawyer says."
"North Korea says it will not<br>abandon its weapons programme<br>after the South admitted<br>nuclear activities."
"While there is growing<br>attention to ongoing genocide<br>in Darfur, this has not<br>translated into either a<br>meaningful international<br>response or an accurate<br>rendering of the scale and<br>evident course of the<br>catastrophe."
"THE prosecution on terrorism<br>charges of extremist Islamic<br>cleric and accused Jemaah<br>Islamiah leader Abu Bakar<br>Bashir will rely heavily on<br>the potentially tainted<br>testimony of at least two<br>convicted Bali bombers, his<br>lawyers have said."
"Clashes between US troops and<br>Sadr militiamen escalated<br>Thursday, as the US surrounded<br>Najaf for possible siege."
"AFP - A battle group of<br>British troops rolled out of<br>southern Iraq on a US-<br>requested mission to deadlier<br>areas near Baghdad, in a major<br>political gamble for British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair."
"over half the children in the<br>world - suffer extreme<br>deprivation because of war,<br>HIV/AIDS or poverty, according<br>to a report released yesterday<br>by the United Nations Children<br>#39;s Fund."
"Reuters - Philippine rescue<br>teams\\evacuated thousands of<br>people from the worst flooding<br>in the\\central Luzon region<br>since the 1970s as hungry<br>victims hunted\\rats and birds<br>for food."
"The Afghan president expresses<br>deep concern after a bomb<br>attack which left at least<br>seven people dead."
"Gardez (Afghanistan), Sept. 16<br>(Reuters): Afghan President<br>Hamid Karzai escaped an<br>assassination bid today when a<br>rocket was fired at his US<br>military helicopter as it was<br>landing in the southeastern<br>town of Gardez."
"The Jets came up with four<br>turnovers by Dolphins<br>quarterback Jay Fiedler in the<br>second half, including an<br>interception returned 66 yards<br>for a touchdown."
"DUBLIN -- Prime Minister<br>Bertie Ahern urged Irish<br>Republican Army commanders<br>yesterday to meet what he<br>acknowledged was ''a heavy<br>burden quot;: disarming and<br>disbanding their organization<br>in support of Northern<br>Ireland's 1998 peace accord."
"While reproductive planning<br>and women #39;s equality have<br>improved substantially over<br>the past decade, says a United<br>Nations report, world<br>population will increase from<br>6.4 billion today to 8.9<br>billion by 2050, with the 50<br>poorest countries tripling in"
"BAR's Anthony Davidson and<br>Jenson Button set the pace at<br>the first Chinese Grand Prix."
"WASHINGTON - Contradicting the<br>main argument for a war that<br>has cost more than 1,000<br>American lives, the top U.S.<br>arms inspector reported<br>Wednesday that he found no<br>evidence that Iraq produced<br>any weapons of mass<br>destruction after 1991..."
"AFP - Style mavens will be<br>scanning the catwalks in Paris<br>this week for next spring's<br>must-have handbag, as a<br>sweeping exhibition at the<br>French capital's fashion and<br>textile museum reveals the bag<br>in all its forms."
"Canadian Press - SAINT-<br>QUENTIN, N.B. (CP) - A major<br>highway in northern New<br>Brunswick remained closed to<br>almost all traffic Monday, as<br>local residents protested<br>planned health care cuts."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - A<br>radical Iraqi cleric leading a<br>Shi'ite uprising agreed on<br>Wednesday to disarm his<br>militia and leave one of the<br>country's holiest Islamic<br>shrines after warnings of an<br>onslaught by government<br>forces."
"Saudi security forces have<br>killed a wanted militant near<br>the scene of a deadly shootout<br>Thursday. Officials say the<br>militant was killed in a<br>gunbattle Friday in the<br>northern town of Buraida,<br>hours after one"
"Two South Africans acquitted<br>by a Zimbabwean court of<br>charges related to the alleged<br>coup plot in Equatorial Guinea<br>are to be questioned today by<br>the South African authorities."
"MOSCOW (CP) - Russia mourned<br>89 victims of a double air<br>disaster today as debate<br>intensified over whether the<br>two passenger liners could<br>have plunged almost<br>simultaneously from the sky by<br>accident."
"Australia #39;s prime minister<br>says a body found in Fallujah<br>is likely that of kidnapped<br>aid worker Margaret Hassan.<br>John Howard told Parliament a<br>videotape of an Iraqi<br>terrorist group executing a<br>Western woman appears to have<br>been genuine."
"AP - Their first debate less<br>than a week away, President<br>Bush and Democrat John Kerry<br>kept their public schedules<br>clear on Saturday and began to<br>focus on their prime-time<br>showdown."
"PARIS Getting to the bottom of<br>what killed Yassar Arafat<br>could shape up to be an ugly<br>family tug-of-war. Arafat<br>#39;s half-brother and nephew<br>want copies of Arafat #39;s<br>medical records from the<br>suburban Paris hospital"
" THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Former<br>Yugoslav President Slobodan<br>Milosevic condemned his war<br>crimes trial as a \"pure farce\"<br>on Wednesday in a defiant<br>finish to his opening defense<br>statement against charges of<br>ethnic cleansing in the<br>Balkans."
" GUWAHATI, India (Reuters) -<br>People braved a steady drizzle<br>to come out to vote in a<br>remote northeast Indian state<br>on Thursday, as troops<br>guarded polling stations in an<br>election being held under the<br>shadow of violence."
"AFP - Three of the nine<br>Canadian sailors injured when<br>their newly-delivered,<br>British-built submarine caught<br>fire in the North Atlantic<br>were airlifted Wednesday to<br>hospital in northwest Ireland,<br>officials said."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A series of<br>strong explosions shook<br>central Baghdad near dawn<br>Sunday, and columns of thick<br>black smoke rose from the<br>Green Zone where U.S. and<br>Iraqi government offices are<br>located..."
"Sven-Goran Eriksson may gamble<br>by playing goalkeeper Paul<br>Robinson and striker Jermain<br>Defoe in Poland."
"Foreign Secretary Jack Straw<br>has flown to Khartoum on a<br>mission to pile the pressure<br>on the Sudanese government to<br>tackle the humanitarian<br>catastrophe in Darfur."
"Reuters - A senior U.S.<br>official said on<br>Wednesday\\deals should not be<br>done with hostage-takers ahead<br>of the\\latest deadline set by<br>Afghan Islamic militants who<br>have\\threatened to kill three<br>kidnapped U.N. workers."
"Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams<br>has put the pressure for the<br>success or failure of the<br>Northern Ireland assembly<br>talks firmly on the shoulders<br>of Ian Paisley."
" JAKARTA (Reuters) - President<br>Megawati Sukarnoputri urged<br>Indonesians on Thursday to<br>accept the results of the<br>country's first direct<br>election of a leader, but<br>stopped short of conceding<br>defeat."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan early<br>Monday test-fired its<br>indigenously developed short-<br>range nuclear-capable Ghaznavi<br>missile, the Inter Services<br>Public Relations (ISPR) said<br>in a statement."
"The trial of a man accused of<br>murdering York backpacker<br>Caroline Stuttle begins in<br>Australia."
"BRUSSELS: The EU sought<br>Wednesday to keep pressure on<br>Turkey over its bid to start<br>talks on joining the bloc, as<br>last-minute haggling seemed<br>set to go down to the wire at<br>a summit poised to give a<br>green light to Ankara."
"AP - J. Cofer Black, the State<br>Department official in charge<br>of counterterrorism, is<br>leaving government in the next<br>few weeks."
"AFP - The United States<br>presented a draft UN<br>resolution that steps up the<br>pressure on Sudan over the<br>crisis in Darfur, including<br>possible international<br>sanctions against its oil<br>sector."
"AFP - At least 33 people were<br>killed and dozens others<br>wounded when two bombs ripped<br>through a congregation of<br>Sunni Muslims in Pakistan's<br>central city of Multan, police<br>said."
"AFP - A series of torchlight<br>rallies and vigils were held<br>after darkness fell on this<br>central Indian city as victims<br>and activists jointly<br>commemorated a night of horror<br>20 years ago when lethal gas<br>leaked from a pesticide plant<br>and killed thousands."
"A Zimbabwe court Friday<br>convicted a British man<br>accused of leading a coup plot<br>against the government of oil-<br>rich Equatorial Guinea on<br>weapons charges, but acquitted<br>most of the 69 other men held<br>with him."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- The fatal stabbing of a<br>young man trying to eject<br>unwanted party guests from his<br>family home, the third such<br>knifing in just weeks, has<br>police worried about a<br>potentially fatal holiday<br>recipe: teens, alcohol and<br>knives."
"MOSCOW - A female suicide<br>bomber set off a shrapnel-<br>filled explosive device<br>outside a busy Moscow subway<br>station on Tuesday night,<br>officials said, killing 10<br>people and injuring more than<br>50."
"ABIDJAN (AFP) - Two Ivory<br>Coast military aircraft<br>carried out a second raid on<br>Bouake, the stronghold of the<br>former rebel New Forces (FN)<br>in the divided west African<br>country, a French military<br>source told AFP."
"AFP - A state of civil<br>emergency in the rebellion-hit<br>Indonesian province of Aceh<br>has been formally extended by<br>six month, as the country's<br>president pledged to end<br>violence there without foreign<br>help."
"US Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Monday said he had<br>spoken to both Indian Foreign<br>Minister K Natwar Singh and<br>his Pakistani counterpart<br>Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri late<br>last week before the two met<br>in New Delhi this week for<br>talks."
"NEW YORK - Victor Diaz hit a<br>tying, three-run homer with<br>two outs in the ninth inning,<br>and Craig Brazell's first<br>major league home run in the<br>11th gave the New York Mets a<br>stunning 4-3 victory over the<br>Chicago Cubs on Saturday.<br>The Cubs had much on the<br>line..."
"AFP - At least 54 people have<br>died and more than a million<br>have fled their homes as<br>torrential rains lashed parts<br>of India and Bangladesh,<br>officials said."
"LOS ANGELES - California has<br>adopted the world's first<br>rules to reduce greenhouse<br>emissions for autos, taking<br>what supporters see as a<br>dramatic step toward cleaning<br>up the environment but also<br>ensuring higher costs for<br>drivers. The rules may lead<br>to sweeping changes in<br>vehicles nationwide,<br>especially if other states opt<br>to follow California's<br>example..."
"AFP - Republican and<br>Democratic leaders each<br>declared victory after the<br>first head-to-head sparring<br>match between President George<br>W. Bush and Democratic<br>presidential hopeful John<br>Kerry."
"Last night in New York, the UN<br>secretary-general was given a<br>standing ovation - a robust<br>response to a series of<br>attacks in past weeks."
"JOHANNESBURG -- Meeting in<br>Nigeria four years ago,<br>African leaders set a goal<br>that 60 percent of children<br>and pregnant women in malaria-<br>affected areas around the<br>continent would be sleeping<br>under bed nets by the end of<br>2005."
"AP - Duke Bainum outspent Mufi<br>Hannemann in Honolulu's most<br>expensive mayoral race, but<br>apparently failed to garner<br>enough votes in Saturday's<br>primary to claim the office<br>outright."
"POLITICIANS and aid agencies<br>yesterday stressed the<br>importance of the media in<br>keeping the spotlight on the<br>appalling human rights abuses<br>taking place in the Darfur<br>region of Sudan."
"\\Children who have a poor diet<br>are more likely to become<br>aggressive and anti-social, US<br>researchers believe."
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>Contrary to Immigration<br>Department claims, there is no<br>shortage of native-borne<br>exotic dancers in Canada, says<br>a University of Toronto law<br>professor who has studied the<br>strip club business."
"The European Union presidency<br>yesterday expressed optimism<br>that a deal could be struck<br>over Turkey #39;s refusal to<br>recognize Cyprus in the lead-<br>up to next weekend #39;s EU<br>summit, which will decide<br>whether to give Ankara a date<br>for the start of accession<br>talks."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on Friday set a<br>four-year goal of seeing a<br>Palestinian state established<br>and he and British Prime<br>Minister Tony Blair vowed to<br>mobilize international<br>support to help make it happen<br>now that Yasser Arafat is<br>dead."
" KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan on<br>Saturday questioned U.N.<br>estimates that up to 70,000<br>people have died from hunger<br>and disease in its remote<br>Darfur region since a<br>rebellion began 20 months<br>ago."
"AFP - At least four Georgian<br>soldiers were killed and five<br>wounded in overnight clashes<br>in Georgia's separatist, pro-<br>Russian region of South<br>Ossetia, Georgian officers<br>near the frontline with<br>Ossetian forces said early<br>Thursday."
"The European Commission is<br>expected later this week to<br>recommend EU membership talks<br>with Turkey. Meanwhile, German<br>Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder<br>and Turkish Prime Minister<br>Tayyip Erdogan are<br>anticipating a quot;positive<br>report."
"The Canadian government<br>signalled its intention<br>yesterday to reintroduce<br>legislation to decriminalise<br>the possession of small<br>amounts of marijuana."
"A screensaver targeting spam-<br>related websites appears to<br>have been too successful."
" ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory<br>Coast warplanes killed nine<br>French soldiers on Saturday in<br>a bombing raid during the<br>fiercest clashes with rebels<br>for 18 months and France hit<br>back by destroying most of<br>the West African country's<br>small airforce."
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip --<br>Islamic militant groups behind<br>many suicide bombings<br>dismissed yesterday a call<br>from Mahmoud Abbas, the<br>interim Palestinian leader, to<br>halt attacks in the run-up to<br>a Jan. 9 election to replace<br>Yasser Arafat."
"Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell is wrapping up an East<br>Asia trip focused on prodding<br>North Korea to resume talks<br>aimed at ending its nuclear-<br>weapons program."
"The risk of intestinal damage<br>from common painkillers may be<br>higher than thought, research<br>suggests."
"AN earthquake measuring 7.3 on<br>the Richter Scale hit western<br>Japan this morning, just hours<br>after another strong quake<br>rocked the area."
"Britain #39;s Prince Harry,<br>struggling to shed a growing<br>quot;wild child quot; image,<br>won #39;t apologize to a<br>photographer he scuffled with<br>outside an exclusive London<br>nightclub, a royal spokesman<br>said on Saturday."
"Pakistan #39;s interim Prime<br>Minister Chaudhry Shaujaat<br>Hussain has announced his<br>resignation, paving the way<br>for his successor Shauket<br>Aziz."
"A previously unknown group<br>calling itself Jamaat Ansar<br>al-Jihad al-Islamiya says it<br>set fire to a Jewish soup<br>kitchen in Paris, according to<br>an Internet statement."
"The deadliest attack on<br>Americans in Iraq since May<br>came as Iraqi officials<br>announced that Saddam<br>Hussein's deputy had not been<br>captured on Sunday."
"A fundraising concert will be<br>held in London in memory of<br>the hundreds of victims of the<br>Beslan school siege."
"AFP - The landmark trial of a<br>Rwandan Roman Catholic priest<br>accused of supervising the<br>massacre of 2,000 of his Tutsi<br>parishioners during the<br>central African country's 1994<br>genocide opens at a UN court<br>in Tanzania."
"The Irish government has<br>stepped up its efforts to free<br>the British hostage in Iraq,<br>Ken Bigley, whose mother is<br>from Ireland, by talking to<br>diplomats from Iran and<br>Jordan."
"AP - Republican Sen. Lincoln<br>Chafee, who flirted with<br>changing political parties in<br>the wake of President Bush's<br>re-election victory, says he<br>will stay in the GOP."
"South Korean President Roh<br>Moo-hyun pays a surprise visit<br>to troops in Iraq, after his<br>government decided to extend<br>their mandate."
"As the European Union<br>approaches a contentious<br>decision - whether to let<br>Turkey join the club - the<br>Continent #39;s rulers seem to<br>have left their citizens<br>behind."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A<br>deadline set by militants who<br>have threatened to kill two<br>Americans and a Briton seized<br>in Iraq was due to expire<br>Monday, and more than two<br>dozen other hostages were<br>also facing death unless rebel<br>demands were met."
"Some Venezuelan television<br>channels began altering their<br>programs Thursday, citing<br>fears of penalties under a new<br>law restricting violence and<br>sexual content over the<br>airwaves."
"afrol News, 4 October -<br>Hundred years of conservation<br>efforts have lifted the<br>southern black rhino<br>population from about hundred<br>to 11,000 animals."
"THE death of Philippine movie<br>star and defeated presidential<br>candidate Fernando Poe has<br>drawn some political backlash,<br>with some people seeking to<br>use his sudden demise as a<br>platform to attack President<br>Gloria Arroyo."
"VIENTIANE, Laos China moved<br>yet another step closer in<br>cementing its economic and<br>diplomatic relationships with<br>Southeast Asia today when<br>Prime Minister Wen Jiabao<br>signed a trade accord at a<br>regional summit that calls for<br>zero tariffs on a wide range<br>of"
"British judges in London<br>Tuesday ordered radical Muslim<br>imam Abu Hamza to stand trial<br>for soliciting murder and<br>inciting racial hatred."
"SARASOTA, Fla. - The<br>devastation brought on by<br>Hurricane Charley has been<br>especially painful for an<br>elderly population that is<br>among the largest in the<br>nation..."
" quot;He is charged for having<br>a part in the Bali incident,<br>quot; state prosecutor Andi<br>Herman told Reuters on<br>Saturday. bombing attack at<br>the US-run JW."
"The United Nations called on<br>Monday for an immediate<br>ceasefire in eastern Congo as<br>fighting between rival army<br>factions flared for a third<br>day."
"Allowing dozens of casinos to<br>be built in the UK would bring<br>investment and thousands of<br>jobs, Tony Blair says."
"The shock here was not just<br>from the awful fact itself,<br>that two vibrant young Italian<br>women were kidnapped in Iraq,<br>dragged from their office by<br>attackers who, it seems, knew<br>their names."
"Tehran/Vianna, Sept. 19 (NNN):<br>Iran on Sunday rejected the<br>International Atomic Energy<br>Agency (IAEA) call to suspend<br>of all its nuclear activities,<br>saying that it will not agree<br>to halt uranium enrichment."
"A 15-year-old Argentine<br>student opened fire at his<br>classmates on Tuesday in a<br>middle school in the south of<br>the Buenos Aires province,<br>leaving at least four dead and<br>five others wounded, police<br>said."
"NEW YORK - A cable pay-per-<br>view company has decided not<br>to show a three-hour election<br>eve special with filmmaker<br>Michael Moore that included a<br>showing of his documentary<br>\"Fahrenheit 9/11,\" which is<br>sharply critical of President<br>Bush. The company, iN<br>DEMAND, said Friday that its<br>decision is due to \"legitimate<br>business and legal concerns.\"<br>A spokesman would not<br>elaborate..."
"Democracy candidates picked up<br>at least one more seat in<br>parliament, according to exit<br>polls."
"The IOC wants suspended<br>Olympic member Ivan Slavkov to<br>be thrown out of the<br>organisation."
" BANGKOK (Reuters) - The<br>ouster of Myanmar's prime<br>minister, architect of a<br>tentative \"roadmap to<br>democracy,\" has dashed faint<br>hopes for an end to military<br>rule and leaves Southeast<br>Asia's policy of constructive<br>engagement in tatters."
"The anguish of hostage Kenneth<br>Bigley in Iraq hangs over<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>today as he faces the twin<br>test of a local election and a<br>debate by his Labour Party<br>about the divisive war."
" quot;There were 16 people<br>travelling aboard. ... It<br>crashed into a mountain, quot;<br>Col. Antonio Rivero, head of<br>the Civil Protection service,<br>told."
"President Bush is reveling in<br>winning the popular vote and<br>feels he can no longer be<br>considered a one-term accident<br>of history."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- Thousands of Royal Bank<br>clerks are being asked to<br>display rainbow stickers at<br>their desks and cubicles to<br>promote a safe work<br>environment for gays,<br>lesbians, and bisexuals."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A car<br>bomb killed two American<br>soldiers and wounded eight<br>when it exploded in Baghdad on<br>Saturday, the U.S. military<br>said in a statement."
"Sudanese authorities have<br>moved hundreds of pro-<br>government fighters from the<br>crisis-torn Darfur region to<br>other parts of the country to<br>keep them out of sight of<br>foreign military observers<br>demanding the militia #39;s<br>disarmament, a rebel leader<br>charged"
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb<br>Tuesday ripped through a busy<br>market near a Baghdad police<br>headquarters where Iraqis were<br>waiting to apply for jobs on<br>the force, and gunmen opened<br>fire on a van carrying police<br>home from work in Baqouba,<br>killing at least 59 people<br>total and wounding at least<br>114. The attacks were the<br>latest attempts by militants<br>to wreck the building of a<br>strong Iraqi security force, a<br>keystone of the U.S..."
"The Israeli prime minister<br>said today that he wanted to<br>begin withdrawing settlers<br>from Gaza next May or June."
"Queen Elizabeth II stopped<br>short of apologizing for the<br>Allies #39; bombing of Dresden<br>during her first state visit<br>to Germany in 12 years and<br>instead acknowledged quot;the<br>appalling suffering of war on<br>both sides."
"AP - Fugitive Taliban leader<br>Mullah Mohammed Omar has<br>fallen out with some of his<br>lieutenants, who blame him for<br>the rebels' failure to disrupt<br>the landmark Afghan<br>presidential election, the<br>U.S. military said Wednesday."
"HAVANA -- Cuban President<br>Fidel Castro's advancing age<br>-- and ultimately his<br>mortality -- were brought home<br>yesterday, a day after he<br>fractured a knee and arm when<br>he tripped and fell at a<br>public event."
" BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>The United States and Brazil<br>predicted on Tuesday Latin<br>America's largest country<br>would resolve a dispute with<br>the U.N. nuclear watchdog over<br>inspections of a uranium<br>enrichment plant."
"Two bombs exploded today near<br>a tea shop and wounded 20<br>people in southern Thailand,<br>police said, as violence<br>continued unabated in the<br>Muslim-majority region where<br>residents are seething over<br>the deaths of 78 detainees<br>while in military custody."
"Prime Minister Junichiro<br>Koizumi, back in Tokyo after<br>an 11-day diplomatic mission<br>to the Americas, hunkered down<br>with senior ruling party<br>officials on Friday to focus<br>on a major reshuffle of<br>cabinet and top party posts."
"NEW YORK - A sluggish gross<br>domestic product reading was<br>nonetheless better than<br>expected, prompting investors<br>to send stocks slightly higher<br>Friday on hopes that the<br>economic slowdown would not be<br>as bad as first thought.<br>The 2.8 percent GDP growth in<br>the second quarter, a revision<br>from the 3 percent preliminary<br>figure reported in July, is a<br>far cry from the 4.5 percent<br>growth in the first quarter..."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - A huge<br>explosion in North Korea last<br>week may have been due to a<br>combination of demolition work<br>for a power plant and<br>atmospheric clouds, South<br>Korea's spy agency said on<br>Wednesday."
"AP - Sudan's U.N. ambassador<br>challenged the United States<br>to send troops to the Darfur<br>region if it really believes a<br>genocide is taking place as<br>the U.S. Congress and<br>President Bush's<br>administration have<br>determined."
"AFP - A junior British<br>minister said that people<br>living in camps after fleeing<br>their villages because of<br>conflict in Sudan's Darfur<br>region lived in fear of<br>leaving their temporary homes<br>despite a greater presence now<br>of aid workers."
"US Deputy Secretary of State<br>Richard Armitage (L) shakes<br>hands with Pakistani Foreign<br>Minister Khurshid Kasuri prior<br>to their meeting in Islamabad,<br>09 November 2004."
"AP - Democrat John Edwards<br>kept up a long-distance debate<br>over his \"two Americas\"<br>campaign theme with Vice<br>President Dick Cheney on<br>Tuesday, saying it was no<br>illusion to thousands of laid-<br>off workers in Ohio."
"A group of 76 Eritreans on a<br>repatriation flight from Libya<br>Friday forced their plane to<br>change course and land in the<br>Sudanese capital, Khartoum,<br>where they"
"AP - They say that opposites<br>attract, and in the case of<br>Sen. John Kerry and Teresa<br>Heinz Kerry, that may be true<br>#151; at least in their public<br>personas."
"AP - Impoverished North Korea<br>might resort to selling<br>weapons-grade plutonium to<br>terrorists for much-needed<br>cash, and that would be<br>\"disastrous for the world,\"<br>the top U.S. military<br>commander in South Korea said<br>Friday."
"Dubai: Osama bin Laden on<br>Thursday called on his<br>fighters to strike Gulf oil<br>supplies and warned Saudi<br>leaders they risked a popular<br>uprising in an audio message<br>said to be by the Western<br>world #39;s most wanted terror<br>mastermind."
"BEIJING -- Chinese authorities<br>have arrested or reprimanded<br>more than 750 officials in<br>recent months in connection<br>with billions of dollars in<br>financial irregularities<br>ranging from unpaid taxes to<br>embezzlement, according to a<br>report made public yesterday."
"Canadian Press - GAUHATI,<br>India (AP) - Residents of<br>northeastern India were<br>bracing for more violence<br>Friday, a day after bombs<br>ripped through two buses and a<br>grenade was hurled into a<br>crowded market in attacks that<br>killed four people and wounded<br>54."
"Some 28 people are charged<br>with trying to overthrow<br>Sudan's President Bashir,<br>reports say."
"Hong Kong #39;s Beijing-backed<br>chief executive yesterday<br>ruled out any early moves to<br>pass a controversial national<br>security law which last year<br>sparked a street protest by<br>half a million people."
"Beer consumption has doubled<br>over the past five years,<br>prompting legislators to<br>implement new rules."
"At least 79 people were killed<br>and 74 were missing after some<br>of the worst rainstorms in<br>recent years triggered<br>landslides and flash floods in<br>southwest China, disaster<br>relief officials said<br>yesterday."
"BANGKOK Thai military aircraft<br>dropped 100 million paper<br>birds over southern Thailand<br>on Sunday in a gesture<br>intended to promote peace in<br>mainly Muslim provinces, where<br>more than 500 people have died<br>this year in attacks by<br>separatist militants and"
"Insurgents threatened on<br>Saturday to cut the throats of<br>two Americans and a Briton<br>seized in Baghdad, and<br>launched a suicide car bomb<br>attack on Iraqi security<br>forces in Kirkuk that killed<br>at least 23 people."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Secretary<br>of State Colin Powell will<br>urge China Monday to exert its<br>influence over North Korea to<br>resume six-party negotiations<br>on scrapping its suspected<br>nuclear weapons program."
"Reuters - An Israeli missile<br>strike killed at least\\two<br>Hamas gunmen in Gaza City<br>Monday, a day after a<br>top\\commander of the Islamic<br>militant group was killed in a<br>similar\\attack, Palestinian<br>witnesses and security sources<br>said."
"AP - The Pentagon has restored<br>access to a Web site that<br>assists soldiers and other<br>Americans living overseas in<br>voting, after receiving<br>complaints that its security<br>measures were preventing<br>legitimate voters from using<br>it."
"Montreal - The British-built<br>Canadian submarine HMCS<br>Chicoutimi, crippled since a<br>fire at sea that killed one of<br>its crew, is under tow and is<br>expected in Faslane, Scotland,<br>early next week, Canadian<br>naval commander Tyrone Pile<br>said on Friday."
"Thirty-five Pakistanis freed<br>from the US Guantanamo Bay<br>prison camp arrived home on<br>Saturday and were taken<br>straight to prison for further<br>interrogation, the interior<br>minister said."
"Witnesses in the trial of a US<br>soldier charged with abusing<br>prisoners at Abu Ghraib have<br>told the court that the CIA<br>sometimes directed abuse and<br>orders were received from<br>military command to toughen<br>interrogations."
"AP - Italian and Lebanese<br>authorities have arrested 10<br>suspected terrorists who<br>planned to blow up the Italian<br>Embassy in Beirut, an Italian<br>news agency and the Defense<br>Ministry said Tuesday."
"CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- John F.<br>Kerry and President Bush<br>clashed sharply over the war<br>in Iraq last night during the<br>first debate of the<br>presidential campaign season,<br>with the senator from<br>Massachusetts accusing"
"GONAIVES, Haiti -- While<br>desperately hungry flood<br>victims wander the streets of<br>Gonaives searching for help,<br>tons of food aid is stacking<br>up in a warehouse guarded by<br>United Nations peacekeepers."
"AFP - The resignation of<br>disgraced Fiji Vice-President<br>Ratu Jope Seniloli failed to<br>quell anger among opposition<br>leaders and the military over<br>his surprise release from<br>prison after serving just<br>three months of a four-year<br>jail term for his role in a<br>failed 2000 coup."
"Sourav Ganguly files an appeal<br>against a two-match ban<br>imposed for time-wasting."
"Greek police surrounded a bus<br>full of passengers seized by<br>armed hijackers along a<br>highway from an Athens suburb<br>Wednesday, police said."
"BAGHDAD: A suicide car bomber<br>attacked a police convoy in<br>Baghdad yesterday as guerillas<br>kept pressure on Iraq #39;s<br>security forces despite a<br>bloody rout of insurgents in<br>Fallujah."
"Fixtures and fittings from<br>Damien Hirst's restaurant<br>Pharmacy sell for 11.1, 8m<br>more than expected."
"Five years after catastrophic<br>floods and mudslides killed<br>thousands along Venezuela's<br>Caribbean coast, survivors in<br>this town still see the signs<br>of destruction - shattered<br>concrete walls and tall weeds<br>growing atop streets covered<br>in dried mud."
"The UN nuclear watchdog<br>confirmed Monday that nearly<br>400 tons of powerful<br>explosives that could be used<br>in conventional or nuclear<br>missiles disappeared from an<br>unguarded military<br>installation in Iraq."
"Militants in Iraq have killed<br>the second of two US civilians<br>they were holding hostage,<br>according to a statement on an<br>Islamist website."
"More than 4,000 American and<br>Iraqi soldiers mounted a<br>military assault on the<br>insurgent-held city of<br>Samarra."
" MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -<br>Mexican President Vicente Fox<br>said on Monday he hoped<br>President Bush's re-election<br>meant a bilateral accord on<br>migration would be reached<br>before his own term runs out<br>at the end of 2006."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac said<br>on Friday he had not refused<br>to meet Iraqi interim Prime<br>Minister Iyad Allawi after<br>reports he was snubbing the<br>Iraqi leader by leaving an EU<br>meeting in Brussels early."
"NEW YORK - Former President<br>Bill Clinton was in good<br>spirits Saturday, walking<br>around his hospital room in<br>street clothes and buoyed by<br>thousands of get-well messages<br>as he awaited heart bypass<br>surgery early this coming<br>week, people close to the<br>family said. Clinton was<br>expected to undergo surgery as<br>early as Monday but probably<br>Tuesday, said Democratic Party<br>Chairman Terry McAuliffe, who<br>said the former president was<br>\"upbeat\" when he spoke to him<br>by phone Friday..."
"Poland will cut its troops in<br>Iraq early next year and won<br>#39;t stay in the country<br>quot;an hour longer quot; than<br>needed, the country #39;s<br>prime minister said Friday."
"A car bomb exploded at a US<br>military convoy in the<br>northern Iraqi city of Mosul,<br>causing several casualties,<br>the army and Iraqi officials<br>said."
"ATHENS, Greece - Michael<br>Phelps took care of qualifying<br>for the Olympic 200-meter<br>freestyle semifinals Sunday,<br>and then found out he had been<br>added to the American team for<br>the evening's 400 freestyle<br>relay final. Phelps' rivals<br>Ian Thorpe and Pieter van den<br>Hoogenband and teammate Klete<br>Keller were faster than the<br>teenager in the 200 free<br>preliminaries..."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>intends to present a timetable<br>for withdrawal from Gaza to<br>lawmakers from his Likud Party<br>Tuesday despite a mutiny in<br>the right-wing bloc over the<br>plan."
" KABUL (Reuters) - Three U.N.<br>workers held by militants in<br>Afghanistan were in their<br>third week of captivity on<br>Friday after calls from both<br>sides for the crisis to be<br>resolved ahead of this<br>weekend's Muslim festival of<br>Eid al-Fitr."
"ROME, Oct 29 (AFP) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac urged<br>the head of the incoming<br>European Commission Friday to<br>take quot;the appropriate<br>decisions quot; to resolve a<br>row over his EU executive team<br>which has left the EU in<br>limbo."
"Russia's parliament will<br>launch an inquiry into a<br>school siege that killed over<br>300 hostages, President<br>Vladimir Putin said on Friday,<br>but analysts doubt it will<br>satisfy those who blame the<br>carnage on security services."
"Tony Blair talks to business<br>leaders about new proposals<br>for a major shake-up of the<br>English exam system."
"KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia A<br>Malaysian woman has claimed a<br>new world record after living<br>with over six-thousand<br>scorpions for 36 days<br>straight."
"could take drastic steps if<br>the talks did not proceed as<br>Tehran wants. Mehr news agency<br>quoted him as saying on<br>Wednesday. that could be used"
"Israeli authorities have<br>launched an investigation into<br>death threats against Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>and other officials supporting<br>his disengagement plan from<br>Gaza and parts of the West<br>Bank, Jerusalem police said<br>Tuesday."
"It was a carefully scripted<br>moment when Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin began quoting<br>Taras Shevchenko, this country<br>#39;s 19th-century bard,<br>during a live television"
"China says it welcomes Russia<br>#39;s ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol that aims to<br>stem global warming by<br>reducing greenhouse-gas<br>emissions."
"The Metropolitan<br>Transportation Authority is<br>proposing a tax increase to<br>raise \\$900 million a year to<br>help pay for a five-year<br>rebuilding program."
"AFP - The Canadian armed<br>forces chief of staff on was<br>elected to take over as head<br>of NATO's Military Committee,<br>the alliance's highest<br>military authority, military<br>and diplomatic sources said."
"AFP - Two proposed resolutions<br>condemning widespread rights<br>abuses in Sudan and Zimbabwe<br>failed to pass a UN committee,<br>mired in debate between<br>African and western nations."
"The return of noted reformer<br>Nabil Amr to Palestinian<br>politics comes at a crucial<br>juncture."
"AP - After two debates, voters<br>have seen President Bush look<br>peevish and heard him pass the<br>buck. They've watched Sen.<br>John Kerry deny he's a flip-<br>flopper and then argue that<br>Saddam Hussein was a threat<br>#151; and wasn't. It's no<br>wonder so few minds have<br>changed."
"The United States says the<br>Lebanese parliament #39;s<br>decision Friday to extend the<br>term of pro-Syrian President<br>Emile Lahoud made a<br>quot;crude mockery of<br>democratic principles."
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>The prime minister says he's<br>been assured by President<br>George W. Bush that the U.S.<br>missile defence plan does not<br>necessarily involve the<br>weaponization of space."
"Fifty-six miners are dead and<br>another 92 are still stranded<br>underground after a gas blast<br>at the Daping coal mine in<br>Central China #39;s Henan<br>Province, safety officials<br>said Thursday."
"BEIRUT, Lebanon - Three<br>Lebanese men and their Iraqi<br>driver have been kidnapped in<br>Iraq, the Lebanese Foreign<br>Ministry said Sunday, as<br>Iraq's prime minister said his<br>government was working for the<br>release of two Americans and a<br>Briton also being held<br>hostage. Gunmen snatched<br>the three Lebanese, who worked<br>for a travel agency with a<br>branch in Baghdad, as they<br>drove on the highway between<br>the capital and Fallujah on<br>Friday night, a ministry<br>official said..."
"PORTLAND, Ore. - It's been<br>almost a year since singer-<br>songwriter Elliott Smith<br>committed suicide, and fans<br>and friends will be looking<br>for answers as the posthumous<br>\"From a Basement on the Hill\"<br>is released..."
" GAZA (Reuters) - Israel<br>expanded its military<br>offensive in northern Gaza,<br>launching two air strikes<br>early on Monday that killed<br>at least three Palestinians<br>and wounded two, including a<br>senior Hamas leader, witnesses<br>and medics said."
"Reuters - Sudan's government<br>resumed\\talks with rebels in<br>the oil-producing south on<br>Thursday while\\the United<br>Nations set up a panel to<br>investigate charges<br>of\\genocide in the west of<br>Africa's largest country."
"NEW YORK - Optimism that the<br>embattled technology sector<br>was due for a recovery sent<br>stocks modestly higher Monday<br>despite a new revenue warning<br>from semiconductor company<br>Broadcom Inc. While<br>Broadcom, which makes chips<br>for television set-top boxes<br>and other electronics, said<br>high inventories resulted in<br>delayed shipments, investors<br>were encouraged as it said<br>future quarters looked<br>brighter..."
"Carlos Barrios Orta squeezed<br>himself into his rubber diving<br>suit, pulled on an 18-pound<br>helmet that made him look like<br>an astronaut, then lowered<br>himself into the sewer. He<br>disappeared into the filthy<br>water, which looked like some<br>cauldron of rancid beef stew,<br>until the only sign of him was<br>air bubbles breaking the<br>surface."
"The mutilated body of a woman<br>of about sixty years,<br>amputated of arms and legs and<br>with the sliced throat, has<br>been discovered this morning<br>in a street of the south of<br>Faluya by the Marines,<br>according to a statement by<br>AFP photographer."
"(SH) - In Afghanistan, Hamid<br>Karzai defeated a raft of<br>candidates to win his historic<br>election. In Iraq, more than<br>200 political parties have<br>registered for next month<br>#39;s elections."
"Margaret Hassan, who works for<br>charity Care International,<br>was taken hostage while on her<br>way to work in Baghdad. Here<br>are the main events since her<br>kidnapping."
"Reuters - The United States<br>modified its\\call for U.N.<br>sanctions against Sudan on<br>Tuesday but still kept\\up the<br>threat of punitive measures if<br>Khartoum did not<br>stop\\atrocities in its Darfur<br>region."
"Human rights and environmental<br>activists have hailed the<br>award of the 2004 Nobel Peace<br>Prize to Wangari Maathai of<br>Kenya as fitting recognition<br>of the growing role of civil<br>society"
"An Al Qaeda-linked militant<br>group beheaded an American<br>hostage in Iraq and threatened<br>last night to kill another two<br>Westerners in 24 hours unless<br>women prisoners were freed<br>from Iraqi jails."
"Argentina, Denmark, Greece,<br>Japan and Tanzania on Friday<br>won coveted two-year terms on<br>the UN Security Council at a<br>time when pressure is mounting<br>to expand the powerful<br>15-nation body."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and India<br>agreed on Friday to re-open<br>the Khokhropar-Munabao railway<br>link, which was severed nearly<br>40 years ago."
"NEW YORK - Stocks moved higher<br>Friday as a stronger than<br>expected retail sales report<br>showed that higher oil prices<br>aren't scaring consumers away<br>from spending. Federal Reserve<br>Chairman Alan Greenspan's<br>positive comments on oil<br>prices also encouraged<br>investors..."
"Saddam Hussein lives in an<br>air-conditioned 10-by-13 foot<br>cell on the grounds of one of<br>his former palaces, tending<br>plants and proclaiming himself<br>Iraq's lawful ruler."
"AP - Brazilian U.N.<br>peacekeepers will remain in<br>Haiti until presidential<br>elections are held in that<br>Caribbean nation sometime next<br>year, President Luiz Inacio<br>Lula da Silva said Monday."
"Iraq is quot;working 24 hours<br>a day to ... stop the<br>terrorists, quot; interim<br>Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad<br>Allawi said Monday. Iraqis are<br>pushing ahead with reforms and<br>improvements, Allawi told"
"AP - Musicians, composers and<br>authors were among the more<br>than two dozen people<br>Wednesday honored with<br>National Medal of Arts and<br>National Humanities awards at<br>the White House."
"Wynton Marsalis, the trumpet-<br>playing star and artistic<br>director of Jazz at Lincoln<br>Center, has become an entity<br>above and around the daily<br>jazz world."
"BUENOS AIRES: Pakistan has<br>ratified the Kyoto Protocol on<br>Climatic Change, Environment<br>Minister Malik Khan said on<br>Thursday. He said that<br>Islamabad has notified UN<br>authorities of ratification,<br>which formally comes into<br>effect in February 2005."
"Staff Sgt. Johnny Horne, Jr.,<br>and Staff Sgt. Cardenas Alban<br>have been charged with murder<br>in the death of an Iraqi, the<br>1st Cavalry Division announced<br>Monday."
"President Vladimir Putin makes<br>a speech as he hosts Russia<br>#39;s Olympic athletes at a<br>Kremlin banquet in Moscow,<br>Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004."
"AFP - Hundreds of Buddhists in<br>southern Russia marched<br>through snow to see and hear<br>the Dalai Lama as he continued<br>a long-awaited visit to the<br>country in spite of Chinese<br>protests."
"British officials were on<br>diplomatic tenterhooks as they<br>awaited the arrival on<br>Thursday of French President<br>Jacques Chirac for a two-day<br>state visit to Britain."
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - A group of<br>women on Pitcairn Island in<br>the South Pacific are standing<br>by their men, who face<br>underage sex charges, saying<br>having sex at age 12 is a<br>tradition dating back to 18th<br>century mutineers who settled<br>on the island."
"Two aircraft are flying out<br>from the UK on Sunday to<br>deliver vital aid and supplies<br>to Haiti, which has been<br>devastated by tropical storm<br>Jeanne."
"A scare triggered by a<br>vibrating sex toy shut down a<br>major Australian regional<br>airport for almost an hour<br>Monday, police said. The<br>vibrating object was<br>discovered Monday morning"
"AP - An Indiana congressional<br>candidate abruptly walked off<br>the set of a debate because<br>she got stage fright."
"Reuters - Having reached out<br>to Kashmiris during a two-day<br>visit to the region, the prime<br>minister heads this weekend to<br>the country's volatile<br>northeast, where public anger<br>is high over alleged abuses by<br>Indian soldiers."
"SAN JUAN IXTAYOPAN, Mexico --<br>A pair of wooden crosses<br>outside the elementary school<br>are all that mark the macabre<br>site where, just weeks ago, an<br>angry mob captured two federal<br>police officers, beat them<br>unconscious, and set them on<br>fire."
"DUBLIN : An Olympic Airlines<br>plane diverted to Ireland<br>following a bomb alert, the<br>second faced by the Greek<br>carrier in four days, resumed<br>its journey to New York after<br>no device was found on board,<br>airport officials said."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States said on Friday<br>it is preparing a new U.N.<br>resolution on Darfur and that<br>Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell might address next week<br>whether the violence in<br>western Sudan constitutes<br>genocide."
"NAJAF, Iraq : Iraq #39;s top<br>Shiite Muslim clerics, back in<br>control of Najaf #39;s Imam<br>Ali shrine after a four-month<br>militia occupation, met amid<br>the ruins of the city as life<br>spluttered back to normality."
"Reuters - House of<br>Representatives<br>Majority\\Leader Tom DeLay,<br>admonished twice in six days<br>by his chamber's\\ethics<br>committee, withstood calls on<br>Thursday by rival\\Democrats<br>and citizen groups that he<br>step aside."
"AFP - Australia has accounted<br>for all its nationals known to<br>be working in Iraq following a<br>claim by a radical Islamic<br>group to have kidnapped two<br>Australians, Foreign Affairs<br>Minister Alexander Downer<br>said."
"The hurricane appeared to be<br>strengthening and forecasters<br>warned of an increased threat<br>of serious flooding and wind<br>damage."
"Four homeless men were<br>bludgeoned to death and six<br>were in critical condition on<br>Friday following early morning<br>attacks by unknown assailants<br>in downtown streets of Sao<br>Paulo, a police spokesman<br>said."
"Phone companies are not doing<br>enough to warn customers about<br>internet \"rogue-dialling\"<br>scams, watchdog Icstis warns."
"India's main opposition party<br>takes action against senior<br>party member Uma Bharti after<br>a public row."
"The Russian military yesterday<br>extended its offer of a \\$10<br>million reward for information<br>leading to the capture of two<br>separatist leaders who, the<br>Kremlin claims, were behind<br>the Beslan massacre."
"Israels Shin Bet security<br>service has tightened<br>protection of the prime<br>minister, MPs and parliament<br>ahead of next weeks crucial<br>vote on a Gaza withdrawal."
"Reuters - Iraq's interim<br>defense minister<br>accused\\neighbors Iran and<br>Syria on Wednesday of aiding<br>al Qaeda\\Islamist Abu Musab<br>al-Zarqawi and former agents<br>of Saddam\\Hussein to promote a<br>\"terrorist\" insurgency in<br>Iraq."
"AP - The Senate race in<br>Kentucky stayed at fever pitch<br>on Thursday as Democratic<br>challenger Daniel Mongiardo<br>stressed his opposition to gay<br>marriage while accusing<br>Republican incumbent Jim<br>Bunning of fueling personal<br>attacks that seemed to suggest<br>Mongiardo is gay."
" PORT LOUIS, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- Southern<br>African countries Tuesday<br>pledged better trade and<br>investment relations with<br>China as well as India in the<br>final communique released at<br>the end of their two-day<br>summit."
"BAGHDAD - A militant group has<br>released a video saying it<br>kidnapped a missing journalist<br>in Iraq and would kill him<br>unless US forces left Najaf<br>within 48 hours."
"18 August 2004 -- There has<br>been renewed fighting in the<br>Iraqi city of Al-Najaf between<br>US and Iraqi troops and Shi<br>#39;a militiamen loyal to<br>radical cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"Australia tighten their grip<br>on the third Test and the<br>series after dominating India<br>on day two in Nagpur."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - North<br>Korea's two-year-old nuclear<br>crisis has taxed the world's<br>patience, the chief United<br>Nations nuclear regulator<br>said on Wednesday, urging<br>communist Pyongyang to return<br>to its disarmament treaty<br>obligations."
"GROZNY, Russia - The Russian<br>government's choice for<br>president of war-ravaged<br>Chechnya appeared to be the<br>victor Sunday in an election<br>tainted by charges of fraud<br>and shadowed by last week's<br>terrorist destruction of two<br>airliners. Little more than<br>two hours after polls closed,<br>acting Chechen president<br>Sergei Abramov said<br>preliminary results showed<br>Maj..."
"BAGHDAD, Sept 5 (AFP) - Izzat<br>Ibrahim al-Duri, Saddam<br>Hussein #39;s deputy whose<br>capture was announced Sunday,<br>is 62 and riddled with cancer,<br>but was public enemy number<br>two in Iraq for the world<br>#39;s most powerful military."
"AP - An explosion targeted the<br>Baghdad governor's convoy as<br>he was traveling through the<br>capital Tuesday, killing two<br>people but leaving him<br>uninjured, the Interior<br>Ministry said."
"GENEVA: Rescuers have found<br>the bodies of five Swiss<br>firemen who died after the<br>ceiling of an underground car<br>park collapsed during a fire,<br>a police spokesman said last<br>night."
"John Kerry has held 10 \"front<br>porch visit\" events an actual<br>front porch is optional where<br>perhaps 100 people ask<br>questions in a low-key<br>campaigning style."
"The right-win opposition<br>Conservative Party and Liberal<br>Center Union won 43 seats in<br>the 141-member Lithuanian<br>parliament, after more than 99<br>percent of the votes were<br>counted"
"KHARTOUM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>The United Nations said on<br>Wednesday it was very<br>concerned by Sudan #39;s lack<br>of practical progress in<br>bringing security to Darfur,<br>where more than a million<br>people have fled their homes<br>for fear of militia ..."
"AFP - With less than two<br>months until the November 2<br>election, President George W.<br>Bush is working to shore up<br>support among his staunchest<br>supporters even as he courts<br>undecided voters."
"Chile's government says it<br>will build a prison for<br>officers convicted of human<br>rights abuses in the Pinochet<br>era."
"Palestinian leader Mahmoud<br>Abbas reiterated calls for his<br>people to drop their weapons<br>in the struggle for a state. a<br>clear change of strategy for<br>peace with Israel after Yasser<br>Arafat #39;s death."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>U.S.-backed government said on<br>Tuesday that \"major neglect\"<br>by its American-led military<br>allies led to a massacre of 49<br>army recruits at the weekend."
"BEIJING -- Police have<br>detained a man accused of<br>slashing as many as nine boys<br>to death as they slept in<br>their high school dormitory in<br>central China, state media<br>reported today."
"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel<br>Sharon #39;s Likud party<br>agreed on Thursday to a<br>possible alliance with<br>opposition Labour in a vote<br>that averted a snap election<br>and strengthened his Gaza<br>withdrawal plan."
"While the American forces are<br>preparing to launch a large-<br>scale attack against Falluja<br>and al-Ramadi, one of the<br>chieftains of Falluja said<br>that contacts are still<br>continuous yesterday between<br>members representing the city<br>#39;s delegation and the<br>interim"
"UN Security Council<br>ambassadors were still<br>quibbling over how best to<br>pressure Sudan and rebels to<br>end two different wars in the<br>country even as they left for<br>Kenya on Tuesday for a meeting<br>on the crisis."
"HENDALA, Sri Lanka -- Day<br>after day, locked in a cement<br>room somewhere in Iraq, the<br>hooded men beat him. They told<br>him he would be beheaded.<br>''Ameriqi! quot; they shouted,<br>even though he comes from this<br>poor Sri Lankan fishing<br>village."
"THE kidnappers of British aid<br>worker Margaret Hassan last<br>night threatened to turn her<br>over to the group which<br>beheaded Ken Bigley if the<br>British Government refuses to<br>pull its troops out of Iraq."
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) -<br>Ten Colombian police<br>officerswere killed on Tuesday<br>in an ambush by the National<br>LiberationArmy, or ELN, in the<br>worst attack by the Marxist<br>group inyears, authorities<br>told Reuters.&lt;/p&gt;"
"AFP - US President George W.<br>Bush called his Philippines<br>counterpart Gloria Arroyo and<br>said their countries should<br>keep strong ties, a spokesman<br>said after a spat over<br>Arroyo's handling of an Iraq<br>kidnapping."
"A scathing judgment from the<br>UK #39;s highest court<br>condemning the UK government<br>#39;s indefinite detention of<br>foreign terror suspects as a<br>threat to the life of the<br>nation, left anti-terrorist<br>laws in the UK in tatters on<br>Thursday."
"Reuters - Australia's<br>conservative Prime<br>Minister\\John Howard, handed<br>the most powerful mandate in a<br>generation,\\got down to work<br>on Monday with reform of<br>telecommunications,\\labor and<br>media laws high on his agenda."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Typhoon<br>Megi killed one person as it<br>slammed ashore in northern<br>Japan on Friday, bringing the<br>death toll to at least 13 and<br>cutting power to thousands of<br>homes before heading out into<br>the Pacific."
"Cairo: Egyptian President<br>Hosni Mubarak held telephone<br>talks with Palestinian leader<br>Yasser Arafat about Israel<br>#39;s plan to pull troops and<br>the 8,000 Jewish settlers out<br>of the Gaza Strip next year,<br>the Egyptian news agency Mena<br>said."
"The first American military<br>intelligence soldier to be<br>court-martialed over the Abu<br>Ghraib abuse scandal was<br>sentenced Saturday to eight<br>months in jail, a reduction in<br>rank and a bad-conduct<br>discharge."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will<br>seek an explanation at weekend<br>talks with North Korea on<br>activity indicating Pyongyang<br>may be preparing a missile<br>test, although Tokyo does not<br>think a launch is imminent,<br>Japan's top government<br>spokesman said."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Iran will<br>never be prepared to<br>dismantle its nuclear program<br>entirely but remains committed<br>to the non-proliferation<br>treaty (NPT), its chief<br>delegate to the International<br>Atomic Energy Agency said on<br>Wednesday."
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on<br>Saturdayreached into a throng<br>of squabbling bodyguards and<br>pulled aSecret Service agent<br>away from Chilean security<br>officers afterthey stopped the<br>U.S. agent from accompanying<br>the president ata<br>dinner.&lt;/p&gt;"
"Iranian deputy foreign<br>minister Gholamali Khoshrou<br>denied Tuesday that his<br>country #39;s top leaders were<br>at odds over whether nuclear<br>weapons were un-Islamic,<br>insisting that it will<br>quot;never quot; make the<br>bomb."
" quot;Israel mercenaries<br>assisting the Ivory Coast army<br>operated unmanned aircraft<br>that aided aerial bombings of<br>a French base in the country,<br>quot; claimed"
"AFP - SAP, the world's leading<br>maker of business software,<br>may need an extra year to<br>achieve its medium-term profit<br>target of an operating margin<br>of 30 percent, its chief<br>financial officer said."
"AFP - The airline Swiss said<br>it had managed to cut its<br>first-half net loss by about<br>90 percent but warned that<br>spiralling fuel costs were<br>hampering a turnaround despite<br>increasing passenger travel."
"Vulnerable youngsters expelled<br>from schools in England are<br>being let down by the system,<br>say inspectors."
"Yasser Arafat was undergoing<br>tests for possible leukaemia<br>at a military hospital outside<br>Paris last night after being<br>airlifted from his Ramallah<br>headquarters to an anxious<br>farewell from Palestinian<br>well-wishers."
"Nepal #39;s main opposition<br>party urged the government on<br>Monday to call a unilateral<br>ceasefire with Maoist rebels<br>and seek peace talks to end a<br>road blockade that has cut the<br>capital off from the rest of<br>the country."
"BOSTON - The New York Yankees<br>and Boston were tied 4-4 after<br>13 innings Monday night with<br>the Red Sox trying to stay<br>alive in the AL championship<br>series. Boston tied the<br>game with two runs in the<br>eighth inning on David Ortiz's<br>solo homer, a walk to Kevin<br>Millar, a single by Trot Nixon<br>and a sacrifice fly by Jason<br>Varitek..."
"Reuters - The country may be<br>more\\or less evenly divided<br>along partisan lines when it<br>comes to\\the presidential<br>race, but the Republican Party<br>prevailed in\\the Nielsen<br>polling of this summer's<br>nominating conventions."
" In Vice President Cheney's<br>final push before next<br>Tuesday's election, talk of<br>nuclear annihilation and<br>escalating war rhetoric have<br>blended with balloon drops,<br>confetti cannons and the other<br>trappings of modern<br>campaigning with such ferocity<br>that it is sometimes tough to<br>tell just who the enemy is."
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"PC World - Upcoming chip set<br>will include built-in security<br>features for your PC."
"SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple<br>Computer (Quote, Chart)<br>unveiled a batch of new iPods,<br>iTunes software and promos<br>designed to keep it atop the<br>heap of digital music players."
"Any product, any shape, any<br>size -- manufactured on your<br>desktop! The future is the<br>fabricator. By Bruce Sterling<br>from Wired magazine."
"The Microsoft CEO says one way<br>to stem growing piracy of<br>Windows and Office in emerging<br>markets is to offer low-cost<br>computers."
"PalmSource surprised the<br>mobile vendor community today<br>with the announcement that it<br>will acquire China MobileSoft<br>(CMS), ostensibly to leverage<br>that company's expertise in<br>building a mobile version of<br>the Linux operating system."
"JEFFERSON CITY - An election<br>security expert has raised<br>questions about Missouri<br>Secretary of State Matt Blunt<br>#39;s plan to let soldiers at<br>remote duty stations or in<br>combat areas cast their<br>ballots with the help of<br>e-mail."
"A new, optional log-on service<br>from America Online that makes<br>it harder for scammers to<br>access a persons online<br>account will not be available<br>for Macintosh"
"It #39;s official. Microsoft<br>recently stated<br>definitivelyand contrary to<br>rumorsthat there will be no<br>new versions of Internet<br>Explorer for users of older<br>versions of Windows."
"But fresh antitrust suit is in<br>the envelope, says Novell"
"Chips that help a computer's<br>main microprocessors perform<br>specific types of math<br>problems are becoming a big<br>business once again.\\"
"A rocket carrying two Russian<br>cosmonauts and an American<br>astronaut to the international<br>space station streaked into<br>orbit on Thursday, the latest<br>flight of a Russian space<br>vehicle to fill in for<br>grounded US shuttles."
"OCTOBER 12, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - Microsoft<br>Corp. #39;s monthly patch<br>release cycle may be making it<br>more predictable for users to<br>deploy software updates, but<br>there appears to be little<br>letup in the number of holes<br>being discovered in the<br>company #39;s software"
"Wearable tech goes mainstream<br>as the Gap introduces jacket<br>with built-in radio.\\"
"Funding round of \\$105 million<br>brings broadband Internet<br>telephony company's total haul<br>to \\$208 million."
" - Anthony<br>Casalena was 17 when he got<br>his first job as a programmer<br>for a start-up called<br>HyperOffice, a software<br>company that makes e-mail and<br>contact management<br>applications for the Web.<br>Hired as an intern, he became<br>a regular programmer after two<br>weeks and rewrote the main<br>product line."
"The fossilized neck bones of a<br>230-million-year-old sea<br>creature have features<br>suggesting that the animal<br>#39;s snakelike throat could<br>flare open and create suction<br>that would pull in prey."
"IBM late on Tuesday announced<br>the biggest update of its<br>popular WebSphere business<br>software in two years, adding<br>features such as automatically<br>detecting and fixing problems."
"AP - British entrepreneur<br>Richard Branson said Monday<br>that his company plans to<br>launch commercial space<br>flights over the next few<br>years."
"A group of Internet security<br>and instant messaging<br>providers have teamed up to<br>detect and thwart the growing<br>threat of IM and peer-to-peer<br>viruses and worms, they said<br>this week."
"His first space flight was in<br>1965 when he piloted the first<br>manned Gemini mission. Later<br>he made two trips to the moon<br>-- orbiting during a 1969<br>flight and then walking on the<br>lunar surface during a mission<br>in 1972."
"By RACHEL KONRAD SAN<br>FRANCISCO (AP) -- EBay Inc.,<br>which has been aggressively<br>expanding in Asia, plans to<br>increase its stake in South<br>Korea's largest online auction<br>company. The Internet<br>auction giant said Tuesday<br>night that it would purchase<br>nearly 3 million publicly held<br>shares of Internet Auction<br>Co..."
"AP - China's biggest computer<br>maker, Lenovo Group, said<br>Wednesday it has acquired a<br>majority stake in<br>International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s personal<br>computer business for<br>#36;1.75 billion, one of the<br>biggest Chinese overseas<br>acquisitions ever."
"Big evolutionary insights<br>sometimes come in little<br>packages. Witness the<br>startling discovery, in a cave<br>on the eastern Indonesian<br>island of Flores, of the<br>partial skeleton of a half-<br>size Homo species that"
"Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader<br>may get all the glory, but a<br>new Star Wars video game<br>finally gives credit to the<br>everyday grunts who couldn<br>#39;t summon the Force for<br>help."
" LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -<br>Federal authorities raided<br>three Washington, D.C.-area<br>video game stores and arrested<br>two people for modifying<br>video game consoles to play<br>pirated video games, a video<br>game industry group said on<br>Wednesday."
"Thornbugs communicate by<br>vibrating the branches they<br>live on. Now scientists are<br>discovering just what the bugs<br>are \"saying.\""
"Federal prosecutors cracked a<br>global cartel that had<br>illegally fixed prices of<br>memory chips in personal<br>computers and servers for<br>three years."
"AP - Oracle Corp. CEO Larry<br>Ellison reiterated his<br>determination to prevail in a<br>long-running takeover battle<br>with rival business software<br>maker PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>predicting the proposed deal<br>will create a more competitive<br>company with improved customer<br>service."
"AP - Scientists warned Tuesday<br>that a long-term increase in<br>global temperature of 3.5<br>degrees could threaten Latin<br>American water supplies,<br>reduce food yields in Asia and<br>result in a rise in extreme<br>weather conditions in the<br>Caribbean."
"AP - Further proof New York's<br>real estate market is<br>inflated: The city plans to<br>sell space on top of lampposts<br>to wireless phone companies<br>for #36;21.6 million a year."
"The rollout of new servers and<br>networking switches in stores<br>is part of a five-year<br>agreement supporting 7-Eleven<br>#39;s Retail Information<br>System."
"Top Hollywood studios have<br>launched a wave of court cases<br>against internet users who<br>illegally download film files.<br>The Motion Picture Association<br>of America, which acts as the<br>representative of major film"
"AUSTRALIANS went into a<br>television-buying frenzy the<br>run-up to the Athens Olympics,<br>suggesting that as a nation we<br>could easily have scored a<br>gold medal for TV purchasing."
"The next time you are in your<br>bedroom with your PC plus<br>Webcam switched on, don #39;t<br>think that your privacy is all<br>intact. If you have a Webcam<br>plugged into an infected<br>computer, there is a<br>possibility that"
"AP - Shawn Fanning's Napster<br>software enabled countless<br>music fans to swap songs on<br>the Internet for free, turning<br>him into the recording<br>industry's enemy No. 1 in the<br>process."
"Reuters - Walt Disney Co.<br>is\\increasing investment in<br>video games for hand-held<br>devices and\\plans to look for<br>acquisitions of small game<br>publishers and\\developers,<br>Disney consumer products<br>Chairman Andy Mooney said\\on<br>Monday."
"BANGKOK - A UN conference last<br>week banned commercial trade<br>in the rare Irrawaddy dolphin,<br>a move environmentalists said<br>was needed to save the<br>threatened species."
"PC World - Updated antivirus<br>software for businesses adds<br>intrusion prevention features."
"Reuters - Online media company<br>Yahoo Inc.\\ late on Monday<br>rolled out tests of redesigned<br>start\\pages for its popular<br> and<br>sites."
"The Sun may have captured<br>thousands or even millions of<br>asteroids from another<br>planetary system during an<br>encounter more than four<br>billion years ago, astronomers<br>are reporting."
"Thumb through the book - then<br>buy a clean copy from Amazon"
"Reuters - High-definition<br>television can\\show the sweat<br>beading on an athlete's brow,<br>but the cost of\\all the<br>necessary electronic equipment<br>can get a shopper's own\\pulse<br>racing."
"MacCentral - Apple Computer<br>Inc. on Monday released an<br>update for Apple Remote<br>Desktop (ARD), the company's<br>software solution to assist<br>Mac system administrators and<br>computer managers with asset<br>management, software<br>distribution and help desk<br>support. ARD 2.1 includes<br>several enhancements and bug<br>fixes."
"The fastest-swiveling space<br>science observatory ever built<br>rocketed into orbit on<br>Saturday to scan the universe<br>for celestial explosions."
"Copernic Unleashes Desktop<br>Search Tool\\\\Copernic<br>Technologies Inc. today<br>announced Copernic Desktop<br>Search(TM) (CDS(TM)), \"The<br>Search Engine For Your PC<br>(TM).\" Copernic has used the<br>experience gained from over 30<br>million downloads of its<br>Windows-based Web search<br>software to develop CDS, a<br>desktop search product that<br>users are saying is far ..."
"The DVD Forum moved a step<br>further toward the advent of<br>HD DVD media and drives with<br>the approval of key physical<br>specifications at a meeting of<br>the organisations steering<br>committee last week."
"Often pigeonholed as just a<br>seller of televisions and DVD<br>players, Royal Philips<br>Electronics said third-quarter<br>profit surged despite a slide<br>into the red by its consumer<br>electronics division."
"AP - Google, the Internet<br>search engine, has done<br>something that law enforcement<br>officials and their computer<br>tools could not: Identify a<br>man who died in an apparent<br>hit-and-run accident 11 years<br>ago in this small town outside<br>Yakima."
"We are all used to IE getting<br>a monthly new security bug<br>found, but Winamp? In fact,<br>this is not the first security<br>flaw found in the application."
"The Apache Software Foundation<br>and the Debian Project said<br>they won't support the Sender<br>ID e-mail authentication<br>standard in their products."
" - The newly<br>restored THX 1138 arrives on<br>DVD today with Star Wars<br>creator George Lucas' vision<br>of a Brave New World-like<br>future."
"The chances of scientists<br>making any one of five<br>discoveries by 2010 have been<br>hugely underestimated,<br>according to bookmakers."
"Deepening its commitment to<br>help corporate users create<br>SOAs (service-oriented<br>architectures) through the use<br>of Web services, IBM's Global<br>Services unit on Thursday<br>announced the formation of an<br>SOA Management Practice."
"Toshiba Corp. #39;s new<br>desktop-replacement multimedia<br>notebooks, introduced on<br>Tuesday, are further evidence<br>that US consumers still have<br>yet to embrace the mobility<br>offered by Intel Corp."
"Aregular Amazon customer,<br>Yvette Thompson has found<br>shopping online to be mostly<br>convenient and trouble-free.<br>But last month, after ordering<br>two CDs on, the<br>Silver Spring reader<br>discovered on her bank<br>statement that she was double-<br>charged for the \\$26.98 order.<br>And there was a \\$25 charge<br>that was a mystery."
"Finnish mobile giant Nokia has<br>described its new Preminet<br>solution, which it launched<br>Monday (Oct. 25), as a<br>quot;major worldwide<br>initiative."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - At<br>virtually every turn, Intel<br>Corp. executives are heaping<br>praise on an emerging long-<br>range wireless technology<br>known as WiMAX, which can<br>blanket entire cities with<br>high-speed Internet access."
"Phishing is one of the<br>fastest-growing forms of<br>personal fraud in the world.<br>While consumers are the most<br>obvious victims, the damage<br>spreads far wider--hurting<br>companies #39; finances and<br>reputations and potentially"
"Reuters - The U.S. Interior<br>Department on\\Friday gave<br>final approval to a plan by<br>ConocoPhillips and\\partner<br>Anadarko Petroleum Corp. to<br>develop five tracts around\\the<br>oil-rich Alpine field on<br>Alaska's North Slope."
"Atari has opened the initial<br>sign-up phase of the closed<br>beta for its Dungeons amp;<br>Dragons real-time-strategy<br>title, Dragonshard."
"Big Blue adds features, beefs<br>up training efforts in China;<br>rival Unisys debuts new line<br>and pricing plan."
"South Korea's Hynix<br>Semiconductor Inc. and Swiss-<br>based STMicroelectronics NV<br>signed a joint-venture<br>agreement on Tuesday to<br>construct a memory chip<br>manufacturing plant in Wuxi,<br>about 100 kilometers west of<br>Shanghai, in China."
"Well, Intel did say -<br>dismissively of course - that<br>wasn #39;t going to try to<br>match AMD #39;s little dual-<br>core Opteron demo coup of last<br>week and show off a dual-core<br>Xeon at the Intel Developer<br>Forum this week and - as good<br>as its word - it didn #39;t."
"IT #39;S BEEN a heck of an<br>interesting two days here in<br>Iceland. I #39;ve seen some<br>interesting technology, heard<br>some inventive speeches and<br>met some people with different<br>ideas."
"Reuters - Two clients of<br>Germany's Postbank\\(DPBGn.DE)<br>fell for an e-mail fraud that<br>led them to reveal\\money<br>transfer codes to a bogus Web<br>site -- the first case of\\this<br>scam in German, prosecutors<br>said on Thursday."
"US spending on information<br>technology goods, services,<br>and staff will grow seven<br>percent in 2005 and continue<br>at a similar pace through<br>2008, according to a study<br>released Monday by Forrester<br>Research."
"Look, Ma, no hands! The U.S.<br>space agency's latest<br>spacecraft can run an entire<br>mission by itself. By Amit<br>Asaravala."
"Joining America Online,<br>EarthLink and Yahoo against<br>spamming, Microsoft Corp.<br>today announced the filing of<br>three new anti-Spam lawsuits<br>under the CAN-SPAM federal law<br>as part of its initiative in<br>solving the Spam problem for<br>Internet users worldwide."
"A nationwide inspection shows<br>Internet users are not as safe<br>online as they believe. The<br>inspections found most<br>consumers have no firewall<br>protection, outdated antivirus<br>software and dozens of spyware<br>programs secretly running on<br>their computers."
"More than three out of four<br>(76 percent) consumers are<br>experiencing an increase in<br>spoofing and phishing<br>incidents, and 35 percent<br>receive fake e-mails at least<br>once a week, according to a<br>recent national study."
"AP - Deep in the Atlantic<br>Ocean, undersea explorers are<br>living a safer life thanks to<br>germ-fighting clothing made in<br>Kinston."
"Computer Associates Monday<br>announced the general<br>availability of three<br>Unicenter performance<br>management products for<br>mainframe data management."
"Reuters - The European Union<br>approved on\\Wednesday the<br>first biotech seeds for<br>planting and sale across\\EU<br>territory, flying in the face<br>of widespread<br>consumer\\resistance to<br>genetically modified (GMO)<br>crops and foods."
" News:- A Microsoft<br>UK quot;WEIGHING THE COST OF<br>LINUX VS. WINDOWS? LET #39;S<br>REVIEW THE FACTS quot;<br>magazine ad has been nailed as<br>misleading by Britain #39;s<br>Advertising Standards<br>Authority (ASA)."
"The retail sector overall may<br>be reporting a sluggish start<br>to the season, but holiday<br>shoppers are scooping up tech<br>goods at a brisk pace -- and<br>they're scouring the Web for<br>bargains more than ever.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\" color=\"#666666\"&gt;&<br>lt;B&gt;<br>;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"The team behind the Beagle 2<br>mission has unveiled its<br>design for a successor to the<br>British Mars lander."
"Survey points to popularity in<br>Europe, the Middle East and<br>Asia of receivers that skip<br>the pay TV and focus on free<br>programming."
"Linux publisher Red Hat Inc.<br>said Tuesday that information-<br>technology consulting firm<br>Unisys Corp. will begin<br>offering a business version of<br>the company #39;s open-source<br>operating system on its<br>servers."
"IBM's p5-575, a specialized<br>server geared for high-<br>performance computing, has<br>eight 1.9GHz Power5<br>processors."
"Reuters - British police said<br>on Monday they had\\charged a<br>man with sending hoax emails<br>to relatives of people\\missing<br>since the Asian tsunami,<br>saying their loved ones<br>had\\been confirmed dead."
"LOS ANGELES - On Sept. 1,<br>former secretary of<br>Agriculture Dan Glickman<br>replaced the legendary Jack<br>Valenti as president and CEO<br>of Hollywood #39;s trade<br>group, the Motion Picture<br>Association of America."
"The director of the National<br>Hurricane Center stays calm in<br>the midst of a storm, but<br>wants everyone in hurricane-<br>prone areas to get the message<br>from his media advisories:<br>Respect the storm's power and<br>make proper response plans."
"SAN FRANCISCO Several<br>California cities and<br>counties, including Los<br>Angeles and San Francisco, are<br>suing Microsoft for what could<br>amount to billions of dollars."
"Google plans to release a<br>version of its desktop search<br>tool for computers that run<br>Apple Computer #39;s Mac<br>operating system, Google #39;s<br>chief executive, Eric Schmidt,<br>said Friday."
"AMD : sicurezza e prestazioni<br>ottimali con il nuovo<br>processore mobile per notebook<br>leggeri e sottili; Acer Inc.<br>preme sull #39;acceleratore<br>con il nuovo notebook a<br>marchio Ferrari."
"Firefox use around the world<br>climbed 34 percent in the last<br>month, according to a report<br>published by Web analytics<br>company WebSideStory Monday."
"If a plastic card that gives<br>you credit for something you<br>don't want isn't your idea of<br>a great gift, you can put it<br>up for sale or swap."
"WASHINGTON Aug. 17, 2004<br>Scientists are planning to<br>take the pulse of the planet<br>and more in an effort to<br>improve weather forecasts,<br>predict energy needs months in<br>advance, anticipate disease<br>outbreaks and even tell<br>fishermen where the catch will<br>be ..."
"New communications technology<br>could spawn future products.<br>Could your purse tell you to<br>bring an umbrella?"
"SAP has won a \\$35 million<br>contract to install its human<br>resources software for the US<br>Postal Service. The NetWeaver-<br>based system will replace the<br>Post Office #39;s current<br>25-year-old legacy application"
"NewsFactor - For years,<br>companies large and small have<br>been convinced that if they<br>want the sophisticated<br>functionality of enterprise-<br>class software like ERP and<br>CRM systems, they must buy<br>pre-packaged applications.<br>And, to a large extent, that<br>remains true."
"Following in the footsteps of<br>the RIAA, the MPAA (Motion<br>Picture Association of<br>America) announced that they<br>have began filing lawsuits<br>against people who use peer-<br>to-peer software to download<br>copyrighted movies off the<br>Internet."
"MacCentral - At a special<br>music event featuring Bono and<br>The Edge from rock group U2<br>held on Tuesday, Apple took<br>the wraps off the iPod Photo,<br>a color iPod available in 40GB<br>or 60GB storage capacities.<br>The company also introduced<br>the iPod U2, a special edition<br>of Apple's 20GB player clad in<br>black, equipped with a red<br>Click Wheel and featuring<br>engraved U2 band member<br>signatures. The iPod Photo is<br>available immediately, and<br>Apple expects the iPod U2 to<br>ship in mid-November."
"Reuters - Oracle Corp is<br>likely to win clearance\\from<br>the European Commission for<br>its hostile #36;7.7<br>billion\\takeover of rival<br>software firm PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>a source close\\to the<br>situation said on Friday."
"IBM (Quote, Chart) said it<br>would spend a quarter of a<br>billion dollars over the next<br>year and a half to grow its<br>RFID (define) business."
" - NASA released one<br>of the best pictures ever made<br>of Saturn's moon Titan as the<br>Cassini spacecraft begins a<br>close-up inspection of the<br>satellite today. Cassini is<br>making the nearest flyby ever<br>of the smog-shrouded moon."
"ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS - Nova<br>Scotia Power officials<br>continued to keep the sluice<br>gates open at one of the<br>utility #39;s hydroelectric<br>plants Wednesday in hopes a<br>wayward whale would leave the<br>area and head for the open<br>waters of the Bay of Fundy."
"In fact, Larry Ellison<br>compares himself to the<br>warlord, according to<br>PeopleSoft's former CEO,<br>defending previous remarks he<br>made."
"You can empty your pockets of<br>change, take off your belt and<br>shoes and stick your keys in<br>the little tray. But if you've<br>had radiation therapy<br>recently, you still might set<br>off Homeland Security alarms."
"SEOUL, Oct 19 Asia Pulse -<br>LG.Philips LCD Co.<br>(KSE:034220), the world #39;s<br>second-largest maker of liquid<br>crystal display (LCD), said<br>Tuesday it has developed the<br>world #39;s largest organic<br>light emitting diode"
"Security experts warn of<br>banner ads with a bad attitude<br>--and a link to malicious<br>code. Also: Phishers, be gone."
"com October 15, 2004, 5:11 AM<br>PT. Wood paneling and chrome<br>made your dad #39;s station<br>wagon look like a million<br>bucks, and they might also be<br>just the ticket for Microsoft<br>#39;s fledgling"
"Computer Associates<br>International yesterday<br>reported a 6 increase in<br>revenue during its second<br>fiscal quarter, but posted a<br>\\$94 million loss after paying<br>to settle government<br>investigations into the<br>company, it said yesterday."
"PC World - Send your video<br>throughout your house--<br>wirelessly--with new gateways<br>and media adapters."
"Links to this week's topics<br>from search engine forums<br>across the web: New MSN Search<br>Goes LIVE in Beta - Microsoft<br>To Launch New Search Engine -<br>Google Launches 'Google<br>Advertising Professionals' -<br>Organic vs Paid Traffic ROI? -<br>Making Money With AdWords? -<br>Link Building 101"
"Eight conservation groups are<br>fighting the US government<br>over a plan to poison<br>thousands of prairie dogs in<br>the grasslands of South<br>Dakota, saying wildlife should<br>not take a backseat to<br>ranching interests."
"Siding with chip makers,<br>Microsoft said it won't charge<br>double for its per-processor<br>licenses when dual-core chips<br>come to market next year."
"IBM and the Spanish government<br>have introduced a new<br>supercomputer they hope will<br>be the most powerful in<br>Europe, and one of the 10 most<br>powerful in the world."
"Mozilla's new web browser is<br>smart, fast and user-friendly<br>while offering a slew of<br>advanced, customizable<br>functions. By Michelle Delio."
"originally offered on notebook<br>PCs -- to its Opteron 32- and<br>64-bit x86 processors for<br>server applications. The<br>technology will help servers<br>to run"
"MacCentral - After Apple<br>unveiled the iMac G5 in Paris<br>this week, Vice President of<br>Hardware Product Marketing<br>Greg Joswiak gave Macworld<br>editors a guided tour of the<br>desktop's new design. Among<br>the topics of conversation:<br>the iMac's cooling system, why<br>pre-installed Bluetooth<br>functionality and FireWire 800<br>were left out, and how this<br>new model fits in with Apple's<br>objectives."
"We #39;ve known about<br>quot;strained silicon quot;<br>for a while--but now there<br>#39;s a better way to do it.<br>Straining silicon improves<br>chip performance."
"This week, Sir Richard Branson<br>announced his new company,<br>Virgin Galactic, has the<br>rights to the first commercial<br>flights into space."
"71-inch HDTV comes with a home<br>stereo system and components<br>painted in 24-karat gold."
"MacCentral - RealNetworks Inc.<br>said on Tuesday that it has<br>sold more than a million songs<br>at its online music store<br>since slashing prices last<br>week as part of a limited-time<br>sale aimed at growing the user<br>base of its new digital media<br>software."
"With the presidential election<br>less than six weeks away,<br>activists and security experts<br>are ratcheting up concern over<br>the use of touch-screen<br>machines to cast votes.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;<br>t;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"NEW YORK, September 14 (New<br>Ratings) - Yahoo! Inc<br>(YHOO.NAS) has agreed to<br>acquire Musicmatch Inc, a<br>privately held digital music<br>software company, for about<br>\\$160 million in cash."
"Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to<br>propose a ban Thursday on the<br>sale of violent and sexually<br>explicit video games to<br>minors, something other states<br>have tried with little<br>success."
"A cable channel plans to<br>resurrect each of the 1,230<br>regular-season games listed on<br>the league's defunct 2004-2005<br>schedule by setting them in<br>motion on a video game<br>console."
" - When<br>\"Halo\" became a smash video<br>game hit following Microsoft's<br>launch of the Xbox console in<br>2001, it was a no-brainer that<br>there would be a sequel to the<br>science fiction shoot-em-up."
"PARIS -- The city of Paris<br>intends to reduce its<br>dependence on software<br>suppliers with \"de facto<br>monopolies,\" but considers an<br>immediate switch of its 17,000<br>desktops to open source<br>software too costly, it said<br>Wednesday."
"The vast majority of consumers<br>are unaware that an Apple iPod<br>digital music player only<br>plays proprietary iTunes<br>files, while a smaller<br>majority agree that it is<br>within RealNetworks #39;<br>rights to develop a program<br>that will make its music files<br>compatible"
" PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) -<br>You change the oil in your car<br>every 5,000 miles or so. You<br>clean your house every week or<br>two. Your PC needs regular<br>maintenance as well --<br>especially if you're using<br>Windows and you spend a lot of<br>time on the Internet."
"The Motley Fool - Here's<br>something you don't see every<br>day -- the continuing brouhaha<br>between Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL -<br>News) and PeopleSoft (Nasdaq:<br>PSFT - News) being a notable<br>exception. South Africa's<br>Harmony Gold Mining Company<br>(NYSE: HMY - News) has<br>announced a hostile takeover<br>bid to acquire fellow South<br>African miner Gold Fields<br>Limited (NYSE: GFI - News).<br>The transaction, if it takes<br>place, would be an all-stock<br>acquisition, with Harmony<br>issuing 1.275 new shares in<br>payment for each share of Gold<br>Fields. The deal would value<br>Gold Fields at more than<br>#36;8 billion. ..."
" - NASA's Mars \\rover<br>Opportunity nbsp;will back its<br>\\way out of a nbsp;crater it<br>has spent four months<br>exploring after reaching<br>terrain nbsp;that appears \\too<br>treacherous to tread. nbsp;"
"Sony Corp. announced Tuesday a<br>new 20 gigabyte digital music<br>player with MP3 support that<br>will be available in Great<br>Britain and Japan before<br>Christmas and elsewhere in<br>Europe in early 2005."
"TOKYO (AP) -- The electronics<br>and entertainment giant Sony<br>Corp. (SNE) is talking with<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc..."
"After an unprecedented span of<br>just five days, SpaceShipOne<br>is ready for a return trip to<br>space on Monday, its final<br>flight to clinch a \\$10<br>million prize."
"Hi-tech monitoring of<br>livestock at pig farms could<br>help improve the animal growth<br>process and reduce costs."
"Cable amp; Wireless plc<br>(NYSE: CWP - message board) is<br>significantly ramping up its<br>investment in local loop<br>unbundling (LLU) in the UK,<br>and it plans to spend up to 85<br>million (\\$152."
"AFP - Microsoft said that it<br>had launched a new desktop<br>search tool that allows<br>personal computer users to<br>find documents or messages on<br>their PCs."
"The three largest computer<br>makers spearheaded a program<br>today designed to standardize<br>working conditions for their<br>non-US workers."
"Description: Illinois Gov. Rod<br>Blagojevich is backing state<br>legislation that would ban<br>sales or rentals of video<br>games with graphic sexual or<br>violent content to children<br>under 18."
"Are you bidding on keywords<br>through Overture's Precision<br>Match, Google's AdWords or<br>another pay-for-placement<br>service? If so, you're<br>eligible to participate in<br>their contextual advertising<br>programs."
"Nobel Laureate Wilkins, 87,<br>played an important role in<br>the discovery of the double<br>helix structure of DNA, the<br>molecule that carries our<br>quot;life code quot;,<br>Kazinform refers to BBC News."
"A number of signs point to<br>increasing demand for tech<br>workers, but not all the<br>clouds have been driven away."
"Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>filed nine new lawsuits<br>against spammers who send<br>unsolicited e-mail, including<br>an e-mail marketing Web<br>hosting company, the world<br>#39;s largest software maker<br>said on Thursday."
"The rocket plane SpaceShipOne<br>is just one flight away from<br>claiming the Ansari X-Prize, a<br>\\$10m award designed to kick-<br>start private space travel."
"Reuters - Three American<br>scientists won the\\2004 Nobel<br>physics prize on Tuesday for<br>showing how tiny<br>quark\\particles interact,<br>helping to explain everything<br>from how a\\coin spins to how<br>the universe was built."
"AP - Sharp Electronics Corp.<br>plans to stop selling its<br>Linux-based handheld computer<br>in the United States, another<br>sign of the slowing market for<br>personal digital assistants."
"Reuters - Glaciers once held<br>up by a floating\\ice shelf off<br>Antarctica are now sliding off<br>into the sea --\\and they are<br>going fast, scientists said on<br>Tuesday."
"AP - Warning lights flashed<br>atop four police cars as the<br>caravan wound its way up the<br>driveway in a procession fit<br>for a presidential candidate.<br>At long last, Azy and Indah<br>had arrived. They even flew<br>through a hurricane to get<br>here."
"\\Female undergraduates work<br>harder and are more open-<br>minded than males, leading to<br>better results, say<br>scientists."
"The United Nations annual<br>World Robotics Survey predicts<br>the use of robots around the<br>home will surge seven-fold by<br>2007. The boom is expected to<br>be seen in robots that can mow<br>lawns and vacuum floors, among<br>other chores."
"Want to dive deep -- really<br>deep -- into the technical<br>literature about search<br>engines? Here's a road map to<br>some of the best web<br>information retrieval<br>resources available online."
"Reuters - Ancel Keys, a<br>pioneer in public health\\best<br>known for identifying the<br>connection between<br>a\\cholesterol-rich diet and<br>heart disease, has died."
"Reuters - T-Mobile USA, the<br>U.S. wireless unit\\of Deutsche<br>Telekom AG (DTEGn.DE), does<br>not expect to offer\\broadband<br>mobile data services for at<br>least the next two years,\\its<br>chief executive said on<br>Thursday."
"Verizon Communications is<br>stepping further into video as<br>a way to compete against cable<br>companies."
"Oracle Corp. plans to release<br>the latest version of its CRM<br>(customer relationship<br>management) applications<br>within the next two months, as<br>part of an ongoing update of<br>its E-Business Suite."
"Hosted CRM service provider<br> took another<br>step forward last week in its<br>strategy to build an online<br>ecosystem of vendors that<br>offer software as a service."
" -<br>Technology giants IBM and<br>Hewlett-Packard are injecting<br>hundreds of millions of<br>dollars into radio-frequency<br>identification technology,<br>which aims to advance the<br>tracking of items from ho-hum<br>bar codes to smart tags packed<br>with data."
"The Norfolk Broads are on<br>their way to getting a clean<br>bill of ecological health<br>after a century of stagnation."
"For the second time this year,<br>an alliance of major Internet<br>providers - including Atlanta-<br>based EarthLink -iled a<br>coordinated group of lawsuits<br>aimed at stemming the flood of<br>online junk mail."
"Via Technologies has released<br>a version of the open-source<br>Xine media player that is<br>designed to take advantage of<br>hardware digital video<br>acceleration capabilities in<br>two of the company #39;s PC<br>chipsets, the CN400 and<br>CLE266."
"SCO Group has a plan to keep<br>itself fit enough to continue<br>its legal battles against<br>Linux and to develop its Unix-<br>on-Intel operating systems."
"New software helps corporate<br>travel managers track down<br>business travelers who<br>overspend. But it also poses a<br>dilemma for honest travelers<br>who are only trying to save<br>money."
"NATO Secretary-General Jaap de<br>Hoop Scheffer has called a<br>meeting of NATO states and<br>Russia on Tuesday to discuss<br>the siege of a school by<br>Chechen separatists in which<br>more than 335 people died, a<br>NATO spokesman said."
"AFP - Senior executives at<br>business software group<br>PeopleSoft unanimously<br>recommended that its<br>shareholders reject a 8.8<br>billion dollar takeover bid<br>from Oracle Corp, PeopleSoft<br>said in a statement Wednesday."
"Reuters - Neolithic people in<br>China may have\\been the first<br>in the world to make wine,<br>according to\\scientists who<br>have found the earliest<br>evidence of winemaking\\from<br>pottery shards dating from<br>7,000 BC in northern China."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Electronics<br>conglomerate Sony Corp.<br>unveiled eight new flat-screen<br>televisions on Thursday in a<br>product push it hopes will<br>help it secure a leading 35<br>percent of the domestic<br>market in the key month of<br>December."
"Donald Halsted, one target of<br>a class-action suit alleging<br>financial improprieties at<br>bankrupt Polaroid, officially<br>becomes CFO."
"The 7710 model features a<br>touch screen, pen input, a<br>digital camera, an Internet<br>browser, a radio, video<br>playback and streaming and<br>recording capabilities, the<br>company said."
"A top Red Hat executive has<br>attacked the open-source<br>credentials of its sometime<br>business partner Sun<br>Microsystems. In a Web log<br>posting Thursday, Michael<br>Tiemann, Red Hat #39;s vice<br>president of open-source<br>affairs"
"MySQL developers turn to an<br>unlikely source for database<br>tool: Microsoft. Also: SGI<br>visualizes Linux, and the<br>return of Java veteran Kim<br>Polese."
"Dell Inc. said its profit<br>surged 25 percent in the third<br>quarter as the world's largest<br>personal computer maker posted<br>record sales due to rising<br>technology spending in the<br>corporate and government<br>sectors in the United States<br>and abroad."
"Reuters - SBC Communications<br>said on Monday it\\would offer<br>a television set-top box that<br>can handle music,\\photos and<br>Internet downloads, part of<br>SBC's efforts to expand\\into<br>home entertainment."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hopes<br>-- and worries -- that U.S.<br>regulators will soon end the<br>ban on using wireless phones<br>during U.S. commercial flights<br>are likely at least a year or<br>two early, government<br>officials and analysts say."
"After a year of pilots and<br>trials, Siebel Systems jumped<br>with both feet into the SMB<br>market Tuesday, announcing a<br>new approach to offer Siebel<br>Professional CRM applications<br>to SMBs (small and midsize<br>businesses) -- companies with<br>revenues up to about \\$500<br>million."
"Intel won't release a 4-GHz<br>version of its flagship<br>Pentium 4 product, having<br>decided instead to realign its<br>engineers around the company's<br>new design priorities, an<br>Intel spokesman said today.<br>\\\\"
"AP - A Soyuz spacecraft<br>carrying two Russians and an<br>American rocketed closer<br>Friday to its docking with the<br>international space station,<br>where the current three-man<br>crew made final departure<br>preparations."
"Scientists have manipulated<br>carbon atoms to create a<br>material that could be used to<br>create light-based, versus<br>electronic, switches. The<br>material could lead to a<br>supercharged Internet based<br>entirely on light, scientists<br>say."
"LOS ANGELES (Reuters)<br>Qualcomm has dropped an \\$18<br>million claim for monetary<br>damages from rival Texas<br>Instruments for publicly<br>discussing terms of a<br>licensing pact, a TI<br>spokeswoman confirmed Tuesday."
"Hewlett-Packard is the latest<br>IT vendor to try blogging. But<br>analysts wonder if the weblog<br>trend is the 21st century<br>equivalent of CB radios, which<br>made a big splash in the 1970s<br>before fading."
"The scientists behind Dolly<br>the sheep apply for a license<br>to clone human embryos. They<br>want to take stem cells from<br>the embryos to study Lou<br>Gehrig's disease."
"Some of the silly tunes<br>Japanese pay to download to<br>use as the ring tone for their<br>mobile phones sure have their<br>knockers, but it #39;s for<br>precisely that reason that a<br>well-known counselor is raking<br>it in at the moment, according<br>to Shukan Gendai (10/2)."
"IBM announced yesterday that<br>it will invest US\\$250 million<br>(S\\$425 million) over the next<br>five years and employ 1,000<br>people in a new business unit<br>to support products and<br>services related to sensor<br>networks."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. goes into<br>round two Friday of its battle<br>to get the European Union's<br>sweeping antitrust ruling<br>lifted having told a judge<br>that it had been prepared<br>during settlement talks to<br>share more software code with<br>its rivals than the EU<br>ultimately demanded."
"AP - Sears, Roebuck and Co.,<br>which has successfully sold<br>its tools and appliances on<br>the Web, is counting on having<br>the same magic with bedspreads<br>and sweaters, thanks in part<br>to expertise gained by its<br>purchase of Lands' End Inc."
"Austin police are working with<br>overseas officials to bring<br>charges against an English man<br>for sexual assault of a child,<br>a second-degree felony."
"San Francisco<br>developer/publisher lands<br>coveted Paramount sci-fi<br>license, \\$6.5 million in<br>funding on same day. Although<br>it is less than two years old,<br>Perpetual Entertainment has<br>acquired one of the most<br>coveted sci-fi licenses on the<br>market."
"By KELLY WIESE JEFFERSON<br>CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Missouri<br>will allow members of the<br>military stationed overseas to<br>return absentee ballots via<br>e-mail, raising concerns from<br>Internet security experts<br>about fraud and ballot<br>secrecy..."
"Avis Europe PLC has dumped a<br>new ERP system based on<br>software from PeopleSoft Inc.<br>before it was even rolled out,<br>citing substantial delays and<br>higher-than-expected costs."
"Yahoo #39;s (Quote, Chart)<br>public embrace of the RSS<br>content syndication format<br>took a major leap forward with<br>the release of a revamped My<br>Yahoo portal seeking to<br>introduce the technology to<br>mainstream consumers."
"TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese<br>electronics and entertainment<br>giant Sony Corp. (SNE) plans<br>to begin selling a camcorder<br>designed for consumers that<br>takes video at digital high-<br>definition quality and is<br>being priced at about<br>\\$3,600..."
"In a meeting of the cinematic<br>with the scientific, Hollywood<br>helicopter stunt pilots will<br>try to snatch a returning NASA<br>space probe out of the air<br>before it hits the ground."
"Legend has it (incorrectly, it<br>seems) that infamous bank<br>robber Willie Sutton, when<br>asked why banks were his<br>favorite target, responded,<br>quot;Because that #39;s where<br>the money is."
"Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and<br>Purdue Pharma are the first<br>drugmakers willing to take the<br>plunge and use radio frequency<br>identification technology to<br>protect their US drug supply<br>chains from counterfeiters."
"Search any fee-based digital<br>music service for the best-<br>loved musical artists of the<br>20th century and most of the<br>expected names show up."
"America Online Inc. is<br>packaging new features to<br>combat viruses, spam and<br>spyware in response to growing<br>online security threats.<br>Subscribers will be able to<br>get the free tools"
"CAPE CANAVERAL-- NASA aims to<br>launch its first post-Columbia<br>shuttle mission during a<br>shortened nine-day window<br>March, and failure to do so<br>likely would delay a planned<br>return to flight until at<br>least May."
"The Chinese city of Beijing<br>has cancelled an order for<br>Microsoft software, apparently<br>bowing to protectionist<br>sentiment. The deal has come<br>under fire in China, which is<br>trying to build a domestic<br>software industry."
"Apple says it will deliver its<br>iTunes music service to more<br>European countries next month.<br>Corroborating several reports<br>in recent months, Reuters is<br>reporting today that Apple<br>Computer is planning the next"
"Reuters - Motorola Inc., the<br>world's\\second-largest mobile<br>phone maker, said on Tuesday<br>it expects\\to sustain strong<br>sales growth in the second<br>half of 2004\\thanks to new<br>handsets with innovative<br>designs and features."
"PRAGUE, Czech Republic --<br>Eugene Cernan, the last man to<br>walk on the moon during the<br>final Apollo landing, said<br>Thursday he doesn't expect<br>space tourism to become<br>reality in the near future,<br>despite a strong demand.<br>Cernan, now 70, who was<br>commander of NASA's Apollo 17<br>mission and set foot on the<br>lunar surface in December 1972<br>during his third space flight,<br>acknowledged that \"there are<br>many people interested in<br>space tourism.\" But the<br>former astronaut said he<br>believed \"we are a long way<br>away from the day when we can<br>send a bus of tourists to the<br>moon.\" He spoke to reporters<br>before being awarded a medal<br>by the Czech Academy of<br>Sciences for his contribution<br>to science..."
"Never shy about entering a<br>market late, Microsoft Corp.<br>is planning to open the<br>virtual doors of its long-<br>planned Internet music store<br>next week. &lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"AP - On his first birthday<br>Thursday, giant panda cub Mei<br>Sheng delighted visitors by<br>playing for the first time in<br>snow delivered to him at the<br>San Diego Zoo. He also sat on<br>his ice cake, wrestled with<br>his mom, got his coat<br>incredibly dirty, and didn't<br>read any of the more than 700<br>birthday wishes sent him via<br>e-mail from as far away as<br>Ireland and Argentina."
"AP - Researchers put a<br>satellite tracking device on a<br>15-foot shark that appeared to<br>be lost in shallow water off<br>Cape Cod, the first time a<br>great white has been tagged<br>that way in the Atlantic."
"The Windows Future Storage<br>(WinFS) technology that got<br>cut out of Windows<br>quot;Longhorn quot; is in<br>serious trouble, and not just<br>the hot water a feature might<br>encounter for missing its<br>intended production vehicle."
" - Let the<br>games begin. Not the Olympics<br>again, but the all-out battle<br>between video game giants Sony<br>Corp. and Nintendo Co. Ltd.<br>The two Japanese companies are<br>rolling out new gaming<br>consoles, but Nintendo has<br>beaten Sony to the punch by<br>announcing an earlier launch<br>date for its new hand-held<br>game player."
"AP - Echoing what NASA<br>officials said a day earlier,<br>a Russian space official on<br>Friday said the two-man crew<br>on the international space<br>station could be forced to<br>return to Earth if a planned<br>resupply flight cannot reach<br>them with food supplies later<br>this month."
"InfoWorld - SANTA CLARA,<br>CALIF. -- Accommodating large<br>patch sets in Linux is<br>expected to mean forking off<br>of the 2.7 version of the<br>platform to accommodate these<br>changes, according to Andrew<br>Morton, lead maintainer of the<br>Linux kernel for Open Source<br>Development Labs (OSDL)."
"AMSTERDAM The mobile phone<br>giants Vodafone and Nokia<br>teamed up on Thursday to<br>simplify cellphone software<br>written with the Java computer<br>language."
"The overall Linux market is<br>far larger than previous<br>estimates show, a new study<br>says. In an analysis of the<br>Linux market released late<br>Tuesday, market research firm<br>IDC estimated that the Linux<br>market -- including"
"By PAUL ELIAS SAN FRANCISCO<br>(AP) -- Several California<br>cities and counties, including<br>San Francisco and Los Angeles,<br>sued Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) on<br>Friday, accusing the software<br>giant of illegally charging<br>inflated prices for its<br>products because of monopoly<br>control of the personal<br>computer operating system<br>market..."
"Public opinion of the database<br>giant sinks to 12-year low, a<br>new report indicates."
"For spammers, it #39;s been a<br>summer of love. Two newly<br>issued reports tracking the<br>circulation of unsolicited<br>e-mails say pornographic spam<br>dominated this summer, nearly<br>all of it originating from<br>Internet addresses in North<br>America."
"Microsoft portrayed its<br>Longhorn decision as a<br>necessary winnowing to hit the<br>2006 timetable. The<br>announcement on Friday,<br>Microsoft executives insisted,<br>did not point to a setback in<br>software"
"A problem in the Service Pack<br>2 update for Windows XP may<br>keep owners of AMD-based<br>computers from using the long-<br>awaited security package,<br>according to Microsoft."
"Five years ago, running a<br>telephone company was an<br>immensely profitable<br>proposition. Since then, those<br>profits have inexorably<br>declined, and now that decline<br>has taken another gut-<br>wrenching dip."
"NEW YORK - The litigious<br>Recording Industry Association<br>of America (RIAA) is involved<br>in another legal dispute with<br>a P-to-P (peer-to-peer)<br>technology maker, but this<br>time, the RIAA is on defense.<br>Altnet Inc. filed a lawsuit<br>Wednesday accusing the RIAA<br>and several of its partners of<br>infringing an Altnet patent<br>covering technology for<br>identifying requested files on<br>a P-to-P network."
"For two weeks before MTV<br>debuted U2 #39;s video for the<br>new single quot;Vertigo,<br>quot; fans had a chance to see<br>the band perform the song on<br>TV -- in an iPod commercial."
"Oct. 26, 2004 - The US-<br>European spacecraft Cassini-<br>Huygens on Tuesday made a<br>historic flyby of Titan,<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>passing so low as to almost<br>touch the fringes of its<br>atmosphere."
"Reuters - A volcano in central<br>Japan sent smoke and\\ash high<br>into the sky and spat out<br>molten rock as it erupted\\for<br>a fourth straight day on<br>Friday, but experts said the<br>peak\\appeared to be quieting<br>slightly."
"Shares of Google Inc. made<br>their market debut on Thursday<br>and quickly traded up 19<br>percent at \\$101.28. The Web<br>search company #39;s initial<br>public offering priced at \\$85"
"Reuters - Global warming is<br>melting\\Ecuador's cherished<br>mountain glaciers and could<br>cause several\\of them to<br>disappear over the next two<br>decades, Ecuadorean and\\French<br>scientists said on Wednesday."
"Rather than tell you, Dan<br>Kranzler chooses instead to<br>show you how he turned Mforma<br>into a worldwide publisher of<br>video games, ringtones and<br>other hot downloads for mobile<br>phones."
"Not being part of a culture<br>with a highly developed<br>language, could limit your<br>thoughts, at least as far as<br>numbers are concerned, reveals<br>a new study conducted by a<br>psychologist at the Columbia<br>University in New York."
"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A native of<br>Red Oak, Iowa, who was a<br>pioneer in astronomy who<br>proposed the quot;dirty<br>snowball quot; theory for the<br>substance of comets, has died."
"A Portuguese-sounding version<br>of the virus has appeared in<br>the wild. Be wary of mail from<br>Manaus."
"Reuters - Hunters soon may be<br>able to sit at\\their computers<br>and blast away at animals on a<br>Texas ranch via\\the Internet,<br>a prospect that has state<br>wildlife officials up\\in arms."
"The Bedminster-based company<br>yesterday said it was pushing<br>into 21 new markets with the<br>service, AT amp;T CallVantage,<br>and extending an introductory<br>rate offer until Sept. 30. In<br>addition, the company is<br>offering in-home installation<br>of up to five ..."
"Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.<br>has developed a new LCD<br>(liquid crystal display)<br>technology that builds a touch<br>screen into the display, a<br>development that could lead to<br>thinner and cheaper display<br>panels for mobile phones, the<br>company said Tuesday."
"The message against illegally<br>copying CDs for uses such as<br>in file-sharing over the<br>Internet has widely sunk in,<br>said the company in it #39;s<br>recent announcement to drop<br>the Copy-Control program."
"Reuters - California will<br>become hotter and\\drier by the<br>end of the century, menacing<br>the valuable wine and\\dairy<br>industries, even if dramatic<br>steps are taken to curb\\global<br>warming, researchers said on<br>Monday."
"IBM said Monday that it won a<br>500 million (AUD\\$1.25<br>billion), seven-year services<br>contract to help move UK bank<br>Lloyds TBS from its<br>traditional voice<br>infrastructure to a converged<br>voice and data network."
"Space shuttle astronauts will<br>fly next year without the<br>ability to repair in orbit the<br>type of damage that destroyed<br>the Columbia vehicle in<br>February 2003."
"By cutting WinFS from Longhorn<br>and indefinitely delaying the<br>storage system, Microsoft<br>Corp. has also again delayed<br>the Microsoft Business<br>Framework (MBF), a new Windows<br>programming layer that is<br>closely tied to WinFS."
"Samsung's new SPH-V5400 mobile<br>phone sports a built-in<br>1-inch, 1.5-gigabyte hard disk<br>that can store about 15 times<br>more data than conventional<br>handsets, Samsung said."
"Vendor says it #39;s<br>developing standards-based<br>servers in various form<br>factors for the telecom<br>market. By Darrell Dunn.<br>Hewlett-Packard on Thursday<br>unveiled plans to create a<br>portfolio of products and<br>services"
"Ziff Davis - The company this<br>week will unveil more programs<br>and technologies designed to<br>ease users of its high-end<br>servers onto its Integrity<br>line, which uses Intel's<br>64-bit Itanium processor."
"The Mac maker says it will<br>replace about 28,000 batteries<br>in one model of PowerBook G4<br>and tells people to stop using<br>the notebook."
"Millions of casual US anglers<br>are having are larger than<br>appreciated impact on sea fish<br>stocks, scientists claim."
"Microsoft Xbox Live traffic on<br>service provider networks<br>quadrupled following the<br>November 9th launch of Halo-II<br>-- which set entertainment<br>industry records by selling<br>2.4-million units in the US<br>and Canada on the first day of<br>availability, driving cash"
"Lawyers in a California class<br>action suit against Microsoft<br>will get less than half the<br>payout they had hoped for. A<br>judge in San Francisco ruled<br>that the attorneys will<br>collect only \\$112."
"Google Browser May Become<br>Reality\\\\There has been much<br>fanfare in the Mozilla fan<br>camps about the possibility of<br>Google using Mozilla browser<br>technology to produce a<br>GBrowser - the Google Browser.<br>Over the past two weeks, the<br>news and speculation has<br>escalated to the point where<br>even Google itself is ..."
"Hewlett-Packard has joined<br>with Brocade to integrate<br>Brocade #39;s storage area<br>network switching technology<br>into HP Bladesystem servers to<br>reduce the amount of fabric<br>infrastructure needed in a<br>datacentre."
"The US Senate Commerce<br>Committee on Wednesday<br>approved a measure that would<br>provide up to \\$1 billion to<br>ensure consumers can still<br>watch television when<br>broadcasters switch to new,<br>crisp digital signals."
"Reuters - Internet stocks<br>are\\as volatile as ever, with<br>growth-starved investors<br>flocking to\\the sector in the<br>hope they've bought shares in<br>the next online\\blue chip."
"NASA has released an inventory<br>of the scientific devices to<br>be put on board the Mars<br>Science Laboratory rover<br>scheduled to land on the<br>surface of Mars in 2009, NASAs<br>news release reads."
"The U.S. Congress needs to<br>invest more in the U.S.<br>education system and do more<br>to encourage broadband<br>adoption, the chief executive<br>of Cisco said Wednesday.&lt;p&<br>gt;ADVERTISEMENT&lt;/p&gt;&lt;<br>p&gt;&lt;img src=\"<br><br>neral/sbcspotrssfeed;sz=1x1;or<br>d=200301151450?\" width=\"1\"<br>height=\"1\"<br>border=\"0\"/&gt;&lt;a href=\"htt<br>p://;922<br>8975;9651165;a?<br><br>html?lpid0103035400730000idlp\"<br>&gt;SBC Case Study: Crate Ba<br>rrel&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;What<br>sold them on improving their<br>network? A system that could<br>cut management costs from the<br>get-go. Find out<br>more.&lt;/p&gt;"
"Thirty-two countries and<br>regions will participate the<br>Fifth China International<br>Aviation and Aerospace<br>Exhibition, opening Nov. 1 in<br>Zhuhai, a city in south China<br>#39;s Guangdong Province."
" News:- Virgin<br>Electronics has joined the mp3<br>race with a \\$250, five gig<br>player which also handles<br>Microsoft #39;s WMA format."
"Microsoft has suspended the<br>beta testing of the next<br>version of its MSN Messenger<br>client because of a potential<br>security problem, a company<br>spokeswoman said Wednesday."
"AP - Business software maker<br>Oracle Corp. attacked the<br>credibility and motives of<br>PeopleSoft Inc.'s board of<br>directors Monday, hoping to<br>rally investor support as the<br>17-month takeover battle<br>between the bitter business<br>software rivals nears a<br>climactic showdown."
"A new worm has been discovered<br>in the wild that #39;s not<br>just settling for invading<br>users #39; PCs--it wants to<br>invade their homes too."
"Researchers have for the first<br>time established the existence<br>of odd-parity superconductors,<br>materials that can carry<br>electric current without any<br>resistance."
"BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --<br>European antitrust regulators<br>said Monday they have extended<br>their review of a deal between<br>Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and<br>Time Warner Inc..."
"Fans who can't get enough of<br>\"The Apprentice\" can visit a<br>new companion Web site each<br>week and watch an extra 40<br>minutes of video not broadcast<br>on the Thursday<br>show.&lt;br&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;"
"An adult Web site publisher is<br>suing Google, saying the<br>search engine company made it<br>easier for users to see the<br>site #39;s copyrighted nude<br>photographs without paying or<br>gaining access through the<br>proper channels."
"A Washington-based public<br>opinion firm has released the<br>results of an election day<br>survey of Nevada voters<br>showing 81 support for the<br>issuance of paper receipts<br>when votes are cast<br>electronically."
"NAPSTER creator SHAWN FANNING<br>has revealed his plans for a<br>new licensed file-sharing<br>service with an almost<br>unlimited selection of tracks."
"Two separate studies by U.S.<br>researchers find that super<br>drug-resistant strains of<br>tuberculosis are at the<br>tipping point of a global<br>epidemic, and only small<br>changes could help them spread<br>quickly."
"Dell cut prices on some<br>servers and PCs by as much as<br>22 percent because it #39;s<br>paying less for parts. The<br>company will pass the savings<br>on components such as memory<br>and liquid crystal displays"
"WASHINGTON: The European-<br>American Cassini-Huygens space<br>probe has detected traces of<br>ice flowing on the surface of<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>Titan, suggesting the<br>existence of an ice volcano,<br>NASA said Tuesday."
"All ISS systems continue to<br>function nominally, except<br>those noted previously or<br>below. Day 7 of joint<br>Exp.9/Exp.10 operations and<br>last full day before 8S<br>undocking."
" quot;Magic can happen. quot;<br>Sirius Satellite Radio<br>(nasdaq: SIRI - news - people<br>) may have signed Howard Stern<br>and the men #39;s NCAA<br>basketball tournaments, but XM<br>Satellite Radio (nasdaq: XMSR<br>- news - people ) has its<br>sights on your cell phone."
"Trick-or-treaters can expect<br>an early Halloween treat on<br>Wednesday night, when a total<br>lunar eclipse makes the moon<br>look like a glowing pumpkin."
"Sifting through millions of<br>documents to locate a valuable<br>few is tedious enough, but<br>what happens when those files<br>are scattered across different<br>repositories?"
"NASA #39;s Mars rovers have<br>uncovered more tantalizing<br>evidence of a watery past on<br>the Red Planet, scientists<br>said Wednesday. And the<br>rovers, Spirit and<br>Opportunity, are continuing to<br>do their jobs months after<br>they were expected to ..."
"Intel Chief Technology Officer<br>Pat Gelsinger said on<br>Thursday, Sept. 9, that the<br>Internet needed to be upgraded<br>in order to deal with problems<br>that will become real issues<br>soon."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Television<br>junkies of the world, get<br>ready for \"Friends,\" \"Big<br>Brother\" and \"The Simpsons\" to<br>phone home."
"I #39;M FEELING a little bit<br>better about the hundreds of<br>junk e-mails I get every day<br>now that I #39;ve read that<br>someone else has much bigger<br>e-mail troubles."
"Microsoft's antispam Sender ID<br>technology continues to get<br>the cold shoulder. Now AOL<br>adds its voice to a growing<br>chorus of businesses and<br>organizations shunning the<br>proprietary e-mail<br>authentication system."
"Through the World Community<br>Grid, your computer could help<br>address the world's health and<br>social problems."
"A planned component for<br>Microsoft #39;s next version<br>of Windows is causing<br>consternation among antivirus<br>experts, who say that the new<br>module, a scripting platform<br>called Microsoft Shell, could<br>give birth to a whole new<br>generation of viruses and<br>remotely"
"SAN JOSE, California Yahoo<br>will likely have a tough time<br>getting American courts to<br>intervene in a dispute over<br>the sale of Nazi memorabilia<br>in France after a US appeals<br>court ruling."
"eBay Style director Constance<br>White joins Post fashion<br>editor Robin Givhan and host<br>Janet Bennett to discuss how<br>to find trends and bargains<br>and pull together a wardrobe<br>online."
"With a sudden shudder, the<br>ground collapsed and the pipe<br>pushed upward, buckling into a<br>humped shape as Cornell<br>University scientists produced<br>the first simulated earthquake"
"Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has<br>fired another salvo in its<br>ongoing spam battle, this time<br>against porn peddlers who don<br>#39;t keep their smut inside<br>the digital equivalent of a<br>quot;Brown Paper Wrapper."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - The next<br>version of the Windows<br>operating system, Microsoft<br>Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>kup.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>flagship product, will ship<br>in 2006, the world's largest<br>software maker said on<br>Friday."
"Fossil remains of the oldest<br>and smallest known ancestor of<br>Tyrannosaurus rex, the world<br>#39;s favorite ferocious<br>dinosaur, have been discovered<br>in China with evidence that<br>its body was cloaked in downy<br>quot;protofeathers."
"People fishing for sport are<br>doing far more damage to US<br>marine fish stocks than anyone<br>thought, accounting for nearly<br>a quarter of the"
"This particular index is<br>produced by the University of<br>Michigan Business School, in<br>partnership with the American<br>Society for Quality and CFI<br>Group, and is supported in<br>part by ForeSee Results"
"PC World - Symantec, McAfee<br>hope raising virus-definition<br>fees will move users to\\<br>suites."
"By byron kho. A consortium of<br>movie and record companies<br>joined forces on Friday to<br>request that the US Supreme<br>Court take another look at<br>peer-to-peer file-sharing<br>programs."
"LONDON - Wild capuchin monkeys<br>can understand cause and<br>effect well enough to use<br>rocks to dig for food,<br>scientists have found.<br>Capuchin monkeys often use<br>tools and solve problems in<br>captivity and sometimes"
"The key to hidden treasure<br>lies in your handheld GPS<br>unit. GPS-based \"geocaching\"<br>is a high-tech sport being<br>played by thousands of people<br>across the globe."
"The U.S. information tech<br>sector lost 403,300 jobs<br>between March 2001 and April<br>2004, and the market for tech<br>workers remains bleak,<br>according to a new report."
"com September 30, 2004, 11:11<br>AM PT. SanDisk announced<br>Thursday increased capacities<br>for several different flash<br>memory cards. The Sunnyvale,<br>Calif."
"roundup Plus: Tech firms rally<br>against copyright bill...Apple<br>.Mac customers suffer e-mail<br>glitches...Alvarion expands<br>wireless broadband in China."
"Red Hat is acquiring security<br>and authentication tools from<br>Netscape Security Solutions to<br>bolster its software arsenal.<br>Red Hat #39;s CEO and chairman<br>Matthew Szulik spoke about the<br>future strategy of the Linux<br>supplier."
"Global Web portal Yahoo! Inc.<br>Wednesday night made available<br>a beta version of a new search<br>service for videos. Called<br>Yahoo! Video Search, the<br>search engine crawls the Web<br>for different types of media<br>files"
"Interactive posters at 25<br>underground stations are<br>helping Londoners travel<br>safely over Christmas."
"According to Swiss<br>authorities, history was made<br>Sunday when 2723 people in<br>four communities in canton<br>Geneva, Switzerland, voted<br>online in a national federal<br>referendum."
" Nextel was the big story in<br>telecommunications yesterday,<br>thanks to the Reston company's<br>mega-merger with Sprint, but<br>the future of wireless may be<br>percolating in dozens of<br>Washington area start-ups."
"I have been anticipating this<br>day like a child waits for<br>Christmas. Today, PalmOne<br>introduces the Treo 650, the<br>answer to my quot;what smart<br>phone will I buy?"
"Wikipedia has surprised Web<br>watchers by growing fast and<br>maturing into one of the most<br>popular reference sites."
"It only takes 20 minutes on<br>the Internet for an<br>unprotected computer running<br>Microsoft Windows to be taken<br>over by a hacker. Any personal<br>or financial information<br>stored"
"Prices for flash memory cards<br>-- the little modules used by<br>digital cameras, handheld<br>organizers, MP3 players and<br>cell phones to store pictures,<br>music and other data -- are<br>headed down -- way down. Past<br>trends suggest that prices<br>will drop 35 percent a year,<br>but industry analysts think<br>that rate will be more like 40<br>or 50 percent this year and<br>next, due to more<br>manufacturers entering the<br>market."
"While the US software giant<br>Microsoft has achieved almost<br>sweeping victories in<br>government procurement<br>projects in several Chinese<br>provinces and municipalities,<br>the process"
"Microsoft Corp. has delayed<br>automated distribution of a<br>major security upgrade to its<br>Windows XP Professional<br>operating system, citing a<br>desire to give companies more<br>time to test it."
"Gateway computers will be more<br>widely available at Office<br>Depot, in the PC maker #39;s<br>latest move to broaden<br>distribution at retail stores<br>since acquiring rival<br>eMachines this year."
"Intel Corp. is refreshing its<br>64-bit Itanium 2 processor<br>line with six new chips based<br>on the Madison core. The new<br>processors represent the last<br>single-core Itanium chips that<br>the Santa Clara, Calif."
"For the first time, broadband<br>connections are reaching more<br>than half (51 percent) of the<br>American online population at<br>home, according to measurement<br>taken in July by<br>Nielsen/NetRatings, a<br>Milpitas-based Internet<br>audience measurement and<br>research ..."
"Consider the New World of<br>Information - stuff that,<br>unlike the paper days of the<br>past, doesn't always<br>physically exist. You've got<br>notes, scrawlings and<br>snippets, Web graphics, photos<br>and sounds. Stuff needs to be<br>cut, pasted, highlighted,<br>annotated, crossed out,<br>dragged away. And, as Ross<br>Perot used to say (or maybe it<br>was Dana Carvey impersonating<br>him), don't forget the graphs<br>and charts."
"Major Hollywood studios on<br>Tuesday announced scores of<br>lawsuits against computer<br>server operators worldwide,<br>including eDonkey, BitTorrent<br>and DirectConnect networks,<br>for allowing trading of<br>pirated movies."
"But will Wi-Fi, high-<br>definition broadcasts, mobile<br>messaging and other<br>enhancements improve the game,<br>or wreck it?\\&lt;br /&gt;<br>Photos of tech-friendly parks\\"
"On-demand viewing isn't just<br>for TiVo owners anymore.<br>Television over internet<br>protocol, or TVIP, offers<br>custom programming over<br>standard copper wires."
"PalmSource #39;s European<br>developer conference is going<br>on now in Germany, and this<br>company is using this<br>opportunity to show off Palm<br>OS Cobalt 6.1, the latest<br>version of its operating<br>system."
"Speaking to members of the<br>Massachusetts Software<br>Council, Microsoft CEO Steve<br>Ballmer touted a bright future<br>for technology but warned his<br>listeners to think twice<br>before adopting open-source<br>products like Linux."
"MIAMI - The Trillian instant<br>messaging (IM) application<br>will feature several<br>enhancements in its upcoming<br>version 3.0, including new<br>video and audio chat<br>capabilities, enhanced IM<br>session logs and integration<br>with the Wikipedia online<br>encyclopedia, according to<br>information posted Friday on<br>the product developer's Web<br>site."
"Reuters - Online DVD rental<br>service Netflix Inc.\\and TiVo<br>Inc., maker of a digital video<br>recorder, on Thursday\\said<br>they have agreed to develop a<br>joint entertainment\\offering,<br>driving shares of both<br>companies higher."
"THIS YULE is all about console<br>supply and there #39;s<br>precious little units around,<br>it has emerged. Nintendo has<br>announced that it is going to<br>ship another 400,000 units of<br>its DS console to the United<br>States to meet the shortfall<br>there."
"Annual global semiconductor<br>sales growth will probably<br>fall by half in 2005 and<br>memory chip sales could<br>collapse as a supply glut saps<br>prices, world-leading memory<br>chip maker Samsung Electronics<br>said on Monday."
"NEW YORK - Traditional phone<br>systems may be going the way<br>of the Pony Express. Voice-<br>over-Internet Protocol,<br>technology that allows users<br>to make and receive phone<br>calls using the Internet, is<br>giving the old circuit-<br>switched system a run for its<br>money."
"AP - The first U.S. cases of<br>the fungus soybean rust, which<br>hinders plant growth and<br>drastically cuts crop<br>production, were found at two<br>research sites in Louisiana,<br>officials said Wednesday."
" quot;There #39;s no way<br>anyone would hire them to<br>fight viruses, quot; said<br>Sophos security analyst Gregg<br>Mastoras. quot;For one, no<br>security firm could maintain<br>its reputation by employing<br>hackers."
"Symantec has revoked its<br>decision to blacklist a<br>program that allows Web<br>surfers in China to browse<br>government-blocked Web sites.<br>The move follows reports that<br>the firm labelled the Freegate<br>program, which"
"Microsoft has signed a pact to<br>work with the United Nations<br>Educational, Scientific and<br>Cultural Organization (UNESCO)<br>to increase computer use,<br>Internet access and teacher<br>training in developing<br>countries."
"roundup Plus: Microsoft tests<br>Windows Marketplace...Nortel<br>delays financials<br>again...Microsoft updates<br>SharePoint."
"OPEN SOURCE champion Microsoft<br>is expanding its programme to<br>give government organisations<br>some of its source code. In a<br>communique from the lair of<br>the Vole, in Redmond,<br>spinsters have said that<br>Microsoft"
"WASHINGTON Can you always tell<br>when somebody #39;s lying? If<br>so, you might be a wizard of<br>the fib. A California<br>psychology professor says<br>there #39;s a tiny subculture<br>of people that can pick out a<br>lie nearly every time they<br>hear one."
"Type design was once the<br>province of skilled artisans.<br>With the help of new computer<br>programs, neophytes have<br>flooded the Internet with<br>their creations."
"RCN Inc., co-owner of<br>Starpower Communications LLC,<br>the Washington area<br>television, telephone and<br>Internet provider, filed a<br>plan of reorganization<br>yesterday that it said puts<br>the company"
"&lt;strong&gt;Letters&lt;/stro<br>ng&gt; Reports of demise<br>premature"
"Intel, the world #39;s largest<br>chip maker, scrapped a plan<br>Thursday to enter the digital<br>television chip business,<br>marking a major retreat from<br>its push into consumer<br>electronics."
"The US is the originator of<br>over 42 of the worlds<br>unsolicited commercial e-mail,<br>making it the worst offender<br>in a league table of the top<br>12 spam producing countries<br>published yesterday by anti-<br>virus firm Sophos."
"Intel is drawing the curtain<br>on some of its future research<br>projects to continue making<br>transistors smaller, faster,<br>and less power-hungry out as<br>far as 2020."
"Plus: Experts fear Check 21<br>could lead to massive bank<br>fraud."
"By SIOBHAN McDONOUGH<br>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fewer<br>American youths are using<br>marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy,<br>but more are abusing<br>prescription drugs, says a<br>government report released<br>Thursday. The 2003 National<br>Survey on Drug Use and Health<br>also found youths and young<br>adults are more aware of the<br>risks of using pot once a<br>month or more frequently..."
"A TNO engineer prepares to<br>start capturing images for the<br>world's biggest digital photo."
"PalmOne is aiming to sharpen<br>up its image with the launch<br>of the Treo 650 on Monday. As<br>previously reported, the smart<br>phone update has a higher-<br>resolution screen and a faster<br>processor than the previous<br>top-of-the-line model, the<br>Treo 600."
"kinrowan writes quot;MIT,<br>inventor of Kerberos, has<br>announced a pair of<br>vulnerabities in the software<br>that will allow an attacker to<br>either execute a DOS attack or<br>execute code on the machine."
"Reuters - Former Pink Floyd<br>mainman Roger\\Waters released<br>two new songs, both inspired<br>by the U.S.-led\\invasion of<br>Iraq, via online download<br>outlets Tuesday."
"NASA has been working on a<br>test flight project for the<br>last few years involving<br>hypersonic flight. Hypersonic<br>flight is fight at speeds<br>greater than Mach 5, or five<br>times the speed of sound."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. announced<br>Wednesday that it would offer<br>a low-cost, localized version<br>of its Windows XP operating<br>system in India to tap the<br>large market potential in this<br>country of 1 billion people,<br>most of whom do not speak<br>English."
"AP - Utah State University has<br>secured a #36;40 million<br>contract with NASA to build an<br>orbiting telescope that will<br>examine galaxies and try to<br>find new stars."
"I spend anywhere from three to<br>eight hours every week<br>sweating along with a motley<br>crew of local misfits,<br>shelving, sorting, and hauling<br>ton after ton of written<br>matter in a rowhouse basement<br>in Baltimore. We have no heat<br>nor air conditioning, but<br>still, every week, we come and<br>work. Volunteer night is<br>Wednesday, but many of us also<br>work on the weekends, when<br>we're open to the public.<br>There are times when we're<br>freezing and we have to wear<br>coats and gloves inside,<br>making handling books somewhat<br>tricky; other times, we're all<br>soaked with sweat, since it's<br>90 degrees out and the<br>basement is thick with bodies.<br>One learns to forget about<br>personal space when working at<br>The Book Thing, since you can<br>scarcely breathe without<br>bumping into someone, and we<br>are all so accustomed to<br>having to scrape by each other<br>that most of us no longer<br>bother to say \"excuse me\"<br>unless some particularly<br>dramatic brushing occurs."
"Alarmed by software glitches,<br>security threats and computer<br>crashes with ATM-like voting<br>machines, officials from<br>Washington, D.C., to<br>California are considering an<br>alternative from an unlikely<br>place: Nevada."
"More Americans are quitting<br>their jobs and taking the risk<br>of starting a business despite<br>a still-lackluster job market."
" - With nbsp;food<br>stores nbsp;running low, the<br>two \\astronauts living aboard<br>the International Space<br>Station (ISS) are cutting back<br>\\their meal intake and<br>awaiting a critical cargo<br>nbsp;delivery expected to<br>arrive \\on Dec. 25."
"Virgin Electronics hopes its<br>slim Virgin Player, which<br>debuts today and is smaller<br>than a deck of cards, will<br>rise as a lead competitor to<br>Apple's iPod."
"Researchers train a monkey to<br>feed itself by guiding a<br>mechanical arm with its mind.<br>It could be a big step forward<br>for prosthetics. By David<br>Cohn."
"AP - Scientists in 17<br>countries will scout waterways<br>to locate and study the<br>world's largest freshwater<br>fish species, many of which<br>are declining in numbers,<br>hoping to learn how to better<br>protect them, researchers<br>announced Thursday."
"AP - Google Inc.'s plans to<br>move ahead with its initial<br>public stock offering ran into<br>a roadblock when the<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission didn't approve the<br>Internet search giant's<br>regulatory paperwork as<br>requested."
"Citing security risks, a state<br>university is urging students<br>to drop Internet Explorer in<br>favor of alternative Web<br>browsers such as Firefox and<br>Safari."
"Despite being ranked eleventh<br>in the world in broadband<br>penetration, the United States<br>is rolling out high-speed<br>services on a quot;reasonable<br>and timely basis to all<br>Americans, quot; according to<br>a new report narrowly approved<br>today by the Federal<br>Communications"
"NewsFactor - Taking an<br>innovative approach to the<br>marketing of high-performance<br>\\computing, Sun Microsystems<br>(Nasdaq: SUNW) is offering its<br>N1 Grid program in a pay-for-<br>use pricing model that mimics<br>the way such commodities as<br>electricity and wireless phone<br>plans are sold."
"Reuters - Madonna and m-Qube<br>have\\made it possible for the<br>star's North American fans to<br>download\\polyphonic ring tones<br>and other licensed mobile<br>content from\\her official Web<br>site, across most major<br>carriers and without\\the need<br>for a credit card."
"The chipmaker is back on a<br>buying spree, having scooped<br>up five other companies this<br>year."
"The company hopes to lure<br>software partners by promising<br>to save them from<br>infrastructure headaches."
"Call it the Maximus factor.<br>Archaeologists working at the<br>site of an old Roman temple<br>near Guy #39;s hospital in<br>London have uncovered a pot of<br>cosmetic cream dating back to<br>AD2."
"The deal comes as Cisco pushes<br>to develop a market for CRS-1,<br>a new line of routers aimed at<br>telephone, wireless and cable<br>companies."
"SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 (IDG NEWS<br>SERVICE) - Sun Microsystems<br>Inc. and Microsoft Corp. next<br>month plan to provide more<br>details on the work they are<br>doing to make their products<br>interoperable, a Sun executive<br>said yesterday."
"AP - Astronomy buffs and<br>amateur stargazers turned out<br>to watch a total lunar eclipse<br>Wednesday night #151; the<br>last one Earth will get for<br>nearly two and a half years."
"The compact disc has at least<br>another five years as the most<br>popular music format before<br>online downloads chip away at<br>its dominance, a new study<br>said on Tuesday."
"Does Your Site Need a Custom<br>Search Engine<br>Toolbar?\\\\Today's surfers<br>aren't always too comfortable<br>installing software on their<br>computers. Especially free<br>software that they don't<br>necessarily understand. With<br>all the horror stories of<br>viruses, spyware, and adware<br>that make the front page these<br>days, it's no wonder. So is<br>there ..."
"Spammers aren't ducking<br>antispam laws by operating<br>offshore, they're just<br>ignoring it."
"AP - Biologists plan to use<br>large nets and traps this week<br>in Chicago's Burnham Harbor to<br>search for the northern<br>snakehead #151; a type of<br>fish known for its voracious<br>appetite and ability to wreak<br>havoc on freshwater<br>ecosystems."
"BAE Systems PLC and Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. won \\$45 million<br>contracts yesterday to develop<br>prototypes of anti-missile<br>technology that could protect<br>commercial aircraft from<br>shoulder-fired missiles."
"Users of Microsoft #39;s<br>Hotmail, most of whom are<br>accustomed to getting regular<br>sales pitches for premium<br>e-mail accounts, got a<br>pleasant surprise in their<br>inboxes this week: extra<br>storage for free."
"IT services provider<br>Electronic Data Systems<br>yesterday reported a net loss<br>of \\$153 million for the third<br>quarter, with earnings hit in<br>part by an asset impairment<br>charge of \\$375 million<br>connected with EDS's N/MCI<br>project."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp. said Wednesday<br>it had agreed to settle most<br>of the issues in a suit over<br>changes in its pension plans<br>on terms that allow the<br>company to continue to appeal<br>a key question while capping<br>its liability at \\$1.7<br>billion. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-The Washington<br>Post&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"Edward Kozel, Cisco's former<br>chief technology officer,<br>joins the board of Linux<br>seller Red Hat."
"Reuters - International<br>Business Machines\\Corp. late<br>on Wednesday rolled out a new<br>version of its\\database<br>software aimed at users of<br>Linux and Unix<br>operating\\systems that it<br>hopes will help the company<br>take away market\\share from<br>market leader Oracle Corp. ."
"NASA #39;s Mars Odyssey<br>mission, originally scheduled<br>to end on Tuesday, has been<br>granted a stay of execution<br>until at least September 2006,<br>reveal NASA scientists."
"BusinessWeek Online - The<br>jubilation that swept East<br>Germany after the fall of the<br>Berlin Wall in 1989 long ago<br>gave way to the sober reality<br>of globalization and market<br>forces. Now a decade of<br>resentment seems to be boiling<br>over. In Eastern cities such<br>as Leipzig or Chemnitz,<br>thousands have taken to the<br>streets since July to protest<br>cuts in unemployment benefits,<br>the main source of livelihood<br>for 1.6 million East Germans.<br>Discontent among<br>reunification's losers fueled<br>big gains by the far left and<br>far right in Brandenburg and<br>Saxony state elections Sept.<br>19. ..."
"In a discovery sure to set off<br>a firestorm of debate over<br>human migration to the western<br>hemisphere, archaeologists in<br>South Carolina say they have<br>uncovered evidence that people<br>lived in eastern North America<br>at least 50,000 years ago -<br>far earlier than"
"AP - Former president Bill<br>Clinton on Monday helped<br>launch a new Internet search<br>company backed by the Chinese<br>government which says its<br>technology uses artificial<br>intelligence to produce better<br>results than Google Inc."
"Sun Microsystems plans to<br>release its Sun Studio 10<br>development tool in the fourth<br>quarter of this year,<br>featuring support for 64-bit<br>applications running on AMD<br>Opteron and Nocona processors,<br>Sun officials said on Tuesday."
"Most IT Managers won #39;t<br>question the importance of<br>security, but this priority<br>has been sliding between the<br>third and fourth most<br>important focus for companies."
"AP - The Federal Trade<br>Commission on Thursday filed<br>the first case in the country<br>against software companies<br>accused of infecting computers<br>with intrusive \"spyware\" and<br>then trying to sell people the<br>solution."
"While shares of Apple have<br>climbed more than 10 percent<br>this week, reaching 52-week<br>highs, two research firms told<br>investors Friday they continue<br>to remain highly bullish about<br>the stock."
"States are now barred from<br>imposing telecommunications<br>regulations on Net phone<br>providers."
"Strong sales of new mobile<br>phone models boosts profits at<br>Carphone Warehouse but the<br>retailer's shares fall on<br>concerns at a decline in<br>profits from pre-paid phones."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - IBM and<br>top scientific research<br>organizations are joining<br>forces in a humanitarian<br>effort to tap the unused<br>power of millions of computers<br>and help solve complex social<br>problems."
"AP - Grizzly and black bears<br>killed a majority of elk<br>calves in northern Yellowstone<br>National Park for the second<br>year in a row, preliminary<br>study results show."
"PC World - The one-time World<br>Class Product of the Year PDA<br>gets a much-needed upgrade."
"As part of its much-touted new<br>MSN Music offering, Microsoft<br>Corp. (MSFT) is testing a Web-<br>based radio service that<br>mimics nearly 1,000 local<br>radio stations, allowing users<br>to hear a version of their<br>favorite radio station with<br>far fewer interruptions."
"Ziff Davis - A quick<br>resolution to the Mambo open-<br>source copyright dispute seems<br>unlikely now that one of the<br>parties has rejected an offer<br>for mediation."
"Students take note - endless<br>journeys to the library could<br>become a thing of the past<br>thanks to a new multimillion-<br>pound scheme to make classic<br>texts available at the click<br>of a mouse."
"Moscow - The next crew of the<br>International Space Station<br>(ISS) is to contribute to the<br>Russian search for a vaccine<br>against Aids, Russian<br>cosmonaut Salijan Sharipovthe<br>said on Thursday."
"Locked away in fossils is<br>evidence of a sudden solar<br>cooling. Kate Ravilious meets<br>the experts who say it could<br>explain a 3,000-year-old mass<br>migration - and today #39;s<br>global warming."
"By ANICK JESDANUN NEW YORK<br>(AP) -- Taran Rampersad didn't<br>complain when he failed to<br>find anything on his hometown<br>in the online encyclopedia<br>Wikipedia. Instead, he simply<br>wrote his own entry for San<br>Fernando, Trinidad and<br>Tobago..."
"How do you top a battle<br>between Marines and an alien<br>religious cult fighting to the<br>death on a giant corona in<br>outer space? The next logical<br>step is to take that battle to<br>Earth, which is exactly what<br>Microsoft"
"Four U.S. agencies yesterday<br>announced a coordinated attack<br>to stem the global trade in<br>counterfeit merchandise and<br>pirated music and movies, an<br>underground industry that law-<br>enforcement officials estimate<br>to be worth \\$500 billion each<br>year."
"Half of all U.S. Secret<br>Service agents are dedicated<br>to protecting President<br>Washington #151;and all the<br>other Presidents on U.S.<br>currency #151;from<br>counterfeiters."
"Maxime Faget conceived and<br>proposed the development of<br>the one-man spacecraft used in<br>Project Mercury, which put the<br>first American astronauts into<br>suborbital flight, then<br>orbital flight"
"The patch fixes a flaw in the<br>e-mail server software that<br>could be used to get access to<br>in-boxes and information."
"AP - Being the biggest dog may<br>pay off at feeding time, but<br>species that grow too large<br>may be more vulnerable to<br>extinction, new research<br>suggests."
"Newest Efficeon processor also<br>offers higher frequency using<br>less power."
"AP - In what it calls a first<br>in international air travel,<br>Finnair says it will let its<br>frequent fliers check in using<br>text messages on mobile<br>phones."
"Search Engine for Programming<br>Code\\\\An article at Newsforge<br>pointed me to Koders (<br> ) a<br>search engine for finding<br>programming code. Nifty.\\\\The<br>front page allows you to<br>specify keywords, sixteen<br>languages (from ASP to VB.NET)<br>and sixteen licenses (from AFL<br>to ZPL -- fortunately there's<br>an information page to ..."
" #147;Apple once again was the<br>star of the show at the annual<br>MacUser awards, #148; reports<br>MacUser, #147;taking away six<br>Maxine statues including<br>Product of the Year for the<br>iTunes Music Store. #148;<br>Other Apple award winners:<br>Power Mac G5, AirPort Express,<br>20-inch Apple Cinema Display,<br>GarageBand and DVD Studio Pro<br>3. Nov 22"
"AP - A sweeping wildlife<br>preserve in southwestern<br>Arizona is among the nation's<br>10 most endangered refuges,<br>due in large part to illegal<br>drug and immigrant traffic and<br>Border Patrol operations, a<br>conservation group said<br>Friday."
"SEPTEMBER 20, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - At<br>PeopleSoft Inc. #39;s Connect<br>2004 conference in San<br>Francisco this week, the<br>software vendor is expected to<br>face questions from users<br>about its ability to fend off<br>Oracle Corp."
"PBS's Charlie Rose quizzes Sun<br>co-founder Bill Joy,<br> chief Jeff Taylor,<br>and venture capitalist John<br>Doerr."
"Skype Technologies is teaming<br>with Siemens to offer cordless<br>phone users the ability to<br>make Internet telephony calls,<br>in addition to traditional<br>calls, from their handsets."
"AP - After years of<br>resistance, the U.S. trucking<br>industry says it will not try<br>to impede or delay a new<br>federal rule aimed at cutting<br>diesel pollution."
"Umesh Patel, a 36-year old<br>software engineer from<br>California, debated until the<br>last minute."
"AP - From now until the start<br>of winter, male tarantulas are<br>roaming around, searching for<br>female mates, an ideal time to<br>find out where the spiders<br>flourish in Arkansas."
"NewsFactor - While a U.S.<br>District Court continues to<br>weigh the legality of<br>\\Oracle's (Nasdaq: ORCL)<br>attempted takeover of<br>\\PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT),<br>Oracle has taken the necessary<br>steps to ensure the offer does<br>not die on the vine with<br>PeopleSoft's shareholders."
"Analysts said the smartphone<br>enhancements hold the<br>potential to bring PalmSource<br>into an expanding market that<br>still has room despite early<br>inroads by Symbian and<br>Microsoft."
"TOKYO (AFP) - Japan #39;s<br>Fujitsu and Cisco Systems of<br>the US said they have agreed<br>to form a strategic alliance<br>focusing on routers and<br>switches that will enable<br>businesses to build advanced<br>Internet Protocol (IP)<br>networks."
"It #39;s a new internet<br>browser. The first full<br>version, Firefox 1.0, was<br>launched earlier this month.<br>In the sense it #39;s a<br>browser, yes, but the<br>differences are larger than<br>the similarities."
"Microsoft will accelerate SP2<br>distribution to meet goal of<br>100 million downloads in two<br>months."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp., taken to court<br>by workers over changes it<br>made to its traditional<br>pension plan, has decided to<br>stop offering any such plan to<br>new employees."
"NEW YORK - With four of its<br>executives pleading guilty to<br>price-fixing charges today,<br>Infineon will have a hard time<br>arguing that it didn #39;t fix<br>prices in its ongoing<br>litigation with Rambus."
"A report indicates that many<br>giants of the industry have<br>been able to capture lasting<br>feelings of customer loyalty."
"It is the news that Internet<br>users do not want to hear: the<br>worldwide web is in danger of<br>collapsing around us. Patrick<br>Gelsinger, the chief<br>technology officer for<br>computer chip maker Intel,<br>told a conference"
"Cisco Systems CEO John<br>Chambers said today that his<br>company plans to offer twice<br>as many new products this year<br>as ever before."
"Every day, somewhere in the<br>universe, there #39;s an<br>explosion that puts the power<br>of the Sun in the shade. Steve<br>Connor investigates the riddle<br>of gamma-ray bursts."
"Ten months after NASA #39;s<br>twin rovers landed on Mars,<br>scientists reported this week<br>that both robotic vehicles are<br>still navigating their rock-<br>studded landscapes with all<br>instruments operating"
"British scientists say they<br>have found a new, greener way<br>to power cars and homes using<br>sunflower oil, a commodity<br>more commonly used for cooking<br>fries."
"The United States #39; top<br>computer-security official has<br>resigned after a little more<br>than a year on the job, the US<br>Department of Homeland<br>Security said on Friday."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Intel Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>eLookup.jhtml?ticker=INTC.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;INTC.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>on Thursday outlined its<br>vision of the Internet of the<br>future, one in which millions<br>of computer servers would<br>analyze and direct network<br>traffic to make the Web safer<br>and more efficient."
"Check out new gadgets as<br>holiday season approaches."
"TOKYO, Sep 08, 2004 (AFX-UK<br>via COMTEX) -- Sony Corp will<br>launch its popular projection<br>televisions with large liquid<br>crystal display (LCD) screens<br>in China early next year, a<br>company spokeswoman said."
"AFP - Outgoing EU competition<br>commissioner Mario Monti wants<br>to reach a decision on<br>Oracle's proposed takeover of<br>business software rival<br>PeopleSoft by the end of next<br>month, an official said."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Satellite companies would be<br>able to retransmit<br>broadcasters' television<br>signals for another five<br>years but would have to offer<br>those signals on a single<br>dish, under legislation<br>approved by Congress on<br>Saturday."
"Sven Jaschan, who may face<br>five years in prison for<br>spreading the Netsky and<br>Sasser worms, is now working<br>in IT security. Photo: AFP."
"TechWeb - An Indian Institute<br>of Technology professor--and<br>open-source evangelist--<br>discusses the role of Linux<br>and open source in India."
"Here are some of the latest<br>health and medical news<br>developments, compiled by<br>editors of HealthDay: -----<br>Contaminated Fish in Many U.S.<br>Lakes and Rivers Fish<br>that may be contaminated with<br>dioxin, mercury, PCBs and<br>pesticides are swimming in<br>more than one-third of the<br>United States' lakes and<br>nearly one-quarter of its<br>rivers, according to a list of<br>advisories released by the<br>Environmental Protection<br>Agency..."
"Bill Gates is giving his big<br>speech right now at Microsofts<br>big Digital Entertainment<br>Anywhere event in Los Angeles.<br>Well have a proper report for<br>you soon, but in the meantime<br>we figured wed"
"Spinal and non-spinal<br>fractures are reduced by<br>almost a third in women age 80<br>or older who take a drug<br>called strontium ranelate,<br>European investigators<br>announced"
"BERLIN: Apple Computer Inc is<br>planning the next wave of<br>expansion for its popular<br>iTunes online music store with<br>a multi-country European<br>launch in October, the<br>services chief architect said<br>on Wednesday."
"Calls to 13 other countries<br>will be blocked to thwart<br>auto-dialer software."
"com September 27, 2004, 5:00<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
" - The Zero Gravity<br>Corporation \\ has been given<br>the thumbs up by the Federal<br>Aviation Administration (FAA)<br>to \\ conduct quot;weightless<br>flights quot; for the general<br>public, providing the \\<br>sensation of floating in<br>space."
"A 32-year-old woman in Belgium<br>has become the first woman<br>ever to give birth after<br>having ovarian tissue removed,<br>frozen and then implanted back<br>in her body."
"No sweat, says the new CEO,<br>who's imported from IBM. He<br>also knows this will be the<br>challenge of a lifetime."
"AP - Their discoveries may be<br>hard for many to comprehend,<br>but this year's Nobel Prize<br>winners still have to explain<br>what they did and how they did<br>it."
"More than 15 million homes in<br>the UK will be able to get on-<br>demand movies by 2008, say<br>analysts."
"A well-researched study by the<br>National Academy of Sciences<br>makes a persuasive case for<br>refurbishing the Hubble Space<br>Telescope. NASA, which is<br>reluctant to take this<br>mission, should rethink its<br>position."
"LONDON -- In a deal that<br>appears to buck the growing<br>trend among governments to<br>adopt open-source<br>alternatives, the U.K.'s<br>Office of Government Commerce<br>(OGC) is negotiating a renewal<br>of a three-year agreement with<br>Microsoft Corp."
"WASHINGTON - A Pennsylvania<br>law requiring Internet service<br>providers (ISPs) to block Web<br>sites the state's prosecuting<br>attorneys deem to be child<br>pornography has been reversed<br>by a U.S. federal court, with<br>the judge ruling the law<br>violated free speech rights."
"The Microsoft Corp. chairman<br>receives four million e-mails<br>a day, but practically an<br>entire department at the<br>company he founded is<br>dedicated to ensuring that<br>nothing unwanted gets into his<br>inbox, the company #39;s chief<br>executive said Thursday."
"The 7100t has a mobile phone,<br>e-mail, instant messaging, Web<br>browsing and functions as an<br>organiser. The device looks<br>like a mobile phone and has<br>the features of the other<br>BlackBerry models, with a<br>large screen"
"Apple Computer has unveiled<br>two new versions of its hugely<br>successful iPod: the iPod<br>Photo and the U2 iPod. Apple<br>also has expanded"
"AP - This year's hurricanes<br>spread citrus canker to at<br>least 11,000 trees in<br>Charlotte County, one of the<br>largest outbreaks of the<br>fruit-damaging infection to<br>ever affect Florida's citrus<br>industry, state officials<br>said."
"IBM moved back into the iSCSI<br>(Internet SCSI) market Friday<br>with a new array priced at<br>US\\$3,000 and aimed at the<br>small and midsize business<br>market."
"American Technology Research<br>analyst Shaw Wu has initiated<br>coverage of Apple Computer<br>(AAPL) with a #39;buy #39;<br>recommendation, and a 12-month<br>target of US\\$78 per share."
" - Cell<br>phone shoppers looking for new<br>deals and features didn't find<br>them yesterday, a day after<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc. announced<br>a merger that the phone<br>companies promised would shake<br>up the wireless business."
"JAPANESE GIANT Sharp has<br>pulled the plug on its Linux-<br>based PDAs in the United<br>States as no-one seems to want<br>them. The company said that it<br>will continue to sell them in<br>Japan where they sell like hot<br>cakes"
"New NavOne offers handy PDA<br>and Pocket PC connectivity,<br>but fails to impress on<br>everything else."
"The Marvel deal calls for<br>Mforma to work with the comic<br>book giant to develop a<br>variety of mobile applications<br>based on Marvel content."
" - The<br>Portable Media Center -- a<br>new, Microsoft-conceived<br>handheld device that presents<br>video and photos as well as<br>music -- would be a decent<br>idea if there weren't such a<br>thing as lampposts. Or street<br>signs. Or trees. Or other<br>cars."
"The Air Force Reserve #39;s<br>Hurricane Hunters, those<br>fearless crews who dive into<br>the eyewalls of hurricanes to<br>relay critical data on<br>tropical systems, were chased<br>from their base on the<br>Mississippi Gulf Coast by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
"Embargo or not, Fidel Castro's<br>socialist paradise has quietly<br>become a pharmaceutical<br>powerhouse. (They're still<br>working on the capitalism<br>thing.) By Douglas Starr from<br>Wired magazine."
"A new worm can spy on users by<br>hijacking their Web cameras, a<br>security firm warned Monday.<br>The worm -- the latest<br>in a long line of similar<br>worms; one security firm<br>estimates that more than 4,000<br>variations"
"The separation of PalmOne and<br>PalmSource will be complete<br>with Eric Benhamou's<br>resignation as the latter's<br>chairman."
"\\\\\"(CNN) -- A longtime<br>associate of al Qaeda leader<br>Osama bin Laden surrendered<br>to\\Saudi Arabian officials<br>Tuesday, a Saudi Interior<br>Ministry official said.\"\\\\\"But<br>it is unclear what role, if<br>any, Khaled al-Harbi may have<br>had in any terror\\attacks<br>because no public charges have<br>been filed against him.\"\\\\\"The<br>Saudi government -- in a<br>statement released by its<br>embassy in Washington<br>--\\called al-Harbi's surrender<br>\"the latest direct result\" of<br>its limited, one-month\\offer<br>of leniency to terror<br>suspects.\"\\\\This is great! I<br>hope this really starts to pay<br>off. Creative solutions<br>to\\terrorism that don't<br>involve violence. \\\\How<br>refreshing! \\\\Are you paying<br>attention Bush<br>administration?\\\\"
"AT T Corp. is cutting 7,400<br>more jobs and slashing the<br>book value of its assets by<br>\\$11.4 billion, drastic moves<br>prompted by the company's plan<br>to retreat from the<br>traditional consumer telephone<br>business following a lost<br>court battle."
"Celerons form the basis of<br>Intel #39;s entry-level<br>platform which includes<br>integrated/value motherboards<br>as well. The Celeron 335D is<br>the fastest - until the<br>Celeron 340D - 2.93GHz -<br>becomes mainstream - of the"
"The entertainment industry<br>asks the Supreme Court to<br>reverse the Grokster decision,<br>which held that peer-to-peer<br>networks are not liable for<br>copyright abuses of their<br>users. By Michael Grebb."
"Hewlett-Packard will shell out<br>\\$16.1 billion for chips in<br>2005, but Dell's wallet is<br>wide open, too."
"A remote attacker could take<br>complete control over<br>computers running many<br>versions of Microsoft software<br>by inserting malicious code in<br>a JPEG image that executes<br>through an unchecked buffer"
"The lawsuit claims the<br>companies use a patented<br>Honeywell technology for<br>brightening images and<br>reducing interference on<br>displays."
"The co-president of Oracle<br>testified that her company was<br>serious about its takeover<br>offer for PeopleSoft and was<br>not trying to scare off its<br>customers."
"An extremely rare Hawaiian<br>bird dies in captivity,<br>possibly marking the<br>extinction of its entire<br>species only 31 years after it<br>was first discovered."
"Does Geico's trademark lawsuit<br>against Google have merit? How<br>will the case be argued?<br>What's the likely outcome of<br>the trial? A mock court of<br>trademark experts weighs in<br>with their verdict."
"Treo 650 boasts a high-res<br>display, an improved keyboard<br>and camera, a removable<br>battery, and more. PalmOne<br>this week is announcing the<br>Treo 650, a hybrid PDA/cell-<br>phone device that addresses<br>many of the shortcomings"
"International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s possible exit<br>from the personal computer<br>business would be the latest<br>move in what amounts to a long<br>goodbye from a field it<br>pioneered and revolutionized."
"Leipzig Game Convention in<br>Germany, the stage for price-<br>slash revelations. Sony has<br>announced that it #39;s<br>slashing the cost of PS2 in<br>the UK and Europe to 104.99<br>GBP."
"In yet another devastating<br>body blow to the company,<br>Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) announced<br>it would be canceling its<br>4-GHz Pentium chip. The<br>semiconductor bellwether said<br>it was switching"
"Seagate #39;s native SATA<br>interface technology with<br>Native Command Queuing (NCQ)<br>allows the Barracuda 7200.8 to<br>match the performance of<br>10,000-rpm SATA drives without<br>sacrificing capacity"
"You #39;re probably already<br>familiar with one of the most<br>common questions we hear at<br>iPodlounge: quot;how can I<br>load my iPod up with free<br>music?"
"Vice chairman of the office of<br>the chief executive officer in<br>Novell Inc, Chris Stone is<br>leaving the company to pursue<br>other opportunities in life."
" - Microsoft<br>is going to Tinseltown today<br>to announce plans for its<br>revamped Windows XP Media<br>Center, part of an aggressive<br>push to get ahead in the<br>digital entertainment race."
"AP - Most of the turkeys<br>gracing the nation's dinner<br>tables Thursday have been<br>selectively bred for their<br>white meat for so many<br>generations that simply<br>walking can be a problem for<br>many of the big-breasted birds<br>and sex is no longer possible."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.r<br><br>p.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>is making a renewed push this<br>week to get its software into<br>living rooms with the launch<br>of a new version of its<br>Windows XP Media Center, a<br>personal computer designed for<br>viewing movies, listening to<br>music and scrolling through<br>digital pictures."
"The new software is designed<br>to simplify the process of<br>knitting together back-office<br>business applications."
"FRANKFURT, GERMANY -- The<br>German subsidiaries of<br>Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) and<br>Novell Inc. are teaming to<br>offer Linux-based products to<br>the country's huge public<br>sector."
" - \"I'm<br>back,\" declared Apple<br>Computer's Steve Jobs on<br>Thursday morning in his first<br>public appearance before<br>reporters since cancer surgery<br>in late July."
"Health India: London, Nov 4 :<br>Cosmetic face cream used by<br>fashionable Roman women was<br>discovered at an ongoing<br>archaeological dig in London,<br>in a metal container, complete<br>with the lid and contents."
"MacCentral - Microsoft's<br>Macintosh Business Unit on<br>Tuesday issued a patch for<br>Virtual PC 7 that fixes a<br>problem that occurred when<br>running the software on Power<br>Mac G5 computers with more<br>than 2GB of RAM installed.<br>Previously, Virtual PC 7 would<br>not run on those computers,<br>causing a fatal error that<br>crashed the application.<br>Microsoft also noted that<br>Virtual PC 7.0.1 also offers<br>stability improvements,<br>although it wasn't more<br>specific than that -- some<br>users have reported problems<br>with using USB devices and<br>other issues."
"Don't bother buying Star Wars:<br>Battlefront if you're looking<br>for a first-class shooter --<br>there are far better games out<br>there. But if you're a Star<br>Wars freak and need a fix,<br>this title will suffice. Lore<br>Sjberg reviews Battlefront."
"More than by brain size or<br>tool-making ability, the human<br>species was set apart from its<br>ancestors by the ability to<br>jog mile after lung-stabbing<br>mile with greater endurance<br>than any other primate,<br>according to research<br>published today in the journal"
"Woodland Hills-based Brilliant<br>Digital Entertainment and its<br>subsidiary Altnet announced<br>yesterday that they have filed<br>a patent infringement suit<br>against the Recording Industry<br>Association of America (RIAA)."
"Sony Ericsson and Cingular<br>provide Z500a phones and<br>service for military families<br>to stay connected on today<br>#39;s quot;Dr. Phil Show<br>quot;."
"Officials at EarthLink #39;s<br>(Quote, Chart) R amp;D<br>facility have quietly released<br>a proof-of-concept file-<br>sharing application based on<br>the Session Initiated Protocol<br>(define)."
" quot;It #39;s your mail,<br>quot; the Google Web site<br>said. quot;You should be able<br>to choose how and where you<br>read it. You can even switch<br>to other e-mail services<br>without having to worry about<br>losing access to your<br>messages."
"The world #39;s only captive<br>great white shark made history<br>this week when she ate several<br>salmon fillets, marking the<br>first time that a white shark<br>in captivity"
"Communications aggregator<br>iPass said Monday that it is<br>adding in-flight Internet<br>access to its access<br>portfolio. Specifically, iPass<br>said it will add access<br>offered by Connexion by Boeing<br>to its list of access<br>providers."
"Company launches free test<br>version of service that<br>fosters popular Internet<br>activity."
"Outdated computer systems are<br>hampering the work of<br>inspectors, says the UN<br>nuclear agency."
"MacCentral - You Software Inc.<br>announced on Tuesday the<br>availability of You Control:<br>iTunes, a free\\download that<br>places iTunes controls in the<br>Mac OS X menu bar.<br>Without\\leaving the current<br>application, you can pause,<br>play, rewind or skip songs,\\as<br>well as control iTunes' volume<br>and even browse your entire<br>music library\\by album, artist<br>or genre. Each time a new song<br>plays, You Control:<br>iTunes\\also pops up a window<br>that displays the artist and<br>song name and the<br>album\\artwork, if it's in the<br>library. System requirements<br>call for Mac OS X\\v10.2.6 and<br>10MB free hard drive space.<br>..."
"The US Secret Service Thursday<br>announced arrests in eight<br>states and six foreign<br>countries of 28 suspected<br>cybercrime gangsters on<br>charges of identity theft,<br>computer fraud, credit-card<br>fraud, and conspiracy."
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"Newspapers in Greece reflect a<br>mixture of exhilaration that<br>the Athens Olympics proved<br>successful, and relief that<br>they passed off without any<br>major setback."
"Loudon, NH -- As the rain<br>began falling late Friday<br>afternoon at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway, the<br>rich in the Nextel Cup garage<br>got richer."
"AP - Ottawa Senators right<br>wing Marian Hossa is switching<br>European teams during the NHL<br>lockout."
"Chelsea terminated Romania<br>striker Adrian Mutu #39;s<br>contract, citing gross<br>misconduct after the player<br>failed a doping test for<br>cocaine and admitted taking<br>the drug, the English soccer<br>club said in a statement."
"The success of Paris #39; bid<br>for Olympic Games 2012 would<br>bring an exceptional<br>development for France for at<br>least 6 years, said Jean-<br>Francois Lamour, French<br>minister for Youth and Sports<br>on Tuesday."
"Madison, WI (Sports Network) -<br>Anthony Davis ran for 122<br>yards and two touchdowns to<br>lead No. 6 Wisconsin over<br>Northwestern, 24-12, to<br>celebrate Homecoming weekend<br>at Camp Randall Stadium."
"LaVar Arrington participated<br>in his first practice since<br>Oct. 25, when he aggravated a<br>knee injury that sidelined him<br>for 10 games."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billie<br>Jean King cut her final tie<br>with the U.S. Fed Cup team<br>Tuesday when she retired as<br>coach."
"The Miami Dolphins arrived for<br>their final exhibition game<br>last night in New Orleans<br>short nine players."
"AP - From LSU at No. 1 to Ohio<br>State at No. 10, The AP<br>women's basketball poll had no<br>changes Monday."
"nother stage victory for race<br>leader Petter Solberg, his<br>fifth since the start of the<br>rally. The Subaru driver is<br>not pulling away at a fast<br>pace from Gronholm and Loeb<br>but the gap is nonetheless<br>increasing steadily."
"April 1980 -- Players strike<br>the last eight days of spring<br>training. Ninety-two<br>exhibition games are canceled.<br>June 1981 -- Players stage<br>first midseason strike in<br>history."
"On Sunday, the day after Ohio<br>State dropped to 0-3 in the<br>Big Ten with a 33-7 loss at<br>Iowa, the Columbus Dispatch<br>ran a single word above its<br>game story on the Buckeyes:<br>quot;Embarrassing."
"BOSTON - Curt Schilling got<br>his 20th win on the eve of<br>Boston #39;s big series with<br>the New York Yankees. Now he<br>wants much more. quot;In a<br>couple of weeks, hopefully, it<br>will get a lot better, quot;<br>he said after becoming"
"Shooed the ghosts of the<br>Bambino and the Iron Horse and<br>the Yankee Clipper and the<br>Mighty Mick, on his 73rd<br>birthday, no less, and turned<br>Yankee Stadium into a morgue."
"Gold medal-winning Marlon<br>Devonish says the men #39;s<br>4x100m Olympic relay triumph<br>puts British sprinting back on<br>the map. Devonish, Darren<br>Campbell, Jason Gardener and<br>Mark Lewis-Francis edged out<br>the American"
"he difficult road conditions<br>created a few incidents in the<br>first run of the Epynt stage.<br>Francois Duval takes his<br>second stage victory since the<br>start of the rally, nine<br>tenths better than Sebastien<br>Loeb #39;s performance in<br>second position."
"Tallahassee, FL (Sports<br>Network) - Florida State head<br>coach Bobby Bowden has<br>suspended senior wide receiver<br>Craphonso Thorpe for the<br>Seminoles #39; game against<br>fellow Atlantic Coast<br>Conference member Duke on<br>Saturday."
"Former champion Lleyton Hewitt<br>bristled, battled and<br>eventually blossomed as he<br>took another step towards a<br>second US Open title with a<br>second-round victory over<br>Moroccan Hicham Arazi on<br>Friday."
"As the Mets round out their<br>search for a new manager, the<br>club is giving a last-minute<br>nod to its past. Wally<br>Backman, an infielder for the<br>Mets from 1980-88 who played<br>second base on the 1986"
"AMSTERDAM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Midfielder Edgar Davids #39;s<br>leadership qualities and<br>never-say-die attitude have<br>earned him the captaincy of<br>the Netherlands under new<br>coach Marco van Basten."
"COUNTY KILKENNY, Ireland (PA)<br>-- Hurricane Jeanne has led to<br>world No. 1 Vijay Singh<br>pulling out of this week #39;s<br>WGC-American Express<br>Championship at Mount Juliet."
"Green Bay, WI (Sports Network)<br>- The Green Bay Packers will<br>be without the services of Pro<br>Bowl center Mike Flanagan for<br>the remainder of the season,<br>as he will undergo left knee<br>surgery."
"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- NCAA<br>investigators will return to<br>Ohio State University Monday<br>to take another look at the<br>football program after the<br>latest round of allegations<br>made by former players,<br>according to the Akron Beacon<br>Journal."
"Manchester United gave Alex<br>Ferguson a 1,000th game<br>anniversary present by<br>reaching the last 16 of the<br>Champions League yesterday,<br>while four-time winners Bayern<br>Munich romped into the second<br>round with a 5-1 beating of<br>Maccabi Tel Aviv."
"The last time the Angels<br>played the Texas Rangers, they<br>dropped two consecutive<br>shutouts at home in their most<br>agonizing lost weekend of the<br>season."
"SEATTLE - Chasing a nearly<br>forgotten ghost of the game,<br>Ichiro Suzuki broke one of<br>baseball #39;s oldest records<br>Friday night, smoking a single<br>up the middle for his 258th<br>hit of the year and breaking<br>George Sisler #39;s record for<br>the most hits in a season"
"Grace Park, her caddie - and<br>fans - were poking around in<br>the desert brush alongside the<br>18th fairway desperately<br>looking for her ball."
"Washington Redskins kicker<br>John Hall strained his right<br>groin during practice<br>Thursday, his third leg injury<br>of the season. Hall will be<br>held out of practice Friday<br>and is questionable for Sunday<br>#39;s game against the Chicago<br>Bears."
"The Florida Gators and<br>Arkansas Razorbacks meet for<br>just the sixth time Saturday.<br>The Gators hold a 4-1<br>advantage in the previous five<br>meetings, including last year<br>#39;s 33-28 win."
"AP - 1941 #151; Brooklyn<br>catcher Mickey Owen dropped a<br>third strike on Tommy Henrich<br>of what would have been the<br>last out of a Dodgers victory<br>against the New York Yankees.<br>Given the second chance, the<br>Yankees scored four runs for a<br>7-4 victory and a 3-1 lead in<br>the World Series, which they<br>ended up winning."
"Braves shortstop Rafael Furcal<br>was arrested on drunken<br>driving charges Friday, his<br>second D.U.I. arrest in four<br>years."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Natalie<br>Coughlin's run of bad luck<br>finally took a turn for the<br>better when she won the gold<br>medal in the women's 100<br>meters backstroke at the<br>Athens Olympics Monday."
"AP - Pedro Feliz hit a<br>tiebreaking grand slam with<br>two outs in the eighth inning<br>for his fourth hit of the day,<br>and the Giants helped their<br>playoff chances with a 9-5<br>victory over the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers on Saturday."
"LEVERKUSEN/ROME, Dec 7 (SW) -<br>Dynamo Kiev, Bayer Leverkusen,<br>and Real Madrid all have a<br>good chance of qualifying for<br>the Champions League Round of<br>16 if they can get the right<br>results in Group F on<br>Wednesday night."
"Ed Hinkel made a diving,<br>fingertip catch for a key<br>touchdown and No. 16 Iowa<br>stiffened on defense when it<br>needed to most to beat Iowa<br>State 17-10 Saturday."
"During last Sunday #39;s<br>Nextel Cup race, amid the<br>ongoing furor over Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. #39;s salty<br>language, NBC ran a commercial<br>for a show coming on later<br>that night called quot;Law<br>amp; Order: Criminal Intent."
"AP - After playing in hail,<br>fog and chill, top-ranked<br>Southern California finishes<br>its season in familiar<br>comfort. The Trojans (9-0, 6-0<br>Pacific-10) have two games at<br>home #151; against Arizona on<br>Saturday and Notre Dame on<br>Nov. 27 #151; before their<br>rivalry game at UCLA."
"The remnants of Hurricane<br>Jeanne rained out Monday's<br>game between the Mets and the<br>Atlanta Braves. It will be<br>made up Tuesday as part of a<br>doubleheader."
"AP - NASCAR is not expecting<br>any immediate changes to its<br>top-tier racing series<br>following the merger between<br>telecommunications giant<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc."
"Like wide-open races? You<br>#39;ll love the Big 12 North.<br>Here #39;s a quick morning<br>line of the Big 12 North as it<br>opens conference play this<br>weekend."
"Taquan Dean scored 22 points,<br>Francisco Garcia added 19 and<br>No. 13 Louisville withstood a<br>late rally to beat Florida<br>74-70 Saturday."
"NEW YORK -- This was all about<br>Athens, about redemption for<br>one and validation for the<br>other. Britain's Paula<br>Radcliffe, the fastest female<br>marathoner in history, failed<br>to finish either of her<br>Olympic races last summer.<br>South Africa's Hendrik Ramaala<br>was a five-ringed dropout,<br>too, reinforcing his<br>reputation as a man who could<br>go only half the distance."
"LONDON -- Ernie Els has set<br>his sights on an improved<br>putting display this week at<br>the World Golf Championships<br>#39; NEC Invitational in<br>Akron, Ohio, after the<br>disappointment of tying for<br>fourth place at the PGA<br>Championship last Sunday."
"Fiji #39;s Vijay Singh<br>replaced Tiger Woods as the<br>world #39;s No.1 ranked golfer<br>today by winning the PGA<br>Deutsche Bank Championship."
"LEIPZIG, Germany : Jurgen<br>Klinsmann enjoyed his first<br>home win as German manager<br>with his team defeating ten-<br>man Cameroon 3-0 in a friendly<br>match."
"AP - Kevin Brown had a chance<br>to claim a place in Yankees<br>postseason history with his<br>start in Game 7 of the AL<br>championship series."
"HOMESTEAD, Fla. -- Kurt Busch<br>got his first big break in<br>NASCAR by winning a 1999<br>talent audition nicknamed<br>quot;The Gong Show. quot; He<br>was selected from dozens of<br>unknown, young race drivers to<br>work for one of the sport<br>#39;s most famous team owners,<br>Jack Roush."
"Zurich, Switzerland (Sports<br>Network) - Former world No. 1<br>Venus Williams advanced on<br>Thursday and will now meet<br>Wimbledon champion Maria<br>Sharapova in the quarterfinals<br>at the \\$1."
"INDIA #39;S cricket chiefs<br>began a frenetic search today<br>for a broadcaster to show next<br>month #39;s home series<br>against world champion<br>Australia after cancelling a<br>controversial \\$US308 million<br>(\\$440 million) television<br>deal."
"The International Olympic<br>Committee (IOC) has urged<br>Beijing to ensure the city is<br>ready to host the 2008 Games<br>well in advance, an official<br>said on Wednesday."
"Virginia Tech scores 24 points<br>off four first-half turnovers<br>in a 55-6 wipeout of Maryland<br>on Thursday to remain alone<br>atop the ACC."
"AP - Martina Navratilova's<br>long, illustrious career will<br>end without an Olympic medal.<br>The 47-year-old Navratilova<br>and Lisa Raymond lost 6-4,<br>4-6, 6-4 on Thursday night to<br>fifth-seeded Shinobu Asagoe<br>and Ai Sugiyama of Japan in<br>the quarterfinals, one step<br>shy of the medal round."
"PSV Eindhoven re-established<br>their five-point lead at the<br>top of the Dutch Eredivisie<br>today with a 2-0 win at<br>Vitesse Arnhem. Former<br>Sheffield Wednesday striker<br>Gerald Sibon put PSV ahead in<br>the 56th minute"
"TODAY AUTO RACING 3 p.m. --<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Sylvania 300<br>qualifying at N.H.<br>International Speedway,<br>Loudon, N.H., TNT PRO BASEBALL<br>7 p.m. -- Red Sox at New York<br>Yankees, Ch. 38, WEEI (850)<br>(on cable systems where Ch. 38<br>is not available, the game<br>will air on NESN); Chicago<br>Cubs at Cincinnati, ESPN 6<br>p.m. -- Eastern League finals:<br>..."
"MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 21: The<br>Board of Control for Cricket<br>in India (BCCI) today informed<br>the Bombay High Court that it<br>was cancelling the entire<br>tender process regarding<br>cricket telecast rights as<br>also the conditional deal with<br>Zee TV."
"JEJU, South Korea : Grace Park<br>of South Korea won an LPGA<br>Tour tournament, firing a<br>seven-under-par 65 in the<br>final round of the<br>1.35-million dollar CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
"AP - The NHL will lock out its<br>players Thursday, starting a<br>work stoppage that threatens<br>to keep the sport off the ice<br>for the entire 2004-05 season."
"When Paula Radcliffe dropped<br>out of the Olympic marathon<br>miles from the finish, she<br>sobbed uncontrollably.<br>Margaret Okayo knew the<br>feeling."
"First baseman Richie Sexson<br>agrees to a four-year contract<br>with the Seattle Mariners on<br>Wednesday."
"Notes and quotes from various<br>drivers following California<br>Speedway #39;s Pop Secret 500.<br>Jeff Gordon slipped to second<br>in points following an engine<br>failure while Jimmie Johnson<br>moved back into first."
" MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Sports<br>Network) - The Memphis<br>Grizzlies signed All-Star<br>forward Pau Gasol to a multi-<br>year contract on Friday.<br>Terms of the deal were not<br>announced."
"Andre Agassi brushed past<br>Jonas Bjorkman 6-3 6-4 at the<br>Stockholm Open on Thursday to<br>set up a quarter-final meeting<br>with Spanish sixth seed<br>Fernando Verdasco."
" BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston was<br>tingling with anticipation on<br>Saturday as the Red Sox<br>prepared to host Game One of<br>the World Series against the<br>St. Louis Cardinals and take a<br>step toward ridding<br>themselves of a hex that has<br>hung over the team for eight<br>decades."
"FOR the first time since his<br>appointment as Newcastle<br>United manager, Graeme Souness<br>has been required to display<br>the strong-arm disciplinary<br>qualities that, to Newcastle<br>directors, made"
"WHY IT HAPPENED Tom Coughlin<br>won his first game as Giants<br>coach and immediately<br>announced a fine amnesty for<br>all Giants. Just kidding."
"A second-place finish in his<br>first tournament since getting<br>married was good enough to<br>take Tiger Woods from third to<br>second in the world rankings."
" COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado<br>(Reuters) - World 400 meters<br>champion Jerome Young has been<br>given a lifetime ban from<br>athletics for a second doping<br>offense, the U.S. Anti-Doping<br>Agency (USADA) said Wednesday."
"LONDON - In two years, Arsenal<br>will play their home matches<br>in the Emirates stadium. That<br>is what their new stadium at<br>Ashburton Grove will be called<br>after the Premiership<br>champions yesterday agreed to<br>the"
"KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Jason<br>Campbell threw for 252 yards<br>and two touchdowns, and No. 8<br>Auburn proved itself as a<br>national title contender by<br>overwhelming No. 10 Tennessee,<br>34-10, last night."
"WASHINGTON -- Another<br>Revolution season concluded<br>with an overtime elimination.<br>Last night, the Revolution<br>thrice rallied from deficits<br>for a 3-3 tie with D.C. United<br>in the Eastern Conference<br>final, then lost in the first-<br>ever Major League Soccer match<br>decided by penalty kicks."
"Dwyane Wade calls himself a<br>quot;sidekick, quot; gladly<br>accepting the role Kobe Bryant<br>never wanted in Los Angeles.<br>And not only does second-year<br>Heat point"
"World number one golfer Vijay<br>Singh of Fiji has captured his<br>eighth PGA Tour event of the<br>year with a win at the 84<br>Lumber Classic in Farmington,<br>Pennsylvania."
"The noise was deafening and<br>potentially unsettling in the<br>minutes before the start of<br>the men #39;s Olympic<br>200-meter final. The Olympic<br>Stadium crowd chanted<br>quot;Hellas!"
"Brazilian forward Ronaldinho<br>scored a sensational goal for<br>Barcelona against Milan,<br>making for a last-gasp 2-1.<br>The 24-year-old #39;s<br>brilliant left-foot hit at the<br>Nou Camp Wednesday night sent<br>Barcelona atop of Group F."
"Bee Staff Writer. SANTA CLARA<br>- Andre Carter #39;s back<br>injury has kept him out of the<br>49ers #39; lineup since Week<br>1. It #39;s also interfering<br>with him rooting on his alma<br>mater in person."
"AP - Kellen Winslow Jr. ended<br>his second NFL holdout Friday."
"HOUSTON - With only a few<br>seconds left in a certain<br>victory for Miami, Peyton<br>Manning threw a meaningless<br>6-yard touchdown pass to<br>Marvin Harrison to cut the<br>score to 24-15."
"DEADLY SCORER: Manchester<br>United #39;s Wayne Rooney<br>celebrating his three goals<br>against Fenerbahce this week<br>at Old Trafford. (AP)."
"You can feel the confidence<br>level, not just with Team<br>Canada but with all of Canada.<br>There #39;s every expectation,<br>from one end of the bench to<br>the other, that Martin Brodeur<br>is going to hold the fort."
"Heading into the first game of<br>a new season, every team has<br>question marks. But in 2004,<br>the Denver Broncos seemed to<br>have more than normal."
"Anaheim, Calif. - There is a<br>decidedly right lean to the<br>three-time champions of the<br>American League Central. In a<br>span of 26 days, the Minnesota<br>Twins lost the left side of<br>their infield to free agency."
"With the NFL trading deadline<br>set for 4 p.m. Tuesday,<br>Patriots coach Bill Belichick<br>said there didn't seem to be<br>much happening on the trade<br>front around the league."
"AP - David Beckham broke his<br>rib moments after scoring<br>England's second goal in<br>Saturday's 2-0 win over Wales<br>in a World Cup qualifying<br>game."
"Nothing changed at the top of<br>Serie A as all top teams won<br>their games to keep the<br>distance between one another<br>unaltered. Juventus came back<br>from behind against Lazio to<br>win thanks to another goal by<br>Ibrahimovic"
"RICHMOND, Va. Jeremy Mayfield<br>won his first race in over<br>four years, taking the<br>Chevrolet 400 at Richmond<br>International Raceway after<br>leader Kurt Busch ran out of<br>gas eight laps from the<br>finish."
"AP - Track star Marion Jones<br>filed a defamation lawsuit<br>Wednesday against the man<br>whose company is at the center<br>of a federal investigation<br>into illegal steroid use among<br>some of the nation's top<br>athletes."
"England #39;s players hit out<br>at cricket #39;s authorities<br>tonight and claimed they had<br>been used as quot;political<br>pawns quot; after the Zimbabwe<br>government produced a<br>spectacular U-turn to ensure<br>the controversial one-day<br>series will go ahead."
"AP - The Japanese won the<br>pregame home run derby. Then<br>the game started and the major<br>league All-Stars put their<br>bats to work. Back-to-back<br>home runs by Moises Alou and<br>Vernon Wells in the fourth<br>inning and by Johnny Estrada<br>and Brad Wilkerson in the<br>ninth powered the major<br>leaguers past the Japanese<br>stars 7-3 Sunday for a 3-0<br>lead in the eight-game series."
"With Chelsea losing their<br>unbeaten record and Manchester<br>United failing yet again to<br>win, William Hill now make<br>Arsenal red-hot 2/5 favourites<br>to retain the title."
"Theresa special bookcase in Al<br>Grohs office completely full<br>of game plans from his days in<br>the NFL. Green ones are from<br>the Jets."
"Newcastle ensured their place<br>as top seeds in Friday #39;s<br>third round UEFA Cup draw<br>after holding Sporting Lisbon<br>to a 1-1 draw at St James #39;<br>Park."
"CBC SPORTS ONLINE - Bode<br>Miller continued his<br>impressive 2004-05 World Cup<br>skiing season by winning a<br>night slalom race in<br>Sestriere, Italy on Monday."
"Damien Rhodes scored on a<br>2-yard run in the second<br>overtime, then Syracuse's<br>defense stopped Pittsburgh on<br>fourth and 1, sending the<br>Orange to a 38-31 victory<br>yesterday in Syracuse, N.Y."
"AP - Anthony Harris scored 18<br>of his career-high 23 points<br>in the second half to help<br>Miami upset No. 19 Florida<br>72-65 Saturday and give first-<br>year coach Frank Haith his<br>biggest victory."
"AP - The five cities looking<br>to host the 2012 Summer Games<br>submitted bids to the<br>International Olympic<br>Committee on Monday, entering<br>the final stage of a long<br>process in hopes of landing<br>one of the biggest prizes in<br>sports."
"The FIA has already cancelled<br>todays activities at Suzuka as<br>Super Typhoon Ma-On heads<br>towards the 5.807km circuit.<br>Saturday practice has been<br>cancelled altogether while<br>pre-qualifying and final<br>qualifying"
" GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas<br>(Reuters) - Betting on horses<br>was banned in Texas until as<br>recently as 1987. Times have<br>changed rapidly since.<br>Saturday, Lone Star Park race<br>track hosts the \\$14 million<br>Breeders Cup, global racing's<br>end-of-season extravaganza."
"It might be a stay of<br>execution for Coach P, or it<br>might just be a Christmas<br>miracle come early. SU #39;s<br>upset win over BC has given<br>hope to the Orange playing in<br>a post season Bowl game."
"PHIL Neville insists<br>Manchester United don #39;t<br>fear anyone in the Champions<br>League last 16 and declared:<br>quot;Bring on the Italians."
"TORONTO -- Toronto Raptors<br>point guard Alvin Williams<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season after undergoing<br>surgery on his right knee<br>Monday."
"AP - Tennessee's two freshmen<br>quarterbacks have Volunteers<br>fans fantasizing about the<br>next four years. Brent<br>Schaeffer and Erik Ainge<br>surprised many with the nearly<br>seamless way they rotated<br>throughout a 42-17 victory<br>over UNLV on Sunday night."
"MADRID, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Portugal captain Luis Figo<br>said on Wednesday he was<br>taking an indefinite break<br>from international football,<br>but would not confirm whether<br>his decision was final."
"AP - Shaun Rogers is in the<br>backfield as often as some<br>running backs. Whether teams<br>dare to block Detroit's star<br>defensive tackle with one<br>player or follow the trend of<br>double-teaming him, he often<br>rips through offensive lines<br>with a rare combination of<br>size, speed, strength and<br>nimble footwork."
"The Lions and Eagles entered<br>Sunday #39;s game at Ford<br>Field in the same place --<br>atop their respective<br>divisions -- and with<br>identical 2-0 records."
"After Marcos Moreno threw four<br>more interceptions in last<br>week's 14-13 overtime loss at<br>N.C. A T, Bison Coach Ray<br>Petty will start Antoine<br>Hartfield against Norfolk<br>State on Saturday."
"SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. --<br>Looking ahead to the US<br>championship game almost cost<br>Conejo Valley in the<br>semifinals of the Little<br>League World Series."
"The Cubs didn #39;t need to<br>fly anywhere near Florida to<br>be in the eye of the storm.<br>For a team that is going on<br>100 years since last winning a<br>championship, the only thing<br>they never are at a loss for<br>is controversy."
"KETTERING, Ohio Oct. 12, 2004<br>- Cincinnati Bengals defensive<br>end Justin Smith pleaded not<br>guilty to a driving under the<br>influence charge."
"MINNEAPOLIS -- For much of the<br>2004 season, Twins pitcher<br>Johan Santana didn #39;t just<br>beat opposing hitters. Often,<br>he overwhelmed and owned them<br>in impressive fashion."
"At a charity auction in New<br>Jersey last weekend, baseball<br>memorabilia dealer Warren<br>Heller was approached by a man<br>with an unusual but topical<br>request."
"INTER Milan coach Roberto<br>Mancini believes the club<br>#39;s lavish (northern) summer<br>signings will enable them to<br>mount a serious Serie A<br>challenge this season."
"AP - Brad Ott shot an 8-under<br>64 on Sunday to win the<br>Nationwide Tour's Price Cutter<br>Charity Championship for his<br>first Nationwide victory."
"AP - New York Jets running<br>back Curtis Martin passed Eric<br>Dickerson and Jerome Bettis on<br>the NFL career rushing list<br>Sunday against the St. Louis<br>Rams, moving to fourth all-<br>time."
"Instead of standing for ante<br>meridian and post meridian,<br>though, fans will remember the<br>time periods of pre-Mia and<br>after-Mia. After playing for<br>18 years and shattering nearly<br>every record"
"Stephon Marbury, concerned<br>about his lousy shooting in<br>Athens, used an off day to go<br>to the gym and work on his<br>shot. By finding his range, he<br>saved the United States #39;<br>hopes for a basketball gold<br>medal."
"AP - Randy Moss is expected to<br>play a meaningful role for the<br>Minnesota Vikings this weekend<br>against the Giants, even<br>without a fully healed right<br>hamstring."
"Pros: Fits the recent profile<br>(44, past PGA champion, fiery<br>Ryder Cup player); the job is<br>his if he wants it. Cons:<br>Might be too young to be<br>willing to burn two years of<br>play on tour."
"Elmer Santos scored in the<br>second half, lifting East<br>Boston to a 1-0 win over<br>Brighton yesterday afternoon<br>and giving the Jets an early<br>leg up in what is shaping up<br>to be a tight Boston City<br>League race."
"Saints special teams captain<br>Steve Gleason expects to be<br>fined by the league after<br>being ejected from Sunday's<br>game against the Carolina<br>Panthers for throwing a punch."
"Play has begun in the<br>Australian Masters at<br>Huntingdale in Melbourne with<br>around half the field of 120<br>players completing their first<br>rounds."
"LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Louisville<br>men #39;s basketball head<br>coach Rick Pitino and senior<br>forward Ellis Myles met with<br>members of the media on Friday<br>to preview the Cardinals #39;<br>home game against rival<br>Kentucky on Satursday."
"AP - Sounds like David<br>Letterman is as big a \"Pops\"<br>fan as most everyone else."
"Arsenal was held to a 1-1 tie<br>by struggling West Bromwich<br>Albion on Saturday, failing to<br>pick up a Premier League<br>victory when Rob Earnshaw<br>scored with 11 minutes left."
"Baseball #39;s executive vice<br>president Sandy Alderson<br>insisted last month that the<br>Cubs, disciplined for an<br>assortment of run-ins with<br>umpires, would not be targeted<br>the rest of the season by<br>umpires who might hold a<br>grudge."
"As Superman and Batman would<br>no doubt reflect during their<br>cigarette breaks, the really<br>draining thing about being a<br>hero was that you have to keep<br>riding to the rescue."
"AP - Eric Hinske and Vernon<br>Wells homered, and the Toronto<br>Blue Jays completed a three-<br>game sweep of the Baltimore<br>Orioles with an 8-5 victory<br>Sunday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Todd<br>Walker homered, had three hits<br>and drove in four runs to lead<br>the Chicago Cubs to a 12-5 win<br>over the Cincinnati Reds in<br>National League play at<br>Wrigley Field on Monday."
"MIAMI (Sports Network) -<br>Shaquille O #39;Neal made his<br>home debut, but once again it<br>was Dwyane Wade stealing the<br>show with 28 points as the<br>Miami Heat downed the<br>Cleveland Cavaliers, 92-86, in<br>front of a record crowd at<br>AmericanAirlines Arena."
"AP - The San Diego Chargers<br>looked sharp #151; and played<br>the same way. Wearing their<br>powder-blue throwback jerseys<br>and white helmets from the<br>1960s, the Chargers did almost<br>everything right in beating<br>the Jacksonville Jaguars 34-21<br>on Sunday."
"NERVES - no problem. That<br>#39;s the verdict of Jose<br>Mourinho today after his<br>Chelsea side gave a resolute<br>display of character at<br>Highbury."
"AP - The latest low point in<br>Ron Zook's tenure at Florida<br>even has the coach wondering<br>what went wrong. Meanwhile,<br>Sylvester Croom's first big<br>win at Mississippi State has<br>given the Bulldogs and their<br>fans a reason to believe in<br>their first-year leader.<br>Jerious Norwood's 37-yard<br>touchdown run with 32 seconds<br>remaining lifted the Bulldogs<br>to a 38-31 upset of the 20th-<br>ranked Gators on Saturday."
"Someone forgot to inform the<br>US Olympic basketball team<br>that it was sent to Athens to<br>try to win a gold medal, not<br>to embarrass its country."
"Ten-man Paris St Germain<br>clinched their seventh<br>consecutive victory over arch-<br>rivals Olympique Marseille<br>with a 2-1 triumph in Ligue 1<br>on Sunday thanks to a second-<br>half winner by substitute<br>Edouard Cisse."
"Roy Oswalt wasn #39;t<br>surprised to hear the Astros<br>were flying Sunday night<br>through the remnants of a<br>tropical depression that<br>dumped several inches of rain<br>in Louisiana and could bring<br>showers today in Atlanta."
"AP - This hardly seemed<br>possible when Pitt needed<br>frantic rallies to overcome<br>Division I-AA Furman or Big<br>East cellar dweller Temple. Or<br>when the Panthers could barely<br>move the ball against Ohio<br>#151; not Ohio State, but Ohio<br>U."
"Everyone is moaning about the<br>fallout from last weekend but<br>they keep on reporting the<br>aftermath. #39;The fall-out<br>from the so-called<br>quot;Battle of Old Trafford<br>quot; continues to settle over<br>the nation and the debate"
"American Lindsay Davenport<br>regained the No. 1 ranking in<br>the world for the first time<br>since early 2002 by defeating<br>Dinara Safina of Russia 6-4,<br>6-2 in the second round of the<br>Kremlin Cup on Thursday."
"Freshman Jeremy Ito kicked<br>four field goals and Ryan<br>Neill scored on a 31-yard<br>interception return to lead<br>improving Rutgers to a 19-14<br>victory on Saturday over<br>visiting Michigan State."
"Third-seeded Guillermo Canas<br>defeated Guillermo Garcia-<br>Lopez of Spain 7-6 (1), 6-3<br>Monday on the first day of the<br>Shanghai Open on Monday."
"But to play as feebly as it<br>did for about 35 minutes last<br>night in Game 1 of the WNBA<br>Finals and lose by only four<br>points -- on the road, no less<br>-- has to be the best<br>confidence builder since Cindy<br>St."
"With yesterday #39;s report on<br>its athletic department<br>violations completed, the<br>University of Washington says<br>it is pleased to be able to<br>move forward."
"Sammy Sosa was fined \\$87,400<br>-- one day's salary -- for<br>arriving late to the Cubs'<br>regular-season finale at<br>Wrigley Field and leaving the<br>game early. The slugger's<br>agent, Adam Katz , said<br>yesterday Sosa most likely<br>will file a grievance. Sosa<br>arrived 70 minutes before<br>Sunday's first pitch, and he<br>apparently left 15 minutes<br>after the game started without<br>..."
"Is the Oklahoma defense a<br>notch below its predecessors?<br>Is Texas #39; offense a step-<br>ahead? Why is Texas Tech<br>feeling good about itself<br>despite its recent loss?"
"New York gets 57 combined<br>points from its starting<br>backcourt of Jamal Crawford<br>and Stephon Marbury and tops<br>Denver, 107-96."
"AP - Shawn Marion had a<br>season-high 33 points and 15<br>rebounds, leading the Phoenix<br>Suns on a fourth-quarter<br>comeback despite the absence<br>of Steve Nash in a 95-86 win<br>over the New Orleans Hornets<br>on Friday night."
"Messina upset defending<br>champion AC Milan 2-1<br>Wednesday, while Juventus won<br>its third straight game to<br>stay alone atop the Italian<br>league standings."
"AP - Padraig Harrington<br>rallied to a three-stroke<br>victory in the German Masters<br>on a windy Sunday, closing<br>with a 2-under-par 70 and<br>giving his game a big boost<br>before the Ryder Cup."
"Ironically it was the first<br>regular season game for the<br>Carolina Panthers that not<br>only began the history of the<br>franchise, but also saw the<br>beginning of a rivalry that<br>goes on to this day."
"Baltimore Ravens running back<br>Jamal Lewis did not appear at<br>his arraignment Friday, but<br>his lawyers entered a not<br>guilty plea on charges in an<br>expanded drug conspiracy<br>indictment."
"After serving a five-game<br>suspension, Milton Bradley<br>worked out with the Dodgers as<br>they prepared for Tuesday's<br>opener against the St. Louis<br>Cardinals."
"AP - Prime Time won't be<br>playing in prime time this<br>time. Deion Sanders was on the<br>inactive list and missed a<br>chance to strut his stuff on<br>\"Monday Night Football.\""
"The man who delivered the<br>knockout punch was picked up<br>from the Seattle scrap heap<br>just after the All-Star Game.<br>Before that, John Olerud<br>certainly hadn't figured on<br>facing Pedro Martinez in<br>Yankee Stadium in October."
"LONDON : A consortium,<br>including former world<br>champion Nigel Mansell, claims<br>it has agreed terms to ensure<br>Silverstone remains one of the<br>venues for the 2005 Formula<br>One world championship."
" BATON ROUGE, La. (Sports<br>Network) - LSU has named Les<br>Miles its new head football<br>coach, replacing Nick Saban."
"AP - The Chicago Blackhawks<br>re-signed goaltender Michael<br>Leighton to a one-year<br>contract Wednesday."
"ATHENS -- She won her first<br>Olympic gold medal in kayaking<br>when she was 18, the youngest<br>paddler to do so in Games<br>history. Yesterday, at 42,<br>Germany #39;s golden girl<br>Birgit Fischer won her eighth<br>Olympic gold in the four-woman<br>500-metre kayak race."
"England boss Sven Goran<br>Eriksson has defended<br>goalkeeper David James after<br>last night #39;s 2-2 draw in<br>Austria. James allowed Andreas<br>Ivanschitz #39;s shot to slip<br>through his fingers to<br>complete Austria comeback from<br>two goals down."
"The quot;future quot; is<br>getting a chance to revive the<br>presently struggling New York<br>Giants. Two other teams also<br>decided it was time for a<br>change at quarterback, but the<br>Buffalo Bills are not one of<br>them."
"Flushing Meadows, NY (Sports<br>Network) - The men #39;s<br>semifinals at the 2004 US Open<br>will be staged on Saturday,<br>with three of the tournament<br>#39;s top-five seeds ready for<br>action at the USTA National<br>Tennis Center."
"Given nearly a week to examine<br>the security issues raised by<br>the now-infamous brawl between<br>players and fans in Auburn<br>Hills, Mich., Nov. 19, the<br>Celtics returned to the<br>FleetCenter last night with<br>two losses and few concerns<br>about their on-court safety."
"Arsenals Thierry Henry today<br>missed out on the European<br>Footballer of the Year award<br>as Andriy Shevchenko took the<br>honour. AC Milan frontman<br>Shevchenko held off<br>competition from Barcelona<br>pair Deco and"
"Neil Mellor #39;s sensational<br>late winner for Liverpool<br>against Arsenal on Sunday has<br>earned the back-up striker the<br>chance to salvage a career<br>that had appeared to be<br>drifting irrevocably towards<br>the lower divisions."
"ABOUT 70,000 people were<br>forced to evacuate Real Madrid<br>#39;s Santiago Bernabeu<br>stadium minutes before the end<br>of a Primera Liga match<br>yesterday after a bomb threat<br>in the name of ETA Basque<br>separatist guerillas."
"The team learned on Monday<br>that full-back Jon Ritchie<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season with a torn anterior<br>cruciate ligament in his left<br>knee."
"Venus Williams barely kept<br>alive her hopes of qualifying<br>for next week #39;s WTA Tour<br>Championships. Williams,<br>seeded fifth, survived a<br>third-set tiebreaker to<br>outlast Yuilana Fedak of the<br>Ukraine, 6-4 2-6 7-6"
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - Arnold<br>Palmer has taken a swing at<br>America's top players,<br>criticizing their increasing<br>reluctance to travel abroad<br>to play in tournaments."
"Although he was well-beaten by<br>Retief Goosen in Sunday #39;s<br>final round of The Tour<br>Championship in Atlanta, there<br>has been some compensation for<br>the former world number one,<br>Tiger Woods."
"WAYNE Rooney and Henrik<br>Larsson are among the players<br>nominated for FIFAs<br>prestigious World Player of<br>the Year award. Rooney is one<br>of four Manchester United<br>players on a list which is<br>heavily influenced by the<br>Premiership."
"It didn #39;t look good when<br>it happened on the field, and<br>it looked worse in the<br>clubhouse. Angels second<br>baseman Adam Kennedy left the<br>Angels #39; 5-2 win over the<br>Seattle Mariners"
"Freshman Darius Walker ran for<br>115 yards and scored two<br>touchdowns, helping revive an<br>Irish offense that had managed<br>just one touchdown in the<br>season's first six quarters."
"AP - NBC is adding a 5-second<br>delay to its NASCAR telecasts<br>after Dale Earnhardt Jr. used<br>a vulgarity during a postrace<br>TV interview last weekend."
" BOSTON (Sports Network) - The<br>New York Yankees will start<br>Orlando \"El Duque\" Hernandez<br>in Game 4 of the American<br>League Championship Series on<br>Saturday against the Boston<br>Red Sox."
"The future of Sven-Goran<br>Eriksson as England coach is<br>the subject of intense<br>discussion after the draw in<br>Austria. Has the Swede lost<br>the confidence of the nation<br>or does he remain the best man<br>for the job?"
"Spain begin their third final<br>in five seasons at the Olympic<br>stadium hoping to secure their<br>second title since their first<br>in Barcelona against Australia<br>in 2000."
"Second-seeded David Nalbandian<br>of Argentina lost at the Japan<br>Open on Thursday, beaten by<br>Gilles Muller of Luxembourg<br>7-6 (4), 3-6, 6-4 in the third<br>round."
"Thursday #39;s unexpected<br>resignation of Memphis<br>Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown<br>left a lot of questions<br>unanswered. In his unique way<br>of putting things, the<br>71-year-old Brown seemed to<br>indicate he was burned out and<br>had some health concerns."
"RUDI Voller had quit as coach<br>of Roma after a 3-1 defeat<br>away to Bologna, the Serie A<br>club said today. Under the<br>former Germany coach, Roma had<br>taken just four league points<br>from a possible 12."
"ONE by one, the players #39;<br>faces had flashed up on the<br>giant Ibrox screens offering<br>season #39;s greetings to the<br>Rangers fans. But the main<br>presents were reserved for<br>Auxerre."
"South Korea #39;s Grace Park<br>shot a seven-under-par 65 to<br>triumph at the CJ Nine Bridges<br>Classic on Sunday. Park #39;s<br>victory made up her final-<br>round collapse at the Samsung<br>World Championship two weeks<br>ago."
"Titans QB Steve McNair was<br>released from a Nashville<br>hospital after a two-night<br>stay for treatment of a<br>bruised sternum. McNair was<br>injured during the fourth<br>quarter of the Titans #39;<br>15-12 loss to Jacksonville on<br>Sunday."
"Keith Miller, Australia #39;s<br>most prolific all-rounder in<br>Test cricket, died today at a<br>nursing home, Cricket<br>Australia said. He was 84."
"TORONTO Former Toronto pitcher<br>John Cerutti (seh-ROO<br>#39;-tee) was found dead in<br>his hotel room today,<br>according to the team. He was<br>44."
"Defense: Ken Lucas. His<br>biggest play was his first<br>one. The fourth-year<br>cornerback intercepted a Ken<br>Dorsey pass that kissed off<br>the hands of wide receiver<br>Rashaun Woods and returned it<br>25 yards to set up the<br>Seahawks #39; first score."
"The powerful St. Louis trio of<br>Albert Pujols, Scott Rolen and<br>Jim Edmonds is 4 for 23 with<br>one RBI in the series and with<br>runners on base, they are 1<br>for 13."
"The Jets signed 33-year-old<br>cornerback Terrell Buckley,<br>who was released by New<br>England on Sunday, after<br>putting nickel back Ray<br>Mickens on season-ending<br>injured reserve yesterday with<br>a torn ACL in his left knee."
"WEST INDIES thrilling victory<br>yesterday in the International<br>Cricket Council Champions<br>Trophy meant the world to the<br>five million people of the<br>Caribbean."
"Scotland manager Berti Vogts<br>insists he is expecting<br>nothing but victory against<br>Moldova on Wednesday. The game<br>certainly is a must-win affair<br>if the Scots are to have any<br>chance of qualifying for the<br>2006 World Cup finals."
" INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) -<br>Jenny Thompson will take the<br>spotlight from injured U.S.<br>team mate Michael Phelps at<br>the world short course<br>championships Saturday as she<br>brings down the curtain on a<br>spectacular swimming career."
"Martin Brodeur made 27 saves,<br>and Brad Richards, Kris Draper<br>and Joe Sakic scored goals to<br>help Canada beat Russia 3-1<br>last night in the World Cup of<br>Hockey, giving the Canadians a<br>3-0 record in round-robin<br>play."
"ST. LOUIS -- Mike Martz #39;s<br>week of anger was no empty<br>display. He saw the defending<br>NFC West champions slipping<br>and thought taking potshots at<br>his players might be his best<br>shot at turning things around."
"Romanian soccer star Adrian<br>Mutu as he arrives at the<br>British Football Association<br>in London, ahead of his<br>disciplinary hearing, Thursday<br>Nov. 4, 2004."
"Australia completed an<br>emphatic Test series sweep<br>over New Zealand with a<br>213-run win Tuesday, prompting<br>a caution from Black Caps<br>skipper Stephen Fleming for<br>other cricket captains around<br>the globe."
"Liverpool, England (Sports<br>Network) - Former English<br>international and Liverpool<br>great Emlyn Hughes passed away<br>Tuesday from a brain tumor."
"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- They<br>were singing in the Colts #39;<br>locker room today, singing<br>like a bunch of wounded<br>songbirds. Never mind that<br>Marcus Pollard, Dallas Clark<br>and Ben Hartsock won #39;t be<br>recording a remake of Kenny<br>Chesney #39;s song,<br>quot;Young, quot; any time<br>soon."
"As the close-knit NASCAR<br>community mourns the loss of<br>team owner Rick Hendrick #39;s<br>son, brother, twin nieces and<br>six others in a plane crash<br>Sunday, perhaps no one outside<br>of the immediate family<br>grieves more deeply than<br>Darrell Waltrip."
"AP - Purdue quarterback Kyle<br>Orton has no trouble<br>remembering how he felt after<br>last year's game at Michigan."
"Brown is a second year player<br>from Memphis and has spent the<br>2004 season on the Steelers<br>#39; practice squad. He played<br>in two games last year."
"Barret Jackman, the last of<br>the Blues left to sign before<br>the league #39;s probable<br>lockout on Wednesday,<br>finalized a deal Monday that<br>is rare in the current<br>economic climate but fitting<br>for him."
"AP - In the tumult of the<br>visitors' clubhouse at Yankee<br>Stadium, champagne pouring all<br>around him, Theo Epstein held<br>a beer. \"I came in and there<br>was no champagne left,\" he<br>said this week. \"I said, 'I'll<br>have champagne if we win it<br>all.'\" Get ready to pour a<br>glass of bubbly for Epstein.<br>No I.D. necessary."
"Barcelona held on from an<br>early Deco goal to edge game<br>local rivals Espanyol 1-0 and<br>carve out a five point<br>tabletop cushion. Earlier,<br>Ronaldo rescued a point for<br>Real Madrid, who continued<br>their middling form with a 1-1<br>draw at Real Betis."
"MONTREAL (CP) - The Expos may<br>be history, but their demise<br>has heated up the market for<br>team memorabilia. Vintage<br>1970s and 1980s shirts are<br>already sold out, but<br>everything from caps, beer<br>glasses and key-chains to<br>dolls of mascot Youppi!"
"A 76th minute goal from<br>European Footballer of the<br>Year Pavel Nedved gave<br>Juventus a 1-0 win over Bayern<br>Munich on Tuesday handing the<br>Italians clear control at the<br>top of Champions League Group<br>C."
"ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Some NHL<br>players who took part in a<br>charity hockey game at the<br>University of Michigan on<br>Thursday were hopeful the news<br>that the NHL and the players<br>association will resume talks<br>next week"
"BOULDER, Colo. -- Vernand<br>Morency ran for 165 yards and<br>two touchdowns and Donovan<br>Woods threw for three more<br>scores, lifting No. 22<br>Oklahoma State to a 42-14<br>victory over Colorado<br>yesterday."
"PULLMAN - Last week, in<br>studying USC game film, Cougar<br>coaches thought they found a<br>chink in the national<br>champions armor. And not just<br>any chink - one with the<br>potential, right from the get<br>go, to"
"AP - Matt Leinart was quite a<br>baseball prospect growing up,<br>showing so much promise as a<br>left-handed pitcher that<br>scouts took notice before high<br>school."
"LSU will stick with a two-<br>quarterback rotation Saturday<br>at Auburn, according to Tigers<br>coach Nick Saban, who seemed<br>to have some fun telling the<br>media what he will and won<br>#39;t discuss Monday."
"Seattle -- - Not so long ago,<br>the 49ers were inflicting on<br>other teams the kind of pain<br>and embarrassment they felt in<br>their 34-0 loss to the<br>Seahawks on Sunday."
"London - Manchester City held<br>fierce crosstown rivals<br>Manchester United to a 0-0<br>draw on Sunday, keeping the<br>Red Devils eleven points<br>behind leaders Chelsea."
"New Ole Miss head coach Ed<br>Orgeron, speaking for the<br>first time since his hiring,<br>made clear the goal of his<br>football program. quot;The<br>goal of this program will be<br>to go to the Sugar Bowl, quot;<br>Orgeron said."
"It is much too easy to call<br>Pedro Martinez the selfish<br>one, to say he is walking out<br>on the Red Sox, his baseball<br>family, for the extra year of<br>the Mets #39; crazy money."
"It is impossible for young<br>tennis players today to know<br>what it was like to be Althea<br>Gibson and not to be able to<br>quot;walk in the front door,<br>quot; Garrison said."
"Here #39;s an obvious word of<br>advice to Florida athletic<br>director Jeremy Foley as he<br>kicks off another search for<br>the Gators football coach: Get<br>Steve Spurrier on board."
"Amid the stormy gloom in<br>Gotham, the rain-idled Yankees<br>last night had plenty of time<br>to gather in front of their<br>televisions and watch the Red<br>Sox Express roar toward them.<br>The national telecast might<br>have been enough to send a<br>jittery Boss Steinbrenner<br>searching his Bartlett's<br>Familiar Quotations for some<br>quot;Little Engine That Could<br>quot; metaphor."
"FULHAM fans would have been<br>singing the late Elvis #39;<br>hit #39;The wonder of you<br>#39; to their player Elvis<br>Hammond. If not for Frank<br>Lampard spoiling the party,<br>with his dedication to his<br>late grandfather."
"A bird #39;s eye view of the<br>circuit at Shanghai shows what<br>an event Sunday #39;s Chinese<br>Grand Prix will be. The course<br>is arguably one of the best<br>there is, and so it should be<br>considering the amount of<br>money that has been spent on<br>it."
"AP - Sirius Satellite Radio<br>signed a deal to air the men's<br>NCAA basketball tournament<br>through 2007, the latest move<br>made in an attempt to draw<br>customers through sports<br>programming."
"(Sports Network) - The<br>inconsistent San Diego Padres<br>will try for consecutive wins<br>for the first time since<br>August 28-29 tonight, when<br>they begin a huge four-game<br>set against the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers at Dodger Stadium."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top seed<br>Roger Federer survived a<br>stirring comeback from twice<br>champion Andre Agassi to reach<br>the semifinals of the U.S.<br>Open for the first time on<br>Thursday, squeezing through<br>6-3, 2-6, 7-5, 3-6, 6-3."
"SAN FRANCISCO - What Babe Ruth<br>was to the first half of the<br>20th century and Hank Aaron<br>was to the second, Barry Bonds<br>has become for the home run<br>generation."
"Birgit Fischer settled for<br>silver, leaving the 42-year-<br>old Olympian with two medals<br>in two days against decidedly<br>younger competition."
"There was no mystery ... no<br>secret strategy ... no baited<br>trap that snapped shut and<br>changed the course of history<br>#39;s most lucrative non-<br>heavyweight fight."
"Notre Dame accepted an<br>invitation Sunday to play in<br>the Insight Bowl in Phoenix<br>against a Pac-10 team on Dec.<br>28. The Irish (6-5) accepted<br>the bid a day after losing to<br>Southern California"
"Greg Anderson has so dominated<br>Pro Stock this season that his<br>championship quest has evolved<br>into a pursuit of NHRA<br>history. By Bob Hesser, Racers<br>Edge Photography."
"Michael Powell, chairman of<br>the FCC, said Wednesday he was<br>disappointed with ABC for<br>airing a sexually suggestive<br>opening to \"Monday Night<br>Football.\""
"Former Washington football<br>coach Rick Neuheisel looked<br>forward to a return to<br>coaching Wednesday after being<br>cleared by the NCAA of<br>wrongdoing related to his<br>gambling on basketball games."
"AP - Rutgers basketball player<br>Shalicia Hurns was suspended<br>from the team after pleading<br>guilty to punching and tying<br>up her roommate during a<br>dispute over painkilling<br>drugs."
"This was the event Michael<br>Phelps didn't really need to<br>compete in if his goal was to<br>win eight golds. He probably<br>would have had a better chance<br>somewhere else."
"Gabe Kapler became the first<br>player to leave the World<br>Series champion Boston Red<br>Sox, agreeing to a one-year<br>contract with the Yomiuri<br>Giants in Tokyo."
"BALI, Indonesia - Svetlana<br>Kuznetsova, fresh off her<br>championship at the US Open,<br>defeated Australian qualifier<br>Samantha Stosur 6-4, 6-4<br>Thursday to reach the<br>quarterfinals of the Wismilak<br>International."
"AP - Just like the old days in<br>Dallas, Emmitt Smith made life<br>miserable for the New York<br>Giants on Sunday."
"TAMPA, Fla. - Chris Simms<br>first NFL start lasted 19<br>plays, and it might be a while<br>before he plays again for the<br>Tampa Bay Buccaneers."
"Jarno Trulli made the most of<br>the conditions in qualifying<br>to claim pole ahead of Michael<br>Schumacher, while Fernando<br>finished third."
"AP - Authorities are<br>investigating whether bettors<br>at New York's top thoroughbred<br>tracks were properly informed<br>when jockeys came in<br>overweight at races, a source<br>familiar with the probe told<br>The Associated Press."
"Michael Owen scored his first<br>goal for Real Madrid in a 1-0<br>home victory over Dynamo Kiev<br>in the Champions League. The<br>England striker toe-poked home<br>Ronaldo #39;s cross in the<br>35th minute to join the<br>Russians"
"Jason Giambi has returned to<br>the New York Yankees'<br>clubhouse but is still<br>clueless as to when he will be<br>able to play again."
"Seventy-five National Hockey<br>League players met with union<br>leaders yesterday to get an<br>update on a lockout that shows<br>no sign of ending."
"Howard, at 6-4 overall and 3-3<br>in the Mid-Eastern Athletic<br>Conference, can clinch a<br>winning record in the MEAC<br>with a win over Delaware State<br>on Saturday."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Top-ranked<br>Argentina booked their berth<br>in the women's hockey semi-<br>finals at the Athens Olympics<br>on Friday but defending<br>champions Australia now face<br>an obstacle course to qualify<br>for the medal matches."
"The Notre Dame message boards<br>are no longer discussing<br>whether Tyrone Willingham<br>should be fired. Theyre<br>already arguing about whether<br>the next coach should be Barry<br>Alvarez or Steve Spurrier."
" THOMASTOWN, Ireland (Reuters)<br>- World number three Ernie<br>Els overcame difficult weather<br>conditions to fire a sparkling<br>eight-under-par 64 and move<br>two shots clear after two<br>rounds of the WGC-American<br>Express Championship Friday."
"Lamar Odom supplemented 20<br>points with 13 rebounds and<br>Kobe Bryant added 19 points to<br>overcome a big night from Yao<br>Ming as the Los Angeles Lakers<br>ground out an 84-79 win over<br>the Rockets in Houston<br>Saturday."
"It rained Sunday, of course,<br>and but another soppy, sloppy<br>gray day at Westside Tennis<br>Club did nothing to deter<br>Roger Federer from his<br>appointed rounds."
"Amelie Mauresmo was handed a<br>place in the Advanta<br>Championships final after<br>Maria Sharapova withdrew from<br>their semi-final because of<br>injury."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey<br>(Sports Network) - Retired NBA<br>center and seven-time All-<br>Star Alonzo Mourning is going<br>to give his playing career<br>one more shot."
"Jordan have confirmed that<br>Timo Glock will replace<br>Giorgio Pantano for this<br>weekend #39;s Chinese GP as<br>the team has terminated its<br>contract with Pantano."
"The continuing heartache of<br>Wake Forest #39;s ACC football<br>season was best described by<br>fifth-ranked Florida State<br>coach Bobby Bowden, after his<br>Seminoles had edged the<br>Deacons 20-17 Saturday at<br>Groves Stadium."
"THE glory days have returned<br>to White Hart Lane. When Spurs<br>new first-team coach Martin<br>Jol promised a return to the<br>traditions of the 1960s,<br>nobody could have believed he<br>was so determined to act so<br>quickly and so literally."
"AP - When Paula Radcliffe<br>dropped out of the Olympic<br>marathon miles from the<br>finish, she sobbed<br>uncontrollably. Margaret Okayo<br>knew the feeling. Okayo pulled<br>out of the marathon at the<br>15th mile with a left leg<br>injury, and she cried, too.<br>When she watched Radcliffe<br>quit, Okayo thought, \"Let's<br>cry together.\""
" ATLANTA (Sports Network) -<br>The Atlanta Hawks signed free<br>agent Kevin Willis on<br>Wednesday, nearly a decade<br>after the veteran big man<br>ended an 11- year stint with<br>the team."
"When his right-front tire went<br>flying off early in the Ford<br>400, the final race of the<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Series<br>season, Kurt Busch, it seemed,<br>was destined to spend his<br>offseason"
"Brandon Backe and Woody<br>Williams pitched well last<br>night even though neither<br>earned a win. But their<br>outings will show up in the<br>record books."
"The Football Association today<br>decided not to charge David<br>Beckham with bringing the game<br>into disrepute. The FA made<br>the surprise announcement<br>after their compliance unit<br>ruled"
" CRANS-SUR-SIERRE, Switzerland<br>(Reuters) - World number<br>three Ernie Els says he feels<br>a failure after narrowly<br>missing out on three of the<br>year's four major<br>championships."
"Striker Bonaventure Kalou<br>netted twice to send AJ<br>Auxerre through to the first<br>knockout round of the UEFA Cup<br>at the expense of Rangers on<br>Wednesday."
"THIS weekend sees the<br>quot;other quot; showdown<br>between New York and New<br>England as the Jets and<br>Patriots clash in a battle of<br>the unbeaten teams."
"Nicolas Anelka is fit for<br>Manchester City #39;s<br>Premiership encounter against<br>Tottenham at Eastlands, but<br>the 13million striker will<br>have to be content with a<br>place on the bench."
" PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - Ben<br>Roethlisberger passed for 183<br>yards and two touchdowns,<br>Hines Ward scored twice and<br>the Pittsburgh Steelers<br>rolled to a convincing 27-3<br>victory over Philadelphia on<br>Sunday for their second<br>straight win against an<br>undefeated opponent."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S.<br>men's basketball team got<br>their first comfortable win<br>at the Olympic basketball<br>tournament Monday, routing<br>winless Angola 89-53 in their<br>final preliminary round game."
"Often, the older a pitcher<br>becomes, the less effective he<br>is on the mound. Roger Clemens<br>apparently didn #39;t get that<br>memo. On Tuesday, the 42-year-<br>old Clemens won an<br>unprecedented"
"PSV Eindhoven faces Arsenal at<br>Highbury tomorrow night on the<br>back of a free-scoring start<br>to the season. Despite losing<br>Mateja Kezman to Chelsea in<br>the summer, the Dutch side has<br>scored 12 goals in the first"
"PLAYER OF THE GAME: Playing<br>with a broken nose, Seattle<br>point guard Sue Bird set a<br>WNBA playoff record for<br>assists with 14, also pumping<br>in 10 points as the Storm<br>claimed the Western Conference<br>title last night."
"Frankfurt - World Cup winners<br>Brazil were on Monday drawn to<br>meet European champions<br>Greece, Gold Cup winners<br>Mexico and Asian champions<br>Japan at the 2005<br>Confederations Cup."
"Third baseman Vinny Castilla<br>said he fits fine with the<br>Colorado youth movement, even<br>though he #39;ll turn 38 next<br>season and the Rockies are<br>coming off the second-worst"
"(Sports Network) - Two of the<br>top teams in the American<br>League tangle in a possible<br>American League Division<br>Series preview tonight, as the<br>West-leading Oakland Athletics<br>host the wild card-leading<br>Boston Red Sox for the first<br>of a three-game set at the"
"Inverness Caledonian Thistle<br>appointed Craig Brewster as<br>its new manager-player<br>Thursday although he #39;s<br>unable to play for the team<br>until January."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Alan Shearer<br>converted an 87th-minute<br>penalty to give Newcastle a<br>1-0 win over Panionios in<br>their UEFA Cup Group D match."
"Derek Jeter turned a season<br>that started with a terrible<br>slump into one of the best in<br>his accomplished 10-year<br>career. quot;I don #39;t<br>think there is any question,<br>quot; the New York Yankees<br>manager said."
"China's Guo Jingjing easily<br>won the women's 3-meter<br>springboard last night, and Wu<br>Minxia made it a 1-2 finish<br>for the world's diving<br>superpower, taking the silver."
"GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Ticker)<br>-- Brett Favre will be hoping<br>his 200th consecutive start<br>turns out better than his last<br>two have against the St."
"When an NFL team opens with a<br>prolonged winning streak,<br>former Miami Dolphins coach<br>Don Shula and his players from<br>the 17-0 team of 1972 root<br>unabashedly for the next<br>opponent."
"MIANNE Bagger, the transsexual<br>golfer who prompted a change<br>in the rules to allow her to<br>compete on the professional<br>circuit, made history<br>yesterday by qualifying to<br>play full-time on the Ladies<br>European Tour."
"Great Britain #39;s gold medal<br>tally now stands at five after<br>Leslie Law was handed the<br>individual three day eventing<br>title - in a courtroom."
"Mayor Tom Menino must be<br>proud. His Boston Red Sox just<br>won their first World Series<br>in 86 years and his Hyde Park<br>Blue Stars yesterday clinched<br>their first Super Bowl berth<br>in 32 years, defeating<br>O'Bryant, 14-0. Who would have<br>thought?"
"South Korea have appealed to<br>sport #39;s supreme legal body<br>in an attempt to award Yang<br>Tae-young the Olympic<br>gymnastics all-round gold<br>medal after a scoring error<br>robbed him of the title in<br>Athens."
"AP - Johan Santana had an<br>early lead and was well on his<br>way to his 10th straight win<br>when the rain started to fall."
"ATHENS-In one of the biggest<br>shocks in Olympic judo<br>history, defending champion<br>Kosei Inoue was defeated by<br>Dutchman Elco van der Geest in<br>the men #39;s 100-kilogram<br>category Thursday."
"NBC is adding a 5-second delay<br>to its Nascar telecasts after<br>Dale Earnhardt Jr. used a<br>vulgarity during a postrace<br>interview last weekend."
"San Francisco Giants<br>outfielder Barry Bonds, who<br>became the third player in<br>Major League Baseball history<br>to hit 700 career home runs,<br>won the National League Most<br>Valuable Player Award"
"Portsmouth chairman Milan<br>Mandaric said on Tuesday that<br>Harry Redknapp, who resigned<br>as manager last week, was<br>innocent of any wrong-doing<br>over agent or transfer fees."
"This record is for all the<br>little guys, for all the<br>players who have to leg out<br>every hit instead of taking a<br>relaxing trot around the<br>bases, for all the batters<br>whose muscles aren #39;t"
"Charlie Hodgson #39;s record-<br>equalling performance against<br>South Africa was praised by<br>coach Andy Robinson after the<br>Sale flyhalf scored 27 points<br>in England #39;s 32-16 victory<br>here at Twickenham on<br>Saturday."
"BASEBALL Atlanta (NL):<br>Optioned P Roman Colon to<br>Greenville (Southern);<br>recalled OF Dewayne Wise from<br>Richmond (IL). Boston (AL):<br>Purchased C Sandy Martinez<br>from Cleveland (AL) and<br>assigned him to Pawtucket<br>(IL). Cleveland (AL): Recalled<br>OF Ryan Ludwick from Buffalo<br>(IL). Chicago (NL): Acquired<br>OF Ben Grieve from Milwaukee<br>(NL) for player to be named<br>and cash; acquired C Mike ..."
"BRONX, New York (Ticker) --<br>Kelvim Escobar was the latest<br>Anaheim Angels #39; pitcher to<br>subdue the New York Yankees.<br>Escobar pitched seven strong<br>innings and Bengie Molina tied<br>a career-high with four hits,<br>including"
"Sep 08 - Vijay Singh revelled<br>in his status as the new world<br>number one after winning the<br>Deutsche Bank Championship by<br>three shots in Boston on<br>Monday."
"Many people in golf are asking<br>that today. He certainly wasn<br>#39;t A-list and he wasn #39;t<br>Larry Nelson either. But you<br>couldn #39;t find a more solid<br>guy to lead the United States<br>into Ireland for the 2006<br>Ryder Cup Matches."
"Australian Stuart Appleby, who<br>was the joint second-round<br>leader, returned a two-over 74<br>to drop to third at three-<br>under while American Chris<br>DiMarco moved into fourth with<br>a round of 69."
"With a doubleheader sweep of<br>the Minnesota Twins, the New<br>York Yankees moved to the<br>verge of clinching their<br>seventh straight AL East<br>title."
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - The first official<br>track event took place this<br>morning and Italy #39;s Ivano<br>Brugnetti won the men #39;s<br>20km walk at the Summer<br>Olympics in Athens."
"Champions Arsenal opened a<br>five-point lead at the top of<br>the Premier League after a 4-0<br>thrashing of Charlton Athletic<br>at Highbury Saturday."
"The Redskins and Browns have<br>traded field goals and are<br>tied, 3-3, in the first<br>quarter in Cleveland."
"Forget September call-ups. The<br>Red Sox may tap their minor<br>league system for an extra<br>player or two when the rules<br>allow them to expand their<br>25-man roster Wednesday, but<br>any help from the farm is<br>likely to pale against the<br>abundance of talent they gain<br>from the return of numerous<br>players, including Trot Nixon<br>, from the disabled list."
"THOUSAND OAKS -- Anonymity is<br>only a problem if you want it<br>to be, and it is obvious Vijay<br>Singh doesn #39;t want it to<br>be. Let others chase fame."
"David Coulthard #39;s season-<br>long search for a Formula One<br>drive next year is almost<br>over. Negotiations between Red<br>Bull Racing and Coulthard, who<br>tested for the Austrian team<br>for the first time"
"AP - Southern California<br>tailback LenDale White<br>remembers Justin Holland from<br>high school. The Colorado<br>State quarterback made quite<br>an impression."
"TIM HENMAN last night admitted<br>all of his energy has been<br>drained away as he bowed out<br>of the Madrid Masters. The top<br>seed, who had a blood test on<br>Wednesday to get to the bottom<br>of his fatigue, went down"
"ATHENS -- US sailors needed a<br>big day to bring home gold and<br>bronze medals from the sailing<br>finale here yesterday. But<br>rolling the dice on windshifts<br>and starting tactics backfired<br>both in Star and Tornado<br>classes, and the Americans had<br>to settle for a single silver<br>medal."
"AP - Cavaliers forward Luke<br>Jackson was activated<br>Wednesday after missing five<br>games because of tendinitis in<br>his right knee. Cleveland also<br>placed forward Sasha Pavlovic<br>on the injured list."
"The Brisbane Lions #39;<br>football manager stepped out<br>of the changerooms just before<br>six o #39;clock last night and<br>handed one of the milling<br>supporters a six-pack of beer."
"Cavaliers owner Gordon Gund is<br>in quot;serious quot;<br>negotiations to sell the NBA<br>franchise, which has enjoyed a<br>dramatic financial turnaround<br>since the arrival of star<br>LeBron James."
"After two days of gloom, China<br>was back on the winning rails<br>on Thursday with Liu Chunhong<br>winning a weightlifting title<br>on her record-shattering binge<br>and its shuttlers contributing<br>two golds in the cliff-hanging<br>finals."
"One question that arises<br>whenever a player is linked to<br>steroids is, \"What would he<br>have done without them?\"<br>Baseball history whispers an<br>answer."
"The second round of the<br>Canadian Open golf tournament<br>continues Saturday Glenn Abbey<br>Golf Club in Oakville,<br>Ontario, after play was<br>suspended late Friday due to<br>darkness."
"A massive plan to attract the<br>2012 Summer Olympics to New<br>York, touting the city's<br>diversity, financial and media<br>power, was revealed Wednesday."
"NICK Heidfeld #39;s test with<br>Williams has been brought<br>forward after BAR blocked<br>plans for Anthony Davidson to<br>drive its Formula One rival<br>#39;s car."
"Grace Park closed with an<br>eagle and two birdies for a<br>7-under-par 65 and a two-<br>stroke lead after three rounds<br>of the Wachovia LPGA Classic<br>on Saturday."
"Carlos Beltran drives in five<br>runs to carry the Astros to a<br>12-3 rout of the Braves in<br>Game 5 of their first-round NL<br>playoff series."
"Since Lennox Lewis #39;s<br>retirement, the heavyweight<br>division has been knocked for<br>having more quantity than<br>quality. Eight heavyweights on<br>Saturday night #39;s card at<br>Madison Square Garden hope to<br>change that perception, at<br>least for one night."
"Tim Duncan had 17 points and<br>10 rebounds, helping the San<br>Antonio Spurs to a 99-81<br>victory over the New York<br>Kicks. This was the Spurs<br>fourth straight win this<br>season."
"Nagpur: India suffered a<br>double blow even before the<br>first ball was bowled in the<br>crucial third cricket Test<br>against Australia on Tuesday<br>when captain Sourav Ganguly<br>and off spinner Harbhajan<br>Singh were ruled out of the<br>match."
"AP - Former New York Yankees<br>hitting coach Rick Down was<br>hired for the same job by the<br>Mets on Friday, reuniting him<br>with new manager Willie<br>Randolph."
"FILDERSTADT (Germany) - Amelie<br>Mauresmo and Lindsay Davenport<br>took their battle for the No.<br>1 ranking and Porsche Grand<br>Prix title into the semi-<br>finals with straight-sets<br>victories on Friday."
"Carter returned, but it was<br>running back Curtis Martin and<br>the offensive line that put<br>the Jets ahead. Martin rushed<br>for all but 10 yards of a<br>45-yard drive that stalled at<br>the Cardinals 10."
"DENVER (Ticker) -- Jake<br>Plummer more than made up for<br>a lack of a running game.<br>Plummer passed for 294 yards<br>and two touchdowns as the<br>Denver Broncos posted a 23-13<br>victory over the San Diego<br>Chargers in a battle of AFC<br>West Division rivals."
"It took all of about five<br>minutes of an introductory<br>press conference Wednesday at<br>Heritage Hall for USC<br>basketball to gain something<br>it never really had before."
"AP - The Boston Red Sox looked<br>at the out-of-town scoreboard<br>and could hardly believe what<br>they saw. The New York Yankees<br>were trailing big at home<br>against the Cleveland Indians<br>in what would be the worst<br>loss in the 101-year history<br>of the storied franchise."
"The Red Sox will either<br>complete an amazing comeback<br>as the first team to rebound<br>from a 3-0 deficit in<br>postseason history, or the<br>Yankees will stop them."
"The Red Sox have reached<br>agreement with free agent<br>pitcher Matt Clement yesterday<br>on a three-year deal that will<br>pay him around \\$25 million,<br>his agent confirmed yesterday."
"HEN Manny Ramirez and David<br>Ortiz hit consecutive home<br>runs Sunday night in Chicago<br>to put the Red Sox ahead,<br>there was dancing in the<br>streets in Boston."
"MIAMI -- Bryan Randall grabbed<br>a set of Mardi Gras beads and<br>waved them aloft, while his<br>teammates exalted in the<br>prospect of a trip to New<br>Orleans."
"TORONTO (CP) - With an injured<br>Vince Carter on the bench, the<br>Toronto Raptors dropped their<br>sixth straight game Friday,<br>101-87 to the Denver Nuggets."
"While not quite a return to<br>glory, Monday represents the<br>Redskins' return to the<br>national consciousness."
"Vijay Singh has won the US PGA<br>Tour player of the year award<br>for the first time, ending<br>Tiger Woods #39;s five-year<br>hold on the honour."
"England got strikes from<br>sparkling debut starter<br>Jermain Defoe and Michael Owen<br>to defeat Poland in a Uefa<br>World Cup qualifier in<br>Chorzow."
"Titleholder Ernie Els moved<br>within sight of a record sixth<br>World Match Play title on<br>Saturday by solving a putting<br>problem to overcome injured<br>Irishman Padraig Harrington 5<br>and 4."
"If the Washington Nationals<br>never win a pennant, they have<br>no reason to ever doubt that<br>DC loves them. Yesterday, the<br>District City Council<br>tentatively approved a tab for<br>a publicly financed ballpark<br>that could amount to as much<br>as \\$630 million."
"Defensive back Brandon<br>Johnson, who had two<br>interceptions for Tennessee at<br>Mississippi, was suspended<br>indefinitely Monday for<br>violation of team rules."
"Points leader Kurt Busch spun<br>out and ran out of fuel, and<br>his misfortune was one of the<br>reasons crew chief Jimmy<br>Fennig elected not to pit with<br>20 laps to go."
"(CP) - The NHL all-star game<br>hasn #39;t been cancelled<br>after all. It #39;s just been<br>moved to Russia. The agent for<br>New York Rangers winger<br>Jaromir Jagr confirmed Monday<br>that the Czech star had joined<br>Omsk Avangard"
"HERE in the land of myth, that<br>familiar god of sports --<br>karma -- threw a bolt of<br>lightning into the Olympic<br>stadium yesterday. Marion<br>Jones lunged desperately with<br>her baton in the 4 x 100m<br>relay final, but couldn #39;t<br>reach her target."
"AP - Kenny Rogers lost at the<br>Coliseum for the first time in<br>more than 10 years, with Bobby<br>Crosby's three-run double in<br>the fifth inning leading the<br>Athletics to a 5-4 win over<br>the Texas Rangers on Thursday."
"Dambulla, Sri Lanka - Kumar<br>Sangakkara and Avishka<br>Gunawardene slammed impressive<br>half-centuries to help an<br>under-strength Sri Lanka crush<br>South Africa by seven wickets<br>in the fourth one-day<br>international here on<br>Saturday."
"Fresh off being the worst team<br>in baseball, the Arizona<br>Diamondbacks set a new record<br>this week: fastest team to<br>both hire and fire a manager."
"Nebraska head coach Bill<br>Callahan runs off the field at<br>halftime of the game against<br>Baylor in Lincoln, Neb.,<br>Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (Sports<br>Network) - The Toronto<br>Raptors have traded All-Star<br>swingman Vince Carter to the<br>New Jersey Nets in exchange<br>for center Alonzo Mourning,<br>forward Eric Williams,<br>center/forward Aaron Williams<br>and two first- round draft<br>picks."
"What riot? quot;An Argentine<br>friend of mine was a little<br>derisive of the Pacers-Pistons<br>eruption, quot; says reader<br>Mike Gaynes. quot;He snorted,<br>#39;Is that what Americans<br>call a riot?"
"All season, Chris Barnicle<br>seemed prepared for just about<br>everything, but the Newton<br>North senior was not ready for<br>the hot weather he encountered<br>yesterday in San Diego at the<br>Footlocker Cross-Country<br>National Championships. Racing<br>in humid conditions with<br>temperatures in the 70s, the<br>Massachusetts Division 1 state<br>champion finished sixth in 15<br>minutes 34 seconds in the<br>5-kilometer race. ..."
"AP - Coach Tyrone Willingham<br>was fired by Notre Dame on<br>Tuesday after three seasons in<br>which he failed to return one<br>of the nation's most storied<br>football programs to<br>prominence."
"COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Joel<br>Statham completed 18 of 25<br>passes for 268 yards and two<br>touchdowns in No. 23<br>Maryland's 45-22 victory over<br>Temple last night, the<br>Terrapins' 12th straight win<br>at Byrd Stadium."
"Manchester United boss Sir<br>Alex Ferguson wants the FA to<br>punish Arsenal good guy Dennis<br>Bergkamp for taking a swing at<br>Alan Smith last Sunday."
"Published reports say Barry<br>Bonds has testified that he<br>used a clear substance and a<br>cream given to him by a<br>trainer who was indicted in a<br>steroid-distribution ring."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Christos<br>Angourakis added his name to<br>Greece's list of Paralympic<br>medal winners when he claimed<br>a bronze in the T53 shot put<br>competition Thursday."
"Jay Fiedler threw for one<br>touchdown, Sage Rosenfels<br>threw for another and the<br>Miami Dolphins got a victory<br>in a game they did not want to<br>play, beating the New Orleans<br>Saints 20-19 Friday night."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Terrell<br>Owens scored three touchdowns<br>and the Philadelphia Eagles<br>amassed 35 first-half points<br>on the way to a 49-21<br>drubbing of the Dallas Cowboys<br>in Irving, Texas, Monday."
"A late strike by Salomon Kalou<br>sealed a 2-1 win for Feyenoord<br>over NEC Nijmegen, while<br>second placed AZ Alkmaar<br>defeated ADO Den Haag 2-0 in<br>the Dutch first division on<br>Sunday."
"What a disgrace Ron Artest has<br>become. And the worst part is,<br>the Indiana Pacers guard just<br>doesn #39;t get it. Four days<br>after fueling one of the<br>biggest brawls in the history<br>of pro sports, Artest was on<br>national"
"Jenson Button has revealed<br>dissatisfaction with the way<br>his management handled a<br>fouled switch to Williams. Not<br>only did the move not come<br>off, his reputation may have<br>been irreparably damaged amid<br>news headline"
"Redknapp and his No2 Jim Smith<br>resigned from Portsmouth<br>yesterday, leaving<br>controversial new director<br>Velimir Zajec in temporary<br>control."
"As the season winds down for<br>the Frederick Keys, Manager<br>Tom Lawless is starting to<br>enjoy the progress his<br>pitching staff has made this<br>season."
"Britain #39;s Bradley Wiggins<br>won the gold medal in men<br>#39;s individual pursuit<br>Saturday, finishing the<br>4,000-meter final in 4:16."
"And when David Akers #39;<br>50-yard field goal cleared the<br>crossbar in overtime, they did<br>just that. They escaped a<br>raucous Cleveland Browns<br>Stadium relieved but not<br>broken, tested but not<br>cracked."
"San Antonio, TX (Sports<br>Network) - Dean Wilson shot a<br>five-under 65 on Friday to<br>move into the lead at the<br>halfway point of the Texas<br>Open."
"Now that Chelsea have added<br>Newcastle United to the list<br>of clubs that they have given<br>what for lately, what price<br>Jose Mourinho covering the<br>Russian-funded aristocrats of<br>west London in glittering<br>glory to the tune of four<br>trophies?"
"AP - Former Seattle Seahawks<br>running back Chris Warren has<br>been arrested in Virginia on a<br>federal warrant, accused of<br>failing to pay #36;137,147 in<br>child support for his two<br>daughters in Washington state."
"It #39;s official: US Open had<br>never gone into the third<br>round with only two American<br>men, including the defending<br>champion, Andy Roddick."
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- England coach<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson has urged<br>the international soccer<br>authorities to preserve the<br>health of the world superstar<br>footballers for major<br>tournaments, who expressed his<br>will in Slaley of England on<br>Tuesday ..."
"Juventus coach Fabio Capello<br>has ordered his players not to<br>kick the ball out of play when<br>an opponent falls to the<br>ground apparently hurt because<br>he believes some players fake<br>injury to stop the match."
"You #39;re angry. You want to<br>lash out. The Red Sox are<br>doing it to you again. They<br>#39;re blowing a playoff<br>series, and to the Yankees no<br>less."
"TORONTO -- There is no<br>mystique to it anymore,<br>because after all, the<br>Russians have become commoners<br>in today's National Hockey<br>League, and Finns, Czechs,<br>Slovaks, and Swedes also have<br>been entrenched in the<br>Original 30 long enough to<br>turn the ongoing World Cup of<br>Hockey into a protracted<br>trailer for the NHL season."
"Indianapolis, IN (Sports<br>Network) - The Indiana Pacers<br>try to win their second<br>straight game tonight, as they<br>host Kevin Garnett and the<br>Minnesota Timberwolves in the<br>third of a four-game homestand<br>at Conseco Fieldhouse."
"It is a team game, this Ryder<br>Cup stuff that will commence<br>Friday at Oakland Hills<br>Country Club. So what are the<br>teams? For the Americans,<br>captain Hal Sutton isn't<br>saying."
"MANCHESTER United today<br>dramatically rejected the<br>advances of Malcolm Glazer,<br>the US sports boss who is<br>mulling an 825m bid for the<br>football club."
"As usual, the Big Ten coaches<br>were out in full force at<br>today #39;s Big Ten<br>Teleconference. Both OSU head<br>coach Jim Tressel and Iowa<br>head coach Kirk Ferentz<br>offered some thoughts on the<br>upcoming game between OSU"
"New York Knicks #39; Stephon<br>Marbury (3) fires over New<br>Orleans Hornets #39; Dan<br>Dickau (2) during the second<br>half in New Orleans Wednesday<br>night, Dec. 8, 2004."
"At the very moment when the<br>Red Sox desperately need<br>someone slightly larger than<br>life to rally around, they<br>suddenly have the man for the<br>job: Thrilling Schilling."
"Dale Earnhardt Jr, right,<br>talks with Matt Kenseth, left,<br>during a break in practice at<br>Lowe #39;s Motor Speedway in<br>Concord, NC, Thursday Oct. 14,<br>2004 before qualifying for<br>Saturday #39;s UAW-GM Quality<br>500 NASCAR Nextel Cup race."
"Several starting spots may<br>have been usurped or at least<br>threatened after relatively<br>solid understudy showings<br>Sunday, but few players<br>welcome the kind of shot<br>delivered to Oakland"
"TEMPE, Ariz. -- Neil Rackers<br>kicked four field goals and<br>the Arizona Cardinals stifled<br>rookie Chris Simms and the<br>rest of the Tampa Bay offense<br>for a 12-7 victory yesterday<br>in a matchup of two sputtering<br>teams out of playoff<br>contention. Coach Jon Gruden's<br>team lost its fourth in a row<br>to finish 5-11, Tampa Bay's<br>worst record since going ..."
"ATHENS France, Britain and the<br>United States issued a joint<br>challenge Thursday to Germany<br>#39;s gold medal in equestrian<br>team three-day eventing."
"ATLANTA - Who could have<br>imagined Tommy Tuberville in<br>this position? Yet there he<br>was Friday, standing alongside<br>the SEC championship trophy,<br>posing for pictures and<br>undoubtedly chuckling a bit on<br>the inside."
"John Thomson threw shutout<br>ball for seven innings<br>Wednesday night in carrying<br>Atlanta to a 2-0 blanking of<br>the New York Mets. New York<br>lost for the 21st time in 25<br>games on the"
"Vikram Solanki beat the rain<br>clouds to register his second<br>one-day international century<br>as England won the third one-<br>day international to wrap up a<br>series victory."
"A three-touchdown point spread<br>and a recent history of late-<br>season collapses had many<br>thinking the UCLA football<br>team would provide little<br>opposition to rival USC #39;s<br>march to the BCS-championship<br>game at the Orange Bowl."
" PHOENIX (Sports Network) -<br>Free agent third baseman Troy<br>Glaus is reportedly headed to<br>the Arizona Diamondbacks."
"Third-string tailback Chris<br>Markey ran for 131 yards to<br>lead UCLA to a 34-26 victory<br>over Oregon on Saturday.<br>Markey, playing because of an<br>injury to starter Maurice<br>Drew, also caught five passes<br>for 84 yards"
"Jay Payton #39;s three-run<br>homer led the San Diego Padres<br>to a 5-1 win over the San<br>Francisco Giants in National<br>League play Saturday, despite<br>a 701st career blast from<br>Barry Bonds."
"The optimists among Rutgers<br>fans were delighted, but the<br>Scarlet Knights still gave the<br>pessimists something to worry<br>about."
"Perhaps the sight of Maria<br>Sharapova opposite her tonight<br>will jog Serena Williams #39;<br>memory. Wimbledon. The final.<br>You and Maria."
"Five days after making the<br>putt that won the Ryder Cup,<br>Colin Montgomerie looked set<br>to miss the cut at a European<br>PGA tour event."
"Karachi - Captain Inzamam ul-<br>Haq and coach Bob Woolmer came<br>under fire on Thursday for<br>choosing to bat first on a<br>tricky pitch after Pakistan<br>#39;s humiliating defeat in<br>the ICC Champions Trophy semi-<br>final."
"Scottish champions Celtic saw<br>their three-year unbeaten home<br>record in Europe broken<br>Tuesday as they lost 3-1 to<br>Barcelona in the Champions<br>League Group F opener."
"AP - Andy Roddick searched out<br>Carlos Moya in the throng of<br>jumping, screaming Spanish<br>tennis players, hoping to<br>shake hands."
"ENGLAND captain and Real<br>Madrid midfielder David<br>Beckham has played down<br>speculation that his club are<br>moving for England manager<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson."
"AFP - National Basketball<br>Association players trying to<br>win a fourth consecutive<br>Olympic gold medal for the<br>United States have gotten the<br>wake-up call that the \"Dream<br>Team\" days are done even if<br>supporters have not."
"England will be seeking their<br>third clean sweep of the<br>summer when the NatWest<br>Challenge against India<br>concludes at Lord #39;s. After<br>beating New Zealand and West<br>Indies 3-0 and 4-0 in Tests,<br>they have come alive"
"AP - Mark Richt knows he'll<br>have to get a little creative<br>when he divvies up playing<br>time for Georgia's running<br>backs next season. Not so on<br>Saturday. Thomas Brown is the<br>undisputed starter for the<br>biggest game of the season."
"Michael Phelps, the six-time<br>Olympic champion, issued an<br>apology yesterday after being<br>arrested and charged with<br>drunken driving in the United<br>States."
"ATHENS Larry Brown, the US<br>coach, leaned back against the<br>scorer #39;s table, searching<br>for support on a sinking ship.<br>His best player, Tim Duncan,<br>had just fouled out, and the<br>options for an American team<br>that"
"Spain have named an unchanged<br>team for the Davis Cup final<br>against the United States in<br>Seville on 3-5 December.<br>Carlos Moya, Juan Carlos<br>Ferrero, Rafael Nadal and<br>Tommy Robredo will take on the<br>US in front of 22,000 fans at<br>the converted Olympic stadium."
"Last Tuesday night, Harvard<br>knocked off rival Boston<br>College, which was ranked No.<br>1 in the country. Last night,<br>the Crimson knocked off<br>another local foe, Boston<br>University, 2-1, at Walter<br>Brown Arena, which marked the<br>first time since 1999 that<br>Harvard had beaten them both<br>in the same season."
"About 500 prospective jurors<br>will be in an Eagle, Colorado,<br>courtroom Friday, answering an<br>82-item questionnaire in<br>preparation for the Kobe<br>Bryant sexual assault trial."
"BEIJING The NBA has reached<br>booming, basketball-crazy<br>China _ but the league doesn<br>#39;t expect to make any money<br>soon. The NBA flew more than<br>100 people halfway around the<br>world for its first games in<br>China, featuring"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Curt<br>Schilling pitched 6 2/3<br>innings and Manny Ramirez hit<br>a three-run homer in a seven-<br>run fourth frame to lead the<br>Boston Red Sox to a 9-3 win<br>over the host Anaheim Angels<br>in their American League<br>Divisional Series opener<br>Tuesday."
"AP - The game between the<br>Minnesota Twins and the New<br>York Yankees on Tuesday night<br>was postponed by rain."
"PARIS The verdict is in: The<br>world #39;s greatest race car<br>driver, the champion of<br>champions - all disciplines<br>combined - is Heikki<br>Kovalainen."
"Pakistan won the toss and<br>unsurprisingly chose to bowl<br>first as they and West Indies<br>did battle at the Rose Bowl<br>today for a place in the ICC<br>Champions Trophy final against<br>hosts England."
"AP - Boston Red Sox center<br>fielder Johnny Damon is having<br>a recurrence of migraine<br>headaches that first bothered<br>him after a collision in last<br>year's playoffs."
"Felix Cardenas of Colombia won<br>the 17th stage of the Spanish<br>Vuelta cycling race Wednesday,<br>while defending champion<br>Roberto Heras held onto the<br>overall leader #39;s jersey<br>for the sixth day in a row."
"Established star Landon<br>Donovan and rising sensation<br>Eddie Johnson carried the<br>United States into the<br>regional qualifying finals for<br>the 2006 World Cup in emphatic<br>fashion Wednesday night."
"Wizards coach Eddie Jordan<br>says the team is making a<br>statement that immaturity will<br>not be tolerated by suspending<br>Kwame Brown one game for not<br>taking part in a team huddle<br>during a loss to Denver."
"AP - Andy Roddick has yet to<br>face a challenge in his U.S.<br>Open title defense. He beat<br>No. 18 Tommy Robredo of Spain<br>6-3, 6-2, 6-4 Tuesday night to<br>move into the quarterfinals<br>without having lost a set."
"Now that hell froze over in<br>Boston, New England braces for<br>its rarest season -- a winter<br>of content. Red Sox fans are<br>adrift from the familiar<br>torture of the past."
"THE South Africans have called<br>the Wallabies scrum cheats as<br>a fresh round of verbal<br>warfare opened in the Republic<br>last night."
"An overwhelming majority of<br>NHL players who expressed<br>their opinion in a poll said<br>they would not support a<br>salary cap even if it meant<br>saving a season that was<br>supposed to have started Oct.<br>13."
"Tony Eury Sr. oversees Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. on the<br>racetrack, but Sunday he<br>extended his domain to Victory<br>Lane. Earnhardt was unbuckling<br>to crawl out of the No."
"(Sports Network) - The New<br>York Yankees try to move one<br>step closer to a division<br>title when they conclude their<br>critical series with the<br>Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park."
"Kurt Busch claimed a stake in<br>the points lead in the NASCAR<br>Chase for the Nextel Cup<br>yesterday, winning the<br>Sylvania 300 at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway."
"LOUDON, NH - As this<br>newfangled stretch drive for<br>the Nextel Cup championship<br>ensues, Jeff Gordon has to be<br>considered the favorite for a<br>fifth title."
"By nick giongco. YOU KNOW you<br>have reached the status of a<br>boxing star when ring<br>announcer extraordinaire<br>Michael Buffer calls out your<br>name in his trademark booming<br>voice during a high-profile<br>event like yesterday"
"AP - Even with a big lead,<br>Eric Gagne wanted to pitch in<br>front of his hometown fans one<br>last time."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Larry Brown<br>was despondent, the head of<br>the US selection committee was<br>defensive and an irritated<br>Allen Iverson was hanging up<br>on callers who asked what went<br>wrong."
"AP - Courtney Brown refuses to<br>surrender to injuries. He's<br>already planning another<br>comeback."
"It took an off-the-cuff<br>reference to a serial<br>murderer/cannibal to punctuate<br>the Robby Gordon storyline.<br>Gordon has been vilified by<br>his peers and put on probation"
"By BOBBY ROSS JR. Associated<br>Press Writer. play the Atlanta<br>Hawks. They will be treated to<br>free food and drink and have.<br>their pictures taken with<br>Mavericks players, dancers and<br>team officials."
"ARSENAL #39;S Brazilian World<br>Cup winning midfielder<br>Gilberto Silva is set to be<br>out for at least a month with<br>a back injury, the Premiership<br>leaders said."
"INDIANAPOLIS -- With a package<br>of academic reforms in place,<br>the NCAA #39;s next crusade<br>will address what its<br>president calls a dangerous<br>drift toward professionalism<br>and sports entertainment."
"AP - It was difficult for<br>Southern California's Pete<br>Carroll and Oklahoma's Bob<br>Stoops to keep from repeating<br>each other when the two<br>coaches met Thursday."
"Andy Roddick, along with<br>Olympic silver medalist Mardy<br>Fish and the doubles pair of<br>twins Bob and Mike Bryan will<br>make up the US team to compete<br>with Belarus in the Davis Cup,<br>reported CRIENGLISH."
"While the world #39;s best<br>athletes fight the noble<br>Olympic battle in stadiums and<br>pools, their fans storm the<br>streets of Athens, turning the<br>Greek capital into a huge<br>international party every<br>night."
"EVERTON showed they would not<br>be bullied into selling Wayne<br>Rooney last night by rejecting<br>a 23.5million bid from<br>Newcastle - as Manchester<br>United gamble on Goodison<br>#39;s resolve to keep the<br>striker."
"After months of legal<br>wrangling, the case of<br>&lt;em&gt;People v. Kobe Bean<br>Bryant&lt;/em&gt; commences on<br>Friday in Eagle, Colo., with<br>testimony set to begin next<br>month."
"Lyon coach Paul le Guen has<br>admitted his side would be<br>happy with a draw at Old<br>Trafford on Tuesday night. The<br>three-times French champions<br>have assured themselves of<br>qualification for the<br>Champions League"
"Reuters - Barry Bonds failed<br>to collect a hit in\\his bid to<br>join the 700-homer club, but<br>he did score a run to\\help the<br>San Francisco Giants edge the<br>host Milwaukee Brewers\\3-2 in<br>National League action on<br>Tuesday."
"After waiting an entire summer<br>for the snow to fall and<br>Beaver Creek to finally open,<br>skiers from around the planet<br>are coming to check out the<br>Birds of Prey World Cup action<br>Dec. 1 - 5. Although everyones"
"I confess that I am a complete<br>ignoramus when it comes to<br>women #39;s beach volleyball.<br>In fact, I know only one thing<br>about the sport - that it is<br>the supreme aesthetic<br>experience available on planet<br>Earth."
"Manchester United Plc may<br>offer US billionaire Malcolm<br>Glazer a seat on its board if<br>he agrees to drop a takeover<br>bid for a year, the Observer<br>said, citing an unidentified<br>person in the soccer industry."
"For a guy who spent most of<br>his first four professional<br>seasons on the disabled list,<br>Houston Astros reliever Brad<br>Lidge has developed into quite<br>the ironman these past two<br>days."
"Former Bengal Corey Dillon<br>found his stride Sunday in his<br>second game for the New<br>England Patriots. Dillon<br>gained 158 yards on 32 carries<br>as the Patriots beat the<br>Arizona Cardinals, 23-12, for<br>their 17th victory in a row."
"If legend is to be believed,<br>the end of a victorious war<br>was behind Pheidippides #39;<br>trek from Marathon to Athens<br>2,500 years ago."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Wimbledon<br>champion Maria Sharapova<br>demolished fellow Russian<br>Tatiana Panova 6-1, 6-1 to<br>advance to the quarter-finals<br>of the China Open on<br>Wednesday."
"Padres general manager Kevin<br>Towers called Expos general<br>manager Omar Minaya on<br>Thursday afternoon and told<br>him he needed a shortstop<br>because Khalil Greene had<br>broken his"
" Nine of the<br>ten Formula One teams have<br>united to propose cost-cutting<br>measures for the future, with<br>the notable exception of<br>Ferrari."
"Steve Francis and Shaquille O<br>#39;Neal enjoyed big debuts<br>with their new teams. Kobe<br>Bryant found out he can #39;t<br>carry the Lakers all by<br>himself."
"Australia, by winning the<br>third Test at Nagpur on<br>Friday, also won the four-<br>match series 2-0 with one<br>match to go. Australia had<br>last won a Test series in<br>India way back in December<br>1969 when Bill Lawry #39;s<br>team beat Nawab Pataudi #39;s<br>Indian team 3-1."
"Final Score: Connecticut 61,<br>New York 51 New York, NY<br>(Sports Network) - Nykesha<br>Sales scored 15 points to lead<br>Connecticut to a 61-51 win<br>over New York in Game 1 of<br>their best-of-three Eastern<br>Conference Finals series at<br>Madison Square Garden."
"Charlotte, NC -- LeBron James<br>poured in a game-high 19<br>points and Jeff McInnis scored<br>18 as the Cleveland Cavaliers<br>routed the Charlotte Bobcats,<br>106-89, at the Charlotte<br>Coliseum."
"Lehmann, who was at fault in<br>two matches in the tournament<br>last season, was blundering<br>again with the German set to<br>take the rap for both Greek<br>goals."
"Jeju Island, South Korea<br>(Sports Network) - Grace Park<br>and Carin Koch posted matching<br>rounds of six-under-par 66 on<br>Friday to share the lead after<br>the first round of the CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
"Benfica and Real Madrid set<br>the standard for soccer<br>success in Europe in the late<br>1950s and early #39;60s. The<br>clubs have evolved much<br>differently, but both have<br>struggled"
"Pakistan are closing in fast<br>on Sri Lanka #39;s first<br>innings total after impressing<br>with both ball and bat on the<br>second day of the opening Test<br>in Faisalabad."
"Ron Artest has been hit with a<br>season long suspension,<br>unprecedented for the NBA<br>outside doping cases; Stephen<br>Jackson banned for 30 games;<br>Jermaine O #39;Neal for 25<br>games and Anthony Johnson for<br>five."
"Three shots behind Grace Park<br>with five holes to go, six-<br>time LPGA player of the year<br>Sorenstam rallied with an<br>eagle, birdie and three pars<br>to win her fourth Samsung<br>World Championship by three<br>shots over Park on Sunday."
"NSW Rugby CEO Fraser Neill<br>believes Waratah star Mat<br>Rogers has learned his lesson<br>after he was fined and ordered<br>to do community service<br>following his controversial<br>comments about the club rugby<br>competition."
"ATHENS: China, the dominant<br>force in world diving for the<br>best part of 20 years, won six<br>out of eight Olympic titles in<br>Athens and prompted<br>speculation about a clean<br>sweep when they stage the<br>Games in Beijing in 2008."
"The Houston Astros won their<br>19th straight game at home and<br>are one game from winning<br>their first playoff series in<br>42 years."
"The eighth-seeded American<br>fell to sixth-seeded Elena<br>Dementieva of Russia, 0-6 6-2<br>7-6 (7-5), on Friday - despite<br>being up a break on four<br>occasions in the third set."
"TUCSON, Arizona (Ticker) --<br>No. 20 Arizona State tries to<br>post its first three-game<br>winning streak over Pac-10<br>Conference rival Arizona in 26<br>years when they meet Friday."
"AP - Phillip Fulmer kept his<br>cool when starting center<br>Jason Respert drove off in the<br>coach's golf cart at practice."
"GOALS from Wayne Rooney and<br>Ruud van Nistelrooy gave<br>Manchester United the win at<br>Newcastle. Alan Shearer<br>briefly levelled matters for<br>the Magpies but United managed<br>to scrape through."
"AP - Two-time U.S. Open<br>doubles champion Max Mirnyi<br>will lead the Belarus team<br>that faces the United States<br>in the Davis Cup semifinals in<br>Charleston later this month."
"AP - New York Jets safety Erik<br>Coleman got his souvenir<br>football from the equipment<br>manager and held it tightly."
"Ivan Hlinka coached the Czech<br>Republic to the hockey gold<br>medal at the 1998 Nagano<br>Olympics and became the coach<br>of the Pittsburgh Penguins two<br>years later."
"AUBURN - Ah, easy street. No<br>game this week. Light<br>practices. And now Auburn is<br>being touted as the No. 3 team<br>in the Bowl Championship<br>Series standings."
"Portsmouth #39;s Harry<br>Redknapp has been named as the<br>Barclays manager of the month<br>for October. Redknapp #39;s<br>side were unbeaten during the<br>month and maintained an<br>impressive climb to ninth in<br>the Premiership."
"Three directors of Manchester<br>United have been ousted from<br>the board after US tycoon<br>Malcolm Glazer, who is<br>attempting to buy the club,<br>voted against their re-<br>election."
"AP - Manny Ramirez singled and<br>scored before leaving with a<br>bruised knee, and the<br>streaking Boston Red Sox beat<br>the Detroit Tigers 5-3 Friday<br>night for their 10th victory<br>in 11 games."
"The news comes fast and<br>furious. Pedro Martinez goes<br>to Tampa to visit George<br>Steinbrenner. Theo Epstein and<br>John Henry go to Florida for<br>their turn with Pedro. Carl<br>Pavano comes to Boston to<br>visit Curt Schilling. Jason<br>Varitek says he's not a goner.<br>Derek Lowe is a goner, but he<br>says he wishes it could be<br>different. Orlando Cabrera ..."
"FRED Hale Sr, documented as<br>the worlds oldest man, has<br>died at the age of 113. Hale<br>died in his sleep on Friday at<br>a hospital in Syracuse, New<br>York, while trying to recover<br>from a bout of pneumonia, his<br>grandson, Fred Hale III said."
"The Oakland Raiders have<br>traded Jerry Rice to the<br>Seattle Seahawks in a move<br>expected to grant the most<br>prolific receiver in National<br>Football League history his<br>wish to get more playing time."
"AP - Florida coach Ron Zook<br>was fired Monday but will be<br>allowed to finish the season,<br>athletic director Jeremy Foley<br>told The Gainesville Sun."
"Troy Brown has had to make a<br>lot of adjustments while<br>playing both sides of the<br>football. quot;You always<br>want to score when you get the<br>ball -- offense or defense"
"Jenson Button will tomorrow<br>discover whether he is allowed<br>to quit BAR and move to<br>Williams for 2005. The<br>Englishman has signed<br>contracts with both teams but<br>prefers a switch to Williams,<br>where he began his Formula One<br>career in 2000."
"ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger<br>last night suffered a<br>Champions League setback as<br>Brazilian midfielder Gilberto<br>Silva (above) was left facing<br>a long-term injury absence."
"American improves to 3-1 on<br>the season with a hard-fought<br>overtime win, 74-63, against<br>Loyala at Bender Arena on<br>Friday night."
"Bee Staff Writers. SAN<br>FRANCISCO - As Eric Johnson<br>drove to the stadium Sunday<br>morning, his bruised ribs were<br>so sore, he wasn #39;t sure he<br>#39;d be able to suit up for<br>the game."
"The New England Patriots are<br>so single-minded in pursuing<br>their third Super Bowl triumph<br>in four years that they almost<br>have no room for any other<br>history."
"Because, while the Eagles are<br>certain to stumble at some<br>point during the regular<br>season, it seems inconceivable<br>that they will falter against<br>a team with as many offensive<br>problems as Baltimore has<br>right now."
"AP - J.J. Arrington ran for 84<br>of his 121 yards in the second<br>half and Aaron Rodgers shook<br>off a slow start to throw two<br>touchdown passes to help No. 5<br>California beat Washington<br>42-12 on Saturday."
"SHANGHAI, China The Houston<br>Rockets have arrived in<br>Shanghai with hometown<br>favorite Yao Ming declaring<br>himself quot;here on<br>business."
"Charleston, SC (Sports<br>Network) - Andy Roddick and<br>Mardy Fish will play singles<br>for the United States in this<br>weekend #39;s Davis Cup<br>semifinal matchup against<br>Belarus."
"RICKY PONTING believes the<br>game #39;s watchers have<br>fallen for the quot;myth<br>quot; that New Zealand know<br>how to rattle Australia."
"MILWAUKEE (SportsTicker) -<br>Barry Bonds tries to go where<br>just two players have gone<br>before when the San Francisco<br>Giants visit the Milwaukee<br>Brewers on Tuesday."
"AP - With Tom Brady as their<br>quarterback and a stingy,<br>opportunistic defense, it's<br>difficult to imagine when the<br>New England Patriots might<br>lose again. Brady and<br>defensive end Richard Seymour<br>combined to secure the<br>Patriots' record-tying 18th<br>straight victory, 31-17 over<br>the Buffalo Bills on Sunday."
"Approaching Hurricane Ivan has<br>led to postponement of the<br>game Thursday night between<br>10th-ranked California and<br>Southern Mississippi in<br>Hattiesburg, Cal #39;s<br>athletic director said Monday."
"SAN DIEGO (Ticker) - The San<br>Diego Padres lacked speed and<br>an experienced bench last<br>season, things veteran<br>infielder Eric Young is<br>capable of providing."
"This is an eye chart,<br>reprinted as a public service<br>to the New York Mets so they<br>may see from what they suffer:<br>myopia. Has ever a baseball<br>franchise been so shortsighted<br>for so long?"
" LONDON (Reuters) - A medical<br>product used to treat both<br>male hair loss and prostate<br>problems has been added to the<br>list of banned drugs for<br>athletes."
"AP - Curtis Martin and Jerome<br>Bettis have the opportunity to<br>go over 13,000 career yards<br>rushing in the same game when<br>Bettis and the Pittsburgh<br>Steelers play Martin and the<br>New York Jets in a big AFC<br>matchup Sunday."
"Michigan Stadium was mostly<br>filled with empty seats. The<br>only cheers were coming from<br>near one end zone -he Iowa<br>section. By Carlos Osorio, AP."
"The International Rugby Board<br>today confirmed that three<br>countries have expressed an<br>interest in hosting the 2011<br>World Cup. New Zealand, South<br>Africa and Japan are leading<br>the race to host rugby union<br>#39;s global spectacular in<br>seven years #39; time."
"MIAMI (Ticker) -- In its first<br>season in the Atlantic Coast<br>Conference, No. 11 Virginia<br>Tech is headed to the BCS.<br>Bryan Randall threw two<br>touchdown passes and the<br>Virginia Tech defense came up<br>big all day as the Hokies<br>knocked off No."
"(CP) - Somehow, in the span of<br>half an hour, the Detroit<br>Tigers #39; pitching went from<br>brutal to brilliant. Shortly<br>after being on the wrong end<br>of several records in a 26-5<br>thrashing from to the Kansas<br>City"
"With the Huskies reeling at<br>0-4 - the only member of a<br>Bowl Championship Series<br>conference left without a win<br>-an Jose State suddenly looms<br>as the only team left on the<br>schedule that UW will be<br>favored to beat."
"Darryl Sutter, who coached the<br>Calgary Flames to the Stanley<br>Cup finals last season, had an<br>emergency appendectomy and was<br>recovering Friday."
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - For the second<br>straight day a Briton captured<br>gold at the Olympic Velodrome.<br>Bradley Wiggins won the men<br>#39;s individual 4,000-meter<br>pursuit Saturday, one day<br>after teammate"
"A Steffen Iversen penalty was<br>sufficient to secure the<br>points for Norway at Hampden<br>on Saturday. James McFadden<br>was ordered off after 53<br>minutes for deliberate<br>handball as he punched Claus<br>Lundekvam #39;s header off the<br>line."
"AP - Ailing St. Louis reliever<br>Steve Kline was unavailable<br>for Game 3 of the NL<br>championship series on<br>Saturday, but Cardinals<br>manager Tony LaRussa hopes the<br>left-hander will pitch later<br>this postseason."
"MADRID: A stunning first-half<br>free kick from David Beckham<br>gave Real Madrid a 1-0 win<br>over newly promoted Numancia<br>at the Bernabeu last night."
"Favourites Argentina beat<br>Italy 3-0 this morning to<br>claim their place in the final<br>of the men #39;s Olympic<br>football tournament. Goals by<br>leading goalscorer Carlos<br>Tevez, with a smart volley<br>after 16 minutes, and"
"Shortly after Steve Spurrier<br>arrived at Florida in 1990,<br>the Gators were placed on NCAA<br>probation for a year stemming<br>from a child-support payment<br>former coach Galen Hall made<br>for a player."
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"The EU and US moved closer to<br>an aviation trade war after<br>failing to reach agreement<br>during talks Thursday on<br>subsidies to Airbus Industrie."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Nike Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://w<br><br>ote.aspx?ticker=NKE.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;NKE.N&lt;/A&gt;, the world's<br>largest athletic shoe company,<br>on Monday reported a 25<br>percent rise in quarterly<br>profit, beating analysts'<br>estimates, on strong demand<br>for high-end running and<br>basketball shoes in the<br>United States."
"NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - US stocks<br>traded mixed Thurday as Merck<br>shares lost a quarter of their<br>value, dragging blue chips<br>lower, but the Nasdaq moved<br>higher, buoyed by gains in the<br>semiconductor sector."
"Bankrupt ATA Airlines #39;<br>withdrawal from Chicago #39;s<br>Midway International Airport<br>presents a juicy opportunity<br>for another airline to beef up<br>service in the Midwest"
"The Instinet Group, owner of<br>one of the largest electronic<br>stock trading systems, is for<br>sale, executives briefed on<br>the plan say."
"The Auburn Hills-based<br>Chrysler Group made a profit<br>of \\$269 million in the third<br>quarter, even though worldwide<br>sales and revenues declined,<br>contributing to a \\$1."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- UAL<br>Corp., parent of United<br>Airlines, said Wednesday it<br>will overhaul its route<br>structure to reduce costs and<br>offset rising fuel costs."
"Annual economic growth in<br>China has slowed for the third<br>quarter in a row, falling to<br>9.1 per cent, third-quarter<br>data shows. The slowdown shows<br>the economy is responding to<br>Beijing #39;s efforts to rein<br>in break-neck investment and<br>lending."
"THE All-India Motor Transport<br>Congress (AIMTC) on Saturday<br>called off its seven-day<br>strike after finalising an<br>agreement with the Government<br>on the contentious issue of<br>service tax and the various<br>demands including tax deducted<br>at source (TDS), scrapping"
"AP - The euro-zone economy<br>grew by 0.5 percent in the<br>second quarter of 2004, a<br>touch slower than in the first<br>three months of the year,<br>according to initial estimates<br>released Tuesday by the<br>European Union."
"A few years ago, casinos<br>across the United States were<br>closing their poker rooms to<br>make space for more popular<br>and lucrative slot machines."
"WASHINGTON -- Consumers were<br>tightfisted amid soaring<br>gasoline costs in August and<br>hurricane-related disruptions<br>last week sent applications<br>for jobless benefits to their<br>highest level in seven months."
"Talking kitchens and vanities.<br>Musical jump ropes and potty<br>seats. Blusterous miniature<br>leaf blowers and vacuum<br>cleaners -- almost as loud as<br>the real things."
"Online merchants in the United<br>States have become better at<br>weeding out fraudulent credit<br>card orders, a new survey<br>indicates. But shipping<br>overseas remains a risky<br>venture. By Joanna Glasner."
"Popping a gadget into a cradle<br>to recharge it used to mean<br>downtime, but these days<br>chargers are doing double<br>duty, keeping your portable<br>devices playing even when<br>they're charging."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Texas Instruments Inc. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>XN.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/<br>fullquote\"&gt;TXN.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>the largest maker of chips for<br>cellular phones, on Monday<br>said record demand for its<br>handset and television chips<br>boosted quarterly profit by<br>26 percent, even as it<br>struggles with a nagging<br>inventory problem."
"LONDON ARM Holdings, a British<br>semiconductor designer, said<br>on Monday that it would buy<br>Artisan Components for \\$913<br>million to broaden its product<br>range."
"MELBOURNE: Global shopping<br>mall owner Westfield Group<br>will team up with Australian<br>developer Multiplex Group to<br>bid 585mil (US\\$1."
"Reuters - Delta Air Lines Inc.<br>, which is\\racing to cut costs<br>to avoid bankruptcy, on<br>Wednesday reported\\a wider<br>quarterly loss amid soaring<br>fuel prices and weak\\domestic<br>airfares."
"Energy utility TXU Corp. on<br>Monday more than quadrupled<br>its quarterly dividend payment<br>and raised its projected<br>earnings for 2004 and 2005<br>after a companywide<br>performance review."
"Northwest Airlines Corp., the<br>fourth- largest US airline,<br>and its pilots union reached<br>tentative agreement on a<br>contract that would cut pay<br>and benefits, saving the<br>company \\$265 million a year."
"Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O and<br>cable television provider<br>Comcast Corp. CMCSA.O said on<br>Monday that they would begin<br>deploying set-top boxes<br>powered by Microsoft software<br>starting next week."
"Philippines mobile phone<br>operator Smart Communications<br>Inc. is in talks with<br>Singapore #39;s Mobile One for<br>a possible tie-up,<br>BusinessWorld reported Monday."
"Airline warns it may file for<br>bankruptcy if too many senior<br>pilots take early retirement<br>option. Delta Air LInes #39;<br>CEO says it faces bankruptcy<br>if it can #39;t slow the pace<br>of pilots taking early<br>retirement."
"Kodak Versamark #39;s parent<br>company, Eastman Kodak Co.,<br>reported Tuesday it plans to<br>eliminate almost 900 jobs this<br>year in a restructuring of its<br>overseas operations."
"A top official of the US Food<br>and Drug Administration said<br>Friday that he and his<br>colleagues quot;categorically<br>reject quot; earlier<br>Congressional testimony that<br>the agency has failed to<br>protect the public against<br>dangerous drugs."
"AFP - British retailer Marks<br>and Spencer announced a major<br>management shake-up as part of<br>efforts to revive its<br>fortunes, saying trading has<br>become tougher ahead of the<br>crucial Christmas period."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Home<br>Depot Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=HD.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;HD.N&lt;/A&gt;, the top home<br>improvement retailer, on<br>Tuesday reported a 15 percent<br>rise in third-quarter profit,<br>topping estimates, aided by<br>installed services and sales<br>to contractors."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fought back from one-month<br>lows against the euro and<br>Swiss franc on Wednesday as<br>investors viewed its sell-off<br>in the wake of the Federal<br>Reserve's verdict on interest<br>rates as overdone."
"Boston Scientific Corp said on<br>Friday it has recalled an ear<br>implant the company acquired<br>as part of its purchase of<br>Advanced Bionics in June."
" Richemont<br>sees significant H1 lift,<br>unclear on FY (2:53 AM ET)<br>LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Swiss<br>luxury goods maker<br>Richemont(zz:ZZ:001273145:<br>news, chart, profile), which<br>also is a significant"
"Crude oil climbed more than<br>\\$1 in New York on the re-<br>election of President George<br>W. Bush, who has been filling<br>the US Strategic Petroleum<br>Reserve."
"Yukos #39; largest oil-<br>producing unit regained power<br>supplies from Tyumenenergo, a<br>Siberia-based electricity<br>generator, Friday after the<br>subsidiary pledged to pay 440<br>million rubles (\\$15 million)<br>in debt by Oct. 3."
"US STOCKS vacillated yesterday<br>as rising oil prices muted<br>Wall Streets excitement over<br>strong results from Lehman<br>Brothers and Sprints \\$35<br>billion acquisition of Nextel<br>Communications."
"At the head of the class,<br>Rosabeth Moss Kanter is an<br>intellectual whirlwind: loud,<br>expansive, in constant motion."
"A bitter row between America<br>and the European Union over<br>alleged subsidies to rival<br>aircraft makers Boeing and<br>Airbus intensified yesterday."
"Amsterdam (pts) - Dutch<br>electronics company Philips<br> has<br>announced today, Friday, that<br>it has cut its stake in Atos<br>Origin by more than a half."
"TORONTO (CP) - Two-thirds of<br>banks around the world have<br>reported an increase in the<br>volume of suspicious<br>activities that they report to<br>police, a new report by KPMG<br>suggests."
"The Atkins diet frenzy slowed<br>growth briefly, but the<br>sandwich business is booming,<br>with \\$105 billion in sales<br>last year."
"Luxury carmaker Jaguar said<br>Friday it was stopping<br>production at a factory in<br>central England, resulting in<br>a loss of 1,100 jobs,<br>following poor sales in the<br>key US market."
"John Gibson said Friday that<br>he decided to resign as chief<br>executive officer of<br>Halliburton Energy Services<br>when it became apparent he<br>couldn #39;t become the CEO of<br>the entire corporation, after<br>getting a taste of the No."
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Outback<br>Steakhouse Inc. said Tuesday<br>it lost about 130 operating<br>days and up to \\$2 million in<br>revenue because it had to<br>close some restaurants in the<br>South due to Hurricane<br>Charley."
"State insurance commissioners<br>from across the country have<br>proposed new rules governing<br>insurance brokerage fees,<br>winning praise from an<br>industry group and criticism<br>from"
"SOFTWARE giant Oracle #39;s<br>stalled \\$7.7bn (4.2bn) bid to<br>take over competitor<br>PeopleSoft has received a huge<br>boost after a US judge threw<br>out an anti-trust lawsuit<br>filed by the Department of<br>Justice to block the<br>acquisition."
"Office Depot Inc. (ODP.N:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Tuesday warned of weaker-than-<br>expected profits for the rest<br>of the year because of<br>disruptions from the string of<br>hurricanes"
"THE photo-equipment maker<br>Kodak yesterday announced<br>plans to axe 600 jobs in the<br>UK and close a factory in<br>Nottinghamshire, in a move in<br>line with the giants global<br>restructuring strategy<br>unveiled last January."
"China's central bank on<br>Thursday raised interest rates<br>for the first time in nearly a<br>decade, signaling deepening<br>unease with the breakneck pace<br>of development and an intent<br>to reign in a construction<br>boom now sowing fears of<br>runaway inflation."
"CHICAGO - Delta Air Lines<br>(DAL) said Wednesday it plans<br>to eliminate between 6,000 and<br>6,900 jobs during the next 18<br>months, implement a 10 across-<br>the-board pay reduction and<br>reduce employee benefits."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks were likely to open<br>flat on Wednesday, with high<br>oil prices and profit warnings<br>weighing on the market before<br>earnings reports start and key<br>jobs data is released this<br>week."
"Best known for its popular<br>search engine, Google is<br>rapidly rolling out new<br>products and muscling into<br>Microsoft's stronghold: the<br>computer desktop. The<br>competition means consumers<br>get more choices and better<br>products."
" MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's<br>Gazprom said on Tuesday it<br>will bid for embattled oil<br>firm YUKOS' main unit next<br>month, as the Kremlin seeks<br>to turn the world's biggest<br>gas producer into a major oil<br>player."
"Federal Reserve officials<br>raised a key short-term<br>interest rate Tuesday for the<br>fifth time this year, and<br>indicated they will gradually<br>move rates higher next year to<br>keep inflation under control<br>as the economy expands."
"Canadians are paying more to<br>borrow money for homes, cars<br>and other purchases today<br>after a quarter-point<br>interest-rate increase by the<br>Bank of Canada yesterday was<br>quickly matched by the<br>chartered banks."
"Delta Air Lines is to issue<br>millions of new shares without<br>shareholder consent as part of<br>moves to ensure its survival."
"Genta (GNTA:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) is never boring!<br>Monday night, the company<br>announced that its phase III<br>Genasense study in chronic<br>lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) met<br>its primary endpoint, which<br>was tumor shrinkage."
"While the entire airline<br>industry #39;s finances are<br>under water, ATA Airlines will<br>have to hold its breath longer<br>than its competitors to keep<br>from going belly up."
"One day after ousting its<br>chief executive, the nation's<br>largest insurance broker said<br>it will tell clients exactly<br>how much they are paying for<br>services and renounce back-<br>door payments from carriers."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Outlining<br>an expectation for higher oil<br>prices and increasing demand,<br>Royal Dutch/Shell on Wednesday<br>said it #39;s lifting project<br>spending to \\$45 billion over<br>the next three years."
"Tuesday #39;s meeting could<br>hold clues to whether it<br>#39;ll be a November or<br>December pause in rate hikes.<br>By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money<br>senior writer."
"The dollar may fall against<br>the euro for a third week in<br>four on concern near-record<br>crude oil prices will temper<br>the pace of expansion in the<br>US economy, a survey by<br>Bloomberg News indicates."
"The battle for the British-<br>based Chelsfield plc hotted up<br>at the weekend, with reports<br>from London that the property<br>giant #39;s management was<br>working on its own bid to<br>thwart the 585 million (\\$A1."
"SAN DIEGO --(Business Wire)--<br>Oct. 11, 2004 -- Breakthrough<br>PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne 8.11<br>Applications Enable<br>Manufacturers to Become<br>Demand-Driven."
"Reuters - Oil prices rose on<br>Friday as tight\\supplies of<br>distillate fuel, including<br>heating oil, ahead of\\the<br>northern hemisphere winter<br>spurred buying."
"Nov. 18, 2004 - An FDA<br>scientist says the FDA, which<br>is charged with protecting<br>America #39;s prescription<br>drug supply, is incapable of<br>doing so."
"The UK's inflation rate fell<br>in September, thanks in part<br>to a fall in the price of<br>airfares, increasing the<br>chance that interest rates<br>will be kept on hold."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - IBM is selling its<br>PC-making business to China's<br>largest personal computer<br>company, Lenovo Group Ltd.,<br>for \\$1.25 billion, marking<br>the U.S. firm's retreat from<br>an industry it helped pioneer<br>in 1981."
"Nordstrom reported a strong<br>second-quarter profit as it<br>continued to select more<br>relevant inventory and sell<br>more items at full price."
"The Bank of England is set to<br>keep interest rates on hold<br>following the latest meeting<br>of the its Monetary Policy<br>Committee."
"The Bush administration upheld<br>yesterday the imposition of<br>penalty tariffs on shrimp<br>imports from China and<br>Vietnam, handing a victory to<br>beleaguered US shrimp<br>producers."
"House prices rose 0.2 percent<br>in September compared with the<br>month before to stand up 17.8<br>percent on a year ago, the<br>Nationwide Building Society<br>says."
"Nortel Networks says it will<br>again delay the release of its<br>restated financial results.<br>The Canadian telecom vendor<br>originally promised to release<br>the restated results in<br>September."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - At first<br>glance, paying \\$13 or \\$14<br>for a hard-wired Internet<br>laptop connection in a hotel<br>room might seem expensive."
"Reuters - An investigation<br>into U.S. insurers\\and brokers<br>rattled insurance industry<br>stocks for a second day\\on<br>Friday as investors, shaken<br>further by subpoenas<br>delivered\\to the top U.S. life<br>insurer, struggled to gauge<br>how deep the\\probe might<br>reach."
"The Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average failed three times<br>this year to exceed its<br>previous high and fell to<br>about 10,000 each time, most<br>recently a week ago."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian<br>share markets staged a broad-<br>based retreat on Wednesday,<br>led by steelmakers amid<br>warnings of price declines,<br>but also enveloping technology<br>and financial stocks on<br>worries that earnings may<br>disappoint."
"NEW YORK - CNN has a new boss<br>for the second time in 14<br>months: former CBS News<br>executive Jonathan Klein, who<br>will oversee programming and<br>editorial direction at the<br>second-ranked cable news<br>network."
"Cut-price carrier Virgin Blue<br>said Tuesday the cost of using<br>Australian airports is<br>spiraling upward and asked the<br>government to review the<br>deregulated system of charges."
"Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the<br>United Arab Emirates, which<br>account for almost half of<br>OPEC #39;s oil output, said<br>they #39;re committed to<br>boosting capacity to meet<br>soaring demand that has driven<br>prices to a record."
"The US Commerce Department<br>said Thursday personal income<br>posted its biggest increase in<br>three months in August. The<br>government agency also said<br>personal spending was<br>unchanged after rising<br>strongly in July."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average opened up 0.54<br>percent on Monday with banks<br>and exporters leading the way<br>as a stronger finish on Wall<br>Street and declining oil<br>prices soothed worries over<br>the global economic outlook."
"Bruce Wasserstein, head of<br>Lazard LLC, is asking partners<br>to take a one-third pay cut as<br>he readies the world #39;s<br>largest closely held<br>investment bank for a share<br>sale, people familiar with the<br>situation said."
"The Lemon Bay Manta Rays were<br>not going to let a hurricane<br>get in the way of football. On<br>Friday, they headed to the<br>practice field for the first<br>time in eight"
"Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill<br>Gates has donated \\$400,000 to<br>a campaign in California<br>trying to win approval of a<br>measure calling for the state<br>to sell \\$3 billion in bonds<br>to fund stem-cell research."
"Newspaper publisher Pulitzer<br>Inc. said Sunday that company<br>officials are considering a<br>possible sale of the firm to<br>boost shareholder value."
"Shares of Merck amp; Co.<br>plunged almost 10 percent<br>yesterday after a media report<br>said that documents show the<br>pharmaceutical giant hid or<br>denied"
"Reuters - Wall Street was<br>expected to dip at\\Thursday's<br>opening, but shares of Texas<br>Instruments Inc.\\, may climb<br>after it gave upbeat earnings<br>guidance."
"Late in August, Boeing #39;s<br>top sales execs flew to<br>Singapore for a crucial sales<br>pitch. They were close to<br>persuading Singapore Airlines,<br>one of the world #39;s leading<br>airlines, to buy the American<br>company #39;s new jet, the<br>mid-sized 7E7."
"SBC Communications and<br>BellSouth will acquire<br> with the goal<br>of building the site into a<br>nationwide online business<br>index, the companies said<br>Thursday."
"The sounds of tinkling bells<br>could be heard above the<br>bustle of the Farmers Market<br>on the Long Beach Promenade,<br>leading shoppers to a row of<br>bright red tin kettles dotting<br>a pathway Friday."
"LONDON Santander Central<br>Hispano of Spain looked<br>certain to clinch its bid for<br>the British mortgage lender<br>Abbey National, after HBOS,<br>Britain #39;s biggest home-<br>loan company, said Wednesday<br>it would not counterbid, and<br>after the European Commission<br>cleared"
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>Justice Department is<br>investigating possible<br>accounting fraud at Fannie<br>Mae, bringing greater<br>government scrutiny to bear on<br>the mortgage finance company,<br>already facing a parallel<br>inquiry by the SEC, a source<br>close to the matter said on<br>Thursday."
"Indian industrial group Tata<br>agrees to invest \\$2bn in<br>Bangladesh, the biggest single<br>deal agreed by a firm in the<br>south Asian country."
"The steel tubing company<br>reports sharply higher<br>earnings, but the stock is<br>falling."
"Playboy Enterprises, the adult<br>entertainment company, has<br>announced plans to open a<br>private members club in<br>Shanghai even though the<br>company #39;s flagship men<br>#39;s magazine is still banned<br>in China."
"TORONTO (CP) - Earnings<br>warnings from Celestica and<br>Coca-Cola along with a<br>slowdown in US industrial<br>production sent stock markets<br>lower Wednesday."
"Eastman Kodak Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of<br>photographic film, said<br>Wednesday it expects sales of<br>digital products and services<br>to grow at an annual rate of<br>36 percent between 2003 and<br>2007, above prior growth rate<br>estimates of 26 percent<br>between 2002"
"AFP - The Iraqi government<br>plans to phase out slowly<br>subsidies on basic products,<br>such as oil and electricity,<br>which comprise 50 percent of<br>public spending, equal to 15<br>billion dollars, the planning<br>minister said."
"The federal agency that<br>insures pension plans said<br>that its deficit, already at<br>the highest in its history,<br>had doubled in its last fiscal<br>year, to \\$23.3 billion."
"A Milan judge on Tuesday opens<br>hearings into whether to put<br>on trial 32 executives and<br>financial institutions over<br>the collapse of international<br>food group Parmalat in one of<br>Europe #39;s biggest fraud<br>cases."
"The Bank of England on<br>Thursday left its benchmark<br>interest rate unchanged, at<br>4.75 percent, as policy makers<br>assessed whether borrowing<br>costs, already the highest in<br>the Group of Seven, are<br>constraining consumer demand."
"Fashion retailers Austin Reed<br>and Ted Baker have reported<br>contrasting fortunes on the<br>High Street. Austin Reed<br>reported interim losses of 2."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - A<br>federal judge on Friday<br>approved Citigroup Inc.'s<br>\\$2.6 billion settlement with<br>WorldCom Inc. investors who<br>lost billions when an<br>accounting scandal plunged<br>the telecommunications company<br>into bankruptcy protection."
"An unspecified number of<br>cochlear implants to help<br>people with severe hearing<br>loss are being recalled<br>because they may malfunction<br>due to ear moisture, the US<br>Food and Drug Administration<br>announced."
"Profits triple at McDonald's<br>Japan after the fast-food<br>chain starts selling larger<br>burgers."
"Britain #39;s inflation rate<br>fell in August further below<br>its 2.0 percent government-set<br>upper limit target with<br>clothing and footwear prices<br>actually falling, official<br>data showed on Tuesday."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>shares shrugged off a spike in<br>the euro to a fresh all-time<br>high Wednesday, with telecoms<br>again leading the way higher<br>after interim profits at<br>Britain's mm02 beat<br>expectations."
"WASHINGTON - Weighed down by<br>high energy prices, the US<br>economy grew slower than the<br>government estimated in the<br>April-June quarter, as higher<br>oil prices limited consumer<br>spending and contributed to a<br>record trade deficit."
"CHICAGO United Airlines says<br>it will need even more labor<br>cuts than anticipated to get<br>out of bankruptcy. United told<br>a bankruptcy court judge in<br>Chicago today that it intends<br>to start talks with unions<br>next month on a new round of<br>cost savings."
"The University of California,<br>Berkeley, has signed an<br>agreement with the Samoan<br>government to isolate, from a<br>tree, the gene for a promising<br>anti- Aids drug and to share<br>any royalties from the sale of<br>a gene-derived drug with the<br>people of Samoa."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average jumped 2.5<br>percent by mid-afternoon on<br>Monday as semiconductor-<br>related stocks such as<br>Advantest Corp. mirrored a<br>rally by their U.S. peers<br>while banks and brokerages<br>extended last week's gains."
"General Motors (GM) plans to<br>announce a massive<br>restructuring Thursday that<br>will eliminate as many as<br>12,000 jobs in Europe in a<br>move to stem the five-year<br>flow of red ink from its auto<br>operations in the region."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>held firm on Wednesday as<br>Hurricane Ivan closed off<br>crude output and shut<br>refineries in the Gulf of<br>Mexico, while OPEC's Gulf<br>producers tried to reassure<br>traders by recommending an<br>output hike."
"State-owned, running a<br>monopoly on imports of jet<br>fuel to China #39;s fast-<br>growing aviation industry and<br>a prized member of Singapore<br>#39;s Stock Exchange."
"Google has won a trade mark<br>dispute, with a District Court<br>judge finding that the search<br>engines sale of sponsored<br>search terms Geico and Geico<br>Direct did not breach car<br>insurance firm GEICOs rights<br>in the trade marked terms."
"Wall Street bounded higher for<br>the second straight day<br>yesterday as investors reveled<br>in sharply falling oil prices<br>and the probusiness agenda of<br>the second Bush<br>administration. The Dow Jones<br>industrials gained more than<br>177 points for its best day of<br>2004, while the Standard amp;<br>Poor's 500 closed at its<br>highest level since early<br>2002."
"Key factors help determine if<br>outsourcing benefits or hurts<br>Americans."
"The US Trade Representative on<br>Monday rejected the European<br>Union #39;s assertion that its<br>ban on beef from hormone-<br>treated cattle is now<br>justified by science and that<br>US and Canadian retaliatory<br>sanctions should be lifted."
"NEW YORK -- Wall Street's<br>fourth-quarter rally gave<br>stock mutual funds a solid<br>performance for 2004, with<br>small-cap equity funds and<br>real estate funds scoring some<br>of the biggest returns. Large-<br>cap growth equities and<br>technology-focused funds had<br>the slimmest gains."
"Big Food Group Plc, the UK<br>owner of the Iceland grocery<br>chain, said second-quarter<br>sales at stores open at least<br>a year dropped 3.3 percent,<br>the second consecutive<br>decline, after competitors cut<br>prices."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>first case of soybean rust has<br>been found on the mainland<br>United States and could affect<br>U.S. crops for the near<br>future, costing farmers<br>millions of dollars, the<br>Agriculture Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"The Supreme Court today<br>overturned a five-figure<br>damage award to an Alexandria<br>man for a local auto dealer<br>#39;s alleged loan scam,<br>ruling that a Richmond-based<br>federal appeals court had<br>wrongly"
"Official figures show the<br>12-nation eurozone economy<br>continues to grow, but there<br>are warnings it may slow down<br>later in the year."
"In upholding a lower court<br>#39;s ruling, the Supreme<br>Court rejected arguments that<br>the Do Not Call list violates<br>telemarketers #39; First<br>Amendment rights."
"Infineon Technologies, the<br>second-largest chip maker in<br>Europe, said Wednesday that it<br>planned to invest about \\$1<br>billion in a new factory in<br>Malaysia to expand its<br>automotive chip business and<br>be closer to customers in the<br>region."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Washington Post Co. &lt;A HREF<br>=\"http://www.investor.reuters.<br>com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WPO.<br>N target=/stocks/quickinfo/ful<br>lquote\"&gt;WPO.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>said on Friday that quarterly<br>profit jumped, beating<br>analysts' forecasts, boosted<br>by results at its Kaplan<br>education unit and television<br>broadcasting operations."
"New orders for US-made durable<br>goods increased 0.2pc in<br>September, held back by a big<br>drop in orders for<br>transportation goods, the US<br>Commerce Department said<br>today."
"Siblings are the first ever to<br>be convicted for sending<br>boatloads of junk e-mail<br>pushing bogus products. Also:<br>Microsoft takes MSN music<br>download on a Euro trip....<br>Nokia begins legal battle<br>against European<br>counterparts.... and more."
"I always get a kick out of the<br>annual list published by<br>Forbes singling out the<br>richest people in the country.<br>It #39;s almost as amusing as<br>those on the list bickering<br>over their placement."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc., operator<br>of home furnishing chains<br>including Pottery Barn, said<br>third-quarter earnings rose 19<br>percent, boosted by store<br>openings and catalog sales."
"TOKYO - Mitsubishi Heavy<br>Industries said today it #39;s<br>in talks to buy a plot of land<br>in central Japan #39;s Nagoya<br>city from Mitsubishi Motors<br>for building aircraft parts."
"Japan #39;s Sumitomo Mitsui<br>Financial Group Inc. said<br>Tuesday it proposed to UFJ<br>Holdings Inc. that the two<br>banks merge on an equal basis<br>in its latest attempt to woo<br>UFJ away from a rival suitor."
"Oil futures prices were little<br>changed Thursday as traders<br>anxiously watched for<br>indications that the supply or<br>demand picture would change in<br>some way to add pressure to<br>the market or take some away."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Delta Air<br>Lines Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=DAL.N target=<br>/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&g<br>t;DAL.N&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Tuesday it will cut wages by<br>10 percent and its chief<br>executive will go unpaid for<br>the rest of the year, but it<br>still warned of bankruptcy<br>within weeks unless more cuts<br>are made."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A<br>former Fannie Mae &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=FNM.N <br>target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullq<br>uote\"&gt;FNM.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>employee who gave U.S.<br>officials information about<br>what he saw as accounting<br>irregularities will not<br>testify as planned before a<br>congressional hearing next<br>week, a House committee said<br>on Friday."
"PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - The<br>European Aeronautic Defence<br>and Space Company reported<br>Thursday that its nine-month<br>net profit more than doubled,<br>thanks largely to sales of<br>Airbus aircraft, and raised<br>its full-year forecast."
"The number of people claiming<br>unemployment benefit last<br>month fell by 6,100 to<br>830,200, according to the<br>Office for National<br>Statistics."
"Tyler airlines are gearing up<br>for the beginning of holiday<br>travel, as officials offer<br>tips to help travelers secure<br>tickets and pass through<br>checkpoints with ease."
"A criminal trial scheduled to<br>start Monday involving former<br>Enron Corp. executives may<br>shine a rare and potentially<br>harsh spotlight on the inner<br>workings"
"Wal-Mart Stores Inc. #39;s<br>Asda, the UK #39;s second<br>biggest supermarket chain,<br>surpassed Marks amp; Spencer<br>Group Plc as Britain #39;s<br>largest clothing retailer in<br>the last three months,<br>according to the Sunday<br>Telegraph."
"Oil supply concerns and broker<br>downgrades of blue-chip<br>companies left stocks mixed<br>yesterday, raising doubts that<br>Wall Street #39;s year-end<br>rally would continue."
"Genentech Inc. said the<br>marketing of Rituxan, a cancer<br>drug that is the company #39;s<br>best-selling product, is the<br>subject of a US criminal<br>investigation."
" The world's No. 2 soft drink<br>company said on Thursday<br>quarterly profit rose due to<br>tax benefits."
" - Personal<br>finance software programs are<br>the computer industry's<br>version of veggies: Everyone<br>knows they're good for you,<br>but it's just hard to get<br>anyone excited about them."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after last week's heavy<br>selloff, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally would<br>hold after fresh economic data<br>suggested the December U.S.<br>jobs report due Friday might<br>not live up to expectations."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stock futures pointed to a<br>lower open on Wall Street on<br>Thursday, extending the<br>previous session's sharp<br>fall, with rising energy<br>prices feeding investor<br>concerns about corporate<br>profits and slower growth."
"MILAN General Motors and Fiat<br>on Wednesday edged closer to<br>initiating a legal battle that<br>could pit the two carmakers<br>against each other in a New<br>York City court room as early<br>as next month."
"Two of the Ford Motor Company<br>#39;s most senior executives<br>retired on Thursday in a sign<br>that the company #39;s deep<br>financial crisis has abated,<br>though serious challenges<br>remain."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Wall<br>Street was expected to start<br>little changed on Friday as<br>investors continue to fret<br>over the impact of high oil<br>prices on earnings, while<br>Boeing &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.<br><br>.aspx?ticker=BA.N target=/stoc<br>ks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;BA.<br>N&lt;/A&gt; will be eyed<br>after it reiterated its<br>earnings forecast."
"Having an always-on, fast net<br>connection is changing the way<br>Britons use the internet,<br>research suggests."
"Crude oil futures prices<br>dropped below \\$51 a barrel<br>yesterday as supply concerns<br>ahead of the Northern<br>Hemisphere winter eased after<br>an unexpectedly high rise in<br>US inventories."
"By Lilly Vitorovich Of DOW<br>JONES NEWSWIRES SYDNEY (Dow<br>Jones)--Rupert Murdoch has<br>seven weeks to convince News<br>Corp. (NWS) shareholders a<br>move to the US will make the<br>media conglomerate more<br>attractive to"
"The long-term economic health<br>of the United States is<br>threatened by \\$53 trillion in<br>government debts and<br>liabilities that start to come<br>due in four years when baby<br>boomers begin to retire."
"The Moscow Arbitration Court<br>ruled on Monday that the YUKOS<br>oil company must pay RUR<br>39.113bn (about \\$1.34bn) as<br>part of its back tax claim for<br>2001."
"NOVEMBER 11, 2004 -- Bankrupt<br>US Airways this morning said<br>it had reached agreements with<br>lenders and lessors to<br>continue operating nearly all<br>of its mainline and US Airways<br>Express fleets."
"The US government asks the<br>World Trade Organisation to<br>step in to stop EU member<br>states from \"subsidising\"<br>planemaker Airbus."
"Boston Scientific Corp.<br>(BSX.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) said on Wednesday it<br>received US regulatory<br>approval for a device to treat<br>complications that arise in<br>patients with end-stage kidney<br>disease who need dialysis."
"With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
"Toyota Motor Corp. #39;s<br>shares fell for a second day,<br>after the world #39;s second-<br>biggest automaker had an<br>unexpected quarterly profit<br>drop."
"Britain-based HBOS says it<br>will file a complaint to the<br>European Commission against<br>Spanish bank Santander Central<br>Hispano (SCH) in connection<br>with SCH #39;s bid to acquire<br>British bank Abbey National"
"Verizon Wireless on Thursday<br>announced an agreement to<br>acquire all the PCS spectrum<br>licenses of NextWave Telecom<br>Inc. in 23 markets for \\$3<br>billion."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>PIMCO mutual fund group has<br>agreed to pay \\$50 million to<br>settle fraud charges involving<br>improper rapid dealing in<br>mutual fund shares, the U.S.<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission said on Monday."
"The Conference Board reported<br>Thursday that the Leading<br>Economic Index fell for a<br>third consecutive month in<br>August, suggesting slower<br>economic growth ahead amid<br>rising oil prices."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Software maker Adobe Systems<br>Inc.&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.inv<br><br>px?ticker=ADBE.O target=/stock<br>s/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;ADBE<br>.O&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>posted a quarterly profit that<br>rose more than one-third from<br>a year ago, but shares fell 3<br>percent after the maker of<br>Photoshop and Acrobat software<br>did not raise forecasts for<br>fiscal 2005."
"William Morrison Supermarkets<br>has agreed to sell 114 small<br>Safeway stores and a<br>distribution centre for 260.2<br>million pounds. Morrison<br>bought these stores as part of<br>its 3 billion pound"
"Pepsi pushes a blue version of<br>Mountain Dew only at Taco<br>Bell. Is this a winning<br>strategy?"
"As the election approaches,<br>Congress abandons all pretense<br>of fiscal responsibility,<br>voting tax cuts that would<br>drive 10-year deficits past<br>\\$3 trillion."
"ServiceMaster profitably<br>bundles services and pays a<br>healthy 3.5 dividend."
"\\$222.5 million -- in an<br>ongoing securities class<br>action lawsuit against Enron<br>Corp. The settlement,<br>announced Friday and"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart<br>said on Wednesday she wants<br>to start serving her prison<br>sentence for lying about a<br>suspicious stock sale as soon<br>as possible, so she can put<br>her \"nightmare\" behind her."
"Apple Computer's iPod remains<br>the king of digital music<br>players, but robust pretenders<br>to the throne have begun to<br>emerge in the Windows<br>universe. One of them is the<br>Zen Touch, from Creative Labs."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) --<br>Crude futures closed under<br>\\$46 a barrel Wednesday for<br>the first time since late<br>September and heating-oil and<br>unleaded gasoline prices<br>dropped more than 6 percent<br>following an across-the-board<br>climb in US petroleum<br>inventories."
"The University of Iowa #39;s<br>market for US presidential<br>futures, founded 16-years ago,<br>has been overtaken by a<br>Dublin-based exchange that is<br>now 25 times larger."
"President Bush #39;s drive to<br>deploy a multibillion-dollar<br>shield against ballistic<br>missiles was set back on<br>Wednesday by what critics<br>called a stunning failure of<br>its first full flight test in<br>two years."
"Air travelers moved one step<br>closer to being able to talk<br>on cell phones and surf the<br>Internet from laptops while in<br>flight, thanks to votes by the<br>Federal Communications<br>Commission yesterday."
"DESPITE the budget deficit,<br>continued increases in oil and<br>consumer prices, the economy,<br>as measured by gross domestic<br>product, grew by 6.3 percent<br>in the third"
"Consumers who cut it close by<br>paying bills from their<br>checking accounts a couple of<br>days before depositing funds<br>will be out of luck under a<br>new law that takes effect Oct.<br>28."
"Component problems meant<br>Brillian's new big screens<br>missed the NFL's kickoff<br>party."
"A Russian court on Thursday<br>rejected an appeal by the<br>Yukos oil company seeking to<br>overturn a freeze on the<br>accounts of the struggling oil<br>giant #39;s core subsidiaries."
"Switzerland #39;s struggling<br>national airline reported a<br>second-quarter profit of 45<br>million Swiss francs (\\$35.6<br>million) Tuesday, although its<br>figures were boosted by a<br>legal settlement in France."
"SIPTU has said it is strongly<br>opposed to any privatisation<br>of Aer Lingus as pressure<br>mounts on the Government to<br>make a decision on the future<br>funding of the airline."
"Molson Inc. Chief Executive<br>Officer Daniel O #39;Neill<br>said he #39;ll provide<br>investors with a positive #39;<br>#39; response to their<br>concerns over the company<br>#39;s plan to let stock-<br>option holders vote on its<br>planned merger with Adolph<br>Coors Co."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>world's largest gold producer,<br>Newmont Mining Corp. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=NEM<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;NEM.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>on Wednesday said higher gold<br>prices drove up quarterly<br>profit by 12.5 percent, even<br>though it sold less of the<br>precious metal."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fannie<br>Mae executives and their<br>regulator squared off on<br>Wednesday, with executives<br>denying any accounting<br>irregularity and the regulator<br>saying the housing finance<br>company's management may need<br>to go."
"As the first criminal trial<br>stemming from the financial<br>deals at Enron opened in<br>Houston on Monday, it is<br>notable as much for who is not<br>among the six defendants as<br>who is - and for how little<br>money was involved compared<br>with how much in other Enron"
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- British<br>bank Barclays on Thursday said<br>it is in talks to buy a<br>majority stake in South<br>African bank ABSA. Free!"
"Investors sent stocks sharply<br>lower yesterday as oil prices<br>continued their climb higher<br>and new questions about the<br>safety of arthritis drugs<br>pressured pharmaceutical<br>stocks."
"Reuters - The head of UAL<br>Corp.'s United\\Airlines said<br>on Thursday the airline's<br>restructuring plan\\would lead<br>to a significant number of job<br>losses, but it was\\not clear<br>how many."
"com September 14, 2004, 9:12<br>AM PT. With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Children's Place Retail Stores<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=PLCE.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PL<br>CE.O&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Wednesday it will buy 313<br>retail stores from Walt<br>Disney Co., and its stock rose<br>more than 14 percent in early<br>morning trade."
"ALBANY, N.Y. -- A California-<br>based company that brokers<br>life, accident, and disability<br>policies for leading US<br>companies pocketed millions of<br>dollars a year in hidden<br>payments from insurers and<br>from charges on clients'<br>unsuspecting workers, New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>charged yesterday."
"NORTEL Networks plans to slash<br>its workforce by 3500, or ten<br>per cent, as it struggles to<br>recover from an accounting<br>scandal that toppled three top<br>executives and led to a<br>criminal investigation and<br>lawsuits."
"Ebay Inc. (EBAY.O: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Friday it would buy,<br>an Internet housing rental<br>listing service, for \\$415<br>million in a deal that gives<br>it access to a new segment of<br>the online real estate market."
"Noranda Inc., Canada #39;s<br>biggest mining company, began<br>exclusive talks on a takeover<br>proposal from China Minmetals<br>Corp. that would lead to the<br>spinoff of Noranda #39;s<br>aluminum business to<br>shareholders."
"Google warned Thursday that<br>increased competition and the<br>maturing of the company would<br>result in an quot;inevitable<br>quot; slowing of its growth."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - The Nikkei<br>average rose 0.55 percent by<br>midsession on Wednesday as<br>some techs including Advantest<br>Corp. gained ground after<br>Wall Street reacted positively<br>to results from Intel Corp.<br>released after the U.S. market<br>close."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Soft<br>drink giant Coca-Cola Co.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=KO.N target=/stocks/quic<br>kinfo/fullquote\"&gt;KO.N&lt;/A<br>&gt;, stung by a prolonged<br>downturn in North America,<br>Germany and other major<br>markets, on Thursday lowered<br>its key long-term earnings<br>and sales targets."
"A Canadian court approved Air<br>Canada #39;s (AC.TO: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) plan of<br>arrangement with creditors on<br>Monday, clearing the way for<br>the world #39;s 11th largest<br>airline to emerge from<br>bankruptcy protection at the<br>end of next month"
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>eased on Monday after rebels<br>in Nigeria withdrew a threat<br>to target oil operations, but<br>lingering concerns over<br>stretched supplies ahead of<br>winter kept prices close to<br>\\$50."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>climbed above \\$42 a barrel on<br>Wednesday, rising for the<br>third day in a row as cold<br>weather gripped the U.S.<br>Northeast, the world's biggest<br>heating fuel market."
"Travelers headed home for<br>Thanksgiving were greeted<br>Wednesday with snow-covered<br>highways in the Midwest, heavy<br>rain and tornadoes in parts of<br>the South, and long security<br>lines at some of the nation<br>#39;s airports."
"The union representing flight<br>attendants on Friday said it<br>mailed more than 5,000 strike<br>authorization ballots to its<br>members employed by US Airways<br>as both sides continued talks<br>that are expected to stretch<br>through the weekend."
"LOS ANGELES (CBS.MW) - The US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission is probing<br>transactions between Delphi<br>Corp and EDS, which supplies<br>the automotive parts and<br>components giant with<br>technology services, Delphi<br>said late Wednesday."
"MONTREAL (CP) - Molson Inc.<br>and Adolph Coors Co. are<br>sweetening their brewery<br>merger plan with a special<br>dividend to Molson<br>shareholders worth \\$381<br>million."
"WELLINGTON: National carrier<br>Air New Zealand said yesterday<br>the Australian Competition<br>Tribunal has approved a<br>proposed alliance with Qantas<br>Airways Ltd, despite its<br>rejection in New Zealand."
"\"Everyone's nervous,\" Acting<br>Undersecretary of Defense<br>Michael W. Wynne warned in a<br>confidential e-mail to Air<br>Force Secretary James G. Roche<br>on July 8, 2003."
"Reuters - Alpharma Inc. on<br>Friday began\\selling a cheaper<br>generic version of Pfizer<br>Inc.'s #36;3\\billion a year<br>epilepsy drug Neurontin<br>without waiting for a\\court<br>ruling on Pfizer's request to<br>block the copycat medicine."
"Opinion: Privacy hysterics<br>bring old whine in new bottles<br>to the Internet party. The<br>desktop search beta from this<br>Web search leader doesn #39;t<br>do anything you can #39;t do<br>already."
"The Nordics fared well because<br>of their long-held ideals of<br>keeping corruption clamped<br>down and respect for<br>contracts, rule of law and<br>dedication to one-on-one<br>business relationships."
"Don't bother with the small<br>stuff. Here's what really<br>matters to your lender."
"UK interest rates have been<br>kept on hold at 4.75 following<br>the latest meeting of the Bank<br>of England #39;s rate-setting<br>committee."
"Resurgent oil prices paused<br>for breath as the United<br>States prepared to draw on its<br>emergency reserves to ease<br>supply strains caused by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
"President Bush, who credits<br>three years of tax relief<br>programs with helping<br>strengthen the slow economy,<br>said Saturday he would sign<br>into law the Working Families<br>Tax Relief Act to preserve tax<br>cuts."
"HEN investors consider the<br>bond market these days, the<br>low level of interest rates<br>should be more cause for worry<br>than for gratitude."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rallied on Monday after<br>software maker PeopleSoft Inc.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=PSFT.O target=/stocks/qu<br>ickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PSFT.O&l<br>t;/A&gt; accepted a sweetened<br>\\$10.3 billion buyout by rival<br>Oracle Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=ORCL.O ta<br>rget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquo<br>te\"&gt;ORCL.O&lt;/A&gt; and<br>other big deals raised<br>expectations of more<br>takeovers."
"The New Jersey-based Accoona<br>Corporation, an industry<br>pioneer in artificial<br>intelligence search<br>technology, announced on<br>Monday the launch of Accoona."
"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on<br>Thursday said fourth-quarter<br>profit rose as its fixed-<br>income, currency and<br>commodities business soared<br>while a rebounding stock<br>market boosted investment<br>banking."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Monday in a<br>retracement from last week's<br>steep losses, but dealers said<br>the bias toward a weaker<br>greenback remained intact."
"Moscow - Russia plans to<br>combine Gazprom, the world<br>#39;s biggest natural gas<br>producer, with state-owned oil<br>producer Rosneft, easing rules<br>for trading Gazprom shares and<br>creating a company that may<br>dominate the country #39;s<br>energy industry."
"Diversified manufacturer<br>Honeywell International Inc.<br>(HON.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) posted a rise in<br>quarterly profit as strong<br>demand for aerospace equipment<br>and automobile components"
"Reuters - U.S. housing starts<br>jumped a\\larger-than-expected<br>6.4 percent in October to the<br>busiest pace\\since December as<br>buyers took advantage of low<br>mortgage rates,\\a government<br>report showed on Wednesday."
"The Securities and Exchange<br>Commission ordered mutual<br>funds to stop paying higher<br>commissions to brokers who<br>promote the companies' funds<br>and required portfolio<br>managers to reveal investments<br>in funds they supervise."
"Sumitomo Mitsui Financial<br>Group (SMFG), Japans second<br>largest bank, today put<br>forward a 3,200 billion (\\$29<br>billion) takeover bid for<br>United Financial Group (UFJ),<br>the countrys fourth biggest<br>lender, in an effort to regain<br>initiative in its bidding"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>chain store retail sales<br>slipped during the<br>Thanksgiving holiday week, as<br>consumers took advantage of<br>discounted merchandise, a<br>retail report said on<br>Tuesday."
"By George Chamberlin , Daily<br>Transcript Financial<br>Correspondent. Concerns about<br>oil production leading into<br>the winter months sent shivers<br>through the stock market<br>Wednesday."
"Airbus has withdrawn a filing<br>that gave support for<br>Microsoft in an antitrust case<br>before the European Union<br>#39;s Court of First Instance,<br>a source close to the<br>situation said on Friday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rose on Wednesday<br>lifted by a merger between<br>retailers Kmart and Sears,<br>better-than-expected earnings<br>from Hewlett-Packard and data<br>showing a slight rise in core<br>inflation."
"European Commission president<br>Romano Prodi has unveiled<br>proposals to loosen the<br>deficit rules under the EU<br>Stability Pact. The loosening<br>was drafted by monetary<br>affairs commissioner Joaquin<br>Almunia, who stood beside the<br>president at the announcement."
"Retail sales in Britain saw<br>the fastest growth in<br>September since January,<br>casting doubts on the view<br>that the economy is slowing<br>down, according to official<br>figures released Thursday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Interstate Bakeries Corp.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=IBC.N target=/stocks/qui<br>ckinfo/fullquote\"&gt;IBC.N&lt;<br>/A&gt;, maker of Hostess<br>Twinkies and Wonder Bread,<br>filed for bankruptcy on<br>Wednesday after struggling<br>with more than \\$1.3 billion<br>in debt and high costs."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Thursday<br>said it reached a deal with<br>FedEx Express to sell eight<br>McDonnell Douglas MD11<br>aircraft and four spare<br>engines for delivery in 2004."
"Leading OPEC producer Saudi<br>Arabia said on Monday in<br>Vienna, Austria, that it had<br>made a renewed effort to<br>deflate record high world oil<br>prices by upping crude output<br>again."
"The founders of the Pilgrim<br>Baxter amp; Associates money-<br>management firm agreed<br>yesterday to personally fork<br>over \\$160 million to settle<br>charges they allowed a friend<br>to"
"IBM Corp. Tuesday announced<br>plans to acquire software<br>vendor Systemcorp ALG for an<br>undisclosed amount. Systemcorp<br>of Montreal makes project<br>portfolio management software<br>aimed at helping companies<br>better manage their IT<br>projects."
" - By now you<br>probably know that earnings of<br>Section 529 college savings<br>accounts are free of federal<br>tax if used for higher<br>education. But taxes are only<br>part of the problem. What if<br>your investments tank? Just<br>ask Laurence and Margo<br>Williams of Alexandria, Va. In<br>2000 they put #36;45,000 into<br>the Virginia Education Savings<br>Trust to open accounts for<br>daughters Lea, now 5, and<br>Anne, now 3. Since then their<br>investment has shrunk 5 while<br>the average private college<br>tuition has climbed 18 to<br>#36;18,300."
"Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd.,<br>Australia #39;s biggest soft-<br>drink maker, offered A\\$500<br>million (\\$382 million) in<br>cash and stock for fruit<br>canner SPC Ardmona Ltd."
"US technology shares tumbled<br>on Friday after technology<br>bellwether Intel Corp.<br>(INTC.O: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) slashed its revenue<br>forecast, but blue chips were<br>only moderately lower as drug<br>and industrial stocks made<br>solid gains."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Final<br>U.S. government tests on an<br>animal suspected of having mad<br>cow disease were not yet<br>complete, the U.S. Agriculture<br>Department said, with no<br>announcement on the results<br>expected on Monday."
"Metro, Germany's biggest<br>retailer, turns in weaker-<br>than-expected profits as sales<br>at its core supermarkets<br>division dip lower."
"BOSTON (CBS.MW) -- First<br>Command has reached a \\$12<br>million settlement with<br>federal regulators for making<br>misleading statements and<br>omitting important information<br>when selling mutual funds to<br>US military personnel."
"The federal government, banks<br>and aircraft lenders are<br>putting the clamps on<br>airlines, particularly those<br>operating under bankruptcy<br>protection."
"EURO DISNEY, the financially<br>crippled French theme park<br>operator, has admitted that<br>its annual losses more than<br>doubled last financial year as<br>it was hit by a surge in<br>costs."
"WASHINGTON The idea of a no-<br>bid contract for maintaining<br>airport security equipment has<br>turned into a non-starter for<br>the Transportation Security<br>Administration."
"Eyetech (EYET:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) did not open for<br>trading Friday because a Food<br>and Drug Administration<br>advisory committee is meeting<br>to review the small New York-<br>based biotech #39;s<br>experimental eye disease drug."
"On September 13, 2001, most<br>Americans were still reeling<br>from the shock of the<br>terrorist attacks on New York<br>and the Pentagon two days<br>before."
"Domestic air travelers could<br>be surfing the Web by 2006<br>with government-approved<br>technology that allows people<br>access to high-speed Internet<br>connections while they fly."
"GENEVA: Cross-border<br>investment is set to bounce in<br>2004 after three years of deep<br>decline, reflecting a stronger<br>world economy and more<br>international merger activity,<br>the United Nations (UN) said<br>overnight."
"Chewing gum giant Wm. Wrigley<br>Jr. Co. on Thursday said it<br>plans to phase out production<br>of its Eclipse breath strips<br>at a plant in Phoenix, Arizona<br>and shift manufacturing to<br>Poznan, Poland."
"com September 16, 2004, 7:58<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
"Tightness in the labour market<br>notwithstanding, the prospects<br>for hiring in the third<br>quarter are down from the<br>second quarter, according to<br>the new Manpower Employment<br>Outlook Survey."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Friday, after a<br>U.S. report showed consumer<br>prices in line with<br>expections, reminding<br>investors that the Federal<br>Reserve was likely to<br>continue raising interest<br>rates, analysts said."
"Last year some election<br>watchers made a bold<br>prediction that this<br>presidential election would<br>set a record: the first half<br>billion dollar campaign in<br>hard money alone."
"It #39;s one more blow to<br>patients who suffer from<br>arthritis. Pfizer, the maker<br>of Celebrex, says it #39;s<br>painkiller poses an increased<br>risk of heart attacks to<br>patients using the drugs."
"The economic growth rate in<br>the July-September period was<br>revised slightly downward from<br>an already weak preliminary<br>report, the government said<br>Wednesday."
"A drug company executive who<br>spoke out in support of<br>Montgomery County's proposal<br>to import drugs from Canada<br>and similar legislation before<br>Congress said that his company<br>has launched an investigation<br>into his political activities."
"SYDNEY (AFP) - Australia #39;s<br>commodity exports are forecast<br>to increase by 15 percent to a<br>record 95 billion dollars (71<br>million US), the government<br>#39;s key economic forecaster<br>said."
"Google won a major legal<br>victory when a federal judge<br>ruled that the search engines<br>advertising policy does not<br>violate federal trademark<br>laws."
"AT amp;T Corp. on Thursday<br>said it is reducing one fifth<br>of its workforce this year and<br>will record a non-cash charge<br>of approximately \\$11."
"A rift appeared within Canada<br>#39;s music industry yesterday<br>as prominent artists called on<br>the CRTC to embrace satellite<br>radio and the industry warned<br>of lost revenue and job<br>losses."
"NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan<br>agreed on Monday to step up<br>cooperation in the energy<br>sector, which could lead to<br>Pakistan importing large<br>amounts of diesel fuel from<br>its neighbour, according to<br>Pakistani Foreign Minister<br>Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri."
"TORONTO (CP) - Glamis Gold of<br>Reno, Nev., is planning a<br>takeover bid for Goldcorp Inc.<br>of Toronto - but only if<br>Goldcorp drops its<br>\\$2.4-billion-Cdn offer for<br>another Canadian firm, made in<br>early December."
"This week will see the release<br>of October new and existing<br>home sales, a measure of<br>strength in the housing<br>industry. But the short<br>holiday week will also leave<br>investors looking ahead to the<br>holiday travel season."
" BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - The<br>use of some antidepressant<br>drugs appears linked to an<br>increase in suicidal behavior<br>in some children and teen-<br>agers, a U.S. advisory panel<br>concluded on Tuesday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>technology stocks opened lower<br>on Thursday after a sales<br>warning from Applied Materials<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AMAT.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AM<br>AT.O&lt;/A&gt;, while weekly<br>jobless claims data met Wall<br>Street's expectations,<br>leaving the Dow and S P 500<br>market measures little<br>changed."
"CHICAGO : Interstate Bakeries<br>Corp., the maker of popular,<br>old-style snacks Twinkies and<br>Hostess Cakes, filed for<br>bankruptcy, citing rising<br>costs and falling sales."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL:NYSE -<br>commentary - research) will<br>cut employees and benefits but<br>give a bigger-than-expected<br>role to Song, its low-cost<br>unit, in a widely anticipated<br>but still unannounced<br>overhaul, has<br>learned."
"Instead of the skinny black<br>line, showing a hurricane<br>#39;s forecast track,<br>forecasters have drafted a<br>couple of alternative graphics<br>to depict where the storms<br>might go -- and they want your<br>opinion."
"BERLIN - Volkswagen AG #39;s<br>announcement this week that it<br>has forged a new partnership<br>deal with Malaysian carmaker<br>Proton comes as a strong euro<br>and Europe #39;s weak economic<br>performance triggers a fresh<br>wave of German investment in<br>Asia."
"Consumers in Dublin pay more<br>for basic goods and services<br>that people elsewhere in the<br>country, according to figures<br>released today by the Central<br>Statistics Office."
"LIBERTY Media #39;s move last<br>week to grab up to 17.1 per<br>cent of News Corporation<br>voting stock has prompted the<br>launch of a defensive<br>shareholder rights plan."
"The blue-chip Hang Seng Index<br>rose 171.88 points, or 1.22<br>percent, to 14,066.91. On<br>Friday, the index had slipped<br>31.58 points, or 0.2 percent."
"Shares plunge after company<br>says its vein graft treatment<br>failed to show benefit in<br>late-stage test. CHICAGO<br>(Reuters) - Biotechnology<br>company Corgentech Inc."
"US blue-chip stocks rose<br>slightly on Friday as<br>government data showed better-<br>than-expected demand in August<br>for durable goods other than<br>transportation equipment, but<br>climbing oil prices limited<br>gains."
"Business software maker<br>PeopleSoft Inc. said Monday<br>that it expects third-quarter<br>revenue to range between \\$680<br>million and \\$695 million,<br>above average Wall Street<br>estimates of \\$651."
"Reuters - Enron Corp. ,<br>desperate to\\meet profit<br>targets, \"parked\" unwanted<br>power generating barges\\at<br>Merrill Lynch in a sham sale<br>designed to be reversed,<br>a\\prosecutor said on Tuesday<br>in the first criminal trial<br>of\\former executives at the<br>fallen energy company."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after a heavy selloff last<br>week, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally could<br>hold as the drumbeat of<br>expectation began for to the<br>December U.S. jobs report due<br>Friday."
"Coles Myer Ltd. Australia<br>#39;s biggest retailer,<br>increased second-half profit<br>by 26 percent after opening<br>fuel and convenience stores,<br>selling more-profitable<br>groceries and cutting costs."
"MOSCOW: Us oil major<br>ConocoPhillips is seeking to<br>buy up to 25 in Russian oil<br>giant Lukoil to add billions<br>of barrels of reserves to its<br>books, an industry source<br>familiar with the matter said<br>on Friday."
"US Airways Group (otc: UAIRQ -<br>news - people ) on Thursday<br>said it #39;ll seek a court<br>injunction to prohibit a<br>strike by disaffected unions."
"Shares in Unilever fall after<br>the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods<br>giant issued a surprise<br>profits warning."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) - The<br>Canadian government will sell<br>its 19 percent stake in Petro-<br>Canada for \\$2.49 billion,<br>according to the final<br>prospectus filed with the US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission Thursday."
" HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=MSFT.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt; will<br>hire several hundred new staff<br>at its new Indian campus in<br>the next year, its chief<br>executive said on Monday, in a<br>move aimed at strengthening<br>its presence in Asia's fourth-<br>biggest economy."
"Alitalia SpA, Italy #39;s<br>largest airline, reached an<br>agreement with its flight<br>attendants #39; unions to cut<br>900 jobs, qualifying the<br>company for a government<br>bailout that will keep it in<br>business for another six<br>months."
"P amp;Os cutbacks announced<br>today are the result of the<br>waves of troubles that have<br>swamped the ferry industry of<br>late. Some would say the<br>company has done well to<br>weather the storms for as long<br>as it has."
"TORONTO (CP) - Russia #39;s<br>Severstal has made an offer to<br>buy Stelco Inc., in what #39;s<br>believed to be one of several<br>competing offers emerging for<br>the restructuring but<br>profitable Hamilton steel<br>producer."
"Walt Disney Co. #39;s<br>directors nominated Michael<br>Ovitz to serve on its board<br>for another three years at a<br>meeting just weeks before<br>forcing him out of his job as"
"The European Union, Japan,<br>Brazil and five other<br>countries won World Trade<br>Organization approval to<br>impose tariffs worth more than<br>\\$150 million a year on<br>imports from the United"
"Industrial conglomerate<br>Honeywell International on<br>Wednesday said it has filed a<br>lawsuit against 34 electronics<br>companies including Apple<br>Computer and Eastman Kodak,<br>claiming patent infringement<br>of its liquid crystal display<br>technology."
"Australia #39;s Computershare<br>has agreed to buy EquiServe of<br>the United States for US\\$292<br>million (\\$423 million),<br>making it the largest US share<br>registrar and driving its<br>shares up by a third."
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities were mixed<br>in yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$18<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.640<br>percent, up from 1.635 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$16<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.840<br>percent, down from 1.860<br>percent."
"Two top executives of scandal-<br>tarred insurance firm Marsh<br>Inc. were ousted yesterday,<br>the company said, the latest<br>casualties of an industry<br>probe by New York's attorney<br>general."
"USDA #39;s Animal Plant Health<br>Inspection Service (APHIS)<br>this morning announced it has<br>confirmed a detection of<br>soybean rust from two test<br>plots at Louisiana State<br>University near Baton Rouge,<br>Louisiana."
"Mexican Cemex, being the third<br>largest cement maker in the<br>world, agreed to buy its<br>British competitor - RMC Group<br>- for \\$5.8 billion, as well<br>as their debts in order to<br>expand their activity on the<br>building materials market of<br>the USA and Europe."
"The world's largest insurance<br>group pays \\$126m in fines as<br>part of a settlement with US<br>regulators over its dealings<br>with two firms."
"The tobacco firm John Player<br>amp; Sons has announced plans<br>to lay off 90 workers at its<br>cigarette factory in Dublin.<br>The company said it was<br>planning a phased closure of<br>the factory between now and<br>February as part of a review<br>of its global operations."
"AP - Consumers borrowed more<br>freely in September,<br>especially when it came to<br>racking up charges on their<br>credit cards, the Federal<br>Reserve reported Friday."
"Bold, innovative solutions are<br>key to addressing the rapidly<br>rising costs of higher<br>education and the steady<br>reduction in government-<br>subsidized help to finance<br>such education."
"Just as the PhD crowd emerge<br>with different interpretations<br>of today's economy, everyday<br>Americans battling to balance<br>the checkbook hold diverse<br>opinions about where things<br>stand now and in the future."
"Authorities here are always<br>eager to show off their<br>accomplishments, so when<br>Beijing hosted the World<br>Toilet Organization conference<br>last week, delegates were<br>given a grand tour of the<br>city's toilets."
"WASHINGTON Trying to break a<br>deadlock on energy policy, a<br>diverse group of<br>environmentalists, academics<br>and former government<br>officials were to publish a<br>report on Wednesday that<br>presents strategies for making<br>the United States cleaner,<br>more competitive"
"A consortium led by Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group that is<br>developing gas reserves off<br>Russia #39;s Sakhalin Island<br>said Thursday it has struck a<br>US\\$6 billion (euro4."
"An audit by international<br>observers supported official<br>elections results that gave<br>President Hugo Chavez a<br>victory over a recall vote<br>against him, the secretary-<br>general of the Organisation of<br>American States announced."
"Apple is recalling 28,000<br>faulty batteries for its<br>15-inch Powerbook G4 laptops."
"The former Chief Executive<br>Officer of Computer Associates<br>was indicted by a federal<br>grand jury in New York<br>Wednesday for allegedly<br>participating in a massive<br>fraud conspiracy and an<br>elaborate cover up of a scheme<br>that cost investors"
"Honeywell International Inc.,<br>the world #39;s largest<br>supplier of building controls,<br>agreed to buy Novar Plc for<br>798 million pounds (\\$1.53<br>billion) to expand its<br>security, fire and<br>ventilation-systems business<br>in Europe."
"San Francisco investment bank<br>Thomas Weisel Partners on<br>Thursday agreed to pay \\$12.5<br>million to settle allegations<br>that some of the stock<br>research the bank published<br>during the Internet boom was<br>tainted by conflicts of<br>interest."
" - Peter Frankling<br>tapped an unusual source to<br>fund his new business, which<br>makes hot-dog-shaped ice cream<br>treats known as Cool Dogs: Two<br>investors, one a friend and<br>the other a professional<br>venture capitalist, put in<br>more than #36;100,000 each<br>from their Individual<br>Retirement Accounts. Later<br>Franklin added #36;150,000<br>from his own IRA."
"A San Diego insurance<br>brokerage has been sued by New<br>York Attorney General Elliot<br>Spitzer for allegedly<br>soliciting payoffs in exchange<br>for steering business to<br>preferred insurance companies."
"The European Union agreed<br>Monday to lift penalties that<br>have cost American exporters<br>\\$300 million, following the<br>repeal of a US corporate tax<br>break deemed illegal under<br>global trade rules."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>stock markets scaled<br>near-2-1/2 year highs on<br>Friday as oil prices held<br>below \\$48 a barrel, and the<br>euro held off from mounting<br>another assault on \\$1.30 but<br>hovered near record highs<br>against the dollar."
"Reuters - The company behind<br>the Atkins Diet\\on Friday<br>shrugged off a recent decline<br>in interest in low-carb\\diets<br>as a seasonal blip, and its<br>marketing chief said\\consumers<br>would cut out starchy foods<br>again after picking up\\pounds<br>over the holidays."
"There #39;s something to be<br>said for being the quot;first<br>mover quot; in an industry<br>trend. Those years of extra<br>experience in tinkering with a<br>new idea can be invaluable in<br>helping the first"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares<br>of Chiron Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=CHIR.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;CHIR.O&lt;/A&gt; fell<br>7 percent before the market<br>open on Friday, a day after<br>the biopharmaceutical company<br>said it is delaying shipment<br>of its flu vaccine, Fluvirin,<br>because lots containing 4<br>million vaccines do not meet<br>product sterility standards."
"The nation's top<br>telecommunications regulator<br>said yesterday he will push --<br>before the next president is<br>inaugurated -- to protect<br>fledgling Internet telephone<br>services from getting taxed<br>and heavily regulated by the<br>50 state governments."
"DALLAS -- Belo Corp. said<br>yesterday that it would cut<br>250 jobs, more than half of<br>them at its flagship<br>newspaper, The Dallas Morning<br>News, and that an internal<br>investigation into circulation<br>overstatements"
"The Federal Reserve still has<br>some way to go to restore US<br>interest rates to more normal<br>levels, Philadelphia Federal<br>Reserve President Anthony<br>Santomero said on Monday."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Wednesday its auditors have<br>expressed doubt about the<br>airline #39;s financial<br>viability."
"Takeover target Ronin Property<br>Group said it would respond to<br>an offer by Multiplex Group<br>for all the securities in the<br>company in about three weeks."
"Google Inc. is trying to<br>establish an online reading<br>room for five major libraries<br>by scanning stacks of hard-to-<br>find books into its widely<br>used Internet search engine."
"HOUSTON--(BUSINESS<br>WIRE)--Sept. 1, 2004-- L<br>#39;operazione crea una<br>centrale globale per l<br>#39;analisi strategica el<br>#39;approfondimento del<br>settore energetico IHS Energy,<br>fonte globale leader di<br>software, analisi e<br>informazioni"
"The US airline industry,<br>riddled with excess supply,<br>will see a significant drop in<br>capacity, or far fewer seats,<br>as a result of at least one<br>airline liquidating in the<br>next year, according to<br>AirTran Airways Chief<br>Executive Joe Leonard."
"Boeing (nyse: BA - news -<br>people ) Chief Executive Harry<br>Stonecipher is keeping the<br>faith. On Monday, the head of<br>the aerospace and military<br>contractor insists he #39;s<br>confident his firm will<br>ultimately win out"
"Australia #39;s biggest<br>supplier of fresh milk,<br>National Foods, has posted a<br>net profit of \\$68.7 million,<br>an increase of 14 per cent on<br>last financial year."
"Lawyers for customers suing<br>Merck amp; Co. want to<br>question CEO Raymond Gilmartin<br>about what he knew about the<br>dangers of Vioxx before the<br>company withdrew the drug from<br>the market because of health<br>hazards."
"New York; September 23, 2004 -<br>The Department of Justice<br>(DoJ), FBI and US Attorney<br>#39;s Office handed down a<br>10-count indictment against<br>former Computer Associates<br>(CA) chairman and CEO Sanjay<br>Kumar and Stephen Richards,<br>former CA head of worldwide<br>sales."
"PACIFIC Hydro shares yesterday<br>caught an updraught that sent<br>them more than 20 per cent<br>higher after the wind farmer<br>moved to flush out a bidder."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>consumer confidence retreated<br>in August while Chicago-area<br>business activity slowed,<br>according to reports on<br>Tuesday that added to worries<br>the economy's patch of slow<br>growth may last beyond the<br>summer."
"Unilever has reported a three<br>percent rise in third-quarter<br>earnings but warned it is<br>reviewing its targets up to<br>2010, after issuing a shock<br>profits warning last month."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>extended recent heavy losses<br>on Wednesday ahead of weekly<br>U.S. data expected to show<br>fuel stocks rising in time<br>for peak winter demand."
"Vodafone has increased the<br>competition ahead of Christmas<br>with plans to launch 10<br>handsets before the festive<br>season. The Newbury-based<br>group said it will begin<br>selling the phones in<br>November."
"A former assistant treasurer<br>at Enron Corp. (ENRNQ.PK:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>agreed to plead guilty to<br>conspiracy to commit<br>securities fraud on Tuesday<br>and will cooperate with"
"UK house prices fell by 1.1 in<br>October, confirming a<br>softening of the housing<br>market, Halifax has said. The<br>UK #39;s biggest mortgage<br>lender said prices rose 18."
"More than six newspaper<br>companies have received<br>letters from the Securities<br>and Exchange Commission<br>seeking information about<br>their circulation practices."
"THE 64,000 dollar -<br>correction, make that 500<br>million dollar -uestion<br>hanging over Shire<br>Pharmaceuticals is whether the<br>5 per cent jump in the<br>companys shares yesterday<br>reflects relief that US<br>regulators have finally<br>approved its drug for"
"Businesses saw inventories<br>rise in July and sales picked<br>up, the government reported<br>Wednesday. The Commerce<br>Department said that stocks of<br>unsold goods increased 0.9 in<br>July, down from a 1.1 rise in<br>June."
"Shares of Genta Inc. (GNTA.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>soared nearly 50 percent on<br>Monday after the biotechnology<br>company presented promising<br>data on an experimental<br>treatment for blood cancers."
"SBC Communications Inc. plans<br>to cut at least 10,000 jobs,<br>or 6 percent of its work<br>force, by the end of next year<br>to compensate for a drop in<br>the number of local-telephone<br>customers."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major<br>cigarette makers go on trial<br>on Tuesday in the U.S.<br>government's \\$280 billion<br>racketeering case that<br>charges the tobacco industry<br>with deliberately deceiving<br>the public about the risks of<br>smoking since the 1950s."
"Federal Reserve policy-makers<br>raised the benchmark US<br>interest rate a quarter point<br>to 2.25 per cent and restated<br>a plan to carry out"
" DETROIT (Reuters) - A<br>Canadian law firm on Tuesday<br>said it had filed a lawsuit<br>against Ford Motor Co. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;F.N&lt;/A&gt; over<br>what it claims are defective<br>door latches on about 400,000<br>of the automaker's popular<br>pickup trucks and SUVs."
"AstraZeneca Plc suffered its<br>third setback in two months on<br>Friday as lung cancer drug<br>Iressa failed to help patients<br>live longer"
"Bruce Wasserstein, the<br>combative chief executive of<br>investment bank Lazard, is<br>expected to agree this week<br>that he will quit the group<br>unless he can pull off a<br>successful"
"Dr. David J. Graham, the FDA<br>drug safety reviewer who<br>sounded warnings over five<br>drugs he felt could become the<br>next Vioxx has turned to a<br>Whistleblower protection group<br>for legal help."
"The Kmart purchase of Sears,<br>Roebuck may be the ultimate<br>expression of that old saying<br>in real estate: location,<br>location, location."
"Sprint Corp. (FON.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Friday<br>said it plans to cut up to 700<br>jobs as it realigns its<br>business to focus on wireless<br>and Internet services and<br>takes a non-cash network<br>impairment charge."
"Says that amount would have<br>been earned for the first 9<br>months of 2004, before AT<br>amp;T purchase. LOS ANGELES,<br>(Reuters) - Cingular Wireless<br>would have posted a net profit<br>of \\$650 million for the first<br>nine months"
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Goodyear<br>Tire Rubber Co. &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=GT.N t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;GT.N&lt;/A&gt; said<br>on Friday it will cut 340 jobs<br>in its engineered products and<br>chemical units as part of its<br>cost-reduction efforts,<br>resulting in a third-quarter<br>charge."
"Reuters - Shares of long-<br>distance phone\\companies AT T<br>Corp. and MCI Inc. have<br>plunged\\about 20 percent this<br>year, but potential buyers<br>seem to be\\holding out for<br>clearance sales."
"Russian oil giant Yukos files<br>for bankruptcy protection in<br>the US in a last ditch effort<br>to stop the Kremlin auctioning<br>its main production unit."
"British Airways #39; (BA)<br>chief executive Rod Eddington<br>has admitted that the company<br>quot;got it wrong quot; after<br>staff shortages led to three<br>days of travel chaos for<br>passengers."
"The issue of drug advertising<br>directly aimed at consumers is<br>becoming political."
"AP - China's economic boom is<br>still roaring despite efforts<br>to cool sizzling growth, with<br>the gross domestic product<br>climbing 9.5 percent in the<br>first three quarters of this<br>year, the government reported<br>Friday."
"Soaring petroleum prices<br>pushed the cost of goods<br>imported into the U.S. much<br>higher than expected in<br>August, the government said<br>today."
"Anheuser-Busch teams up with<br>Vietnam's largest brewer,<br>laying the groundwork for<br>future growth in the region."
"CHARLOTTE, NC - Shares of<br>Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.<br>#39;s fell sharply Monday as a<br>79 percent plunge in third-<br>quarter earnings and an<br>intensifying accounting<br>investigation overshadowed the<br>pastrymaker #39;s statement<br>that the low-carb craze might<br>be easing."
"OXNARD - A leak of explosive<br>natural gas forced dozens of<br>workers to evacuate an<br>offshore oil platform for<br>hours Thursday but no damage<br>or injuries were reported."
"AP - Assets of the nation's<br>retail money market mutual<br>funds rose by #36;2.85<br>billion in the latest week to<br>#36;845.69 billion, the<br>Investment Company Institute<br>said Thursday."
"Peter Mandelson provoked fresh<br>Labour in-fighting yesterday<br>with an implied attack on<br>Gordon Brown #39;s<br>quot;exaggerated gloating<br>quot; about the health of the<br>British economy."
"JC Penney said yesterday that<br>Allen I. Questrom, the chief<br>executive who has restyled the<br>once-beleaguered chain into a<br>sleeker and more profitable<br>entity, would be succeeded by<br>Myron E. Ullman III, another<br>longtime retail executive."
" In the cosmetics department<br>at Hecht's in downtown<br>Washington, construction crews<br>have ripped out the<br>traditional glass display<br>cases, replacing them with a<br>system of open shelves stacked<br>high with fragrances from<br>Chanel, Burberry and Armani,<br>now easily within arm's reach<br>of the impulse buyer."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>slid from record highs above<br>\\$50 a barrel Wednesday as the<br>U.S. government reported a<br>surprise increase in crude<br>stocks and rebels in Nigeria's<br>oil-rich delta region agreed<br>to a preliminary cease-fire."
"Rocky Shoes and Boots makes an<br>accretive acquisition -- and<br>gets Dickies and John Deere as<br>part of the deal."
"BONN: Deutsche Telekom is<br>bidding 2.9 bn for the 26 it<br>does not own in T-Online<br>International, pulling the<br>internet service back into the<br>fold four years after selling<br>stock to the public."
"Motorola Inc. says it #39;s<br>ready to make inroads in the<br>cell-phone market after<br>posting a third straight<br>strong quarter and rolling out<br>a series of new handsets in<br>time for the holiday selling<br>season."
"Costs of employer-sponsored<br>health plans are expected to<br>climb an average of 8 percent<br>in 2005, the first time in<br>five years increases have been<br>in single digits."
"After again posting record<br>earnings for the third<br>quarter, Taiwan Semiconductor<br>Manufacturing Company (TSMC)<br>expects to see its first<br>sequential drop in fourth-<br>quarter revenues, coupled with<br>a sharp drop in capacity<br>utilization rates."
"Many people who have never<br>bounced a check in their life<br>could soon bounce their first<br>check if they write checks to<br>pay bills a couple of days<br>before their paycheck is<br>deposited into their checking<br>account."
" LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp told a judge on<br>Thursday that the European<br>Commission must be stopped<br>from ordering it to give up<br>secret technology to<br>competitors."
"Dow Jones Industrial Average<br>futures declined amid concern<br>an upcoming report on<br>manufacturing may point to<br>slowing economic growth."
"Reuters - U.S. industrial<br>output advanced in\\July, as<br>American factories operated at<br>their highest capacity\\in more<br>than three years, a Federal<br>Reserve report on<br>Tuesday\\showed."
"Sir Martin Sorrell, chief<br>executive of WPP, yesterday<br>declared he was quot;very<br>impressed quot; with Grey<br>Global, stoking speculation<br>WPP will bid for the US<br>advertising company."
"Like introductory credit card<br>rates and superior customer<br>service, some promises just<br>aren #39;t built to last. And<br>so it is that Bank of America<br>- mere months after its pledge<br>to preserve"
"Reuters - Accounting firm KPMG<br>will pay #36;10\\million to<br>settle charges of improper<br>professional conduct\\while<br>acting as auditor for Gemstar-<br>TV Guide International Inc.\\,<br>the U.S. Securities and<br>Exchange Commission said<br>on\\Wednesday."
"Family matters made public: As<br>eager cousins wait for a slice<br>of the \\$15 billion cake that<br>is the Pritzker Empire,<br>Circuit Court Judge David<br>Donnersberger has ruled that<br>the case will be conducted in<br>open court."
"The weekly survey from<br>mortgage company Freddie Mac<br>had rates on 30-year fixed-<br>rate mortgages inching higher<br>this week, up to an average<br>5.82 percent from last week<br>#39;s 5.81 percent."
"The classic power struggle<br>between Walt Disney Co. CEO<br>Michael Eisner and former<br>feared talent agent Michael<br>Ovitz makes for high drama in<br>the courtroom - and apparently<br>on cable."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Elan<br>(UK:ELA) (ELN) and partner<br>Biogen (BIIB) said the FDA has<br>approved new drug Tysabri to<br>treat relapsing forms of<br>multiple sclerosis."
"Bank of New Zealand has frozen<br>all accounts held in the name<br>of Access Brokerage, which was<br>yesterday placed in<br>liquidation after a client<br>fund shortfall of around \\$5<br>million was discovered."
"ZDNet #39;s survey of IT<br>professionals in August kept<br>Wired amp; Wireless on top<br>for the 18th month in a row.<br>Telecommunications equipment<br>maker Motorola said Tuesday<br>that it would cut 1,000 jobs<br>and take related"
"BRITAIN #39;S largest<br>financial institutions are<br>being urged to take lead roles<br>in lawsuits seeking hundreds<br>of millions of dollars from<br>the scandal-struck US<br>insurance industry."
"Bankrupt UAL Corp. (UALAQ.OB:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Thursday reported a narrower<br>third-quarter net loss. The<br>parent of United Airlines<br>posted a loss of \\$274<br>million, or"
"The European Union #39;s head<br>office issued a bleak economic<br>report Tuesday, warning that<br>the sharp rise in oil prices<br>will quot;take its toll quot;<br>on economic growth next year<br>while the euro #39;s renewed<br>climb could threaten crucial<br>exports."
"Though Howard Stern's<br>defection from broadcast to<br>satellite radio is still 16<br>months off, the industry is<br>already trying to figure out<br>what will fill the crater in<br>ad revenue and listenership<br>that he is expected to leave<br>behind."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States set final anti-<br>dumping duties of up to 112.81<br>percent on shrimp imported<br>from China and up to 25.76<br>percent on shrimp from Vietnam<br>to offset unfair pricing, the<br>Commerce Department said on<br>Tuesday."
"NEW YORK -- When Office Depot<br>Inc. stores ran an electronics<br>recycling drive last summer<br>that accepted everything from<br>cellphones to televisions,<br>some stores were overwhelmed<br>by the amount of e-trash they<br>received."
"The International Monetary<br>Fund expressed concern Tuesday<br>about the impact of the<br>troubles besetting oil major<br>Yukos on Russia #39;s standing<br>as a place to invest."
"LinuxWorld Conference amp;<br>Expo will come to Boston for<br>the first time in February,<br>underscoring the area's<br>standing as a hub for the<br>open-source software being<br>adopted by thousands of<br>businesses."
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities rose in<br>yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$19<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.710<br>percent, up from 1.685 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$17<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.950<br>percent, up from 1.870<br>percent."
"Moody #39;s Investors Service<br>on Wednesday said it may cut<br>its bond ratings on HCA Inc.<br>(HCA.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) deeper into junk,<br>citing the hospital operator<br>#39;s plan to buy back about<br>\\$2."
"Telekom Austria AG, the<br>country #39;s biggest phone<br>operator, won the right to buy<br>Bulgaria #39;s largest mobile<br>phone company, MobilTel EAD,<br>for 1.6 billion euros (\\$2.1<br>billion), an acquisition that<br>would add 3 million<br>subscribers."
"Shares of ID Biomedical jumped<br>after the company reported<br>Monday that it signed long-<br>term agreements with the three<br>largest flu vaccine<br>wholesalers in the United<br>States in light of the<br>shortage of vaccine for the<br>current flu season."
"The federal government closed<br>its window on the oil industry<br>Thursday, saying that it is<br>selling its last 19 per cent<br>stake in Calgary-based Petro-<br>Canada."
" NEW YORK, Nov. 11 -- The 40<br>percent share price slide in<br>Merck #38; Co. in the five<br>weeks after it pulled the<br>painkiller Vioxx off the<br>market highlighted larger<br>problems in the pharmaceutical<br>industry that may depress<br>performance for years,<br>according to academics and<br>stock analysts who follow the<br>sector."
"Low-fare carrier Southwest<br>Airlines Co. said Thursday<br>that its third-quarter profit<br>rose 12.3 percent to beat Wall<br>Street expectations despite<br>higher fuel costs."
"Another shock hit the drug<br>sector Friday when<br>pharmaceutical giant Pfizer<br>Inc. announced that it found<br>an increased heart risk to<br>patients for its blockbuster<br>arthritis drug Celebrex."
"The number of US information<br>technology workers rose 2<br>percent to 10.5 million in the<br>first quarter of this year,<br>but demand for them is<br>dropping, according to a new<br>report."
"Insurance firm says its board<br>now consists of its new CEO<br>Michael Cherkasky and 10<br>outside members. NEW YORK<br>(Reuters) - Marsh amp;<br>McLennan Cos."
"Slot machine maker<br>International Game Technology<br>(IGT.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) on Tuesday posted<br>better-than-expected quarterly<br>earnings, as casinos bought"
"Venezuelan election officials<br>say they expect to announce<br>Saturday, results of a partial<br>audit of last Sunday #39;s<br>presidential recall<br>referendum."
"Sony Ericsson Mobile<br>Communications Ltd., the<br>mobile-phone venture owned by<br>Sony Corp. and Ericsson AB,<br>said third-quarter profit rose<br>45 percent on camera phone<br>demand and forecast this<br>quarter will be its strongest."
"NEW YORK, September 17<br>( - Alcatel<br>(ALA.NYS) has expanded its<br>operations and presence in the<br>core North American<br>telecommunication market with<br>two separate acquisitions for<br>about \\$277 million."
"Oil giant Shell swept aside<br>nearly 100 years of history<br>today when it unveiled plans<br>to merge its UK and Dutch<br>parent companies. Shell said<br>scrapping its twin-board<br>structure"
"Caesars Entertainment Inc. on<br>Thursday posted a rise in<br>third-quarter profit as Las<br>Vegas hotels filled up and<br>Atlantic City properties<br>squeaked out a profit that was<br>unexpected by the company."
"One of India #39;s leading<br>telecommunications providers<br>will use Cisco Systems #39;<br>gear to build its new<br>Ethernet-based broadband<br>network."
"Shares of Beacon Roofing<br>Suppler Inc. shot up as much<br>as 26 percent in its trading<br>debut Thursday, edging out<br>bank holding company Valley<br>Bancorp as the biggest gainer<br>among a handful of new stocks<br>that went public this week."
"The first weekend of holiday<br>shopping went from red-hot to<br>dead white, as a storm that<br>delivered freezing, snowy<br>weather across Colorado kept<br>consumers at home."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fell within half a cent of<br>last week's record low against<br>the euro on Thursday after<br>capital inflows data added to<br>worries the United States may<br>struggle to fund its current<br>account deficit."
"China has pledged to invest<br>\\$20 billion in Argentina in<br>the next 10 years, La Nacion<br>reported Wednesday. The<br>announcement came during the<br>first day of a two-day visit"
"Toyota Motor Corp., the world<br>#39;s biggest carmaker by<br>value, will invest 3.8 billion<br>yuan (\\$461 million) with its<br>partner Guangzhou Automobile<br>Group to boost manufacturing<br>capacity in"
"BAE Systems has launched a<br>search for a senior American<br>businessman to become a non-<br>executive director. The high-<br>profile appointment is<br>designed to strengthen the<br>board at a time when the<br>defence giant is"
"Computer Associates<br>International is expected to<br>announce that its new chief<br>executive will be John<br>Swainson, an I.B.M. executive<br>with strong technical and<br>sales credentials."
"STOCKHOLM (Dow<br>Jones)--Expectations for<br>Telefon AB LM Ericsson #39;s<br>(ERICY) third-quarter<br>performance imply that while<br>sales of mobile telephony<br>equipment are expected to have<br>dipped, the company"
"The Anglo-Dutch oil giant<br>Shell today sought to draw a<br>line under its reserves<br>scandal by announcing plans to<br>spend \\$15bn (8.4bn) a year to<br>replenish reserves and develop<br>production in its oil and gas<br>business."
"Circulation declined at most<br>major US newspapers in the<br>last half year, the latest<br>blow for an industry already<br>rocked by a scandal involving<br>circulation misstatements that<br>has undermined the confidence<br>of investors and advertisers."
"INDIANAPOLIS - ATA Airlines<br>has accepted a \\$117 million<br>offer from Southwest Airlines<br>that would forge close ties<br>between two of the largest US<br>discount carriers."
"EVERETT Fire investigators<br>are still trying to determine<br>what caused a two-alarm that<br>destroyed a portion of a South<br>Everett shopping center this<br>morning."
"Sure, the PeopleSoft board<br>told shareholders to just say<br>no. This battle will go down<br>to the wire, and even<br>afterward Ellison could<br>prevail."
"Investors cheered by falling<br>oil prices and an improving<br>job picture sent stocks higher<br>Tuesday, hoping that the news<br>signals a renewal of economic<br>strength and a fall rally in<br>stocks."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart<br>Stores Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=WMT.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;, the<br>world's largest retailer, said<br>on Saturday it still<br>anticipates September U.S.<br>sales to be up 2 percent to 4<br>percent at stores open at<br>least a year."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei stock average opened<br>down 0.15 percent on<br>Wednesday as investors took a<br>breather from the market's<br>recent rises and sold shares<br>of gainers such as Sharp<br>Corp."
"NEW YORK : World oil prices<br>fell, capping a drop of more<br>than 14 percent in a two-and-<br>a-half-week slide triggered by<br>a perception of growing US<br>crude oil inventories."
"SUFFOLK -- Virginia Tech<br>scientists are preparing to<br>protect the state #39;s<br>largest crop from a disease<br>with strong potential to do<br>damage."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Citigroup Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=C.N targe<br>t=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"<br>&gt;C.N&lt;/A&gt; the world's<br>largest financial services<br>company, said on Tuesday it<br>will acquire First American<br>Bank in the quickly-growing<br>Texas market."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - U.S.<br>oil prices hovered just below<br>\\$50 a barrel on Tuesday,<br>holding recent gains on a rash<br>of crude supply outages and<br>fears over thin heating oil<br>tanks."
"US retail sales fell 0.3 in<br>August as rising energy costs<br>and bad weather persuaded<br>shoppers to reduce their<br>spending."
"GEORGETOWN, Del., Oct. 28 --<br>Plaintiffs in a shareholder<br>lawsuit over former Walt<br>Disney Co. president Michael<br>Ovitz's \\$140 million<br>severance package attempted<br>Thursday to portray Ovitz as a<br>dishonest bumbler who botched<br>the hiring of a major<br>television executive and<br>pushed the release of a movie<br>that angered the Chinese<br>government, damaging Disney's<br>business prospects in the<br>country."
"US stocks gained ground in<br>early trading Thursday after<br>tame inflation reports and<br>better than expected jobless<br>news. Oil prices held steady<br>as Hurricane Ivan battered the<br>Gulf coast, where oil<br>operations have halted."
"PepsiCo. Inc., the world #39;s<br>No. 2 soft- drink maker, plans<br>to buy General Mills Inc.<br>#39;s stake in their European<br>joint venture for \\$750<br>million in cash, giving it<br>complete ownership of Europe<br>#39;s largest snack-food<br>company."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks opened little changed<br>on Friday, after third-<br>quarter gross domestic product<br>data showed the U.S. economy<br>grew at a slower-than-expected<br>pace."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Limited<br>Brands Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=LTD.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;LTD.N&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Thursday reported higher<br>quarterly operating profit as<br>cost controls and strong<br>lingerie sales offset poor<br>results at the retailer's<br>Express apparel stores."
"General Motors and<br>DaimlerChrysler are<br>collaborating on development<br>of fuel- saving hybrid engines<br>in hopes of cashing in on an<br>expanding market dominated by<br>hybrid leaders Toyota and<br>Honda."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Nintendo<br>Co. Ltd. raised its 2004<br>shipment target for its DS<br>handheld video game device by<br>40 percent to 2.8 million<br>units on Thursday after many<br>stores in Japan and the<br>United States sold out in the<br>first week of sales."
"Autodesk this week unwrapped<br>an updated version of its<br>hosted project collaboration<br>service targeted at the<br>construction and manufacturing<br>industries. Autodesk Buzzsaw<br>lets multiple, dispersed<br>project participants --<br>including building owners,<br>developers, architects,<br>construction teams, and<br>facility managers -- share and<br>manage data throughout the<br>life of a project, according<br>to Autodesk officials."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>employers hired just 96,000<br>workers in September, the<br>government said on Friday in a<br>weak jobs snapshot, the final<br>one ahead of presidential<br>elections that also fueled<br>speculation about a pause in<br>interest-rate rises."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- The<br>magazine known for evaluating<br>cars and electronics is<br>setting its sights on finding<br>the best value and quality of<br>prescription drugs on the<br>market."
"A mouse, a house, and your<br>tax-planning spouse all factor<br>huge in the week of earnings<br>that lies ahead."
"DALLAS (CBS.MW) -- Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group will pay a<br>\\$120 million penalty to<br>settle a Securities and<br>Exchange Commission<br>investigation of its<br>overstatement of nearly 4.5<br>billion barrels of proven<br>reserves, the federal agency<br>said Tuesday."
"PHOENIX America West Airlines<br>has backed away from a<br>potential bidding war for<br>bankrupt ATA Airlines, paving<br>the way for AirTran to take<br>over ATA operations."
"US stock-index futures<br>declined. Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average shares including<br>General Electric Co. slipped<br>in Europe. Citigroup Inc."
"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan<br>Greenspan has done it again.<br>For at least the fourth time<br>this year, he has touched the<br>electrified third rail of<br>American politics - Social<br>Security."
"Description: Scientists say<br>the arthritis drug Bextra may<br>pose increased risk of<br>cardiovascular troubles.<br>Bextra is related to Vioxx,<br>which was pulled off the<br>market in September for the<br>same reason."
"The trial of a lawsuit by Walt<br>Disney Co. shareholders who<br>accuse the board of directors<br>of rubberstamping a deal to<br>hire Michael Ovitz"
"LOS ANGELES Grocery giant<br>Albertsons says it has<br>purchased Bristol Farms, which<br>operates eleven upscale stores<br>in Southern California."
"The figures from a survey<br>released today are likely to<br>throw more people into the<br>ranks of the uninsured,<br>analysts said."
"JB Oxford Holdings Inc., a<br>Beverly Hills-based discount<br>brokerage firm, was sued by<br>the Securities and Exchange<br>Commission for allegedly<br>allowing thousands of improper<br>trades in more than 600 mutual<br>funds."
"Goldman Sachs reported strong<br>fourth quarter and full year<br>earnings of \\$1.19bn, up 36<br>per cent on the previous<br>quarter. Full year profit rose<br>52 per cent from the previous<br>year to \\$4.55bn."
"Argosy Gaming (AGY:NYSE - news<br>- research) jumped in early<br>trading Thursday, after the<br>company agreed to be acquired<br>by Penn National Gaming<br>(PENN:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) in a \\$1."
"The DuPont Co. has agreed to<br>pay up to \\$340 million to<br>settle a lawsuit that it<br>contaminated water supplies in<br>West Virginia and Ohio with a<br>chemical used to make Teflon,<br>one of its best-known brands."
"Reuters - Jeffrey Greenberg,<br>chairman and chief\\executive<br>of embattled insurance broker<br>Marsh McLennan Cos.\\, is<br>expected to step down within<br>hours, a newspaper\\reported on<br>Friday, citing people close to<br>the discussions."
"A state regulatory board<br>yesterday handed a five-year<br>suspension to a Lawrence<br>funeral director accused of<br>unprofessional conduct and<br>deceptive practices, including<br>one case where he refused to<br>complete funeral arrangements<br>for a client because she had<br>purchased a lower-priced<br>casket elsewhere."
"The California Public<br>Utilities Commission on<br>Thursday upheld a \\$12.1<br>million fine against Cingular<br>Wireless, related to a two-<br>year investigation into the<br>cellular telephone company<br>#39;s business practices."
"Barclays, the British bank<br>that left South Africa in 1986<br>after apartheid protests, may<br>soon resume retail operations<br>in the nation."
"Italian-based Parmalat is<br>suing its former auditors --<br>Grant Thornton International<br>and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu<br>-- for billions of dollars in<br>damages. Parmalat blames its<br>demise on the two companies<br>#39; mismanagement of its<br>finances."
"update An alliance of<br>technology workers on Tuesday<br>accused conglomerate Honeywell<br>International of planning to<br>move thousands of jobs to low-<br>cost regions over the next<br>five years--a charge that<br>Honeywell denies."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http<br>://<br>llQuote.aspx?ticker=NOC.N targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;NOC.N&lt;/A&gt; reported<br>higher third-quarter earnings<br>on Wednesday and an 11<br>percent increase in sales on<br>strength in its mission<br>systems, integrated systems,<br>ships and space technology<br>businesses."
"TORONTO (CP) - Shares of<br>Iamgold fell more than 10 per<br>cent after its proposed merger<br>with Gold Fields Ltd. was<br>thrown into doubt Monday as<br>South Africa #39;s Harmony<br>Gold Mining Company Ltd."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>tumbled again on Monday to an<br>8-week low under \\$46 a<br>barrel, as growing fuel stocks<br>in the United States eased<br>fears of a winter supply<br>crunch."
"Alcoa Inc., one of the world<br>#39;s top producers of<br>aluminum, said Monday that it<br>received an unsolicited<br>quot;mini-tender quot; offer<br>from Toronto-based TRC Capital<br>Corp."
"The European Commission is to<br>warn Greece about publishing<br>false information about its<br>public finances."
" LONDON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>shares were expected to open<br>lower on Wednesday after<br>crude oil pushed to a fresh<br>high overnight, while Web<br>search engine Google Inc.<br>dented sentiment as it<br>slashed the price range on its<br>initial public offering."
"The telemarketer at the other<br>end of Orlando Castelblanco<br>#39;s line promised to reduce<br>the consumer #39;s credit card<br>debt by at least \\$2,500 and<br>get his 20 percent -- and<br>growing -- interest rates down<br>to single digits."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Blue-<br>chip stocks fell slightly on<br>Monday after No. 1 retailer<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WMT<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>reported lower-than-expected<br>Thanksgiving sales, while<br>technology shares were lifted<br>by a rally in Apple Computer<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AAPL.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AA<br>PL.O&lt;/A&gt;."
"WPP Group Inc., the world<br>#39;s second- largest<br>marketing and advertising<br>company, said it won the<br>bidding for Grey Global Group<br>Inc."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks<br>were slightly lower on<br>Tuesday, as concerns about<br>higher oil prices cutting into<br>corporate profits and<br>consumer demand weighed on<br>sentiment, while retail sales<br>posted a larger-than-expected<br>decline in August."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil<br>prices climbed above \\$42 a<br>barrel on Wednesday, rising<br>for the third day in a row as<br>the heavy consuming U.S.<br>Northeast feels the first<br>chills of winter."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Merck<br>Co Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>e.aspx?ticker=MRK.N target=/st<br>ocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;M<br>RK.N&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>pulled its arthritis drug<br>Vioxx off the market after a<br>study showed it doubled the<br>risk of heart attack and<br>stroke, a move that sent its<br>shares plunging and erased<br>\\$25 billion from its market<br>value."
"The government on Wednesday<br>defended its decision to<br>radically revise the country<br>#39;s deficit figures, ahead<br>of a European Commission<br>meeting to consider possible<br>disciplinary action against<br>Greece for submitting faulty<br>figures."
"OPEC ministers yesterday<br>agreed to increase their<br>ceiling for oil production to<br>help bring down stubbornly<br>high prices in a decision that<br>traders and analysts dismissed<br>as symbolic because the cartel<br>already is pumping more than<br>its new target."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc. said<br>second- quarter profit rose 55<br>percent, boosted by the<br>addition of Pottery Barn<br>stores and sale of outdoor<br>furniture."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - China's largest<br>personal computer maker,<br>Lenovo Group Ltd., said on<br>Tuesday it was in acquisition<br>talks with a major technology<br>company, which a source<br>familiar with the situation<br>said was IBM."
"Reuters - Oil prices stayed<br>close to #36;49 a\\barrel on<br>Thursday, supported by a<br>forecast for an early<br>cold\\snap in the United States<br>that could put a strain on a<br>thin\\supply cushion of winter<br>heating fuel."
"WASHINGTON (CBS.MW) --<br>President Bush announced<br>Monday that Kellogg chief<br>executive Carlos Gutierrez<br>would replace Don Evans as<br>Commerce secretary, naming the<br>first of many expected changes<br>to his economic team."
"Iron Mountain moved further<br>into the backup and recovery<br>space Tuesday with the<br>acquisition of Connected Corp.<br>for \\$117 million. Connected<br>backs up desktop data for more<br>than 600 corporations, with<br>more than"
"Montgomery County (website -<br>news) is a big step closer to<br>shopping for prescription<br>drugs north of the border. On<br>a 7-2 vote, the County Council<br>is approving a plan that would<br>give county"
"The disclosure this week that<br>a Singapore-listed company<br>controlled by a Chinese state-<br>owned enterprise lost \\$550<br>million in derivatives<br>transactions"
"VANCOUVER - A Vancouver-based<br>firm won #39;t sell 1.2<br>million doses of influenza<br>vaccine to the United States<br>after all, announcing Tuesday<br>that it will sell the doses<br>within Canada instead."
"consortium led by the Sony<br>Corporation of America reached<br>a tentative agreement today to<br>buy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the<br>Hollywood studio famous for<br>James Bond and the Pink<br>Panther, for"
"The country-cooking restaurant<br>chain has agreed to pay \\$8.7<br>million over allegations that<br>it segregated black customers,<br>subjected them to racial slurs<br>and gave black workers<br>inferior jobs."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) -<br>Investors bought shares in<br>Asian exporters and<br>electronics firms such as<br>Fujitsu Ltd. on Tuesday,<br>buoyed by a favorable outlook<br>from U.S. technology<br>bellwethers and a slide in oil<br>prices."
"Ace Ltd. will stop paying<br>brokers for steering business<br>its way, becoming the third<br>company to make concessions in<br>the five days since New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>unveiled a probe of the<br>insurance industry."
"Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of chewing<br>gum, agreed to buy candy<br>businesses including Altoids<br>mints and Life Savers from<br>Kraft Foods Inc."
" #39;Reaching a preliminary<br>pilot agreement is the single<br>most important hurdle they<br>have to clear, but certainly<br>not the only one."
"TORONTO (CP) - Canada #39;s<br>big banks are increasing<br>mortgage rates following a<br>decision by the Bank of Canada<br>to raise its overnight rate by<br>one-quarter of a percentage<br>point to 2.25 per cent."
"OTTAWA (CP) - The economy<br>created another 43,000 jobs<br>last month, pushing the<br>unemployment rate down to 7.1<br>per cent from 7.2 per cent in<br>August, Statistics Canada said<br>Friday."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's<br>Nikkei average rose 0.39<br>percent by midsession on<br>Friday, bolstered by solid<br>gains in stocks dependent on<br>domestic business such as Kao<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=4452.T target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;44<br>52.T&lt;/A&gt;."
" FRANKFURT (Reuters) -<br>DaimlerChrysler and General<br>Motors will jointly develop<br>new hybrid motors to compete<br>against Japanese rivals on<br>the fuel-saving technology<br>that reduces harmful<br>emissions, the companies said<br>on Monday."
"The bass should be in your<br>face. That's what Matt Kelly,<br>of Boston's popular punk rock<br>band Dropkick Murphys, thinks<br>is the mark of a great stereo<br>system. And he should know.<br>Kelly, 29, is the drummer for<br>the band that likes to think<br>of itself as a bit of an Irish<br>lucky charm for the Red Sox."
"Slumping corporate spending<br>and exports caused the economy<br>to slow to a crawl in the<br>July-September period, with<br>real gross domestic product<br>expanding just 0.1 percent<br>from the previous quarter,<br>Cabinet Office data showed<br>Friday."
"US President George W. Bush<br>signed into law a bill<br>replacing an export tax<br>subsidy that violated<br>international trade rules with<br>a \\$145 billion package of new<br>corporate tax cuts and a<br>buyout for tobacco farmers."
"The Nikkei average was up 0.37<br>percent in mid-morning trade<br>on Thursday as a recovery in<br>the dollar helped auto makers<br>among other exporters, but<br>trade was slow as investors<br>waited for important Japanese<br>economic data."
"Jennifer Canada knew she was<br>entering a boy's club when she<br>enrolled in Southern Methodist<br>University's Guildhall school<br>of video-game making."
"SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Colorado<br>Group Ltd. (CDO.AU), an<br>Australian footwear and<br>clothing retailer, said Monday<br>it expects net profit for the<br>fiscal year ending Jan. 29 to<br>be over 30 higher than that of<br>a year earlier."
"NEW YORK - What are the odds<br>that a tiny nation like<br>Antigua and Barbuda could take<br>on the United States in an<br>international dispute and win?"
"SBC Communications expects to<br>cut 10,000 or more jobs by the<br>end of next year through<br>layoffs and attrition. That<br>#39;s about six percent of the<br>San Antonio-based company<br>#39;s work force."
"Another United Airlines union<br>is seeking to oust senior<br>management at the troubled<br>airline, saying its strategies<br>are reckless and incompetent."
"Global oil prices boomed on<br>Wednesday, spreading fear that<br>energy prices will restrain<br>economic activity, as traders<br>worried about a heating oil<br>supply crunch in the American<br>winter."
"Custom-designed imported<br>furniture was once an<br>exclusive realm. Now, it's the<br>economical alternative for<br>commercial developers and<br>designers needing everything<br>from seats to beds to desks<br>for their projects."
"Short-term interest rate<br>futures struggled on Thursday<br>after a government report<br>showing US core inflation for<br>August below market<br>expectations failed to alter<br>views on Federal Reserve rate<br>policy."
"Samsung is now the world #39;s<br>second-largest mobile phone<br>maker, behind Nokia. According<br>to market watcher Gartner, the<br>South Korean company has<br>finally knocked Motorola into<br>third place."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo<br>stocks climbed to a two week<br>high on Friday after Tokyo<br>Electron Ltd. and other chip-<br>related stocks were boosted<br>by a bullish revenue outlook<br>from industry leader Intel<br>Corp."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Adobe<br>Systems Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:<br>//<br>lQuote.aspx?ticker=ADBE.O targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;ADBE.O&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Monday reported a sharp rise<br>in quarterly profit, driven by<br>robust demand for its<br>Photoshop and document-sharing<br>software."
"Dow Jones amp; Co., publisher<br>of The Wall Street Journal,<br>has agreed to buy online<br>financial news provider<br>MarketWatch Inc. for about<br>\\$463 million in a bid to<br>boost its revenue from the<br>fast-growing Internet<br>advertising market."
"Low-fare airline ATA has<br>announced plans to lay off<br>hundreds of employees and to<br>drop most of its flights out<br>of Midway Airport in Chicago."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Germany's Bayer AG &lt;A HREF=<br>\"http://www.investor.reuters.c<br>om/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=BAYG.<br>DE target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;BAYG.DE&lt;/A&gt;<br>has agreed to plead guilty<br>and pay a \\$4.7 million fine<br>for taking part in a<br>conspiracy to fix the prices<br>of synthetic rubber, the U.S.<br>Justice Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"The US oil giant got a good<br>price, Russia #39;s No. 1 oil<br>company acquired a savvy<br>partner, and Putin polished<br>Russia #39;s image."
"The maker of Hostess Twinkies,<br>a cake bar and a piece of<br>Americana children have<br>snacked on for almost 75<br>years, yesterday raised<br>concerns about the company<br>#39;s ability to stay in<br>business."
"Tenet Healthcare Corp., the<br>second- largest US hospital<br>chain, said fourth-quarter<br>charges may exceed \\$1 billion<br>and its loss from continuing<br>operations will widen from the<br>third quarter #39;s because of<br>increased bad debt."
"The London-based brokerage<br>Collins Stewart Tullett placed<br>55m of new shares yesterday to<br>help fund the 69.5m purchase<br>of the money and futures<br>broker Prebon."
" PARIS (Reuters) - European<br>equities flirted with 5-month<br>peaks as hopes that economic<br>growth was sustainable and a<br>small dip in oil prices<br>helped lure investors back to<br>recent underperformers such<br>as technology and insurance<br>stocks."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks looked to open higher<br>on Friday, as the fourth<br>quarter begins on Wall Street<br>with oil prices holding below<br>\\$50 a barrel."
"LONDON : World oil prices<br>stormed above 54 US dollars<br>for the first time Tuesday as<br>strikes in Nigeria and Norway<br>raised worries about possible<br>supply shortages during the<br>northern hemisphere winter."
"US stocks were little changed<br>on Thursday as an upbeat<br>earnings report from chip<br>maker National Semiconductor<br>Corp. (NSM) sparked some<br>buying, but higher oil prices<br>limited gains."
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"# get embeddings for all article descriptions\n",
"embeddings = [embedding_from_string(string) for string in article_descriptions]\n",
"# compress the 2048-dimensional embeddings into 2 dimensions using t-SNE\n",
"tsne_components = tsne_components_from_embeddings(embeddings)\n",
"# get the article labels for coloring the chart\n",
"labels = df[\"label\"].tolist()\n",
" components=tsne_components,\n",
" labels=labels,\n",
" strings=article_descriptions,\n",
" width=600,\n",
" height=500,\n",
" title=\"t-SNE components of article descriptions\",\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"As you can see in the chart above, even the highly compressed embeddings do a good job of clustering article descriptions by category. And it's worth emphasizing: this clustering is done with no knowledge of the labels themselves!\n",
"Also, if you look closely at the most egregious outliers, they are often due to mislabeling rather than poor embedding. For example, the majority of the blue World points in the green Sports cluster appear to be Sports stories."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Next, let's recolor the points by whether they are a source article, its nearest neighbors, or other."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# create labels for the recommended articles\n",
"def nearest_neighbor_labels(\n",
" list_of_indices: list[int],\n",
" k_nearest_neighbors: int = 5\n",
") -> list[str]:\n",
" \"\"\"Return a list of labels to color the k nearest neighbors.\"\"\"\n",
" labels = [\"Other\" for _ in list_of_indices]\n",
" source_index = list_of_indices[0]\n",
" labels[source_index] = \"Source\"\n",
" for i in range(k_nearest_neighbors):\n",
" nearest_neighbor_index = list_of_indices[i + 1]\n",
" labels[nearest_neighbor_index] = f\"Nearest neighbor (top {k_nearest_neighbors})\"\n",
" return labels\n",
"tony_blair_labels = nearest_neighbor_labels(tony_blair_articles, k_nearest_neighbors=5)\n",
"chipset_security_labels = nearest_neighbor_labels(chipset_security_articles, k_nearest_neighbors=5\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": {
"config": {
"plotlyServerURL": ""
"data": [
"customdata": [
"PC World - Upcoming chip set<br>will include built-in security<br>features for your PC."
"Newspapers in Greece reflect a<br>mixture of exhilaration that<br>the Athens Olympics proved<br>successful, and relief that<br>they passed off without any<br>major setback."
"SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple<br>Computer (Quote, Chart)<br>unveiled a batch of new iPods,<br>iTunes software and promos<br>designed to keep it atop the<br>heap of digital music players."
"Any product, any shape, any<br>size -- manufactured on your<br>desktop! The future is the<br>fabricator. By Bruce Sterling<br>from Wired magazine."
"KABUL, Sept 22 (AFP): Three US<br>soldiers were killed and 14<br>wounded in a series of fierce<br>clashes with suspected Taliban<br>fighters in south and eastern<br>Afghanistan this week, the US<br>military said Wednesday."
"The EU and US moved closer to<br>an aviation trade war after<br>failing to reach agreement<br>during talks Thursday on<br>subsidies to Airbus Industrie."
"AUSTRALIAN journalist John<br>Martinkus is lucky to be alive<br>after spending 24 hours in the<br>hands of Iraqi militants at<br>the weekend. Martinkus was in<br>Baghdad working for the SBS<br>Dateline TV current affairs<br>program"
" GAZA (Reuters) - An Israeli<br>helicopter fired a missile<br>into a town in the southern<br>Gaza Strip late on Wednesday,<br>witnesses said, hours after a<br>Palestinian suicide bomber<br>blew herself up in Jerusalem,<br>killing two Israeli border<br>policemen."
"The Microsoft CEO says one way<br>to stem growing piracy of<br>Windows and Office in emerging<br>markets is to offer low-cost<br>computers."
"RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi<br>police are seeking two young<br>men in the killing of a Briton<br>in a Riyadh parking lot, the<br>Interior Ministry said today,<br>and the British ambassador<br>called it a terrorist attack."
"Loudon, NH -- As the rain<br>began falling late Friday<br>afternoon at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway, the<br>rich in the Nextel Cup garage<br>got richer."
"PalmSource surprised the<br>mobile vendor community today<br>with the announcement that it<br>will acquire China MobileSoft<br>(CMS), ostensibly to leverage<br>that company's expertise in<br>building a mobile version of<br>the Linux operating system."
"JEFFERSON CITY - An election<br>security expert has raised<br>questions about Missouri<br>Secretary of State Matt Blunt<br>#39;s plan to let soldiers at<br>remote duty stations or in<br>combat areas cast their<br>ballots with the help of<br>e-mail."
"A gas explosion at a coal mine<br>in northern China killed 33<br>workers in the 10th deadly<br>mine blast reported in three<br>months. The explosion occurred<br>yesterday at 4:20 pm at Nanlou<br>township"
"Reuters - Palestinian leader<br>Mahmoud Abbas called\\Israel<br>\"the Zionist enemy\" Tuesday,<br>unprecedented language for\\the<br>relative moderate who is<br>expected to succeed Yasser<br>Arafat."
"AP - Ottawa Senators right<br>wing Marian Hossa is switching<br>European teams during the NHL<br>lockout."
"A new, optional log-on service<br>from America Online that makes<br>it harder for scammers to<br>access a persons online<br>account will not be available<br>for Macintosh"
"Nasser al-Qidwa, Palestinian<br>representative at the United<br>Nations and nephew of late<br>leader Yasser Arafat, handed<br>Arafat #39;s death report to<br>the Palestinian National<br>Authority (PNA) on Saturday."
"CAIRO, Egypt - France's<br>foreign minister appealed<br>Monday for the release of two<br>French journalists abducted in<br>Baghdad, saying the French<br>respect all religions. He did<br>not rule out traveling to<br>Baghdad..."
"Chelsea terminated Romania<br>striker Adrian Mutu #39;s<br>contract, citing gross<br>misconduct after the player<br>failed a doping test for<br>cocaine and admitted taking<br>the drug, the English soccer<br>club said in a statement."
"United Arab Emirates President<br>and ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheik<br>Zayed bin Sultan al-Nayhan<br>died Tuesday, official<br>television reports. He was 86."
"PALESTINIAN leader Yasser<br>Arafat today issued an urgent<br>call for the immediate release<br>of two French journalists<br>taken hostage in Iraq."
"The al-Qaida terrorist network<br>spent less than \\$50,000 on<br>each of its major attacks<br>except for the Sept. 11, 2001,<br>suicide hijackings, and one of<br>its hallmarks is using"
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Nike Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://w<br><br>ote.aspx?ticker=NKE.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;NKE.N&lt;/A&gt;, the world's<br>largest athletic shoe company,<br>on Monday reported a 25<br>percent rise in quarterly<br>profit, beating analysts'<br>estimates, on strong demand<br>for high-end running and<br>basketball shoes in the<br>United States."
"A FATHER who scaled the walls<br>of a Cardiff court dressed as<br>superhero Robin said the<br>Buckingham Palace protester<br>posed no threat. Fathers 4<br>Justice activist Jim Gibson,<br>who earlier this year staged<br>an eye-catching"
"NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - US stocks<br>traded mixed Thurday as Merck<br>shares lost a quarter of their<br>value, dragging blue chips<br>lower, but the Nasdaq moved<br>higher, buoyed by gains in the<br>semiconductor sector."
"Julia Gillard has reportedly<br>bowed out of the race to<br>become shadow treasurer,<br>taking enormous pressure off<br>Opposition Leader Mark Latham."
"It #39;s official. Microsoft<br>recently stated<br>definitivelyand contrary to<br>rumorsthat there will be no<br>new versions of Internet<br>Explorer for users of older<br>versions of Windows."
"The success of Paris #39; bid<br>for Olympic Games 2012 would<br>bring an exceptional<br>development for France for at<br>least 6 years, said Jean-<br>Francois Lamour, French<br>minister for Youth and Sports<br>on Tuesday."
"AFP - Maybe it's something to<br>do with the fact that the<br>playing area is so vast that<br>you need a good pair of<br>binoculars to see the action<br>if it's not taking place right<br>in front of the stands."
"Egypt #39;s release of accused<br>Israeli spy Azzam Azzam in an<br>apparent swap for six Egyptian<br>students held on suspicion of<br>terrorism is expected to melt<br>the ice and perhaps result"
"But fresh antitrust suit is in<br>the envelope, says Novell"
"Chips that help a computer's<br>main microprocessors perform<br>specific types of math<br>problems are becoming a big<br>business once again.\\"
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip: Hamas<br>militants killed an Israeli<br>soldier and wounded four with<br>an explosion in a booby-<br>trapped chicken coop on<br>Tuesday, in what the Islamic<br>group said was an elaborate<br>scheme to lure troops to the<br>area with the help of a double"
"A rocket carrying two Russian<br>cosmonauts and an American<br>astronaut to the international<br>space station streaked into<br>orbit on Thursday, the latest<br>flight of a Russian space<br>vehicle to fill in for<br>grounded US shuttles."
"Bankrupt ATA Airlines #39;<br>withdrawal from Chicago #39;s<br>Midway International Airport<br>presents a juicy opportunity<br>for another airline to beef up<br>service in the Midwest"
"AP - The 300 men filling out<br>forms in the offices of an<br>Iranian aid group were offered<br>three choices: Train for<br>suicide attacks against U.S.<br>troops in Iraq, for suicide<br>attacks against Israelis or to<br>assassinate British author<br>Salman Rushdie."
"ATHENS, Greece - Gail Devers,<br>the most talented yet star-<br>crossed hurdler of her<br>generation, was unable to<br>complete even one hurdle in<br>100-meter event Sunday -<br>failing once again to win an<br>Olympic hurdling medal.<br>Devers, 37, who has three<br>world championships in the<br>hurdles but has always flopped<br>at the Olympics, pulled up<br>short and screamed as she slid<br>under the first hurdle..."
"OCTOBER 12, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - Microsoft<br>Corp. #39;s monthly patch<br>release cycle may be making it<br>more predictable for users to<br>deploy software updates, but<br>there appears to be little<br>letup in the number of holes<br>being discovered in the<br>company #39;s software"
"Wearable tech goes mainstream<br>as the Gap introduces jacket<br>with built-in radio.\\"
"Madison, WI (Sports Network) -<br>Anthony Davis ran for 122<br>yards and two touchdowns to<br>lead No. 6 Wisconsin over<br>Northwestern, 24-12, to<br>celebrate Homecoming weekend<br>at Camp Randall Stadium."
"LaVar Arrington participated<br>in his first practice since<br>Oct. 25, when he aggravated a<br>knee injury that sidelined him<br>for 10 games."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billie<br>Jean King cut her final tie<br>with the U.S. Fed Cup team<br>Tuesday when she retired as<br>coach."
"The Instinet Group, owner of<br>one of the largest electronic<br>stock trading systems, is for<br>sale, executives briefed on<br>the plan say."
"Funding round of \\$105 million<br>brings broadband Internet<br>telephony company's total haul<br>to \\$208 million."
"The Miami Dolphins arrived for<br>their final exhibition game<br>last night in New Orleans<br>short nine players."
" - Anthony<br>Casalena was 17 when he got<br>his first job as a programmer<br>for a start-up called<br>HyperOffice, a software<br>company that makes e-mail and<br>contact management<br>applications for the Web.<br>Hired as an intern, he became<br>a regular programmer after two<br>weeks and rewrote the main<br>product line."
"The Auburn Hills-based<br>Chrysler Group made a profit<br>of \\$269 million in the third<br>quarter, even though worldwide<br>sales and revenues declined,<br>contributing to a \\$1."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- UAL<br>Corp., parent of United<br>Airlines, said Wednesday it<br>will overhaul its route<br>structure to reduce costs and<br>offset rising fuel costs."
" NAIROBI (Reuters) - The<br>Sudanese government and its<br>southern rebel opponents have<br>agreed to sign a pledge in the<br>Kenyan capital on Friday to<br>formally end a brutal 21-year-<br>old civil war, with U.N.<br>Security Council ambassadors<br>as witnesses."
"AP - From LSU at No. 1 to Ohio<br>State at No. 10, The AP<br>women's basketball poll had no<br>changes Monday."
"nother stage victory for race<br>leader Petter Solberg, his<br>fifth since the start of the<br>rally. The Subaru driver is<br>not pulling away at a fast<br>pace from Gronholm and Loeb<br>but the gap is nonetheless<br>increasing steadily."
"The fossilized neck bones of a<br>230-million-year-old sea<br>creature have features<br>suggesting that the animal<br>#39;s snakelike throat could<br>flare open and create suction<br>that would pull in prey."
"IBM late on Tuesday announced<br>the biggest update of its<br>popular WebSphere business<br>software in two years, adding<br>features such as automatically<br>detecting and fixing problems."
"April 1980 -- Players strike<br>the last eight days of spring<br>training. Ninety-two<br>exhibition games are canceled.<br>June 1981 -- Players stage<br>first midseason strike in<br>history."
"AP - Former Guatemalan<br>President Alfonso Portillo<br>#151; suspected of corruption<br>at home #151; is living and<br>working part-time in the same<br>Mexican city he fled two<br>decades ago to avoid arrest on<br>murder charges, his close<br>associates told The Associated<br>Press on Sunday."
"AP - British entrepreneur<br>Richard Branson said Monday<br>that his company plans to<br>launch commercial space<br>flights over the next few<br>years."
"Annual economic growth in<br>China has slowed for the third<br>quarter in a row, falling to<br>9.1 per cent, third-quarter<br>data shows. The slowdown shows<br>the economy is responding to<br>Beijing #39;s efforts to rein<br>in break-neck investment and<br>lending."
" - BRUSSELS,<br>Aug. 26 -- The United States<br>will have to wait until next<br>year to see its fight with the<br>European Union over biotech<br>foods resolved, as the World<br>Trade Organization agreed to<br>an E.U. request to bring<br>scientists into the debate,<br>officials said Thursday."
"A group of Internet security<br>and instant messaging<br>providers have teamed up to<br>detect and thwart the growing<br>threat of IM and peer-to-peer<br>viruses and worms, they said<br>this week."
"On Sunday, the day after Ohio<br>State dropped to 0-3 in the<br>Big Ten with a 33-7 loss at<br>Iowa, the Columbus Dispatch<br>ran a single word above its<br>game story on the Buckeyes:<br>quot;Embarrassing."
"Insisting that Hurriyat<br>Conference is the real<br>representative of Kashmiris,<br>Pakistan has claimed that<br>India is not ready to accept<br>ground realities in Kashmir."
"THE All-India Motor Transport<br>Congress (AIMTC) on Saturday<br>called off its seven-day<br>strike after finalising an<br>agreement with the Government<br>on the contentious issue of<br>service tax and the various<br>demands including tax deducted<br>at source (TDS), scrapping"
"BOSTON - Curt Schilling got<br>his 20th win on the eve of<br>Boston #39;s big series with<br>the New York Yankees. Now he<br>wants much more. quot;In a<br>couple of weeks, hopefully, it<br>will get a lot better, quot;<br>he said after becoming"
"Shooed the ghosts of the<br>Bambino and the Iron Horse and<br>the Yankee Clipper and the<br>Mighty Mick, on his 73rd<br>birthday, no less, and turned<br>Yankee Stadium into a morgue."
"Gold medal-winning Marlon<br>Devonish says the men #39;s<br>4x100m Olympic relay triumph<br>puts British sprinting back on<br>the map. Devonish, Darren<br>Campbell, Jason Gardener and<br>Mark Lewis-Francis edged out<br>the American"
"AP - The euro-zone economy<br>grew by 0.5 percent in the<br>second quarter of 2004, a<br>touch slower than in the first<br>three months of the year,<br>according to initial estimates<br>released Tuesday by the<br>European Union."
"His first space flight was in<br>1965 when he piloted the first<br>manned Gemini mission. Later<br>he made two trips to the moon<br>-- orbiting during a 1969<br>flight and then walking on the<br>lunar surface during a mission<br>in 1972."
"he difficult road conditions<br>created a few incidents in the<br>first run of the Epynt stage.<br>Francois Duval takes his<br>second stage victory since the<br>start of the rally, nine<br>tenths better than Sebastien<br>Loeb #39;s performance in<br>second position."
"VIENNA -- After two years of<br>investigating Iran's atomic<br>program, the UN nuclear<br>watchdog still cannot rule out<br>that Tehran has a secret atom<br>bomb project as Washington<br>insists, the agency's chief<br>said yesterday."
"By RACHEL KONRAD SAN<br>FRANCISCO (AP) -- EBay Inc.,<br>which has been aggressively<br>expanding in Asia, plans to<br>increase its stake in South<br>Korea's largest online auction<br>company. The Internet<br>auction giant said Tuesday<br>night that it would purchase<br>nearly 3 million publicly held<br>shares of Internet Auction<br>Co..."
"AFP - US Secretary of State<br>Colin Powell wrapped up a<br>three-nation tour of Asia<br>after winning pledges from<br>Japan, China and South Korea<br>to press North Korea to resume<br>stalled talks on its nuclear<br>weapons programs."
"Tallahassee, FL (Sports<br>Network) - Florida State head<br>coach Bobby Bowden has<br>suspended senior wide receiver<br>Craphonso Thorpe for the<br>Seminoles #39; game against<br>fellow Atlantic Coast<br>Conference member Duke on<br>Saturday."
"A few years ago, casinos<br>across the United States were<br>closing their poker rooms to<br>make space for more popular<br>and lucrative slot machines."
"CAIRO, Egypt An Egyptian<br>company says one of its four<br>workers who had been kidnapped<br>in Iraq has been freed. It<br>says it can #39;t give the<br>status of the others being<br>held hostage but says it is<br>quot;doing its best to secure<br>quot; their release."
"WASHINGTON -- Consumers were<br>tightfisted amid soaring<br>gasoline costs in August and<br>hurricane-related disruptions<br>last week sent applications<br>for jobless benefits to their<br>highest level in seven months."
"Talking kitchens and vanities.<br>Musical jump ropes and potty<br>seats. Blusterous miniature<br>leaf blowers and vacuum<br>cleaners -- almost as loud as<br>the real things."
"Online merchants in the United<br>States have become better at<br>weeding out fraudulent credit<br>card orders, a new survey<br>indicates. But shipping<br>overseas remains a risky<br>venture. By Joanna Glasner."
"Former champion Lleyton Hewitt<br>bristled, battled and<br>eventually blossomed as he<br>took another step towards a<br>second US Open title with a<br>second-round victory over<br>Moroccan Hicham Arazi on<br>Friday."
"AP - China's biggest computer<br>maker, Lenovo Group, said<br>Wednesday it has acquired a<br>majority stake in<br>International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s personal<br>computer business for<br>#36;1.75 billion, one of the<br>biggest Chinese overseas<br>acquisitions ever."
"Popping a gadget into a cradle<br>to recharge it used to mean<br>downtime, but these days<br>chargers are doing double<br>duty, keeping your portable<br>devices playing even when<br>they're charging."
"AFP - Hosts India braced<br>themselves for a harrowing<br>chase on a wearing wicket in<br>the first Test after Australia<br>declined to enforce the<br>follow-on here."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Texas Instruments Inc. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>XN.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/<br>fullquote\"&gt;TXN.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>the largest maker of chips for<br>cellular phones, on Monday<br>said record demand for its<br>handset and television chips<br>boosted quarterly profit by<br>26 percent, even as it<br>struggles with a nagging<br>inventory problem."
"LONDON ARM Holdings, a British<br>semiconductor designer, said<br>on Monday that it would buy<br>Artisan Components for \\$913<br>million to broaden its product<br>range."
"Big evolutionary insights<br>sometimes come in little<br>packages. Witness the<br>startling discovery, in a cave<br>on the eastern Indonesian<br>island of Flores, of the<br>partial skeleton of a half-<br>size Homo species that"
"Prime Minister Paul Martin of<br>Canada urged Haitian leaders<br>on Sunday to allow the<br>political party of the deposed<br>president, Jean-Bertrand<br>Aristide, to take part in new<br>elections."
"Hostage takers holding up to<br>240 people at a school in<br>southern Russia have refused<br>to talk with a top Islamic<br>leader and demanded to meet<br>with regional leaders instead,<br>ITAR-TASS reported on<br>Wednesday."
"As the Mets round out their<br>search for a new manager, the<br>club is giving a last-minute<br>nod to its past. Wally<br>Backman, an infielder for the<br>Mets from 1980-88 who played<br>second base on the 1986"
"MELBOURNE: Global shopping<br>mall owner Westfield Group<br>will team up with Australian<br>developer Multiplex Group to<br>bid 585mil (US\\$1."
"Three children from a care<br>home are missing on the<br>Lancashire moors after they<br>are separated from a group."
"Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader<br>may get all the glory, but a<br>new Star Wars video game<br>finally gives credit to the<br>everyday grunts who couldn<br>#39;t summon the Force for<br>help."
"AMSTERDAM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Midfielder Edgar Davids #39;s<br>leadership qualities and<br>never-say-die attitude have<br>earned him the captaincy of<br>the Netherlands under new<br>coach Marco van Basten."
"COUNTY KILKENNY, Ireland (PA)<br>-- Hurricane Jeanne has led to<br>world No. 1 Vijay Singh<br>pulling out of this week #39;s<br>WGC-American Express<br>Championship at Mount Juliet."
"Green Bay, WI (Sports Network)<br>- The Green Bay Packers will<br>be without the services of Pro<br>Bowl center Mike Flanagan for<br>the remainder of the season,<br>as he will undergo left knee<br>surgery."
"Diabetics should test their<br>blood sugar levels more<br>regularly to reduce the risk<br>of cardiovascular disease, a<br>study says."
"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- NCAA<br>investigators will return to<br>Ohio State University Monday<br>to take another look at the<br>football program after the<br>latest round of allegations<br>made by former players,<br>according to the Akron Beacon<br>Journal."
" LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -<br>Federal authorities raided<br>three Washington, D.C.-area<br>video game stores and arrested<br>two people for modifying<br>video game consoles to play<br>pirated video games, a video<br>game industry group said on<br>Wednesday."
"Manchester United gave Alex<br>Ferguson a 1,000th game<br>anniversary present by<br>reaching the last 16 of the<br>Champions League yesterday,<br>while four-time winners Bayern<br>Munich romped into the second<br>round with a 5-1 beating of<br>Maccabi Tel Aviv."
"Iraq's interim Prime Minister<br>Ayad Allawi announced that<br>proceedings would begin<br>against former Baath Party<br>leaders."
"Reuters - Delta Air Lines Inc.<br>, which is\\racing to cut costs<br>to avoid bankruptcy, on<br>Wednesday reported\\a wider<br>quarterly loss amid soaring<br>fuel prices and weak\\domestic<br>airfares."
"Energy utility TXU Corp. on<br>Monday more than quadrupled<br>its quarterly dividend payment<br>and raised its projected<br>earnings for 2004 and 2005<br>after a companywide<br>performance review."
"Northwest Airlines Corp., the<br>fourth- largest US airline,<br>and its pilots union reached<br>tentative agreement on a<br>contract that would cut pay<br>and benefits, saving the<br>company \\$265 million a year."
"The last time the Angels<br>played the Texas Rangers, they<br>dropped two consecutive<br>shutouts at home in their most<br>agonizing lost weekend of the<br>season."
"Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O and<br>cable television provider<br>Comcast Corp. CMCSA.O said on<br>Monday that they would begin<br>deploying set-top boxes<br>powered by Microsoft software<br>starting next week."
"SEATTLE - Chasing a nearly<br>forgotten ghost of the game,<br>Ichiro Suzuki broke one of<br>baseball #39;s oldest records<br>Friday night, smoking a single<br>up the middle for his 258th<br>hit of the year and breaking<br>George Sisler #39;s record for<br>the most hits in a season"
"Grace Park, her caddie - and<br>fans - were poking around in<br>the desert brush alongside the<br>18th fairway desperately<br>looking for her ball."
"Philippines mobile phone<br>operator Smart Communications<br>Inc. is in talks with<br>Singapore #39;s Mobile One for<br>a possible tie-up,<br>BusinessWorld reported Monday."
"Washington Redskins kicker<br>John Hall strained his right<br>groin during practice<br>Thursday, his third leg injury<br>of the season. Hall will be<br>held out of practice Friday<br>and is questionable for Sunday<br>#39;s game against the Chicago<br>Bears."
"Airline warns it may file for<br>bankruptcy if too many senior<br>pilots take early retirement<br>option. Delta Air LInes #39;<br>CEO says it faces bankruptcy<br>if it can #39;t slow the pace<br>of pilots taking early<br>retirement."
"A toxic batch of home-brewed<br>alcohol has killed 31 people<br>in several towns in central<br>Pakistan, police and hospital<br>officials say."
"Thornbugs communicate by<br>vibrating the branches they<br>live on. Now scientists are<br>discovering just what the bugs<br>are \"saying.\""
"The Florida Gators and<br>Arkansas Razorbacks meet for<br>just the sixth time Saturday.<br>The Gators hold a 4-1<br>advantage in the previous five<br>meetings, including last year<br>#39;s 33-28 win."
"Kodak Versamark #39;s parent<br>company, Eastman Kodak Co.,<br>reported Tuesday it plans to<br>eliminate almost 900 jobs this<br>year in a restructuring of its<br>overseas operations."
"A top official of the US Food<br>and Drug Administration said<br>Friday that he and his<br>colleagues quot;categorically<br>reject quot; earlier<br>Congressional testimony that<br>the agency has failed to<br>protect the public against<br>dangerous drugs."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - North<br>Korea is committed to holding<br>six-party talks aimed at<br>resolving the crisis over its<br>nuclear weapons program, but<br>has not indicated when, a top<br>British official said on<br>Tuesday."
"AP - 1941 #151; Brooklyn<br>catcher Mickey Owen dropped a<br>third strike on Tommy Henrich<br>of what would have been the<br>last out of a Dodgers victory<br>against the New York Yankees.<br>Given the second chance, the<br>Yankees scored four runs for a<br>7-4 victory and a 3-1 lead in<br>the World Series, which they<br>ended up winning."
"Federal prosecutors cracked a<br>global cartel that had<br>illegally fixed prices of<br>memory chips in personal<br>computers and servers for<br>three years."
"AP - Oracle Corp. CEO Larry<br>Ellison reiterated his<br>determination to prevail in a<br>long-running takeover battle<br>with rival business software<br>maker PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>predicting the proposed deal<br>will create a more competitive<br>company with improved customer<br>service."
"Braves shortstop Rafael Furcal<br>was arrested on drunken<br>driving charges Friday, his<br>second D.U.I. arrest in four<br>years."
"AFP - British retailer Marks<br>and Spencer announced a major<br>management shake-up as part of<br>efforts to revive its<br>fortunes, saying trading has<br>become tougher ahead of the<br>crucial Christmas period."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>interim government extended<br>the closure of Baghdad<br>international airport<br>indefinitely on Saturday<br>under emergency rule imposed<br>ahead of this week's U.S.-led<br>offensive on Falluja."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Natalie<br>Coughlin's run of bad luck<br>finally took a turn for the<br>better when she won the gold<br>medal in the women's 100<br>meters backstroke at the<br>Athens Olympics Monday."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Home<br>Depot Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=HD.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;HD.N&lt;/A&gt;, the top home<br>improvement retailer, on<br>Tuesday reported a 15 percent<br>rise in third-quarter profit,<br>topping estimates, aided by<br>installed services and sales<br>to contractors."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fought back from one-month<br>lows against the euro and<br>Swiss franc on Wednesday as<br>investors viewed its sell-off<br>in the wake of the Federal<br>Reserve's verdict on interest<br>rates as overdone."
"Rivaling Bush vs. Kerry for<br>bitterness, doctors and trial<br>lawyers are squaring off this<br>fall in an unprecedented four-<br>state struggle over limiting<br>malpractice awards..."
"Boston Scientific Corp said on<br>Friday it has recalled an ear<br>implant the company acquired<br>as part of its purchase of<br>Advanced Bionics in June."
"AP - Pedro Feliz hit a<br>tiebreaking grand slam with<br>two outs in the eighth inning<br>for his fourth hit of the day,<br>and the Giants helped their<br>playoff chances with a 9-5<br>victory over the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers on Saturday."
" Richemont<br>sees significant H1 lift,<br>unclear on FY (2:53 AM ET)<br>LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Swiss<br>luxury goods maker<br>Richemont(zz:ZZ:001273145:<br>news, chart, profile), which<br>also is a significant"
"Crude oil climbed more than<br>\\$1 in New York on the re-<br>election of President George<br>W. Bush, who has been filling<br>the US Strategic Petroleum<br>Reserve."
"AP - Hundreds of tribesmen<br>gathered Tuesday near the area<br>where suspected al-Qaida-<br>linked militants are holding<br>two Chinese engineers and<br>demanding safe passage to<br>their reputed leader, a former<br>U.S. prisoner from Guantanamo<br>Bay, Cuba, officials and<br>residents said."
"AP - Scientists warned Tuesday<br>that a long-term increase in<br>global temperature of 3.5<br>degrees could threaten Latin<br>American water supplies,<br>reduce food yields in Asia and<br>result in a rise in extreme<br>weather conditions in the<br>Caribbean."
"AP - Further proof New York's<br>real estate market is<br>inflated: The city plans to<br>sell space on top of lampposts<br>to wireless phone companies<br>for #36;21.6 million a year."
"In an alarming development,<br>high-precision equipment and<br>materials which could be used<br>for making nuclear bombs have<br>disappeared from some Iraqi<br>facilities, the United Nations<br>watchdog agency has said."
"Yukos #39; largest oil-<br>producing unit regained power<br>supplies from Tyumenenergo, a<br>Siberia-based electricity<br>generator, Friday after the<br>subsidiary pledged to pay 440<br>million rubles (\\$15 million)<br>in debt by Oct. 3."
"The rollout of new servers and<br>networking switches in stores<br>is part of a five-year<br>agreement supporting 7-Eleven<br>#39;s Retail Information<br>System."
"Top Hollywood studios have<br>launched a wave of court cases<br>against internet users who<br>illegally download film files.<br>The Motion Picture Association<br>of America, which acts as the<br>representative of major film"
"AUSTRALIANS went into a<br>television-buying frenzy the<br>run-up to the Athens Olympics,<br>suggesting that as a nation we<br>could easily have scored a<br>gold medal for TV purchasing."
"US STOCKS vacillated yesterday<br>as rising oil prices muted<br>Wall Streets excitement over<br>strong results from Lehman<br>Brothers and Sprints \\$35<br>billion acquisition of Nextel<br>Communications."
"The next time you are in your<br>bedroom with your PC plus<br>Webcam switched on, don #39;t<br>think that your privacy is all<br>intact. If you have a Webcam<br>plugged into an infected<br>computer, there is a<br>possibility that"
"At the head of the class,<br>Rosabeth Moss Kanter is an<br>intellectual whirlwind: loud,<br>expansive, in constant motion."
"LEVERKUSEN/ROME, Dec 7 (SW) -<br>Dynamo Kiev, Bayer Leverkusen,<br>and Real Madrid all have a<br>good chance of qualifying for<br>the Champions League Round of<br>16 if they can get the right<br>results in Group F on<br>Wednesday night."
"Ed Hinkel made a diving,<br>fingertip catch for a key<br>touchdown and No. 16 Iowa<br>stiffened on defense when it<br>needed to most to beat Iowa<br>State 17-10 Saturday."
"During last Sunday #39;s<br>Nextel Cup race, amid the<br>ongoing furor over Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. #39;s salty<br>language, NBC ran a commercial<br>for a show coming on later<br>that night called quot;Law<br>amp; Order: Criminal Intent."
"AP - After playing in hail,<br>fog and chill, top-ranked<br>Southern California finishes<br>its season in familiar<br>comfort. The Trojans (9-0, 6-0<br>Pacific-10) have two games at<br>home #151; against Arizona on<br>Saturday and Notre Dame on<br>Nov. 27 #151; before their<br>rivalry game at UCLA."
"A US airman dies and two are<br>hurt as a helicopter crashes<br>due to technical problems in<br>western Afghanistan."
"Jacques Chirac has ruled out<br>any withdrawal of French<br>troops from Ivory Coast,<br>despite unrest and anti-French<br>attacks, which have forced the<br>evacuation of thousands of<br>Westerners."
"Japanese Prime Minister<br>Junichiro Koizumi reshuffled<br>his cabinet yesterday,<br>replacing several top<br>ministers in an effort to<br>boost his popularity,<br>consolidate political support<br>and quicken the pace of<br>reforms in the world #39;s<br>second-largest economy."
"The remnants of Hurricane<br>Jeanne rained out Monday's<br>game between the Mets and the<br>Atlanta Braves. It will be<br>made up Tuesday as part of a<br>doubleheader."
"AP - NASCAR is not expecting<br>any immediate changes to its<br>top-tier racing series<br>following the merger between<br>telecommunications giant<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc."
"AP - Shawn Fanning's Napster<br>software enabled countless<br>music fans to swap songs on<br>the Internet for free, turning<br>him into the recording<br>industry's enemy No. 1 in the<br>process."
"TBILISI (Reuters) - At least<br>two Georgian soldiers were<br>killed and five wounded in<br>artillery fire with<br>separatists in the breakaway<br>region of South Ossetia,<br>Georgian officials said on<br>Wednesday."
"Like wide-open races? You<br>#39;ll love the Big 12 North.<br>Here #39;s a quick morning<br>line of the Big 12 North as it<br>opens conference play this<br>weekend."
"Reuters - Walt Disney Co.<br>is\\increasing investment in<br>video games for hand-held<br>devices and\\plans to look for<br>acquisitions of small game<br>publishers and\\developers,<br>Disney consumer products<br>Chairman Andy Mooney said\\on<br>Monday."
"Taquan Dean scored 22 points,<br>Francisco Garcia added 19 and<br>No. 13 Louisville withstood a<br>late rally to beat Florida<br>74-70 Saturday."
"BANGKOK - A UN conference last<br>week banned commercial trade<br>in the rare Irrawaddy dolphin,<br>a move environmentalists said<br>was needed to save the<br>threatened species."
"Laksamana.Net - Two Indonesian<br>female migrant workers freed<br>by militants in Iraq are<br>expected to arrive home within<br>a day or two, the Foreign<br>Affairs Ministry said<br>Wednesday (6/10/04)."
"A bitter row between America<br>and the European Union over<br>alleged subsidies to rival<br>aircraft makers Boeing and<br>Airbus intensified yesterday."
"PC World - Updated antivirus<br>software for businesses adds<br>intrusion prevention features."
"NEW YORK -- This was all about<br>Athens, about redemption for<br>one and validation for the<br>other. Britain's Paula<br>Radcliffe, the fastest female<br>marathoner in history, failed<br>to finish either of her<br>Olympic races last summer.<br>South Africa's Hendrik Ramaala<br>was a five-ringed dropout,<br>too, reinforcing his<br>reputation as a man who could<br>go only half the distance."
"Reuters - Online media company<br>Yahoo Inc.\\ late on Monday<br>rolled out tests of redesigned<br>start\\pages for its popular<br> and<br>sites."
"Amsterdam (pts) - Dutch<br>electronics company Philips<br> has<br>announced today, Friday, that<br>it has cut its stake in Atos<br>Origin by more than a half."
"TORONTO (CP) - Two-thirds of<br>banks around the world have<br>reported an increase in the<br>volume of suspicious<br>activities that they report to<br>police, a new report by KPMG<br>suggests."
"The Sun may have captured<br>thousands or even millions of<br>asteroids from another<br>planetary system during an<br>encounter more than four<br>billion years ago, astronomers<br>are reporting."
"LONDON -- Ernie Els has set<br>his sights on an improved<br>putting display this week at<br>the World Golf Championships<br>#39; NEC Invitational in<br>Akron, Ohio, after the<br>disappointment of tying for<br>fourth place at the PGA<br>Championship last Sunday."
"The Atkins diet frenzy slowed<br>growth briefly, but the<br>sandwich business is booming,<br>with \\$105 billion in sales<br>last year."
"Luxury carmaker Jaguar said<br>Friday it was stopping<br>production at a factory in<br>central England, resulting in<br>a loss of 1,100 jobs,<br>following poor sales in the<br>key US market."
"A bus was hijacked today and<br>shots were fired at police who<br>surrounded it on the outskirts<br>of Athens. Police did not know<br>how many passengers were<br>aboard the bus."
"Thumb through the book - then<br>buy a clean copy from Amazon"
"AP - President Bashar Assad<br>shuffled his Cabinet on<br>Monday, just weeks after the<br>United States and the United<br>Nations challenged Syria over<br>its military presence in<br>Lebanon and the security<br>situation along its border<br>with Iraq."
"Fiji #39;s Vijay Singh<br>replaced Tiger Woods as the<br>world #39;s No.1 ranked golfer<br>today by winning the PGA<br>Deutsche Bank Championship."
"LEIPZIG, Germany : Jurgen<br>Klinsmann enjoyed his first<br>home win as German manager<br>with his team defeating ten-<br>man Cameroon 3-0 in a friendly<br>match."
"AP - Kevin Brown had a chance<br>to claim a place in Yankees<br>postseason history with his<br>start in Game 7 of the AL<br>championship series."
"Reuters - High-definition<br>television can\\show the sweat<br>beading on an athlete's brow,<br>but the cost of\\all the<br>necessary electronic equipment<br>can get a shopper's own\\pulse<br>racing."
"HOMESTEAD, Fla. -- Kurt Busch<br>got his first big break in<br>NASCAR by winning a 1999<br>talent audition nicknamed<br>quot;The Gong Show. quot; He<br>was selected from dozens of<br>unknown, young race drivers to<br>work for one of the sport<br>#39;s most famous team owners,<br>Jack Roush."
"AP - President Vladimir Putin<br>has signed a bill confirming<br>Russia's ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol, the Kremlin<br>said Friday, clearing the way<br>for the global climate pact to<br>come into force early next<br>year."
"John Gibson said Friday that<br>he decided to resign as chief<br>executive officer of<br>Halliburton Energy Services<br>when it became apparent he<br>couldn #39;t become the CEO of<br>the entire corporation, after<br>getting a taste of the No."
"MacCentral - Apple Computer<br>Inc. on Monday released an<br>update for Apple Remote<br>Desktop (ARD), the company's<br>software solution to assist<br>Mac system administrators and<br>computer managers with asset<br>management, software<br>distribution and help desk<br>support. ARD 2.1 includes<br>several enhancements and bug<br>fixes."
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Outback<br>Steakhouse Inc. said Tuesday<br>it lost about 130 operating<br>days and up to \\$2 million in<br>revenue because it had to<br>close some restaurants in the<br>South due to Hurricane<br>Charley."
"State insurance commissioners<br>from across the country have<br>proposed new rules governing<br>insurance brokerage fees,<br>winning praise from an<br>industry group and criticism<br>from"
"AP - The authenticity of newly<br>unearthed memos stating that<br>George W. Bush failed to meet<br>standards of the Texas Air<br>National Guard during the<br>Vietnam War was questioned<br>Thursday by the son of the<br>late officer who reportedly<br>wrote the memos."
"Zurich, Switzerland (Sports<br>Network) - Former world No. 1<br>Venus Williams advanced on<br>Thursday and will now meet<br>Wimbledon champion Maria<br>Sharapova in the quarterfinals<br>at the \\$1."
"INDIA #39;S cricket chiefs<br>began a frenetic search today<br>for a broadcaster to show next<br>month #39;s home series<br>against world champion<br>Australia after cancelling a<br>controversial \\$US308 million<br>(\\$440 million) television<br>deal."
"Canadian Press - OAKVILLE,<br>Ont. (CP) - The body of a<br>missing autistic man was<br>pulled from a creek Monday,<br>just metres from where a key<br>piece of evidence was<br>uncovered but originally<br>overlooked because searchers<br>had the wrong information."
"SOFTWARE giant Oracle #39;s<br>stalled \\$7.7bn (4.2bn) bid to<br>take over competitor<br>PeopleSoft has received a huge<br>boost after a US judge threw<br>out an anti-trust lawsuit<br>filed by the Department of<br>Justice to block the<br>acquisition."
"The International Olympic<br>Committee (IOC) has urged<br>Beijing to ensure the city is<br>ready to host the 2008 Games<br>well in advance, an official<br>said on Wednesday."
"AFP - German Chancellor<br>Gerhard Schroeder arrived in<br>Libya for an official visit<br>during which he is to hold<br>talks with Libyan leader<br>Moamer Kadhafi."
"The fastest-swiveling space<br>science observatory ever built<br>rocketed into orbit on<br>Saturday to scan the universe<br>for celestial explosions."
"The government will examine<br>claims 100,000 Iraqi civilians<br>have been killed since the US-<br>led invasion, Jack Straw says."
"Virginia Tech scores 24 points<br>off four first-half turnovers<br>in a 55-6 wipeout of Maryland<br>on Thursday to remain alone<br>atop the ACC."
"Copernic Unleashes Desktop<br>Search Tool\\\\Copernic<br>Technologies Inc. today<br>announced Copernic Desktop<br>Search(TM) (CDS(TM)), \"The<br>Search Engine For Your PC<br>(TM).\" Copernic has used the<br>experience gained from over 30<br>million downloads of its<br>Windows-based Web search<br>software to develop CDS, a<br>desktop search product that<br>users are saying is far ..."
"The DVD Forum moved a step<br>further toward the advent of<br>HD DVD media and drives with<br>the approval of key physical<br>specifications at a meeting of<br>the organisations steering<br>committee last week."
"Eton College and Clarence<br>House joined forces yesterday<br>to deny allegations due to be<br>made at an employment tribunal<br>today by a former art teacher<br>that she improperly helped<br>Prince Harry secure an A-level<br>pass in art two years ago."
"AFP - Great Britain's chances<br>of qualifying for the World<br>Group of the Davis Cup were<br>evaporating rapidly after<br>Austria moved into a 2-1 lead<br>following the doubles."
"AP - Martina Navratilova's<br>long, illustrious career will<br>end without an Olympic medal.<br>The 47-year-old Navratilova<br>and Lisa Raymond lost 6-4,<br>4-6, 6-4 on Thursday night to<br>fifth-seeded Shinobu Asagoe<br>and Ai Sugiyama of Japan in<br>the quarterfinals, one step<br>shy of the medal round."
"Often pigeonholed as just a<br>seller of televisions and DVD<br>players, Royal Philips<br>Electronics said third-quarter<br>profit surged despite a slide<br>into the red by its consumer<br>electronics division."
"AP - Google, the Internet<br>search engine, has done<br>something that law enforcement<br>officials and their computer<br>tools could not: Identify a<br>man who died in an apparent<br>hit-and-run accident 11 years<br>ago in this small town outside<br>Yakima."
"We are all used to IE getting<br>a monthly new security bug<br>found, but Winamp? In fact,<br>this is not the first security<br>flaw found in the application."
"The Apache Software Foundation<br>and the Debian Project said<br>they won't support the Sender<br>ID e-mail authentication<br>standard in their products."
" - The newly<br>restored THX 1138 arrives on<br>DVD today with Star Wars<br>creator George Lucas' vision<br>of a Brave New World-like<br>future."
"Office Depot Inc. (ODP.N:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Tuesday warned of weaker-than-<br>expected profits for the rest<br>of the year because of<br>disruptions from the string of<br>hurricanes"
"THE photo-equipment maker<br>Kodak yesterday announced<br>plans to axe 600 jobs in the<br>UK and close a factory in<br>Nottinghamshire, in a move in<br>line with the giants global<br>restructuring strategy<br>unveiled last January."
"The chances of scientists<br>making any one of five<br>discoveries by 2010 have been<br>hugely underestimated,<br>according to bookmakers."
"Asia-Pacific leaders meet in<br>Australia to discuss how to<br>keep nuclear weapons out of<br>the hands of extremists."
" TALL AFAR, Iraq -- A three-<br>foot-high coil of razor wire,<br>21-ton armored vehicles and<br>American soldiers with black<br>M-4 assault rifles stood<br>between tens of thousands of<br>people and their homes last<br>week."
"PSV Eindhoven re-established<br>their five-point lead at the<br>top of the Dutch Eredivisie<br>today with a 2-0 win at<br>Vitesse Arnhem. Former<br>Sheffield Wednesday striker<br>Gerald Sibon put PSV ahead in<br>the 56th minute"
"China's central bank on<br>Thursday raised interest rates<br>for the first time in nearly a<br>decade, signaling deepening<br>unease with the breakneck pace<br>of development and an intent<br>to reign in a construction<br>boom now sowing fears of<br>runaway inflation."
"Deepening its commitment to<br>help corporate users create<br>SOAs (service-oriented<br>architectures) through the use<br>of Web services, IBM's Global<br>Services unit on Thursday<br>announced the formation of an<br>SOA Management Practice."
"TODAY AUTO RACING 3 p.m. --<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Sylvania 300<br>qualifying at N.H.<br>International Speedway,<br>Loudon, N.H., TNT PRO BASEBALL<br>7 p.m. -- Red Sox at New York<br>Yankees, Ch. 38, WEEI (850)<br>(on cable systems where Ch. 38<br>is not available, the game<br>will air on NESN); Chicago<br>Cubs at Cincinnati, ESPN 6<br>p.m. -- Eastern League finals:<br>..."
"MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 21: The<br>Board of Control for Cricket<br>in India (BCCI) today informed<br>the Bombay High Court that it<br>was cancelling the entire<br>tender process regarding<br>cricket telecast rights as<br>also the conditional deal with<br>Zee TV."
"CHICAGO - Delta Air Lines<br>(DAL) said Wednesday it plans<br>to eliminate between 6,000 and<br>6,900 jobs during the next 18<br>months, implement a 10 across-<br>the-board pay reduction and<br>reduce employee benefits."
"LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. - Even<br>though he's facing double hip<br>replacement surgery, Bill<br>Smith is more than happy to<br>struggle out the door each<br>morning, limp past his brand<br>new P.T..."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks were likely to open<br>flat on Wednesday, with high<br>oil prices and profit warnings<br>weighing on the market before<br>earnings reports start and key<br>jobs data is released this<br>week."
"Best known for its popular<br>search engine, Google is<br>rapidly rolling out new<br>products and muscling into<br>Microsoft's stronghold: the<br>computer desktop. The<br>competition means consumers<br>get more choices and better<br>products."
"Toshiba Corp. #39;s new<br>desktop-replacement multimedia<br>notebooks, introduced on<br>Tuesday, are further evidence<br>that US consumers still have<br>yet to embrace the mobility<br>offered by Intel Corp."
"JEJU, South Korea : Grace Park<br>of South Korea won an LPGA<br>Tour tournament, firing a<br>seven-under-par 65 in the<br>final round of the<br>1.35-million dollar CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>poured cold water on Tuesday<br>on recent international<br>efforts to restart stalled<br>peace talks with Syria, saying<br>there was \"no possibility\" of<br>returning to previous<br>discussions."
"Dutch smugness was slapped<br>hard during the past<br>fortnight. The rude awakening<br>began with the barbaric<br>slaying of controversial<br>filmmaker Theo van Gogh on<br>November 2. Then followed a<br>reciprocal cycle of some"
"AP - The NHL will lock out its<br>players Thursday, starting a<br>work stoppage that threatens<br>to keep the sport off the ice<br>for the entire 2004-05 season."
" MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's<br>Gazprom said on Tuesday it<br>will bid for embattled oil<br>firm YUKOS' main unit next<br>month, as the Kremlin seeks<br>to turn the world's biggest<br>gas producer into a major oil<br>player."
"pee writes quot;A passenger<br>on a commuter plane in<br>northern Norway attacked both<br>pilots and at least one<br>passenger with an axe as the<br>aircraft was coming in to<br>land."
"Aregular Amazon customer,<br>Yvette Thompson has found<br>shopping online to be mostly<br>convenient and trouble-free.<br>But last month, after ordering<br>two CDs on, the<br>Silver Spring reader<br>discovered on her bank<br>statement that she was double-<br>charged for the \\$26.98 order.<br>And there was a \\$25 charge<br>that was a mystery."
"Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>pledged Sunday to escalate a<br>broad Israeli offensive in<br>northern Gaza, saying troops<br>will remain until Palestinian<br>rocket attacks are halted.<br>Israeli officials said the<br>offensive -- in which 58<br>Palestinians and three<br>Israelis have been killed --<br>will help clear the way for an<br>Israeli withdrawal."
"Federal Reserve officials<br>raised a key short-term<br>interest rate Tuesday for the<br>fifth time this year, and<br>indicated they will gradually<br>move rates higher next year to<br>keep inflation under control<br>as the economy expands."
"Canadians are paying more to<br>borrow money for homes, cars<br>and other purchases today<br>after a quarter-point<br>interest-rate increase by the<br>Bank of Canada yesterday was<br>quickly matched by the<br>chartered banks."
"NEW YORK - Wall Street<br>professionals know to keep<br>their expectations in check in<br>September, historically the<br>worst month of the year for<br>stocks. As summertime draws to<br>a close, money managers are<br>getting back to business,<br>cleaning house, and often<br>sending the market lower in<br>the process..."
"A group linked to al Qaeda<br>ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said<br>it had tried to kill Iraq<br>#39;s environment minister on<br>Tuesday and warned it would<br>not miss next time, according<br>to an Internet statement."
"The Israeli military killed<br>four Palestinian militants on<br>Wednesday as troops in tanks<br>and armored vehicles pushed<br>into another town in the<br>northern Gaza Strip, extending"
"When Paula Radcliffe dropped<br>out of the Olympic marathon<br>miles from the finish, she<br>sobbed uncontrollably.<br>Margaret Okayo knew the<br>feeling."
"Delta Air Lines is to issue<br>millions of new shares without<br>shareholder consent as part of<br>moves to ensure its survival."
"First baseman Richie Sexson<br>agrees to a four-year contract<br>with the Seattle Mariners on<br>Wednesday."
"KIRKUK, Iraq - A suicide<br>attacker detonated a car bomb<br>Saturday outside a police<br>academy in the northern Iraqi<br>city of Kirkuk as hundreds of<br>trainees and civilians were<br>leaving for the day, killing<br>at least 20 people and<br>wounding 36, authorities said.<br>Separately, U.S and Iraqi<br>forces clashed with insurgents<br>in another part of northern<br>Iraq after launching an<br>operation to destroy an<br>alleged militant cell in the<br>town of Tal Afar, the U.S..."
"Genta (GNTA:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) is never boring!<br>Monday night, the company<br>announced that its phase III<br>Genasense study in chronic<br>lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) met<br>its primary endpoint, which<br>was tumor shrinkage."
"Finnish mobile giant Nokia has<br>described its new Preminet<br>solution, which it launched<br>Monday (Oct. 25), as a<br>quot;major worldwide<br>initiative."
"While the entire airline<br>industry #39;s finances are<br>under water, ATA Airlines will<br>have to hold its breath longer<br>than its competitors to keep<br>from going belly up."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - At<br>virtually every turn, Intel<br>Corp. executives are heaping<br>praise on an emerging long-<br>range wireless technology<br>known as WiMAX, which can<br>blanket entire cities with<br>high-speed Internet access."
"One day after ousting its<br>chief executive, the nation's<br>largest insurance broker said<br>it will tell clients exactly<br>how much they are paying for<br>services and renounce back-<br>door payments from carriers."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Outlining<br>an expectation for higher oil<br>prices and increasing demand,<br>Royal Dutch/Shell on Wednesday<br>said it #39;s lifting project<br>spending to \\$45 billion over<br>the next three years."
"Tuesday #39;s meeting could<br>hold clues to whether it<br>#39;ll be a November or<br>December pause in rate hikes.<br>By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money<br>senior writer."
"Phishing is one of the<br>fastest-growing forms of<br>personal fraud in the world.<br>While consumers are the most<br>obvious victims, the damage<br>spreads far wider--hurting<br>companies #39; finances and<br>reputations and potentially"
"Reuters - The U.S. Interior<br>Department on\\Friday gave<br>final approval to a plan by<br>ConocoPhillips and\\partner<br>Anadarko Petroleum Corp. to<br>develop five tracts around\\the<br>oil-rich Alpine field on<br>Alaska's North Slope."
"The dollar may fall against<br>the euro for a third week in<br>four on concern near-record<br>crude oil prices will temper<br>the pace of expansion in the<br>US economy, a survey by<br>Bloomberg News indicates."
"The battle for the British-<br>based Chelsfield plc hotted up<br>at the weekend, with reports<br>from London that the property<br>giant #39;s management was<br>working on its own bid to<br>thwart the 585 million (\\$A1."
"Atari has opened the initial<br>sign-up phase of the closed<br>beta for its Dungeons amp;<br>Dragons real-time-strategy<br>title, Dragonshard."
"AP - Many states are facing<br>legal challenges over possible<br>voting problems Nov. 2. A look<br>at some of the developments<br>Thursday:"
"Israeli troops withdrew from<br>the southern Gaza Strip town<br>of Khan Yunis on Tuesday<br>morning, following a 30-hour<br>operation that left 17<br>Palestinians dead."
"Notes and quotes from various<br>drivers following California<br>Speedway #39;s Pop Secret 500.<br>Jeff Gordon slipped to second<br>in points following an engine<br>failure while Jimmie Johnson<br>moved back into first."
"PM-designate Omar Karameh<br>forms a new 30-member cabinet<br>which includes women for the<br>first time."
"Bahrain #39;s king pardoned a<br>human rights activist who<br>convicted of inciting hatred<br>of the government and<br>sentenced to one year in<br>prison Sunday in a case linked<br>to criticism of the prime<br>minister."
"Big Blue adds features, beefs<br>up training efforts in China;<br>rival Unisys debuts new line<br>and pricing plan."
" MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Sports<br>Network) - The Memphis<br>Grizzlies signed All-Star<br>forward Pau Gasol to a multi-<br>year contract on Friday.<br>Terms of the deal were not<br>announced."
"Leaders from 38 Asian and<br>European nations are gathering<br>in Vietnam for a summit of the<br>Asia-Europe Meeting, know as<br>ASEM. One thousand delegates<br>are to discuss global trade<br>and regional politics during<br>the two-day forum."
"A US soldier has pleaded<br>guilty to murdering a wounded<br>16-year-old Iraqi boy. Staff<br>Sergeant Johnny Horne was<br>convicted Friday of the<br>unpremeditated murder"
"Andre Agassi brushed past<br>Jonas Bjorkman 6-3 6-4 at the<br>Stockholm Open on Thursday to<br>set up a quarter-final meeting<br>with Spanish sixth seed<br>Fernando Verdasco."
"South Korea's Hynix<br>Semiconductor Inc. and Swiss-<br>based STMicroelectronics NV<br>signed a joint-venture<br>agreement on Tuesday to<br>construct a memory chip<br>manufacturing plant in Wuxi,<br>about 100 kilometers west of<br>Shanghai, in China."
"SAN DIEGO --(Business Wire)--<br>Oct. 11, 2004 -- Breakthrough<br>PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne 8.11<br>Applications Enable<br>Manufacturers to Become<br>Demand-Driven."
"Reuters - Oil prices rose on<br>Friday as tight\\supplies of<br>distillate fuel, including<br>heating oil, ahead of\\the<br>northern hemisphere winter<br>spurred buying."
"Well, Intel did say -<br>dismissively of course - that<br>wasn #39;t going to try to<br>match AMD #39;s little dual-<br>core Opteron demo coup of last<br>week and show off a dual-core<br>Xeon at the Intel Developer<br>Forum this week and - as good<br>as its word - it didn #39;t."
"Guinea-Bissau #39;s army chief<br>of staff and former interim<br>president, General Verissimo<br>Correia Seabra, was killed<br>Wednesday during unrest by<br>mutinous soldiers in the<br>former Portuguese"
"31 October 2004 -- Exit polls<br>show that Prime Minister<br>Viktor Yanukovich and<br>challenger Viktor Yushchenko<br>finished on top in Ukraine<br>#39;s presidential election<br>today and will face each other<br>in a run-off next month."
"Nov. 18, 2004 - An FDA<br>scientist says the FDA, which<br>is charged with protecting<br>America #39;s prescription<br>drug supply, is incapable of<br>doing so."
"Rock singer Bono pledges to<br>spend the rest of his life<br>trying to eradicate extreme<br>poverty around the world."
"AP - Just when tourists<br>thought it was safe to go back<br>to the Princess Diana memorial<br>fountain, the mud has struck."
"The UK's inflation rate fell<br>in September, thanks in part<br>to a fall in the price of<br>airfares, increasing the<br>chance that interest rates<br>will be kept on hold."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - IBM is selling its<br>PC-making business to China's<br>largest personal computer<br>company, Lenovo Group Ltd.,<br>for \\$1.25 billion, marking<br>the U.S. firm's retreat from<br>an industry it helped pioneer<br>in 1981."
"AP - Three times a week, The<br>Associated Press picks an<br>issue and asks President Bush<br>and Democratic presidential<br>candidate John Kerry a<br>question about it. Today's<br>question and their responses:"
" BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston was<br>tingling with anticipation on<br>Saturday as the Red Sox<br>prepared to host Game One of<br>the World Series against the<br>St. Louis Cardinals and take a<br>step toward ridding<br>themselves of a hex that has<br>hung over the team for eight<br>decades."
"FOR the first time since his<br>appointment as Newcastle<br>United manager, Graeme Souness<br>has been required to display<br>the strong-arm disciplinary<br>qualities that, to Newcastle<br>directors, made"
"In an apparent damage control<br>exercise, Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin on Saturday<br>said he favored veto rights<br>for India as new permanent<br>member of the UN Security<br>Council."
"Nordstrom reported a strong<br>second-quarter profit as it<br>continued to select more<br>relevant inventory and sell<br>more items at full price."
"WHY IT HAPPENED Tom Coughlin<br>won his first game as Giants<br>coach and immediately<br>announced a fine amnesty for<br>all Giants. Just kidding."
"A second-place finish in his<br>first tournament since getting<br>married was good enough to<br>take Tiger Woods from third to<br>second in the world rankings."
" COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado<br>(Reuters) - World 400 meters<br>champion Jerome Young has been<br>given a lifetime ban from<br>athletics for a second doping<br>offense, the U.S. Anti-Doping<br>Agency (USADA) said Wednesday."
"AP - Nigeria's Senate has<br>ordered a subsidiary of<br>petroleum giant Royal/Dutch<br>Shell to pay a Nigerian ethnic<br>group #36;1.5 billion for oil<br>spills in their homelands, but<br>the legislative body can't<br>enforce the resolution, an<br>official said Wednesday."
"IT #39;S BEEN a heck of an<br>interesting two days here in<br>Iceland. I #39;ve seen some<br>interesting technology, heard<br>some inventive speeches and<br>met some people with different<br>ideas."
"The Bank of England is set to<br>keep interest rates on hold<br>following the latest meeting<br>of the its Monetary Policy<br>Committee."
"Australian troops in Baghdad<br>came under attack today for<br>the first time since the end<br>of the Iraq war when a car<br>bomb exploded injuring three<br>soldiers and damaging an<br>Australian armoured convoy."
"The Bush administration upheld<br>yesterday the imposition of<br>penalty tariffs on shrimp<br>imports from China and<br>Vietnam, handing a victory to<br>beleaguered US shrimp<br>producers."
"House prices rose 0.2 percent<br>in September compared with the<br>month before to stand up 17.8<br>percent on a year ago, the<br>Nationwide Building Society<br>says."
"Reuters - Two clients of<br>Germany's Postbank\\(DPBGn.DE)<br>fell for an e-mail fraud that<br>led them to reveal\\money<br>transfer codes to a bogus Web<br>site -- the first case of\\this<br>scam in German, prosecutors<br>said on Thursday."
"US spending on information<br>technology goods, services,<br>and staff will grow seven<br>percent in 2005 and continue<br>at a similar pace through<br>2008, according to a study<br>released Monday by Forrester<br>Research."
"LONDON - In two years, Arsenal<br>will play their home matches<br>in the Emirates stadium. That<br>is what their new stadium at<br>Ashburton Grove will be called<br>after the Premiership<br>champions yesterday agreed to<br>the"
"KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Jason<br>Campbell threw for 252 yards<br>and two touchdowns, and No. 8<br>Auburn proved itself as a<br>national title contender by<br>overwhelming No. 10 Tennessee,<br>34-10, last night."
"Look, Ma, no hands! The U.S.<br>space agency's latest<br>spacecraft can run an entire<br>mission by itself. By Amit<br>Asaravala."
"Pakistans decision to refuse<br>the International Atomic<br>Energy Agency to have direct<br>access to Dr AQ Khan is<br>correct on both legal and<br>political counts."
"MANILA, 4 December 2004 - With<br>floods receding, rescuers<br>raced to deliver food to<br>famished survivors in<br>northeastern Philippine<br>villages isolated by back-to-<br>back storms that left more<br>than 650 people dead and<br>almost 400 missing."
"Talks on where to build the<br>world #39;s first nuclear<br>fusion reactor ended without a<br>deal on Tuesday but the<br>European Union said Japan and<br>the United States no longer<br>firmly opposed its bid to put<br>the plant in France."
"Joining America Online,<br>EarthLink and Yahoo against<br>spamming, Microsoft Corp.<br>today announced the filing of<br>three new anti-Spam lawsuits<br>under the CAN-SPAM federal law<br>as part of its initiative in<br>solving the Spam problem for<br>Internet users worldwide."
"WASHINGTON -- Another<br>Revolution season concluded<br>with an overtime elimination.<br>Last night, the Revolution<br>thrice rallied from deficits<br>for a 3-3 tie with D.C. United<br>in the Eastern Conference<br>final, then lost in the first-<br>ever Major League Soccer match<br>decided by penalty kicks."
"Dwyane Wade calls himself a<br>quot;sidekick, quot; gladly<br>accepting the role Kobe Bryant<br>never wanted in Los Angeles.<br>And not only does second-year<br>Heat point"
"A nationwide inspection shows<br>Internet users are not as safe<br>online as they believe. The<br>inspections found most<br>consumers have no firewall<br>protection, outdated antivirus<br>software and dozens of spyware<br>programs secretly running on<br>their computers."
"World number one golfer Vijay<br>Singh of Fiji has captured his<br>eighth PGA Tour event of the<br>year with a win at the 84<br>Lumber Classic in Farmington,<br>Pennsylvania."
"The noise was deafening and<br>potentially unsettling in the<br>minutes before the start of<br>the men #39;s Olympic<br>200-meter final. The Olympic<br>Stadium crowd chanted<br>quot;Hellas!"
"CLEVELAND - The White House<br>said Vice President Dick<br>Cheney faces a \"master<br>litigator\" when he debates<br>Sen. John Edwards Tuesday<br>night, a backhanded compliment<br>issued as the Republican<br>administration defended itself<br>against criticism that it has<br>not acknowledged errors in<br>waging war in Iraq..."
"Brazilian forward Ronaldinho<br>scored a sensational goal for<br>Barcelona against Milan,<br>making for a last-gasp 2-1.<br>The 24-year-old #39;s<br>brilliant left-foot hit at the<br>Nou Camp Wednesday night sent<br>Barcelona atop of Group F."
"Nortel Networks says it will<br>again delay the release of its<br>restated financial results.<br>The Canadian telecom vendor<br>originally promised to release<br>the restated results in<br>September."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - At first<br>glance, paying \\$13 or \\$14<br>for a hard-wired Internet<br>laptop connection in a hotel<br>room might seem expensive."
"SEOUL (Reuters) - The chairman<br>of South Korea #39;s ruling<br>Uri Party resigned on Thursday<br>after saying his father had<br>served as a military police<br>officer during Japan #39;s<br>1910-1945 colonial rule on the<br>peninsula."
"ALERE, Uganda -- Kasmiro<br>Bongonyinge remembers sitting<br>up suddenly in his bed. It was<br>just after sunrise on a summer<br>morning two years ago, and the<br>old man, 87 years old and<br>blind, knew something was<br>wrong."
"Reuters - An investigation<br>into U.S. insurers\\and brokers<br>rattled insurance industry<br>stocks for a second day\\on<br>Friday as investors, shaken<br>further by subpoenas<br>delivered\\to the top U.S. life<br>insurer, struggled to gauge<br>how deep the\\probe might<br>reach."
"Bee Staff Writer. SANTA CLARA<br>- Andre Carter #39;s back<br>injury has kept him out of the<br>49ers #39; lineup since Week<br>1. It #39;s also interfering<br>with him rooting on his alma<br>mater in person."
"AP - Kellen Winslow Jr. ended<br>his second NFL holdout Friday."
"JAKARTA - Official results<br>have confirmed former army<br>general Susilo Bambang<br>Yudhoyono as the winner of<br>Indonesia #39;s first direct<br>presidential election, while<br>incumbent Megawati<br>Sukarnoputri urged her nation<br>Thursday to wait for the<br>official announcement"
"HOUSTON - With only a few<br>seconds left in a certain<br>victory for Miami, Peyton<br>Manning threw a meaningless<br>6-yard touchdown pass to<br>Marvin Harrison to cut the<br>score to 24-15."
"Reuters - A ragged band of<br>children\\emerges ghost-like<br>from mists in Ethiopia's<br>highlands,\\thrusting bunches<br>of carrots at a car full of<br>foreigners."
"DEADLY SCORER: Manchester<br>United #39;s Wayne Rooney<br>celebrating his three goals<br>against Fenerbahce this week<br>at Old Trafford. (AP)."
"AP - A U.N. human rights<br>expert criticized the U.S.-led<br>coalition forces in<br>Afghanistan for violating<br>international law by allegedly<br>beating Afghans to death and<br>forcing some to remove their<br>clothes or wear hoods."
"You can feel the confidence<br>level, not just with Team<br>Canada but with all of Canada.<br>There #39;s every expectation,<br>from one end of the bench to<br>the other, that Martin Brodeur<br>is going to hold the fort."
"Heading into the first game of<br>a new season, every team has<br>question marks. But in 2004,<br>the Denver Broncos seemed to<br>have more than normal."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>said on Thursday Yasser<br>Arafat's death could be a<br>turning point for peacemaking<br>but he would pursue a<br>unilateral plan that would<br>strip Palestinians of some<br>land they want for a state."
" AL-ASAD AIRBASE, Iraq<br>(Reuters) - Defense Secretary<br>Donald Rumsfeld swept into an<br>airbase in Iraq's western<br>desert Sunday to make a<br>first-hand evaluation of<br>operations to quell a raging<br>Iraqi insurgency in his first<br>such visit in five months."
"More than three out of four<br>(76 percent) consumers are<br>experiencing an increase in<br>spoofing and phishing<br>incidents, and 35 percent<br>receive fake e-mails at least<br>once a week, according to a<br>recent national study."
"The Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average failed three times<br>this year to exceed its<br>previous high and fell to<br>about 10,000 each time, most<br>recently a week ago."
"AP - Deep in the Atlantic<br>Ocean, undersea explorers are<br>living a safer life thanks to<br>germ-fighting clothing made in<br>Kinston."
"Anaheim, Calif. - There is a<br>decidedly right lean to the<br>three-time champions of the<br>American League Central. In a<br>span of 26 days, the Minnesota<br>Twins lost the left side of<br>their infield to free agency."
"Computer Associates Monday<br>announced the general<br>availability of three<br>Unicenter performance<br>management products for<br>mainframe data management."
"Reuters - The European Union<br>approved on\\Wednesday the<br>first biotech seeds for<br>planting and sale across\\EU<br>territory, flying in the face<br>of widespread<br>consumer\\resistance to<br>genetically modified (GMO)<br>crops and foods."
"With the NFL trading deadline<br>set for 4 p.m. Tuesday,<br>Patriots coach Bill Belichick<br>said there didn't seem to be<br>much happening on the trade<br>front around the league."
"WASHINGTON - Democrat John<br>Kerry accused President Bush<br>on Monday of sending U.S.<br>troops to the \"wrong war in<br>the wrong place at the wrong<br>time\" and said he'd try to<br>bring them all home in four<br>years..."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian<br>share markets staged a broad-<br>based retreat on Wednesday,<br>led by steelmakers amid<br>warnings of price declines,<br>but also enveloping technology<br>and financial stocks on<br>worries that earnings may<br>disappoint."
" News:- A Microsoft<br>UK quot;WEIGHING THE COST OF<br>LINUX VS. WINDOWS? LET #39;S<br>REVIEW THE FACTS quot;<br>magazine ad has been nailed as<br>misleading by Britain #39;s<br>Advertising Standards<br>Authority (ASA)."
"More lorry drivers are<br>bringing supplies to Nepal's<br>capital in defiance of an<br>indefinite blockade by Maoist<br>rebels."
"NEW YORK - CNN has a new boss<br>for the second time in 14<br>months: former CBS News<br>executive Jonathan Klein, who<br>will oversee programming and<br>editorial direction at the<br>second-ranked cable news<br>network."
"Cut-price carrier Virgin Blue<br>said Tuesday the cost of using<br>Australian airports is<br>spiraling upward and asked the<br>government to review the<br>deregulated system of charges."
"The retail sector overall may<br>be reporting a sluggish start<br>to the season, but holiday<br>shoppers are scooping up tech<br>goods at a brisk pace -- and<br>they're scouring the Web for<br>bargains more than ever.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\" color=\"#666666\"&gt;&<br>lt;B&gt;<br>;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"AP - David Beckham broke his<br>rib moments after scoring<br>England's second goal in<br>Saturday's 2-0 win over Wales<br>in a World Cup qualifying<br>game."
"Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the<br>United Arab Emirates, which<br>account for almost half of<br>OPEC #39;s oil output, said<br>they #39;re committed to<br>boosting capacity to meet<br>soaring demand that has driven<br>prices to a record."
"The US Commerce Department<br>said Thursday personal income<br>posted its biggest increase in<br>three months in August. The<br>government agency also said<br>personal spending was<br>unchanged after rising<br>strongly in July."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average opened up 0.54<br>percent on Monday with banks<br>and exporters leading the way<br>as a stronger finish on Wall<br>Street and declining oil<br>prices soothed worries over<br>the global economic outlook."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Floods<br>and landslides have killed 76<br>people in southwest China in<br>the past four days and washed<br>away homes and roads, knocked<br>down power lines and cut off<br>at least one city, state<br>media said on Monday."
"Nothing changed at the top of<br>Serie A as all top teams won<br>their games to keep the<br>distance between one another<br>unaltered. Juventus came back<br>from behind against Lazio to<br>win thanks to another goal by<br>Ibrahimovic"
"The team behind the Beagle 2<br>mission has unveiled its<br>design for a successor to the<br>British Mars lander."
"Survey points to popularity in<br>Europe, the Middle East and<br>Asia of receivers that skip<br>the pay TV and focus on free<br>programming."
"RICHMOND, Va. Jeremy Mayfield<br>won his first race in over<br>four years, taking the<br>Chevrolet 400 at Richmond<br>International Raceway after<br>leader Kurt Busch ran out of<br>gas eight laps from the<br>finish."
"AP - Victims of the Sept. 11<br>attacks were mourned worldwide<br>Saturday, but in the Middle<br>East, amid sympathy for the<br>dead, Arabs said Washington's<br>support for Israel and the war<br>on terror launched in the<br>aftermath of the World Trade<br>Center's collapse have only<br>fueled anger and violence."
"Linux publisher Red Hat Inc.<br>said Tuesday that information-<br>technology consulting firm<br>Unisys Corp. will begin<br>offering a business version of<br>the company #39;s open-source<br>operating system on its<br>servers."
"SEATTLE - Ichiro Suzuki set<br>the major league record for<br>hits in a season with 258,<br>breaking George Sisler's<br>84-year-old mark with a pair<br>of singles Friday night. The<br>Seattle star chopped a leadoff<br>single in the first inning,<br>then made history with a<br>grounder up the middle in the<br>third..."
"The intruder who entered<br>British Queen Elizabeth II<br>#39;s official Scottish<br>residence and caused a<br>security scare was a reporter<br>from the London-based Sunday<br>Times newspaper, local media<br>reported Friday."
"IBM's p5-575, a specialized<br>server geared for high-<br>performance computing, has<br>eight 1.9GHz Power5<br>processors."
"Bruce Wasserstein, head of<br>Lazard LLC, is asking partners<br>to take a one-third pay cut as<br>he readies the world #39;s<br>largest closely held<br>investment bank for a share<br>sale, people familiar with the<br>situation said."
"Canadian Press - FREDERICTON<br>(CP) - A New Brunswick truck<br>driver arrested in Ontario<br>this week has been accused by<br>police of stealing 50,000 cans<br>of Moosehead beer."
"Reuters - British police said<br>on Monday they had\\charged a<br>man with sending hoax emails<br>to relatives of people\\missing<br>since the Asian tsunami,<br>saying their loved ones<br>had\\been confirmed dead."
"The Lemon Bay Manta Rays were<br>not going to let a hurricane<br>get in the way of football. On<br>Friday, they headed to the<br>practice field for the first<br>time in eight"
"Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill<br>Gates has donated \\$400,000 to<br>a campaign in California<br>trying to win approval of a<br>measure calling for the state<br>to sell \\$3 billion in bonds<br>to fund stem-cell research."
"AP - Track star Marion Jones<br>filed a defamation lawsuit<br>Wednesday against the man<br>whose company is at the center<br>of a federal investigation<br>into illegal steroid use among<br>some of the nation's top<br>athletes."
"LOS ANGELES - On Sept. 1,<br>former secretary of<br>Agriculture Dan Glickman<br>replaced the legendary Jack<br>Valenti as president and CEO<br>of Hollywood #39;s trade<br>group, the Motion Picture<br>Association of America."
"England #39;s players hit out<br>at cricket #39;s authorities<br>tonight and claimed they had<br>been used as quot;political<br>pawns quot; after the Zimbabwe<br>government produced a<br>spectacular U-turn to ensure<br>the controversial one-day<br>series will go ahead."
"Newspaper publisher Pulitzer<br>Inc. said Sunday that company<br>officials are considering a<br>possible sale of the firm to<br>boost shareholder value."
"Shares of Merck amp; Co.<br>plunged almost 10 percent<br>yesterday after a media report<br>said that documents show the<br>pharmaceutical giant hid or<br>denied"
"AP - The Japanese won the<br>pregame home run derby. Then<br>the game started and the major<br>league All-Stars put their<br>bats to work. Back-to-back<br>home runs by Moises Alou and<br>Vernon Wells in the fourth<br>inning and by Johnny Estrada<br>and Brad Wilkerson in the<br>ninth powered the major<br>leaguers past the Japanese<br>stars 7-3 Sunday for a 3-0<br>lead in the eight-game series."
"Reuters - Wall Street was<br>expected to dip at\\Thursday's<br>opening, but shares of Texas<br>Instruments Inc.\\, may climb<br>after it gave upbeat earnings<br>guidance."
"Chinese authorities detained a<br>prominent, U.S.-based Buddhist<br>leader in connection with his<br>plans to reopen an ancient<br>temple complex in the Chinese<br>province of Inner Mongolia<br>last week and have forced<br>dozens of his American<br>followers to leave the region,<br>local officials said<br>Wednesday."
"The director of the National<br>Hurricane Center stays calm in<br>the midst of a storm, but<br>wants everyone in hurricane-<br>prone areas to get the message<br>from his media advisories:<br>Respect the storm's power and<br>make proper response plans."
"With Chelsea losing their<br>unbeaten record and Manchester<br>United failing yet again to<br>win, William Hill now make<br>Arsenal red-hot 2/5 favourites<br>to retain the title."
"Late in August, Boeing #39;s<br>top sales execs flew to<br>Singapore for a crucial sales<br>pitch. They were close to<br>persuading Singapore Airlines,<br>one of the world #39;s leading<br>airlines, to buy the American<br>company #39;s new jet, the<br>mid-sized 7E7."
"SBC Communications and<br>BellSouth will acquire<br> with the goal<br>of building the site into a<br>nationwide online business<br>index, the companies said<br>Thursday."
"Theresa special bookcase in Al<br>Grohs office completely full<br>of game plans from his days in<br>the NFL. Green ones are from<br>the Jets."
"SAN FRANCISCO Several<br>California cities and<br>counties, including Los<br>Angeles and San Francisco, are<br>suing Microsoft for what could<br>amount to billions of dollars."
"Newcastle ensured their place<br>as top seeds in Friday #39;s<br>third round UEFA Cup draw<br>after holding Sporting Lisbon<br>to a 1-1 draw at St James #39;<br>Park."
"Adorned with Turkish and EU<br>flags, Turkey #39;s newspapers<br>hailed Thursday an official EU<br>report recommending the<br>country start talks to join<br>the bloc, while largely<br>ignoring the stringent<br>conditions attached to the<br>announcement."
"Google plans to release a<br>version of its desktop search<br>tool for computers that run<br>Apple Computer #39;s Mac<br>operating system, Google #39;s<br>chief executive, Eric Schmidt,<br>said Friday."
"AMD : sicurezza e prestazioni<br>ottimali con il nuovo<br>processore mobile per notebook<br>leggeri e sottili; Acer Inc.<br>preme sull #39;acceleratore<br>con il nuovo notebook a<br>marchio Ferrari."
"The sounds of tinkling bells<br>could be heard above the<br>bustle of the Farmers Market<br>on the Long Beach Promenade,<br>leading shoppers to a row of<br>bright red tin kettles dotting<br>a pathway Friday."
"CBC SPORTS ONLINE - Bode<br>Miller continued his<br>impressive 2004-05 World Cup<br>skiing season by winning a<br>night slalom race in<br>Sestriere, Italy on Monday."
"Firefox use around the world<br>climbed 34 percent in the last<br>month, according to a report<br>published by Web analytics<br>company WebSideStory Monday."
"If a plastic card that gives<br>you credit for something you<br>don't want isn't your idea of<br>a great gift, you can put it<br>up for sale or swap."
"WASHINGTON Aug. 17, 2004<br>Scientists are planning to<br>take the pulse of the planet<br>and more in an effort to<br>improve weather forecasts,<br>predict energy needs months in<br>advance, anticipate disease<br>outbreaks and even tell<br>fishermen where the catch will<br>be ..."
"Damien Rhodes scored on a<br>2-yard run in the second<br>overtime, then Syracuse's<br>defense stopped Pittsburgh on<br>fourth and 1, sending the<br>Orange to a 38-31 victory<br>yesterday in Syracuse, N.Y."
"AP - Anthony Harris scored 18<br>of his career-high 23 points<br>in the second half to help<br>Miami upset No. 19 Florida<br>72-65 Saturday and give first-<br>year coach Frank Haith his<br>biggest victory."
"LONDON Santander Central<br>Hispano of Spain looked<br>certain to clinch its bid for<br>the British mortgage lender<br>Abbey National, after HBOS,<br>Britain #39;s biggest home-<br>loan company, said Wednesday<br>it would not counterbid, and<br>after the European Commission<br>cleared"
"New communications technology<br>could spawn future products.<br>Could your purse tell you to<br>bring an umbrella?"
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>Justice Department is<br>investigating possible<br>accounting fraud at Fannie<br>Mae, bringing greater<br>government scrutiny to bear on<br>the mortgage finance company,<br>already facing a parallel<br>inquiry by the SEC, a source<br>close to the matter said on<br>Thursday."
"AP - The five cities looking<br>to host the 2012 Summer Games<br>submitted bids to the<br>International Olympic<br>Committee on Monday, entering<br>the final stage of a long<br>process in hopes of landing<br>one of the biggest prizes in<br>sports."
"SAP has won a \\$35 million<br>contract to install its human<br>resources software for the US<br>Postal Service. The NetWeaver-<br>based system will replace the<br>Post Office #39;s current<br>25-year-old legacy application"
"The FIA has already cancelled<br>todays activities at Suzuka as<br>Super Typhoon Ma-On heads<br>towards the 5.807km circuit.<br>Saturday practice has been<br>cancelled altogether while<br>pre-qualifying and final<br>qualifying"
"Thailand's prime minister<br>visits the southern town where<br>scores of Muslims died in army<br>custody after a rally."
"Indian industrial group Tata<br>agrees to invest \\$2bn in<br>Bangladesh, the biggest single<br>deal agreed by a firm in the<br>south Asian country."
"NewsFactor - For years,<br>companies large and small have<br>been convinced that if they<br>want the sophisticated<br>functionality of enterprise-<br>class software like ERP and<br>CRM systems, they must buy<br>pre-packaged applications.<br>And, to a large extent, that<br>remains true."
"Following in the footsteps of<br>the RIAA, the MPAA (Motion<br>Picture Association of<br>America) announced that they<br>have began filing lawsuits<br>against people who use peer-<br>to-peer software to download<br>copyrighted movies off the<br>Internet."
" GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas<br>(Reuters) - Betting on horses<br>was banned in Texas until as<br>recently as 1987. Times have<br>changed rapidly since.<br>Saturday, Lone Star Park race<br>track hosts the \\$14 million<br>Breeders Cup, global racing's<br>end-of-season extravaganza."
"MacCentral - At a special<br>music event featuring Bono and<br>The Edge from rock group U2<br>held on Tuesday, Apple took<br>the wraps off the iPod Photo,<br>a color iPod available in 40GB<br>or 60GB storage capacities.<br>The company also introduced<br>the iPod U2, a special edition<br>of Apple's 20GB player clad in<br>black, equipped with a red<br>Click Wheel and featuring<br>engraved U2 band member<br>signatures. The iPod Photo is<br>available immediately, and<br>Apple expects the iPod U2 to<br>ship in mid-November."
"Beijing: At least 170 miners<br>were trapped underground after<br>a gas explosion on Sunday<br>ignited a fire in a coalmine<br>in north-west China #39;s<br>Shaanxi province, reports<br>said."
"The steel tubing company<br>reports sharply higher<br>earnings, but the stock is<br>falling."
"It might be a stay of<br>execution for Coach P, or it<br>might just be a Christmas<br>miracle come early. SU #39;s<br>upset win over BC has given<br>hope to the Orange playing in<br>a post season Bowl game."
"PHIL Neville insists<br>Manchester United don #39;t<br>fear anyone in the Champions<br>League last 16 and declared:<br>quot;Bring on the Italians."
"Playboy Enterprises, the adult<br>entertainment company, has<br>announced plans to open a<br>private members club in<br>Shanghai even though the<br>company #39;s flagship men<br>#39;s magazine is still banned<br>in China."
"Reuters - Oracle Corp is<br>likely to win clearance\\from<br>the European Commission for<br>its hostile #36;7.7<br>billion\\takeover of rival<br>software firm PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>a source close\\to the<br>situation said on Friday."
"TORONTO (CP) - Earnings<br>warnings from Celestica and<br>Coca-Cola along with a<br>slowdown in US industrial<br>production sent stock markets<br>lower Wednesday."
"IBM (Quote, Chart) said it<br>would spend a quarter of a<br>billion dollars over the next<br>year and a half to grow its<br>RFID (define) business."
"Eastman Kodak Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of<br>photographic film, said<br>Wednesday it expects sales of<br>digital products and services<br>to grow at an annual rate of<br>36 percent between 2003 and<br>2007, above prior growth rate<br>estimates of 26 percent<br>between 2002"
"SAMARRA (Iraq): With renewe d<br>wave of skirmishes between the<br>Iraqi insurgents and the US-<br>led coalition marines, several<br>people including top police<br>officers were put to death on<br>Saturday."
" - NASA released one<br>of the best pictures ever made<br>of Saturn's moon Titan as the<br>Cassini spacecraft begins a<br>close-up inspection of the<br>satellite today. Cassini is<br>making the nearest flyby ever<br>of the smog-shrouded moon."
"AFP - The Iraqi government<br>plans to phase out slowly<br>subsidies on basic products,<br>such as oil and electricity,<br>which comprise 50 percent of<br>public spending, equal to 15<br>billion dollars, the planning<br>minister said."
"ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS - Nova<br>Scotia Power officials<br>continued to keep the sluice<br>gates open at one of the<br>utility #39;s hydroelectric<br>plants Wednesday in hopes a<br>wayward whale would leave the<br>area and head for the open<br>waters of the Bay of Fundy."
"TORONTO -- Toronto Raptors<br>point guard Alvin Williams<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season after undergoing<br>surgery on his right knee<br>Monday."
"The federal agency that<br>insures pension plans said<br>that its deficit, already at<br>the highest in its history,<br>had doubled in its last fiscal<br>year, to \\$23.3 billion."
"AFP - Like most US Latinos,<br>members of the extended<br>Rodriguez family say they will<br>cast their votes for Democrat<br>John Kerry in next month's<br>presidential polls."
"A Milan judge on Tuesday opens<br>hearings into whether to put<br>on trial 32 executives and<br>financial institutions over<br>the collapse of international<br>food group Parmalat in one of<br>Europe #39;s biggest fraud<br>cases."
"AP - Tennessee's two freshmen<br>quarterbacks have Volunteers<br>fans fantasizing about the<br>next four years. Brent<br>Schaeffer and Erik Ainge<br>surprised many with the nearly<br>seamless way they rotated<br>throughout a 42-17 victory<br>over UNLV on Sunday night."
"In fact, Larry Ellison<br>compares himself to the<br>warlord, according to<br>PeopleSoft's former CEO,<br>defending previous remarks he<br>made."
"FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Four Iraqi<br>fighters huddled in a trench,<br>firing rocket-propelled<br>grenades at Lieutenant Eric<br>Gregory's Bradley Fighting<br>Vehicle and the US tanks and<br>Humvees that were lumbering<br>through tight streets between<br>boxlike beige houses."
"MADRID, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Portugal captain Luis Figo<br>said on Wednesday he was<br>taking an indefinite break<br>from international football,<br>but would not confirm whether<br>his decision was final."
"The Bank of England on<br>Thursday left its benchmark<br>interest rate unchanged, at<br>4.75 percent, as policy makers<br>assessed whether borrowing<br>costs, already the highest in<br>the Group of Seven, are<br>constraining consumer demand."
"AP - Several thousand<br>Christians who packed a<br>cathedral compound in the<br>Egyptian capital hurled stones<br>at riot police Wednesday to<br>protest a woman's alleged<br>forced conversion to Islam. At<br>least 30 people were injured."
"A group of Saudi religious<br>scholars have signed an open<br>letter urging Iraqis to<br>support jihad against US-led<br>forces. quot;Fighting the<br>occupiers is a duty for all<br>those who are able, quot; they<br>said in a statement posted on<br>the internet at the weekend."
"Fashion retailers Austin Reed<br>and Ted Baker have reported<br>contrasting fortunes on the<br>High Street. Austin Reed<br>reported interim losses of 2."
"AP - Shaun Rogers is in the<br>backfield as often as some<br>running backs. Whether teams<br>dare to block Detroit's star<br>defensive tackle with one<br>player or follow the trend of<br>double-teaming him, he often<br>rips through offensive lines<br>with a rare combination of<br>size, speed, strength and<br>nimble footwork."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - A<br>federal judge on Friday<br>approved Citigroup Inc.'s<br>\\$2.6 billion settlement with<br>WorldCom Inc. investors who<br>lost billions when an<br>accounting scandal plunged<br>the telecommunications company<br>into bankruptcy protection."
"The Lions and Eagles entered<br>Sunday #39;s game at Ford<br>Field in the same place --<br>atop their respective<br>divisions -- and with<br>identical 2-0 records."
"An unspecified number of<br>cochlear implants to help<br>people with severe hearing<br>loss are being recalled<br>because they may malfunction<br>due to ear moisture, the US<br>Food and Drug Administration<br>announced."
"Profits triple at McDonald's<br>Japan after the fast-food<br>chain starts selling larger<br>burgers."
"After Marcos Moreno threw four<br>more interceptions in last<br>week's 14-13 overtime loss at<br>N.C. A T, Bison Coach Ray<br>Petty will start Antoine<br>Hartfield against Norfolk<br>State on Saturday."
"You can empty your pockets of<br>change, take off your belt and<br>shoes and stick your keys in<br>the little tray. But if you've<br>had radiation therapy<br>recently, you still might set<br>off Homeland Security alarms."
"Mountaineers retrieve three<br>bodies believed to have been<br>buried for 22 years on an<br>Indian glacier."
"SEOUL, Oct 19 Asia Pulse -<br>LG.Philips LCD Co.<br>(KSE:034220), the world #39;s<br>second-largest maker of liquid<br>crystal display (LCD), said<br>Tuesday it has developed the<br>world #39;s largest organic<br>light emitting diode"
"SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. --<br>Looking ahead to the US<br>championship game almost cost<br>Conejo Valley in the<br>semifinals of the Little<br>League World Series."
"The Cubs didn #39;t need to<br>fly anywhere near Florida to<br>be in the eye of the storm.<br>For a team that is going on<br>100 years since last winning a<br>championship, the only thing<br>they never are at a loss for<br>is controversy."
"Security experts warn of<br>banner ads with a bad attitude<br>--and a link to malicious<br>code. Also: Phishers, be gone."
"KETTERING, Ohio Oct. 12, 2004<br>- Cincinnati Bengals defensive<br>end Justin Smith pleaded not<br>guilty to a driving under the<br>influence charge."
"com October 15, 2004, 5:11 AM<br>PT. Wood paneling and chrome<br>made your dad #39;s station<br>wagon look like a million<br>bucks, and they might also be<br>just the ticket for Microsoft<br>#39;s fledgling"
"President Thabo Mbeki met with<br>Ivory Coast Prime Minister<br>Seydou Diarra for three hours<br>yesterday as part of talks<br>aimed at bringing peace to the<br>conflict-wracked Ivory Coast."
"MINNEAPOLIS -- For much of the<br>2004 season, Twins pitcher<br>Johan Santana didn #39;t just<br>beat opposing hitters. Often,<br>he overwhelmed and owned them<br>in impressive fashion."
"Britain #39;s inflation rate<br>fell in August further below<br>its 2.0 percent government-set<br>upper limit target with<br>clothing and footwear prices<br>actually falling, official<br>data showed on Tuesday."
" KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal's<br>Maoist rebels have<br>temporarily suspended a<br>crippling economic blockade of<br>the capital from Wednesday,<br>saying the move was in<br>response to popular appeals."
"Reuters - An Algerian<br>suspected of being a leader\\of<br>the Madrid train bombers has<br>been identified as one of<br>seven\\people who blew<br>themselves up in April to<br>avoid arrest, Spain's\\Interior<br>Ministry said on Friday."
"KABUL: An Afghan man was found<br>guilty on Saturday of killing<br>four journalists in 2001,<br>including two from Reuters,<br>and sentenced to death."
"Yasser Arafat, the leader for<br>decades of a fight for<br>Palestinian independence from<br>Israel, has died at a military<br>hospital in Paris, according<br>to news reports."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>shares shrugged off a spike in<br>the euro to a fresh all-time<br>high Wednesday, with telecoms<br>again leading the way higher<br>after interim profits at<br>Britain's mm02 beat<br>expectations."
"WASHINGTON - Weighed down by<br>high energy prices, the US<br>economy grew slower than the<br>government estimated in the<br>April-June quarter, as higher<br>oil prices limited consumer<br>spending and contributed to a<br>record trade deficit."
"CHICAGO United Airlines says<br>it will need even more labor<br>cuts than anticipated to get<br>out of bankruptcy. United told<br>a bankruptcy court judge in<br>Chicago today that it intends<br>to start talks with unions<br>next month on a new round of<br>cost savings."
" JABALYA, Gaza Strip (Reuters)<br>- Israel pulled most of its<br>forces out of the northern<br>Gaza Strip Saturday after a<br>four-day incursion it said<br>was staged to halt Palestinian<br>rocket attacks on southern<br>Israeli towns."
"Computer Associates<br>International yesterday<br>reported a 6 increase in<br>revenue during its second<br>fiscal quarter, but posted a<br>\\$94 million loss after paying<br>to settle government<br>investigations into the<br>company, it said yesterday."
"THE Turkish embassy in Baghdad<br>was investigating a television<br>report that two Turkish<br>hostages had been killed in<br>Iraq, but no confirmation was<br>available so far, a senior<br>Turkish diplomat said today."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>supporters of<br>Ukraine's\\opposition leader,<br>Viktor Yushchenko, celebrated<br>on the streets\\in the early<br>hours on Monday after an exit<br>poll showed him\\winner of a<br>bitterly fought presidential<br>election."
"LONDON : The United States<br>faced rare criticism over<br>human rights from close ally<br>Britain, with an official<br>British government report<br>taking Washington to task over<br>concerns about Iraq and the<br>Guantanamo Bay jail."
"The University of California,<br>Berkeley, has signed an<br>agreement with the Samoan<br>government to isolate, from a<br>tree, the gene for a promising<br>anti- Aids drug and to share<br>any royalties from the sale of<br>a gene-derived drug with the<br>people of Samoa."
"PC World - Send your video<br>throughout your house--<br>wirelessly--with new gateways<br>and media adapters."
"At a charity auction in New<br>Jersey last weekend, baseball<br>memorabilia dealer Warren<br>Heller was approached by a man<br>with an unusual but topical<br>request."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average jumped 2.5<br>percent by mid-afternoon on<br>Monday as semiconductor-<br>related stocks such as<br>Advantest Corp. mirrored a<br>rally by their U.S. peers<br>while banks and brokerages<br>extended last week's gains."
"INTER Milan coach Roberto<br>Mancini believes the club<br>#39;s lavish (northern) summer<br>signings will enable them to<br>mount a serious Serie A<br>challenge this season."
"LONDON - A bomb threat that<br>mentioned Iraq forced a New<br>York-bound Greek airliner to<br>make an emergency landing<br>Sunday at London's Stansted<br>Airport escorted by military<br>jets, authorities said. An<br>airport spokeswoman said an<br>Athens newspaper had received<br>a phone call saying there was<br>a bomb on board the Olympic<br>Airlines plane..."
"Links to this week's topics<br>from search engine forums<br>across the web: New MSN Search<br>Goes LIVE in Beta - Microsoft<br>To Launch New Search Engine -<br>Google Launches 'Google<br>Advertising Professionals' -<br>Organic vs Paid Traffic ROI? -<br>Making Money With AdWords? -<br>Link Building 101"
"AP - Brad Ott shot an 8-under<br>64 on Sunday to win the<br>Nationwide Tour's Price Cutter<br>Charity Championship for his<br>first Nationwide victory."
"AP - New York Jets running<br>back Curtis Martin passed Eric<br>Dickerson and Jerome Bettis on<br>the NFL career rushing list<br>Sunday against the St. Louis<br>Rams, moving to fourth all-<br>time."
"Eight conservation groups are<br>fighting the US government<br>over a plan to poison<br>thousands of prairie dogs in<br>the grasslands of South<br>Dakota, saying wildlife should<br>not take a backseat to<br>ranching interests."
"ATHENS, Greece - Sheryl<br>Swoopes made three big plays<br>at the end - two baskets and<br>another on defense - to help<br>the United States squeeze out<br>a 66-62 semifinal victory over<br>Russia on Friday. Now, only<br>one game stands between the<br>U.S..."
"Instead of standing for ante<br>meridian and post meridian,<br>though, fans will remember the<br>time periods of pre-Mia and<br>after-Mia. After playing for<br>18 years and shattering nearly<br>every record"
"General Motors (GM) plans to<br>announce a massive<br>restructuring Thursday that<br>will eliminate as many as<br>12,000 jobs in Europe in a<br>move to stem the five-year<br>flow of red ink from its auto<br>operations in the region."
"Scientists are developing a<br>device which could improve the<br>lives of kidney dialysis<br>patients."
"KABUL, Afghanistan The Afghan<br>government is blaming drug<br>smugglers for yesterday #39;s<br>attack on the leading vice<br>presidential candidate ."
"Stephon Marbury, concerned<br>about his lousy shooting in<br>Athens, used an off day to go<br>to the gym and work on his<br>shot. By finding his range, he<br>saved the United States #39;<br>hopes for a basketball gold<br>medal."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>held firm on Wednesday as<br>Hurricane Ivan closed off<br>crude output and shut<br>refineries in the Gulf of<br>Mexico, while OPEC's Gulf<br>producers tried to reassure<br>traders by recommending an<br>output hike."
"State-owned, running a<br>monopoly on imports of jet<br>fuel to China #39;s fast-<br>growing aviation industry and<br>a prized member of Singapore<br>#39;s Stock Exchange."
"Google has won a trade mark<br>dispute, with a District Court<br>judge finding that the search<br>engines sale of sponsored<br>search terms Geico and Geico<br>Direct did not breach car<br>insurance firm GEICOs rights<br>in the trade marked terms."
"Wall Street bounded higher for<br>the second straight day<br>yesterday as investors reveled<br>in sharply falling oil prices<br>and the probusiness agenda of<br>the second Bush<br>administration. The Dow Jones<br>industrials gained more than<br>177 points for its best day of<br>2004, while the Standard amp;<br>Poor's 500 closed at its<br>highest level since early<br>2002."
"Key factors help determine if<br>outsourcing benefits or hurts<br>Americans."
"The US Trade Representative on<br>Monday rejected the European<br>Union #39;s assertion that its<br>ban on beef from hormone-<br>treated cattle is now<br>justified by science and that<br>US and Canadian retaliatory<br>sanctions should be lifted."
"One of the leading figures in<br>the Greek Orthodox Church, the<br>Patriarch of Alexandria Peter<br>VII, has been killed in a<br>helicopter crash in the Aegean<br>Sea."
"Siding with chip makers,<br>Microsoft said it won't charge<br>double for its per-processor<br>licenses when dual-core chips<br>come to market next year."
"NEW YORK -- Wall Street's<br>fourth-quarter rally gave<br>stock mutual funds a solid<br>performance for 2004, with<br>small-cap equity funds and<br>real estate funds scoring some<br>of the biggest returns. Large-<br>cap growth equities and<br>technology-focused funds had<br>the slimmest gains."
"CANBERRA, Australia -- The<br>sweat-stained felt hats worn<br>by Australian cowboys, as much<br>a part of the Outback as<br>kangaroos and sun-baked soil,<br>may be heading for the history<br>books. They fail modern<br>industrial safety standards."
"Big Food Group Plc, the UK<br>owner of the Iceland grocery<br>chain, said second-quarter<br>sales at stores open at least<br>a year dropped 3.3 percent,<br>the second consecutive<br>decline, after competitors cut<br>prices."
"A London-to-Washington flight<br>is diverted after a security<br>alert involving the singer<br>formerly known as Cat Stevens."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>first case of soybean rust has<br>been found on the mainland<br>United States and could affect<br>U.S. crops for the near<br>future, costing farmers<br>millions of dollars, the<br>Agriculture Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"IBM and the Spanish government<br>have introduced a new<br>supercomputer they hope will<br>be the most powerful in<br>Europe, and one of the 10 most<br>powerful in the world."
"The Supreme Court today<br>overturned a five-figure<br>damage award to an Alexandria<br>man for a local auto dealer<br>#39;s alleged loan scam,<br>ruling that a Richmond-based<br>federal appeals court had<br>wrongly"
"AP - President Bush declared<br>Friday that charges of voter<br>fraud have cast doubt on the<br>Ukrainian election, and warned<br>that any European-negotiated<br>pact on Iran's nuclear program<br>must ensure the world can<br>verify Tehran's compliance."
"TheSpaceShipOne team is handed<br>the \\$10m cheque and trophy it<br>won for claiming the Ansari<br>X-Prize."
"Security officials have<br>identified six of the<br>militants who seized a school<br>in southern Russia as being<br>from Chechnya, drawing a<br>strong connection to the<br>Chechen insurgents who have<br>been fighting Russian forces<br>for years."
"AP - Randy Moss is expected to<br>play a meaningful role for the<br>Minnesota Vikings this weekend<br>against the Giants, even<br>without a fully healed right<br>hamstring."
"Pros: Fits the recent profile<br>(44, past PGA champion, fiery<br>Ryder Cup player); the job is<br>his if he wants it. Cons:<br>Might be too young to be<br>willing to burn two years of<br>play on tour."
"SEOUL -- North Korea set three<br>conditions yesterday to be met<br>before it would consider<br>returning to six-party talks<br>on its nuclear programs."
"Official figures show the<br>12-nation eurozone economy<br>continues to grow, but there<br>are warnings it may slow down<br>later in the year."
"Elmer Santos scored in the<br>second half, lifting East<br>Boston to a 1-0 win over<br>Brighton yesterday afternoon<br>and giving the Jets an early<br>leg up in what is shaping up<br>to be a tight Boston City<br>League race."
"In upholding a lower court<br>#39;s ruling, the Supreme<br>Court rejected arguments that<br>the Do Not Call list violates<br>telemarketers #39; First<br>Amendment rights."
"US-backed Iraqi commandos were<br>poised Friday to storm rebel<br>strongholds in the northern<br>city of Mosul, as US military<br>commanders said they had<br>quot;broken the back quot; of<br>the insurgency with their<br>assault on the former rebel<br>bastion of Fallujah."
"Infineon Technologies, the<br>second-largest chip maker in<br>Europe, said Wednesday that it<br>planned to invest about \\$1<br>billion in a new factory in<br>Malaysia to expand its<br>automotive chip business and<br>be closer to customers in the<br>region."
"Mozilla's new web browser is<br>smart, fast and user-friendly<br>while offering a slew of<br>advanced, customizable<br>functions. By Michelle Delio."
"Saints special teams captain<br>Steve Gleason expects to be<br>fined by the league after<br>being ejected from Sunday's<br>game against the Carolina<br>Panthers for throwing a punch."
"JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime<br>Minister Ariel Sharon, facing<br>a party mutiny over his plan<br>to quit the Gaza Strip, has<br>approved 1,000 more Israeli<br>settler homes in the West Bank<br>in a move that drew a cautious<br>response on Tuesday from ..."
"Play has begun in the<br>Australian Masters at<br>Huntingdale in Melbourne with<br>around half the field of 120<br>players completing their first<br>rounds."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Washington Post Co. &lt;A HREF<br>=\"http://www.investor.reuters.<br>com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WPO.<br>N target=/stocks/quickinfo/ful<br>lquote\"&gt;WPO.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>said on Friday that quarterly<br>profit jumped, beating<br>analysts' forecasts, boosted<br>by results at its Kaplan<br>education unit and television<br>broadcasting operations."
"GHAZNI, Afghanistan, 6 October<br>2004 - Wartime security was<br>rolled out for Afghanistans<br>interim President Hamid Karzai<br>as he addressed his first<br>election campaign rally<br>outside the capital yesterday<br>amid spiraling violence."
"LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Louisville<br>men #39;s basketball head<br>coach Rick Pitino and senior<br>forward Ellis Myles met with<br>members of the media on Friday<br>to preview the Cardinals #39;<br>home game against rival<br>Kentucky on Satursday."
"AP - Sounds like David<br>Letterman is as big a \"Pops\"<br>fan as most everyone else."
"originally offered on notebook<br>PCs -- to its Opteron 32- and<br>64-bit x86 processors for<br>server applications. The<br>technology will help servers<br>to run"
"New orders for US-made durable<br>goods increased 0.2pc in<br>September, held back by a big<br>drop in orders for<br>transportation goods, the US<br>Commerce Department said<br>today."
"Siblings are the first ever to<br>be convicted for sending<br>boatloads of junk e-mail<br>pushing bogus products. Also:<br>Microsoft takes MSN music<br>download on a Euro trip....<br>Nokia begins legal battle<br>against European<br>counterparts.... and more."
"I always get a kick out of the<br>annual list published by<br>Forbes singling out the<br>richest people in the country.<br>It #39;s almost as amusing as<br>those on the list bickering<br>over their placement."
"MacCentral - After Apple<br>unveiled the iMac G5 in Paris<br>this week, Vice President of<br>Hardware Product Marketing<br>Greg Joswiak gave Macworld<br>editors a guided tour of the<br>desktop's new design. Among<br>the topics of conversation:<br>the iMac's cooling system, why<br>pre-installed Bluetooth<br>functionality and FireWire 800<br>were left out, and how this<br>new model fits in with Apple's<br>objectives."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc., operator<br>of home furnishing chains<br>including Pottery Barn, said<br>third-quarter earnings rose 19<br>percent, boosted by store<br>openings and catalog sales."
"We #39;ve known about<br>quot;strained silicon quot;<br>for a while--but now there<br>#39;s a better way to do it.<br>Straining silicon improves<br>chip performance."
"This week, Sir Richard Branson<br>announced his new company,<br>Virgin Galactic, has the<br>rights to the first commercial<br>flights into space."
"71-inch HDTV comes with a home<br>stereo system and components<br>painted in 24-karat gold."
"Arsenal was held to a 1-1 tie<br>by struggling West Bromwich<br>Albion on Saturday, failing to<br>pick up a Premier League<br>victory when Rob Earnshaw<br>scored with 11 minutes left."
"TOKYO - Mitsubishi Heavy<br>Industries said today it #39;s<br>in talks to buy a plot of land<br>in central Japan #39;s Nagoya<br>city from Mitsubishi Motors<br>for building aircraft parts."
"China has confirmed that it<br>found a deadly strain of bird<br>flu in pigs as early as two<br>years ago. China #39;s<br>Agriculture Ministry said two<br>cases had been discovered, but<br>it did not say exactly where<br>the samples had been taken."
"Baseball #39;s executive vice<br>president Sandy Alderson<br>insisted last month that the<br>Cubs, disciplined for an<br>assortment of run-ins with<br>umpires, would not be targeted<br>the rest of the season by<br>umpires who might hold a<br>grudge."
"As Superman and Batman would<br>no doubt reflect during their<br>cigarette breaks, the really<br>draining thing about being a<br>hero was that you have to keep<br>riding to the rescue."
"MacCentral - RealNetworks Inc.<br>said on Tuesday that it has<br>sold more than a million songs<br>at its online music store<br>since slashing prices last<br>week as part of a limited-time<br>sale aimed at growing the user<br>base of its new digital media<br>software."
"With the presidential election<br>less than six weeks away,<br>activists and security experts<br>are ratcheting up concern over<br>the use of touch-screen<br>machines to cast votes.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;<br>t;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"NEW YORK, September 14 (New<br>Ratings) - Yahoo! Inc<br>(YHOO.NAS) has agreed to<br>acquire Musicmatch Inc, a<br>privately held digital music<br>software company, for about<br>\\$160 million in cash."
"Japan #39;s Sumitomo Mitsui<br>Financial Group Inc. said<br>Tuesday it proposed to UFJ<br>Holdings Inc. that the two<br>banks merge on an equal basis<br>in its latest attempt to woo<br>UFJ away from a rival suitor."
"Oil futures prices were little<br>changed Thursday as traders<br>anxiously watched for<br>indications that the supply or<br>demand picture would change in<br>some way to add pressure to<br>the market or take some away."
"Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to<br>propose a ban Thursday on the<br>sale of violent and sexually<br>explicit video games to<br>minors, something other states<br>have tried with little<br>success."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Delta Air<br>Lines Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=DAL.N target=<br>/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&g<br>t;DAL.N&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Tuesday it will cut wages by<br>10 percent and its chief<br>executive will go unpaid for<br>the rest of the year, but it<br>still warned of bankruptcy<br>within weeks unless more cuts<br>are made."
"AP - Ten years after the Irish<br>Republican Army's momentous<br>cease-fire, negotiations<br>resumed Wednesday in hope of<br>reviving a Catholic-Protestant<br>administration, an elusive<br>goal of Northern Ireland's<br>hard-fought peace process."
"A cable channel plans to<br>resurrect each of the 1,230<br>regular-season games listed on<br>the league's defunct 2004-2005<br>schedule by setting them in<br>motion on a video game<br>console."
" SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican<br>Republic, Sept. 18 -- Tropical<br>Storm Jeanne headed for the<br>Bahamas on Saturday after an<br>assault on the Dominican<br>Republic that killed 10<br>people, destroyed hundreds of<br>houses and forced thousands<br>from their homes."
"An explosion tore apart a car<br>in Gaza City Monday, killing<br>at least one person,<br>Palestinian witnesses said.<br>They said Israeli warplanes<br>were circling overhead at the<br>time of the blast, indicating<br>a possible missile strike."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A<br>former Fannie Mae &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=FNM.N <br>target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullq<br>uote\"&gt;FNM.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>employee who gave U.S.<br>officials information about<br>what he saw as accounting<br>irregularities will not<br>testify as planned before a<br>congressional hearing next<br>week, a House committee said<br>on Friday."
"Beijing, Oct. 25 (PTI): China<br>and the US today agreed to<br>work jointly to re-energise<br>the six-party talks mechanism<br>aimed at dismantling North<br>Korea #39;s nuclear programmes<br>while Washington urged Beijing<br>to resume"
"AFP - Sporadic gunfire and<br>shelling took place overnight<br>in the disputed Georgian<br>region of South Ossetia in<br>violation of a fragile<br>ceasefire, wounding seven<br>Georgian servicemen."
"PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - The<br>European Aeronautic Defence<br>and Space Company reported<br>Thursday that its nine-month<br>net profit more than doubled,<br>thanks largely to sales of<br>Airbus aircraft, and raised<br>its full-year forecast."
"AP - Eric Hinske and Vernon<br>Wells homered, and the Toronto<br>Blue Jays completed a three-<br>game sweep of the Baltimore<br>Orioles with an 8-5 victory<br>Sunday."
" - When<br>\"Halo\" became a smash video<br>game hit following Microsoft's<br>launch of the Xbox console in<br>2001, it was a no-brainer that<br>there would be a sequel to the<br>science fiction shoot-em-up."
"The number of people claiming<br>unemployment benefit last<br>month fell by 6,100 to<br>830,200, according to the<br>Office for National<br>Statistics."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Todd<br>Walker homered, had three hits<br>and drove in four runs to lead<br>the Chicago Cubs to a 12-5 win<br>over the Cincinnati Reds in<br>National League play at<br>Wrigley Field on Monday."
"PARIS -- The city of Paris<br>intends to reduce its<br>dependence on software<br>suppliers with \"de facto<br>monopolies,\" but considers an<br>immediate switch of its 17,000<br>desktops to open source<br>software too costly, it said<br>Wednesday."
" FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) -<br>U.S. forces hit Iraq's rebel<br>stronghold of Falluja with the<br>fiercest air and ground<br>bombardment in months, as<br>insurgents struck back on<br>Saturday with attacks that<br>killed up to 37 people in<br>Samarra."
"MIAMI (Sports Network) -<br>Shaquille O #39;Neal made his<br>home debut, but once again it<br>was Dwyane Wade stealing the<br>show with 28 points as the<br>Miami Heat downed the<br>Cleveland Cavaliers, 92-86, in<br>front of a record crowd at<br>AmericanAirlines Arena."
"AP - The San Diego Chargers<br>looked sharp #151; and played<br>the same way. Wearing their<br>powder-blue throwback jerseys<br>and white helmets from the<br>1960s, the Chargers did almost<br>everything right in beating<br>the Jacksonville Jaguars 34-21<br>on Sunday."
"The vast majority of consumers<br>are unaware that an Apple iPod<br>digital music player only<br>plays proprietary iTunes<br>files, while a smaller<br>majority agree that it is<br>within RealNetworks #39;<br>rights to develop a program<br>that will make its music files<br>compatible"
"Tyler airlines are gearing up<br>for the beginning of holiday<br>travel, as officials offer<br>tips to help travelers secure<br>tickets and pass through<br>checkpoints with ease."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - The<br>fate of a radical Shi'ite<br>rebellion in the holy city of<br>Najaf was uncertain Friday<br>amid disputed reports that<br>Iraqi police had gained<br>control of the Imam Ali<br>Mosque."
" PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) -<br>You change the oil in your car<br>every 5,000 miles or so. You<br>clean your house every week or<br>two. Your PC needs regular<br>maintenance as well --<br>especially if you're using<br>Windows and you spend a lot of<br>time on the Internet."
"NERVES - no problem. That<br>#39;s the verdict of Jose<br>Mourinho today after his<br>Chelsea side gave a resolute<br>display of character at<br>Highbury."
"AP - The latest low point in<br>Ron Zook's tenure at Florida<br>even has the coach wondering<br>what went wrong. Meanwhile,<br>Sylvester Croom's first big<br>win at Mississippi State has<br>given the Bulldogs and their<br>fans a reason to believe in<br>their first-year leader.<br>Jerious Norwood's 37-yard<br>touchdown run with 32 seconds<br>remaining lifted the Bulldogs<br>to a 38-31 upset of the 20th-<br>ranked Gators on Saturday."
"A criminal trial scheduled to<br>start Monday involving former<br>Enron Corp. executives may<br>shine a rare and potentially<br>harsh spotlight on the inner<br>workings"
"The Motley Fool - Here's<br>something you don't see every<br>day -- the continuing brouhaha<br>between Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL -<br>News) and PeopleSoft (Nasdaq:<br>PSFT - News) being a notable<br>exception. South Africa's<br>Harmony Gold Mining Company<br>(NYSE: HMY - News) has<br>announced a hostile takeover<br>bid to acquire fellow South<br>African miner Gold Fields<br>Limited (NYSE: GFI - News).<br>The transaction, if it takes<br>place, would be an all-stock<br>acquisition, with Harmony<br>issuing 1.275 new shares in<br>payment for each share of Gold<br>Fields. The deal would value<br>Gold Fields at more than<br>#36;8 billion. ..."
"Someone forgot to inform the<br>US Olympic basketball team<br>that it was sent to Athens to<br>try to win a gold medal, not<br>to embarrass its country."
" - NASA's Mars \\rover<br>Opportunity nbsp;will back its<br>\\way out of a nbsp;crater it<br>has spent four months<br>exploring after reaching<br>terrain nbsp;that appears \\too<br>treacherous to tread. nbsp;"
"Sony Corp. announced Tuesday a<br>new 20 gigabyte digital music<br>player with MP3 support that<br>will be available in Great<br>Britain and Japan before<br>Christmas and elsewhere in<br>Europe in early 2005."
"Wal-Mart Stores Inc. #39;s<br>Asda, the UK #39;s second<br>biggest supermarket chain,<br>surpassed Marks amp; Spencer<br>Group Plc as Britain #39;s<br>largest clothing retailer in<br>the last three months,<br>according to the Sunday<br>Telegraph."
"Ten-man Paris St Germain<br>clinched their seventh<br>consecutive victory over arch-<br>rivals Olympique Marseille<br>with a 2-1 triumph in Ligue 1<br>on Sunday thanks to a second-<br>half winner by substitute<br>Edouard Cisse."
"Until this week, only a few<br>things about the strange,<br>long-ago disappearance of<br>Charles Robert Jenkins were<br>known beyond a doubt. In the<br>bitter cold of Jan. 5, 1965,<br>the 24-year-old US Army<br>sergeant was leading"
"Roy Oswalt wasn #39;t<br>surprised to hear the Astros<br>were flying Sunday night<br>through the remnants of a<br>tropical depression that<br>dumped several inches of rain<br>in Louisiana and could bring<br>showers today in Atlanta."
"AP - This hardly seemed<br>possible when Pitt needed<br>frantic rallies to overcome<br>Division I-AA Furman or Big<br>East cellar dweller Temple. Or<br>when the Panthers could barely<br>move the ball against Ohio<br>#151; not Ohio State, but Ohio<br>U."
"Everyone is moaning about the<br>fallout from last weekend but<br>they keep on reporting the<br>aftermath. #39;The fall-out<br>from the so-called<br>quot;Battle of Old Trafford<br>quot; continues to settle over<br>the nation and the debate"
"Oil supply concerns and broker<br>downgrades of blue-chip<br>companies left stocks mixed<br>yesterday, raising doubts that<br>Wall Street #39;s year-end<br>rally would continue."
"Genentech Inc. said the<br>marketing of Rituxan, a cancer<br>drug that is the company #39;s<br>best-selling product, is the<br>subject of a US criminal<br>investigation."
"American Lindsay Davenport<br>regained the No. 1 ranking in<br>the world for the first time<br>since early 2002 by defeating<br>Dinara Safina of Russia 6-4,<br>6-2 in the second round of the<br>Kremlin Cup on Thursday."
" The world's No. 2 soft drink<br>company said on Thursday<br>quarterly profit rose due to<br>tax benefits."
"TOKYO (AP) -- The electronics<br>and entertainment giant Sony<br>Corp. (SNE) is talking with<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc..."
"After an unprecedented span of<br>just five days, SpaceShipOne<br>is ready for a return trip to<br>space on Monday, its final<br>flight to clinch a \\$10<br>million prize."
"The United States on Tuesday<br>modified slightly a threat of<br>sanctions on Sudan #39;s oil<br>industry in a revised text of<br>its UN resolution on<br>atrocities in the country<br>#39;s Darfur region."
"Freshman Jeremy Ito kicked<br>four field goals and Ryan<br>Neill scored on a 31-yard<br>interception return to lead<br>improving Rutgers to a 19-14<br>victory on Saturday over<br>visiting Michigan State."
"Hi-tech monitoring of<br>livestock at pig farms could<br>help improve the animal growth<br>process and reduce costs."
"Third-seeded Guillermo Canas<br>defeated Guillermo Garcia-<br>Lopez of Spain 7-6 (1), 6-3<br>Monday on the first day of the<br>Shanghai Open on Monday."
"AP - France intensified<br>efforts Tuesday to save the<br>lives of two journalists held<br>hostage in Iraq, and the Arab<br>League said the militants'<br>deadline for France to revoke<br>a ban on Islamic headscarves<br>in schools had been extended."
"Cable amp; Wireless plc<br>(NYSE: CWP - message board) is<br>significantly ramping up its<br>investment in local loop<br>unbundling (LLU) in the UK,<br>and it plans to spend up to 85<br>million (\\$152."
" - Personal<br>finance software programs are<br>the computer industry's<br>version of veggies: Everyone<br>knows they're good for you,<br>but it's just hard to get<br>anyone excited about them."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after last week's heavy<br>selloff, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally would<br>hold after fresh economic data<br>suggested the December U.S.<br>jobs report due Friday might<br>not live up to expectations."
"AFP - Microsoft said that it<br>had launched a new desktop<br>search tool that allows<br>personal computer users to<br>find documents or messages on<br>their PCs."
"At least 12 people die in an<br>explosion at a fuel pipeline<br>on the outskirts of Nigeria's<br>biggest city, Lagos."
"The three largest computer<br>makers spearheaded a program<br>today designed to standardize<br>working conditions for their<br>non-US workers."
"Description: Illinois Gov. Rod<br>Blagojevich is backing state<br>legislation that would ban<br>sales or rentals of video<br>games with graphic sexual or<br>violent content to children<br>under 18."
"Volkswagen demanded a two-year<br>wage freeze for the<br>170,000-strong workforce at<br>Europe #39;s biggest car maker<br>yesterday, provoking union<br>warnings of imminent conflict<br>at key pay and conditions<br>negotiations."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stock futures pointed to a<br>lower open on Wall Street on<br>Thursday, extending the<br>previous session's sharp<br>fall, with rising energy<br>prices feeding investor<br>concerns about corporate<br>profits and slower growth."
"But to play as feebly as it<br>did for about 35 minutes last<br>night in Game 1 of the WNBA<br>Finals and lose by only four<br>points -- on the road, no less<br>-- has to be the best<br>confidence builder since Cindy<br>St."
"MILAN General Motors and Fiat<br>on Wednesday edged closer to<br>initiating a legal battle that<br>could pit the two carmakers<br>against each other in a New<br>York City court room as early<br>as next month."
"Are you bidding on keywords<br>through Overture's Precision<br>Match, Google's AdWords or<br>another pay-for-placement<br>service? If so, you're<br>eligible to participate in<br>their contextual advertising<br>programs."
"Two of the Ford Motor Company<br>#39;s most senior executives<br>retired on Thursday in a sign<br>that the company #39;s deep<br>financial crisis has abated,<br>though serious challenges<br>remain."
"Citing security concerns, the<br>U.S. Embassy on Thursday<br>banned its employees from<br>using the highway linking the<br>embassy area to the<br>international airport, a<br>10-mile stretch of road<br>plagued by frequent suicide<br>car-bomb attacks."
"Nobel Laureate Wilkins, 87,<br>played an important role in<br>the discovery of the double<br>helix structure of DNA, the<br>molecule that carries our<br>quot;life code quot;,<br>Kazinform refers to BBC News."
"With yesterday #39;s report on<br>its athletic department<br>violations completed, the<br>University of Washington says<br>it is pleased to be able to<br>move forward."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Wall<br>Street was expected to start<br>little changed on Friday as<br>investors continue to fret<br>over the impact of high oil<br>prices on earnings, while<br>Boeing &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.<br><br>.aspx?ticker=BA.N target=/stoc<br>ks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;BA.<br>N&lt;/A&gt; will be eyed<br>after it reiterated its<br>earnings forecast."
"AP - Tom Daschle bade his<br>fellow Senate Democrats<br>farewell Tuesday with a plea<br>that they seek common ground<br>with Republicans yet continue<br>to fight for the less<br>fortunate."
"Sammy Sosa was fined \\$87,400<br>-- one day's salary -- for<br>arriving late to the Cubs'<br>regular-season finale at<br>Wrigley Field and leaving the<br>game early. The slugger's<br>agent, Adam Katz , said<br>yesterday Sosa most likely<br>will file a grievance. Sosa<br>arrived 70 minutes before<br>Sunday's first pitch, and he<br>apparently left 15 minutes<br>after the game started without<br>..."
"Having an always-on, fast net<br>connection is changing the way<br>Britons use the internet,<br>research suggests."
"AP - Police defused a bomb in<br>a town near Prime Minister<br>Silvio Berlusconi's villa on<br>the island of Sardinia on<br>Wednesday shortly after<br>British Prime Minister Tony<br>Blair finished a visit there<br>with the Italian leader."
"Is the Oklahoma defense a<br>notch below its predecessors?<br>Is Texas #39; offense a step-<br>ahead? Why is Texas Tech<br>feeling good about itself<br>despite its recent loss?"
"The coffin of Yasser Arafat,<br>draped with the Palestinian<br>flag, was bound for Ramallah<br>in the West Bank Friday,<br>following a formal funeral on<br>a military compound near<br>Cairo."
"US Ambassador to the United<br>Nations John Danforth resigned<br>on Thursday after serving in<br>the post for less than six<br>months. Danforth, 68, said in<br>a letter released Thursday"
"Crude oil futures prices<br>dropped below \\$51 a barrel<br>yesterday as supply concerns<br>ahead of the Northern<br>Hemisphere winter eased after<br>an unexpectedly high rise in<br>US inventories."
"New York gets 57 combined<br>points from its starting<br>backcourt of Jamal Crawford<br>and Stephon Marbury and tops<br>Denver, 107-96."
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Photos<br>were published yesterday in<br>newspapers across Pakistan of<br>six terror suspects, including<br>a senior Al Qaeda operative,<br>the government says were<br>behind attempts to assassinate<br>the nation's president."
"AP - Shawn Marion had a<br>season-high 33 points and 15<br>rebounds, leading the Phoenix<br>Suns on a fourth-quarter<br>comeback despite the absence<br>of Steve Nash in a 95-86 win<br>over the New Orleans Hornets<br>on Friday night."
"By Lilly Vitorovich Of DOW<br>JONES NEWSWIRES SYDNEY (Dow<br>Jones)--Rupert Murdoch has<br>seven weeks to convince News<br>Corp. (NWS) shareholders a<br>move to the US will make the<br>media conglomerate more<br>attractive to"
"A number of signs point to<br>increasing demand for tech<br>workers, but not all the<br>clouds have been driven away."
"Messina upset defending<br>champion AC Milan 2-1<br>Wednesday, while Juventus won<br>its third straight game to<br>stay alone atop the Italian<br>league standings."
"Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>filed nine new lawsuits<br>against spammers who send<br>unsolicited e-mail, including<br>an e-mail marketing Web<br>hosting company, the world<br>#39;s largest software maker<br>said on Thursday."
"AP - Padraig Harrington<br>rallied to a three-stroke<br>victory in the German Masters<br>on a windy Sunday, closing<br>with a 2-under-par 70 and<br>giving his game a big boost<br>before the Ryder Cup."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The Athens<br>Paralympics canceled<br>celebrations at its closing<br>ceremony after seven<br>schoolchildren traveling to<br>watch the event died in a bus<br>crash on Monday."
"The rocket plane SpaceShipOne<br>is just one flight away from<br>claiming the Ansari X-Prize, a<br>\\$10m award designed to kick-<br>start private space travel."
"Reuters - Three American<br>scientists won the\\2004 Nobel<br>physics prize on Tuesday for<br>showing how tiny<br>quark\\particles interact,<br>helping to explain everything<br>from how a\\coin spins to how<br>the universe was built."
"Ironically it was the first<br>regular season game for the<br>Carolina Panthers that not<br>only began the history of the<br>franchise, but also saw the<br>beginning of a rivalry that<br>goes on to this day."
"Baltimore Ravens running back<br>Jamal Lewis did not appear at<br>his arraignment Friday, but<br>his lawyers entered a not<br>guilty plea on charges in an<br>expanded drug conspiracy<br>indictment."
"AP - Sharp Electronics Corp.<br>plans to stop selling its<br>Linux-based handheld computer<br>in the United States, another<br>sign of the slowing market for<br>personal digital assistants."
"After serving a five-game<br>suspension, Milton Bradley<br>worked out with the Dodgers as<br>they prepared for Tuesday's<br>opener against the St. Louis<br>Cardinals."
"AP - Prime Time won't be<br>playing in prime time this<br>time. Deion Sanders was on the<br>inactive list and missed a<br>chance to strut his stuff on<br>\"Monday Night Football.\""
"Reuters - Glaciers once held<br>up by a floating\\ice shelf off<br>Antarctica are now sliding off<br>into the sea --\\and they are<br>going fast, scientists said on<br>Tuesday."
"DUBAI : An Islamist group has<br>threatened to kill two Italian<br>women held hostage in Iraq if<br>Rome does not withdraw its<br>troops from the war-torn<br>country within 24 hours,<br>according to an internet<br>statement."
"AP - Warning lights flashed<br>atop four police cars as the<br>caravan wound its way up the<br>driveway in a procession fit<br>for a presidential candidate.<br>At long last, Azy and Indah<br>had arrived. They even flew<br>through a hurricane to get<br>here."
"The man who delivered the<br>knockout punch was picked up<br>from the Seattle scrap heap<br>just after the All-Star Game.<br>Before that, John Olerud<br>certainly hadn't figured on<br>facing Pedro Martinez in<br>Yankee Stadium in October."
"\\Female undergraduates work<br>harder and are more open-<br>minded than males, leading to<br>better results, say<br>scientists."
"A heavy quake rocked Indonesia<br>#39;s Papua province killing<br>at least 11 people and<br>wounding 75. The quake<br>destroyed 150 buildings,<br>including churches, mosques<br>and schools."
"LONDON : A consortium,<br>including former world<br>champion Nigel Mansell, claims<br>it has agreed terms to ensure<br>Silverstone remains one of the<br>venues for the 2005 Formula<br>One world championship."
" BATON ROUGE, La. (Sports<br>Network) - LSU has named Les<br>Miles its new head football<br>coach, replacing Nick Saban."
"The United Nations annual<br>World Robotics Survey predicts<br>the use of robots around the<br>home will surge seven-fold by<br>2007. The boom is expected to<br>be seen in robots that can mow<br>lawns and vacuum floors, among<br>other chores."
"The long-term economic health<br>of the United States is<br>threatened by \\$53 trillion in<br>government debts and<br>liabilities that start to come<br>due in four years when baby<br>boomers begin to retire."
"Reuters - A small group of<br>suspected\\gunmen stormed<br>Uganda's Water Ministry<br>Wednesday and took<br>three\\people hostage to<br>protest against proposals to<br>allow President\\Yoweri<br>Museveni for a third<br>term.\\Police and soldiers with<br>assault rifles cordoned off<br>the\\three-story building, just<br>328 feet from Uganda's<br>parliament\\building in the<br>capital Kampala."
"The Moscow Arbitration Court<br>ruled on Monday that the YUKOS<br>oil company must pay RUR<br>39.113bn (about \\$1.34bn) as<br>part of its back tax claim for<br>2001."
"NOVEMBER 11, 2004 -- Bankrupt<br>US Airways this morning said<br>it had reached agreements with<br>lenders and lessors to<br>continue operating nearly all<br>of its mainline and US Airways<br>Express fleets."
"Venezuela suggested Friday<br>that exiles living in Florida<br>may have masterminded the<br>assassination of a prosecutor<br>investigating a short-lived<br>coup against leftist President<br>Hugo Chvez"
"Want to dive deep -- really<br>deep -- into the technical<br>literature about search<br>engines? Here's a road map to<br>some of the best web<br>information retrieval<br>resources available online."
"Reuters - Ancel Keys, a<br>pioneer in public health\\best<br>known for identifying the<br>connection between<br>a\\cholesterol-rich diet and<br>heart disease, has died."
"The US government asks the<br>World Trade Organisation to<br>step in to stop EU member<br>states from \"subsidising\"<br>planemaker Airbus."
"Reuters - T-Mobile USA, the<br>U.S. wireless unit\\of Deutsche<br>Telekom AG (DTEGn.DE), does<br>not expect to offer\\broadband<br>mobile data services for at<br>least the next two years,\\its<br>chief executive said on<br>Thursday."
"Verizon Communications is<br>stepping further into video as<br>a way to compete against cable<br>companies."
"Facing a popular outcry at<br>home and stern warnings from<br>Europe, the Turkish government<br>discreetly stepped back<br>Tuesday from a plan to<br>introduce a motion into a<br>crucial penal reform bill to<br>make adultery a crime<br>punishable by prison."
"Boston Scientific Corp.<br>(BSX.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) said on Wednesday it<br>received US regulatory<br>approval for a device to treat<br>complications that arise in<br>patients with end-stage kidney<br>disease who need dialysis."
"North-west Norfolk MP Henry<br>Bellingham has called for the<br>release of an old college<br>friend accused of plotting a<br>coup in Equatorial Guinea."
"With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
"AP - The Chicago Blackhawks<br>re-signed goaltender Michael<br>Leighton to a one-year<br>contract Wednesday."
"Oracle Corp. plans to release<br>the latest version of its CRM<br>(customer relationship<br>management) applications<br>within the next two months, as<br>part of an ongoing update of<br>its E-Business Suite."
"Toyota Motor Corp. #39;s<br>shares fell for a second day,<br>after the world #39;s second-<br>biggest automaker had an<br>unexpected quarterly profit<br>drop."
"AFP - Want to buy a castle?<br>Head for the former East<br>Germany."
"Hosted CRM service provider<br> took another<br>step forward last week in its<br>strategy to build an online<br>ecosystem of vendors that<br>offer software as a service."
"Britain-based HBOS says it<br>will file a complaint to the<br>European Commission against<br>Spanish bank Santander Central<br>Hispano (SCH) in connection<br>with SCH #39;s bid to acquire<br>British bank Abbey National"
"AFP - Steven Gerrard has moved<br>to allay Liverpool fans' fears<br>that he could be out until<br>Christmas after breaking a<br>metatarsal bone in his left<br>foot."
"Verizon Wireless on Thursday<br>announced an agreement to<br>acquire all the PCS spectrum<br>licenses of NextWave Telecom<br>Inc. in 23 markets for \\$3<br>billion."
" -<br>Technology giants IBM and<br>Hewlett-Packard are injecting<br>hundreds of millions of<br>dollars into radio-frequency<br>identification technology,<br>which aims to advance the<br>tracking of items from ho-hum<br>bar codes to smart tags packed<br>with data."
"ATHENS -- She won her first<br>Olympic gold medal in kayaking<br>when she was 18, the youngest<br>paddler to do so in Games<br>history. Yesterday, at 42,<br>Germany #39;s golden girl<br>Birgit Fischer won her eighth<br>Olympic gold in the four-woman<br>500-metre kayak race."
"England boss Sven Goran<br>Eriksson has defended<br>goalkeeper David James after<br>last night #39;s 2-2 draw in<br>Austria. James allowed Andreas<br>Ivanschitz #39;s shot to slip<br>through his fingers to<br>complete Austria comeback from<br>two goals down."
"MINSK - Legislative elections<br>in Belarus held at the same<br>time as a referendum on<br>whether President Alexander<br>Lukashenko should be allowed<br>to seek a third term fell<br>significantly short of<br>democratic standards, foreign<br>observers said here Monday."
"An Olympic sailor is charged<br>with the manslaughter of a<br>Briton who died after being<br>hit by a car in Athens."
"The Norfolk Broads are on<br>their way to getting a clean<br>bill of ecological health<br>after a century of stagnation."
"AP - Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Friday praised the<br>peace deal that ended fighting<br>in Iraq's holy city of Najaf<br>and said the presence of U.S.<br>forces in the area helped make<br>it possible."
"The quot;future quot; is<br>getting a chance to revive the<br>presently struggling New York<br>Giants. Two other teams also<br>decided it was time for a<br>change at quarterback, but the<br>Buffalo Bills are not one of<br>them."
"For the second time this year,<br>an alliance of major Internet<br>providers - including Atlanta-<br>based EarthLink -iled a<br>coordinated group of lawsuits<br>aimed at stemming the flood of<br>online junk mail."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>PIMCO mutual fund group has<br>agreed to pay \\$50 million to<br>settle fraud charges involving<br>improper rapid dealing in<br>mutual fund shares, the U.S.<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission said on Monday."
"Via Technologies has released<br>a version of the open-source<br>Xine media player that is<br>designed to take advantage of<br>hardware digital video<br>acceleration capabilities in<br>two of the company #39;s PC<br>chipsets, the CN400 and<br>CLE266."
"The Conference Board reported<br>Thursday that the Leading<br>Economic Index fell for a<br>third consecutive month in<br>August, suggesting slower<br>economic growth ahead amid<br>rising oil prices."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Software maker Adobe Systems<br>Inc.&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.inv<br><br>px?ticker=ADBE.O target=/stock<br>s/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;ADBE<br>.O&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>posted a quarterly profit that<br>rose more than one-third from<br>a year ago, but shares fell 3<br>percent after the maker of<br>Photoshop and Acrobat software<br>did not raise forecasts for<br>fiscal 2005."
"William Morrison Supermarkets<br>has agreed to sell 114 small<br>Safeway stores and a<br>distribution centre for 260.2<br>million pounds. Morrison<br>bought these stores as part of<br>its 3 billion pound"
"SCO Group has a plan to keep<br>itself fit enough to continue<br>its legal battles against<br>Linux and to develop its Unix-<br>on-Intel operating systems."
"Flushing Meadows, NY (Sports<br>Network) - The men #39;s<br>semifinals at the 2004 US Open<br>will be staged on Saturday,<br>with three of the tournament<br>#39;s top-five seeds ready for<br>action at the USTA National<br>Tennis Center."
"Pepsi pushes a blue version of<br>Mountain Dew only at Taco<br>Bell. Is this a winning<br>strategy?"
"New software helps corporate<br>travel managers track down<br>business travelers who<br>overspend. But it also poses a<br>dilemma for honest travelers<br>who are only trying to save<br>money."
"NATO Secretary-General Jaap de<br>Hoop Scheffer has called a<br>meeting of NATO states and<br>Russia on Tuesday to discuss<br>the siege of a school by<br>Chechen separatists in which<br>more than 335 people died, a<br>NATO spokesman said."
"26 August 2004 -- Iraq #39;s<br>top Shi #39;ite cleric, Grand<br>Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,<br>arrived in the city of Al-<br>Najaf today in a bid to end a<br>weeks-long conflict between US<br>forces and militiamen loyal to<br>Shi #39;ite cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"AFP - Senior executives at<br>business software group<br>PeopleSoft unanimously<br>recommended that its<br>shareholders reject a 8.8<br>billion dollar takeover bid<br>from Oracle Corp, PeopleSoft<br>said in a statement Wednesday."
"Reuters - Neolithic people in<br>China may have\\been the first<br>in the world to make wine,<br>according to\\scientists who<br>have found the earliest<br>evidence of winemaking\\from<br>pottery shards dating from<br>7,000 BC in northern China."
"Given nearly a week to examine<br>the security issues raised by<br>the now-infamous brawl between<br>players and fans in Auburn<br>Hills, Mich., Nov. 19, the<br>Celtics returned to the<br>FleetCenter last night with<br>two losses and few concerns<br>about their on-court safety."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Electronics<br>conglomerate Sony Corp.<br>unveiled eight new flat-screen<br>televisions on Thursday in a<br>product push it hopes will<br>help it secure a leading 35<br>percent of the domestic<br>market in the key month of<br>December."
"As the election approaches,<br>Congress abandons all pretense<br>of fiscal responsibility,<br>voting tax cuts that would<br>drive 10-year deficits past<br>\\$3 trillion."
"PARIS : French trade unions<br>called on workers at France<br>Telecom to stage a 24-hour<br>strike September 7 to protest<br>government plans to privatize<br>the public telecommunications<br>operator, union sources said."
"ServiceMaster profitably<br>bundles services and pays a<br>healthy 3.5 dividend."
"The Indonesian tourism<br>industry has so far not been<br>affected by last week #39;s<br>bombing outside the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta and<br>officials said they do not<br>expect a significant drop in<br>visitor numbers as a result of<br>the attack."
"\\$222.5 million -- in an<br>ongoing securities class<br>action lawsuit against Enron<br>Corp. The settlement,<br>announced Friday and"
"Arsenals Thierry Henry today<br>missed out on the European<br>Footballer of the Year award<br>as Andriy Shevchenko took the<br>honour. AC Milan frontman<br>Shevchenko held off<br>competition from Barcelona<br>pair Deco and"
"Donald Halsted, one target of<br>a class-action suit alleging<br>financial improprieties at<br>bankrupt Polaroid, officially<br>becomes CFO."
"Neil Mellor #39;s sensational<br>late winner for Liverpool<br>against Arsenal on Sunday has<br>earned the back-up striker the<br>chance to salvage a career<br>that had appeared to be<br>drifting irrevocably towards<br>the lower divisions."
"ABOUT 70,000 people were<br>forced to evacuate Real Madrid<br>#39;s Santiago Bernabeu<br>stadium minutes before the end<br>of a Primera Liga match<br>yesterday after a bomb threat<br>in the name of ETA Basque<br>separatist guerillas."
"The team learned on Monday<br>that full-back Jon Ritchie<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season with a torn anterior<br>cruciate ligament in his left<br>knee."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart<br>said on Wednesday she wants<br>to start serving her prison<br>sentence for lying about a<br>suspicious stock sale as soon<br>as possible, so she can put<br>her \"nightmare\" behind her."
"Apple Computer's iPod remains<br>the king of digital music<br>players, but robust pretenders<br>to the throne have begun to<br>emerge in the Windows<br>universe. One of them is the<br>Zen Touch, from Creative Labs."
"The 7710 model features a<br>touch screen, pen input, a<br>digital camera, an Internet<br>browser, a radio, video<br>playback and streaming and<br>recording capabilities, the<br>company said."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) --<br>Crude futures closed under<br>\\$46 a barrel Wednesday for<br>the first time since late<br>September and heating-oil and<br>unleaded gasoline prices<br>dropped more than 6 percent<br>following an across-the-board<br>climb in US petroleum<br>inventories."
"The University of Iowa #39;s<br>market for US presidential<br>futures, founded 16-years ago,<br>has been overtaken by a<br>Dublin-based exchange that is<br>now 25 times larger."
"Venus Williams barely kept<br>alive her hopes of qualifying<br>for next week #39;s WTA Tour<br>Championships. Williams,<br>seeded fifth, survived a<br>third-set tiebreaker to<br>outlast Yuilana Fedak of the<br>Ukraine, 6-4 2-6 7-6"
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - Arnold<br>Palmer has taken a swing at<br>America's top players,<br>criticizing their increasing<br>reluctance to travel abroad<br>to play in tournaments."
"MARK Thatcher will have to<br>wait until at least next April<br>to face trial on allegations<br>he helped bankroll a coup<br>attempt in oil-rich Equatorial<br>Guinea."
"A top Red Hat executive has<br>attacked the open-source<br>credentials of its sometime<br>business partner Sun<br>Microsystems. In a Web log<br>posting Thursday, Michael<br>Tiemann, Red Hat #39;s vice<br>president of open-source<br>affairs"
"President Bush #39;s drive to<br>deploy a multibillion-dollar<br>shield against ballistic<br>missiles was set back on<br>Wednesday by what critics<br>called a stunning failure of<br>its first full flight test in<br>two years."
"Although he was well-beaten by<br>Retief Goosen in Sunday #39;s<br>final round of The Tour<br>Championship in Atlanta, there<br>has been some compensation for<br>the former world number one,<br>Tiger Woods."
"WAYNE Rooney and Henrik<br>Larsson are among the players<br>nominated for FIFAs<br>prestigious World Player of<br>the Year award. Rooney is one<br>of four Manchester United<br>players on a list which is<br>heavily influenced by the<br>Premiership."
"It didn #39;t look good when<br>it happened on the field, and<br>it looked worse in the<br>clubhouse. Angels second<br>baseman Adam Kennedy left the<br>Angels #39; 5-2 win over the<br>Seattle Mariners"
"Air travelers moved one step<br>closer to being able to talk<br>on cell phones and surf the<br>Internet from laptops while in<br>flight, thanks to votes by the<br>Federal Communications<br>Commission yesterday."
"MySQL developers turn to an<br>unlikely source for database<br>tool: Microsoft. Also: SGI<br>visualizes Linux, and the<br>return of Java veteran Kim<br>Polese."
"DESPITE the budget deficit,<br>continued increases in oil and<br>consumer prices, the economy,<br>as measured by gross domestic<br>product, grew by 6.3 percent<br>in the third"
"NEW YORK - A drop in oil<br>prices and upbeat outlooks<br>from Wal-Mart and Lowe's<br>helped send stocks sharply<br>higher Monday on Wall Street,<br>with the swing exaggerated by<br>thin late summer trading. The<br>Dow Jones industrials surged<br>nearly 130 points..."
"Freshman Darius Walker ran for<br>115 yards and scored two<br>touchdowns, helping revive an<br>Irish offense that had managed<br>just one touchdown in the<br>season's first six quarters."
"Consumers who cut it close by<br>paying bills from their<br>checking accounts a couple of<br>days before depositing funds<br>will be out of luck under a<br>new law that takes effect Oct.<br>28."
"Dell Inc. said its profit<br>surged 25 percent in the third<br>quarter as the world's largest<br>personal computer maker posted<br>record sales due to rising<br>technology spending in the<br>corporate and government<br>sectors in the United States<br>and abroad."
"AP - NBC is adding a 5-second<br>delay to its NASCAR telecasts<br>after Dale Earnhardt Jr. used<br>a vulgarity during a postrace<br>TV interview last weekend."
" BOSTON (Sports Network) - The<br>New York Yankees will start<br>Orlando \"El Duque\" Hernandez<br>in Game 4 of the American<br>League Championship Series on<br>Saturday against the Boston<br>Red Sox."
"The future of Sven-Goran<br>Eriksson as England coach is<br>the subject of intense<br>discussion after the draw in<br>Austria. Has the Swede lost<br>the confidence of the nation<br>or does he remain the best man<br>for the job?"
"Component problems meant<br>Brillian's new big screens<br>missed the NFL's kickoff<br>party."
"Spain begin their third final<br>in five seasons at the Olympic<br>stadium hoping to secure their<br>second title since their first<br>in Barcelona against Australia<br>in 2000."
"Second-seeded David Nalbandian<br>of Argentina lost at the Japan<br>Open on Thursday, beaten by<br>Gilles Muller of Luxembourg<br>7-6 (4), 3-6, 6-4 in the third<br>round."
"Thursday #39;s unexpected<br>resignation of Memphis<br>Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown<br>left a lot of questions<br>unanswered. In his unique way<br>of putting things, the<br>71-year-old Brown seemed to<br>indicate he was burned out and<br>had some health concerns."
"RUDI Voller had quit as coach<br>of Roma after a 3-1 defeat<br>away to Bologna, the Serie A<br>club said today. Under the<br>former Germany coach, Roma had<br>taken just four league points<br>from a possible 12."
"A Russian court on Thursday<br>rejected an appeal by the<br>Yukos oil company seeking to<br>overturn a freeze on the<br>accounts of the struggling oil<br>giant #39;s core subsidiaries."
"ONE by one, the players #39;<br>faces had flashed up on the<br>giant Ibrox screens offering<br>season #39;s greetings to the<br>Rangers fans. But the main<br>presents were reserved for<br>Auxerre."
"Switzerland #39;s struggling<br>national airline reported a<br>second-quarter profit of 45<br>million Swiss francs (\\$35.6<br>million) Tuesday, although its<br>figures were boosted by a<br>legal settlement in France."
"ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia --<br>Hundreds of protesters<br>ransacked and occupied the<br>regional administration<br>building in a southern Russian<br>province Tuesday, demanding<br>the resignation of the region<br>#39;s president, whose former<br>son-in-law has been linked to<br>a multiple"
"SIPTU has said it is strongly<br>opposed to any privatisation<br>of Aer Lingus as pressure<br>mounts on the Government to<br>make a decision on the future<br>funding of the airline."
"Reuters - SBC Communications<br>said on Monday it\\would offer<br>a television set-top box that<br>can handle music,\\photos and<br>Internet downloads, part of<br>SBC's efforts to expand\\into<br>home entertainment."
"Molson Inc. Chief Executive<br>Officer Daniel O #39;Neill<br>said he #39;ll provide<br>investors with a positive #39;<br>#39; response to their<br>concerns over the company<br>#39;s plan to let stock-<br>option holders vote on its<br>planned merger with Adolph<br>Coors Co."
"South Korea #39;s Grace Park<br>shot a seven-under-par 65 to<br>triumph at the CJ Nine Bridges<br>Classic on Sunday. Park #39;s<br>victory made up her final-<br>round collapse at the Samsung<br>World Championship two weeks<br>ago."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hopes<br>-- and worries -- that U.S.<br>regulators will soon end the<br>ban on using wireless phones<br>during U.S. commercial flights<br>are likely at least a year or<br>two early, government<br>officials and analysts say."
"AFP - Iraqi Foreign Minister<br>Hoshyar Zebari arrived<br>unexpectedly in the holy city<br>of Mecca Wednesday where he<br>met Crown Prince Abdullah bin<br>Abdul Aziz, the official SPA<br>news agency reported."
"Titans QB Steve McNair was<br>released from a Nashville<br>hospital after a two-night<br>stay for treatment of a<br>bruised sternum. McNair was<br>injured during the fourth<br>quarter of the Titans #39;<br>15-12 loss to Jacksonville on<br>Sunday."
"Keith Miller, Australia #39;s<br>most prolific all-rounder in<br>Test cricket, died today at a<br>nursing home, Cricket<br>Australia said. He was 84."
"Haitian police and UN troops<br>moved into a slum neighborhood<br>on Sunday and cleared street<br>barricades that paralyzed a<br>part of the capital."
"TORONTO Former Toronto pitcher<br>John Cerutti (seh-ROO<br>#39;-tee) was found dead in<br>his hotel room today,<br>according to the team. He was<br>44."
"withdrawal of troops and<br>settlers from occupied Gaza<br>next year. Militants seek to<br>claim any pullout as a<br>victory. quot;Islamic Jihad<br>will not be broken by this<br>martyrdom, quot; said Khaled<br>al-Batsh, a senior political<br>leader in Gaza."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>world's largest gold producer,<br>Newmont Mining Corp. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=NEM<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;NEM.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>on Wednesday said higher gold<br>prices drove up quarterly<br>profit by 12.5 percent, even<br>though it sold less of the<br>precious metal."
"The U.S. military has found<br>nearly 20 houses where<br>intelligence officers believe<br>hostages were tortured or<br>killed in this city, including<br>the house with the cage that<br>held a British contractor who<br>was beheaded last month."
"AFP - Opponents of the Lao<br>government may be plotting<br>bomb attacks in Vientiane and<br>other areas of Laos timed to<br>coincide with a summit of<br>Southeast Asian leaders the<br>country is hosting next month,<br>the United States said."
"After a year of pilots and<br>trials, Siebel Systems jumped<br>with both feet into the SMB<br>market Tuesday, announcing a<br>new approach to offer Siebel<br>Professional CRM applications<br>to SMBs (small and midsize<br>businesses) -- companies with<br>revenues up to about \\$500<br>million."
"AP - Russia agreed Thursday to<br>send warships to help NATO<br>naval patrols that monitor<br>suspicious vessels in the<br>Mediterranean, part of a push<br>for closer counterterrorism<br>cooperation between Moscow and<br>the western alliance."
"Intel won't release a 4-GHz<br>version of its flagship<br>Pentium 4 product, having<br>decided instead to realign its<br>engineers around the company's<br>new design priorities, an<br>Intel spokesman said today.<br>\\\\"
"AP - A Soyuz spacecraft<br>carrying two Russians and an<br>American rocketed closer<br>Friday to its docking with the<br>international space station,<br>where the current three-man<br>crew made final departure<br>preparations."
"Defense: Ken Lucas. His<br>biggest play was his first<br>one. The fourth-year<br>cornerback intercepted a Ken<br>Dorsey pass that kissed off<br>the hands of wide receiver<br>Rashaun Woods and returned it<br>25 yards to set up the<br>Seahawks #39; first score."
"Scientists have manipulated<br>carbon atoms to create a<br>material that could be used to<br>create light-based, versus<br>electronic, switches. The<br>material could lead to a<br>supercharged Internet based<br>entirely on light, scientists<br>say."
"A military plane crashed in<br>the mountains near Caracas,<br>killing all 16 persons on<br>board, including two high-<br>ranking military officers,<br>officials said."
"The powerful St. Louis trio of<br>Albert Pujols, Scott Rolen and<br>Jim Edmonds is 4 for 23 with<br>one RBI in the series and with<br>runners on base, they are 1<br>for 13."
"A voice recording said to be<br>that of suspected Al Qaeda<br>commander Abu Mussab al-<br>Zarqawi, claims Iraq #39;s<br>Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is<br>the militant network #39;s<br>number one target."
"BEIJING -- More than a year<br>after becoming China's<br>president, Hu Jintao was<br>handed the full reins of power<br>yesterday when his<br>predecessor, Jiang Zemin, gave<br>up the nation's most powerful<br>military post."
"LOS ANGELES (Reuters)<br>Qualcomm has dropped an \\$18<br>million claim for monetary<br>damages from rival Texas<br>Instruments for publicly<br>discussing terms of a<br>licensing pact, a TI<br>spokeswoman confirmed Tuesday."
"Hewlett-Packard is the latest<br>IT vendor to try blogging. But<br>analysts wonder if the weblog<br>trend is the 21st century<br>equivalent of CB radios, which<br>made a big splash in the 1970s<br>before fading."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fannie<br>Mae executives and their<br>regulator squared off on<br>Wednesday, with executives<br>denying any accounting<br>irregularity and the regulator<br>saying the housing finance<br>company's management may need<br>to go."
"The scientists behind Dolly<br>the sheep apply for a license<br>to clone human embryos. They<br>want to take stem cells from<br>the embryos to study Lou<br>Gehrig's disease."
"As the first criminal trial<br>stemming from the financial<br>deals at Enron opened in<br>Houston on Monday, it is<br>notable as much for who is not<br>among the six defendants as<br>who is - and for how little<br>money was involved compared<br>with how much in other Enron"
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- British<br>bank Barclays on Thursday said<br>it is in talks to buy a<br>majority stake in South<br>African bank ABSA. Free!"
"The Jets signed 33-year-old<br>cornerback Terrell Buckley,<br>who was released by New<br>England on Sunday, after<br>putting nickel back Ray<br>Mickens on season-ending<br>injured reserve yesterday with<br>a torn ACL in his left knee."
"Some of the silly tunes<br>Japanese pay to download to<br>use as the ring tone for their<br>mobile phones sure have their<br>knockers, but it #39;s for<br>precisely that reason that a<br>well-known counselor is raking<br>it in at the moment, according<br>to Shukan Gendai (10/2)."
"WEST INDIES thrilling victory<br>yesterday in the International<br>Cricket Council Champions<br>Trophy meant the world to the<br>five million people of the<br>Caribbean."
"AP - Greenpeace activists<br>scaled the walls of Ford Motor<br>Co.'s Norwegian headquarters<br>Tuesday to protest plans to<br>destroy hundreds of non-<br>polluting electric cars."
"Investors sent stocks sharply<br>lower yesterday as oil prices<br>continued their climb higher<br>and new questions about the<br>safety of arthritis drugs<br>pressured pharmaceutical<br>stocks."
"Scotland manager Berti Vogts<br>insists he is expecting<br>nothing but victory against<br>Moldova on Wednesday. The game<br>certainly is a must-win affair<br>if the Scots are to have any<br>chance of qualifying for the<br>2006 World Cup finals."
"IBM announced yesterday that<br>it will invest US\\$250 million<br>(S\\$425 million) over the next<br>five years and employ 1,000<br>people in a new business unit<br>to support products and<br>services related to sensor<br>networks."
"AFP - The chances of Rupert<br>Murdoch's News Corp relocating<br>from Australia to the United<br>States have increased after<br>one of its biggest<br>institutional investors has<br>chosen to abstain from a vote<br>next week on the move."
"AFP - An Indian minister said<br>a school text-book used in the<br>violence-prone western state<br>of Gujarat portrayed Adolf<br>Hitler as a role model."
"Reuters - The head of UAL<br>Corp.'s United\\Airlines said<br>on Thursday the airline's<br>restructuring plan\\would lead<br>to a significant number of job<br>losses, but it was\\not clear<br>how many."
"DOVER, N.H. (AP) -- Democrat<br>John Kerry is seizing on the<br>Bush administration's failure<br>to secure hundreds of tons of<br>explosives now missing in<br>Iraq."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. goes into<br>round two Friday of its battle<br>to get the European Union's<br>sweeping antitrust ruling<br>lifted having told a judge<br>that it had been prepared<br>during settlement talks to<br>share more software code with<br>its rivals than the EU<br>ultimately demanded."
" INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) -<br>Jenny Thompson will take the<br>spotlight from injured U.S.<br>team mate Michael Phelps at<br>the world short course<br>championships Saturday as she<br>brings down the curtain on a<br>spectacular swimming career."
"Martin Brodeur made 27 saves,<br>and Brad Richards, Kris Draper<br>and Joe Sakic scored goals to<br>help Canada beat Russia 3-1<br>last night in the World Cup of<br>Hockey, giving the Canadians a<br>3-0 record in round-robin<br>play."
"AP - Sears, Roebuck and Co.,<br>which has successfully sold<br>its tools and appliances on<br>the Web, is counting on having<br>the same magic with bedspreads<br>and sweaters, thanks in part<br>to expertise gained by its<br>purchase of Lands' End Inc."
"com September 14, 2004, 9:12<br>AM PT. With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Children's Place Retail Stores<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=PLCE.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PL<br>CE.O&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Wednesday it will buy 313<br>retail stores from Walt<br>Disney Co., and its stock rose<br>more than 14 percent in early<br>morning trade."
"ALBANY, N.Y. -- A California-<br>based company that brokers<br>life, accident, and disability<br>policies for leading US<br>companies pocketed millions of<br>dollars a year in hidden<br>payments from insurers and<br>from charges on clients'<br>unsuspecting workers, New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>charged yesterday."
"NORTEL Networks plans to slash<br>its workforce by 3500, or ten<br>per cent, as it struggles to<br>recover from an accounting<br>scandal that toppled three top<br>executives and led to a<br>criminal investigation and<br>lawsuits."
"Ebay Inc. (EBAY.O: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Friday it would buy,<br>an Internet housing rental<br>listing service, for \\$415<br>million in a deal that gives<br>it access to a new segment of<br>the online real estate market."
"Austin police are working with<br>overseas officials to bring<br>charges against an English man<br>for sexual assault of a child,<br>a second-degree felony."
"United Nations officials<br>report security breaches in<br>internally displaced people<br>and refugee camps in Sudan<br>#39;s embattled Darfur region<br>and neighboring Chad."
"Noranda Inc., Canada #39;s<br>biggest mining company, began<br>exclusive talks on a takeover<br>proposal from China Minmetals<br>Corp. that would lead to the<br>spinoff of Noranda #39;s<br>aluminum business to<br>shareholders."
"San Francisco<br>developer/publisher lands<br>coveted Paramount sci-fi<br>license, \\$6.5 million in<br>funding on same day. Although<br>it is less than two years old,<br>Perpetual Entertainment has<br>acquired one of the most<br>coveted sci-fi licenses on the<br>market."
"ST. LOUIS -- Mike Martz #39;s<br>week of anger was no empty<br>display. He saw the defending<br>NFC West champions slipping<br>and thought taking potshots at<br>his players might be his best<br>shot at turning things around."
"Google warned Thursday that<br>increased competition and the<br>maturing of the company would<br>result in an quot;inevitable<br>quot; slowing of its growth."
"By KELLY WIESE JEFFERSON<br>CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Missouri<br>will allow members of the<br>military stationed overseas to<br>return absentee ballots via<br>e-mail, raising concerns from<br>Internet security experts<br>about fraud and ballot<br>secrecy..."
"Avis Europe PLC has dumped a<br>new ERP system based on<br>software from PeopleSoft Inc.<br>before it was even rolled out,<br>citing substantial delays and<br>higher-than-expected costs."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - The Nikkei<br>average rose 0.55 percent by<br>midsession on Wednesday as<br>some techs including Advantest<br>Corp. gained ground after<br>Wall Street reacted positively<br>to results from Intel Corp.<br>released after the U.S. market<br>close."
"Yahoo #39;s (Quote, Chart)<br>public embrace of the RSS<br>content syndication format<br>took a major leap forward with<br>the release of a revamped My<br>Yahoo portal seeking to<br>introduce the technology to<br>mainstream consumers."
"KINGSTON, Jamaica - Hurricane<br>Ivan's deadly winds and<br>monstrous waves bore down on<br>Jamaica on Friday, threatening<br>a direct hit on its densely<br>populated capital after<br>ravaging Grenada and killing<br>at least 33 people. The<br>Jamaican government ordered<br>the evacuation of half a<br>million people from coastal<br>areas, where rains on Ivan's<br>outer edges were already<br>flooding roads..."
"North Korea has denounced as<br>quot;wicked terrorists quot;<br>the South Korean officials who<br>orchestrated last month #39;s<br>airlift to Seoul of 468 North<br>Korean defectors."
"The Black Watch regiment has<br>returned to its base in Basra<br>in southern Iraq after a<br>month-long mission standing in<br>for US troops in a more<br>violent part of the country,<br>the Ministry of Defence says."
"Romanian soccer star Adrian<br>Mutu as he arrives at the<br>British Football Association<br>in London, ahead of his<br>disciplinary hearing, Thursday<br>Nov. 4, 2004."
"Australia completed an<br>emphatic Test series sweep<br>over New Zealand with a<br>213-run win Tuesday, prompting<br>a caution from Black Caps<br>skipper Stephen Fleming for<br>other cricket captains around<br>the globe."
"AP - A senior Congolese<br>official said Tuesday his<br>nation had been invaded by<br>neighboring Rwanda, and U.N.<br>officials said they were<br>investigating claims of<br>Rwandan forces clashing with<br>militias in the east."
"Liverpool, England (Sports<br>Network) - Former English<br>international and Liverpool<br>great Emlyn Hughes passed away<br>Tuesday from a brain tumor."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Soft<br>drink giant Coca-Cola Co.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=KO.N target=/stocks/quic<br>kinfo/fullquote\"&gt;KO.N&lt;/A<br>&gt;, stung by a prolonged<br>downturn in North America,<br>Germany and other major<br>markets, on Thursday lowered<br>its key long-term earnings<br>and sales targets."
"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- They<br>were singing in the Colts #39;<br>locker room today, singing<br>like a bunch of wounded<br>songbirds. Never mind that<br>Marcus Pollard, Dallas Clark<br>and Ben Hartsock won #39;t be<br>recording a remake of Kenny<br>Chesney #39;s song,<br>quot;Young, quot; any time<br>soon."
"TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese<br>electronics and entertainment<br>giant Sony Corp. (SNE) plans<br>to begin selling a camcorder<br>designed for consumers that<br>takes video at digital high-<br>definition quality and is<br>being priced at about<br>\\$3,600..."
"As the close-knit NASCAR<br>community mourns the loss of<br>team owner Rick Hendrick #39;s<br>son, brother, twin nieces and<br>six others in a plane crash<br>Sunday, perhaps no one outside<br>of the immediate family<br>grieves more deeply than<br>Darrell Waltrip."
"AP - Purdue quarterback Kyle<br>Orton has no trouble<br>remembering how he felt after<br>last year's game at Michigan."
"UNITED NATIONS - The United<br>Nations #39; nuclear agency<br>says it is concerned about the<br>disappearance of equipment and<br>materials from Iraq that could<br>be used to make nuclear<br>weapons."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU's<br>historic deal with Turkey to<br>open entry talks with the vast<br>Muslim country was hailed by<br>supporters as a bridge builder<br>between Europe and the Islamic<br>world."
"Iraqi President Ghazi al-<br>Yawar, who was due in Paris on<br>Sunday to start a European<br>tour, has postponed his visit<br>to France due to the ongoing<br>hostage drama involving two<br>French journalists, Arab<br>diplomats said Friday."
" SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>President Luiz Inacio Lula da<br>Silva's Workers' Party (PT)<br>won the mayoralty of six state<br>capitals in Sunday's municipal<br>vote but was forced into a<br>run-off to defend its hold on<br>the race's biggest prize, the<br>city of Sao Paulo."
"ATHENS, Greece - They are<br>America's newest golden girls<br>- powerful and just a shade<br>from perfection. The U.S..."
"AMMAN, Sept. 15. - The owner<br>of a Jordanian truck company<br>announced today that he had<br>ordered its Iraq operations<br>stopped in a bid to save the<br>life of a driver held hostage<br>by a militant group."
"AP - U.S. State Department<br>officials learned that seven<br>American children had been<br>abandoned at a Nigerian<br>orphanage but waited more than<br>a week to check on the youths,<br>who were suffering from<br>malnutrition, malaria and<br>typhoid, a newspaper reported<br>Saturday."
"\\Angry mobs in Ivory Coast's<br>main city, Abidjan, marched on<br>the airport, hours after it<br>came under French control."
"Several workers are believed<br>to have been killed and others<br>injured after a contruction<br>site collapsed at Dubai<br>airport. The workers were<br>trapped under rubble at the<br>site of a \\$4."
"Talks between Sudan #39;s<br>government and two rebel<br>groups to resolve the nearly<br>two-year battle resume Friday.<br>By Abraham McLaughlin Staff<br>writer of The Christian<br>Science Monitor."
"In a meeting of the cinematic<br>with the scientific, Hollywood<br>helicopter stunt pilots will<br>try to snatch a returning NASA<br>space probe out of the air<br>before it hits the ground."
"Legend has it (incorrectly, it<br>seems) that infamous bank<br>robber Willie Sutton, when<br>asked why banks were his<br>favorite target, responded,<br>quot;Because that #39;s where<br>the money is."
"Brown is a second year player<br>from Memphis and has spent the<br>2004 season on the Steelers<br>#39; practice squad. He played<br>in two games last year."
"A Canadian court approved Air<br>Canada #39;s (AC.TO: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) plan of<br>arrangement with creditors on<br>Monday, clearing the way for<br>the world #39;s 11th largest<br>airline to emerge from<br>bankruptcy protection at the<br>end of next month"
"Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and<br>Purdue Pharma are the first<br>drugmakers willing to take the<br>plunge and use radio frequency<br>identification technology to<br>protect their US drug supply<br>chains from counterfeiters."
"Barret Jackman, the last of<br>the Blues left to sign before<br>the league #39;s probable<br>lockout on Wednesday,<br>finalized a deal Monday that<br>is rare in the current<br>economic climate but fitting<br>for him."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>eased on Monday after rebels<br>in Nigeria withdrew a threat<br>to target oil operations, but<br>lingering concerns over<br>stretched supplies ahead of<br>winter kept prices close to<br>\\$50."
"AP - In the tumult of the<br>visitors' clubhouse at Yankee<br>Stadium, champagne pouring all<br>around him, Theo Epstein held<br>a beer. \"I came in and there<br>was no champagne left,\" he<br>said this week. \"I said, 'I'll<br>have champagne if we win it<br>all.'\" Get ready to pour a<br>glass of bubbly for Epstein.<br>No I.D. necessary."
"Search any fee-based digital<br>music service for the best-<br>loved musical artists of the<br>20th century and most of the<br>expected names show up."
"Barcelona held on from an<br>early Deco goal to edge game<br>local rivals Espanyol 1-0 and<br>carve out a five point<br>tabletop cushion. Earlier,<br>Ronaldo rescued a point for<br>Real Madrid, who continued<br>their middling form with a 1-1<br>draw at Real Betis."
"MONTREAL (CP) - The Expos may<br>be history, but their demise<br>has heated up the market for<br>team memorabilia. Vintage<br>1970s and 1980s shirts are<br>already sold out, but<br>everything from caps, beer<br>glasses and key-chains to<br>dolls of mascot Youppi!"
"Stansted airport is the<br>designated emergency landing<br>ground for planes in British<br>airspace hit by in-flight<br>security alerts. Emergency<br>services at Stansted have<br>successfully dealt"
"The massive military operation<br>to retake Fallujah has been<br>quot;accomplished quot;, a<br>senior Iraqi official said.<br>Fierce fighting continued in<br>the war-torn city where<br>pockets of resistance were<br>still holding out against US<br>forces."
"There are some signs of<br>progress in resolving the<br>Nigerian conflict that is<br>riling global oil markets. The<br>leader of militia fighters<br>threatening to widen a battle<br>for control of Nigeria #39;s<br>oil-rich south has"
"A strong earthquake hit Taiwan<br>on Monday, shaking buildings<br>in the capital Taipei for<br>several seconds. No casualties<br>were reported."
"America Online Inc. is<br>packaging new features to<br>combat viruses, spam and<br>spyware in response to growing<br>online security threats.<br>Subscribers will be able to<br>get the free tools"
"A 76th minute goal from<br>European Footballer of the<br>Year Pavel Nedved gave<br>Juventus a 1-0 win over Bayern<br>Munich on Tuesday handing the<br>Italians clear control at the<br>top of Champions League Group<br>C."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>climbed above \\$42 a barrel on<br>Wednesday, rising for the<br>third day in a row as cold<br>weather gripped the U.S.<br>Northeast, the world's biggest<br>heating fuel market."
"A policeman ran amok at a<br>security camp in Indian-<br>controlled Kashmir after an<br>argument and shot dead seven<br>colleagues before he was<br>gunned down, police said on<br>Sunday."
"ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Some NHL<br>players who took part in a<br>charity hockey game at the<br>University of Michigan on<br>Thursday were hopeful the news<br>that the NHL and the players<br>association will resume talks<br>next week"
"New York police have developed<br>a pre-emptive strike policy,<br>cutting off demonstrations<br>before they grow large."
"CAPE CANAVERAL-- NASA aims to<br>launch its first post-Columbia<br>shuttle mission during a<br>shortened nine-day window<br>March, and failure to do so<br>likely would delay a planned<br>return to flight until at<br>least May."
"Travelers headed home for<br>Thanksgiving were greeted<br>Wednesday with snow-covered<br>highways in the Midwest, heavy<br>rain and tornadoes in parts of<br>the South, and long security<br>lines at some of the nation<br>#39;s airports."
"BOULDER, Colo. -- Vernand<br>Morency ran for 165 yards and<br>two touchdowns and Donovan<br>Woods threw for three more<br>scores, lifting No. 22<br>Oklahoma State to a 42-14<br>victory over Colorado<br>yesterday."
"The Chinese city of Beijing<br>has cancelled an order for<br>Microsoft software, apparently<br>bowing to protectionist<br>sentiment. The deal has come<br>under fire in China, which is<br>trying to build a domestic<br>software industry."
"Apple says it will deliver its<br>iTunes music service to more<br>European countries next month.<br>Corroborating several reports<br>in recent months, Reuters is<br>reporting today that Apple<br>Computer is planning the next"
"Reuters - Motorola Inc., the<br>world's\\second-largest mobile<br>phone maker, said on Tuesday<br>it expects\\to sustain strong<br>sales growth in the second<br>half of 2004\\thanks to new<br>handsets with innovative<br>designs and features."
"PULLMAN - Last week, in<br>studying USC game film, Cougar<br>coaches thought they found a<br>chink in the national<br>champions armor. And not just<br>any chink - one with the<br>potential, right from the get<br>go, to"
"The union representing flight<br>attendants on Friday said it<br>mailed more than 5,000 strike<br>authorization ballots to its<br>members employed by US Airways<br>as both sides continued talks<br>that are expected to stretch<br>through the weekend."
"AP - Matt Leinart was quite a<br>baseball prospect growing up,<br>showing so much promise as a<br>left-handed pitcher that<br>scouts took notice before high<br>school."
"PRAGUE, Czech Republic --<br>Eugene Cernan, the last man to<br>walk on the moon during the<br>final Apollo landing, said<br>Thursday he doesn't expect<br>space tourism to become<br>reality in the near future,<br>despite a strong demand.<br>Cernan, now 70, who was<br>commander of NASA's Apollo 17<br>mission and set foot on the<br>lunar surface in December 1972<br>during his third space flight,<br>acknowledged that \"there are<br>many people interested in<br>space tourism.\" But the<br>former astronaut said he<br>believed \"we are a long way<br>away from the day when we can<br>send a bus of tourists to the<br>moon.\" He spoke to reporters<br>before being awarded a medal<br>by the Czech Academy of<br>Sciences for his contribution<br>to science..."
"Never shy about entering a<br>market late, Microsoft Corp.<br>is planning to open the<br>virtual doors of its long-<br>planned Internet music store<br>next week. &lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"AP - On his first birthday<br>Thursday, giant panda cub Mei<br>Sheng delighted visitors by<br>playing for the first time in<br>snow delivered to him at the<br>San Diego Zoo. He also sat on<br>his ice cake, wrestled with<br>his mom, got his coat<br>incredibly dirty, and didn't<br>read any of the more than 700<br>birthday wishes sent him via<br>e-mail from as far away as<br>Ireland and Argentina."
"AP - Researchers put a<br>satellite tracking device on a<br>15-foot shark that appeared to<br>be lost in shallow water off<br>Cape Cod, the first time a<br>great white has been tagged<br>that way in the Atlantic."
"LSU will stick with a two-<br>quarterback rotation Saturday<br>at Auburn, according to Tigers<br>coach Nick Saban, who seemed<br>to have some fun telling the<br>media what he will and won<br>#39;t discuss Monday."
"Bulgaria has started its first<br>co-mission with the EU in<br>Bosnia and Herzegovina, along<br>with some 30 countries,<br>including Canada and Turkey."
"The Windows Future Storage<br>(WinFS) technology that got<br>cut out of Windows<br>quot;Longhorn quot; is in<br>serious trouble, and not just<br>the hot water a feature might<br>encounter for missing its<br>intended production vehicle."
"Seattle -- - Not so long ago,<br>the 49ers were inflicting on<br>other teams the kind of pain<br>and embarrassment they felt in<br>their 34-0 loss to the<br>Seahawks on Sunday."
"AP - The pileup of events in<br>the city next week, including<br>the Republican National<br>Convention, will add to the<br>security challenge for the New<br>York Police Department, but<br>commissioner Ray Kelly says,<br>\"With a big, experienced<br>police force, we can do it.\""
" - Let the<br>games begin. Not the Olympics<br>again, but the all-out battle<br>between video game giants Sony<br>Corp. and Nintendo Co. Ltd.<br>The two Japanese companies are<br>rolling out new gaming<br>consoles, but Nintendo has<br>beaten Sony to the punch by<br>announcing an earlier launch<br>date for its new hand-held<br>game player."
"London - Manchester City held<br>fierce crosstown rivals<br>Manchester United to a 0-0<br>draw on Sunday, keeping the<br>Red Devils eleven points<br>behind leaders Chelsea."
"LONDON, Dec 11 (IranMania) -<br>Iraqi Vice-President Ibrahim<br>al-Jaafari refused to believe<br>in remarks published Friday<br>that Iran was attempting to<br>influence Iraqi polls with the<br>aim of creating a<br>quot;crescent quot; dominated<br>by Shiites in the region."
"LOS ANGELES (CBS.MW) - The US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission is probing<br>transactions between Delphi<br>Corp and EDS, which supplies<br>the automotive parts and<br>components giant with<br>technology services, Delphi<br>said late Wednesday."
"MONTREAL (CP) - Molson Inc.<br>and Adolph Coors Co. are<br>sweetening their brewery<br>merger plan with a special<br>dividend to Molson<br>shareholders worth \\$381<br>million."
"AP - Echoing what NASA<br>officials said a day earlier,<br>a Russian space official on<br>Friday said the two-man crew<br>on the international space<br>station could be forced to<br>return to Earth if a planned<br>resupply flight cannot reach<br>them with food supplies later<br>this month."
"InfoWorld - SANTA CLARA,<br>CALIF. -- Accommodating large<br>patch sets in Linux is<br>expected to mean forking off<br>of the 2.7 version of the<br>platform to accommodate these<br>changes, according to Andrew<br>Morton, lead maintainer of the<br>Linux kernel for Open Source<br>Development Labs (OSDL)."
"AMSTERDAM The mobile phone<br>giants Vodafone and Nokia<br>teamed up on Thursday to<br>simplify cellphone software<br>written with the Java computer<br>language."
"WELLINGTON: National carrier<br>Air New Zealand said yesterday<br>the Australian Competition<br>Tribunal has approved a<br>proposed alliance with Qantas<br>Airways Ltd, despite its<br>rejection in New Zealand."
"The late Princess Dianas<br>former bodyguard, Ken Wharfe,<br>dismisses her suspicions that<br>one of her lovers was bumped<br>off. Princess Diana had an<br>affair with Barry Mannakee, a<br>policeman who was assigned to<br>protect her."
"Long considered beyond the<br>reach of mainland mores, the<br>Florida city is trying to<br>limit blatant displays of<br>sexual behavior."
"The overall Linux market is<br>far larger than previous<br>estimates show, a new study<br>says. In an analysis of the<br>Linux market released late<br>Tuesday, market research firm<br>IDC estimated that the Linux<br>market -- including"
"By PAUL ELIAS SAN FRANCISCO<br>(AP) -- Several California<br>cities and counties, including<br>San Francisco and Los Angeles,<br>sued Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) on<br>Friday, accusing the software<br>giant of illegally charging<br>inflated prices for its<br>products because of monopoly<br>control of the personal<br>computer operating system<br>market..."
"New Ole Miss head coach Ed<br>Orgeron, speaking for the<br>first time since his hiring,<br>made clear the goal of his<br>football program. quot;The<br>goal of this program will be<br>to go to the Sugar Bowl, quot;<br>Orgeron said."
"\"Everyone's nervous,\" Acting<br>Undersecretary of Defense<br>Michael W. Wynne warned in a<br>confidential e-mail to Air<br>Force Secretary James G. Roche<br>on July 8, 2003."
"Reuters - Alpharma Inc. on<br>Friday began\\selling a cheaper<br>generic version of Pfizer<br>Inc.'s #36;3\\billion a year<br>epilepsy drug Neurontin<br>without waiting for a\\court<br>ruling on Pfizer's request to<br>block the copycat medicine."
"Public opinion of the database<br>giant sinks to 12-year low, a<br>new report indicates."
"Opinion: Privacy hysterics<br>bring old whine in new bottles<br>to the Internet party. The<br>desktop search beta from this<br>Web search leader doesn #39;t<br>do anything you can #39;t do<br>already."
"It is much too easy to call<br>Pedro Martinez the selfish<br>one, to say he is walking out<br>on the Red Sox, his baseball<br>family, for the extra year of<br>the Mets #39; crazy money."
"It is impossible for young<br>tennis players today to know<br>what it was like to be Althea<br>Gibson and not to be able to<br>quot;walk in the front door,<br>quot; Garrison said."
"Senator John Kerry said today<br>that the war in Iraq was a<br>\"profound diversion\" from the<br>war on terror and Osama bin<br>Laden."
"For spammers, it #39;s been a<br>summer of love. Two newly<br>issued reports tracking the<br>circulation of unsolicited<br>e-mails say pornographic spam<br>dominated this summer, nearly<br>all of it originating from<br>Internet addresses in North<br>America."
"The Nordics fared well because<br>of their long-held ideals of<br>keeping corruption clamped<br>down and respect for<br>contracts, rule of law and<br>dedication to one-on-one<br>business relationships."
"Microsoft portrayed its<br>Longhorn decision as a<br>necessary winnowing to hit the<br>2006 timetable. The<br>announcement on Friday,<br>Microsoft executives insisted,<br>did not point to a setback in<br>software"
"Here #39;s an obvious word of<br>advice to Florida athletic<br>director Jeremy Foley as he<br>kicks off another search for<br>the Gators football coach: Get<br>Steve Spurrier on board."
"Don't bother with the small<br>stuff. Here's what really<br>matters to your lender."
"A problem in the Service Pack<br>2 update for Windows XP may<br>keep owners of AMD-based<br>computers from using the long-<br>awaited security package,<br>according to Microsoft."
"Five years ago, running a<br>telephone company was an<br>immensely profitable<br>proposition. Since then, those<br>profits have inexorably<br>declined, and now that decline<br>has taken another gut-<br>wrenching dip."
"NEW YORK - The litigious<br>Recording Industry Association<br>of America (RIAA) is involved<br>in another legal dispute with<br>a P-to-P (peer-to-peer)<br>technology maker, but this<br>time, the RIAA is on defense.<br>Altnet Inc. filed a lawsuit<br>Wednesday accusing the RIAA<br>and several of its partners of<br>infringing an Altnet patent<br>covering technology for<br>identifying requested files on<br>a P-to-P network."
"A group claiming to have<br>captured two Indonesian women<br>in Iraq has said it will<br>release them if Jakarta frees<br>Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir<br>being held for alleged<br>terrorist links."
"Amid the stormy gloom in<br>Gotham, the rain-idled Yankees<br>last night had plenty of time<br>to gather in front of their<br>televisions and watch the Red<br>Sox Express roar toward them.<br>The national telecast might<br>have been enough to send a<br>jittery Boss Steinbrenner<br>searching his Bartlett's<br>Familiar Quotations for some<br>quot;Little Engine That Could<br>quot; metaphor."
"FULHAM fans would have been<br>singing the late Elvis #39;<br>hit #39;The wonder of you<br>#39; to their player Elvis<br>Hammond. If not for Frank<br>Lampard spoiling the party,<br>with his dedication to his<br>late grandfather."
"Indonesian police said<br>yesterday that DNA tests had<br>identified a suicide bomber<br>involved in a deadly attack<br>this month on the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta."
"NEW YORK - Wal-Mart Stores<br>Inc.'s warning of<br>disappointing sales sent<br>stocks fluctuating Monday as<br>investors' concerns about a<br>slowing economy offset their<br>relief over a drop in oil<br>prices. October contracts<br>for a barrel of light crude<br>were quoted at \\$46.48, down<br>24 cents, on the New York<br>Mercantile Exchange..."
"Iraq #39;s top Shi #39;ite<br>cleric made a sudden return to<br>the country on Wednesday and<br>said he had a plan to end an<br>uprising in the quot;burning<br>city quot; of Najaf, where<br>fighting is creeping ever<br>closer to its holiest shrine."
"For two weeks before MTV<br>debuted U2 #39;s video for the<br>new single quot;Vertigo,<br>quot; fans had a chance to see<br>the band perform the song on<br>TV -- in an iPod commercial."
"A bird #39;s eye view of the<br>circuit at Shanghai shows what<br>an event Sunday #39;s Chinese<br>Grand Prix will be. The course<br>is arguably one of the best<br>there is, and so it should be<br>considering the amount of<br>money that has been spent on<br>it."
"KABUL, Afghanistan Aug. 22,<br>2004 - US soldiers sprayed a<br>pickup truck with bullets<br>after it failed to stop at a<br>roadblock in central<br>Afghanistan, killing two women<br>and a man and critically<br>wounding two other"
"Oct. 26, 2004 - The US-<br>European spacecraft Cassini-<br>Huygens on Tuesday made a<br>historic flyby of Titan,<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>passing so low as to almost<br>touch the fringes of its<br>atmosphere."
"Reuters - A volcano in central<br>Japan sent smoke and\\ash high<br>into the sky and spat out<br>molten rock as it erupted\\for<br>a fourth straight day on<br>Friday, but experts said the<br>peak\\appeared to be quieting<br>slightly."
"Shares of Google Inc. made<br>their market debut on Thursday<br>and quickly traded up 19<br>percent at \\$101.28. The Web<br>search company #39;s initial<br>public offering priced at \\$85"
"SYDNEY -- Prime Minister John<br>Howard of Australia, a key US<br>ally and supporter of the Iraq<br>war, celebrated his election<br>win over opposition Labor<br>after voters enjoying the<br>fruits of a strong economy<br>gave him another term."
"Reuters - Global warming is<br>melting\\Ecuador's cherished<br>mountain glaciers and could<br>cause several\\of them to<br>disappear over the next two<br>decades, Ecuadorean and\\French<br>scientists said on Wednesday."
"AP - Sirius Satellite Radio<br>signed a deal to air the men's<br>NCAA basketball tournament<br>through 2007, the latest move<br>made in an attempt to draw<br>customers through sports<br>programming."
"Rather than tell you, Dan<br>Kranzler chooses instead to<br>show you how he turned Mforma<br>into a worldwide publisher of<br>video games, ringtones and<br>other hot downloads for mobile<br>phones."
"UK interest rates have been<br>kept on hold at 4.75 following<br>the latest meeting of the Bank<br>of England #39;s rate-setting<br>committee."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two rockets<br>hit a downtown Baghdad hotel<br>housing foreigners and<br>journalists Thursday, and<br>gunfire erupted in the<br>neighborhood across the Tigris<br>River from the U.S. Embassy<br>compound..."
"The Prevention of Terrorism<br>Act 2002 (Pota) polarised the<br>country, not just by the<br>manner in which it was pushed<br>through by the NDA government<br>through a joint session of<br>Parliament but by the shabby<br>and often biased manner in<br>which it was enforced."
"Not being part of a culture<br>with a highly developed<br>language, could limit your<br>thoughts, at least as far as<br>numbers are concerned, reveals<br>a new study conducted by a<br>psychologist at the Columbia<br>University in New York."
"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A native of<br>Red Oak, Iowa, who was a<br>pioneer in astronomy who<br>proposed the quot;dirty<br>snowball quot; theory for the<br>substance of comets, has died."
"Resurgent oil prices paused<br>for breath as the United<br>States prepared to draw on its<br>emergency reserves to ease<br>supply strains caused by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
"(Sports Network) - The<br>inconsistent San Diego Padres<br>will try for consecutive wins<br>for the first time since<br>August 28-29 tonight, when<br>they begin a huge four-game<br>set against the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers at Dodger Stadium."
"A Portuguese-sounding version<br>of the virus has appeared in<br>the wild. Be wary of mail from<br>Manaus."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top seed<br>Roger Federer survived a<br>stirring comeback from twice<br>champion Andre Agassi to reach<br>the semifinals of the U.S.<br>Open for the first time on<br>Thursday, squeezing through<br>6-3, 2-6, 7-5, 3-6, 6-3."
"President Bush, who credits<br>three years of tax relief<br>programs with helping<br>strengthen the slow economy,<br>said Saturday he would sign<br>into law the Working Families<br>Tax Relief Act to preserve tax<br>cuts."
"HEN investors consider the<br>bond market these days, the<br>low level of interest rates<br>should be more cause for worry<br>than for gratitude."
"Reuters - Hunters soon may be<br>able to sit at\\their computers<br>and blast away at animals on a<br>Texas ranch via\\the Internet,<br>a prospect that has state<br>wildlife officials up\\in arms."
"The Bedminster-based company<br>yesterday said it was pushing<br>into 21 new markets with the<br>service, AT amp;T CallVantage,<br>and extending an introductory<br>rate offer until Sept. 30. In<br>addition, the company is<br>offering in-home installation<br>of up to five ..."
"Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.<br>has developed a new LCD<br>(liquid crystal display)<br>technology that builds a touch<br>screen into the display, a<br>development that could lead to<br>thinner and cheaper display<br>panels for mobile phones, the<br>company said Tuesday."
"The US military says marines<br>in Fallujah shot and killed an<br>insurgent who engaged them as<br>he was faking being dead, a<br>week after footage of a marine<br>killing an apparently unarmed<br>and wounded Iraqi caused a<br>stir in the region."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rallied on Monday after<br>software maker PeopleSoft Inc.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=PSFT.O target=/stocks/qu<br>ickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PSFT.O&l<br>t;/A&gt; accepted a sweetened<br>\\$10.3 billion buyout by rival<br>Oracle Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=ORCL.O ta<br>rget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquo<br>te\"&gt;ORCL.O&lt;/A&gt; and<br>other big deals raised<br>expectations of more<br>takeovers."
"SAN FRANCISCO - What Babe Ruth<br>was to the first half of the<br>20th century and Hank Aaron<br>was to the second, Barry Bonds<br>has become for the home run<br>generation."
"Description: NPR #39;s Alex<br>Chadwick talks to Colin Brown,<br>deputy political editor for<br>the United Kingdom #39;s<br>Independent newspaper,<br>currently covering the British<br>Labour Party Conference."
"Birgit Fischer settled for<br>silver, leaving the 42-year-<br>old Olympian with two medals<br>in two days against decidedly<br>younger competition."
"The New Jersey-based Accoona<br>Corporation, an industry<br>pioneer in artificial<br>intelligence search<br>technology, announced on<br>Monday the launch of Accoona."
"Hamas vowed revenge yesterday<br>after an Israeli airstrike in<br>Gaza killed one of its senior<br>commanders - the latest<br>assassination to have weakened<br>the militant group."
"There was no mystery ... no<br>secret strategy ... no baited<br>trap that snapped shut and<br>changed the course of history<br>#39;s most lucrative non-<br>heavyweight fight."
"Notre Dame accepted an<br>invitation Sunday to play in<br>the Insight Bowl in Phoenix<br>against a Pac-10 team on Dec.<br>28. The Irish (6-5) accepted<br>the bid a day after losing to<br>Southern California"
"Greg Anderson has so dominated<br>Pro Stock this season that his<br>championship quest has evolved<br>into a pursuit of NHRA<br>history. By Bob Hesser, Racers<br>Edge Photography."
"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on<br>Thursday said fourth-quarter<br>profit rose as its fixed-<br>income, currency and<br>commodities business soared<br>while a rebounding stock<br>market boosted investment<br>banking."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Monday in a<br>retracement from last week's<br>steep losses, but dealers said<br>the bias toward a weaker<br>greenback remained intact."
"Michael Powell, chairman of<br>the FCC, said Wednesday he was<br>disappointed with ABC for<br>airing a sexually suggestive<br>opening to \"Monday Night<br>Football.\""
"The message against illegally<br>copying CDs for uses such as<br>in file-sharing over the<br>Internet has widely sunk in,<br>said the company in it #39;s<br>recent announcement to drop<br>the Copy-Control program."
"Former Washington football<br>coach Rick Neuheisel looked<br>forward to a return to<br>coaching Wednesday after being<br>cleared by the NCAA of<br>wrongdoing related to his<br>gambling on basketball games."
"Reuters - California will<br>become hotter and\\drier by the<br>end of the century, menacing<br>the valuable wine and\\dairy<br>industries, even if dramatic<br>steps are taken to curb\\global<br>warming, researchers said on<br>Monday."
"A senior member of the<br>Palestinian resistance group<br>Hamas has been released from<br>an Israeli prison after<br>completing a two-year<br>sentence."
"IBM said Monday that it won a<br>500 million (AUD\\$1.25<br>billion), seven-year services<br>contract to help move UK bank<br>Lloyds TBS from its<br>traditional voice<br>infrastructure to a converged<br>voice and data network."
"MPs have announced a new<br>inquiry into family courts and<br>whether parents are treated<br>fairly over issues such as<br>custody or contact with their<br>children."
"Canadian Press - MELBOURNE,<br>Australia (AP) - A 36-year-old<br>businesswoman was believed to<br>be the first woman to walk<br>around Australia on Friday<br>after striding into her<br>hometown of Melbourne to<br>complete her 16,700-kilometre<br>trek in 365 days."
"Most remaining Pakistani<br>prisoners held at the US<br>Guantanamo Bay prison camp are<br>freed, officials say."
"Space shuttle astronauts will<br>fly next year without the<br>ability to repair in orbit the<br>type of damage that destroyed<br>the Columbia vehicle in<br>February 2003."
"Moscow - Russia plans to<br>combine Gazprom, the world<br>#39;s biggest natural gas<br>producer, with state-owned oil<br>producer Rosneft, easing rules<br>for trading Gazprom shares and<br>creating a company that may<br>dominate the country #39;s<br>energy industry."
"AP - Rutgers basketball player<br>Shalicia Hurns was suspended<br>from the team after pleading<br>guilty to punching and tying<br>up her roommate during a<br>dispute over painkilling<br>drugs."
"By cutting WinFS from Longhorn<br>and indefinitely delaying the<br>storage system, Microsoft<br>Corp. has also again delayed<br>the Microsoft Business<br>Framework (MBF), a new Windows<br>programming layer that is<br>closely tied to WinFS."
"French police are<br>investigating an arson-caused<br>fire at a Jewish Social Center<br>that might have killed dozens<br>without the quick response of<br>firefighters."
"Rodney King, whose videotaped<br>beating led to riots in Los<br>Angeles in 1992, is out of<br>jail now and talking frankly<br>for the first time about the<br>riots, himself and the<br>American way of life."
"AFP - Radical Islamic cleric<br>Abu Hamza al-Masri was set to<br>learn Thursday whether he<br>would be charged under<br>Britain's anti-terrorism law,<br>thus delaying his possible<br>extradition to the United<br>States to face terrorism-<br>related charges."
"Diversified manufacturer<br>Honeywell International Inc.<br>(HON.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) posted a rise in<br>quarterly profit as strong<br>demand for aerospace equipment<br>and automobile components"
"This was the event Michael<br>Phelps didn't really need to<br>compete in if his goal was to<br>win eight golds. He probably<br>would have had a better chance<br>somewhere else."
"Samsung's new SPH-V5400 mobile<br>phone sports a built-in<br>1-inch, 1.5-gigabyte hard disk<br>that can store about 15 times<br>more data than conventional<br>handsets, Samsung said."
"Reuters - U.S. housing starts<br>jumped a\\larger-than-expected<br>6.4 percent in October to the<br>busiest pace\\since December as<br>buyers took advantage of low<br>mortgage rates,\\a government<br>report showed on Wednesday."
"Gabe Kapler became the first<br>player to leave the World<br>Series champion Boston Red<br>Sox, agreeing to a one-year<br>contract with the Yomiuri<br>Giants in Tokyo."
"Louisen Louis, 30, walked<br>Monday in the middle of a<br>street that resembled a small<br>river with brown rivulets and<br>waves. He wore sandals and had<br>a cut on one of his big toes."
"BALI, Indonesia - Svetlana<br>Kuznetsova, fresh off her<br>championship at the US Open,<br>defeated Australian qualifier<br>Samantha Stosur 6-4, 6-4<br>Thursday to reach the<br>quarterfinals of the Wismilak<br>International."
"The Securities and Exchange<br>Commission ordered mutual<br>funds to stop paying higher<br>commissions to brokers who<br>promote the companies' funds<br>and required portfolio<br>managers to reveal investments<br>in funds they supervise."
"A car bomb exploded outside<br>the main hospital in Chechny<br>#39;s capital, Grozny, on<br>Sunday, injuring 17 people in<br>an attack apparently targeting<br>members of a Chechen security<br>force bringing in wounded from<br>an earlier explosion"
"AP - Just like the old days in<br>Dallas, Emmitt Smith made life<br>miserable for the New York<br>Giants on Sunday."
"Sumitomo Mitsui Financial<br>Group (SMFG), Japans second<br>largest bank, today put<br>forward a 3,200 billion (\\$29<br>billion) takeover bid for<br>United Financial Group (UFJ),<br>the countrys fourth biggest<br>lender, in an effort to regain<br>initiative in its bidding"
"AP - Gay marriage is emerging<br>as a big enough issue in<br>several states to influence<br>races both for Congress and<br>the presidency."
"TAMPA, Fla. - Chris Simms<br>first NFL start lasted 19<br>plays, and it might be a while<br>before he plays again for the<br>Tampa Bay Buccaneers."
"Vendor says it #39;s<br>developing standards-based<br>servers in various form<br>factors for the telecom<br>market. By Darrell Dunn.<br>Hewlett-Packard on Thursday<br>unveiled plans to create a<br>portfolio of products and<br>services"
"Jarno Trulli made the most of<br>the conditions in qualifying<br>to claim pole ahead of Michael<br>Schumacher, while Fernando<br>finished third."
"More than 30 aid workers have<br>been airlifted to safety from<br>a town in Sudan #39;s troubled<br>Darfur region after fighting<br>broke out and their base was<br>bombed, a British charity<br>says."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>chain store retail sales<br>slipped during the<br>Thanksgiving holiday week, as<br>consumers took advantage of<br>discounted merchandise, a<br>retail report said on<br>Tuesday."
"Ziff Davis - The company this<br>week will unveil more programs<br>and technologies designed to<br>ease users of its high-end<br>servers onto its Integrity<br>line, which uses Intel's<br>64-bit Itanium processor."
"The Mac maker says it will<br>replace about 28,000 batteries<br>in one model of PowerBook G4<br>and tells people to stop using<br>the notebook."
"It #39;s the mildest of mild<br>winters down here in the south<br>of Italy and, last weekend at<br>Bcoli, a pretty suburb by the<br>seaside west of Naples, the<br>customers of Pizzeria quot;Da<br>Enrico quot; were making the<br>most of it."
"By George Chamberlin , Daily<br>Transcript Financial<br>Correspondent. Concerns about<br>oil production leading into<br>the winter months sent shivers<br>through the stock market<br>Wednesday."
"Airbus has withdrawn a filing<br>that gave support for<br>Microsoft in an antitrust case<br>before the European Union<br>#39;s Court of First Instance,<br>a source close to the<br>situation said on Friday."
"WASHINGTON - A spotty job<br>market and stagnant paychecks<br>cloud this Labor Day holiday<br>for many workers, highlighting<br>the importance of pocketbook<br>issues in the presidential<br>election. \"Working harder<br>and enjoying it less,\" said<br>economist Ken Mayland,<br>president of ClearView<br>Economics, summing up the<br>state of working America..."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rose on Wednesday<br>lifted by a merger between<br>retailers Kmart and Sears,<br>better-than-expected earnings<br>from Hewlett-Packard and data<br>showing a slight rise in core<br>inflation."
"AP - Authorities are<br>investigating whether bettors<br>at New York's top thoroughbred<br>tracks were properly informed<br>when jockeys came in<br>overweight at races, a source<br>familiar with the probe told<br>The Associated Press."
"European Commission president<br>Romano Prodi has unveiled<br>proposals to loosen the<br>deficit rules under the EU<br>Stability Pact. The loosening<br>was drafted by monetary<br>affairs commissioner Joaquin<br>Almunia, who stood beside the<br>president at the announcement."
"Canadian Press - MONTREAL (CP)<br>- A 19-year-old man charged in<br>a firebombing at a Jewish<br>elementary school pleaded<br>guilty Thursday to arson."
"Retail sales in Britain saw<br>the fastest growth in<br>September since January,<br>casting doubts on the view<br>that the economy is slowing<br>down, according to official<br>figures released Thursday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Interstate Bakeries Corp.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=IBC.N target=/stocks/qui<br>ckinfo/fullquote\"&gt;IBC.N&lt;<br>/A&gt;, maker of Hostess<br>Twinkies and Wonder Bread,<br>filed for bankruptcy on<br>Wednesday after struggling<br>with more than \\$1.3 billion<br>in debt and high costs."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Thursday<br>said it reached a deal with<br>FedEx Express to sell eight<br>McDonnell Douglas MD11<br>aircraft and four spare<br>engines for delivery in 2004."
"Michael Owen scored his first<br>goal for Real Madrid in a 1-0<br>home victory over Dynamo Kiev<br>in the Champions League. The<br>England striker toe-poked home<br>Ronaldo #39;s cross in the<br>35th minute to join the<br>Russians"
" quot;Resuming uranium<br>enrichment is not in our<br>agenda. We are still committed<br>to the suspension, quot;<br>Foreign Ministry spokesman<br>Hamid Reza."
"Leading OPEC producer Saudi<br>Arabia said on Monday in<br>Vienna, Austria, that it had<br>made a renewed effort to<br>deflate record high world oil<br>prices by upping crude output<br>again."
"The U.S. military presence in<br>Iraq will grow to 150,000<br>troops by next month, the<br>highest level since the<br>invasion last year."
"UPDATE, SUN 9PM: More than a<br>million people have left their<br>homes in Cuba, as Hurricane<br>Ivan approaches. The ferocious<br>storm is headed that way,<br>after ripping through the<br>Cayman Islands, tearing off<br>roofs, flooding homes and<br>causing general havoc."
"Jason Giambi has returned to<br>the New York Yankees'<br>clubhouse but is still<br>clueless as to when he will be<br>able to play again."
"Seventy-five National Hockey<br>League players met with union<br>leaders yesterday to get an<br>update on a lockout that shows<br>no sign of ending."
"Howard, at 6-4 overall and 3-3<br>in the Mid-Eastern Athletic<br>Conference, can clinch a<br>winning record in the MEAC<br>with a win over Delaware State<br>on Saturday."
"Millions of casual US anglers<br>are having are larger than<br>appreciated impact on sea fish<br>stocks, scientists claim."
"The founders of the Pilgrim<br>Baxter amp; Associates money-<br>management firm agreed<br>yesterday to personally fork<br>over \\$160 million to settle<br>charges they allowed a friend<br>to"
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Top-ranked<br>Argentina booked their berth<br>in the women's hockey semi-<br>finals at the Athens Olympics<br>on Friday but defending<br>champions Australia now face<br>an obstacle course to qualify<br>for the medal matches."
"IBM Corp. Tuesday announced<br>plans to acquire software<br>vendor Systemcorp ALG for an<br>undisclosed amount. Systemcorp<br>of Montreal makes project<br>portfolio management software<br>aimed at helping companies<br>better manage their IT<br>projects."
"The Notre Dame message boards<br>are no longer discussing<br>whether Tyrone Willingham<br>should be fired. Theyre<br>already arguing about whether<br>the next coach should be Barry<br>Alvarez or Steve Spurrier."
" - By now you<br>probably know that earnings of<br>Section 529 college savings<br>accounts are free of federal<br>tax if used for higher<br>education. But taxes are only<br>part of the problem. What if<br>your investments tank? Just<br>ask Laurence and Margo<br>Williams of Alexandria, Va. In<br>2000 they put #36;45,000 into<br>the Virginia Education Savings<br>Trust to open accounts for<br>daughters Lea, now 5, and<br>Anne, now 3. Since then their<br>investment has shrunk 5 while<br>the average private college<br>tuition has climbed 18 to<br>#36;18,300."
"German Chancellor Gerhard<br>Schroeder said Sunday that<br>there was quot;no problem<br>quot; with Germany #39;s<br>support to the start of<br>negotiations on Turkey #39;s<br>entrance into EU."
"Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd.,<br>Australia #39;s biggest soft-<br>drink maker, offered A\\$500<br>million (\\$382 million) in<br>cash and stock for fruit<br>canner SPC Ardmona Ltd."
"US technology shares tumbled<br>on Friday after technology<br>bellwether Intel Corp.<br>(INTC.O: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) slashed its revenue<br>forecast, but blue chips were<br>only moderately lower as drug<br>and industrial stocks made<br>solid gains."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Final<br>U.S. government tests on an<br>animal suspected of having mad<br>cow disease were not yet<br>complete, the U.S. Agriculture<br>Department said, with no<br>announcement on the results<br>expected on Monday."
"MANILA Fernando Poe Jr., the<br>popular actor who challenged<br>President Gloria Macapagal<br>Arroyo in the presidential<br>elections this year, died<br>early Tuesday."
" THOMASTOWN, Ireland (Reuters)<br>- World number three Ernie<br>Els overcame difficult weather<br>conditions to fire a sparkling<br>eight-under-par 64 and move<br>two shots clear after two<br>rounds of the WGC-American<br>Express Championship Friday."
"Lamar Odom supplemented 20<br>points with 13 rebounds and<br>Kobe Bryant added 19 points to<br>overcome a big night from Yao<br>Ming as the Los Angeles Lakers<br>ground out an 84-79 win over<br>the Rockets in Houston<br>Saturday."
"AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - A<br>Dutch filmmaker who outraged<br>members of the Muslim<br>community by making a film<br>critical of the mistreatment<br>of women in Islamic society<br>was gunned down and stabbed to<br>death Tuesday on an Amsterdam<br>street."
"Microsoft Xbox Live traffic on<br>service provider networks<br>quadrupled following the<br>November 9th launch of Halo-II<br>-- which set entertainment<br>industry records by selling<br>2.4-million units in the US<br>and Canada on the first day of<br>availability, driving cash"
"Lawyers in a California class<br>action suit against Microsoft<br>will get less than half the<br>payout they had hoped for. A<br>judge in San Francisco ruled<br>that the attorneys will<br>collect only \\$112."
"Google Browser May Become<br>Reality\\\\There has been much<br>fanfare in the Mozilla fan<br>camps about the possibility of<br>Google using Mozilla browser<br>technology to produce a<br>GBrowser - the Google Browser.<br>Over the past two weeks, the<br>news and speculation has<br>escalated to the point where<br>even Google itself is ..."
"Metro, Germany's biggest<br>retailer, turns in weaker-<br>than-expected profits as sales<br>at its core supermarkets<br>division dip lower."
"It rained Sunday, of course,<br>and but another soppy, sloppy<br>gray day at Westside Tennis<br>Club did nothing to deter<br>Roger Federer from his<br>appointed rounds."
"Hewlett-Packard has joined<br>with Brocade to integrate<br>Brocade #39;s storage area<br>network switching technology<br>into HP Bladesystem servers to<br>reduce the amount of fabric<br>infrastructure needed in a<br>datacentre."
"Zimbabwe #39;s most persecuted<br>white MP began a year of hard<br>labour last night after<br>parliament voted to jail him<br>for shoving the Justice<br>Minister during a debate over<br>land seizures."
"BOSTON (CBS.MW) -- First<br>Command has reached a \\$12<br>million settlement with<br>federal regulators for making<br>misleading statements and<br>omitting important information<br>when selling mutual funds to<br>US military personnel."
"A smashing blow is being dealt<br>to thousands of future<br>pensioners by a law that has<br>just been brought into force<br>by the Federal Government."
"The US Senate Commerce<br>Committee on Wednesday<br>approved a measure that would<br>provide up to \\$1 billion to<br>ensure consumers can still<br>watch television when<br>broadcasters switch to new,<br>crisp digital signals."
"Amelie Mauresmo was handed a<br>place in the Advanta<br>Championships final after<br>Maria Sharapova withdrew from<br>their semi-final because of<br>injury."
"AP - An Israeli helicopter<br>fired two missiles in Gaza<br>City after nightfall<br>Wednesday, one at a building<br>in the Zeitoun neighborhood,<br>witnesses said, setting a<br>fire."
"Reuters - Internet stocks<br>are\\as volatile as ever, with<br>growth-starved investors<br>flocking to\\the sector in the<br>hope they've bought shares in<br>the next online\\blue chip."
"The federal government, banks<br>and aircraft lenders are<br>putting the clamps on<br>airlines, particularly those<br>operating under bankruptcy<br>protection."
"EURO DISNEY, the financially<br>crippled French theme park<br>operator, has admitted that<br>its annual losses more than<br>doubled last financial year as<br>it was hit by a surge in<br>costs."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey<br>(Sports Network) - Retired NBA<br>center and seven-time All-<br>Star Alonzo Mourning is going<br>to give his playing career<br>one more shot."
"NASA has released an inventory<br>of the scientific devices to<br>be put on board the Mars<br>Science Laboratory rover<br>scheduled to land on the<br>surface of Mars in 2009, NASAs<br>news release reads."
"The U.S. Congress needs to<br>invest more in the U.S.<br>education system and do more<br>to encourage broadband<br>adoption, the chief executive<br>of Cisco said Wednesday.&lt;p&<br>gt;ADVERTISEMENT&lt;/p&gt;&lt;<br>p&gt;&lt;img src=\"<br><br>neral/sbcspotrssfeed;sz=1x1;or<br>d=200301151450?\" width=\"1\"<br>height=\"1\"<br>border=\"0\"/&gt;&lt;a href=\"htt<br>p://;922<br>8975;9651165;a?<br><br>html?lpid0103035400730000idlp\"<br>&gt;SBC Case Study: Crate Ba<br>rrel&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;What<br>sold them on improving their<br>network? A system that could<br>cut management costs from the<br>get-go. Find out<br>more.&lt;/p&gt;"
"The Philippines put the toll<br>at more than 1,000 dead or<br>missing in four storms in two<br>weeks but, even with a break<br>in the weather on Saturday"
"Reuters - Four explosions were<br>reported at petrol\\stations in<br>the Madrid area on Friday,<br>Spanish radio stations\\said,<br>following a phone warning in<br>the name of the armed<br>Basque\\separatist group ETA to<br>a Basque newspaper."
"Thirty-two countries and<br>regions will participate the<br>Fifth China International<br>Aviation and Aerospace<br>Exhibition, opening Nov. 1 in<br>Zhuhai, a city in south China<br>#39;s Guangdong Province."
"Jordan have confirmed that<br>Timo Glock will replace<br>Giorgio Pantano for this<br>weekend #39;s Chinese GP as<br>the team has terminated its<br>contract with Pantano."
"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -<br>Hurricane Jeanne got stronger,<br>bigger and faster as it<br>battered the Bahamas and bore<br>down on Florida Saturday,<br>sending huge waves crashing<br>onto beaches and forcing<br>thousands into shelters just<br>weeks after Frances ravaged<br>this area..."
" News:- Virgin<br>Electronics has joined the mp3<br>race with a \\$250, five gig<br>player which also handles<br>Microsoft #39;s WMA format."
"WASHINGTON The idea of a no-<br>bid contract for maintaining<br>airport security equipment has<br>turned into a non-starter for<br>the Transportation Security<br>Administration."
"Eyetech (EYET:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) did not open for<br>trading Friday because a Food<br>and Drug Administration<br>advisory committee is meeting<br>to review the small New York-<br>based biotech #39;s<br>experimental eye disease drug."
"The continuing heartache of<br>Wake Forest #39;s ACC football<br>season was best described by<br>fifth-ranked Florida State<br>coach Bobby Bowden, after his<br>Seminoles had edged the<br>Deacons 20-17 Saturday at<br>Groves Stadium."
"On September 13, 2001, most<br>Americans were still reeling<br>from the shock of the<br>terrorist attacks on New York<br>and the Pentagon two days<br>before."
"Microsoft has suspended the<br>beta testing of the next<br>version of its MSN Messenger<br>client because of a potential<br>security problem, a company<br>spokeswoman said Wednesday."
"AP - Business software maker<br>Oracle Corp. attacked the<br>credibility and motives of<br>PeopleSoft Inc.'s board of<br>directors Monday, hoping to<br>rally investor support as the<br>17-month takeover battle<br>between the bitter business<br>software rivals nears a<br>climactic showdown."
"NEW YORK - Elena Dementieva<br>shook off a subpar serve that<br>produced 15 double-faults, an<br>aching left thigh and an upset<br>stomach to advance to the<br>semifinals at the U.S. Open<br>with a 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (1)<br>victory Tuesday over Amelie<br>Mauresmo..."
"THE glory days have returned<br>to White Hart Lane. When Spurs<br>new first-team coach Martin<br>Jol promised a return to the<br>traditions of the 1960s,<br>nobody could have believed he<br>was so determined to act so<br>quickly and so literally."
"A new worm has been discovered<br>in the wild that #39;s not<br>just settling for invading<br>users #39; PCs--it wants to<br>invade their homes too."
"Domestic air travelers could<br>be surfing the Web by 2006<br>with government-approved<br>technology that allows people<br>access to high-speed Internet<br>connections while they fly."
"GENEVA: Cross-border<br>investment is set to bounce in<br>2004 after three years of deep<br>decline, reflecting a stronger<br>world economy and more<br>international merger activity,<br>the United Nations (UN) said<br>overnight."
"Researchers have for the first<br>time established the existence<br>of odd-parity superconductors,<br>materials that can carry<br>electric current without any<br>resistance."
"Chewing gum giant Wm. Wrigley<br>Jr. Co. on Thursday said it<br>plans to phase out production<br>of its Eclipse breath strips<br>at a plant in Phoenix, Arizona<br>and shift manufacturing to<br>Poznan, Poland."
"Prime Minister Dr Manmohan<br>Singh inaugurated a research<br>centre in the Capital on<br>Thursday to mark 400 years of<br>compilation of Sikh holy book<br>the Guru Granth Sahib."
"com September 16, 2004, 7:58<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
"BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --<br>European antitrust regulators<br>said Monday they have extended<br>their review of a deal between<br>Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and<br>Time Warner Inc..."
"AP - When Paula Radcliffe<br>dropped out of the Olympic<br>marathon miles from the<br>finish, she sobbed<br>uncontrollably. Margaret Okayo<br>knew the feeling. Okayo pulled<br>out of the marathon at the<br>15th mile with a left leg<br>injury, and she cried, too.<br>When she watched Radcliffe<br>quit, Okayo thought, \"Let's<br>cry together.\""
"Tightness in the labour market<br>notwithstanding, the prospects<br>for hiring in the third<br>quarter are down from the<br>second quarter, according to<br>the new Manpower Employment<br>Outlook Survey."
"Fans who can't get enough of<br>\"The Apprentice\" can visit a<br>new companion Web site each<br>week and watch an extra 40<br>minutes of video not broadcast<br>on the Thursday<br>show.&lt;br&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;"
" ATLANTA (Sports Network) -<br>The Atlanta Hawks signed free<br>agent Kevin Willis on<br>Wednesday, nearly a decade<br>after the veteran big man<br>ended an 11- year stint with<br>the team."
"An adult Web site publisher is<br>suing Google, saying the<br>search engine company made it<br>easier for users to see the<br>site #39;s copyrighted nude<br>photographs without paying or<br>gaining access through the<br>proper channels."
"When his right-front tire went<br>flying off early in the Ford<br>400, the final race of the<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Series<br>season, Kurt Busch, it seemed,<br>was destined to spend his<br>offseason"
"A Washington-based public<br>opinion firm has released the<br>results of an election day<br>survey of Nevada voters<br>showing 81 support for the<br>issuance of paper receipts<br>when votes are cast<br>electronically."
"NAPSTER creator SHAWN FANNING<br>has revealed his plans for a<br>new licensed file-sharing<br>service with an almost<br>unlimited selection of tracks."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Friday, after a<br>U.S. report showed consumer<br>prices in line with<br>expections, reminding<br>investors that the Federal<br>Reserve was likely to<br>continue raising interest<br>rates, analysts said."
"Brandon Backe and Woody<br>Williams pitched well last<br>night even though neither<br>earned a win. But their<br>outings will show up in the<br>record books."
"President George W. Bush<br>pledged Friday to spend some<br>of the political capital from<br>his re-election trying to<br>secure a lasting Middle East<br>peace, and he envisioned the<br>establishment"
"The Football Association today<br>decided not to charge David<br>Beckham with bringing the game<br>into disrepute. The FA made<br>the surprise announcement<br>after their compliance unit<br>ruled"
"Last year some election<br>watchers made a bold<br>prediction that this<br>presidential election would<br>set a record: the first half<br>billion dollar campaign in<br>hard money alone."
"It #39;s one more blow to<br>patients who suffer from<br>arthritis. Pfizer, the maker<br>of Celebrex, says it #39;s<br>painkiller poses an increased<br>risk of heart attacks to<br>patients using the drugs."
"NEW DELHI - A bomb exploded<br>during an Independence Day<br>parade in India's remote<br>northeast on Sunday, killing<br>at least 15 people, officials<br>said, just an hour after Prime<br>Minister Manmohan Singh<br>pledged to fight terrorism.<br>The outlawed United Liberation<br>Front of Asom was suspected of<br>being behind the attack in<br>Assam state and a second one<br>later in the area, said Assam<br>Inspector General of Police<br>Khagen Sharma..."
"Two separate studies by U.S.<br>researchers find that super<br>drug-resistant strains of<br>tuberculosis are at the<br>tipping point of a global<br>epidemic, and only small<br>changes could help them spread<br>quickly."
" CRANS-SUR-SIERRE, Switzerland<br>(Reuters) - World number<br>three Ernie Els says he feels<br>a failure after narrowly<br>missing out on three of the<br>year's four major<br>championships."
"A UN envoy to Sudan will visit<br>Darfur tomorrow to check on<br>the government #39;s claim<br>that some 70,000 people<br>displaced by conflict there<br>have voluntarily returned to<br>their homes, a spokesman said."
"Dell cut prices on some<br>servers and PCs by as much as<br>22 percent because it #39;s<br>paying less for parts. The<br>company will pass the savings<br>on components such as memory<br>and liquid crystal displays"
"AP - Most of the presidential<br>election provisional ballots<br>rejected so far in Ohio came<br>from people who were not even<br>registered to vote, election<br>officials said after spending<br>nearly two weeks poring over<br>thousands of disputed votes."
"Striker Bonaventure Kalou<br>netted twice to send AJ<br>Auxerre through to the first<br>knockout round of the UEFA Cup<br>at the expense of Rangers on<br>Wednesday."
"AP - Rival inmates fought each<br>other with knives and sticks<br>Wednesday at a San Salvador<br>prison, leaving at least 31<br>people dead and two dozen<br>injured, officials said."
"WASHINGTON: The European-<br>American Cassini-Huygens space<br>probe has detected traces of<br>ice flowing on the surface of<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>Titan, suggesting the<br>existence of an ice volcano,<br>NASA said Tuesday."
"The economic growth rate in<br>the July-September period was<br>revised slightly downward from<br>an already weak preliminary<br>report, the government said<br>Wednesday."
"All ISS systems continue to<br>function nominally, except<br>those noted previously or<br>below. Day 7 of joint<br>Exp.9/Exp.10 operations and<br>last full day before 8S<br>undocking."
"BAGHDAD - Two Egyptian<br>employees of a mobile phone<br>company were seized when<br>gunmen stormed into their<br>Baghdad office, the latest in<br>a series of kidnappings in the<br>country."
"BRISBANE, Australia - The body<br>of a whale resembling a giant<br>dolphin that washed up on an<br>eastern Australian beach has<br>intrigued local scientists,<br>who agreed Wednesday that it<br>is rare but are not sure just<br>how rare."
" quot;Magic can happen. quot;<br>Sirius Satellite Radio<br>(nasdaq: SIRI - news - people<br>) may have signed Howard Stern<br>and the men #39;s NCAA<br>basketball tournaments, but XM<br>Satellite Radio (nasdaq: XMSR<br>- news - people ) has its<br>sights on your cell phone."
"Trick-or-treaters can expect<br>an early Halloween treat on<br>Wednesday night, when a total<br>lunar eclipse makes the moon<br>look like a glowing pumpkin."
"THIS weekend sees the<br>quot;other quot; showdown<br>between New York and New<br>England as the Jets and<br>Patriots clash in a battle of<br>the unbeaten teams."
"Sifting through millions of<br>documents to locate a valuable<br>few is tedious enough, but<br>what happens when those files<br>are scattered across different<br>repositories?"
"President Bush aims to<br>highlight American drug-<br>fighting aid in Colombia and<br>boost a conservative Latin<br>American leader with a stop in<br>the Andean nation where<br>thousands of security forces<br>are deployed to safeguard his<br>brief stay."
"Dubai - Former Palestinian<br>security minister Mohammed<br>Dahlan said on Monday that a<br>quot;gang of mercenaries quot;<br>known to the Palestinian<br>police were behind the<br>shooting that resulted in two<br>deaths in a mourning tent for<br>Yasser Arafat in Gaza."
"A drug company executive who<br>spoke out in support of<br>Montgomery County's proposal<br>to import drugs from Canada<br>and similar legislation before<br>Congress said that his company<br>has launched an investigation<br>into his political activities."
"Nicolas Anelka is fit for<br>Manchester City #39;s<br>Premiership encounter against<br>Tottenham at Eastlands, but<br>the 13million striker will<br>have to be content with a<br>place on the bench."
" PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - Ben<br>Roethlisberger passed for 183<br>yards and two touchdowns,<br>Hines Ward scored twice and<br>the Pittsburgh Steelers<br>rolled to a convincing 27-3<br>victory over Philadelphia on<br>Sunday for their second<br>straight win against an<br>undefeated opponent."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S.<br>men's basketball team got<br>their first comfortable win<br>at the Olympic basketball<br>tournament Monday, routing<br>winless Angola 89-53 in their<br>final preliminary round game."
"A Frenchman working for Thales<br>SA, Europe #39;s biggest maker<br>of military electronics, was<br>shot dead while driving home<br>at night in the Saudi Arabian<br>city of Jeddah."
"Often, the older a pitcher<br>becomes, the less effective he<br>is on the mound. Roger Clemens<br>apparently didn #39;t get that<br>memo. On Tuesday, the 42-year-<br>old Clemens won an<br>unprecedented"
"NASA #39;s Mars rovers have<br>uncovered more tantalizing<br>evidence of a watery past on<br>the Red Planet, scientists<br>said Wednesday. And the<br>rovers, Spirit and<br>Opportunity, are continuing to<br>do their jobs months after<br>they were expected to ..."
"SYDNEY (AFP) - Australia #39;s<br>commodity exports are forecast<br>to increase by 15 percent to a<br>record 95 billion dollars (71<br>million US), the government<br>#39;s key economic forecaster<br>said."
"Google won a major legal<br>victory when a federal judge<br>ruled that the search engines<br>advertising policy does not<br>violate federal trademark<br>laws."
"Intel Chief Technology Officer<br>Pat Gelsinger said on<br>Thursday, Sept. 9, that the<br>Internet needed to be upgraded<br>in order to deal with problems<br>that will become real issues<br>soon."
"China will take tough measures<br>this winter to improve the<br>country #39;s coal mine safety<br>and prevent accidents. State<br>Councilor Hua Jianmin said<br>Thursday the industry should<br>take"
"AT amp;T Corp. on Thursday<br>said it is reducing one fifth<br>of its workforce this year and<br>will record a non-cash charge<br>of approximately \\$11."
"BAGHDAD (Iraq): As the<br>intensity of skirmishes<br>swelled on the soils of Iraq,<br>dozens of people were put to<br>death with toxic shots by the<br>US helicopter gunship, which<br>targeted the civilians,<br>milling around a burning<br>American vehicle in a Baghdad<br>street on"
" LONDON (Reuters) - Television<br>junkies of the world, get<br>ready for \"Friends,\" \"Big<br>Brother\" and \"The Simpsons\" to<br>phone home."
"A rift appeared within Canada<br>#39;s music industry yesterday<br>as prominent artists called on<br>the CRTC to embrace satellite<br>radio and the industry warned<br>of lost revenue and job<br>losses."
"Reuters - A key Iranian<br>nuclear facility which<br>the\\U.N.'s nuclear watchdog<br>has urged Tehran to shut down<br>is\\nearing completion, a<br>senior Iranian nuclear<br>official said on\\Sunday."
"Spain's Football Federation<br>launches an investigation into<br>racist comments made by<br>national coach Luis Aragones."
"Bricks and plaster blew inward<br>from the wall, as the windows<br>all shattered and I fell to<br>the floorwhether from the<br>shock wave, or just fright, it<br>wasn #39;t clear."
"Surfersvillage Global Surf<br>News, 13 September 2004: - -<br>Hurricane Ivan, one of the<br>most powerful storms to ever<br>hit the Caribbean, killed at<br>least 16 people in Jamaica,<br>where it wrecked houses and<br>washed away roads on Saturday,<br>but appears to have spared"
"I #39;M FEELING a little bit<br>better about the hundreds of<br>junk e-mails I get every day<br>now that I #39;ve read that<br>someone else has much bigger<br>e-mail troubles."
"NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan<br>agreed on Monday to step up<br>cooperation in the energy<br>sector, which could lead to<br>Pakistan importing large<br>amounts of diesel fuel from<br>its neighbour, according to<br>Pakistani Foreign Minister<br>Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri."
"Microsoft's antispam Sender ID<br>technology continues to get<br>the cold shoulder. Now AOL<br>adds its voice to a growing<br>chorus of businesses and<br>organizations shunning the<br>proprietary e-mail<br>authentication system."
"PSV Eindhoven faces Arsenal at<br>Highbury tomorrow night on the<br>back of a free-scoring start<br>to the season. Despite losing<br>Mateja Kezman to Chelsea in<br>the summer, the Dutch side has<br>scored 12 goals in the first"
"Through the World Community<br>Grid, your computer could help<br>address the world's health and<br>social problems."
"Zimbabwe #39;s ruling Zanu-PF<br>old guard has emerged on top<br>after a bitter power struggle<br>in the deeply divided party<br>during its five-yearly<br>congress, which ended<br>yesterday."
"PLAYER OF THE GAME: Playing<br>with a broken nose, Seattle<br>point guard Sue Bird set a<br>WNBA playoff record for<br>assists with 14, also pumping<br>in 10 points as the Storm<br>claimed the Western Conference<br>title last night."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>demonstrators pressing<br>to\\install Ukraine's<br>opposition leader as president<br>after a\\disputed election<br>launched fresh street rallies<br>in the capital\\for the third<br>day Wednesday."
"Michael Jackson wishes he had<br>fought previous child<br>molestation claims instead of<br>trying to \"buy peace\", his<br>lawyer says."
"North Korea says it will not<br>abandon its weapons programme<br>after the South admitted<br>nuclear activities."
"While there is growing<br>attention to ongoing genocide<br>in Darfur, this has not<br>translated into either a<br>meaningful international<br>response or an accurate<br>rendering of the scale and<br>evident course of the<br>catastrophe."
"A planned component for<br>Microsoft #39;s next version<br>of Windows is causing<br>consternation among antivirus<br>experts, who say that the new<br>module, a scripting platform<br>called Microsoft Shell, could<br>give birth to a whole new<br>generation of viruses and<br>remotely"
"THE prosecution on terrorism<br>charges of extremist Islamic<br>cleric and accused Jemaah<br>Islamiah leader Abu Bakar<br>Bashir will rely heavily on<br>the potentially tainted<br>testimony of at least two<br>convicted Bali bombers, his<br>lawyers have said."
"SAN JOSE, California Yahoo<br>will likely have a tough time<br>getting American courts to<br>intervene in a dispute over<br>the sale of Nazi memorabilia<br>in France after a US appeals<br>court ruling."
"TORONTO (CP) - Glamis Gold of<br>Reno, Nev., is planning a<br>takeover bid for Goldcorp Inc.<br>of Toronto - but only if<br>Goldcorp drops its<br>\\$2.4-billion-Cdn offer for<br>another Canadian firm, made in<br>early December."
"Clashes between US troops and<br>Sadr militiamen escalated<br>Thursday, as the US surrounded<br>Najaf for possible siege."
"eBay Style director Constance<br>White joins Post fashion<br>editor Robin Givhan and host<br>Janet Bennett to discuss how<br>to find trends and bargains<br>and pull together a wardrobe<br>online."
"This week will see the release<br>of October new and existing<br>home sales, a measure of<br>strength in the housing<br>industry. But the short<br>holiday week will also leave<br>investors looking ahead to the<br>holiday travel season."
"Frankfurt - World Cup winners<br>Brazil were on Monday drawn to<br>meet European champions<br>Greece, Gold Cup winners<br>Mexico and Asian champions<br>Japan at the 2005<br>Confederations Cup."
"Third baseman Vinny Castilla<br>said he fits fine with the<br>Colorado youth movement, even<br>though he #39;ll turn 38 next<br>season and the Rockies are<br>coming off the second-worst"
"With a sudden shudder, the<br>ground collapsed and the pipe<br>pushed upward, buckling into a<br>humped shape as Cornell<br>University scientists produced<br>the first simulated earthquake"
"(Sports Network) - Two of the<br>top teams in the American<br>League tangle in a possible<br>American League Division<br>Series preview tonight, as the<br>West-leading Oakland Athletics<br>host the wild card-leading<br>Boston Red Sox for the first<br>of a three-game set at the"
"over half the children in the<br>world - suffer extreme<br>deprivation because of war,<br>HIV/AIDS or poverty, according<br>to a report released yesterday<br>by the United Nations Children<br>#39;s Fund."
"Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has<br>fired another salvo in its<br>ongoing spam battle, this time<br>against porn peddlers who don<br>#39;t keep their smut inside<br>the digital equivalent of a<br>quot;Brown Paper Wrapper."
" BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - The<br>use of some antidepressant<br>drugs appears linked to an<br>increase in suicidal behavior<br>in some children and teen-<br>agers, a U.S. advisory panel<br>concluded on Tuesday."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - The next<br>version of the Windows<br>operating system, Microsoft<br>Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>kup.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>flagship product, will ship<br>in 2006, the world's largest<br>software maker said on<br>Friday."
"Reuters - Philippine rescue<br>teams\\evacuated thousands of<br>people from the worst flooding<br>in the\\central Luzon region<br>since the 1970s as hungry<br>victims hunted\\rats and birds<br>for food."
"Inverness Caledonian Thistle<br>appointed Craig Brewster as<br>its new manager-player<br>Thursday although he #39;s<br>unable to play for the team<br>until January."
"The Afghan president expresses<br>deep concern after a bomb<br>attack which left at least<br>seven people dead."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>technology stocks opened lower<br>on Thursday after a sales<br>warning from Applied Materials<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AMAT.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AM<br>AT.O&lt;/A&gt;, while weekly<br>jobless claims data met Wall<br>Street's expectations,<br>leaving the Dow and S P 500<br>market measures little<br>changed."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Alan Shearer<br>converted an 87th-minute<br>penalty to give Newcastle a<br>1-0 win over Panionios in<br>their UEFA Cup Group D match."
"Fossil remains of the oldest<br>and smallest known ancestor of<br>Tyrannosaurus rex, the world<br>#39;s favorite ferocious<br>dinosaur, have been discovered<br>in China with evidence that<br>its body was cloaked in downy<br>quot;protofeathers."
"Derek Jeter turned a season<br>that started with a terrible<br>slump into one of the best in<br>his accomplished 10-year<br>career. quot;I don #39;t<br>think there is any question,<br>quot; the New York Yankees<br>manager said."
"Gardez (Afghanistan), Sept. 16<br>(Reuters): Afghan President<br>Hamid Karzai escaped an<br>assassination bid today when a<br>rocket was fired at his US<br>military helicopter as it was<br>landing in the southeastern<br>town of Gardez."
"The Jets came up with four<br>turnovers by Dolphins<br>quarterback Jay Fiedler in the<br>second half, including an<br>interception returned 66 yards<br>for a touchdown."
"China's Guo Jingjing easily<br>won the women's 3-meter<br>springboard last night, and Wu<br>Minxia made it a 1-2 finish<br>for the world's diving<br>superpower, taking the silver."
"GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Ticker)<br>-- Brett Favre will be hoping<br>his 200th consecutive start<br>turns out better than his last<br>two have against the St."
"People fishing for sport are<br>doing far more damage to US<br>marine fish stocks than anyone<br>thought, accounting for nearly<br>a quarter of the"
"When an NFL team opens with a<br>prolonged winning streak,<br>former Miami Dolphins coach<br>Don Shula and his players from<br>the 17-0 team of 1972 root<br>unabashedly for the next<br>opponent."
"MIANNE Bagger, the transsexual<br>golfer who prompted a change<br>in the rules to allow her to<br>compete on the professional<br>circuit, made history<br>yesterday by qualifying to<br>play full-time on the Ladies<br>European Tour."
"Great Britain #39;s gold medal<br>tally now stands at five after<br>Leslie Law was handed the<br>individual three day eventing<br>title - in a courtroom."
"This particular index is<br>produced by the University of<br>Michigan Business School, in<br>partnership with the American<br>Society for Quality and CFI<br>Group, and is supported in<br>part by ForeSee Results"
"CHICAGO : Interstate Bakeries<br>Corp., the maker of popular,<br>old-style snacks Twinkies and<br>Hostess Cakes, filed for<br>bankruptcy, citing rising<br>costs and falling sales."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL:NYSE -<br>commentary - research) will<br>cut employees and benefits but<br>give a bigger-than-expected<br>role to Song, its low-cost<br>unit, in a widely anticipated<br>but still unannounced<br>overhaul, has<br>learned."
"PC World - Symantec, McAfee<br>hope raising virus-definition<br>fees will move users to\\<br>suites."
"By byron kho. A consortium of<br>movie and record companies<br>joined forces on Friday to<br>request that the US Supreme<br>Court take another look at<br>peer-to-peer file-sharing<br>programs."
"DUBLIN -- Prime Minister<br>Bertie Ahern urged Irish<br>Republican Army commanders<br>yesterday to meet what he<br>acknowledged was ''a heavy<br>burden quot;: disarming and<br>disbanding their organization<br>in support of Northern<br>Ireland's 1998 peace accord."
"Mayor Tom Menino must be<br>proud. His Boston Red Sox just<br>won their first World Series<br>in 86 years and his Hyde Park<br>Blue Stars yesterday clinched<br>their first Super Bowl berth<br>in 32 years, defeating<br>O'Bryant, 14-0. Who would have<br>thought?"
"While reproductive planning<br>and women #39;s equality have<br>improved substantially over<br>the past decade, says a United<br>Nations report, world<br>population will increase from<br>6.4 billion today to 8.9<br>billion by 2050, with the 50<br>poorest countries tripling in"
"Instead of the skinny black<br>line, showing a hurricane<br>#39;s forecast track,<br>forecasters have drafted a<br>couple of alternative graphics<br>to depict where the storms<br>might go -- and they want your<br>opinion."
"South Korea have appealed to<br>sport #39;s supreme legal body<br>in an attempt to award Yang<br>Tae-young the Olympic<br>gymnastics all-round gold<br>medal after a scoring error<br>robbed him of the title in<br>Athens."
"BERLIN - Volkswagen AG #39;s<br>announcement this week that it<br>has forged a new partnership<br>deal with Malaysian carmaker<br>Proton comes as a strong euro<br>and Europe #39;s weak economic<br>performance triggers a fresh<br>wave of German investment in<br>Asia."
"AP - Johan Santana had an<br>early lead and was well on his<br>way to his 10th straight win<br>when the rain started to fall."
"ATHENS-In one of the biggest<br>shocks in Olympic judo<br>history, defending champion<br>Kosei Inoue was defeated by<br>Dutchman Elco van der Geest in<br>the men #39;s 100-kilogram<br>category Thursday."
"Consumers in Dublin pay more<br>for basic goods and services<br>that people elsewhere in the<br>country, according to figures<br>released today by the Central<br>Statistics Office."
"LIBERTY Media #39;s move last<br>week to grab up to 17.1 per<br>cent of News Corporation<br>voting stock has prompted the<br>launch of a defensive<br>shareholder rights plan."
"NBC is adding a 5-second delay<br>to its Nascar telecasts after<br>Dale Earnhardt Jr. used a<br>vulgarity during a postrace<br>interview last weekend."
"LONDON - Wild capuchin monkeys<br>can understand cause and<br>effect well enough to use<br>rocks to dig for food,<br>scientists have found.<br>Capuchin monkeys often use<br>tools and solve problems in<br>captivity and sometimes"
"San Francisco Giants<br>outfielder Barry Bonds, who<br>became the third player in<br>Major League Baseball history<br>to hit 700 career home runs,<br>won the National League Most<br>Valuable Player Award"
"The blue-chip Hang Seng Index<br>rose 171.88 points, or 1.22<br>percent, to 14,066.91. On<br>Friday, the index had slipped<br>31.58 points, or 0.2 percent."
"BAR's Anthony Davidson and<br>Jenson Button set the pace at<br>the first Chinese Grand Prix."
"Shares plunge after company<br>says its vein graft treatment<br>failed to show benefit in<br>late-stage test. CHICAGO<br>(Reuters) - Biotechnology<br>company Corgentech Inc."
"WASHINGTON - Contradicting the<br>main argument for a war that<br>has cost more than 1,000<br>American lives, the top U.S.<br>arms inspector reported<br>Wednesday that he found no<br>evidence that Iraq produced<br>any weapons of mass<br>destruction after 1991..."
"The key to hidden treasure<br>lies in your handheld GPS<br>unit. GPS-based \"geocaching\"<br>is a high-tech sport being<br>played by thousands of people<br>across the globe."
"AFP - Style mavens will be<br>scanning the catwalks in Paris<br>this week for next spring's<br>must-have handbag, as a<br>sweeping exhibition at the<br>French capital's fashion and<br>textile museum reveals the bag<br>in all its forms."
"Canadian Press - SAINT-<br>QUENTIN, N.B. (CP) - A major<br>highway in northern New<br>Brunswick remained closed to<br>almost all traffic Monday, as<br>local residents protested<br>planned health care cuts."
"The U.S. information tech<br>sector lost 403,300 jobs<br>between March 2001 and April<br>2004, and the market for tech<br>workers remains bleak,<br>according to a new report."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - A<br>radical Iraqi cleric leading a<br>Shi'ite uprising agreed on<br>Wednesday to disarm his<br>militia and leave one of the<br>country's holiest Islamic<br>shrines after warnings of an<br>onslaught by government<br>forces."
"Saudi security forces have<br>killed a wanted militant near<br>the scene of a deadly shootout<br>Thursday. Officials say the<br>militant was killed in a<br>gunbattle Friday in the<br>northern town of Buraida,<br>hours after one"
"Portsmouth chairman Milan<br>Mandaric said on Tuesday that<br>Harry Redknapp, who resigned<br>as manager last week, was<br>innocent of any wrong-doing<br>over agent or transfer fees."
"This record is for all the<br>little guys, for all the<br>players who have to leg out<br>every hit instead of taking a<br>relaxing trot around the<br>bases, for all the batters<br>whose muscles aren #39;t"
"Two South Africans acquitted<br>by a Zimbabwean court of<br>charges related to the alleged<br>coup plot in Equatorial Guinea<br>are to be questioned today by<br>the South African authorities."
"Charlie Hodgson #39;s record-<br>equalling performance against<br>South Africa was praised by<br>coach Andy Robinson after the<br>Sale flyhalf scored 27 points<br>in England #39;s 32-16 victory<br>here at Twickenham on<br>Saturday."
"com September 30, 2004, 11:11<br>AM PT. SanDisk announced<br>Thursday increased capacities<br>for several different flash<br>memory cards. The Sunnyvale,<br>Calif."
"MOSCOW (CP) - Russia mourned<br>89 victims of a double air<br>disaster today as debate<br>intensified over whether the<br>two passenger liners could<br>have plunged almost<br>simultaneously from the sky by<br>accident."
"US blue-chip stocks rose<br>slightly on Friday as<br>government data showed better-<br>than-expected demand in August<br>for durable goods other than<br>transportation equipment, but<br>climbing oil prices limited<br>gains."
"BASEBALL Atlanta (NL):<br>Optioned P Roman Colon to<br>Greenville (Southern);<br>recalled OF Dewayne Wise from<br>Richmond (IL). Boston (AL):<br>Purchased C Sandy Martinez<br>from Cleveland (AL) and<br>assigned him to Pawtucket<br>(IL). Cleveland (AL): Recalled<br>OF Ryan Ludwick from Buffalo<br>(IL). Chicago (NL): Acquired<br>OF Ben Grieve from Milwaukee<br>(NL) for player to be named<br>and cash; acquired C Mike ..."
"Australia #39;s prime minister<br>says a body found in Fallujah<br>is likely that of kidnapped<br>aid worker Margaret Hassan.<br>John Howard told Parliament a<br>videotape of an Iraqi<br>terrorist group executing a<br>Western woman appears to have<br>been genuine."
"roundup Plus: Tech firms rally<br>against copyright bill...Apple<br>.Mac customers suffer e-mail<br>glitches...Alvarion expands<br>wireless broadband in China."
"BRONX, New York (Ticker) --<br>Kelvim Escobar was the latest<br>Anaheim Angels #39; pitcher to<br>subdue the New York Yankees.<br>Escobar pitched seven strong<br>innings and Bengie Molina tied<br>a career-high with four hits,<br>including"
"Business software maker<br>PeopleSoft Inc. said Monday<br>that it expects third-quarter<br>revenue to range between \\$680<br>million and \\$695 million,<br>above average Wall Street<br>estimates of \\$651."
"Sep 08 - Vijay Singh revelled<br>in his status as the new world<br>number one after winning the<br>Deutsche Bank Championship by<br>three shots in Boston on<br>Monday."
"Reuters - Enron Corp. ,<br>desperate to\\meet profit<br>targets, \"parked\" unwanted<br>power generating barges\\at<br>Merrill Lynch in a sham sale<br>designed to be reversed,<br>a\\prosecutor said on Tuesday<br>in the first criminal trial<br>of\\former executives at the<br>fallen energy company."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after a heavy selloff last<br>week, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally could<br>hold as the drumbeat of<br>expectation began for to the<br>December U.S. jobs report due<br>Friday."
"AP - Their first debate less<br>than a week away, President<br>Bush and Democrat John Kerry<br>kept their public schedules<br>clear on Saturday and began to<br>focus on their prime-time<br>showdown."
"Many people in golf are asking<br>that today. He certainly wasn<br>#39;t A-list and he wasn #39;t<br>Larry Nelson either. But you<br>couldn #39;t find a more solid<br>guy to lead the United States<br>into Ireland for the 2006<br>Ryder Cup Matches."
"Coles Myer Ltd. Australia<br>#39;s biggest retailer,<br>increased second-half profit<br>by 26 percent after opening<br>fuel and convenience stores,<br>selling more-profitable<br>groceries and cutting costs."
"MOSCOW: Us oil major<br>ConocoPhillips is seeking to<br>buy up to 25 in Russian oil<br>giant Lukoil to add billions<br>of barrels of reserves to its<br>books, an industry source<br>familiar with the matter said<br>on Friday."
"Australian Stuart Appleby, who<br>was the joint second-round<br>leader, returned a two-over 74<br>to drop to third at three-<br>under while American Chris<br>DiMarco moved into fourth with<br>a round of 69."
"PARIS Getting to the bottom of<br>what killed Yassar Arafat<br>could shape up to be an ugly<br>family tug-of-war. Arafat<br>#39;s half-brother and nephew<br>want copies of Arafat #39;s<br>medical records from the<br>suburban Paris hospital"
"Red Hat is acquiring security<br>and authentication tools from<br>Netscape Security Solutions to<br>bolster its software arsenal.<br>Red Hat #39;s CEO and chairman<br>Matthew Szulik spoke about the<br>future strategy of the Linux<br>supplier."
"With a doubleheader sweep of<br>the Minnesota Twins, the New<br>York Yankees moved to the<br>verge of clinching their<br>seventh straight AL East<br>title."
"Global Web portal Yahoo! Inc.<br>Wednesday night made available<br>a beta version of a new search<br>service for videos. Called<br>Yahoo! Video Search, the<br>search engine crawls the Web<br>for different types of media<br>files"
"Interactive posters at 25<br>underground stations are<br>helping Londoners travel<br>safely over Christmas."
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - The first official<br>track event took place this<br>morning and Italy #39;s Ivano<br>Brugnetti won the men #39;s<br>20km walk at the Summer<br>Olympics in Athens."
" THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Former<br>Yugoslav President Slobodan<br>Milosevic condemned his war<br>crimes trial as a \"pure farce\"<br>on Wednesday in a defiant<br>finish to his opening defense<br>statement against charges of<br>ethnic cleansing in the<br>Balkans."
"US Airways Group (otc: UAIRQ -<br>news - people ) on Thursday<br>said it #39;ll seek a court<br>injunction to prohibit a<br>strike by disaffected unions."
"Shares in Unilever fall after<br>the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods<br>giant issued a surprise<br>profits warning."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) - The<br>Canadian government will sell<br>its 19 percent stake in Petro-<br>Canada for \\$2.49 billion,<br>according to the final<br>prospectus filed with the US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission Thursday."
"Champions Arsenal opened a<br>five-point lead at the top of<br>the Premier League after a 4-0<br>thrashing of Charlton Athletic<br>at Highbury Saturday."
"The Redskins and Browns have<br>traded field goals and are<br>tied, 3-3, in the first<br>quarter in Cleveland."
" HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=MSFT.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt; will<br>hire several hundred new staff<br>at its new Indian campus in<br>the next year, its chief<br>executive said on Monday, in a<br>move aimed at strengthening<br>its presence in Asia's fourth-<br>biggest economy."
"According to Swiss<br>authorities, history was made<br>Sunday when 2723 people in<br>four communities in canton<br>Geneva, Switzerland, voted<br>online in a national federal<br>referendum."
" GUWAHATI, India (Reuters) -<br>People braved a steady drizzle<br>to come out to vote in a<br>remote northeast Indian state<br>on Thursday, as troops<br>guarded polling stations in an<br>election being held under the<br>shadow of violence."
"AFP - Three of the nine<br>Canadian sailors injured when<br>their newly-delivered,<br>British-built submarine caught<br>fire in the North Atlantic<br>were airlifted Wednesday to<br>hospital in northwest Ireland,<br>officials said."
"Alitalia SpA, Italy #39;s<br>largest airline, reached an<br>agreement with its flight<br>attendants #39; unions to cut<br>900 jobs, qualifying the<br>company for a government<br>bailout that will keep it in<br>business for another six<br>months."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A series of<br>strong explosions shook<br>central Baghdad near dawn<br>Sunday, and columns of thick<br>black smoke rose from the<br>Green Zone where U.S. and<br>Iraqi government offices are<br>located..."
"Forget September call-ups. The<br>Red Sox may tap their minor<br>league system for an extra<br>player or two when the rules<br>allow them to expand their<br>25-man roster Wednesday, but<br>any help from the farm is<br>likely to pale against the<br>abundance of talent they gain<br>from the return of numerous<br>players, including Trot Nixon<br>, from the disabled list."
"P amp;Os cutbacks announced<br>today are the result of the<br>waves of troubles that have<br>swamped the ferry industry of<br>late. Some would say the<br>company has done well to<br>weather the storms for as long<br>as it has."
"Sven-Goran Eriksson may gamble<br>by playing goalkeeper Paul<br>Robinson and striker Jermain<br>Defoe in Poland."
"Foreign Secretary Jack Straw<br>has flown to Khartoum on a<br>mission to pile the pressure<br>on the Sudanese government to<br>tackle the humanitarian<br>catastrophe in Darfur."
" Nextel was the big story in<br>telecommunications yesterday,<br>thanks to the Reston company's<br>mega-merger with Sprint, but<br>the future of wireless may be<br>percolating in dozens of<br>Washington area start-ups."
"Reuters - A senior U.S.<br>official said on<br>Wednesday\\deals should not be<br>done with hostage-takers ahead<br>of the\\latest deadline set by<br>Afghan Islamic militants who<br>have\\threatened to kill three<br>kidnapped U.N. workers."
"I have been anticipating this<br>day like a child waits for<br>Christmas. Today, PalmOne<br>introduces the Treo 650, the<br>answer to my quot;what smart<br>phone will I buy?"
"THOUSAND OAKS -- Anonymity is<br>only a problem if you want it<br>to be, and it is obvious Vijay<br>Singh doesn #39;t want it to<br>be. Let others chase fame."
"Wikipedia has surprised Web<br>watchers by growing fast and<br>maturing into one of the most<br>popular reference sites."
"It only takes 20 minutes on<br>the Internet for an<br>unprotected computer running<br>Microsoft Windows to be taken<br>over by a hacker. Any personal<br>or financial information<br>stored"
"TORONTO (CP) - Russia #39;s<br>Severstal has made an offer to<br>buy Stelco Inc., in what #39;s<br>believed to be one of several<br>competing offers emerging for<br>the restructuring but<br>profitable Hamilton steel<br>producer."
"Prices for flash memory cards<br>-- the little modules used by<br>digital cameras, handheld<br>organizers, MP3 players and<br>cell phones to store pictures,<br>music and other data -- are<br>headed down -- way down. Past<br>trends suggest that prices<br>will drop 35 percent a year,<br>but industry analysts think<br>that rate will be more like 40<br>or 50 percent this year and<br>next, due to more<br>manufacturers entering the<br>market."
"Walt Disney Co. #39;s<br>directors nominated Michael<br>Ovitz to serve on its board<br>for another three years at a<br>meeting just weeks before<br>forcing him out of his job as"
"The European Union, Japan,<br>Brazil and five other<br>countries won World Trade<br>Organization approval to<br>impose tariffs worth more than<br>\\$150 million a year on<br>imports from the United"
"Industrial conglomerate<br>Honeywell International on<br>Wednesday said it has filed a<br>lawsuit against 34 electronics<br>companies including Apple<br>Computer and Eastman Kodak,<br>claiming patent infringement<br>of its liquid crystal display<br>technology."
"Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams<br>has put the pressure for the<br>success or failure of the<br>Northern Ireland assembly<br>talks firmly on the shoulders<br>of Ian Paisley."
"Australia #39;s Computershare<br>has agreed to buy EquiServe of<br>the United States for US\\$292<br>million (\\$423 million),<br>making it the largest US share<br>registrar and driving its<br>shares up by a third."
"David Coulthard #39;s season-<br>long search for a Formula One<br>drive next year is almost<br>over. Negotiations between Red<br>Bull Racing and Coulthard, who<br>tested for the Austrian team<br>for the first time"
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities were mixed<br>in yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$18<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.640<br>percent, up from 1.635 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$16<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.840<br>percent, down from 1.860<br>percent."
"Two top executives of scandal-<br>tarred insurance firm Marsh<br>Inc. were ousted yesterday,<br>the company said, the latest<br>casualties of an industry<br>probe by New York's attorney<br>general."
"AP - Southern California<br>tailback LenDale White<br>remembers Justin Holland from<br>high school. The Colorado<br>State quarterback made quite<br>an impression."
"TIM HENMAN last night admitted<br>all of his energy has been<br>drained away as he bowed out<br>of the Madrid Masters. The top<br>seed, who had a blood test on<br>Wednesday to get to the bottom<br>of his fatigue, went down"
"USDA #39;s Animal Plant Health<br>Inspection Service (APHIS)<br>this morning announced it has<br>confirmed a detection of<br>soybean rust from two test<br>plots at Louisiana State<br>University near Baton Rouge,<br>Louisiana."
" JAKARTA (Reuters) - President<br>Megawati Sukarnoputri urged<br>Indonesians on Thursday to<br>accept the results of the<br>country's first direct<br>election of a leader, but<br>stopped short of conceding<br>defeat."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan early<br>Monday test-fired its<br>indigenously developed short-<br>range nuclear-capable Ghaznavi<br>missile, the Inter Services<br>Public Relations (ISPR) said<br>in a statement."
"While the US software giant<br>Microsoft has achieved almost<br>sweeping victories in<br>government procurement<br>projects in several Chinese<br>provinces and municipalities,<br>the process"
"Mexican Cemex, being the third<br>largest cement maker in the<br>world, agreed to buy its<br>British competitor - RMC Group<br>- for \\$5.8 billion, as well<br>as their debts in order to<br>expand their activity on the<br>building materials market of<br>the USA and Europe."
"Microsoft Corp. has delayed<br>automated distribution of a<br>major security upgrade to its<br>Windows XP Professional<br>operating system, citing a<br>desire to give companies more<br>time to test it."
"The trial of a man accused of<br>murdering York backpacker<br>Caroline Stuttle begins in<br>Australia."
"Gateway computers will be more<br>widely available at Office<br>Depot, in the PC maker #39;s<br>latest move to broaden<br>distribution at retail stores<br>since acquiring rival<br>eMachines this year."
"ATHENS -- US sailors needed a<br>big day to bring home gold and<br>bronze medals from the sailing<br>finale here yesterday. But<br>rolling the dice on windshifts<br>and starting tactics backfired<br>both in Star and Tornado<br>classes, and the Americans had<br>to settle for a single silver<br>medal."
"Intel Corp. is refreshing its<br>64-bit Itanium 2 processor<br>line with six new chips based<br>on the Madison core. The new<br>processors represent the last<br>single-core Itanium chips that<br>the Santa Clara, Calif."
"The world's largest insurance<br>group pays \\$126m in fines as<br>part of a settlement with US<br>regulators over its dealings<br>with two firms."
"BRUSSELS: The EU sought<br>Wednesday to keep pressure on<br>Turkey over its bid to start<br>talks on joining the bloc, as<br>last-minute haggling seemed<br>set to go down to the wire at<br>a summit poised to give a<br>green light to Ankara."
"AP - J. Cofer Black, the State<br>Department official in charge<br>of counterterrorism, is<br>leaving government in the next<br>few weeks."
"For the first time, broadband<br>connections are reaching more<br>than half (51 percent) of the<br>American online population at<br>home, according to measurement<br>taken in July by<br>Nielsen/NetRatings, a<br>Milpitas-based Internet<br>audience measurement and<br>research ..."
"AP - Cavaliers forward Luke<br>Jackson was activated<br>Wednesday after missing five<br>games because of tendinitis in<br>his right knee. Cleveland also<br>placed forward Sasha Pavlovic<br>on the injured list."
"The tobacco firm John Player<br>amp; Sons has announced plans<br>to lay off 90 workers at its<br>cigarette factory in Dublin.<br>The company said it was<br>planning a phased closure of<br>the factory between now and<br>February as part of a review<br>of its global operations."
"AP - Consumers borrowed more<br>freely in September,<br>especially when it came to<br>racking up charges on their<br>credit cards, the Federal<br>Reserve reported Friday."
"AFP - The United States<br>presented a draft UN<br>resolution that steps up the<br>pressure on Sudan over the<br>crisis in Darfur, including<br>possible international<br>sanctions against its oil<br>sector."
"AFP - At least 33 people were<br>killed and dozens others<br>wounded when two bombs ripped<br>through a congregation of<br>Sunni Muslims in Pakistan's<br>central city of Multan, police<br>said."
"Bold, innovative solutions are<br>key to addressing the rapidly<br>rising costs of higher<br>education and the steady<br>reduction in government-<br>subsidized help to finance<br>such education."
"Just as the PhD crowd emerge<br>with different interpretations<br>of today's economy, everyday<br>Americans battling to balance<br>the checkbook hold diverse<br>opinions about where things<br>stand now and in the future."
"The Brisbane Lions #39;<br>football manager stepped out<br>of the changerooms just before<br>six o #39;clock last night and<br>handed one of the milling<br>supporters a six-pack of beer."
"Authorities here are always<br>eager to show off their<br>accomplishments, so when<br>Beijing hosted the World<br>Toilet Organization conference<br>last week, delegates were<br>given a grand tour of the<br>city's toilets."
"Cavaliers owner Gordon Gund is<br>in quot;serious quot;<br>negotiations to sell the NBA<br>franchise, which has enjoyed a<br>dramatic financial turnaround<br>since the arrival of star<br>LeBron James."
"WASHINGTON Trying to break a<br>deadlock on energy policy, a<br>diverse group of<br>environmentalists, academics<br>and former government<br>officials were to publish a<br>report on Wednesday that<br>presents strategies for making<br>the United States cleaner,<br>more competitive"
"After two days of gloom, China<br>was back on the winning rails<br>on Thursday with Liu Chunhong<br>winning a weightlifting title<br>on her record-shattering binge<br>and its shuttlers contributing<br>two golds in the cliff-hanging<br>finals."
"One question that arises<br>whenever a player is linked to<br>steroids is, \"What would he<br>have done without them?\"<br>Baseball history whispers an<br>answer."
"AFP - A series of torchlight<br>rallies and vigils were held<br>after darkness fell on this<br>central Indian city as victims<br>and activists jointly<br>commemorated a night of horror<br>20 years ago when lethal gas<br>leaked from a pesticide plant<br>and killed thousands."
"Consider the New World of<br>Information - stuff that,<br>unlike the paper days of the<br>past, doesn't always<br>physically exist. You've got<br>notes, scrawlings and<br>snippets, Web graphics, photos<br>and sounds. Stuff needs to be<br>cut, pasted, highlighted,<br>annotated, crossed out,<br>dragged away. And, as Ross<br>Perot used to say (or maybe it<br>was Dana Carvey impersonating<br>him), don't forget the graphs<br>and charts."
"The second round of the<br>Canadian Open golf tournament<br>continues Saturday Glenn Abbey<br>Golf Club in Oakville,<br>Ontario, after play was<br>suspended late Friday due to<br>darkness."
"A consortium led by Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group that is<br>developing gas reserves off<br>Russia #39;s Sakhalin Island<br>said Thursday it has struck a<br>US\\$6 billion (euro4."
"Major Hollywood studios on<br>Tuesday announced scores of<br>lawsuits against computer<br>server operators worldwide,<br>including eDonkey, BitTorrent<br>and DirectConnect networks,<br>for allowing trading of<br>pirated movies."
"A massive plan to attract the<br>2012 Summer Olympics to New<br>York, touting the city's<br>diversity, financial and media<br>power, was revealed Wednesday."
"A Zimbabwe court Friday<br>convicted a British man<br>accused of leading a coup plot<br>against the government of oil-<br>rich Equatorial Guinea on<br>weapons charges, but acquitted<br>most of the 69 other men held<br>with him."
"But will Wi-Fi, high-<br>definition broadcasts, mobile<br>messaging and other<br>enhancements improve the game,<br>or wreck it?\\&lt;br /&gt;<br>Photos of tech-friendly parks\\"
"An audit by international<br>observers supported official<br>elections results that gave<br>President Hugo Chavez a<br>victory over a recall vote<br>against him, the secretary-<br>general of the Organisation of<br>American States announced."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- The fatal stabbing of a<br>young man trying to eject<br>unwanted party guests from his<br>family home, the third such<br>knifing in just weeks, has<br>police worried about a<br>potentially fatal holiday<br>recipe: teens, alcohol and<br>knives."
"NICK Heidfeld #39;s test with<br>Williams has been brought<br>forward after BAR blocked<br>plans for Anthony Davidson to<br>drive its Formula One rival<br>#39;s car."
"MOSCOW - A female suicide<br>bomber set off a shrapnel-<br>filled explosive device<br>outside a busy Moscow subway<br>station on Tuesday night,<br>officials said, killing 10<br>people and injuring more than<br>50."
"Grace Park closed with an<br>eagle and two birdies for a<br>7-under-par 65 and a two-<br>stroke lead after three rounds<br>of the Wachovia LPGA Classic<br>on Saturday."
"ABIDJAN (AFP) - Two Ivory<br>Coast military aircraft<br>carried out a second raid on<br>Bouake, the stronghold of the<br>former rebel New Forces (FN)<br>in the divided west African<br>country, a French military<br>source told AFP."
"Carlos Beltran drives in five<br>runs to carry the Astros to a<br>12-3 rout of the Braves in<br>Game 5 of their first-round NL<br>playoff series."
"On-demand viewing isn't just<br>for TiVo owners anymore.<br>Television over internet<br>protocol, or TVIP, offers<br>custom programming over<br>standard copper wires."
"Apple is recalling 28,000<br>faulty batteries for its<br>15-inch Powerbook G4 laptops."
"Since Lennox Lewis #39;s<br>retirement, the heavyweight<br>division has been knocked for<br>having more quantity than<br>quality. Eight heavyweights on<br>Saturday night #39;s card at<br>Madison Square Garden hope to<br>change that perception, at<br>least for one night."
"PalmSource #39;s European<br>developer conference is going<br>on now in Germany, and this<br>company is using this<br>opportunity to show off Palm<br>OS Cobalt 6.1, the latest<br>version of its operating<br>system."
"The former Chief Executive<br>Officer of Computer Associates<br>was indicted by a federal<br>grand jury in New York<br>Wednesday for allegedly<br>participating in a massive<br>fraud conspiracy and an<br>elaborate cover up of a scheme<br>that cost investors"
"Speaking to members of the<br>Massachusetts Software<br>Council, Microsoft CEO Steve<br>Ballmer touted a bright future<br>for technology but warned his<br>listeners to think twice<br>before adopting open-source<br>products like Linux."
"MIAMI - The Trillian instant<br>messaging (IM) application<br>will feature several<br>enhancements in its upcoming<br>version 3.0, including new<br>video and audio chat<br>capabilities, enhanced IM<br>session logs and integration<br>with the Wikipedia online<br>encyclopedia, according to<br>information posted Friday on<br>the product developer's Web<br>site."
"Honeywell International Inc.,<br>the world #39;s largest<br>supplier of building controls,<br>agreed to buy Novar Plc for<br>798 million pounds (\\$1.53<br>billion) to expand its<br>security, fire and<br>ventilation-systems business<br>in Europe."
"San Francisco investment bank<br>Thomas Weisel Partners on<br>Thursday agreed to pay \\$12.5<br>million to settle allegations<br>that some of the stock<br>research the bank published<br>during the Internet boom was<br>tainted by conflicts of<br>interest."
"AFP - A state of civil<br>emergency in the rebellion-hit<br>Indonesian province of Aceh<br>has been formally extended by<br>six month, as the country's<br>president pledged to end<br>violence there without foreign<br>help."
" - Peter Frankling<br>tapped an unusual source to<br>fund his new business, which<br>makes hot-dog-shaped ice cream<br>treats known as Cool Dogs: Two<br>investors, one a friend and<br>the other a professional<br>venture capitalist, put in<br>more than #36;100,000 each<br>from their Individual<br>Retirement Accounts. Later<br>Franklin added #36;150,000<br>from his own IRA."
"Reuters - Online DVD rental<br>service Netflix Inc.\\and TiVo<br>Inc., maker of a digital video<br>recorder, on Thursday\\said<br>they have agreed to develop a<br>joint entertainment\\offering,<br>driving shares of both<br>companies higher."
"A San Diego insurance<br>brokerage has been sued by New<br>York Attorney General Elliot<br>Spitzer for allegedly<br>soliciting payoffs in exchange<br>for steering business to<br>preferred insurance companies."
"The European Union agreed<br>Monday to lift penalties that<br>have cost American exporters<br>\\$300 million, following the<br>repeal of a US corporate tax<br>break deemed illegal under<br>global trade rules."
"US Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Monday said he had<br>spoken to both Indian Foreign<br>Minister K Natwar Singh and<br>his Pakistani counterpart<br>Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri late<br>last week before the two met<br>in New Delhi this week for<br>talks."
"NEW YORK - Victor Diaz hit a<br>tying, three-run homer with<br>two outs in the ninth inning,<br>and Craig Brazell's first<br>major league home run in the<br>11th gave the New York Mets a<br>stunning 4-3 victory over the<br>Chicago Cubs on Saturday.<br>The Cubs had much on the<br>line..."
"AFP - At least 54 people have<br>died and more than a million<br>have fled their homes as<br>torrential rains lashed parts<br>of India and Bangladesh,<br>officials said."
"LOS ANGELES - California has<br>adopted the world's first<br>rules to reduce greenhouse<br>emissions for autos, taking<br>what supporters see as a<br>dramatic step toward cleaning<br>up the environment but also<br>ensuring higher costs for<br>drivers. The rules may lead<br>to sweeping changes in<br>vehicles nationwide,<br>especially if other states opt<br>to follow California's<br>example..."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>stock markets scaled<br>near-2-1/2 year highs on<br>Friday as oil prices held<br>below \\$48 a barrel, and the<br>euro held off from mounting<br>another assault on \\$1.30 but<br>hovered near record highs<br>against the dollar."
"Tim Duncan had 17 points and<br>10 rebounds, helping the San<br>Antonio Spurs to a 99-81<br>victory over the New York<br>Kicks. This was the Spurs<br>fourth straight win this<br>season."
"Nagpur: India suffered a<br>double blow even before the<br>first ball was bowled in the<br>crucial third cricket Test<br>against Australia on Tuesday<br>when captain Sourav Ganguly<br>and off spinner Harbhajan<br>Singh were ruled out of the<br>match."
"AFP - Republican and<br>Democratic leaders each<br>declared victory after the<br>first head-to-head sparring<br>match between President George<br>W. Bush and Democratic<br>presidential hopeful John<br>Kerry."
"THIS YULE is all about console<br>supply and there #39;s<br>precious little units around,<br>it has emerged. Nintendo has<br>announced that it is going to<br>ship another 400,000 units of<br>its DS console to the United<br>States to meet the shortfall<br>there."
"Annual global semiconductor<br>sales growth will probably<br>fall by half in 2005 and<br>memory chip sales could<br>collapse as a supply glut saps<br>prices, world-leading memory<br>chip maker Samsung Electronics<br>said on Monday."
"NEW YORK - Traditional phone<br>systems may be going the way<br>of the Pony Express. Voice-<br>over-Internet Protocol,<br>technology that allows users<br>to make and receive phone<br>calls using the Internet, is<br>giving the old circuit-<br>switched system a run for its<br>money."
"AP - Former New York Yankees<br>hitting coach Rick Down was<br>hired for the same job by the<br>Mets on Friday, reuniting him<br>with new manager Willie<br>Randolph."
"Last night in New York, the UN<br>secretary-general was given a<br>standing ovation - a robust<br>response to a series of<br>attacks in past weeks."
"FILDERSTADT (Germany) - Amelie<br>Mauresmo and Lindsay Davenport<br>took their battle for the No.<br>1 ranking and Porsche Grand<br>Prix title into the semi-<br>finals with straight-sets<br>victories on Friday."
"Reuters - The company behind<br>the Atkins Diet\\on Friday<br>shrugged off a recent decline<br>in interest in low-carb\\diets<br>as a seasonal blip, and its<br>marketing chief said\\consumers<br>would cut out starchy foods<br>again after picking up\\pounds<br>over the holidays."
"There #39;s something to be<br>said for being the quot;first<br>mover quot; in an industry<br>trend. Those years of extra<br>experience in tinkering with a<br>new idea can be invaluable in<br>helping the first"
"JOHANNESBURG -- Meeting in<br>Nigeria four years ago,<br>African leaders set a goal<br>that 60 percent of children<br>and pregnant women in malaria-<br>affected areas around the<br>continent would be sleeping<br>under bed nets by the end of<br>2005."
"AP - The first U.S. cases of<br>the fungus soybean rust, which<br>hinders plant growth and<br>drastically cuts crop<br>production, were found at two<br>research sites in Louisiana,<br>officials said Wednesday."
"Carter returned, but it was<br>running back Curtis Martin and<br>the offensive line that put<br>the Jets ahead. Martin rushed<br>for all but 10 yards of a<br>45-yard drive that stalled at<br>the Cardinals 10."
" quot;There #39;s no way<br>anyone would hire them to<br>fight viruses, quot; said<br>Sophos security analyst Gregg<br>Mastoras. quot;For one, no<br>security firm could maintain<br>its reputation by employing<br>hackers."
"Symantec has revoked its<br>decision to blacklist a<br>program that allows Web<br>surfers in China to browse<br>government-blocked Web sites.<br>The move follows reports that<br>the firm labelled the Freegate<br>program, which"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares<br>of Chiron Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=CHIR.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;CHIR.O&lt;/A&gt; fell<br>7 percent before the market<br>open on Friday, a day after<br>the biopharmaceutical company<br>said it is delaying shipment<br>of its flu vaccine, Fluvirin,<br>because lots containing 4<br>million vaccines do not meet<br>product sterility standards."
"The nation's top<br>telecommunications regulator<br>said yesterday he will push --<br>before the next president is<br>inaugurated -- to protect<br>fledgling Internet telephone<br>services from getting taxed<br>and heavily regulated by the<br>50 state governments."
"Microsoft has signed a pact to<br>work with the United Nations<br>Educational, Scientific and<br>Cultural Organization (UNESCO)<br>to increase computer use,<br>Internet access and teacher<br>training in developing<br>countries."
"DENVER (Ticker) -- Jake<br>Plummer more than made up for<br>a lack of a running game.<br>Plummer passed for 294 yards<br>and two touchdowns as the<br>Denver Broncos posted a 23-13<br>victory over the San Diego<br>Chargers in a battle of AFC<br>West Division rivals."
"DALLAS -- Belo Corp. said<br>yesterday that it would cut<br>250 jobs, more than half of<br>them at its flagship<br>newspaper, The Dallas Morning<br>News, and that an internal<br>investigation into circulation<br>overstatements"
"AP - Duke Bainum outspent Mufi<br>Hannemann in Honolulu's most<br>expensive mayoral race, but<br>apparently failed to garner<br>enough votes in Saturday's<br>primary to claim the office<br>outright."
"roundup Plus: Microsoft tests<br>Windows Marketplace...Nortel<br>delays financials<br>again...Microsoft updates<br>SharePoint."
"The Federal Reserve still has<br>some way to go to restore US<br>interest rates to more normal<br>levels, Philadelphia Federal<br>Reserve President Anthony<br>Santomero said on Monday."
"It took all of about five<br>minutes of an introductory<br>press conference Wednesday at<br>Heritage Hall for USC<br>basketball to gain something<br>it never really had before."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Wednesday its auditors have<br>expressed doubt about the<br>airline #39;s financial<br>viability."
"POLITICIANS and aid agencies<br>yesterday stressed the<br>importance of the media in<br>keeping the spotlight on the<br>appalling human rights abuses<br>taking place in the Darfur<br>region of Sudan."
"AP - The Boston Red Sox looked<br>at the out-of-town scoreboard<br>and could hardly believe what<br>they saw. The New York Yankees<br>were trailing big at home<br>against the Cleveland Indians<br>in what would be the worst<br>loss in the 101-year history<br>of the storied franchise."
"The Red Sox will either<br>complete an amazing comeback<br>as the first team to rebound<br>from a 3-0 deficit in<br>postseason history, or the<br>Yankees will stop them."
"\\Children who have a poor diet<br>are more likely to become<br>aggressive and anti-social, US<br>researchers believe."
"OPEN SOURCE champion Microsoft<br>is expanding its programme to<br>give government organisations<br>some of its source code. In a<br>communique from the lair of<br>the Vole, in Redmond,<br>spinsters have said that<br>Microsoft"
"The Red Sox have reached<br>agreement with free agent<br>pitcher Matt Clement yesterday<br>on a three-year deal that will<br>pay him around \\$25 million,<br>his agent confirmed yesterday."
"Takeover target Ronin Property<br>Group said it would respond to<br>an offer by Multiplex Group<br>for all the securities in the<br>company in about three weeks."
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>Contrary to Immigration<br>Department claims, there is no<br>shortage of native-borne<br>exotic dancers in Canada, says<br>a University of Toronto law<br>professor who has studied the<br>strip club business."
"HEN Manny Ramirez and David<br>Ortiz hit consecutive home<br>runs Sunday night in Chicago<br>to put the Red Sox ahead,<br>there was dancing in the<br>streets in Boston."
"Google Inc. is trying to<br>establish an online reading<br>room for five major libraries<br>by scanning stacks of hard-to-<br>find books into its widely<br>used Internet search engine."
"HOUSTON--(BUSINESS<br>WIRE)--Sept. 1, 2004-- L<br>#39;operazione crea una<br>centrale globale per l<br>#39;analisi strategica el<br>#39;approfondimento del<br>settore energetico IHS Energy,<br>fonte globale leader di<br>software, analisi e<br>informazioni"
"The European Union presidency<br>yesterday expressed optimism<br>that a deal could be struck<br>over Turkey #39;s refusal to<br>recognize Cyprus in the lead-<br>up to next weekend #39;s EU<br>summit, which will decide<br>whether to give Ankara a date<br>for the start of accession<br>talks."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on Friday set a<br>four-year goal of seeing a<br>Palestinian state established<br>and he and British Prime<br>Minister Tony Blair vowed to<br>mobilize international<br>support to help make it happen<br>now that Yasser Arafat is<br>dead."
"WASHINGTON Can you always tell<br>when somebody #39;s lying? If<br>so, you might be a wizard of<br>the fib. A California<br>psychology professor says<br>there #39;s a tiny subculture<br>of people that can pick out a<br>lie nearly every time they<br>hear one."
" KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan on<br>Saturday questioned U.N.<br>estimates that up to 70,000<br>people have died from hunger<br>and disease in its remote<br>Darfur region since a<br>rebellion began 20 months<br>ago."
"Type design was once the<br>province of skilled artisans.<br>With the help of new computer<br>programs, neophytes have<br>flooded the Internet with<br>their creations."
"RCN Inc., co-owner of<br>Starpower Communications LLC,<br>the Washington area<br>television, telephone and<br>Internet provider, filed a<br>plan of reorganization<br>yesterday that it said puts<br>the company"
"MIAMI -- Bryan Randall grabbed<br>a set of Mardi Gras beads and<br>waved them aloft, while his<br>teammates exalted in the<br>prospect of a trip to New<br>Orleans."
"&lt;strong&gt;Letters&lt;/stro<br>ng&gt; Reports of demise<br>premature"
"TORONTO (CP) - With an injured<br>Vince Carter on the bench, the<br>Toronto Raptors dropped their<br>sixth straight game Friday,<br>101-87 to the Denver Nuggets."
"The US airline industry,<br>riddled with excess supply,<br>will see a significant drop in<br>capacity, or far fewer seats,<br>as a result of at least one<br>airline liquidating in the<br>next year, according to<br>AirTran Airways Chief<br>Executive Joe Leonard."
"Boeing (nyse: BA - news -<br>people ) Chief Executive Harry<br>Stonecipher is keeping the<br>faith. On Monday, the head of<br>the aerospace and military<br>contractor insists he #39;s<br>confident his firm will<br>ultimately win out"
"While not quite a return to<br>glory, Monday represents the<br>Redskins' return to the<br>national consciousness."
"Australia #39;s biggest<br>supplier of fresh milk,<br>National Foods, has posted a<br>net profit of \\$68.7 million,<br>an increase of 14 per cent on<br>last financial year."
"Lawyers for customers suing<br>Merck amp; Co. want to<br>question CEO Raymond Gilmartin<br>about what he knew about the<br>dangers of Vioxx before the<br>company withdrew the drug from<br>the market because of health<br>hazards."
"Vijay Singh has won the US PGA<br>Tour player of the year award<br>for the first time, ending<br>Tiger Woods #39;s five-year<br>hold on the honour."
"New York; September 23, 2004 -<br>The Department of Justice<br>(DoJ), FBI and US Attorney<br>#39;s Office handed down a<br>10-count indictment against<br>former Computer Associates<br>(CA) chairman and CEO Sanjay<br>Kumar and Stephen Richards,<br>former CA head of worldwide<br>sales."
"AFP - At least four Georgian<br>soldiers were killed and five<br>wounded in overnight clashes<br>in Georgia's separatist, pro-<br>Russian region of South<br>Ossetia, Georgian officers<br>near the frontline with<br>Ossetian forces said early<br>Thursday."
"Intel, the world #39;s largest<br>chip maker, scrapped a plan<br>Thursday to enter the digital<br>television chip business,<br>marking a major retreat from<br>its push into consumer<br>electronics."
"PACIFIC Hydro shares yesterday<br>caught an updraught that sent<br>them more than 20 per cent<br>higher after the wind farmer<br>moved to flush out a bidder."
"The European Commission is<br>expected later this week to<br>recommend EU membership talks<br>with Turkey. Meanwhile, German<br>Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder<br>and Turkish Prime Minister<br>Tayyip Erdogan are<br>anticipating a quot;positive<br>report."
"The US is the originator of<br>over 42 of the worlds<br>unsolicited commercial e-mail,<br>making it the worst offender<br>in a league table of the top<br>12 spam producing countries<br>published yesterday by anti-<br>virus firm Sophos."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>consumer confidence retreated<br>in August while Chicago-area<br>business activity slowed,<br>according to reports on<br>Tuesday that added to worries<br>the economy's patch of slow<br>growth may last beyond the<br>summer."
"Intel is drawing the curtain<br>on some of its future research<br>projects to continue making<br>transistors smaller, faster,<br>and less power-hungry out as<br>far as 2020."
"England got strikes from<br>sparkling debut starter<br>Jermain Defoe and Michael Owen<br>to defeat Poland in a Uefa<br>World Cup qualifier in<br>Chorzow."
"The Canadian government<br>signalled its intention<br>yesterday to reintroduce<br>legislation to decriminalise<br>the possession of small<br>amounts of marijuana."
"A screensaver targeting spam-<br>related websites appears to<br>have been too successful."
"Titleholder Ernie Els moved<br>within sight of a record sixth<br>World Match Play title on<br>Saturday by solving a putting<br>problem to overcome injured<br>Irishman Padraig Harrington 5<br>and 4."
"If the Washington Nationals<br>never win a pennant, they have<br>no reason to ever doubt that<br>DC loves them. Yesterday, the<br>District City Council<br>tentatively approved a tab for<br>a publicly financed ballpark<br>that could amount to as much<br>as \\$630 million."
"Plus: Experts fear Check 21<br>could lead to massive bank<br>fraud."
"By SIOBHAN McDONOUGH<br>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fewer<br>American youths are using<br>marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy,<br>but more are abusing<br>prescription drugs, says a<br>government report released<br>Thursday. The 2003 National<br>Survey on Drug Use and Health<br>also found youths and young<br>adults are more aware of the<br>risks of using pot once a<br>month or more frequently..."
" ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory<br>Coast warplanes killed nine<br>French soldiers on Saturday in<br>a bombing raid during the<br>fiercest clashes with rebels<br>for 18 months and France hit<br>back by destroying most of<br>the West African country's<br>small airforce."
"Unilever has reported a three<br>percent rise in third-quarter<br>earnings but warned it is<br>reviewing its targets up to<br>2010, after issuing a shock<br>profits warning last month."
"A TNO engineer prepares to<br>start capturing images for the<br>world's biggest digital photo."
"Defensive back Brandon<br>Johnson, who had two<br>interceptions for Tennessee at<br>Mississippi, was suspended<br>indefinitely Monday for<br>violation of team rules."
"Points leader Kurt Busch spun<br>out and ran out of fuel, and<br>his misfortune was one of the<br>reasons crew chief Jimmy<br>Fennig elected not to pit with<br>20 laps to go."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>extended recent heavy losses<br>on Wednesday ahead of weekly<br>U.S. data expected to show<br>fuel stocks rising in time<br>for peak winter demand."
"(CP) - The NHL all-star game<br>hasn #39;t been cancelled<br>after all. It #39;s just been<br>moved to Russia. The agent for<br>New York Rangers winger<br>Jaromir Jagr confirmed Monday<br>that the Czech star had joined<br>Omsk Avangard"
"PalmOne is aiming to sharpen<br>up its image with the launch<br>of the Treo 650 on Monday. As<br>previously reported, the smart<br>phone update has a higher-<br>resolution screen and a faster<br>processor than the previous<br>top-of-the-line model, the<br>Treo 600."
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip --<br>Islamic militant groups behind<br>many suicide bombings<br>dismissed yesterday a call<br>from Mahmoud Abbas, the<br>interim Palestinian leader, to<br>halt attacks in the run-up to<br>a Jan. 9 election to replace<br>Yasser Arafat."
"Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell is wrapping up an East<br>Asia trip focused on prodding<br>North Korea to resume talks<br>aimed at ending its nuclear-<br>weapons program."
"HERE in the land of myth, that<br>familiar god of sports --<br>karma -- threw a bolt of<br>lightning into the Olympic<br>stadium yesterday. Marion<br>Jones lunged desperately with<br>her baton in the 4 x 100m<br>relay final, but couldn #39;t<br>reach her target."
"kinrowan writes quot;MIT,<br>inventor of Kerberos, has<br>announced a pair of<br>vulnerabities in the software<br>that will allow an attacker to<br>either execute a DOS attack or<br>execute code on the machine."
"The risk of intestinal damage<br>from common painkillers may be<br>higher than thought, research<br>suggests."
"AN earthquake measuring 7.3 on<br>the Richter Scale hit western<br>Japan this morning, just hours<br>after another strong quake<br>rocked the area."
"Vodafone has increased the<br>competition ahead of Christmas<br>with plans to launch 10<br>handsets before the festive<br>season. The Newbury-based<br>group said it will begin<br>selling the phones in<br>November."
"Reuters - Former Pink Floyd<br>mainman Roger\\Waters released<br>two new songs, both inspired<br>by the U.S.-led\\invasion of<br>Iraq, via online download<br>outlets Tuesday."
"A former assistant treasurer<br>at Enron Corp. (ENRNQ.PK:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>agreed to plead guilty to<br>conspiracy to commit<br>securities fraud on Tuesday<br>and will cooperate with"
"Britain #39;s Prince Harry,<br>struggling to shed a growing<br>quot;wild child quot; image,<br>won #39;t apologize to a<br>photographer he scuffled with<br>outside an exclusive London<br>nightclub, a royal spokesman<br>said on Saturday."
"UK house prices fell by 1.1 in<br>October, confirming a<br>softening of the housing<br>market, Halifax has said. The<br>UK #39;s biggest mortgage<br>lender said prices rose 18."
"Pakistan #39;s interim Prime<br>Minister Chaudhry Shaujaat<br>Hussain has announced his<br>resignation, paving the way<br>for his successor Shauket<br>Aziz."
"A previously unknown group<br>calling itself Jamaat Ansar<br>al-Jihad al-Islamiya says it<br>set fire to a Jewish soup<br>kitchen in Paris, according to<br>an Internet statement."
"More than six newspaper<br>companies have received<br>letters from the Securities<br>and Exchange Commission<br>seeking information about<br>their circulation practices."
"THE 64,000 dollar -<br>correction, make that 500<br>million dollar -uestion<br>hanging over Shire<br>Pharmaceuticals is whether the<br>5 per cent jump in the<br>companys shares yesterday<br>reflects relief that US<br>regulators have finally<br>approved its drug for"
"The deadliest attack on<br>Americans in Iraq since May<br>came as Iraqi officials<br>announced that Saddam<br>Hussein's deputy had not been<br>captured on Sunday."
"AP - Kenny Rogers lost at the<br>Coliseum for the first time in<br>more than 10 years, with Bobby<br>Crosby's three-run double in<br>the fifth inning leading the<br>Athletics to a 5-4 win over<br>the Texas Rangers on Thursday."
"A fundraising concert will be<br>held in London in memory of<br>the hundreds of victims of the<br>Beslan school siege."
"Dambulla, Sri Lanka - Kumar<br>Sangakkara and Avishka<br>Gunawardene slammed impressive<br>half-centuries to help an<br>under-strength Sri Lanka crush<br>South Africa by seven wickets<br>in the fourth one-day<br>international here on<br>Saturday."
"Fresh off being the worst team<br>in baseball, the Arizona<br>Diamondbacks set a new record<br>this week: fastest team to<br>both hire and fire a manager."
"Nebraska head coach Bill<br>Callahan runs off the field at<br>halftime of the game against<br>Baylor in Lincoln, Neb.,<br>Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004."
"NASA has been working on a<br>test flight project for the<br>last few years involving<br>hypersonic flight. Hypersonic<br>flight is fight at speeds<br>greater than Mach 5, or five<br>times the speed of sound."
"AFP - The landmark trial of a<br>Rwandan Roman Catholic priest<br>accused of supervising the<br>massacre of 2,000 of his Tutsi<br>parishioners during the<br>central African country's 1994<br>genocide opens at a UN court<br>in Tanzania."
"The Irish government has<br>stepped up its efforts to free<br>the British hostage in Iraq,<br>Ken Bigley, whose mother is<br>from Ireland, by talking to<br>diplomats from Iran and<br>Jordan."
"AP - Republican Sen. Lincoln<br>Chafee, who flirted with<br>changing political parties in<br>the wake of President Bush's<br>re-election victory, says he<br>will stay in the GOP."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. announced<br>Wednesday that it would offer<br>a low-cost, localized version<br>of its Windows XP operating<br>system in India to tap the<br>large market potential in this<br>country of 1 billion people,<br>most of whom do not speak<br>English."
"Businesses saw inventories<br>rise in July and sales picked<br>up, the government reported<br>Wednesday. The Commerce<br>Department said that stocks of<br>unsold goods increased 0.9 in<br>July, down from a 1.1 rise in<br>June."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (Sports<br>Network) - The Toronto<br>Raptors have traded All-Star<br>swingman Vince Carter to the<br>New Jersey Nets in exchange<br>for center Alonzo Mourning,<br>forward Eric Williams,<br>center/forward Aaron Williams<br>and two first- round draft<br>picks."
"AP - Utah State University has<br>secured a #36;40 million<br>contract with NASA to build an<br>orbiting telescope that will<br>examine galaxies and try to<br>find new stars."
"South Korean President Roh<br>Moo-hyun pays a surprise visit<br>to troops in Iraq, after his<br>government decided to extend<br>their mandate."
"As the European Union<br>approaches a contentious<br>decision - whether to let<br>Turkey join the club - the<br>Continent #39;s rulers seem to<br>have left their citizens<br>behind."
"What riot? quot;An Argentine<br>friend of mine was a little<br>derisive of the Pacers-Pistons<br>eruption, quot; says reader<br>Mike Gaynes. quot;He snorted,<br>#39;Is that what Americans<br>call a riot?"
"All season, Chris Barnicle<br>seemed prepared for just about<br>everything, but the Newton<br>North senior was not ready for<br>the hot weather he encountered<br>yesterday in San Diego at the<br>Footlocker Cross-Country<br>National Championships. Racing<br>in humid conditions with<br>temperatures in the 70s, the<br>Massachusetts Division 1 state<br>champion finished sixth in 15<br>minutes 34 seconds in the<br>5-kilometer race. ..."
"Shares of Genta Inc. (GNTA.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>soared nearly 50 percent on<br>Monday after the biotechnology<br>company presented promising<br>data on an experimental<br>treatment for blood cancers."
"I spend anywhere from three to<br>eight hours every week<br>sweating along with a motley<br>crew of local misfits,<br>shelving, sorting, and hauling<br>ton after ton of written<br>matter in a rowhouse basement<br>in Baltimore. We have no heat<br>nor air conditioning, but<br>still, every week, we come and<br>work. Volunteer night is<br>Wednesday, but many of us also<br>work on the weekends, when<br>we're open to the public.<br>There are times when we're<br>freezing and we have to wear<br>coats and gloves inside,<br>making handling books somewhat<br>tricky; other times, we're all<br>soaked with sweat, since it's<br>90 degrees out and the<br>basement is thick with bodies.<br>One learns to forget about<br>personal space when working at<br>The Book Thing, since you can<br>scarcely breathe without<br>bumping into someone, and we<br>are all so accustomed to<br>having to scrape by each other<br>that most of us no longer<br>bother to say \"excuse me\"<br>unless some particularly<br>dramatic brushing occurs."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A<br>deadline set by militants who<br>have threatened to kill two<br>Americans and a Briton seized<br>in Iraq was due to expire<br>Monday, and more than two<br>dozen other hostages were<br>also facing death unless rebel<br>demands were met."
"Alarmed by software glitches,<br>security threats and computer<br>crashes with ATM-like voting<br>machines, officials from<br>Washington, D.C., to<br>California are considering an<br>alternative from an unlikely<br>place: Nevada."
"Some Venezuelan television<br>channels began altering their<br>programs Thursday, citing<br>fears of penalties under a new<br>law restricting violence and<br>sexual content over the<br>airwaves."
"SBC Communications Inc. plans<br>to cut at least 10,000 jobs,<br>or 6 percent of its work<br>force, by the end of next year<br>to compensate for a drop in<br>the number of local-telephone<br>customers."
"afrol News, 4 October -<br>Hundred years of conservation<br>efforts have lifted the<br>southern black rhino<br>population from about hundred<br>to 11,000 animals."
"THE death of Philippine movie<br>star and defeated presidential<br>candidate Fernando Poe has<br>drawn some political backlash,<br>with some people seeking to<br>use his sudden demise as a<br>platform to attack President<br>Gloria Arroyo."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major<br>cigarette makers go on trial<br>on Tuesday in the U.S.<br>government's \\$280 billion<br>racketeering case that<br>charges the tobacco industry<br>with deliberately deceiving<br>the public about the risks of<br>smoking since the 1950s."
"More Americans are quitting<br>their jobs and taking the risk<br>of starting a business despite<br>a still-lackluster job market."
"AP - Coach Tyrone Willingham<br>was fired by Notre Dame on<br>Tuesday after three seasons in<br>which he failed to return one<br>of the nation's most storied<br>football programs to<br>prominence."
"COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Joel<br>Statham completed 18 of 25<br>passes for 268 yards and two<br>touchdowns in No. 23<br>Maryland's 45-22 victory over<br>Temple last night, the<br>Terrapins' 12th straight win<br>at Byrd Stadium."
"Manchester United boss Sir<br>Alex Ferguson wants the FA to<br>punish Arsenal good guy Dennis<br>Bergkamp for taking a swing at<br>Alan Smith last Sunday."
"VIENTIANE, Laos China moved<br>yet another step closer in<br>cementing its economic and<br>diplomatic relationships with<br>Southeast Asia today when<br>Prime Minister Wen Jiabao<br>signed a trade accord at a<br>regional summit that calls for<br>zero tariffs on a wide range<br>of"
" - With nbsp;food<br>stores nbsp;running low, the<br>two \\astronauts living aboard<br>the International Space<br>Station (ISS) are cutting back<br>\\their meal intake and<br>awaiting a critical cargo<br>nbsp;delivery expected to<br>arrive \\on Dec. 25."
"British judges in London<br>Tuesday ordered radical Muslim<br>imam Abu Hamza to stand trial<br>for soliciting murder and<br>inciting racial hatred."
"Federal Reserve policy-makers<br>raised the benchmark US<br>interest rate a quarter point<br>to 2.25 per cent and restated<br>a plan to carry out"
" DETROIT (Reuters) - A<br>Canadian law firm on Tuesday<br>said it had filed a lawsuit<br>against Ford Motor Co. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;F.N&lt;/A&gt; over<br>what it claims are defective<br>door latches on about 400,000<br>of the automaker's popular<br>pickup trucks and SUVs."
"Published reports say Barry<br>Bonds has testified that he<br>used a clear substance and a<br>cream given to him by a<br>trainer who was indicted in a<br>steroid-distribution ring."
"SARASOTA, Fla. - The<br>devastation brought on by<br>Hurricane Charley has been<br>especially painful for an<br>elderly population that is<br>among the largest in the<br>nation..."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Christos<br>Angourakis added his name to<br>Greece's list of Paralympic<br>medal winners when he claimed<br>a bronze in the T53 shot put<br>competition Thursday."
" quot;He is charged for having<br>a part in the Bali incident,<br>quot; state prosecutor Andi<br>Herman told Reuters on<br>Saturday. bombing attack at<br>the US-run JW."
"Jay Fiedler threw for one<br>touchdown, Sage Rosenfels<br>threw for another and the<br>Miami Dolphins got a victory<br>in a game they did not want to<br>play, beating the New Orleans<br>Saints 20-19 Friday night."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Terrell<br>Owens scored three touchdowns<br>and the Philadelphia Eagles<br>amassed 35 first-half points<br>on the way to a 49-21<br>drubbing of the Dallas Cowboys<br>in Irving, Texas, Monday."
"AstraZeneca Plc suffered its<br>third setback in two months on<br>Friday as lung cancer drug<br>Iressa failed to help patients<br>live longer"
"Virgin Electronics hopes its<br>slim Virgin Player, which<br>debuts today and is smaller<br>than a deck of cards, will<br>rise as a lead competitor to<br>Apple's iPod."
"Researchers train a monkey to<br>feed itself by guiding a<br>mechanical arm with its mind.<br>It could be a big step forward<br>for prosthetics. By David<br>Cohn."
"Bruce Wasserstein, the<br>combative chief executive of<br>investment bank Lazard, is<br>expected to agree this week<br>that he will quit the group<br>unless he can pull off a<br>successful"
"A late strike by Salomon Kalou<br>sealed a 2-1 win for Feyenoord<br>over NEC Nijmegen, while<br>second placed AZ Alkmaar<br>defeated ADO Den Haag 2-0 in<br>the Dutch first division on<br>Sunday."
"The United Nations called on<br>Monday for an immediate<br>ceasefire in eastern Congo as<br>fighting between rival army<br>factions flared for a third<br>day."
"What a disgrace Ron Artest has<br>become. And the worst part is,<br>the Indiana Pacers guard just<br>doesn #39;t get it. Four days<br>after fueling one of the<br>biggest brawls in the history<br>of pro sports, Artest was on<br>national"
"Allowing dozens of casinos to<br>be built in the UK would bring<br>investment and thousands of<br>jobs, Tony Blair says."
"The shock here was not just<br>from the awful fact itself,<br>that two vibrant young Italian<br>women were kidnapped in Iraq,<br>dragged from their office by<br>attackers who, it seems, knew<br>their names."
"Tehran/Vianna, Sept. 19 (NNN):<br>Iran on Sunday rejected the<br>International Atomic Energy<br>Agency (IAEA) call to suspend<br>of all its nuclear activities,<br>saying that it will not agree<br>to halt uranium enrichment."
"A 15-year-old Argentine<br>student opened fire at his<br>classmates on Tuesday in a<br>middle school in the south of<br>the Buenos Aires province,<br>leaving at least four dead and<br>five others wounded, police<br>said."
"Dr. David J. Graham, the FDA<br>drug safety reviewer who<br>sounded warnings over five<br>drugs he felt could become the<br>next Vioxx has turned to a<br>Whistleblower protection group<br>for legal help."
"AP - Scientists in 17<br>countries will scout waterways<br>to locate and study the<br>world's largest freshwater<br>fish species, many of which<br>are declining in numbers,<br>hoping to learn how to better<br>protect them, researchers<br>announced Thursday."
"AP - Google Inc.'s plans to<br>move ahead with its initial<br>public stock offering ran into<br>a roadblock when the<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission didn't approve the<br>Internet search giant's<br>regulatory paperwork as<br>requested."
"Jenson Button has revealed<br>dissatisfaction with the way<br>his management handled a<br>fouled switch to Williams. Not<br>only did the move not come<br>off, his reputation may have<br>been irreparably damaged amid<br>news headline"
"The Kmart purchase of Sears,<br>Roebuck may be the ultimate<br>expression of that old saying<br>in real estate: location,<br>location, location."
"Citing security risks, a state<br>university is urging students<br>to drop Internet Explorer in<br>favor of alternative Web<br>browsers such as Firefox and<br>Safari."
"Redknapp and his No2 Jim Smith<br>resigned from Portsmouth<br>yesterday, leaving<br>controversial new director<br>Velimir Zajec in temporary<br>control."
"Despite being ranked eleventh<br>in the world in broadband<br>penetration, the United States<br>is rolling out high-speed<br>services on a quot;reasonable<br>and timely basis to all<br>Americans, quot; according to<br>a new report narrowly approved<br>today by the Federal<br>Communications"
"Sprint Corp. (FON.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Friday<br>said it plans to cut up to 700<br>jobs as it realigns its<br>business to focus on wireless<br>and Internet services and<br>takes a non-cash network<br>impairment charge."
"As the season winds down for<br>the Frederick Keys, Manager<br>Tom Lawless is starting to<br>enjoy the progress his<br>pitching staff has made this<br>season."
"Britain #39;s Bradley Wiggins<br>won the gold medal in men<br>#39;s individual pursuit<br>Saturday, finishing the<br>4,000-meter final in 4:16."
"And when David Akers #39;<br>50-yard field goal cleared the<br>crossbar in overtime, they did<br>just that. They escaped a<br>raucous Cleveland Browns<br>Stadium relieved but not<br>broken, tested but not<br>cracked."
"NEW YORK - A cable pay-per-<br>view company has decided not<br>to show a three-hour election<br>eve special with filmmaker<br>Michael Moore that included a<br>showing of his documentary<br>\"Fahrenheit 9/11,\" which is<br>sharply critical of President<br>Bush. The company, iN<br>DEMAND, said Friday that its<br>decision is due to \"legitimate<br>business and legal concerns.\"<br>A spokesman would not<br>elaborate..."
"Democracy candidates picked up<br>at least one more seat in<br>parliament, according to exit<br>polls."
"The IOC wants suspended<br>Olympic member Ivan Slavkov to<br>be thrown out of the<br>organisation."
" BANGKOK (Reuters) - The<br>ouster of Myanmar's prime<br>minister, architect of a<br>tentative \"roadmap to<br>democracy,\" has dashed faint<br>hopes for an end to military<br>rule and leaves Southeast<br>Asia's policy of constructive<br>engagement in tatters."
"San Antonio, TX (Sports<br>Network) - Dean Wilson shot a<br>five-under 65 on Friday to<br>move into the lead at the<br>halfway point of the Texas<br>Open."
"Now that Chelsea have added<br>Newcastle United to the list<br>of clubs that they have given<br>what for lately, what price<br>Jose Mourinho covering the<br>Russian-funded aristocrats of<br>west London in glittering<br>glory to the tune of four<br>trophies?"
"AP - Former Seattle Seahawks<br>running back Chris Warren has<br>been arrested in Virginia on a<br>federal warrant, accused of<br>failing to pay #36;137,147 in<br>child support for his two<br>daughters in Washington state."
"Says that amount would have<br>been earned for the first 9<br>months of 2004, before AT<br>amp;T purchase. LOS ANGELES,<br>(Reuters) - Cingular Wireless<br>would have posted a net profit<br>of \\$650 million for the first<br>nine months"
"NewsFactor - Taking an<br>innovative approach to the<br>marketing of high-performance<br>\\computing, Sun Microsystems<br>(Nasdaq: SUNW) is offering its<br>N1 Grid program in a pay-for-<br>use pricing model that mimics<br>the way such commodities as<br>electricity and wireless phone<br>plans are sold."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Goodyear<br>Tire Rubber Co. &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=GT.N t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;GT.N&lt;/A&gt; said<br>on Friday it will cut 340 jobs<br>in its engineered products and<br>chemical units as part of its<br>cost-reduction efforts,<br>resulting in a third-quarter<br>charge."
" quot;There were 16 people<br>travelling aboard. ... It<br>crashed into a mountain, quot;<br>Col. Antonio Rivero, head of<br>the Civil Protection service,<br>told."
"Reuters - Shares of long-<br>distance phone\\companies AT T<br>Corp. and MCI Inc. have<br>plunged\\about 20 percent this<br>year, but potential buyers<br>seem to be\\holding out for<br>clearance sales."
"Reuters - Madonna and m-Qube<br>have\\made it possible for the<br>star's North American fans to<br>download\\polyphonic ring tones<br>and other licensed mobile<br>content from\\her official Web<br>site, across most major<br>carriers and without\\the need<br>for a credit card."
"President Bush is reveling in<br>winning the popular vote and<br>feels he can no longer be<br>considered a one-term accident<br>of history."
"Russian oil giant Yukos files<br>for bankruptcy protection in<br>the US in a last ditch effort<br>to stop the Kremlin auctioning<br>its main production unit."
"British Airways #39; (BA)<br>chief executive Rod Eddington<br>has admitted that the company<br>quot;got it wrong quot; after<br>staff shortages led to three<br>days of travel chaos for<br>passengers."
"It #39;s official: US Open had<br>never gone into the third<br>round with only two American<br>men, including the defending<br>champion, Andy Roddick."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- Thousands of Royal Bank<br>clerks are being asked to<br>display rainbow stickers at<br>their desks and cubicles to<br>promote a safe work<br>environment for gays,<br>lesbians, and bisexuals."
"The chipmaker is back on a<br>buying spree, having scooped<br>up five other companies this<br>year."
"The issue of drug advertising<br>directly aimed at consumers is<br>becoming political."
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- England coach<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson has urged<br>the international soccer<br>authorities to preserve the<br>health of the world superstar<br>footballers for major<br>tournaments, who expressed his<br>will in Slaley of England on<br>Tuesday ..."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A car<br>bomb killed two American<br>soldiers and wounded eight<br>when it exploded in Baghdad on<br>Saturday, the U.S. military<br>said in a statement."
"Juventus coach Fabio Capello<br>has ordered his players not to<br>kick the ball out of play when<br>an opponent falls to the<br>ground apparently hurt because<br>he believes some players fake<br>injury to stop the match."
"AP - China's economic boom is<br>still roaring despite efforts<br>to cool sizzling growth, with<br>the gross domestic product<br>climbing 9.5 percent in the<br>first three quarters of this<br>year, the government reported<br>Friday."
"Soaring petroleum prices<br>pushed the cost of goods<br>imported into the U.S. much<br>higher than expected in<br>August, the government said<br>today."
"Anheuser-Busch teams up with<br>Vietnam's largest brewer,<br>laying the groundwork for<br>future growth in the region."
"You #39;re angry. You want to<br>lash out. The Red Sox are<br>doing it to you again. They<br>#39;re blowing a playoff<br>series, and to the Yankees no<br>less."
"TORONTO -- There is no<br>mystique to it anymore,<br>because after all, the<br>Russians have become commoners<br>in today's National Hockey<br>League, and Finns, Czechs,<br>Slovaks, and Swedes also have<br>been entrenched in the<br>Original 30 long enough to<br>turn the ongoing World Cup of<br>Hockey into a protracted<br>trailer for the NHL season."
"Sudanese authorities have<br>moved hundreds of pro-<br>government fighters from the<br>crisis-torn Darfur region to<br>other parts of the country to<br>keep them out of sight of<br>foreign military observers<br>demanding the militia #39;s<br>disarmament, a rebel leader<br>charged"
"CHARLOTTE, NC - Shares of<br>Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.<br>#39;s fell sharply Monday as a<br>79 percent plunge in third-<br>quarter earnings and an<br>intensifying accounting<br>investigation overshadowed the<br>pastrymaker #39;s statement<br>that the low-carb craze might<br>be easing."
"The company hopes to lure<br>software partners by promising<br>to save them from<br>infrastructure headaches."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb<br>Tuesday ripped through a busy<br>market near a Baghdad police<br>headquarters where Iraqis were<br>waiting to apply for jobs on<br>the force, and gunmen opened<br>fire on a van carrying police<br>home from work in Baqouba,<br>killing at least 59 people<br>total and wounding at least<br>114. The attacks were the<br>latest attempts by militants<br>to wreck the building of a<br>strong Iraqi security force, a<br>keystone of the U.S..."
"The Israeli prime minister<br>said today that he wanted to<br>begin withdrawing settlers<br>from Gaza next May or June."
"Indianapolis, IN (Sports<br>Network) - The Indiana Pacers<br>try to win their second<br>straight game tonight, as they<br>host Kevin Garnett and the<br>Minnesota Timberwolves in the<br>third of a four-game homestand<br>at Conseco Fieldhouse."
"OXNARD - A leak of explosive<br>natural gas forced dozens of<br>workers to evacuate an<br>offshore oil platform for<br>hours Thursday but no damage<br>or injuries were reported."
"AP - Assets of the nation's<br>retail money market mutual<br>funds rose by #36;2.85<br>billion in the latest week to<br>#36;845.69 billion, the<br>Investment Company Institute<br>said Thursday."
"Peter Mandelson provoked fresh<br>Labour in-fighting yesterday<br>with an implied attack on<br>Gordon Brown #39;s<br>quot;exaggerated gloating<br>quot; about the health of the<br>British economy."
"Queen Elizabeth II stopped<br>short of apologizing for the<br>Allies #39; bombing of Dresden<br>during her first state visit<br>to Germany in 12 years and<br>instead acknowledged quot;the<br>appalling suffering of war on<br>both sides."
"JC Penney said yesterday that<br>Allen I. Questrom, the chief<br>executive who has restyled the<br>once-beleaguered chain into a<br>sleeker and more profitable<br>entity, would be succeeded by<br>Myron E. Ullman III, another<br>longtime retail executive."
" In the cosmetics department<br>at Hecht's in downtown<br>Washington, construction crews<br>have ripped out the<br>traditional glass display<br>cases, replacing them with a<br>system of open shelves stacked<br>high with fragrances from<br>Chanel, Burberry and Armani,<br>now easily within arm's reach<br>of the impulse buyer."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>slid from record highs above<br>\\$50 a barrel Wednesday as the<br>U.S. government reported a<br>surprise increase in crude<br>stocks and rebels in Nigeria's<br>oil-rich delta region agreed<br>to a preliminary cease-fire."
"Rocky Shoes and Boots makes an<br>accretive acquisition -- and<br>gets Dickies and John Deere as<br>part of the deal."
"AP - Fugitive Taliban leader<br>Mullah Mohammed Omar has<br>fallen out with some of his<br>lieutenants, who blame him for<br>the rebels' failure to disrupt<br>the landmark Afghan<br>presidential election, the<br>U.S. military said Wednesday."
"HAVANA -- Cuban President<br>Fidel Castro's advancing age<br>-- and ultimately his<br>mortality -- were brought home<br>yesterday, a day after he<br>fractured a knee and arm when<br>he tripped and fell at a<br>public event."
" BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>The United States and Brazil<br>predicted on Tuesday Latin<br>America's largest country<br>would resolve a dispute with<br>the U.N. nuclear watchdog over<br>inspections of a uranium<br>enrichment plant."
"Call it the Maximus factor.<br>Archaeologists working at the<br>site of an old Roman temple<br>near Guy #39;s hospital in<br>London have uncovered a pot of<br>cosmetic cream dating back to<br>AD2."
"It is a team game, this Ryder<br>Cup stuff that will commence<br>Friday at Oakland Hills<br>Country Club. So what are the<br>teams? For the Americans,<br>captain Hal Sutton isn't<br>saying."
"Two bombs exploded today near<br>a tea shop and wounded 20<br>people in southern Thailand,<br>police said, as violence<br>continued unabated in the<br>Muslim-majority region where<br>residents are seething over<br>the deaths of 78 detainees<br>while in military custody."
"BONN: Deutsche Telekom is<br>bidding 2.9 bn for the 26 it<br>does not own in T-Online<br>International, pulling the<br>internet service back into the<br>fold four years after selling<br>stock to the public."
"Motorola Inc. says it #39;s<br>ready to make inroads in the<br>cell-phone market after<br>posting a third straight<br>strong quarter and rolling out<br>a series of new handsets in<br>time for the holiday selling<br>season."
"Prime Minister Junichiro<br>Koizumi, back in Tokyo after<br>an 11-day diplomatic mission<br>to the Americas, hunkered down<br>with senior ruling party<br>officials on Friday to focus<br>on a major reshuffle of<br>cabinet and top party posts."
"Costs of employer-sponsored<br>health plans are expected to<br>climb an average of 8 percent<br>in 2005, the first time in<br>five years increases have been<br>in single digits."
"NEW YORK - A sluggish gross<br>domestic product reading was<br>nonetheless better than<br>expected, prompting investors<br>to send stocks slightly higher<br>Friday on hopes that the<br>economic slowdown would not be<br>as bad as first thought.<br>The 2.8 percent GDP growth in<br>the second quarter, a revision<br>from the 3 percent preliminary<br>figure reported in July, is a<br>far cry from the 4.5 percent<br>growth in the first quarter..."
"After again posting record<br>earnings for the third<br>quarter, Taiwan Semiconductor<br>Manufacturing Company (TSMC)<br>expects to see its first<br>sequential drop in fourth-<br>quarter revenues, coupled with<br>a sharp drop in capacity<br>utilization rates."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - A huge<br>explosion in North Korea last<br>week may have been due to a<br>combination of demolition work<br>for a power plant and<br>atmospheric clouds, South<br>Korea's spy agency said on<br>Wednesday."
"The deal comes as Cisco pushes<br>to develop a market for CRS-1,<br>a new line of routers aimed at<br>telephone, wireless and cable<br>companies."
"Many people who have never<br>bounced a check in their life<br>could soon bounce their first<br>check if they write checks to<br>pay bills a couple of days<br>before their paycheck is<br>deposited into their checking<br>account."
" LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp told a judge on<br>Thursday that the European<br>Commission must be stopped<br>from ordering it to give up<br>secret technology to<br>competitors."
"SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 (IDG NEWS<br>SERVICE) - Sun Microsystems<br>Inc. and Microsoft Corp. next<br>month plan to provide more<br>details on the work they are<br>doing to make their products<br>interoperable, a Sun executive<br>said yesterday."
"MANCHESTER United today<br>dramatically rejected the<br>advances of Malcolm Glazer,<br>the US sports boss who is<br>mulling an 825m bid for the<br>football club."
"Dow Jones Industrial Average<br>futures declined amid concern<br>an upcoming report on<br>manufacturing may point to<br>slowing economic growth."
"AP - Astronomy buffs and<br>amateur stargazers turned out<br>to watch a total lunar eclipse<br>Wednesday night #151; the<br>last one Earth will get for<br>nearly two and a half years."
"Reuters - U.S. industrial<br>output advanced in\\July, as<br>American factories operated at<br>their highest capacity\\in more<br>than three years, a Federal<br>Reserve report on<br>Tuesday\\showed."
"As usual, the Big Ten coaches<br>were out in full force at<br>today #39;s Big Ten<br>Teleconference. Both OSU head<br>coach Jim Tressel and Iowa<br>head coach Kirk Ferentz<br>offered some thoughts on the<br>upcoming game between OSU"
"Sir Martin Sorrell, chief<br>executive of WPP, yesterday<br>declared he was quot;very<br>impressed quot; with Grey<br>Global, stoking speculation<br>WPP will bid for the US<br>advertising company."
"The compact disc has at least<br>another five years as the most<br>popular music format before<br>online downloads chip away at<br>its dominance, a new study<br>said on Tuesday."
"New York Knicks #39; Stephon<br>Marbury (3) fires over New<br>Orleans Hornets #39; Dan<br>Dickau (2) during the second<br>half in New Orleans Wednesday<br>night, Dec. 8, 2004."
"AP - Sudan's U.N. ambassador<br>challenged the United States<br>to send troops to the Darfur<br>region if it really believes a<br>genocide is taking place as<br>the U.S. Congress and<br>President Bush's<br>administration have<br>determined."
"At the very moment when the<br>Red Sox desperately need<br>someone slightly larger than<br>life to rally around, they<br>suddenly have the man for the<br>job: Thrilling Schilling."
"Does Your Site Need a Custom<br>Search Engine<br>Toolbar?\\\\Today's surfers<br>aren't always too comfortable<br>installing software on their<br>computers. Especially free<br>software that they don't<br>necessarily understand. With<br>all the horror stories of<br>viruses, spyware, and adware<br>that make the front page these<br>days, it's no wonder. So is<br>there ..."
"Dale Earnhardt Jr, right,<br>talks with Matt Kenseth, left,<br>during a break in practice at<br>Lowe #39;s Motor Speedway in<br>Concord, NC, Thursday Oct. 14,<br>2004 before qualifying for<br>Saturday #39;s UAW-GM Quality<br>500 NASCAR Nextel Cup race."
"Several starting spots may<br>have been usurped or at least<br>threatened after relatively<br>solid understudy showings<br>Sunday, but few players<br>welcome the kind of shot<br>delivered to Oakland"
"TEMPE, Ariz. -- Neil Rackers<br>kicked four field goals and<br>the Arizona Cardinals stifled<br>rookie Chris Simms and the<br>rest of the Tampa Bay offense<br>for a 12-7 victory yesterday<br>in a matchup of two sputtering<br>teams out of playoff<br>contention. Coach Jon Gruden's<br>team lost its fourth in a row<br>to finish 5-11, Tampa Bay's<br>worst record since going ..."
"AFP - A junior British<br>minister said that people<br>living in camps after fleeing<br>their villages because of<br>conflict in Sudan's Darfur<br>region lived in fear of<br>leaving their temporary homes<br>despite a greater presence now<br>of aid workers."
"US Deputy Secretary of State<br>Richard Armitage (L) shakes<br>hands with Pakistani Foreign<br>Minister Khurshid Kasuri prior<br>to their meeting in Islamabad,<br>09 November 2004."
"Spammers aren't ducking<br>antispam laws by operating<br>offshore, they're just<br>ignoring it."
"AP - Biologists plan to use<br>large nets and traps this week<br>in Chicago's Burnham Harbor to<br>search for the northern<br>snakehead #151; a type of<br>fish known for its voracious<br>appetite and ability to wreak<br>havoc on freshwater<br>ecosystems."
"BAE Systems PLC and Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. won \\$45 million<br>contracts yesterday to develop<br>prototypes of anti-missile<br>technology that could protect<br>commercial aircraft from<br>shoulder-fired missiles."
"AP - Democrat John Edwards<br>kept up a long-distance debate<br>over his \"two Americas\"<br>campaign theme with Vice<br>President Dick Cheney on<br>Tuesday, saying it was no<br>illusion to thousands of laid-<br>off workers in Ohio."
"Like introductory credit card<br>rates and superior customer<br>service, some promises just<br>aren #39;t built to last. And<br>so it is that Bank of America<br>- mere months after its pledge<br>to preserve"
"A group of 76 Eritreans on a<br>repatriation flight from Libya<br>Friday forced their plane to<br>change course and land in the<br>Sudanese capital, Khartoum,<br>where they"
"Reuters - Accounting firm KPMG<br>will pay #36;10\\million to<br>settle charges of improper<br>professional conduct\\while<br>acting as auditor for Gemstar-<br>TV Guide International Inc.\\,<br>the U.S. Securities and<br>Exchange Commission said<br>on\\Wednesday."
"Family matters made public: As<br>eager cousins wait for a slice<br>of the \\$15 billion cake that<br>is the Pritzker Empire,<br>Circuit Court Judge David<br>Donnersberger has ruled that<br>the case will be conducted in<br>open court."
"Users of Microsoft #39;s<br>Hotmail, most of whom are<br>accustomed to getting regular<br>sales pitches for premium<br>e-mail accounts, got a<br>pleasant surprise in their<br>inboxes this week: extra<br>storage for free."
"AP - They say that opposites<br>attract, and in the case of<br>Sen. John Kerry and Teresa<br>Heinz Kerry, that may be true<br>#151; at least in their public<br>personas."
"The weekly survey from<br>mortgage company Freddie Mac<br>had rates on 30-year fixed-<br>rate mortgages inching higher<br>this week, up to an average<br>5.82 percent from last week<br>#39;s 5.81 percent."
"The classic power struggle<br>between Walt Disney Co. CEO<br>Michael Eisner and former<br>feared talent agent Michael<br>Ovitz makes for high drama in<br>the courtroom - and apparently<br>on cable."
"ATHENS France, Britain and the<br>United States issued a joint<br>challenge Thursday to Germany<br>#39;s gold medal in equestrian<br>team three-day eventing."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Elan<br>(UK:ELA) (ELN) and partner<br>Biogen (BIIB) said the FDA has<br>approved new drug Tysabri to<br>treat relapsing forms of<br>multiple sclerosis."
"IT services provider<br>Electronic Data Systems<br>yesterday reported a net loss<br>of \\$153 million for the third<br>quarter, with earnings hit in<br>part by an asset impairment<br>charge of \\$375 million<br>connected with EDS's N/MCI<br>project."
"ATLANTA - Who could have<br>imagined Tommy Tuberville in<br>this position? Yet there he<br>was Friday, standing alongside<br>the SEC championship trophy,<br>posing for pictures and<br>undoubtedly chuckling a bit on<br>the inside."
"AP - Impoverished North Korea<br>might resort to selling<br>weapons-grade plutonium to<br>terrorists for much-needed<br>cash, and that would be<br>\"disastrous for the world,\"<br>the top U.S. military<br>commander in South Korea said<br>Friday."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp. said Wednesday<br>it had agreed to settle most<br>of the issues in a suit over<br>changes in its pension plans<br>on terms that allow the<br>company to continue to appeal<br>a key question while capping<br>its liability at \\$1.7<br>billion. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-The Washington<br>Post&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"Dubai: Osama bin Laden on<br>Thursday called on his<br>fighters to strike Gulf oil<br>supplies and warned Saudi<br>leaders they risked a popular<br>uprising in an audio message<br>said to be by the Western<br>world #39;s most wanted terror<br>mastermind."
"Bank of New Zealand has frozen<br>all accounts held in the name<br>of Access Brokerage, which was<br>yesterday placed in<br>liquidation after a client<br>fund shortfall of around \\$5<br>million was discovered."
"Edward Kozel, Cisco's former<br>chief technology officer,<br>joins the board of Linux<br>seller Red Hat."
"Reuters - International<br>Business Machines\\Corp. late<br>on Wednesday rolled out a new<br>version of its\\database<br>software aimed at users of<br>Linux and Unix<br>operating\\systems that it<br>hopes will help the company<br>take away market\\share from<br>market leader Oracle Corp. ."
"NASA #39;s Mars Odyssey<br>mission, originally scheduled<br>to end on Tuesday, has been<br>granted a stay of execution<br>until at least September 2006,<br>reveal NASA scientists."
"ZDNet #39;s survey of IT<br>professionals in August kept<br>Wired amp; Wireless on top<br>for the 18th month in a row.<br>Telecommunications equipment<br>maker Motorola said Tuesday<br>that it would cut 1,000 jobs<br>and take related"
"John Thomson threw shutout<br>ball for seven innings<br>Wednesday night in carrying<br>Atlanta to a 2-0 blanking of<br>the New York Mets. New York<br>lost for the 21st time in 25<br>games on the"
"BEIJING -- Chinese authorities<br>have arrested or reprimanded<br>more than 750 officials in<br>recent months in connection<br>with billions of dollars in<br>financial irregularities<br>ranging from unpaid taxes to<br>embezzlement, according to a<br>report made public yesterday."
"Canadian Press - GAUHATI,<br>India (AP) - Residents of<br>northeastern India were<br>bracing for more violence<br>Friday, a day after bombs<br>ripped through two buses and a<br>grenade was hurled into a<br>crowded market in attacks that<br>killed four people and wounded<br>54."
"Vikram Solanki beat the rain<br>clouds to register his second<br>one-day international century<br>as England won the third one-<br>day international to wrap up a<br>series victory."
"Some 28 people are charged<br>with trying to overthrow<br>Sudan's President Bashir,<br>reports say."
"Hong Kong #39;s Beijing-backed<br>chief executive yesterday<br>ruled out any early moves to<br>pass a controversial national<br>security law which last year<br>sparked a street protest by<br>half a million people."
"BRITAIN #39;S largest<br>financial institutions are<br>being urged to take lead roles<br>in lawsuits seeking hundreds<br>of millions of dollars from<br>the scandal-struck US<br>insurance industry."
"Bankrupt UAL Corp. (UALAQ.OB:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Thursday reported a narrower<br>third-quarter net loss. The<br>parent of United Airlines<br>posted a loss of \\$274<br>million, or"
"A three-touchdown point spread<br>and a recent history of late-<br>season collapses had many<br>thinking the UCLA football<br>team would provide little<br>opposition to rival USC #39;s<br>march to the BCS-championship<br>game at the Orange Bowl."
" PHOENIX (Sports Network) -<br>Free agent third baseman Troy<br>Glaus is reportedly headed to<br>the Arizona Diamondbacks."
"The European Union #39;s head<br>office issued a bleak economic<br>report Tuesday, warning that<br>the sharp rise in oil prices<br>will quot;take its toll quot;<br>on economic growth next year<br>while the euro #39;s renewed<br>climb could threaten crucial<br>exports."
"Third-string tailback Chris<br>Markey ran for 131 yards to<br>lead UCLA to a 34-26 victory<br>over Oregon on Saturday.<br>Markey, playing because of an<br>injury to starter Maurice<br>Drew, also caught five passes<br>for 84 yards"
"Though Howard Stern's<br>defection from broadcast to<br>satellite radio is still 16<br>months off, the industry is<br>already trying to figure out<br>what will fill the crater in<br>ad revenue and listenership<br>that he is expected to leave<br>behind."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States set final anti-<br>dumping duties of up to 112.81<br>percent on shrimp imported<br>from China and up to 25.76<br>percent on shrimp from Vietnam<br>to offset unfair pricing, the<br>Commerce Department said on<br>Tuesday."
"Jay Payton #39;s three-run<br>homer led the San Diego Padres<br>to a 5-1 win over the San<br>Francisco Giants in National<br>League play Saturday, despite<br>a 701st career blast from<br>Barry Bonds."
"The optimists among Rutgers<br>fans were delighted, but the<br>Scarlet Knights still gave the<br>pessimists something to worry<br>about."
"Beer consumption has doubled<br>over the past five years,<br>prompting legislators to<br>implement new rules."
"BusinessWeek Online - The<br>jubilation that swept East<br>Germany after the fall of the<br>Berlin Wall in 1989 long ago<br>gave way to the sober reality<br>of globalization and market<br>forces. Now a decade of<br>resentment seems to be boiling<br>over. In Eastern cities such<br>as Leipzig or Chemnitz,<br>thousands have taken to the<br>streets since July to protest<br>cuts in unemployment benefits,<br>the main source of livelihood<br>for 1.6 million East Germans.<br>Discontent among<br>reunification's losers fueled<br>big gains by the far left and<br>far right in Brandenburg and<br>Saxony state elections Sept.<br>19. ..."
"NEW YORK -- When Office Depot<br>Inc. stores ran an electronics<br>recycling drive last summer<br>that accepted everything from<br>cellphones to televisions,<br>some stores were overwhelmed<br>by the amount of e-trash they<br>received."
"In a discovery sure to set off<br>a firestorm of debate over<br>human migration to the western<br>hemisphere, archaeologists in<br>South Carolina say they have<br>uncovered evidence that people<br>lived in eastern North America<br>at least 50,000 years ago -<br>far earlier than"
"AP - Former president Bill<br>Clinton on Monday helped<br>launch a new Internet search<br>company backed by the Chinese<br>government which says its<br>technology uses artificial<br>intelligence to produce better<br>results than Google Inc."
"The International Monetary<br>Fund expressed concern Tuesday<br>about the impact of the<br>troubles besetting oil major<br>Yukos on Russia #39;s standing<br>as a place to invest."
"Perhaps the sight of Maria<br>Sharapova opposite her tonight<br>will jog Serena Williams #39;<br>memory. Wimbledon. The final.<br>You and Maria."
"At least 79 people were killed<br>and 74 were missing after some<br>of the worst rainstorms in<br>recent years triggered<br>landslides and flash floods in<br>southwest China, disaster<br>relief officials said<br>yesterday."
"LinuxWorld Conference amp;<br>Expo will come to Boston for<br>the first time in February,<br>underscoring the area's<br>standing as a hub for the<br>open-source software being<br>adopted by thousands of<br>businesses."
"BANGKOK Thai military aircraft<br>dropped 100 million paper<br>birds over southern Thailand<br>on Sunday in a gesture<br>intended to promote peace in<br>mainly Muslim provinces, where<br>more than 500 people have died<br>this year in attacks by<br>separatist militants and"
"Insurgents threatened on<br>Saturday to cut the throats of<br>two Americans and a Briton<br>seized in Baghdad, and<br>launched a suicide car bomb<br>attack on Iraqi security<br>forces in Kirkuk that killed<br>at least 23 people."
"Five days after making the<br>putt that won the Ryder Cup,<br>Colin Montgomerie looked set<br>to miss the cut at a European<br>PGA tour event."
"Sun Microsystems plans to<br>release its Sun Studio 10<br>development tool in the fourth<br>quarter of this year,<br>featuring support for 64-bit<br>applications running on AMD<br>Opteron and Nocona processors,<br>Sun officials said on Tuesday."
"Karachi - Captain Inzamam ul-<br>Haq and coach Bob Woolmer came<br>under fire on Thursday for<br>choosing to bat first on a<br>tricky pitch after Pakistan<br>#39;s humiliating defeat in<br>the ICC Champions Trophy semi-<br>final."
"Scottish champions Celtic saw<br>their three-year unbeaten home<br>record in Europe broken<br>Tuesday as they lost 3-1 to<br>Barcelona in the Champions<br>League Group F opener."
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities rose in<br>yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$19<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.710<br>percent, up from 1.685 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$17<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.950<br>percent, up from 1.870<br>percent."
"Most IT Managers won #39;t<br>question the importance of<br>security, but this priority<br>has been sliding between the<br>third and fourth most<br>important focus for companies."
"AP - Andy Roddick searched out<br>Carlos Moya in the throng of<br>jumping, screaming Spanish<br>tennis players, hoping to<br>shake hands."
"AP - The Federal Trade<br>Commission on Thursday filed<br>the first case in the country<br>against software companies<br>accused of infecting computers<br>with intrusive \"spyware\" and<br>then trying to sell people the<br>solution."
"While shares of Apple have<br>climbed more than 10 percent<br>this week, reaching 52-week<br>highs, two research firms told<br>investors Friday they continue<br>to remain highly bullish about<br>the stock."
"Moody #39;s Investors Service<br>on Wednesday said it may cut<br>its bond ratings on HCA Inc.<br>(HCA.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) deeper into junk,<br>citing the hospital operator<br>#39;s plan to buy back about<br>\\$2."
"States are now barred from<br>imposing telecommunications<br>regulations on Net phone<br>providers."
"Telekom Austria AG, the<br>country #39;s biggest phone<br>operator, won the right to buy<br>Bulgaria #39;s largest mobile<br>phone company, MobilTel EAD,<br>for 1.6 billion euros (\\$2.1<br>billion), an acquisition that<br>would add 3 million<br>subscribers."
"Shares of ID Biomedical jumped<br>after the company reported<br>Monday that it signed long-<br>term agreements with the three<br>largest flu vaccine<br>wholesalers in the United<br>States in light of the<br>shortage of vaccine for the<br>current flu season."
"ENGLAND captain and Real<br>Madrid midfielder David<br>Beckham has played down<br>speculation that his club are<br>moving for England manager<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson."
"The federal government closed<br>its window on the oil industry<br>Thursday, saying that it is<br>selling its last 19 per cent<br>stake in Calgary-based Petro-<br>Canada."
"Strong sales of new mobile<br>phone models boosts profits at<br>Carphone Warehouse but the<br>retailer's shares fall on<br>concerns at a decline in<br>profits from pre-paid phones."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - IBM and<br>top scientific research<br>organizations are joining<br>forces in a humanitarian<br>effort to tap the unused<br>power of millions of computers<br>and help solve complex social<br>problems."
" NEW YORK, Nov. 11 -- The 40<br>percent share price slide in<br>Merck #38; Co. in the five<br>weeks after it pulled the<br>painkiller Vioxx off the<br>market highlighted larger<br>problems in the pharmaceutical<br>industry that may depress<br>performance for years,<br>according to academics and<br>stock analysts who follow the<br>sector."
"Low-fare carrier Southwest<br>Airlines Co. said Thursday<br>that its third-quarter profit<br>rose 12.3 percent to beat Wall<br>Street expectations despite<br>higher fuel costs."
"Another shock hit the drug<br>sector Friday when<br>pharmaceutical giant Pfizer<br>Inc. announced that it found<br>an increased heart risk to<br>patients for its blockbuster<br>arthritis drug Celebrex."
"AFP - National Basketball<br>Association players trying to<br>win a fourth consecutive<br>Olympic gold medal for the<br>United States have gotten the<br>wake-up call that the \"Dream<br>Team\" days are done even if<br>supporters have not."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Secretary<br>of State Colin Powell will<br>urge China Monday to exert its<br>influence over North Korea to<br>resume six-party negotiations<br>on scrapping its suspected<br>nuclear weapons program."
"Reuters - An Israeli missile<br>strike killed at least\\two<br>Hamas gunmen in Gaza City<br>Monday, a day after a<br>top\\commander of the Islamic<br>militant group was killed in a<br>similar\\attack, Palestinian<br>witnesses and security sources<br>said."
"England will be seeking their<br>third clean sweep of the<br>summer when the NatWest<br>Challenge against India<br>concludes at Lord #39;s. After<br>beating New Zealand and West<br>Indies 3-0 and 4-0 in Tests,<br>they have come alive"
"AP - The Pentagon has restored<br>access to a Web site that<br>assists soldiers and other<br>Americans living overseas in<br>voting, after receiving<br>complaints that its security<br>measures were preventing<br>legitimate voters from using<br>it."
"The number of US information<br>technology workers rose 2<br>percent to 10.5 million in the<br>first quarter of this year,<br>but demand for them is<br>dropping, according to a new<br>report."
"Montreal - The British-built<br>Canadian submarine HMCS<br>Chicoutimi, crippled since a<br>fire at sea that killed one of<br>its crew, is under tow and is<br>expected in Faslane, Scotland,<br>early next week, Canadian<br>naval commander Tyrone Pile<br>said on Friday."
"AP - Grizzly and black bears<br>killed a majority of elk<br>calves in northern Yellowstone<br>National Park for the second<br>year in a row, preliminary<br>study results show."
"Thirty-five Pakistanis freed<br>from the US Guantanamo Bay<br>prison camp arrived home on<br>Saturday and were taken<br>straight to prison for further<br>interrogation, the interior<br>minister said."
"AP - Mark Richt knows he'll<br>have to get a little creative<br>when he divvies up playing<br>time for Georgia's running<br>backs next season. Not so on<br>Saturday. Thomas Brown is the<br>undisputed starter for the<br>biggest game of the season."
"Witnesses in the trial of a US<br>soldier charged with abusing<br>prisoners at Abu Ghraib have<br>told the court that the CIA<br>sometimes directed abuse and<br>orders were received from<br>military command to toughen<br>interrogations."
"Insurance firm says its board<br>now consists of its new CEO<br>Michael Cherkasky and 10<br>outside members. NEW YORK<br>(Reuters) - Marsh amp;<br>McLennan Cos."
"Michael Phelps, the six-time<br>Olympic champion, issued an<br>apology yesterday after being<br>arrested and charged with<br>drunken driving in the United<br>States."
"PC World - The one-time World<br>Class Product of the Year PDA<br>gets a much-needed upgrade."
"AP - Italian and Lebanese<br>authorities have arrested 10<br>suspected terrorists who<br>planned to blow up the Italian<br>Embassy in Beirut, an Italian<br>news agency and the Defense<br>Ministry said Tuesday."
"CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- John F.<br>Kerry and President Bush<br>clashed sharply over the war<br>in Iraq last night during the<br>first debate of the<br>presidential campaign season,<br>with the senator from<br>Massachusetts accusing"
"GONAIVES, Haiti -- While<br>desperately hungry flood<br>victims wander the streets of<br>Gonaives searching for help,<br>tons of food aid is stacking<br>up in a warehouse guarded by<br>United Nations peacekeepers."
"As part of its much-touted new<br>MSN Music offering, Microsoft<br>Corp. (MSFT) is testing a Web-<br>based radio service that<br>mimics nearly 1,000 local<br>radio stations, allowing users<br>to hear a version of their<br>favorite radio station with<br>far fewer interruptions."
"AFP - The resignation of<br>disgraced Fiji Vice-President<br>Ratu Jope Seniloli failed to<br>quell anger among opposition<br>leaders and the military over<br>his surprise release from<br>prison after serving just<br>three months of a four-year<br>jail term for his role in a<br>failed 2000 coup."
"ATHENS Larry Brown, the US<br>coach, leaned back against the<br>scorer #39;s table, searching<br>for support on a sinking ship.<br>His best player, Tim Duncan,<br>had just fouled out, and the<br>options for an American team<br>that"
"Sourav Ganguly files an appeal<br>against a two-match ban<br>imposed for time-wasting."
"Ziff Davis - A quick<br>resolution to the Mambo open-<br>source copyright dispute seems<br>unlikely now that one of the<br>parties has rejected an offer<br>for mediation."
"Greek police surrounded a bus<br>full of passengers seized by<br>armed hijackers along a<br>highway from an Athens suburb<br>Wednesday, police said."
"Spain have named an unchanged<br>team for the Davis Cup final<br>against the United States in<br>Seville on 3-5 December.<br>Carlos Moya, Juan Carlos<br>Ferrero, Rafael Nadal and<br>Tommy Robredo will take on the<br>US in front of 22,000 fans at<br>the converted Olympic stadium."
"BAGHDAD: A suicide car bomber<br>attacked a police convoy in<br>Baghdad yesterday as guerillas<br>kept pressure on Iraq #39;s<br>security forces despite a<br>bloody rout of insurgents in<br>Fallujah."
"Slot machine maker<br>International Game Technology<br>(IGT.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) on Tuesday posted<br>better-than-expected quarterly<br>earnings, as casinos bought"
"Fixtures and fittings from<br>Damien Hirst's restaurant<br>Pharmacy sell for 11.1, 8m<br>more than expected."
"Last Tuesday night, Harvard<br>knocked off rival Boston<br>College, which was ranked No.<br>1 in the country. Last night,<br>the Crimson knocked off<br>another local foe, Boston<br>University, 2-1, at Walter<br>Brown Arena, which marked the<br>first time since 1999 that<br>Harvard had beaten them both<br>in the same season."
"Venezuelan election officials<br>say they expect to announce<br>Saturday, results of a partial<br>audit of last Sunday #39;s<br>presidential recall<br>referendum."
"About 500 prospective jurors<br>will be in an Eagle, Colorado,<br>courtroom Friday, answering an<br>82-item questionnaire in<br>preparation for the Kobe<br>Bryant sexual assault trial."
"Students take note - endless<br>journeys to the library could<br>become a thing of the past<br>thanks to a new multimillion-<br>pound scheme to make classic<br>texts available at the click<br>of a mouse."
"Moscow - The next crew of the<br>International Space Station<br>(ISS) is to contribute to the<br>Russian search for a vaccine<br>against Aids, Russian<br>cosmonaut Salijan Sharipovthe<br>said on Thursday."
"Locked away in fossils is<br>evidence of a sudden solar<br>cooling. Kate Ravilious meets<br>the experts who say it could<br>explain a 3,000-year-old mass<br>migration - and today #39;s<br>global warming."
"By ANICK JESDANUN NEW YORK<br>(AP) -- Taran Rampersad didn't<br>complain when he failed to<br>find anything on his hometown<br>in the online encyclopedia<br>Wikipedia. Instead, he simply<br>wrote his own entry for San<br>Fernando, Trinidad and<br>Tobago..."
"Five years after catastrophic<br>floods and mudslides killed<br>thousands along Venezuela's<br>Caribbean coast, survivors in<br>this town still see the signs<br>of destruction - shattered<br>concrete walls and tall weeds<br>growing atop streets covered<br>in dried mud."
"How do you top a battle<br>between Marines and an alien<br>religious cult fighting to the<br>death on a giant corona in<br>outer space? The next logical<br>step is to take that battle to<br>Earth, which is exactly what<br>Microsoft"
"Sony Ericsson Mobile<br>Communications Ltd., the<br>mobile-phone venture owned by<br>Sony Corp. and Ericsson AB,<br>said third-quarter profit rose<br>45 percent on camera phone<br>demand and forecast this<br>quarter will be its strongest."
"NEW YORK, September 17<br>( - Alcatel<br>(ALA.NYS) has expanded its<br>operations and presence in the<br>core North American<br>telecommunication market with<br>two separate acquisitions for<br>about \\$277 million."
"Four U.S. agencies yesterday<br>announced a coordinated attack<br>to stem the global trade in<br>counterfeit merchandise and<br>pirated music and movies, an<br>underground industry that law-<br>enforcement officials estimate<br>to be worth \\$500 billion each<br>year."
"BEIJING The NBA has reached<br>booming, basketball-crazy<br>China _ but the league doesn<br>#39;t expect to make any money<br>soon. The NBA flew more than<br>100 people halfway around the<br>world for its first games in<br>China, featuring"
"The UN nuclear watchdog<br>confirmed Monday that nearly<br>400 tons of powerful<br>explosives that could be used<br>in conventional or nuclear<br>missiles disappeared from an<br>unguarded military<br>installation in Iraq."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Curt<br>Schilling pitched 6 2/3<br>innings and Manny Ramirez hit<br>a three-run homer in a seven-<br>run fourth frame to lead the<br>Boston Red Sox to a 9-3 win<br>over the host Anaheim Angels<br>in their American League<br>Divisional Series opener<br>Tuesday."
"AP - The game between the<br>Minnesota Twins and the New<br>York Yankees on Tuesday night<br>was postponed by rain."
"Oil giant Shell swept aside<br>nearly 100 years of history<br>today when it unveiled plans<br>to merge its UK and Dutch<br>parent companies. Shell said<br>scrapping its twin-board<br>structure"
"Caesars Entertainment Inc. on<br>Thursday posted a rise in<br>third-quarter profit as Las<br>Vegas hotels filled up and<br>Atlantic City properties<br>squeaked out a profit that was<br>unexpected by the company."
"Half of all U.S. Secret<br>Service agents are dedicated<br>to protecting President<br>Washington #151;and all the<br>other Presidents on U.S.<br>currency #151;from<br>counterfeiters."
"One of India #39;s leading<br>telecommunications providers<br>will use Cisco Systems #39;<br>gear to build its new<br>Ethernet-based broadband<br>network."
"Militants in Iraq have killed<br>the second of two US civilians<br>they were holding hostage,<br>according to a statement on an<br>Islamist website."
"PARIS The verdict is in: The<br>world #39;s greatest race car<br>driver, the champion of<br>champions - all disciplines<br>combined - is Heikki<br>Kovalainen."
"Pakistan won the toss and<br>unsurprisingly chose to bowl<br>first as they and West Indies<br>did battle at the Rose Bowl<br>today for a place in the ICC<br>Champions Trophy final against<br>hosts England."
"Shares of Beacon Roofing<br>Suppler Inc. shot up as much<br>as 26 percent in its trading<br>debut Thursday, edging out<br>bank holding company Valley<br>Bancorp as the biggest gainer<br>among a handful of new stocks<br>that went public this week."
"More than 4,000 American and<br>Iraqi soldiers mounted a<br>military assault on the<br>insurgent-held city of<br>Samarra."
"Maxime Faget conceived and<br>proposed the development of<br>the one-man spacecraft used in<br>Project Mercury, which put the<br>first American astronauts into<br>suborbital flight, then<br>orbital flight"
"The first weekend of holiday<br>shopping went from red-hot to<br>dead white, as a storm that<br>delivered freezing, snowy<br>weather across Colorado kept<br>consumers at home."
" MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -<br>Mexican President Vicente Fox<br>said on Monday he hoped<br>President Bush's re-election<br>meant a bilateral accord on<br>migration would be reached<br>before his own term runs out<br>at the end of 2006."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fell within half a cent of<br>last week's record low against<br>the euro on Thursday after<br>capital inflows data added to<br>worries the United States may<br>struggle to fund its current<br>account deficit."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac said<br>on Friday he had not refused<br>to meet Iraqi interim Prime<br>Minister Iyad Allawi after<br>reports he was snubbing the<br>Iraqi leader by leaving an EU<br>meeting in Brussels early."
"China has pledged to invest<br>\\$20 billion in Argentina in<br>the next 10 years, La Nacion<br>reported Wednesday. The<br>announcement came during the<br>first day of a two-day visit"
"NEW YORK - Former President<br>Bill Clinton was in good<br>spirits Saturday, walking<br>around his hospital room in<br>street clothes and buoyed by<br>thousands of get-well messages<br>as he awaited heart bypass<br>surgery early this coming<br>week, people close to the<br>family said. Clinton was<br>expected to undergo surgery as<br>early as Monday but probably<br>Tuesday, said Democratic Party<br>Chairman Terry McAuliffe, who<br>said the former president was<br>\"upbeat\" when he spoke to him<br>by phone Friday..."
"Toyota Motor Corp., the world<br>#39;s biggest carmaker by<br>value, will invest 3.8 billion<br>yuan (\\$461 million) with its<br>partner Guangzhou Automobile<br>Group to boost manufacturing<br>capacity in"
"Poland will cut its troops in<br>Iraq early next year and won<br>#39;t stay in the country<br>quot;an hour longer quot; than<br>needed, the country #39;s<br>prime minister said Friday."
"AP - Boston Red Sox center<br>fielder Johnny Damon is having<br>a recurrence of migraine<br>headaches that first bothered<br>him after a collision in last<br>year's playoffs."
"The patch fixes a flaw in the<br>e-mail server software that<br>could be used to get access to<br>in-boxes and information."
"Felix Cardenas of Colombia won<br>the 17th stage of the Spanish<br>Vuelta cycling race Wednesday,<br>while defending champion<br>Roberto Heras held onto the<br>overall leader #39;s jersey<br>for the sixth day in a row."
"AP - Being the biggest dog may<br>pay off at feeding time, but<br>species that grow too large<br>may be more vulnerable to<br>extinction, new research<br>suggests."
"A car bomb exploded at a US<br>military convoy in the<br>northern Iraqi city of Mosul,<br>causing several casualties,<br>the army and Iraqi officials<br>said."
"Newest Efficeon processor also<br>offers higher frequency using<br>less power."
"BAE Systems has launched a<br>search for a senior American<br>businessman to become a non-<br>executive director. The high-<br>profile appointment is<br>designed to strengthen the<br>board at a time when the<br>defence giant is"
"AP - In what it calls a first<br>in international air travel,<br>Finnair says it will let its<br>frequent fliers check in using<br>text messages on mobile<br>phones."
"Computer Associates<br>International is expected to<br>announce that its new chief<br>executive will be John<br>Swainson, an I.B.M. executive<br>with strong technical and<br>sales credentials."
"Established star Landon<br>Donovan and rising sensation<br>Eddie Johnson carried the<br>United States into the<br>regional qualifying finals for<br>the 2006 World Cup in emphatic<br>fashion Wednesday night."
"STOCKHOLM (Dow<br>Jones)--Expectations for<br>Telefon AB LM Ericsson #39;s<br>(ERICY) third-quarter<br>performance imply that while<br>sales of mobile telephony<br>equipment are expected to have<br>dipped, the company"
"ATHENS, Greece - Michael<br>Phelps took care of qualifying<br>for the Olympic 200-meter<br>freestyle semifinals Sunday,<br>and then found out he had been<br>added to the American team for<br>the evening's 400 freestyle<br>relay final. Phelps' rivals<br>Ian Thorpe and Pieter van den<br>Hoogenband and teammate Klete<br>Keller were faster than the<br>teenager in the 200 free<br>preliminaries..."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>intends to present a timetable<br>for withdrawal from Gaza to<br>lawmakers from his Likud Party<br>Tuesday despite a mutiny in<br>the right-wing bloc over the<br>plan."
"Search Engine for Programming<br>Code\\\\An article at Newsforge<br>pointed me to Koders (<br> ) a<br>search engine for finding<br>programming code. Nifty.\\\\The<br>front page allows you to<br>specify keywords, sixteen<br>languages (from ASP to VB.NET)<br>and sixteen licenses (from AFL<br>to ZPL -- fortunately there's<br>an information page to ..."
" #147;Apple once again was the<br>star of the show at the annual<br>MacUser awards, #148; reports<br>MacUser, #147;taking away six<br>Maxine statues including<br>Product of the Year for the<br>iTunes Music Store. #148;<br>Other Apple award winners:<br>Power Mac G5, AirPort Express,<br>20-inch Apple Cinema Display,<br>GarageBand and DVD Studio Pro<br>3. Nov 22"
" KABUL (Reuters) - Three U.N.<br>workers held by militants in<br>Afghanistan were in their<br>third week of captivity on<br>Friday after calls from both<br>sides for the crisis to be<br>resolved ahead of this<br>weekend's Muslim festival of<br>Eid al-Fitr."
"AP - A sweeping wildlife<br>preserve in southwestern<br>Arizona is among the nation's<br>10 most endangered refuges,<br>due in large part to illegal<br>drug and immigrant traffic and<br>Border Patrol operations, a<br>conservation group said<br>Friday."
"ROME, Oct 29 (AFP) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac urged<br>the head of the incoming<br>European Commission Friday to<br>take quot;the appropriate<br>decisions quot; to resolve a<br>row over his EU executive team<br>which has left the EU in<br>limbo."
"The Anglo-Dutch oil giant<br>Shell today sought to draw a<br>line under its reserves<br>scandal by announcing plans to<br>spend \\$15bn (8.4bn) a year to<br>replenish reserves and develop<br>production in its oil and gas<br>business."
"SEPTEMBER 20, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - At<br>PeopleSoft Inc. #39;s Connect<br>2004 conference in San<br>Francisco this week, the<br>software vendor is expected to<br>face questions from users<br>about its ability to fend off<br>Oracle Corp."
"Russia's parliament will<br>launch an inquiry into a<br>school siege that killed over<br>300 hostages, President<br>Vladimir Putin said on Friday,<br>but analysts doubt it will<br>satisfy those who blame the<br>carnage on security services."
"Tony Blair talks to business<br>leaders about new proposals<br>for a major shake-up of the<br>English exam system."
"KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia A<br>Malaysian woman has claimed a<br>new world record after living<br>with over six-thousand<br>scorpions for 36 days<br>straight."
"PBS's Charlie Rose quizzes Sun<br>co-founder Bill Joy,<br> chief Jeff Taylor,<br>and venture capitalist John<br>Doerr."
"Circulation declined at most<br>major US newspapers in the<br>last half year, the latest<br>blow for an industry already<br>rocked by a scandal involving<br>circulation misstatements that<br>has undermined the confidence<br>of investors and advertisers."
"Skype Technologies is teaming<br>with Siemens to offer cordless<br>phone users the ability to<br>make Internet telephony calls,<br>in addition to traditional<br>calls, from their handsets."
"AP - After years of<br>resistance, the U.S. trucking<br>industry says it will not try<br>to impede or delay a new<br>federal rule aimed at cutting<br>diesel pollution."
"INDIANAPOLIS - ATA Airlines<br>has accepted a \\$117 million<br>offer from Southwest Airlines<br>that would forge close ties<br>between two of the largest US<br>discount carriers."
"could take drastic steps if<br>the talks did not proceed as<br>Tehran wants. Mehr news agency<br>quoted him as saying on<br>Wednesday. that could be used"
"Wizards coach Eddie Jordan<br>says the team is making a<br>statement that immaturity will<br>not be tolerated by suspending<br>Kwame Brown one game for not<br>taking part in a team huddle<br>during a loss to Denver."
"EVERETT Fire investigators<br>are still trying to determine<br>what caused a two-alarm that<br>destroyed a portion of a South<br>Everett shopping center this<br>morning."
"Umesh Patel, a 36-year old<br>software engineer from<br>California, debated until the<br>last minute."
"Sure, the PeopleSoft board<br>told shareholders to just say<br>no. This battle will go down<br>to the wire, and even<br>afterward Ellison could<br>prevail."
"Investors cheered by falling<br>oil prices and an improving<br>job picture sent stocks higher<br>Tuesday, hoping that the news<br>signals a renewal of economic<br>strength and a fall rally in<br>stocks."
"AP - Andy Roddick has yet to<br>face a challenge in his U.S.<br>Open title defense. He beat<br>No. 18 Tommy Robredo of Spain<br>6-3, 6-2, 6-4 Tuesday night to<br>move into the quarterfinals<br>without having lost a set."
"Now that hell froze over in<br>Boston, New England braces for<br>its rarest season -- a winter<br>of content. Red Sox fans are<br>adrift from the familiar<br>torture of the past."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart<br>Stores Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=WMT.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;, the<br>world's largest retailer, said<br>on Saturday it still<br>anticipates September U.S.<br>sales to be up 2 percent to 4<br>percent at stores open at<br>least a year."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei stock average opened<br>down 0.15 percent on<br>Wednesday as investors took a<br>breather from the market's<br>recent rises and sold shares<br>of gainers such as Sharp<br>Corp."
"AP - From now until the start<br>of winter, male tarantulas are<br>roaming around, searching for<br>female mates, an ideal time to<br>find out where the spiders<br>flourish in Arkansas."
"Israeli authorities have<br>launched an investigation into<br>death threats against Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>and other officials supporting<br>his disengagement plan from<br>Gaza and parts of the West<br>Bank, Jerusalem police said<br>Tuesday."
"NewsFactor - While a U.S.<br>District Court continues to<br>weigh the legality of<br>\\Oracle's (Nasdaq: ORCL)<br>attempted takeover of<br>\\PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT),<br>Oracle has taken the necessary<br>steps to ensure the offer does<br>not die on the vine with<br>PeopleSoft's shareholders."
"NEW YORK : World oil prices<br>fell, capping a drop of more<br>than 14 percent in a two-and-<br>a-half-week slide triggered by<br>a perception of growing US<br>crude oil inventories."
"SUFFOLK -- Virginia Tech<br>scientists are preparing to<br>protect the state #39;s<br>largest crop from a disease<br>with strong potential to do<br>damage."
"It was a carefully scripted<br>moment when Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin began quoting<br>Taras Shevchenko, this country<br>#39;s 19th-century bard,<br>during a live television"
"China says it welcomes Russia<br>#39;s ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol that aims to<br>stem global warming by<br>reducing greenhouse-gas<br>emissions."
"Analysts said the smartphone<br>enhancements hold the<br>potential to bring PalmSource<br>into an expanding market that<br>still has room despite early<br>inroads by Symbian and<br>Microsoft."
"The Metropolitan<br>Transportation Authority is<br>proposing a tax increase to<br>raise \\$900 million a year to<br>help pay for a five-year<br>rebuilding program."
"AFP - The Canadian armed<br>forces chief of staff on was<br>elected to take over as head<br>of NATO's Military Committee,<br>the alliance's highest<br>military authority, military<br>and diplomatic sources said."
"AFP - Two proposed resolutions<br>condemning widespread rights<br>abuses in Sudan and Zimbabwe<br>failed to pass a UN committee,<br>mired in debate between<br>African and western nations."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Citigroup Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=C.N targe<br>t=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"<br>&gt;C.N&lt;/A&gt; the world's<br>largest financial services<br>company, said on Tuesday it<br>will acquire First American<br>Bank in the quickly-growing<br>Texas market."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - U.S.<br>oil prices hovered just below<br>\\$50 a barrel on Tuesday,<br>holding recent gains on a rash<br>of crude supply outages and<br>fears over thin heating oil<br>tanks."
"THE South Africans have called<br>the Wallabies scrum cheats as<br>a fresh round of verbal<br>warfare opened in the Republic<br>last night."
"The return of noted reformer<br>Nabil Amr to Palestinian<br>politics comes at a crucial<br>juncture."
"An overwhelming majority of<br>NHL players who expressed<br>their opinion in a poll said<br>they would not support a<br>salary cap even if it meant<br>saving a season that was<br>supposed to have started Oct.<br>13."
"Tony Eury Sr. oversees Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. on the<br>racetrack, but Sunday he<br>extended his domain to Victory<br>Lane. Earnhardt was unbuckling<br>to crawl out of the No."
"AP - After two debates, voters<br>have seen President Bush look<br>peevish and heard him pass the<br>buck. They've watched Sen.<br>John Kerry deny he's a flip-<br>flopper and then argue that<br>Saddam Hussein was a threat<br>#151; and wasn't. It's no<br>wonder so few minds have<br>changed."
"(Sports Network) - The New<br>York Yankees try to move one<br>step closer to a division<br>title when they conclude their<br>critical series with the<br>Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park."
"US retail sales fell 0.3 in<br>August as rising energy costs<br>and bad weather persuaded<br>shoppers to reduce their<br>spending."
"The United States says the<br>Lebanese parliament #39;s<br>decision Friday to extend the<br>term of pro-Syrian President<br>Emile Lahoud made a<br>quot;crude mockery of<br>democratic principles."
"Kurt Busch claimed a stake in<br>the points lead in the NASCAR<br>Chase for the Nextel Cup<br>yesterday, winning the<br>Sylvania 300 at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway."
"TOKYO (AFP) - Japan #39;s<br>Fujitsu and Cisco Systems of<br>the US said they have agreed<br>to form a strategic alliance<br>focusing on routers and<br>switches that will enable<br>businesses to build advanced<br>Internet Protocol (IP)<br>networks."
"GEORGETOWN, Del., Oct. 28 --<br>Plaintiffs in a shareholder<br>lawsuit over former Walt<br>Disney Co. president Michael<br>Ovitz's \\$140 million<br>severance package attempted<br>Thursday to portray Ovitz as a<br>dishonest bumbler who botched<br>the hiring of a major<br>television executive and<br>pushed the release of a movie<br>that angered the Chinese<br>government, damaging Disney's<br>business prospects in the<br>country."
"US stocks gained ground in<br>early trading Thursday after<br>tame inflation reports and<br>better than expected jobless<br>news. Oil prices held steady<br>as Hurricane Ivan battered the<br>Gulf coast, where oil<br>operations have halted."
"It #39;s a new internet<br>browser. The first full<br>version, Firefox 1.0, was<br>launched earlier this month.<br>In the sense it #39;s a<br>browser, yes, but the<br>differences are larger than<br>the similarities."
"LOUDON, NH - As this<br>newfangled stretch drive for<br>the Nextel Cup championship<br>ensues, Jeff Gordon has to be<br>considered the favorite for a<br>fifth title."
"PepsiCo. Inc., the world #39;s<br>No. 2 soft- drink maker, plans<br>to buy General Mills Inc.<br>#39;s stake in their European<br>joint venture for \\$750<br>million in cash, giving it<br>complete ownership of Europe<br>#39;s largest snack-food<br>company."
"Microsoft will accelerate SP2<br>distribution to meet goal of<br>100 million downloads in two<br>months."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks opened little changed<br>on Friday, after third-<br>quarter gross domestic product<br>data showed the U.S. economy<br>grew at a slower-than-expected<br>pace."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp., taken to court<br>by workers over changes it<br>made to its traditional<br>pension plan, has decided to<br>stop offering any such plan to<br>new employees."
"NEW YORK - With four of its<br>executives pleading guilty to<br>price-fixing charges today,<br>Infineon will have a hard time<br>arguing that it didn #39;t fix<br>prices in its ongoing<br>litigation with Rambus."
"By nick giongco. YOU KNOW you<br>have reached the status of a<br>boxing star when ring<br>announcer extraordinaire<br>Michael Buffer calls out your<br>name in his trademark booming<br>voice during a high-profile<br>event like yesterday"
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>The prime minister says he's<br>been assured by President<br>George W. Bush that the U.S.<br>missile defence plan does not<br>necessarily involve the<br>weaponization of space."
"AP - Even with a big lead,<br>Eric Gagne wanted to pitch in<br>front of his hometown fans one<br>last time."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Limited<br>Brands Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=LTD.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;LTD.N&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Thursday reported higher<br>quarterly operating profit as<br>cost controls and strong<br>lingerie sales offset poor<br>results at the retailer's<br>Express apparel stores."
"General Motors and<br>DaimlerChrysler are<br>collaborating on development<br>of fuel- saving hybrid engines<br>in hopes of cashing in on an<br>expanding market dominated by<br>hybrid leaders Toyota and<br>Honda."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Larry Brown<br>was despondent, the head of<br>the US selection committee was<br>defensive and an irritated<br>Allen Iverson was hanging up<br>on callers who asked what went<br>wrong."
"Fifty-six miners are dead and<br>another 92 are still stranded<br>underground after a gas blast<br>at the Daping coal mine in<br>Central China #39;s Henan<br>Province, safety officials<br>said Thursday."
"BEIRUT, Lebanon - Three<br>Lebanese men and their Iraqi<br>driver have been kidnapped in<br>Iraq, the Lebanese Foreign<br>Ministry said Sunday, as<br>Iraq's prime minister said his<br>government was working for the<br>release of two Americans and a<br>Briton also being held<br>hostage. Gunmen snatched<br>the three Lebanese, who worked<br>for a travel agency with a<br>branch in Baghdad, as they<br>drove on the highway between<br>the capital and Fallujah on<br>Friday night, a ministry<br>official said..."
"PORTLAND, Ore. - It's been<br>almost a year since singer-<br>songwriter Elliott Smith<br>committed suicide, and fans<br>and friends will be looking<br>for answers as the posthumous<br>\"From a Basement on the Hill\"<br>is released..."
"AP - Courtney Brown refuses to<br>surrender to injuries. He's<br>already planning another<br>comeback."
" GAZA (Reuters) - Israel<br>expanded its military<br>offensive in northern Gaza,<br>launching two air strikes<br>early on Monday that killed<br>at least three Palestinians<br>and wounded two, including a<br>senior Hamas leader, witnesses<br>and medics said."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Nintendo<br>Co. Ltd. raised its 2004<br>shipment target for its DS<br>handheld video game device by<br>40 percent to 2.8 million<br>units on Thursday after many<br>stores in Japan and the<br>United States sold out in the<br>first week of sales."
"It took an off-the-cuff<br>reference to a serial<br>murderer/cannibal to punctuate<br>the Robby Gordon storyline.<br>Gordon has been vilified by<br>his peers and put on probation"
"By BOBBY ROSS JR. Associated<br>Press Writer. play the Atlanta<br>Hawks. They will be treated to<br>free food and drink and have.<br>their pictures taken with<br>Mavericks players, dancers and<br>team officials."
"ARSENAL #39;S Brazilian World<br>Cup winning midfielder<br>Gilberto Silva is set to be<br>out for at least a month with<br>a back injury, the Premiership<br>leaders said."
"INDIANAPOLIS -- With a package<br>of academic reforms in place,<br>the NCAA #39;s next crusade<br>will address what its<br>president calls a dangerous<br>drift toward professionalism<br>and sports entertainment."
"Autodesk this week unwrapped<br>an updated version of its<br>hosted project collaboration<br>service targeted at the<br>construction and manufacturing<br>industries. Autodesk Buzzsaw<br>lets multiple, dispersed<br>project participants --<br>including building owners,<br>developers, architects,<br>construction teams, and<br>facility managers -- share and<br>manage data throughout the<br>life of a project, according<br>to Autodesk officials."
"AP - It was difficult for<br>Southern California's Pete<br>Carroll and Oklahoma's Bob<br>Stoops to keep from repeating<br>each other when the two<br>coaches met Thursday."
"Reuters - Sudan's government<br>resumed\\talks with rebels in<br>the oil-producing south on<br>Thursday while\\the United<br>Nations set up a panel to<br>investigate charges<br>of\\genocide in the west of<br>Africa's largest country."
"Andy Roddick, along with<br>Olympic silver medalist Mardy<br>Fish and the doubles pair of<br>twins Bob and Mike Bryan will<br>make up the US team to compete<br>with Belarus in the Davis Cup,<br>reported CRIENGLISH."
"NEW YORK - Optimism that the<br>embattled technology sector<br>was due for a recovery sent<br>stocks modestly higher Monday<br>despite a new revenue warning<br>from semiconductor company<br>Broadcom Inc. While<br>Broadcom, which makes chips<br>for television set-top boxes<br>and other electronics, said<br>high inventories resulted in<br>delayed shipments, investors<br>were encouraged as it said<br>future quarters looked<br>brighter..."
"A report indicates that many<br>giants of the industry have<br>been able to capture lasting<br>feelings of customer loyalty."
"It is the news that Internet<br>users do not want to hear: the<br>worldwide web is in danger of<br>collapsing around us. Patrick<br>Gelsinger, the chief<br>technology officer for<br>computer chip maker Intel,<br>told a conference"
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>employers hired just 96,000<br>workers in September, the<br>government said on Friday in a<br>weak jobs snapshot, the final<br>one ahead of presidential<br>elections that also fueled<br>speculation about a pause in<br>interest-rate rises."
"Cisco Systems CEO John<br>Chambers said today that his<br>company plans to offer twice<br>as many new products this year<br>as ever before."
"While the world #39;s best<br>athletes fight the noble<br>Olympic battle in stadiums and<br>pools, their fans storm the<br>streets of Athens, turning the<br>Greek capital into a huge<br>international party every<br>night."
"Carlos Barrios Orta squeezed<br>himself into his rubber diving<br>suit, pulled on an 18-pound<br>helmet that made him look like<br>an astronaut, then lowered<br>himself into the sewer. He<br>disappeared into the filthy<br>water, which looked like some<br>cauldron of rancid beef stew,<br>until the only sign of him was<br>air bubbles breaking the<br>surface."
"The mutilated body of a woman<br>of about sixty years,<br>amputated of arms and legs and<br>with the sliced throat, has<br>been discovered this morning<br>in a street of the south of<br>Faluya by the Marines,<br>according to a statement by<br>AFP photographer."
"Every day, somewhere in the<br>universe, there #39;s an<br>explosion that puts the power<br>of the Sun in the shade. Steve<br>Connor investigates the riddle<br>of gamma-ray bursts."
"Ten months after NASA #39;s<br>twin rovers landed on Mars,<br>scientists reported this week<br>that both robotic vehicles are<br>still navigating their rock-<br>studded landscapes with all<br>instruments operating"
"EVERTON showed they would not<br>be bullied into selling Wayne<br>Rooney last night by rejecting<br>a 23.5million bid from<br>Newcastle - as Manchester<br>United gamble on Goodison<br>#39;s resolve to keep the<br>striker."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- The<br>magazine known for evaluating<br>cars and electronics is<br>setting its sights on finding<br>the best value and quality of<br>prescription drugs on the<br>market."
"After months of legal<br>wrangling, the case of<br>&lt;em&gt;People v. Kobe Bean<br>Bryant&lt;/em&gt; commences on<br>Friday in Eagle, Colo., with<br>testimony set to begin next<br>month."
"(SH) - In Afghanistan, Hamid<br>Karzai defeated a raft of<br>candidates to win his historic<br>election. In Iraq, more than<br>200 political parties have<br>registered for next month<br>#39;s elections."
"Lyon coach Paul le Guen has<br>admitted his side would be<br>happy with a draw at Old<br>Trafford on Tuesday night. The<br>three-times French champions<br>have assured themselves of<br>qualification for the<br>Champions League"
"British scientists say they<br>have found a new, greener way<br>to power cars and homes using<br>sunflower oil, a commodity<br>more commonly used for cooking<br>fries."
"A mouse, a house, and your<br>tax-planning spouse all factor<br>huge in the week of earnings<br>that lies ahead."
"The United States #39; top<br>computer-security official has<br>resigned after a little more<br>than a year on the job, the US<br>Department of Homeland<br>Security said on Friday."
"Reuters - Barry Bonds failed<br>to collect a hit in\\his bid to<br>join the 700-homer club, but<br>he did score a run to\\help the<br>San Francisco Giants edge the<br>host Milwaukee Brewers\\3-2 in<br>National League action on<br>Tuesday."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Intel Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>eLookup.jhtml?ticker=INTC.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;INTC.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>on Thursday outlined its<br>vision of the Internet of the<br>future, one in which millions<br>of computer servers would<br>analyze and direct network<br>traffic to make the Web safer<br>and more efficient."
"Margaret Hassan, who works for<br>charity Care International,<br>was taken hostage while on her<br>way to work in Baghdad. Here<br>are the main events since her<br>kidnapping."
"Check out new gadgets as<br>holiday season approaches."
"DALLAS (CBS.MW) -- Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group will pay a<br>\\$120 million penalty to<br>settle a Securities and<br>Exchange Commission<br>investigation of its<br>overstatement of nearly 4.5<br>billion barrels of proven<br>reserves, the federal agency<br>said Tuesday."
"After waiting an entire summer<br>for the snow to fall and<br>Beaver Creek to finally open,<br>skiers from around the planet<br>are coming to check out the<br>Birds of Prey World Cup action<br>Dec. 1 - 5. Although everyones"
"TOKYO, Sep 08, 2004 (AFX-UK<br>via COMTEX) -- Sony Corp will<br>launch its popular projection<br>televisions with large liquid<br>crystal display (LCD) screens<br>in China early next year, a<br>company spokeswoman said."
"I confess that I am a complete<br>ignoramus when it comes to<br>women #39;s beach volleyball.<br>In fact, I know only one thing<br>about the sport - that it is<br>the supreme aesthetic<br>experience available on planet<br>Earth."
"Manchester United Plc may<br>offer US billionaire Malcolm<br>Glazer a seat on its board if<br>he agrees to drop a takeover<br>bid for a year, the Observer<br>said, citing an unidentified<br>person in the soccer industry."
"PHOENIX America West Airlines<br>has backed away from a<br>potential bidding war for<br>bankrupt ATA Airlines, paving<br>the way for AirTran to take<br>over ATA operations."
"US stock-index futures<br>declined. Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average shares including<br>General Electric Co. slipped<br>in Europe. Citigroup Inc."
"For a guy who spent most of<br>his first four professional<br>seasons on the disabled list,<br>Houston Astros reliever Brad<br>Lidge has developed into quite<br>the ironman these past two<br>days."
"AFP - Outgoing EU competition<br>commissioner Mario Monti wants<br>to reach a decision on<br>Oracle's proposed takeover of<br>business software rival<br>PeopleSoft by the end of next<br>month, an official said."
"Former Bengal Corey Dillon<br>found his stride Sunday in his<br>second game for the New<br>England Patriots. Dillon<br>gained 158 yards on 32 carries<br>as the Patriots beat the<br>Arizona Cardinals, 23-12, for<br>their 17th victory in a row."
"If legend is to be believed,<br>the end of a victorious war<br>was behind Pheidippides #39;<br>trek from Marathon to Athens<br>2,500 years ago."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Satellite companies would be<br>able to retransmit<br>broadcasters' television<br>signals for another five<br>years but would have to offer<br>those signals on a single<br>dish, under legislation<br>approved by Congress on<br>Saturday."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Wimbledon<br>champion Maria Sharapova<br>demolished fellow Russian<br>Tatiana Panova 6-1, 6-1 to<br>advance to the quarter-finals<br>of the China Open on<br>Wednesday."
"Sven Jaschan, who may face<br>five years in prison for<br>spreading the Netsky and<br>Sasser worms, is now working<br>in IT security. Photo: AFP."
"Padres general manager Kevin<br>Towers called Expos general<br>manager Omar Minaya on<br>Thursday afternoon and told<br>him he needed a shortstop<br>because Khalil Greene had<br>broken his"
" Nine of the<br>ten Formula One teams have<br>united to propose cost-cutting<br>measures for the future, with<br>the notable exception of<br>Ferrari."
"Reuters - The United States<br>modified its\\call for U.N.<br>sanctions against Sudan on<br>Tuesday but still kept\\up the<br>threat of punitive measures if<br>Khartoum did not<br>stop\\atrocities in its Darfur<br>region."
"Human rights and environmental<br>activists have hailed the<br>award of the 2004 Nobel Peace<br>Prize to Wangari Maathai of<br>Kenya as fitting recognition<br>of the growing role of civil<br>society"
"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan<br>Greenspan has done it again.<br>For at least the fourth time<br>this year, he has touched the<br>electrified third rail of<br>American politics - Social<br>Security."
"An Al Qaeda-linked militant<br>group beheaded an American<br>hostage in Iraq and threatened<br>last night to kill another two<br>Westerners in 24 hours unless<br>women prisoners were freed<br>from Iraqi jails."
"TechWeb - An Indian Institute<br>of Technology professor--and<br>open-source evangelist--<br>discusses the role of Linux<br>and open source in India."
"Here are some of the latest<br>health and medical news<br>developments, compiled by<br>editors of HealthDay: -----<br>Contaminated Fish in Many U.S.<br>Lakes and Rivers Fish<br>that may be contaminated with<br>dioxin, mercury, PCBs and<br>pesticides are swimming in<br>more than one-third of the<br>United States' lakes and<br>nearly one-quarter of its<br>rivers, according to a list of<br>advisories released by the<br>Environmental Protection<br>Agency..."
"Argentina, Denmark, Greece,<br>Japan and Tanzania on Friday<br>won coveted two-year terms on<br>the UN Security Council at a<br>time when pressure is mounting<br>to expand the powerful<br>15-nation body."
"Description: Scientists say<br>the arthritis drug Bextra may<br>pose increased risk of<br>cardiovascular troubles.<br>Bextra is related to Vioxx,<br>which was pulled off the<br>market in September for the<br>same reason."
"Steve Francis and Shaquille O<br>#39;Neal enjoyed big debuts<br>with their new teams. Kobe<br>Bryant found out he can #39;t<br>carry the Lakers all by<br>himself."
"The trial of a lawsuit by Walt<br>Disney Co. shareholders who<br>accuse the board of directors<br>of rubberstamping a deal to<br>hire Michael Ovitz"
"Australia, by winning the<br>third Test at Nagpur on<br>Friday, also won the four-<br>match series 2-0 with one<br>match to go. Australia had<br>last won a Test series in<br>India way back in December<br>1969 when Bill Lawry #39;s<br>team beat Nawab Pataudi #39;s<br>Indian team 3-1."
"LOS ANGELES Grocery giant<br>Albertsons says it has<br>purchased Bristol Farms, which<br>operates eleven upscale stores<br>in Southern California."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and India<br>agreed on Friday to re-open<br>the Khokhropar-Munabao railway<br>link, which was severed nearly<br>40 years ago."
"Final Score: Connecticut 61,<br>New York 51 New York, NY<br>(Sports Network) - Nykesha<br>Sales scored 15 points to lead<br>Connecticut to a 61-51 win<br>over New York in Game 1 of<br>their best-of-three Eastern<br>Conference Finals series at<br>Madison Square Garden."
"NEW YORK - Stocks moved higher<br>Friday as a stronger than<br>expected retail sales report<br>showed that higher oil prices<br>aren't scaring consumers away<br>from spending. Federal Reserve<br>Chairman Alan Greenspan's<br>positive comments on oil<br>prices also encouraged<br>investors..."
"The figures from a survey<br>released today are likely to<br>throw more people into the<br>ranks of the uninsured,<br>analysts said."
"Bill Gates is giving his big<br>speech right now at Microsofts<br>big Digital Entertainment<br>Anywhere event in Los Angeles.<br>Well have a proper report for<br>you soon, but in the meantime<br>we figured wed"
"Spinal and non-spinal<br>fractures are reduced by<br>almost a third in women age 80<br>or older who take a drug<br>called strontium ranelate,<br>European investigators<br>announced"
"JB Oxford Holdings Inc., a<br>Beverly Hills-based discount<br>brokerage firm, was sued by<br>the Securities and Exchange<br>Commission for allegedly<br>allowing thousands of improper<br>trades in more than 600 mutual<br>funds."
"BERLIN: Apple Computer Inc is<br>planning the next wave of<br>expansion for its popular<br>iTunes online music store with<br>a multi-country European<br>launch in October, the<br>services chief architect said<br>on Wednesday."
"Charlotte, NC -- LeBron James<br>poured in a game-high 19<br>points and Jeff McInnis scored<br>18 as the Cleveland Cavaliers<br>routed the Charlotte Bobcats,<br>106-89, at the Charlotte<br>Coliseum."
"Goldman Sachs reported strong<br>fourth quarter and full year<br>earnings of \\$1.19bn, up 36<br>per cent on the previous<br>quarter. Full year profit rose<br>52 per cent from the previous<br>year to \\$4.55bn."
"Saddam Hussein lives in an<br>air-conditioned 10-by-13 foot<br>cell on the grounds of one of<br>his former palaces, tending<br>plants and proclaiming himself<br>Iraq's lawful ruler."
"Lehmann, who was at fault in<br>two matches in the tournament<br>last season, was blundering<br>again with the German set to<br>take the rap for both Greek<br>goals."
"Calls to 13 other countries<br>will be blocked to thwart<br>auto-dialer software."
"AP - Brazilian U.N.<br>peacekeepers will remain in<br>Haiti until presidential<br>elections are held in that<br>Caribbean nation sometime next<br>year, President Luiz Inacio<br>Lula da Silva said Monday."
"com September 27, 2004, 5:00<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
"Jeju Island, South Korea<br>(Sports Network) - Grace Park<br>and Carin Koch posted matching<br>rounds of six-under-par 66 on<br>Friday to share the lead after<br>the first round of the CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
" - The Zero Gravity<br>Corporation \\ has been given<br>the thumbs up by the Federal<br>Aviation Administration (FAA)<br>to \\ conduct quot;weightless<br>flights quot; for the general<br>public, providing the \\<br>sensation of floating in<br>space."
"A 32-year-old woman in Belgium<br>has become the first woman<br>ever to give birth after<br>having ovarian tissue removed,<br>frozen and then implanted back<br>in her body."
"Argosy Gaming (AGY:NYSE - news<br>- research) jumped in early<br>trading Thursday, after the<br>company agreed to be acquired<br>by Penn National Gaming<br>(PENN:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) in a \\$1."
"No sweat, says the new CEO,<br>who's imported from IBM. He<br>also knows this will be the<br>challenge of a lifetime."
"Iraq is quot;working 24 hours<br>a day to ... stop the<br>terrorists, quot; interim<br>Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad<br>Allawi said Monday. Iraqis are<br>pushing ahead with reforms and<br>improvements, Allawi told"
"AP - Their discoveries may be<br>hard for many to comprehend,<br>but this year's Nobel Prize<br>winners still have to explain<br>what they did and how they did<br>it."
"The DuPont Co. has agreed to<br>pay up to \\$340 million to<br>settle a lawsuit that it<br>contaminated water supplies in<br>West Virginia and Ohio with a<br>chemical used to make Teflon,<br>one of its best-known brands."
"Benfica and Real Madrid set<br>the standard for soccer<br>success in Europe in the late<br>1950s and early #39;60s. The<br>clubs have evolved much<br>differently, but both have<br>struggled"
"AP - Musicians, composers and<br>authors were among the more<br>than two dozen people<br>Wednesday honored with<br>National Medal of Arts and<br>National Humanities awards at<br>the White House."
"More than 15 million homes in<br>the UK will be able to get on-<br>demand movies by 2008, say<br>analysts."
"Wynton Marsalis, the trumpet-<br>playing star and artistic<br>director of Jazz at Lincoln<br>Center, has become an entity<br>above and around the daily<br>jazz world."
"A well-researched study by the<br>National Academy of Sciences<br>makes a persuasive case for<br>refurbishing the Hubble Space<br>Telescope. NASA, which is<br>reluctant to take this<br>mission, should rethink its<br>position."
"BUENOS AIRES: Pakistan has<br>ratified the Kyoto Protocol on<br>Climatic Change, Environment<br>Minister Malik Khan said on<br>Thursday. He said that<br>Islamabad has notified UN<br>authorities of ratification,<br>which formally comes into<br>effect in February 2005."
"Reuters - Jeffrey Greenberg,<br>chairman and chief\\executive<br>of embattled insurance broker<br>Marsh McLennan Cos.\\, is<br>expected to step down within<br>hours, a newspaper\\reported on<br>Friday, citing people close to<br>the discussions."
"Staff Sgt. Johnny Horne, Jr.,<br>and Staff Sgt. Cardenas Alban<br>have been charged with murder<br>in the death of an Iraqi, the<br>1st Cavalry Division announced<br>Monday."
"LONDON -- In a deal that<br>appears to buck the growing<br>trend among governments to<br>adopt open-source<br>alternatives, the U.K.'s<br>Office of Government Commerce<br>(OGC) is negotiating a renewal<br>of a three-year agreement with<br>Microsoft Corp."
"WASHINGTON - A Pennsylvania<br>law requiring Internet service<br>providers (ISPs) to block Web<br>sites the state's prosecuting<br>attorneys deem to be child<br>pornography has been reversed<br>by a U.S. federal court, with<br>the judge ruling the law<br>violated free speech rights."
"The Microsoft Corp. chairman<br>receives four million e-mails<br>a day, but practically an<br>entire department at the<br>company he founded is<br>dedicated to ensuring that<br>nothing unwanted gets into his<br>inbox, the company #39;s chief<br>executive said Thursday."
"The 7100t has a mobile phone,<br>e-mail, instant messaging, Web<br>browsing and functions as an<br>organiser. The device looks<br>like a mobile phone and has<br>the features of the other<br>BlackBerry models, with a<br>large screen"
"President Vladimir Putin makes<br>a speech as he hosts Russia<br>#39;s Olympic athletes at a<br>Kremlin banquet in Moscow,<br>Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004."
"Apple Computer has unveiled<br>two new versions of its hugely<br>successful iPod: the iPod<br>Photo and the U2 iPod. Apple<br>also has expanded"
"Pakistan are closing in fast<br>on Sri Lanka #39;s first<br>innings total after impressing<br>with both ball and bat on the<br>second day of the opening Test<br>in Faisalabad."
"A state regulatory board<br>yesterday handed a five-year<br>suspension to a Lawrence<br>funeral director accused of<br>unprofessional conduct and<br>deceptive practices, including<br>one case where he refused to<br>complete funeral arrangements<br>for a client because she had<br>purchased a lower-priced<br>casket elsewhere."
"AP - This year's hurricanes<br>spread citrus canker to at<br>least 11,000 trees in<br>Charlotte County, one of the<br>largest outbreaks of the<br>fruit-damaging infection to<br>ever affect Florida's citrus<br>industry, state officials<br>said."
"AFP - Hundreds of Buddhists in<br>southern Russia marched<br>through snow to see and hear<br>the Dalai Lama as he continued<br>a long-awaited visit to the<br>country in spite of Chinese<br>protests."
"British officials were on<br>diplomatic tenterhooks as they<br>awaited the arrival on<br>Thursday of French President<br>Jacques Chirac for a two-day<br>state visit to Britain."
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - A group of<br>women on Pitcairn Island in<br>the South Pacific are standing<br>by their men, who face<br>underage sex charges, saying<br>having sex at age 12 is a<br>tradition dating back to 18th<br>century mutineers who settled<br>on the island."
"Two aircraft are flying out<br>from the UK on Sunday to<br>deliver vital aid and supplies<br>to Haiti, which has been<br>devastated by tropical storm<br>Jeanne."
"A scare triggered by a<br>vibrating sex toy shut down a<br>major Australian regional<br>airport for almost an hour<br>Monday, police said. The<br>vibrating object was<br>discovered Monday morning"
"IBM moved back into the iSCSI<br>(Internet SCSI) market Friday<br>with a new array priced at<br>US\\$3,000 and aimed at the<br>small and midsize business<br>market."
"Ron Artest has been hit with a<br>season long suspension,<br>unprecedented for the NBA<br>outside doping cases; Stephen<br>Jackson banned for 30 games;<br>Jermaine O #39;Neal for 25<br>games and Anthony Johnson for<br>five."
"The California Public<br>Utilities Commission on<br>Thursday upheld a \\$12.1<br>million fine against Cingular<br>Wireless, related to a two-<br>year investigation into the<br>cellular telephone company<br>#39;s business practices."
"Barclays, the British bank<br>that left South Africa in 1986<br>after apartheid protests, may<br>soon resume retail operations<br>in the nation."
"AP - An Indiana congressional<br>candidate abruptly walked off<br>the set of a debate because<br>she got stage fright."
"Italian-based Parmalat is<br>suing its former auditors --<br>Grant Thornton International<br>and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu<br>-- for billions of dollars in<br>damages. Parmalat blames its<br>demise on the two companies<br>#39; mismanagement of its<br>finances."
"Reuters - Having reached out<br>to Kashmiris during a two-day<br>visit to the region, the prime<br>minister heads this weekend to<br>the country's volatile<br>northeast, where public anger<br>is high over alleged abuses by<br>Indian soldiers."
"SAN JUAN IXTAYOPAN, Mexico --<br>A pair of wooden crosses<br>outside the elementary school<br>are all that mark the macabre<br>site where, just weeks ago, an<br>angry mob captured two federal<br>police officers, beat them<br>unconscious, and set them on<br>fire."
"Three shots behind Grace Park<br>with five holes to go, six-<br>time LPGA player of the year<br>Sorenstam rallied with an<br>eagle, birdie and three pars<br>to win her fourth Samsung<br>World Championship by three<br>shots over Park on Sunday."
"update An alliance of<br>technology workers on Tuesday<br>accused conglomerate Honeywell<br>International of planning to<br>move thousands of jobs to low-<br>cost regions over the next<br>five years--a charge that<br>Honeywell denies."
"NSW Rugby CEO Fraser Neill<br>believes Waratah star Mat<br>Rogers has learned his lesson<br>after he was fined and ordered<br>to do community service<br>following his controversial<br>comments about the club rugby<br>competition."
"American Technology Research<br>analyst Shaw Wu has initiated<br>coverage of Apple Computer<br>(AAPL) with a #39;buy #39;<br>recommendation, and a 12-month<br>target of US\\$78 per share."
" - Cell<br>phone shoppers looking for new<br>deals and features didn't find<br>them yesterday, a day after<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc. announced<br>a merger that the phone<br>companies promised would shake<br>up the wireless business."
"ATHENS: China, the dominant<br>force in world diving for the<br>best part of 20 years, won six<br>out of eight Olympic titles in<br>Athens and prompted<br>speculation about a clean<br>sweep when they stage the<br>Games in Beijing in 2008."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http<br>://<br>llQuote.aspx?ticker=NOC.N targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;NOC.N&lt;/A&gt; reported<br>higher third-quarter earnings<br>on Wednesday and an 11<br>percent increase in sales on<br>strength in its mission<br>systems, integrated systems,<br>ships and space technology<br>businesses."
"JAPANESE GIANT Sharp has<br>pulled the plug on its Linux-<br>based PDAs in the United<br>States as no-one seems to want<br>them. The company said that it<br>will continue to sell them in<br>Japan where they sell like hot<br>cakes"
"DUBLIN : An Olympic Airlines<br>plane diverted to Ireland<br>following a bomb alert, the<br>second faced by the Greek<br>carrier in four days, resumed<br>its journey to New York after<br>no device was found on board,<br>airport officials said."
"New NavOne offers handy PDA<br>and Pocket PC connectivity,<br>but fails to impress on<br>everything else."
"TORONTO (CP) - Shares of<br>Iamgold fell more than 10 per<br>cent after its proposed merger<br>with Gold Fields Ltd. was<br>thrown into doubt Monday as<br>South Africa #39;s Harmony<br>Gold Mining Company Ltd."
"The Marvel deal calls for<br>Mforma to work with the comic<br>book giant to develop a<br>variety of mobile applications<br>based on Marvel content."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>tumbled again on Monday to an<br>8-week low under \\$46 a<br>barrel, as growing fuel stocks<br>in the United States eased<br>fears of a winter supply<br>crunch."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States said on Friday<br>it is preparing a new U.N.<br>resolution on Darfur and that<br>Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell might address next week<br>whether the violence in<br>western Sudan constitutes<br>genocide."
"The Houston Astros won their<br>19th straight game at home and<br>are one game from winning<br>their first playoff series in<br>42 years."
" - The<br>Portable Media Center -- a<br>new, Microsoft-conceived<br>handheld device that presents<br>video and photos as well as<br>music -- would be a decent<br>idea if there weren't such a<br>thing as lampposts. Or street<br>signs. Or trees. Or other<br>cars."
"Alcoa Inc., one of the world<br>#39;s top producers of<br>aluminum, said Monday that it<br>received an unsolicited<br>quot;mini-tender quot; offer<br>from Toronto-based TRC Capital<br>Corp."
"The European Commission is to<br>warn Greece about publishing<br>false information about its<br>public finances."
"The Air Force Reserve #39;s<br>Hurricane Hunters, those<br>fearless crews who dive into<br>the eyewalls of hurricanes to<br>relay critical data on<br>tropical systems, were chased<br>from their base on the<br>Mississippi Gulf Coast by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
" LONDON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>shares were expected to open<br>lower on Wednesday after<br>crude oil pushed to a fresh<br>high overnight, while Web<br>search engine Google Inc.<br>dented sentiment as it<br>slashed the price range on its<br>initial public offering."
"The eighth-seeded American<br>fell to sixth-seeded Elena<br>Dementieva of Russia, 0-6 6-2<br>7-6 (7-5), on Friday - despite<br>being up a break on four<br>occasions in the third set."
"TUCSON, Arizona (Ticker) --<br>No. 20 Arizona State tries to<br>post its first three-game<br>winning streak over Pac-10<br>Conference rival Arizona in 26<br>years when they meet Friday."
"NAJAF, Iraq : Iraq #39;s top<br>Shiite Muslim clerics, back in<br>control of Najaf #39;s Imam<br>Ali shrine after a four-month<br>militia occupation, met amid<br>the ruins of the city as life<br>spluttered back to normality."
"Embargo or not, Fidel Castro's<br>socialist paradise has quietly<br>become a pharmaceutical<br>powerhouse. (They're still<br>working on the capitalism<br>thing.) By Douglas Starr from<br>Wired magazine."
"AP - Phillip Fulmer kept his<br>cool when starting center<br>Jason Respert drove off in the<br>coach's golf cart at practice."
"GOALS from Wayne Rooney and<br>Ruud van Nistelrooy gave<br>Manchester United the win at<br>Newcastle. Alan Shearer<br>briefly levelled matters for<br>the Magpies but United managed<br>to scrape through."
"The telemarketer at the other<br>end of Orlando Castelblanco<br>#39;s line promised to reduce<br>the consumer #39;s credit card<br>debt by at least \\$2,500 and<br>get his 20 percent -- and<br>growing -- interest rates down<br>to single digits."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Blue-<br>chip stocks fell slightly on<br>Monday after No. 1 retailer<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WMT<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>reported lower-than-expected<br>Thanksgiving sales, while<br>technology shares were lifted<br>by a rally in Apple Computer<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AAPL.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AA<br>PL.O&lt;/A&gt;."
"Reuters - House of<br>Representatives<br>Majority\\Leader Tom DeLay,<br>admonished twice in six days<br>by his chamber's\\ethics<br>committee, withstood calls on<br>Thursday by rival\\Democrats<br>and citizen groups that he<br>step aside."
"WPP Group Inc., the world<br>#39;s second- largest<br>marketing and advertising<br>company, said it won the<br>bidding for Grey Global Group<br>Inc."
"AFP - Australia has accounted<br>for all its nationals known to<br>be working in Iraq following a<br>claim by a radical Islamic<br>group to have kidnapped two<br>Australians, Foreign Affairs<br>Minister Alexander Downer<br>said."
"A new worm can spy on users by<br>hijacking their Web cameras, a<br>security firm warned Monday.<br>The worm -- the latest<br>in a long line of similar<br>worms; one security firm<br>estimates that more than 4,000<br>variations"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks<br>were slightly lower on<br>Tuesday, as concerns about<br>higher oil prices cutting into<br>corporate profits and<br>consumer demand weighed on<br>sentiment, while retail sales<br>posted a larger-than-expected<br>decline in August."
"The separation of PalmOne and<br>PalmSource will be complete<br>with Eric Benhamou's<br>resignation as the latter's<br>chairman."
"AP - Two-time U.S. Open<br>doubles champion Max Mirnyi<br>will lead the Belarus team<br>that faces the United States<br>in the Davis Cup semifinals in<br>Charleston later this month."
"The hurricane appeared to be<br>strengthening and forecasters<br>warned of an increased threat<br>of serious flooding and wind<br>damage."
"AP - New York Jets safety Erik<br>Coleman got his souvenir<br>football from the equipment<br>manager and held it tightly."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil<br>prices climbed above \\$42 a<br>barrel on Wednesday, rising<br>for the third day in a row as<br>the heavy consuming U.S.<br>Northeast feels the first<br>chills of winter."
"\\\\\"(CNN) -- A longtime<br>associate of al Qaeda leader<br>Osama bin Laden surrendered<br>to\\Saudi Arabian officials<br>Tuesday, a Saudi Interior<br>Ministry official said.\"\\\\\"But<br>it is unclear what role, if<br>any, Khaled al-Harbi may have<br>had in any terror\\attacks<br>because no public charges have<br>been filed against him.\"\\\\\"The<br>Saudi government -- in a<br>statement released by its<br>embassy in Washington<br>--\\called al-Harbi's surrender<br>\"the latest direct result\" of<br>its limited, one-month\\offer<br>of leniency to terror<br>suspects.\"\\\\This is great! I<br>hope this really starts to pay<br>off. Creative solutions<br>to\\terrorism that don't<br>involve violence. \\\\How<br>refreshing! \\\\Are you paying<br>attention Bush<br>administration?\\\\"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Merck<br>Co Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>e.aspx?ticker=MRK.N target=/st<br>ocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;M<br>RK.N&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>pulled its arthritis drug<br>Vioxx off the market after a<br>study showed it doubled the<br>risk of heart attack and<br>stroke, a move that sent its<br>shares plunging and erased<br>\\$25 billion from its market<br>value."
"AT T Corp. is cutting 7,400<br>more jobs and slashing the<br>book value of its assets by<br>\\$11.4 billion, drastic moves<br>prompted by the company's plan<br>to retreat from the<br>traditional consumer telephone<br>business following a lost<br>court battle."
"The government on Wednesday<br>defended its decision to<br>radically revise the country<br>#39;s deficit figures, ahead<br>of a European Commission<br>meeting to consider possible<br>disciplinary action against<br>Greece for submitting faulty<br>figures."
"Ivan Hlinka coached the Czech<br>Republic to the hockey gold<br>medal at the 1998 Nagano<br>Olympics and became the coach<br>of the Pittsburgh Penguins two<br>years later."
"Four homeless men were<br>bludgeoned to death and six<br>were in critical condition on<br>Friday following early morning<br>attacks by unknown assailants<br>in downtown streets of Sao<br>Paulo, a police spokesman<br>said."
"OPEC ministers yesterday<br>agreed to increase their<br>ceiling for oil production to<br>help bring down stubbornly<br>high prices in a decision that<br>traders and analysts dismissed<br>as symbolic because the cartel<br>already is pumping more than<br>its new target."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc. said<br>second- quarter profit rose 55<br>percent, boosted by the<br>addition of Pottery Barn<br>stores and sale of outdoor<br>furniture."
"Celerons form the basis of<br>Intel #39;s entry-level<br>platform which includes<br>integrated/value motherboards<br>as well. The Celeron 335D is<br>the fastest - until the<br>Celeron 340D - 2.93GHz -<br>becomes mainstream - of the"
"The entertainment industry<br>asks the Supreme Court to<br>reverse the Grokster decision,<br>which held that peer-to-peer<br>networks are not liable for<br>copyright abuses of their<br>users. By Michael Grebb."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - China's largest<br>personal computer maker,<br>Lenovo Group Ltd., said on<br>Tuesday it was in acquisition<br>talks with a major technology<br>company, which a source<br>familiar with the situation<br>said was IBM."
"Phone companies are not doing<br>enough to warn customers about<br>internet \"rogue-dialling\"<br>scams, watchdog Icstis warns."
"Reuters - Oil prices stayed<br>close to #36;49 a\\barrel on<br>Thursday, supported by a<br>forecast for an early<br>cold\\snap in the United States<br>that could put a strain on a<br>thin\\supply cushion of winter<br>heating fuel."
"AUBURN - Ah, easy street. No<br>game this week. Light<br>practices. And now Auburn is<br>being touted as the No. 3 team<br>in the Bowl Championship<br>Series standings."
"Portsmouth #39;s Harry<br>Redknapp has been named as the<br>Barclays manager of the month<br>for October. Redknapp #39;s<br>side were unbeaten during the<br>month and maintained an<br>impressive climb to ninth in<br>the Premiership."
"India's main opposition party<br>takes action against senior<br>party member Uma Bharti after<br>a public row."
"Hewlett-Packard will shell out<br>\\$16.1 billion for chips in<br>2005, but Dell's wallet is<br>wide open, too."
"WASHINGTON (CBS.MW) --<br>President Bush announced<br>Monday that Kellogg chief<br>executive Carlos Gutierrez<br>would replace Don Evans as<br>Commerce secretary, naming the<br>first of many expected changes<br>to his economic team."
"Iron Mountain moved further<br>into the backup and recovery<br>space Tuesday with the<br>acquisition of Connected Corp.<br>for \\$117 million. Connected<br>backs up desktop data for more<br>than 600 corporations, with<br>more than"
"Three directors of Manchester<br>United have been ousted from<br>the board after US tycoon<br>Malcolm Glazer, who is<br>attempting to buy the club,<br>voted against their re-<br>election."
"The Russian military yesterday<br>extended its offer of a \\$10<br>million reward for information<br>leading to the capture of two<br>separatist leaders who, the<br>Kremlin claims, were behind<br>the Beslan massacre."
"AP - Manny Ramirez singled and<br>scored before leaving with a<br>bruised knee, and the<br>streaking Boston Red Sox beat<br>the Detroit Tigers 5-3 Friday<br>night for their 10th victory<br>in 11 games."
"A remote attacker could take<br>complete control over<br>computers running many<br>versions of Microsoft software<br>by inserting malicious code in<br>a JPEG image that executes<br>through an unchecked buffer"
"Montgomery County (website -<br>news) is a big step closer to<br>shopping for prescription<br>drugs north of the border. On<br>a 7-2 vote, the County Council<br>is approving a plan that would<br>give county"
"Israels Shin Bet security<br>service has tightened<br>protection of the prime<br>minister, MPs and parliament<br>ahead of next weeks crucial<br>vote on a Gaza withdrawal."
"The news comes fast and<br>furious. Pedro Martinez goes<br>to Tampa to visit George<br>Steinbrenner. Theo Epstein and<br>John Henry go to Florida for<br>their turn with Pedro. Carl<br>Pavano comes to Boston to<br>visit Curt Schilling. Jason<br>Varitek says he's not a goner.<br>Derek Lowe is a goner, but he<br>says he wishes it could be<br>different. Orlando Cabrera ..."
"The disclosure this week that<br>a Singapore-listed company<br>controlled by a Chinese state-<br>owned enterprise lost \\$550<br>million in derivatives<br>transactions"
"Reuters - Iraq's interim<br>defense minister<br>accused\\neighbors Iran and<br>Syria on Wednesday of aiding<br>al Qaeda\\Islamist Abu Musab<br>al-Zarqawi and former agents<br>of Saddam\\Hussein to promote a<br>\"terrorist\" insurgency in<br>Iraq."
"AP - The Senate race in<br>Kentucky stayed at fever pitch<br>on Thursday as Democratic<br>challenger Daniel Mongiardo<br>stressed his opposition to gay<br>marriage while accusing<br>Republican incumbent Jim<br>Bunning of fueling personal<br>attacks that seemed to suggest<br>Mongiardo is gay."
"The lawsuit claims the<br>companies use a patented<br>Honeywell technology for<br>brightening images and<br>reducing interference on<br>displays."
"The co-president of Oracle<br>testified that her company was<br>serious about its takeover<br>offer for PeopleSoft and was<br>not trying to scare off its<br>customers."
"VANCOUVER - A Vancouver-based<br>firm won #39;t sell 1.2<br>million doses of influenza<br>vaccine to the United States<br>after all, announcing Tuesday<br>that it will sell the doses<br>within Canada instead."
"An extremely rare Hawaiian<br>bird dies in captivity,<br>possibly marking the<br>extinction of its entire<br>species only 31 years after it<br>was first discovered."
"Does Geico's trademark lawsuit<br>against Google have merit? How<br>will the case be argued?<br>What's the likely outcome of<br>the trial? A mock court of<br>trademark experts weighs in<br>with their verdict."
"Treo 650 boasts a high-res<br>display, an improved keyboard<br>and camera, a removable<br>battery, and more. PalmOne<br>this week is announcing the<br>Treo 650, a hybrid PDA/cell-<br>phone device that addresses<br>many of the shortcomings"
"FRED Hale Sr, documented as<br>the worlds oldest man, has<br>died at the age of 113. Hale<br>died in his sleep on Friday at<br>a hospital in Syracuse, New<br>York, while trying to recover<br>from a bout of pneumonia, his<br>grandson, Fred Hale III said."
"The Oakland Raiders have<br>traded Jerry Rice to the<br>Seattle Seahawks in a move<br>expected to grant the most<br>prolific receiver in National<br>Football League history his<br>wish to get more playing time."
"consortium led by the Sony<br>Corporation of America reached<br>a tentative agreement today to<br>buy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the<br>Hollywood studio famous for<br>James Bond and the Pink<br>Panther, for"
"International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s possible exit<br>from the personal computer<br>business would be the latest<br>move in what amounts to a long<br>goodbye from a field it<br>pioneered and revolutionized."
"Leipzig Game Convention in<br>Germany, the stage for price-<br>slash revelations. Sony has<br>announced that it #39;s<br>slashing the cost of PS2 in<br>the UK and Europe to 104.99<br>GBP."
"AP - Florida coach Ron Zook<br>was fired Monday but will be<br>allowed to finish the season,<br>athletic director Jeremy Foley<br>told The Gainesville Sun."
"The country-cooking restaurant<br>chain has agreed to pay \\$8.7<br>million over allegations that<br>it segregated black customers,<br>subjected them to racial slurs<br>and gave black workers<br>inferior jobs."
"Troy Brown has had to make a<br>lot of adjustments while<br>playing both sides of the<br>football. quot;You always<br>want to score when you get the<br>ball -- offense or defense"
" PORT LOUIS, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- Southern<br>African countries Tuesday<br>pledged better trade and<br>investment relations with<br>China as well as India in the<br>final communique released at<br>the end of their two-day<br>summit."
"In yet another devastating<br>body blow to the company,<br>Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) announced<br>it would be canceling its<br>4-GHz Pentium chip. The<br>semiconductor bellwether said<br>it was switching"
"Jenson Button will tomorrow<br>discover whether he is allowed<br>to quit BAR and move to<br>Williams for 2005. The<br>Englishman has signed<br>contracts with both teams but<br>prefers a switch to Williams,<br>where he began his Formula One<br>career in 2000."
"Seagate #39;s native SATA<br>interface technology with<br>Native Command Queuing (NCQ)<br>allows the Barracuda 7200.8 to<br>match the performance of<br>10,000-rpm SATA drives without<br>sacrificing capacity"
"ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger<br>last night suffered a<br>Champions League setback as<br>Brazilian midfielder Gilberto<br>Silva (above) was left facing<br>a long-term injury absence."
"BAGHDAD - A militant group has<br>released a video saying it<br>kidnapped a missing journalist<br>in Iraq and would kill him<br>unless US forces left Najaf<br>within 48 hours."
"18 August 2004 -- There has<br>been renewed fighting in the<br>Iraqi city of Al-Najaf between<br>US and Iraqi troops and Shi<br>#39;a militiamen loyal to<br>radical cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"You #39;re probably already<br>familiar with one of the most<br>common questions we hear at<br>iPodlounge: quot;how can I<br>load my iPod up with free<br>music?"
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) -<br>Investors bought shares in<br>Asian exporters and<br>electronics firms such as<br>Fujitsu Ltd. on Tuesday,<br>buoyed by a favorable outlook<br>from U.S. technology<br>bellwethers and a slide in oil<br>prices."
"Ace Ltd. will stop paying<br>brokers for steering business<br>its way, becoming the third<br>company to make concessions in<br>the five days since New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>unveiled a probe of the<br>insurance industry."
"Vice chairman of the office of<br>the chief executive officer in<br>Novell Inc, Chris Stone is<br>leaving the company to pursue<br>other opportunities in life."
"Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of chewing<br>gum, agreed to buy candy<br>businesses including Altoids<br>mints and Life Savers from<br>Kraft Foods Inc."
"American improves to 3-1 on<br>the season with a hard-fought<br>overtime win, 74-63, against<br>Loyala at Bender Arena on<br>Friday night."
"Australia tighten their grip<br>on the third Test and the<br>series after dominating India<br>on day two in Nagpur."
" #39;Reaching a preliminary<br>pilot agreement is the single<br>most important hurdle they<br>have to clear, but certainly<br>not the only one."
"Bee Staff Writers. SAN<br>FRANCISCO - As Eric Johnson<br>drove to the stadium Sunday<br>morning, his bruised ribs were<br>so sore, he wasn #39;t sure he<br>#39;d be able to suit up for<br>the game."
"The New England Patriots are<br>so single-minded in pursuing<br>their third Super Bowl triumph<br>in four years that they almost<br>have no room for any other<br>history."
"TORONTO (CP) - Canada #39;s<br>big banks are increasing<br>mortgage rates following a<br>decision by the Bank of Canada<br>to raise its overnight rate by<br>one-quarter of a percentage<br>point to 2.25 per cent."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - North<br>Korea's two-year-old nuclear<br>crisis has taxed the world's<br>patience, the chief United<br>Nations nuclear regulator<br>said on Wednesday, urging<br>communist Pyongyang to return<br>to its disarmament treaty<br>obligations."
" - Microsoft<br>is going to Tinseltown today<br>to announce plans for its<br>revamped Windows XP Media<br>Center, part of an aggressive<br>push to get ahead in the<br>digital entertainment race."
"GROZNY, Russia - The Russian<br>government's choice for<br>president of war-ravaged<br>Chechnya appeared to be the<br>victor Sunday in an election<br>tainted by charges of fraud<br>and shadowed by last week's<br>terrorist destruction of two<br>airliners. Little more than<br>two hours after polls closed,<br>acting Chechen president<br>Sergei Abramov said<br>preliminary results showed<br>Maj..."
"Because, while the Eagles are<br>certain to stumble at some<br>point during the regular<br>season, it seems inconceivable<br>that they will falter against<br>a team with as many offensive<br>problems as Baltimore has<br>right now."
"AP - J.J. Arrington ran for 84<br>of his 121 yards in the second<br>half and Aaron Rodgers shook<br>off a slow start to throw two<br>touchdown passes to help No. 5<br>California beat Washington<br>42-12 on Saturday."
"BAGHDAD, Sept 5 (AFP) - Izzat<br>Ibrahim al-Duri, Saddam<br>Hussein #39;s deputy whose<br>capture was announced Sunday,<br>is 62 and riddled with cancer,<br>but was public enemy number<br>two in Iraq for the world<br>#39;s most powerful military."
"AP - An explosion targeted the<br>Baghdad governor's convoy as<br>he was traveling through the<br>capital Tuesday, killing two<br>people but leaving him<br>uninjured, the Interior<br>Ministry said."
"GENEVA: Rescuers have found<br>the bodies of five Swiss<br>firemen who died after the<br>ceiling of an underground car<br>park collapsed during a fire,<br>a police spokesman said last<br>night."
"John Kerry has held 10 \"front<br>porch visit\" events an actual<br>front porch is optional where<br>perhaps 100 people ask<br>questions in a low-key<br>campaigning style."
"AP - Most of the turkeys<br>gracing the nation's dinner<br>tables Thursday have been<br>selectively bred for their<br>white meat for so many<br>generations that simply<br>walking can be a problem for<br>many of the big-breasted birds<br>and sex is no longer possible."
"OTTAWA (CP) - The economy<br>created another 43,000 jobs<br>last month, pushing the<br>unemployment rate down to 7.1<br>per cent from 7.2 per cent in<br>August, Statistics Canada said<br>Friday."
"The right-win opposition<br>Conservative Party and Liberal<br>Center Union won 43 seats in<br>the 141-member Lithuanian<br>parliament, after more than 99<br>percent of the votes were<br>counted"
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's<br>Nikkei average rose 0.39<br>percent by midsession on<br>Friday, bolstered by solid<br>gains in stocks dependent on<br>domestic business such as Kao<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=4452.T target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;44<br>52.T&lt;/A&gt;."
" FRANKFURT (Reuters) -<br>DaimlerChrysler and General<br>Motors will jointly develop<br>new hybrid motors to compete<br>against Japanese rivals on<br>the fuel-saving technology<br>that reduces harmful<br>emissions, the companies said<br>on Monday."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.r<br><br>p.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>is making a renewed push this<br>week to get its software into<br>living rooms with the launch<br>of a new version of its<br>Windows XP Media Center, a<br>personal computer designed for<br>viewing movies, listening to<br>music and scrolling through<br>digital pictures."
"KHARTOUM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>The United Nations said on<br>Wednesday it was very<br>concerned by Sudan #39;s lack<br>of practical progress in<br>bringing security to Darfur,<br>where more than a million<br>people have fled their homes<br>for fear of militia ..."
"SHANGHAI, China The Houston<br>Rockets have arrived in<br>Shanghai with hometown<br>favorite Yao Ming declaring<br>himself quot;here on<br>business."
"Charleston, SC (Sports<br>Network) - Andy Roddick and<br>Mardy Fish will play singles<br>for the United States in this<br>weekend #39;s Davis Cup<br>semifinal matchup against<br>Belarus."
"AFP - With less than two<br>months until the November 2<br>election, President George W.<br>Bush is working to shore up<br>support among his staunchest<br>supporters even as he courts<br>undecided voters."
"The bass should be in your<br>face. That's what Matt Kelly,<br>of Boston's popular punk rock<br>band Dropkick Murphys, thinks<br>is the mark of a great stereo<br>system. And he should know.<br>Kelly, 29, is the drummer for<br>the band that likes to think<br>of itself as a bit of an Irish<br>lucky charm for the Red Sox."
"Chile's government says it<br>will build a prison for<br>officers convicted of human<br>rights abuses in the Pinochet<br>era."
"Slumping corporate spending<br>and exports caused the economy<br>to slow to a crawl in the<br>July-September period, with<br>real gross domestic product<br>expanding just 0.1 percent<br>from the previous quarter,<br>Cabinet Office data showed<br>Friday."
"US President George W. Bush<br>signed into law a bill<br>replacing an export tax<br>subsidy that violated<br>international trade rules with<br>a \\$145 billion package of new<br>corporate tax cuts and a<br>buyout for tobacco farmers."
"The Nikkei average was up 0.37<br>percent in mid-morning trade<br>on Thursday as a recovery in<br>the dollar helped auto makers<br>among other exporters, but<br>trade was slow as investors<br>waited for important Japanese<br>economic data."
"Jennifer Canada knew she was<br>entering a boy's club when she<br>enrolled in Southern Methodist<br>University's Guildhall school<br>of video-game making."
"RICKY PONTING believes the<br>game #39;s watchers have<br>fallen for the quot;myth<br>quot; that New Zealand know<br>how to rattle Australia."
"MILWAUKEE (SportsTicker) -<br>Barry Bonds tries to go where<br>just two players have gone<br>before when the San Francisco<br>Giants visit the Milwaukee<br>Brewers on Tuesday."
"Palestinian leader Mahmoud<br>Abbas reiterated calls for his<br>people to drop their weapons<br>in the struggle for a state. a<br>clear change of strategy for<br>peace with Israel after Yasser<br>Arafat #39;s death."
"The new software is designed<br>to simplify the process of<br>knitting together back-office<br>business applications."
"SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Colorado<br>Group Ltd. (CDO.AU), an<br>Australian footwear and<br>clothing retailer, said Monday<br>it expects net profit for the<br>fiscal year ending Jan. 29 to<br>be over 30 higher than that of<br>a year earlier."
"NEW YORK - What are the odds<br>that a tiny nation like<br>Antigua and Barbuda could take<br>on the United States in an<br>international dispute and win?"
"AP - With Tom Brady as their<br>quarterback and a stingy,<br>opportunistic defense, it's<br>difficult to imagine when the<br>New England Patriots might<br>lose again. Brady and<br>defensive end Richard Seymour<br>combined to secure the<br>Patriots' record-tying 18th<br>straight victory, 31-17 over<br>the Buffalo Bills on Sunday."
"FRANKFURT, GERMANY -- The<br>German subsidiaries of<br>Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) and<br>Novell Inc. are teaming to<br>offer Linux-based products to<br>the country's huge public<br>sector."
"SBC Communications expects to<br>cut 10,000 or more jobs by the<br>end of next year through<br>layoffs and attrition. That<br>#39;s about six percent of the<br>San Antonio-based company<br>#39;s work force."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>U.S.-backed government said on<br>Tuesday that \"major neglect\"<br>by its American-led military<br>allies led to a massacre of 49<br>army recruits at the weekend."
" - \"I'm<br>back,\" declared Apple<br>Computer's Steve Jobs on<br>Thursday morning in his first<br>public appearance before<br>reporters since cancer surgery<br>in late July."
"BEIJING -- Police have<br>detained a man accused of<br>slashing as many as nine boys<br>to death as they slept in<br>their high school dormitory in<br>central China, state media<br>reported today."
"Health India: London, Nov 4 :<br>Cosmetic face cream used by<br>fashionable Roman women was<br>discovered at an ongoing<br>archaeological dig in London,<br>in a metal container, complete<br>with the lid and contents."
"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel<br>Sharon #39;s Likud party<br>agreed on Thursday to a<br>possible alliance with<br>opposition Labour in a vote<br>that averted a snap election<br>and strengthened his Gaza<br>withdrawal plan."
"Another United Airlines union<br>is seeking to oust senior<br>management at the troubled<br>airline, saying its strategies<br>are reckless and incompetent."
"Approaching Hurricane Ivan has<br>led to postponement of the<br>game Thursday night between<br>10th-ranked California and<br>Southern Mississippi in<br>Hattiesburg, Cal #39;s<br>athletic director said Monday."
"Global oil prices boomed on<br>Wednesday, spreading fear that<br>energy prices will restrain<br>economic activity, as traders<br>worried about a heating oil<br>supply crunch in the American<br>winter."
"Custom-designed imported<br>furniture was once an<br>exclusive realm. Now, it's the<br>economical alternative for<br>commercial developers and<br>designers needing everything<br>from seats to beds to desks<br>for their projects."
"SAN DIEGO (Ticker) - The San<br>Diego Padres lacked speed and<br>an experienced bench last<br>season, things veteran<br>infielder Eric Young is<br>capable of providing."
"This is an eye chart,<br>reprinted as a public service<br>to the New York Mets so they<br>may see from what they suffer:<br>myopia. Has ever a baseball<br>franchise been so shortsighted<br>for so long?"
"Short-term interest rate<br>futures struggled on Thursday<br>after a government report<br>showing US core inflation for<br>August below market<br>expectations failed to alter<br>views on Federal Reserve rate<br>policy."
"MacCentral - Microsoft's<br>Macintosh Business Unit on<br>Tuesday issued a patch for<br>Virtual PC 7 that fixes a<br>problem that occurred when<br>running the software on Power<br>Mac G5 computers with more<br>than 2GB of RAM installed.<br>Previously, Virtual PC 7 would<br>not run on those computers,<br>causing a fatal error that<br>crashed the application.<br>Microsoft also noted that<br>Virtual PC 7.0.1 also offers<br>stability improvements,<br>although it wasn't more<br>specific than that -- some<br>users have reported problems<br>with using USB devices and<br>other issues."
"Samsung is now the world #39;s<br>second-largest mobile phone<br>maker, behind Nokia. According<br>to market watcher Gartner, the<br>South Korean company has<br>finally knocked Motorola into<br>third place."
"Don't bother buying Star Wars:<br>Battlefront if you're looking<br>for a first-class shooter --<br>there are far better games out<br>there. But if you're a Star<br>Wars freak and need a fix,<br>this title will suffice. Lore<br>Sjberg reviews Battlefront."
"While the American forces are<br>preparing to launch a large-<br>scale attack against Falluja<br>and al-Ramadi, one of the<br>chieftains of Falluja said<br>that contacts are still<br>continuous yesterday between<br>members representing the city<br>#39;s delegation and the<br>interim"
"UN Security Council<br>ambassadors were still<br>quibbling over how best to<br>pressure Sudan and rebels to<br>end two different wars in the<br>country even as they left for<br>Kenya on Tuesday for a meeting<br>on the crisis."
"HENDALA, Sri Lanka -- Day<br>after day, locked in a cement<br>room somewhere in Iraq, the<br>hooded men beat him. They told<br>him he would be beheaded.<br>''Ameriqi! quot; they shouted,<br>even though he comes from this<br>poor Sri Lankan fishing<br>village."
"THE kidnappers of British aid<br>worker Margaret Hassan last<br>night threatened to turn her<br>over to the group which<br>beheaded Ken Bigley if the<br>British Government refuses to<br>pull its troops out of Iraq."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo<br>stocks climbed to a two week<br>high on Friday after Tokyo<br>Electron Ltd. and other chip-<br>related stocks were boosted<br>by a bullish revenue outlook<br>from industry leader Intel<br>Corp."
"More than by brain size or<br>tool-making ability, the human<br>species was set apart from its<br>ancestors by the ability to<br>jog mile after lung-stabbing<br>mile with greater endurance<br>than any other primate,<br>according to research<br>published today in the journal"
" LONDON (Reuters) - A medical<br>product used to treat both<br>male hair loss and prostate<br>problems has been added to the<br>list of banned drugs for<br>athletes."
"AP - Curtis Martin and Jerome<br>Bettis have the opportunity to<br>go over 13,000 career yards<br>rushing in the same game when<br>Bettis and the Pittsburgh<br>Steelers play Martin and the<br>New York Jets in a big AFC<br>matchup Sunday."
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) -<br>Ten Colombian police<br>officerswere killed on Tuesday<br>in an ambush by the National<br>LiberationArmy, or ELN, in the<br>worst attack by the Marxist<br>group inyears, authorities<br>told Reuters.&lt;/p&gt;"
"Woodland Hills-based Brilliant<br>Digital Entertainment and its<br>subsidiary Altnet announced<br>yesterday that they have filed<br>a patent infringement suit<br>against the Recording Industry<br>Association of America (RIAA)."
"AFP - US President George W.<br>Bush called his Philippines<br>counterpart Gloria Arroyo and<br>said their countries should<br>keep strong ties, a spokesman<br>said after a spat over<br>Arroyo's handling of an Iraq<br>kidnapping."
"A scathing judgment from the<br>UK #39;s highest court<br>condemning the UK government<br>#39;s indefinite detention of<br>foreign terror suspects as a<br>threat to the life of the<br>nation, left anti-terrorist<br>laws in the UK in tatters on<br>Thursday."
"Sony Ericsson and Cingular<br>provide Z500a phones and<br>service for military families<br>to stay connected on today<br>#39;s quot;Dr. Phil Show<br>quot;."
"Reuters - Australia's<br>conservative Prime<br>Minister\\John Howard, handed<br>the most powerful mandate in a<br>generation,\\got down to work<br>on Monday with reform of<br>telecommunications,\\labor and<br>media laws high on his agenda."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Typhoon<br>Megi killed one person as it<br>slammed ashore in northern<br>Japan on Friday, bringing the<br>death toll to at least 13 and<br>cutting power to thousands of<br>homes before heading out into<br>the Pacific."
"Cairo: Egyptian President<br>Hosni Mubarak held telephone<br>talks with Palestinian leader<br>Yasser Arafat about Israel<br>#39;s plan to pull troops and<br>the 8,000 Jewish settlers out<br>of the Gaza Strip next year,<br>the Egyptian news agency Mena<br>said."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Adobe<br>Systems Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:<br>//<br>lQuote.aspx?ticker=ADBE.O targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;ADBE.O&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Monday reported a sharp rise<br>in quarterly profit, driven by<br>robust demand for its<br>Photoshop and document-sharing<br>software."
"Dow Jones amp; Co., publisher<br>of The Wall Street Journal,<br>has agreed to buy online<br>financial news provider<br>MarketWatch Inc. for about<br>\\$463 million in a bid to<br>boost its revenue from the<br>fast-growing Internet<br>advertising market."
"The first American military<br>intelligence soldier to be<br>court-martialed over the Abu<br>Ghraib abuse scandal was<br>sentenced Saturday to eight<br>months in jail, a reduction in<br>rank and a bad-conduct<br>discharge."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will<br>seek an explanation at weekend<br>talks with North Korea on<br>activity indicating Pyongyang<br>may be preparing a missile<br>test, although Tokyo does not<br>think a launch is imminent,<br>Japan's top government<br>spokesman said."
"Michigan Stadium was mostly<br>filled with empty seats. The<br>only cheers were coming from<br>near one end zone -he Iowa<br>section. By Carlos Osorio, AP."
"The International Rugby Board<br>today confirmed that three<br>countries have expressed an<br>interest in hosting the 2011<br>World Cup. New Zealand, South<br>Africa and Japan are leading<br>the race to host rugby union<br>#39;s global spectacular in<br>seven years #39; time."
"Officials at EarthLink #39;s<br>(Quote, Chart) R amp;D<br>facility have quietly released<br>a proof-of-concept file-<br>sharing application based on<br>the Session Initiated Protocol<br>(define)."
"Low-fare airline ATA has<br>announced plans to lay off<br>hundreds of employees and to<br>drop most of its flights out<br>of Midway Airport in Chicago."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Iran will<br>never be prepared to<br>dismantle its nuclear program<br>entirely but remains committed<br>to the non-proliferation<br>treaty (NPT), its chief<br>delegate to the International<br>Atomic Energy Agency said on<br>Wednesday."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Germany's Bayer AG &lt;A HREF=<br>\"http://www.investor.reuters.c<br>om/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=BAYG.<br>DE target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;BAYG.DE&lt;/A&gt;<br>has agreed to plead guilty<br>and pay a \\$4.7 million fine<br>for taking part in a<br>conspiracy to fix the prices<br>of synthetic rubber, the U.S.<br>Justice Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"MIAMI (Ticker) -- In its first<br>season in the Atlantic Coast<br>Conference, No. 11 Virginia<br>Tech is headed to the BCS.<br>Bryan Randall threw two<br>touchdown passes and the<br>Virginia Tech defense came up<br>big all day as the Hokies<br>knocked off No."
"(CP) - Somehow, in the span of<br>half an hour, the Detroit<br>Tigers #39; pitching went from<br>brutal to brilliant. Shortly<br>after being on the wrong end<br>of several records in a 26-5<br>thrashing from to the Kansas<br>City"
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on<br>Saturdayreached into a throng<br>of squabbling bodyguards and<br>pulled aSecret Service agent<br>away from Chilean security<br>officers afterthey stopped the<br>U.S. agent from accompanying<br>the president ata<br>dinner.&lt;/p&gt;"
" quot;It #39;s your mail,<br>quot; the Google Web site<br>said. quot;You should be able<br>to choose how and where you<br>read it. You can even switch<br>to other e-mail services<br>without having to worry about<br>losing access to your<br>messages."
"The US oil giant got a good<br>price, Russia #39;s No. 1 oil<br>company acquired a savvy<br>partner, and Putin polished<br>Russia #39;s image."
"With the Huskies reeling at<br>0-4 - the only member of a<br>Bowl Championship Series<br>conference left without a win<br>-an Jose State suddenly looms<br>as the only team left on the<br>schedule that UW will be<br>favored to beat."
"Darryl Sutter, who coached the<br>Calgary Flames to the Stanley<br>Cup finals last season, had an<br>emergency appendectomy and was<br>recovering Friday."
"The maker of Hostess Twinkies,<br>a cake bar and a piece of<br>Americana children have<br>snacked on for almost 75<br>years, yesterday raised<br>concerns about the company<br>#39;s ability to stay in<br>business."
"Iranian deputy foreign<br>minister Gholamali Khoshrou<br>denied Tuesday that his<br>country #39;s top leaders were<br>at odds over whether nuclear<br>weapons were un-Islamic,<br>insisting that it will<br>quot;never quot; make the<br>bomb."
" quot;Israel mercenaries<br>assisting the Ivory Coast army<br>operated unmanned aircraft<br>that aided aerial bombings of<br>a French base in the country,<br>quot; claimed"
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - For the second<br>straight day a Briton captured<br>gold at the Olympic Velodrome.<br>Bradley Wiggins won the men<br>#39;s individual 4,000-meter<br>pursuit Saturday, one day<br>after teammate"
"AFP - SAP, the world's leading<br>maker of business software,<br>may need an extra year to<br>achieve its medium-term profit<br>target of an operating margin<br>of 30 percent, its chief<br>financial officer said."
"Tenet Healthcare Corp., the<br>second- largest US hospital<br>chain, said fourth-quarter<br>charges may exceed \\$1 billion<br>and its loss from continuing<br>operations will widen from the<br>third quarter #39;s because of<br>increased bad debt."
"AFP - The airline Swiss said<br>it had managed to cut its<br>first-half net loss by about<br>90 percent but warned that<br>spiralling fuel costs were<br>hampering a turnaround despite<br>increasing passenger travel."
"Vulnerable youngsters expelled<br>from schools in England are<br>being let down by the system,<br>say inspectors."
"Yasser Arafat was undergoing<br>tests for possible leukaemia<br>at a military hospital outside<br>Paris last night after being<br>airlifted from his Ramallah<br>headquarters to an anxious<br>farewell from Palestinian<br>well-wishers."
"The world #39;s only captive<br>great white shark made history<br>this week when she ate several<br>salmon fillets, marking the<br>first time that a white shark<br>in captivity"
"Nepal #39;s main opposition<br>party urged the government on<br>Monday to call a unilateral<br>ceasefire with Maoist rebels<br>and seek peace talks to end a<br>road blockade that has cut the<br>capital off from the rest of<br>the country."
"Communications aggregator<br>iPass said Monday that it is<br>adding in-flight Internet<br>access to its access<br>portfolio. Specifically, iPass<br>said it will add access<br>offered by Connexion by Boeing<br>to its list of access<br>providers."
"The London-based brokerage<br>Collins Stewart Tullett placed<br>55m of new shares yesterday to<br>help fund the 69.5m purchase<br>of the money and futures<br>broker Prebon."
"BOSTON - The New York Yankees<br>and Boston were tied 4-4 after<br>13 innings Monday night with<br>the Red Sox trying to stay<br>alive in the AL championship<br>series. Boston tied the<br>game with two runs in the<br>eighth inning on David Ortiz's<br>solo homer, a walk to Kevin<br>Millar, a single by Trot Nixon<br>and a sacrifice fly by Jason<br>Varitek..."
"A Steffen Iversen penalty was<br>sufficient to secure the<br>points for Norway at Hampden<br>on Saturday. James McFadden<br>was ordered off after 53<br>minutes for deliberate<br>handball as he punched Claus<br>Lundekvam #39;s header off the<br>line."
"Reuters - The country may be<br>more\\or less evenly divided<br>along partisan lines when it<br>comes to\\the presidential<br>race, but the Republican Party<br>prevailed in\\the Nielsen<br>polling of this summer's<br>nominating conventions."
" PARIS (Reuters) - European<br>equities flirted with 5-month<br>peaks as hopes that economic<br>growth was sustainable and a<br>small dip in oil prices<br>helped lure investors back to<br>recent underperformers such<br>as technology and insurance<br>stocks."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks looked to open higher<br>on Friday, as the fourth<br>quarter begins on Wall Street<br>with oil prices holding below<br>\\$50 a barrel."
"LONDON : World oil prices<br>stormed above 54 US dollars<br>for the first time Tuesday as<br>strikes in Nigeria and Norway<br>raised worries about possible<br>supply shortages during the<br>northern hemisphere winter."
"AP - Ailing St. Louis reliever<br>Steve Kline was unavailable<br>for Game 3 of the NL<br>championship series on<br>Saturday, but Cardinals<br>manager Tony LaRussa hopes the<br>left-hander will pitch later<br>this postseason."
"Company launches free test<br>version of service that<br>fosters popular Internet<br>activity."
"Outdated computer systems are<br>hampering the work of<br>inspectors, says the UN<br>nuclear agency."
" In Vice President Cheney's<br>final push before next<br>Tuesday's election, talk of<br>nuclear annihilation and<br>escalating war rhetoric have<br>blended with balloon drops,<br>confetti cannons and the other<br>trappings of modern<br>campaigning with such ferocity<br>that it is sometimes tough to<br>tell just who the enemy is."
"MADRID: A stunning first-half<br>free kick from David Beckham<br>gave Real Madrid a 1-0 win<br>over newly promoted Numancia<br>at the Bernabeu last night."
"MacCentral - You Software Inc.<br>announced on Tuesday the<br>availability of You Control:<br>iTunes, a free\\download that<br>places iTunes controls in the<br>Mac OS X menu bar.<br>Without\\leaving the current<br>application, you can pause,<br>play, rewind or skip songs,\\as<br>well as control iTunes' volume<br>and even browse your entire<br>music library\\by album, artist<br>or genre. Each time a new song<br>plays, You Control:<br>iTunes\\also pops up a window<br>that displays the artist and<br>song name and the<br>album\\artwork, if it's in the<br>library. System requirements<br>call for Mac OS X\\v10.2.6 and<br>10MB free hard drive space.<br>..."
"Favourites Argentina beat<br>Italy 3-0 this morning to<br>claim their place in the final<br>of the men #39;s Olympic<br>football tournament. Goals by<br>leading goalscorer Carlos<br>Tevez, with a smart volley<br>after 16 minutes, and"
"Shortly after Steve Spurrier<br>arrived at Florida in 1990,<br>the Gators were placed on NCAA<br>probation for a year stemming<br>from a child-support payment<br>former coach Galen Hall made<br>for a player."
"The US Secret Service Thursday<br>announced arrests in eight<br>states and six foreign<br>countries of 28 suspected<br>cybercrime gangsters on<br>charges of identity theft,<br>computer fraud, credit-card<br>fraud, and conspiracy."
"US stocks were little changed<br>on Thursday as an upbeat<br>earnings report from chip<br>maker National Semiconductor<br>Corp. (NSM) sparked some<br>buying, but higher oil prices<br>limited gains."
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"Israel is prepared to back a<br>Middle East conference<br>convened by Tony Blair early<br>next year despite having<br>expressed fears that the<br>British plans were over-<br>ambitious and designed"
"THE re-election of British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>would be seen as an<br>endorsement of the military<br>action in Iraq, Prime Minister<br>John Howard said today."
"LONDON, England -- A US<br>scientist is reported to have<br>observed a surprising jump in<br>the amount of carbon dioxide,<br>the main greenhouse gas."
"AFP - A battle group of<br>British troops rolled out of<br>southern Iraq on a US-<br>requested mission to deadlier<br>areas near Baghdad, in a major<br>political gamble for British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair."
"The anguish of hostage Kenneth<br>Bigley in Iraq hangs over<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>today as he faces the twin<br>test of a local election and a<br>debate by his Labour Party<br>about the divisive war."
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"Looking at the 2D chart above, we can see that the articles about Tony Blair are somewhat close together inside of the World news cluster. Interestingly, although the 5 nearest neighbors (red) were closest in high dimensional space, they are not the closest points in this compressed 2D space. Compressing the embeddings down to 2 dimensions discards much of their information, and the nearest neighbors in the 2D space don't seem to be as relevant as those in the full embedding space."
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"BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF<br>CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister<br>Tony Blair urged the<br>international community to<br>consider global warming a dire<br>threat and agree on a plan of<br>action to curb the<br>quot;alarming quot; growth of<br>greenhouse gases."
"Newspapers in Greece reflect a<br>mixture of exhilaration that<br>the Athens Olympics proved<br>successful, and relief that<br>they passed off without any<br>major setback."
"SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple<br>Computer (Quote, Chart)<br>unveiled a batch of new iPods,<br>iTunes software and promos<br>designed to keep it atop the<br>heap of digital music players."
"Any product, any shape, any<br>size -- manufactured on your<br>desktop! The future is the<br>fabricator. By Bruce Sterling<br>from Wired magazine."
"KABUL, Sept 22 (AFP): Three US<br>soldiers were killed and 14<br>wounded in a series of fierce<br>clashes with suspected Taliban<br>fighters in south and eastern<br>Afghanistan this week, the US<br>military said Wednesday."
"The EU and US moved closer to<br>an aviation trade war after<br>failing to reach agreement<br>during talks Thursday on<br>subsidies to Airbus Industrie."
"AUSTRALIAN journalist John<br>Martinkus is lucky to be alive<br>after spending 24 hours in the<br>hands of Iraqi militants at<br>the weekend. Martinkus was in<br>Baghdad working for the SBS<br>Dateline TV current affairs<br>program"
" GAZA (Reuters) - An Israeli<br>helicopter fired a missile<br>into a town in the southern<br>Gaza Strip late on Wednesday,<br>witnesses said, hours after a<br>Palestinian suicide bomber<br>blew herself up in Jerusalem,<br>killing two Israeli border<br>policemen."
"The Microsoft CEO says one way<br>to stem growing piracy of<br>Windows and Office in emerging<br>markets is to offer low-cost<br>computers."
"RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Saudi<br>police are seeking two young<br>men in the killing of a Briton<br>in a Riyadh parking lot, the<br>Interior Ministry said today,<br>and the British ambassador<br>called it a terrorist attack."
"Loudon, NH -- As the rain<br>began falling late Friday<br>afternoon at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway, the<br>rich in the Nextel Cup garage<br>got richer."
"PalmSource surprised the<br>mobile vendor community today<br>with the announcement that it<br>will acquire China MobileSoft<br>(CMS), ostensibly to leverage<br>that company's expertise in<br>building a mobile version of<br>the Linux operating system."
"JEFFERSON CITY - An election<br>security expert has raised<br>questions about Missouri<br>Secretary of State Matt Blunt<br>#39;s plan to let soldiers at<br>remote duty stations or in<br>combat areas cast their<br>ballots with the help of<br>e-mail."
"A gas explosion at a coal mine<br>in northern China killed 33<br>workers in the 10th deadly<br>mine blast reported in three<br>months. The explosion occurred<br>yesterday at 4:20 pm at Nanlou<br>township"
"Reuters - Palestinian leader<br>Mahmoud Abbas called\\Israel<br>\"the Zionist enemy\" Tuesday,<br>unprecedented language for\\the<br>relative moderate who is<br>expected to succeed Yasser<br>Arafat."
"AP - Ottawa Senators right<br>wing Marian Hossa is switching<br>European teams during the NHL<br>lockout."
"A new, optional log-on service<br>from America Online that makes<br>it harder for scammers to<br>access a persons online<br>account will not be available<br>for Macintosh"
"Nasser al-Qidwa, Palestinian<br>representative at the United<br>Nations and nephew of late<br>leader Yasser Arafat, handed<br>Arafat #39;s death report to<br>the Palestinian National<br>Authority (PNA) on Saturday."
"CAIRO, Egypt - France's<br>foreign minister appealed<br>Monday for the release of two<br>French journalists abducted in<br>Baghdad, saying the French<br>respect all religions. He did<br>not rule out traveling to<br>Baghdad..."
"Chelsea terminated Romania<br>striker Adrian Mutu #39;s<br>contract, citing gross<br>misconduct after the player<br>failed a doping test for<br>cocaine and admitted taking<br>the drug, the English soccer<br>club said in a statement."
"United Arab Emirates President<br>and ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheik<br>Zayed bin Sultan al-Nayhan<br>died Tuesday, official<br>television reports. He was 86."
"PALESTINIAN leader Yasser<br>Arafat today issued an urgent<br>call for the immediate release<br>of two French journalists<br>taken hostage in Iraq."
"The al-Qaida terrorist network<br>spent less than \\$50,000 on<br>each of its major attacks<br>except for the Sept. 11, 2001,<br>suicide hijackings, and one of<br>its hallmarks is using"
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Nike Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://w<br><br>ote.aspx?ticker=NKE.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;NKE.N&lt;/A&gt;, the world's<br>largest athletic shoe company,<br>on Monday reported a 25<br>percent rise in quarterly<br>profit, beating analysts'<br>estimates, on strong demand<br>for high-end running and<br>basketball shoes in the<br>United States."
"A FATHER who scaled the walls<br>of a Cardiff court dressed as<br>superhero Robin said the<br>Buckingham Palace protester<br>posed no threat. Fathers 4<br>Justice activist Jim Gibson,<br>who earlier this year staged<br>an eye-catching"
"NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - US stocks<br>traded mixed Thurday as Merck<br>shares lost a quarter of their<br>value, dragging blue chips<br>lower, but the Nasdaq moved<br>higher, buoyed by gains in the<br>semiconductor sector."
"Julia Gillard has reportedly<br>bowed out of the race to<br>become shadow treasurer,<br>taking enormous pressure off<br>Opposition Leader Mark Latham."
"It #39;s official. Microsoft<br>recently stated<br>definitivelyand contrary to<br>rumorsthat there will be no<br>new versions of Internet<br>Explorer for users of older<br>versions of Windows."
"The success of Paris #39; bid<br>for Olympic Games 2012 would<br>bring an exceptional<br>development for France for at<br>least 6 years, said Jean-<br>Francois Lamour, French<br>minister for Youth and Sports<br>on Tuesday."
"AFP - Maybe it's something to<br>do with the fact that the<br>playing area is so vast that<br>you need a good pair of<br>binoculars to see the action<br>if it's not taking place right<br>in front of the stands."
"Egypt #39;s release of accused<br>Israeli spy Azzam Azzam in an<br>apparent swap for six Egyptian<br>students held on suspicion of<br>terrorism is expected to melt<br>the ice and perhaps result"
"But fresh antitrust suit is in<br>the envelope, says Novell"
"Chips that help a computer's<br>main microprocessors perform<br>specific types of math<br>problems are becoming a big<br>business once again.\\"
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip: Hamas<br>militants killed an Israeli<br>soldier and wounded four with<br>an explosion in a booby-<br>trapped chicken coop on<br>Tuesday, in what the Islamic<br>group said was an elaborate<br>scheme to lure troops to the<br>area with the help of a double"
"A rocket carrying two Russian<br>cosmonauts and an American<br>astronaut to the international<br>space station streaked into<br>orbit on Thursday, the latest<br>flight of a Russian space<br>vehicle to fill in for<br>grounded US shuttles."
"Bankrupt ATA Airlines #39;<br>withdrawal from Chicago #39;s<br>Midway International Airport<br>presents a juicy opportunity<br>for another airline to beef up<br>service in the Midwest"
"AP - The 300 men filling out<br>forms in the offices of an<br>Iranian aid group were offered<br>three choices: Train for<br>suicide attacks against U.S.<br>troops in Iraq, for suicide<br>attacks against Israelis or to<br>assassinate British author<br>Salman Rushdie."
"ATHENS, Greece - Gail Devers,<br>the most talented yet star-<br>crossed hurdler of her<br>generation, was unable to<br>complete even one hurdle in<br>100-meter event Sunday -<br>failing once again to win an<br>Olympic hurdling medal.<br>Devers, 37, who has three<br>world championships in the<br>hurdles but has always flopped<br>at the Olympics, pulled up<br>short and screamed as she slid<br>under the first hurdle..."
"OCTOBER 12, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - Microsoft<br>Corp. #39;s monthly patch<br>release cycle may be making it<br>more predictable for users to<br>deploy software updates, but<br>there appears to be little<br>letup in the number of holes<br>being discovered in the<br>company #39;s software"
"Wearable tech goes mainstream<br>as the Gap introduces jacket<br>with built-in radio.\\"
"Madison, WI (Sports Network) -<br>Anthony Davis ran for 122<br>yards and two touchdowns to<br>lead No. 6 Wisconsin over<br>Northwestern, 24-12, to<br>celebrate Homecoming weekend<br>at Camp Randall Stadium."
"LaVar Arrington participated<br>in his first practice since<br>Oct. 25, when he aggravated a<br>knee injury that sidelined him<br>for 10 games."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billie<br>Jean King cut her final tie<br>with the U.S. Fed Cup team<br>Tuesday when she retired as<br>coach."
"The Instinet Group, owner of<br>one of the largest electronic<br>stock trading systems, is for<br>sale, executives briefed on<br>the plan say."
"Funding round of \\$105 million<br>brings broadband Internet<br>telephony company's total haul<br>to \\$208 million."
"The Miami Dolphins arrived for<br>their final exhibition game<br>last night in New Orleans<br>short nine players."
" - Anthony<br>Casalena was 17 when he got<br>his first job as a programmer<br>for a start-up called<br>HyperOffice, a software<br>company that makes e-mail and<br>contact management<br>applications for the Web.<br>Hired as an intern, he became<br>a regular programmer after two<br>weeks and rewrote the main<br>product line."
"The Auburn Hills-based<br>Chrysler Group made a profit<br>of \\$269 million in the third<br>quarter, even though worldwide<br>sales and revenues declined,<br>contributing to a \\$1."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- UAL<br>Corp., parent of United<br>Airlines, said Wednesday it<br>will overhaul its route<br>structure to reduce costs and<br>offset rising fuel costs."
" NAIROBI (Reuters) - The<br>Sudanese government and its<br>southern rebel opponents have<br>agreed to sign a pledge in the<br>Kenyan capital on Friday to<br>formally end a brutal 21-year-<br>old civil war, with U.N.<br>Security Council ambassadors<br>as witnesses."
"AP - From LSU at No. 1 to Ohio<br>State at No. 10, The AP<br>women's basketball poll had no<br>changes Monday."
"nother stage victory for race<br>leader Petter Solberg, his<br>fifth since the start of the<br>rally. The Subaru driver is<br>not pulling away at a fast<br>pace from Gronholm and Loeb<br>but the gap is nonetheless<br>increasing steadily."
"The fossilized neck bones of a<br>230-million-year-old sea<br>creature have features<br>suggesting that the animal<br>#39;s snakelike throat could<br>flare open and create suction<br>that would pull in prey."
"IBM late on Tuesday announced<br>the biggest update of its<br>popular WebSphere business<br>software in two years, adding<br>features such as automatically<br>detecting and fixing problems."
"April 1980 -- Players strike<br>the last eight days of spring<br>training. Ninety-two<br>exhibition games are canceled.<br>June 1981 -- Players stage<br>first midseason strike in<br>history."
"AP - Former Guatemalan<br>President Alfonso Portillo<br>#151; suspected of corruption<br>at home #151; is living and<br>working part-time in the same<br>Mexican city he fled two<br>decades ago to avoid arrest on<br>murder charges, his close<br>associates told The Associated<br>Press on Sunday."
"AP - British entrepreneur<br>Richard Branson said Monday<br>that his company plans to<br>launch commercial space<br>flights over the next few<br>years."
"Annual economic growth in<br>China has slowed for the third<br>quarter in a row, falling to<br>9.1 per cent, third-quarter<br>data shows. The slowdown shows<br>the economy is responding to<br>Beijing #39;s efforts to rein<br>in break-neck investment and<br>lending."
" - BRUSSELS,<br>Aug. 26 -- The United States<br>will have to wait until next<br>year to see its fight with the<br>European Union over biotech<br>foods resolved, as the World<br>Trade Organization agreed to<br>an E.U. request to bring<br>scientists into the debate,<br>officials said Thursday."
"A group of Internet security<br>and instant messaging<br>providers have teamed up to<br>detect and thwart the growing<br>threat of IM and peer-to-peer<br>viruses and worms, they said<br>this week."
"On Sunday, the day after Ohio<br>State dropped to 0-3 in the<br>Big Ten with a 33-7 loss at<br>Iowa, the Columbus Dispatch<br>ran a single word above its<br>game story on the Buckeyes:<br>quot;Embarrassing."
"Insisting that Hurriyat<br>Conference is the real<br>representative of Kashmiris,<br>Pakistan has claimed that<br>India is not ready to accept<br>ground realities in Kashmir."
"THE All-India Motor Transport<br>Congress (AIMTC) on Saturday<br>called off its seven-day<br>strike after finalising an<br>agreement with the Government<br>on the contentious issue of<br>service tax and the various<br>demands including tax deducted<br>at source (TDS), scrapping"
"BOSTON - Curt Schilling got<br>his 20th win on the eve of<br>Boston #39;s big series with<br>the New York Yankees. Now he<br>wants much more. quot;In a<br>couple of weeks, hopefully, it<br>will get a lot better, quot;<br>he said after becoming"
"Shooed the ghosts of the<br>Bambino and the Iron Horse and<br>the Yankee Clipper and the<br>Mighty Mick, on his 73rd<br>birthday, no less, and turned<br>Yankee Stadium into a morgue."
"Gold medal-winning Marlon<br>Devonish says the men #39;s<br>4x100m Olympic relay triumph<br>puts British sprinting back on<br>the map. Devonish, Darren<br>Campbell, Jason Gardener and<br>Mark Lewis-Francis edged out<br>the American"
"AP - The euro-zone economy<br>grew by 0.5 percent in the<br>second quarter of 2004, a<br>touch slower than in the first<br>three months of the year,<br>according to initial estimates<br>released Tuesday by the<br>European Union."
"His first space flight was in<br>1965 when he piloted the first<br>manned Gemini mission. Later<br>he made two trips to the moon<br>-- orbiting during a 1969<br>flight and then walking on the<br>lunar surface during a mission<br>in 1972."
"he difficult road conditions<br>created a few incidents in the<br>first run of the Epynt stage.<br>Francois Duval takes his<br>second stage victory since the<br>start of the rally, nine<br>tenths better than Sebastien<br>Loeb #39;s performance in<br>second position."
"VIENNA -- After two years of<br>investigating Iran's atomic<br>program, the UN nuclear<br>watchdog still cannot rule out<br>that Tehran has a secret atom<br>bomb project as Washington<br>insists, the agency's chief<br>said yesterday."
"By RACHEL KONRAD SAN<br>FRANCISCO (AP) -- EBay Inc.,<br>which has been aggressively<br>expanding in Asia, plans to<br>increase its stake in South<br>Korea's largest online auction<br>company. The Internet<br>auction giant said Tuesday<br>night that it would purchase<br>nearly 3 million publicly held<br>shares of Internet Auction<br>Co..."
"AFP - US Secretary of State<br>Colin Powell wrapped up a<br>three-nation tour of Asia<br>after winning pledges from<br>Japan, China and South Korea<br>to press North Korea to resume<br>stalled talks on its nuclear<br>weapons programs."
"Tallahassee, FL (Sports<br>Network) - Florida State head<br>coach Bobby Bowden has<br>suspended senior wide receiver<br>Craphonso Thorpe for the<br>Seminoles #39; game against<br>fellow Atlantic Coast<br>Conference member Duke on<br>Saturday."
"A few years ago, casinos<br>across the United States were<br>closing their poker rooms to<br>make space for more popular<br>and lucrative slot machines."
"CAIRO, Egypt An Egyptian<br>company says one of its four<br>workers who had been kidnapped<br>in Iraq has been freed. It<br>says it can #39;t give the<br>status of the others being<br>held hostage but says it is<br>quot;doing its best to secure<br>quot; their release."
"WASHINGTON -- Consumers were<br>tightfisted amid soaring<br>gasoline costs in August and<br>hurricane-related disruptions<br>last week sent applications<br>for jobless benefits to their<br>highest level in seven months."
"Talking kitchens and vanities.<br>Musical jump ropes and potty<br>seats. Blusterous miniature<br>leaf blowers and vacuum<br>cleaners -- almost as loud as<br>the real things."
"Online merchants in the United<br>States have become better at<br>weeding out fraudulent credit<br>card orders, a new survey<br>indicates. But shipping<br>overseas remains a risky<br>venture. By Joanna Glasner."
"Former champion Lleyton Hewitt<br>bristled, battled and<br>eventually blossomed as he<br>took another step towards a<br>second US Open title with a<br>second-round victory over<br>Moroccan Hicham Arazi on<br>Friday."
"AP - China's biggest computer<br>maker, Lenovo Group, said<br>Wednesday it has acquired a<br>majority stake in<br>International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s personal<br>computer business for<br>#36;1.75 billion, one of the<br>biggest Chinese overseas<br>acquisitions ever."
"Popping a gadget into a cradle<br>to recharge it used to mean<br>downtime, but these days<br>chargers are doing double<br>duty, keeping your portable<br>devices playing even when<br>they're charging."
"AFP - Hosts India braced<br>themselves for a harrowing<br>chase on a wearing wicket in<br>the first Test after Australia<br>declined to enforce the<br>follow-on here."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Texas Instruments Inc. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>XN.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/<br>fullquote\"&gt;TXN.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>the largest maker of chips for<br>cellular phones, on Monday<br>said record demand for its<br>handset and television chips<br>boosted quarterly profit by<br>26 percent, even as it<br>struggles with a nagging<br>inventory problem."
"LONDON ARM Holdings, a British<br>semiconductor designer, said<br>on Monday that it would buy<br>Artisan Components for \\$913<br>million to broaden its product<br>range."
"Big evolutionary insights<br>sometimes come in little<br>packages. Witness the<br>startling discovery, in a cave<br>on the eastern Indonesian<br>island of Flores, of the<br>partial skeleton of a half-<br>size Homo species that"
"Prime Minister Paul Martin of<br>Canada urged Haitian leaders<br>on Sunday to allow the<br>political party of the deposed<br>president, Jean-Bertrand<br>Aristide, to take part in new<br>elections."
"Hostage takers holding up to<br>240 people at a school in<br>southern Russia have refused<br>to talk with a top Islamic<br>leader and demanded to meet<br>with regional leaders instead,<br>ITAR-TASS reported on<br>Wednesday."
"As the Mets round out their<br>search for a new manager, the<br>club is giving a last-minute<br>nod to its past. Wally<br>Backman, an infielder for the<br>Mets from 1980-88 who played<br>second base on the 1986"
"MELBOURNE: Global shopping<br>mall owner Westfield Group<br>will team up with Australian<br>developer Multiplex Group to<br>bid 585mil (US\\$1."
"Three children from a care<br>home are missing on the<br>Lancashire moors after they<br>are separated from a group."
"Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader<br>may get all the glory, but a<br>new Star Wars video game<br>finally gives credit to the<br>everyday grunts who couldn<br>#39;t summon the Force for<br>help."
"AMSTERDAM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Midfielder Edgar Davids #39;s<br>leadership qualities and<br>never-say-die attitude have<br>earned him the captaincy of<br>the Netherlands under new<br>coach Marco van Basten."
"COUNTY KILKENNY, Ireland (PA)<br>-- Hurricane Jeanne has led to<br>world No. 1 Vijay Singh<br>pulling out of this week #39;s<br>WGC-American Express<br>Championship at Mount Juliet."
"Green Bay, WI (Sports Network)<br>- The Green Bay Packers will<br>be without the services of Pro<br>Bowl center Mike Flanagan for<br>the remainder of the season,<br>as he will undergo left knee<br>surgery."
"Diabetics should test their<br>blood sugar levels more<br>regularly to reduce the risk<br>of cardiovascular disease, a<br>study says."
"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- NCAA<br>investigators will return to<br>Ohio State University Monday<br>to take another look at the<br>football program after the<br>latest round of allegations<br>made by former players,<br>according to the Akron Beacon<br>Journal."
" LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -<br>Federal authorities raided<br>three Washington, D.C.-area<br>video game stores and arrested<br>two people for modifying<br>video game consoles to play<br>pirated video games, a video<br>game industry group said on<br>Wednesday."
"Manchester United gave Alex<br>Ferguson a 1,000th game<br>anniversary present by<br>reaching the last 16 of the<br>Champions League yesterday,<br>while four-time winners Bayern<br>Munich romped into the second<br>round with a 5-1 beating of<br>Maccabi Tel Aviv."
"Iraq's interim Prime Minister<br>Ayad Allawi announced that<br>proceedings would begin<br>against former Baath Party<br>leaders."
"Reuters - Delta Air Lines Inc.<br>, which is\\racing to cut costs<br>to avoid bankruptcy, on<br>Wednesday reported\\a wider<br>quarterly loss amid soaring<br>fuel prices and weak\\domestic<br>airfares."
"Energy utility TXU Corp. on<br>Monday more than quadrupled<br>its quarterly dividend payment<br>and raised its projected<br>earnings for 2004 and 2005<br>after a companywide<br>performance review."
"Northwest Airlines Corp., the<br>fourth- largest US airline,<br>and its pilots union reached<br>tentative agreement on a<br>contract that would cut pay<br>and benefits, saving the<br>company \\$265 million a year."
"The last time the Angels<br>played the Texas Rangers, they<br>dropped two consecutive<br>shutouts at home in their most<br>agonizing lost weekend of the<br>season."
"Microsoft Corp. MSFT.O and<br>cable television provider<br>Comcast Corp. CMCSA.O said on<br>Monday that they would begin<br>deploying set-top boxes<br>powered by Microsoft software<br>starting next week."
"SEATTLE - Chasing a nearly<br>forgotten ghost of the game,<br>Ichiro Suzuki broke one of<br>baseball #39;s oldest records<br>Friday night, smoking a single<br>up the middle for his 258th<br>hit of the year and breaking<br>George Sisler #39;s record for<br>the most hits in a season"
"Grace Park, her caddie - and<br>fans - were poking around in<br>the desert brush alongside the<br>18th fairway desperately<br>looking for her ball."
"Philippines mobile phone<br>operator Smart Communications<br>Inc. is in talks with<br>Singapore #39;s Mobile One for<br>a possible tie-up,<br>BusinessWorld reported Monday."
"Washington Redskins kicker<br>John Hall strained his right<br>groin during practice<br>Thursday, his third leg injury<br>of the season. Hall will be<br>held out of practice Friday<br>and is questionable for Sunday<br>#39;s game against the Chicago<br>Bears."
"Airline warns it may file for<br>bankruptcy if too many senior<br>pilots take early retirement<br>option. Delta Air LInes #39;<br>CEO says it faces bankruptcy<br>if it can #39;t slow the pace<br>of pilots taking early<br>retirement."
"A toxic batch of home-brewed<br>alcohol has killed 31 people<br>in several towns in central<br>Pakistan, police and hospital<br>officials say."
"Thornbugs communicate by<br>vibrating the branches they<br>live on. Now scientists are<br>discovering just what the bugs<br>are \"saying.\""
"The Florida Gators and<br>Arkansas Razorbacks meet for<br>just the sixth time Saturday.<br>The Gators hold a 4-1<br>advantage in the previous five<br>meetings, including last year<br>#39;s 33-28 win."
"Kodak Versamark #39;s parent<br>company, Eastman Kodak Co.,<br>reported Tuesday it plans to<br>eliminate almost 900 jobs this<br>year in a restructuring of its<br>overseas operations."
"A top official of the US Food<br>and Drug Administration said<br>Friday that he and his<br>colleagues quot;categorically<br>reject quot; earlier<br>Congressional testimony that<br>the agency has failed to<br>protect the public against<br>dangerous drugs."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - North<br>Korea is committed to holding<br>six-party talks aimed at<br>resolving the crisis over its<br>nuclear weapons program, but<br>has not indicated when, a top<br>British official said on<br>Tuesday."
"AP - 1941 #151; Brooklyn<br>catcher Mickey Owen dropped a<br>third strike on Tommy Henrich<br>of what would have been the<br>last out of a Dodgers victory<br>against the New York Yankees.<br>Given the second chance, the<br>Yankees scored four runs for a<br>7-4 victory and a 3-1 lead in<br>the World Series, which they<br>ended up winning."
"Federal prosecutors cracked a<br>global cartel that had<br>illegally fixed prices of<br>memory chips in personal<br>computers and servers for<br>three years."
"AP - Oracle Corp. CEO Larry<br>Ellison reiterated his<br>determination to prevail in a<br>long-running takeover battle<br>with rival business software<br>maker PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>predicting the proposed deal<br>will create a more competitive<br>company with improved customer<br>service."
"Braves shortstop Rafael Furcal<br>was arrested on drunken<br>driving charges Friday, his<br>second D.U.I. arrest in four<br>years."
"AFP - British retailer Marks<br>and Spencer announced a major<br>management shake-up as part of<br>efforts to revive its<br>fortunes, saying trading has<br>become tougher ahead of the<br>crucial Christmas period."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>interim government extended<br>the closure of Baghdad<br>international airport<br>indefinitely on Saturday<br>under emergency rule imposed<br>ahead of this week's U.S.-led<br>offensive on Falluja."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Natalie<br>Coughlin's run of bad luck<br>finally took a turn for the<br>better when she won the gold<br>medal in the women's 100<br>meters backstroke at the<br>Athens Olympics Monday."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Home<br>Depot Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=HD.N target=/<br>stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt<br>;HD.N&lt;/A&gt;, the top home<br>improvement retailer, on<br>Tuesday reported a 15 percent<br>rise in third-quarter profit,<br>topping estimates, aided by<br>installed services and sales<br>to contractors."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fought back from one-month<br>lows against the euro and<br>Swiss franc on Wednesday as<br>investors viewed its sell-off<br>in the wake of the Federal<br>Reserve's verdict on interest<br>rates as overdone."
"Rivaling Bush vs. Kerry for<br>bitterness, doctors and trial<br>lawyers are squaring off this<br>fall in an unprecedented four-<br>state struggle over limiting<br>malpractice awards..."
"Boston Scientific Corp said on<br>Friday it has recalled an ear<br>implant the company acquired<br>as part of its purchase of<br>Advanced Bionics in June."
"AP - Pedro Feliz hit a<br>tiebreaking grand slam with<br>two outs in the eighth inning<br>for his fourth hit of the day,<br>and the Giants helped their<br>playoff chances with a 9-5<br>victory over the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers on Saturday."
" Richemont<br>sees significant H1 lift,<br>unclear on FY (2:53 AM ET)<br>LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Swiss<br>luxury goods maker<br>Richemont(zz:ZZ:001273145:<br>news, chart, profile), which<br>also is a significant"
"Crude oil climbed more than<br>\\$1 in New York on the re-<br>election of President George<br>W. Bush, who has been filling<br>the US Strategic Petroleum<br>Reserve."
"AP - Hundreds of tribesmen<br>gathered Tuesday near the area<br>where suspected al-Qaida-<br>linked militants are holding<br>two Chinese engineers and<br>demanding safe passage to<br>their reputed leader, a former<br>U.S. prisoner from Guantanamo<br>Bay, Cuba, officials and<br>residents said."
"AP - Scientists warned Tuesday<br>that a long-term increase in<br>global temperature of 3.5<br>degrees could threaten Latin<br>American water supplies,<br>reduce food yields in Asia and<br>result in a rise in extreme<br>weather conditions in the<br>Caribbean."
"AP - Further proof New York's<br>real estate market is<br>inflated: The city plans to<br>sell space on top of lampposts<br>to wireless phone companies<br>for #36;21.6 million a year."
"In an alarming development,<br>high-precision equipment and<br>materials which could be used<br>for making nuclear bombs have<br>disappeared from some Iraqi<br>facilities, the United Nations<br>watchdog agency has said."
"Yukos #39; largest oil-<br>producing unit regained power<br>supplies from Tyumenenergo, a<br>Siberia-based electricity<br>generator, Friday after the<br>subsidiary pledged to pay 440<br>million rubles (\\$15 million)<br>in debt by Oct. 3."
"The rollout of new servers and<br>networking switches in stores<br>is part of a five-year<br>agreement supporting 7-Eleven<br>#39;s Retail Information<br>System."
"Top Hollywood studios have<br>launched a wave of court cases<br>against internet users who<br>illegally download film files.<br>The Motion Picture Association<br>of America, which acts as the<br>representative of major film"
"AUSTRALIANS went into a<br>television-buying frenzy the<br>run-up to the Athens Olympics,<br>suggesting that as a nation we<br>could easily have scored a<br>gold medal for TV purchasing."
"US STOCKS vacillated yesterday<br>as rising oil prices muted<br>Wall Streets excitement over<br>strong results from Lehman<br>Brothers and Sprints \\$35<br>billion acquisition of Nextel<br>Communications."
"The next time you are in your<br>bedroom with your PC plus<br>Webcam switched on, don #39;t<br>think that your privacy is all<br>intact. If you have a Webcam<br>plugged into an infected<br>computer, there is a<br>possibility that"
"At the head of the class,<br>Rosabeth Moss Kanter is an<br>intellectual whirlwind: loud,<br>expansive, in constant motion."
"LEVERKUSEN/ROME, Dec 7 (SW) -<br>Dynamo Kiev, Bayer Leverkusen,<br>and Real Madrid all have a<br>good chance of qualifying for<br>the Champions League Round of<br>16 if they can get the right<br>results in Group F on<br>Wednesday night."
"Ed Hinkel made a diving,<br>fingertip catch for a key<br>touchdown and No. 16 Iowa<br>stiffened on defense when it<br>needed to most to beat Iowa<br>State 17-10 Saturday."
"During last Sunday #39;s<br>Nextel Cup race, amid the<br>ongoing furor over Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. #39;s salty<br>language, NBC ran a commercial<br>for a show coming on later<br>that night called quot;Law<br>amp; Order: Criminal Intent."
"AP - After playing in hail,<br>fog and chill, top-ranked<br>Southern California finishes<br>its season in familiar<br>comfort. The Trojans (9-0, 6-0<br>Pacific-10) have two games at<br>home #151; against Arizona on<br>Saturday and Notre Dame on<br>Nov. 27 #151; before their<br>rivalry game at UCLA."
"A US airman dies and two are<br>hurt as a helicopter crashes<br>due to technical problems in<br>western Afghanistan."
"Jacques Chirac has ruled out<br>any withdrawal of French<br>troops from Ivory Coast,<br>despite unrest and anti-French<br>attacks, which have forced the<br>evacuation of thousands of<br>Westerners."
"Japanese Prime Minister<br>Junichiro Koizumi reshuffled<br>his cabinet yesterday,<br>replacing several top<br>ministers in an effort to<br>boost his popularity,<br>consolidate political support<br>and quicken the pace of<br>reforms in the world #39;s<br>second-largest economy."
"The remnants of Hurricane<br>Jeanne rained out Monday's<br>game between the Mets and the<br>Atlanta Braves. It will be<br>made up Tuesday as part of a<br>doubleheader."
"AP - NASCAR is not expecting<br>any immediate changes to its<br>top-tier racing series<br>following the merger between<br>telecommunications giant<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc."
"AP - Shawn Fanning's Napster<br>software enabled countless<br>music fans to swap songs on<br>the Internet for free, turning<br>him into the recording<br>industry's enemy No. 1 in the<br>process."
"TBILISI (Reuters) - At least<br>two Georgian soldiers were<br>killed and five wounded in<br>artillery fire with<br>separatists in the breakaway<br>region of South Ossetia,<br>Georgian officials said on<br>Wednesday."
"Like wide-open races? You<br>#39;ll love the Big 12 North.<br>Here #39;s a quick morning<br>line of the Big 12 North as it<br>opens conference play this<br>weekend."
"Reuters - Walt Disney Co.<br>is\\increasing investment in<br>video games for hand-held<br>devices and\\plans to look for<br>acquisitions of small game<br>publishers and\\developers,<br>Disney consumer products<br>Chairman Andy Mooney said\\on<br>Monday."
"Taquan Dean scored 22 points,<br>Francisco Garcia added 19 and<br>No. 13 Louisville withstood a<br>late rally to beat Florida<br>74-70 Saturday."
"BANGKOK - A UN conference last<br>week banned commercial trade<br>in the rare Irrawaddy dolphin,<br>a move environmentalists said<br>was needed to save the<br>threatened species."
"Laksamana.Net - Two Indonesian<br>female migrant workers freed<br>by militants in Iraq are<br>expected to arrive home within<br>a day or two, the Foreign<br>Affairs Ministry said<br>Wednesday (6/10/04)."
"A bitter row between America<br>and the European Union over<br>alleged subsidies to rival<br>aircraft makers Boeing and<br>Airbus intensified yesterday."
"NEW YORK -- This was all about<br>Athens, about redemption for<br>one and validation for the<br>other. Britain's Paula<br>Radcliffe, the fastest female<br>marathoner in history, failed<br>to finish either of her<br>Olympic races last summer.<br>South Africa's Hendrik Ramaala<br>was a five-ringed dropout,<br>too, reinforcing his<br>reputation as a man who could<br>go only half the distance."
"Reuters - Online media company<br>Yahoo Inc.\\ late on Monday<br>rolled out tests of redesigned<br>start\\pages for its popular<br> and<br>sites."
"Amsterdam (pts) - Dutch<br>electronics company Philips<br> has<br>announced today, Friday, that<br>it has cut its stake in Atos<br>Origin by more than a half."
"TORONTO (CP) - Two-thirds of<br>banks around the world have<br>reported an increase in the<br>volume of suspicious<br>activities that they report to<br>police, a new report by KPMG<br>suggests."
"The Sun may have captured<br>thousands or even millions of<br>asteroids from another<br>planetary system during an<br>encounter more than four<br>billion years ago, astronomers<br>are reporting."
"LONDON -- Ernie Els has set<br>his sights on an improved<br>putting display this week at<br>the World Golf Championships<br>#39; NEC Invitational in<br>Akron, Ohio, after the<br>disappointment of tying for<br>fourth place at the PGA<br>Championship last Sunday."
"The Atkins diet frenzy slowed<br>growth briefly, but the<br>sandwich business is booming,<br>with \\$105 billion in sales<br>last year."
"Luxury carmaker Jaguar said<br>Friday it was stopping<br>production at a factory in<br>central England, resulting in<br>a loss of 1,100 jobs,<br>following poor sales in the<br>key US market."
"A bus was hijacked today and<br>shots were fired at police who<br>surrounded it on the outskirts<br>of Athens. Police did not know<br>how many passengers were<br>aboard the bus."
"Thumb through the book - then<br>buy a clean copy from Amazon"
"AP - President Bashar Assad<br>shuffled his Cabinet on<br>Monday, just weeks after the<br>United States and the United<br>Nations challenged Syria over<br>its military presence in<br>Lebanon and the security<br>situation along its border<br>with Iraq."
"Fiji #39;s Vijay Singh<br>replaced Tiger Woods as the<br>world #39;s No.1 ranked golfer<br>today by winning the PGA<br>Deutsche Bank Championship."
"LEIPZIG, Germany : Jurgen<br>Klinsmann enjoyed his first<br>home win as German manager<br>with his team defeating ten-<br>man Cameroon 3-0 in a friendly<br>match."
"AP - Kevin Brown had a chance<br>to claim a place in Yankees<br>postseason history with his<br>start in Game 7 of the AL<br>championship series."
"Reuters - High-definition<br>television can\\show the sweat<br>beading on an athlete's brow,<br>but the cost of\\all the<br>necessary electronic equipment<br>can get a shopper's own\\pulse<br>racing."
"HOMESTEAD, Fla. -- Kurt Busch<br>got his first big break in<br>NASCAR by winning a 1999<br>talent audition nicknamed<br>quot;The Gong Show. quot; He<br>was selected from dozens of<br>unknown, young race drivers to<br>work for one of the sport<br>#39;s most famous team owners,<br>Jack Roush."
"AP - President Vladimir Putin<br>has signed a bill confirming<br>Russia's ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol, the Kremlin<br>said Friday, clearing the way<br>for the global climate pact to<br>come into force early next<br>year."
"John Gibson said Friday that<br>he decided to resign as chief<br>executive officer of<br>Halliburton Energy Services<br>when it became apparent he<br>couldn #39;t become the CEO of<br>the entire corporation, after<br>getting a taste of the No."
"MacCentral - Apple Computer<br>Inc. on Monday released an<br>update for Apple Remote<br>Desktop (ARD), the company's<br>software solution to assist<br>Mac system administrators and<br>computer managers with asset<br>management, software<br>distribution and help desk<br>support. ARD 2.1 includes<br>several enhancements and bug<br>fixes."
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Outback<br>Steakhouse Inc. said Tuesday<br>it lost about 130 operating<br>days and up to \\$2 million in<br>revenue because it had to<br>close some restaurants in the<br>South due to Hurricane<br>Charley."
"State insurance commissioners<br>from across the country have<br>proposed new rules governing<br>insurance brokerage fees,<br>winning praise from an<br>industry group and criticism<br>from"
"AP - The authenticity of newly<br>unearthed memos stating that<br>George W. Bush failed to meet<br>standards of the Texas Air<br>National Guard during the<br>Vietnam War was questioned<br>Thursday by the son of the<br>late officer who reportedly<br>wrote the memos."
"Zurich, Switzerland (Sports<br>Network) - Former world No. 1<br>Venus Williams advanced on<br>Thursday and will now meet<br>Wimbledon champion Maria<br>Sharapova in the quarterfinals<br>at the \\$1."
"INDIA #39;S cricket chiefs<br>began a frenetic search today<br>for a broadcaster to show next<br>month #39;s home series<br>against world champion<br>Australia after cancelling a<br>controversial \\$US308 million<br>(\\$440 million) television<br>deal."
"Canadian Press - OAKVILLE,<br>Ont. (CP) - The body of a<br>missing autistic man was<br>pulled from a creek Monday,<br>just metres from where a key<br>piece of evidence was<br>uncovered but originally<br>overlooked because searchers<br>had the wrong information."
"SOFTWARE giant Oracle #39;s<br>stalled \\$7.7bn (4.2bn) bid to<br>take over competitor<br>PeopleSoft has received a huge<br>boost after a US judge threw<br>out an anti-trust lawsuit<br>filed by the Department of<br>Justice to block the<br>acquisition."
"The International Olympic<br>Committee (IOC) has urged<br>Beijing to ensure the city is<br>ready to host the 2008 Games<br>well in advance, an official<br>said on Wednesday."
"AFP - German Chancellor<br>Gerhard Schroeder arrived in<br>Libya for an official visit<br>during which he is to hold<br>talks with Libyan leader<br>Moamer Kadhafi."
"The fastest-swiveling space<br>science observatory ever built<br>rocketed into orbit on<br>Saturday to scan the universe<br>for celestial explosions."
"The government will examine<br>claims 100,000 Iraqi civilians<br>have been killed since the US-<br>led invasion, Jack Straw says."
"Virginia Tech scores 24 points<br>off four first-half turnovers<br>in a 55-6 wipeout of Maryland<br>on Thursday to remain alone<br>atop the ACC."
"Copernic Unleashes Desktop<br>Search Tool\\\\Copernic<br>Technologies Inc. today<br>announced Copernic Desktop<br>Search(TM) (CDS(TM)), \"The<br>Search Engine For Your PC<br>(TM).\" Copernic has used the<br>experience gained from over 30<br>million downloads of its<br>Windows-based Web search<br>software to develop CDS, a<br>desktop search product that<br>users are saying is far ..."
"The DVD Forum moved a step<br>further toward the advent of<br>HD DVD media and drives with<br>the approval of key physical<br>specifications at a meeting of<br>the organisations steering<br>committee last week."
"Eton College and Clarence<br>House joined forces yesterday<br>to deny allegations due to be<br>made at an employment tribunal<br>today by a former art teacher<br>that she improperly helped<br>Prince Harry secure an A-level<br>pass in art two years ago."
"AFP - Great Britain's chances<br>of qualifying for the World<br>Group of the Davis Cup were<br>evaporating rapidly after<br>Austria moved into a 2-1 lead<br>following the doubles."
"AP - Martina Navratilova's<br>long, illustrious career will<br>end without an Olympic medal.<br>The 47-year-old Navratilova<br>and Lisa Raymond lost 6-4,<br>4-6, 6-4 on Thursday night to<br>fifth-seeded Shinobu Asagoe<br>and Ai Sugiyama of Japan in<br>the quarterfinals, one step<br>shy of the medal round."
"Often pigeonholed as just a<br>seller of televisions and DVD<br>players, Royal Philips<br>Electronics said third-quarter<br>profit surged despite a slide<br>into the red by its consumer<br>electronics division."
"AP - Google, the Internet<br>search engine, has done<br>something that law enforcement<br>officials and their computer<br>tools could not: Identify a<br>man who died in an apparent<br>hit-and-run accident 11 years<br>ago in this small town outside<br>Yakima."
"We are all used to IE getting<br>a monthly new security bug<br>found, but Winamp? In fact,<br>this is not the first security<br>flaw found in the application."
"The Apache Software Foundation<br>and the Debian Project said<br>they won't support the Sender<br>ID e-mail authentication<br>standard in their products."
" - The newly<br>restored THX 1138 arrives on<br>DVD today with Star Wars<br>creator George Lucas' vision<br>of a Brave New World-like<br>future."
"Office Depot Inc. (ODP.N:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Tuesday warned of weaker-than-<br>expected profits for the rest<br>of the year because of<br>disruptions from the string of<br>hurricanes"
"THE photo-equipment maker<br>Kodak yesterday announced<br>plans to axe 600 jobs in the<br>UK and close a factory in<br>Nottinghamshire, in a move in<br>line with the giants global<br>restructuring strategy<br>unveiled last January."
"The chances of scientists<br>making any one of five<br>discoveries by 2010 have been<br>hugely underestimated,<br>according to bookmakers."
"Asia-Pacific leaders meet in<br>Australia to discuss how to<br>keep nuclear weapons out of<br>the hands of extremists."
" TALL AFAR, Iraq -- A three-<br>foot-high coil of razor wire,<br>21-ton armored vehicles and<br>American soldiers with black<br>M-4 assault rifles stood<br>between tens of thousands of<br>people and their homes last<br>week."
"PSV Eindhoven re-established<br>their five-point lead at the<br>top of the Dutch Eredivisie<br>today with a 2-0 win at<br>Vitesse Arnhem. Former<br>Sheffield Wednesday striker<br>Gerald Sibon put PSV ahead in<br>the 56th minute"
"China's central bank on<br>Thursday raised interest rates<br>for the first time in nearly a<br>decade, signaling deepening<br>unease with the breakneck pace<br>of development and an intent<br>to reign in a construction<br>boom now sowing fears of<br>runaway inflation."
"Deepening its commitment to<br>help corporate users create<br>SOAs (service-oriented<br>architectures) through the use<br>of Web services, IBM's Global<br>Services unit on Thursday<br>announced the formation of an<br>SOA Management Practice."
"TODAY AUTO RACING 3 p.m. --<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Sylvania 300<br>qualifying at N.H.<br>International Speedway,<br>Loudon, N.H., TNT PRO BASEBALL<br>7 p.m. -- Red Sox at New York<br>Yankees, Ch. 38, WEEI (850)<br>(on cable systems where Ch. 38<br>is not available, the game<br>will air on NESN); Chicago<br>Cubs at Cincinnati, ESPN 6<br>p.m. -- Eastern League finals:<br>..."
"MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 21: The<br>Board of Control for Cricket<br>in India (BCCI) today informed<br>the Bombay High Court that it<br>was cancelling the entire<br>tender process regarding<br>cricket telecast rights as<br>also the conditional deal with<br>Zee TV."
"CHICAGO - Delta Air Lines<br>(DAL) said Wednesday it plans<br>to eliminate between 6,000 and<br>6,900 jobs during the next 18<br>months, implement a 10 across-<br>the-board pay reduction and<br>reduce employee benefits."
"LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. - Even<br>though he's facing double hip<br>replacement surgery, Bill<br>Smith is more than happy to<br>struggle out the door each<br>morning, limp past his brand<br>new P.T..."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks were likely to open<br>flat on Wednesday, with high<br>oil prices and profit warnings<br>weighing on the market before<br>earnings reports start and key<br>jobs data is released this<br>week."
"Best known for its popular<br>search engine, Google is<br>rapidly rolling out new<br>products and muscling into<br>Microsoft's stronghold: the<br>computer desktop. The<br>competition means consumers<br>get more choices and better<br>products."
"Toshiba Corp. #39;s new<br>desktop-replacement multimedia<br>notebooks, introduced on<br>Tuesday, are further evidence<br>that US consumers still have<br>yet to embrace the mobility<br>offered by Intel Corp."
"JEJU, South Korea : Grace Park<br>of South Korea won an LPGA<br>Tour tournament, firing a<br>seven-under-par 65 in the<br>final round of the<br>1.35-million dollar CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>poured cold water on Tuesday<br>on recent international<br>efforts to restart stalled<br>peace talks with Syria, saying<br>there was \"no possibility\" of<br>returning to previous<br>discussions."
"Dutch smugness was slapped<br>hard during the past<br>fortnight. The rude awakening<br>began with the barbaric<br>slaying of controversial<br>filmmaker Theo van Gogh on<br>November 2. Then followed a<br>reciprocal cycle of some"
"AP - The NHL will lock out its<br>players Thursday, starting a<br>work stoppage that threatens<br>to keep the sport off the ice<br>for the entire 2004-05 season."
" MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's<br>Gazprom said on Tuesday it<br>will bid for embattled oil<br>firm YUKOS' main unit next<br>month, as the Kremlin seeks<br>to turn the world's biggest<br>gas producer into a major oil<br>player."
"pee writes quot;A passenger<br>on a commuter plane in<br>northern Norway attacked both<br>pilots and at least one<br>passenger with an axe as the<br>aircraft was coming in to<br>land."
"Aregular Amazon customer,<br>Yvette Thompson has found<br>shopping online to be mostly<br>convenient and trouble-free.<br>But last month, after ordering<br>two CDs on, the<br>Silver Spring reader<br>discovered on her bank<br>statement that she was double-<br>charged for the \\$26.98 order.<br>And there was a \\$25 charge<br>that was a mystery."
"Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>pledged Sunday to escalate a<br>broad Israeli offensive in<br>northern Gaza, saying troops<br>will remain until Palestinian<br>rocket attacks are halted.<br>Israeli officials said the<br>offensive -- in which 58<br>Palestinians and three<br>Israelis have been killed --<br>will help clear the way for an<br>Israeli withdrawal."
"Federal Reserve officials<br>raised a key short-term<br>interest rate Tuesday for the<br>fifth time this year, and<br>indicated they will gradually<br>move rates higher next year to<br>keep inflation under control<br>as the economy expands."
"Canadians are paying more to<br>borrow money for homes, cars<br>and other purchases today<br>after a quarter-point<br>interest-rate increase by the<br>Bank of Canada yesterday was<br>quickly matched by the<br>chartered banks."
"NEW YORK - Wall Street<br>professionals know to keep<br>their expectations in check in<br>September, historically the<br>worst month of the year for<br>stocks. As summertime draws to<br>a close, money managers are<br>getting back to business,<br>cleaning house, and often<br>sending the market lower in<br>the process..."
"A group linked to al Qaeda<br>ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said<br>it had tried to kill Iraq<br>#39;s environment minister on<br>Tuesday and warned it would<br>not miss next time, according<br>to an Internet statement."
"The Israeli military killed<br>four Palestinian militants on<br>Wednesday as troops in tanks<br>and armored vehicles pushed<br>into another town in the<br>northern Gaza Strip, extending"
"When Paula Radcliffe dropped<br>out of the Olympic marathon<br>miles from the finish, she<br>sobbed uncontrollably.<br>Margaret Okayo knew the<br>feeling."
"Delta Air Lines is to issue<br>millions of new shares without<br>shareholder consent as part of<br>moves to ensure its survival."
"First baseman Richie Sexson<br>agrees to a four-year contract<br>with the Seattle Mariners on<br>Wednesday."
"KIRKUK, Iraq - A suicide<br>attacker detonated a car bomb<br>Saturday outside a police<br>academy in the northern Iraqi<br>city of Kirkuk as hundreds of<br>trainees and civilians were<br>leaving for the day, killing<br>at least 20 people and<br>wounding 36, authorities said.<br>Separately, U.S and Iraqi<br>forces clashed with insurgents<br>in another part of northern<br>Iraq after launching an<br>operation to destroy an<br>alleged militant cell in the<br>town of Tal Afar, the U.S..."
"Genta (GNTA:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) is never boring!<br>Monday night, the company<br>announced that its phase III<br>Genasense study in chronic<br>lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) met<br>its primary endpoint, which<br>was tumor shrinkage."
"Finnish mobile giant Nokia has<br>described its new Preminet<br>solution, which it launched<br>Monday (Oct. 25), as a<br>quot;major worldwide<br>initiative."
"While the entire airline<br>industry #39;s finances are<br>under water, ATA Airlines will<br>have to hold its breath longer<br>than its competitors to keep<br>from going belly up."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - At<br>virtually every turn, Intel<br>Corp. executives are heaping<br>praise on an emerging long-<br>range wireless technology<br>known as WiMAX, which can<br>blanket entire cities with<br>high-speed Internet access."
"One day after ousting its<br>chief executive, the nation's<br>largest insurance broker said<br>it will tell clients exactly<br>how much they are paying for<br>services and renounce back-<br>door payments from carriers."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Outlining<br>an expectation for higher oil<br>prices and increasing demand,<br>Royal Dutch/Shell on Wednesday<br>said it #39;s lifting project<br>spending to \\$45 billion over<br>the next three years."
"Tuesday #39;s meeting could<br>hold clues to whether it<br>#39;ll be a November or<br>December pause in rate hikes.<br>By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money<br>senior writer."
"Phishing is one of the<br>fastest-growing forms of<br>personal fraud in the world.<br>While consumers are the most<br>obvious victims, the damage<br>spreads far wider--hurting<br>companies #39; finances and<br>reputations and potentially"
"Reuters - The U.S. Interior<br>Department on\\Friday gave<br>final approval to a plan by<br>ConocoPhillips and\\partner<br>Anadarko Petroleum Corp. to<br>develop five tracts around\\the<br>oil-rich Alpine field on<br>Alaska's North Slope."
"The dollar may fall against<br>the euro for a third week in<br>four on concern near-record<br>crude oil prices will temper<br>the pace of expansion in the<br>US economy, a survey by<br>Bloomberg News indicates."
"The battle for the British-<br>based Chelsfield plc hotted up<br>at the weekend, with reports<br>from London that the property<br>giant #39;s management was<br>working on its own bid to<br>thwart the 585 million (\\$A1."
"Atari has opened the initial<br>sign-up phase of the closed<br>beta for its Dungeons amp;<br>Dragons real-time-strategy<br>title, Dragonshard."
"AP - Many states are facing<br>legal challenges over possible<br>voting problems Nov. 2. A look<br>at some of the developments<br>Thursday:"
"Israeli troops withdrew from<br>the southern Gaza Strip town<br>of Khan Yunis on Tuesday<br>morning, following a 30-hour<br>operation that left 17<br>Palestinians dead."
"Notes and quotes from various<br>drivers following California<br>Speedway #39;s Pop Secret 500.<br>Jeff Gordon slipped to second<br>in points following an engine<br>failure while Jimmie Johnson<br>moved back into first."
"PM-designate Omar Karameh<br>forms a new 30-member cabinet<br>which includes women for the<br>first time."
"Bahrain #39;s king pardoned a<br>human rights activist who<br>convicted of inciting hatred<br>of the government and<br>sentenced to one year in<br>prison Sunday in a case linked<br>to criticism of the prime<br>minister."
"Big Blue adds features, beefs<br>up training efforts in China;<br>rival Unisys debuts new line<br>and pricing plan."
" MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Sports<br>Network) - The Memphis<br>Grizzlies signed All-Star<br>forward Pau Gasol to a multi-<br>year contract on Friday.<br>Terms of the deal were not<br>announced."
"Leaders from 38 Asian and<br>European nations are gathering<br>in Vietnam for a summit of the<br>Asia-Europe Meeting, know as<br>ASEM. One thousand delegates<br>are to discuss global trade<br>and regional politics during<br>the two-day forum."
"A US soldier has pleaded<br>guilty to murdering a wounded<br>16-year-old Iraqi boy. Staff<br>Sergeant Johnny Horne was<br>convicted Friday of the<br>unpremeditated murder"
"Andre Agassi brushed past<br>Jonas Bjorkman 6-3 6-4 at the<br>Stockholm Open on Thursday to<br>set up a quarter-final meeting<br>with Spanish sixth seed<br>Fernando Verdasco."
"South Korea's Hynix<br>Semiconductor Inc. and Swiss-<br>based STMicroelectronics NV<br>signed a joint-venture<br>agreement on Tuesday to<br>construct a memory chip<br>manufacturing plant in Wuxi,<br>about 100 kilometers west of<br>Shanghai, in China."
"SAN DIEGO --(Business Wire)--<br>Oct. 11, 2004 -- Breakthrough<br>PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne 8.11<br>Applications Enable<br>Manufacturers to Become<br>Demand-Driven."
"Reuters - Oil prices rose on<br>Friday as tight\\supplies of<br>distillate fuel, including<br>heating oil, ahead of\\the<br>northern hemisphere winter<br>spurred buying."
"Well, Intel did say -<br>dismissively of course - that<br>wasn #39;t going to try to<br>match AMD #39;s little dual-<br>core Opteron demo coup of last<br>week and show off a dual-core<br>Xeon at the Intel Developer<br>Forum this week and - as good<br>as its word - it didn #39;t."
"Guinea-Bissau #39;s army chief<br>of staff and former interim<br>president, General Verissimo<br>Correia Seabra, was killed<br>Wednesday during unrest by<br>mutinous soldiers in the<br>former Portuguese"
"31 October 2004 -- Exit polls<br>show that Prime Minister<br>Viktor Yanukovich and<br>challenger Viktor Yushchenko<br>finished on top in Ukraine<br>#39;s presidential election<br>today and will face each other<br>in a run-off next month."
"Nov. 18, 2004 - An FDA<br>scientist says the FDA, which<br>is charged with protecting<br>America #39;s prescription<br>drug supply, is incapable of<br>doing so."
"Rock singer Bono pledges to<br>spend the rest of his life<br>trying to eradicate extreme<br>poverty around the world."
"AP - Just when tourists<br>thought it was safe to go back<br>to the Princess Diana memorial<br>fountain, the mud has struck."
"The UK's inflation rate fell<br>in September, thanks in part<br>to a fall in the price of<br>airfares, increasing the<br>chance that interest rates<br>will be kept on hold."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - IBM is selling its<br>PC-making business to China's<br>largest personal computer<br>company, Lenovo Group Ltd.,<br>for \\$1.25 billion, marking<br>the U.S. firm's retreat from<br>an industry it helped pioneer<br>in 1981."
"AP - Three times a week, The<br>Associated Press picks an<br>issue and asks President Bush<br>and Democratic presidential<br>candidate John Kerry a<br>question about it. Today's<br>question and their responses:"
" BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston was<br>tingling with anticipation on<br>Saturday as the Red Sox<br>prepared to host Game One of<br>the World Series against the<br>St. Louis Cardinals and take a<br>step toward ridding<br>themselves of a hex that has<br>hung over the team for eight<br>decades."
"FOR the first time since his<br>appointment as Newcastle<br>United manager, Graeme Souness<br>has been required to display<br>the strong-arm disciplinary<br>qualities that, to Newcastle<br>directors, made"
"In an apparent damage control<br>exercise, Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin on Saturday<br>said he favored veto rights<br>for India as new permanent<br>member of the UN Security<br>Council."
"Nordstrom reported a strong<br>second-quarter profit as it<br>continued to select more<br>relevant inventory and sell<br>more items at full price."
"WHY IT HAPPENED Tom Coughlin<br>won his first game as Giants<br>coach and immediately<br>announced a fine amnesty for<br>all Giants. Just kidding."
"A second-place finish in his<br>first tournament since getting<br>married was good enough to<br>take Tiger Woods from third to<br>second in the world rankings."
" COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado<br>(Reuters) - World 400 meters<br>champion Jerome Young has been<br>given a lifetime ban from<br>athletics for a second doping<br>offense, the U.S. Anti-Doping<br>Agency (USADA) said Wednesday."
"AP - Nigeria's Senate has<br>ordered a subsidiary of<br>petroleum giant Royal/Dutch<br>Shell to pay a Nigerian ethnic<br>group #36;1.5 billion for oil<br>spills in their homelands, but<br>the legislative body can't<br>enforce the resolution, an<br>official said Wednesday."
"IT #39;S BEEN a heck of an<br>interesting two days here in<br>Iceland. I #39;ve seen some<br>interesting technology, heard<br>some inventive speeches and<br>met some people with different<br>ideas."
"The Bank of England is set to<br>keep interest rates on hold<br>following the latest meeting<br>of the its Monetary Policy<br>Committee."
"Australian troops in Baghdad<br>came under attack today for<br>the first time since the end<br>of the Iraq war when a car<br>bomb exploded injuring three<br>soldiers and damaging an<br>Australian armoured convoy."
"The Bush administration upheld<br>yesterday the imposition of<br>penalty tariffs on shrimp<br>imports from China and<br>Vietnam, handing a victory to<br>beleaguered US shrimp<br>producers."
"House prices rose 0.2 percent<br>in September compared with the<br>month before to stand up 17.8<br>percent on a year ago, the<br>Nationwide Building Society<br>says."
"Reuters - Two clients of<br>Germany's Postbank\\(DPBGn.DE)<br>fell for an e-mail fraud that<br>led them to reveal\\money<br>transfer codes to a bogus Web<br>site -- the first case of\\this<br>scam in German, prosecutors<br>said on Thursday."
"US spending on information<br>technology goods, services,<br>and staff will grow seven<br>percent in 2005 and continue<br>at a similar pace through<br>2008, according to a study<br>released Monday by Forrester<br>Research."
"LONDON - In two years, Arsenal<br>will play their home matches<br>in the Emirates stadium. That<br>is what their new stadium at<br>Ashburton Grove will be called<br>after the Premiership<br>champions yesterday agreed to<br>the"
"KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Jason<br>Campbell threw for 252 yards<br>and two touchdowns, and No. 8<br>Auburn proved itself as a<br>national title contender by<br>overwhelming No. 10 Tennessee,<br>34-10, last night."
"Look, Ma, no hands! The U.S.<br>space agency's latest<br>spacecraft can run an entire<br>mission by itself. By Amit<br>Asaravala."
"Pakistans decision to refuse<br>the International Atomic<br>Energy Agency to have direct<br>access to Dr AQ Khan is<br>correct on both legal and<br>political counts."
"MANILA, 4 December 2004 - With<br>floods receding, rescuers<br>raced to deliver food to<br>famished survivors in<br>northeastern Philippine<br>villages isolated by back-to-<br>back storms that left more<br>than 650 people dead and<br>almost 400 missing."
"Talks on where to build the<br>world #39;s first nuclear<br>fusion reactor ended without a<br>deal on Tuesday but the<br>European Union said Japan and<br>the United States no longer<br>firmly opposed its bid to put<br>the plant in France."
"Joining America Online,<br>EarthLink and Yahoo against<br>spamming, Microsoft Corp.<br>today announced the filing of<br>three new anti-Spam lawsuits<br>under the CAN-SPAM federal law<br>as part of its initiative in<br>solving the Spam problem for<br>Internet users worldwide."
"WASHINGTON -- Another<br>Revolution season concluded<br>with an overtime elimination.<br>Last night, the Revolution<br>thrice rallied from deficits<br>for a 3-3 tie with D.C. United<br>in the Eastern Conference<br>final, then lost in the first-<br>ever Major League Soccer match<br>decided by penalty kicks."
"Dwyane Wade calls himself a<br>quot;sidekick, quot; gladly<br>accepting the role Kobe Bryant<br>never wanted in Los Angeles.<br>And not only does second-year<br>Heat point"
"A nationwide inspection shows<br>Internet users are not as safe<br>online as they believe. The<br>inspections found most<br>consumers have no firewall<br>protection, outdated antivirus<br>software and dozens of spyware<br>programs secretly running on<br>their computers."
"World number one golfer Vijay<br>Singh of Fiji has captured his<br>eighth PGA Tour event of the<br>year with a win at the 84<br>Lumber Classic in Farmington,<br>Pennsylvania."
"The noise was deafening and<br>potentially unsettling in the<br>minutes before the start of<br>the men #39;s Olympic<br>200-meter final. The Olympic<br>Stadium crowd chanted<br>quot;Hellas!"
"CLEVELAND - The White House<br>said Vice President Dick<br>Cheney faces a \"master<br>litigator\" when he debates<br>Sen. John Edwards Tuesday<br>night, a backhanded compliment<br>issued as the Republican<br>administration defended itself<br>against criticism that it has<br>not acknowledged errors in<br>waging war in Iraq..."
"Brazilian forward Ronaldinho<br>scored a sensational goal for<br>Barcelona against Milan,<br>making for a last-gasp 2-1.<br>The 24-year-old #39;s<br>brilliant left-foot hit at the<br>Nou Camp Wednesday night sent<br>Barcelona atop of Group F."
"Nortel Networks says it will<br>again delay the release of its<br>restated financial results.<br>The Canadian telecom vendor<br>originally promised to release<br>the restated results in<br>September."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - At first<br>glance, paying \\$13 or \\$14<br>for a hard-wired Internet<br>laptop connection in a hotel<br>room might seem expensive."
"SEOUL (Reuters) - The chairman<br>of South Korea #39;s ruling<br>Uri Party resigned on Thursday<br>after saying his father had<br>served as a military police<br>officer during Japan #39;s<br>1910-1945 colonial rule on the<br>peninsula."
"ALERE, Uganda -- Kasmiro<br>Bongonyinge remembers sitting<br>up suddenly in his bed. It was<br>just after sunrise on a summer<br>morning two years ago, and the<br>old man, 87 years old and<br>blind, knew something was<br>wrong."
"Reuters - An investigation<br>into U.S. insurers\\and brokers<br>rattled insurance industry<br>stocks for a second day\\on<br>Friday as investors, shaken<br>further by subpoenas<br>delivered\\to the top U.S. life<br>insurer, struggled to gauge<br>how deep the\\probe might<br>reach."
"Bee Staff Writer. SANTA CLARA<br>- Andre Carter #39;s back<br>injury has kept him out of the<br>49ers #39; lineup since Week<br>1. It #39;s also interfering<br>with him rooting on his alma<br>mater in person."
"AP - Kellen Winslow Jr. ended<br>his second NFL holdout Friday."
"JAKARTA - Official results<br>have confirmed former army<br>general Susilo Bambang<br>Yudhoyono as the winner of<br>Indonesia #39;s first direct<br>presidential election, while<br>incumbent Megawati<br>Sukarnoputri urged her nation<br>Thursday to wait for the<br>official announcement"
"HOUSTON - With only a few<br>seconds left in a certain<br>victory for Miami, Peyton<br>Manning threw a meaningless<br>6-yard touchdown pass to<br>Marvin Harrison to cut the<br>score to 24-15."
"Reuters - A ragged band of<br>children\\emerges ghost-like<br>from mists in Ethiopia's<br>highlands,\\thrusting bunches<br>of carrots at a car full of<br>foreigners."
"DEADLY SCORER: Manchester<br>United #39;s Wayne Rooney<br>celebrating his three goals<br>against Fenerbahce this week<br>at Old Trafford. (AP)."
"AP - A U.N. human rights<br>expert criticized the U.S.-led<br>coalition forces in<br>Afghanistan for violating<br>international law by allegedly<br>beating Afghans to death and<br>forcing some to remove their<br>clothes or wear hoods."
"You can feel the confidence<br>level, not just with Team<br>Canada but with all of Canada.<br>There #39;s every expectation,<br>from one end of the bench to<br>the other, that Martin Brodeur<br>is going to hold the fort."
"Heading into the first game of<br>a new season, every team has<br>question marks. But in 2004,<br>the Denver Broncos seemed to<br>have more than normal."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>said on Thursday Yasser<br>Arafat's death could be a<br>turning point for peacemaking<br>but he would pursue a<br>unilateral plan that would<br>strip Palestinians of some<br>land they want for a state."
" AL-ASAD AIRBASE, Iraq<br>(Reuters) - Defense Secretary<br>Donald Rumsfeld swept into an<br>airbase in Iraq's western<br>desert Sunday to make a<br>first-hand evaluation of<br>operations to quell a raging<br>Iraqi insurgency in his first<br>such visit in five months."
"More than three out of four<br>(76 percent) consumers are<br>experiencing an increase in<br>spoofing and phishing<br>incidents, and 35 percent<br>receive fake e-mails at least<br>once a week, according to a<br>recent national study."
"The Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average failed three times<br>this year to exceed its<br>previous high and fell to<br>about 10,000 each time, most<br>recently a week ago."
"AP - Deep in the Atlantic<br>Ocean, undersea explorers are<br>living a safer life thanks to<br>germ-fighting clothing made in<br>Kinston."
"Anaheim, Calif. - There is a<br>decidedly right lean to the<br>three-time champions of the<br>American League Central. In a<br>span of 26 days, the Minnesota<br>Twins lost the left side of<br>their infield to free agency."
"Computer Associates Monday<br>announced the general<br>availability of three<br>Unicenter performance<br>management products for<br>mainframe data management."
"Reuters - The European Union<br>approved on\\Wednesday the<br>first biotech seeds for<br>planting and sale across\\EU<br>territory, flying in the face<br>of widespread<br>consumer\\resistance to<br>genetically modified (GMO)<br>crops and foods."
"With the NFL trading deadline<br>set for 4 p.m. Tuesday,<br>Patriots coach Bill Belichick<br>said there didn't seem to be<br>much happening on the trade<br>front around the league."
"WASHINGTON - Democrat John<br>Kerry accused President Bush<br>on Monday of sending U.S.<br>troops to the \"wrong war in<br>the wrong place at the wrong<br>time\" and said he'd try to<br>bring them all home in four<br>years..."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian<br>share markets staged a broad-<br>based retreat on Wednesday,<br>led by steelmakers amid<br>warnings of price declines,<br>but also enveloping technology<br>and financial stocks on<br>worries that earnings may<br>disappoint."
" News:- A Microsoft<br>UK quot;WEIGHING THE COST OF<br>LINUX VS. WINDOWS? LET #39;S<br>REVIEW THE FACTS quot;<br>magazine ad has been nailed as<br>misleading by Britain #39;s<br>Advertising Standards<br>Authority (ASA)."
"More lorry drivers are<br>bringing supplies to Nepal's<br>capital in defiance of an<br>indefinite blockade by Maoist<br>rebels."
"NEW YORK - CNN has a new boss<br>for the second time in 14<br>months: former CBS News<br>executive Jonathan Klein, who<br>will oversee programming and<br>editorial direction at the<br>second-ranked cable news<br>network."
"Cut-price carrier Virgin Blue<br>said Tuesday the cost of using<br>Australian airports is<br>spiraling upward and asked the<br>government to review the<br>deregulated system of charges."
"The retail sector overall may<br>be reporting a sluggish start<br>to the season, but holiday<br>shoppers are scooping up tech<br>goods at a brisk pace -- and<br>they're scouring the Web for<br>bargains more than ever.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\" color=\"#666666\"&gt;&<br>lt;B&gt;<br>;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"AP - David Beckham broke his<br>rib moments after scoring<br>England's second goal in<br>Saturday's 2-0 win over Wales<br>in a World Cup qualifying<br>game."
"Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the<br>United Arab Emirates, which<br>account for almost half of<br>OPEC #39;s oil output, said<br>they #39;re committed to<br>boosting capacity to meet<br>soaring demand that has driven<br>prices to a record."
"The US Commerce Department<br>said Thursday personal income<br>posted its biggest increase in<br>three months in August. The<br>government agency also said<br>personal spending was<br>unchanged after rising<br>strongly in July."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average opened up 0.54<br>percent on Monday with banks<br>and exporters leading the way<br>as a stronger finish on Wall<br>Street and declining oil<br>prices soothed worries over<br>the global economic outlook."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Floods<br>and landslides have killed 76<br>people in southwest China in<br>the past four days and washed<br>away homes and roads, knocked<br>down power lines and cut off<br>at least one city, state<br>media said on Monday."
"Nothing changed at the top of<br>Serie A as all top teams won<br>their games to keep the<br>distance between one another<br>unaltered. Juventus came back<br>from behind against Lazio to<br>win thanks to another goal by<br>Ibrahimovic"
"The team behind the Beagle 2<br>mission has unveiled its<br>design for a successor to the<br>British Mars lander."
"Survey points to popularity in<br>Europe, the Middle East and<br>Asia of receivers that skip<br>the pay TV and focus on free<br>programming."
"RICHMOND, Va. Jeremy Mayfield<br>won his first race in over<br>four years, taking the<br>Chevrolet 400 at Richmond<br>International Raceway after<br>leader Kurt Busch ran out of<br>gas eight laps from the<br>finish."
"AP - Victims of the Sept. 11<br>attacks were mourned worldwide<br>Saturday, but in the Middle<br>East, amid sympathy for the<br>dead, Arabs said Washington's<br>support for Israel and the war<br>on terror launched in the<br>aftermath of the World Trade<br>Center's collapse have only<br>fueled anger and violence."
"Linux publisher Red Hat Inc.<br>said Tuesday that information-<br>technology consulting firm<br>Unisys Corp. will begin<br>offering a business version of<br>the company #39;s open-source<br>operating system on its<br>servers."
"SEATTLE - Ichiro Suzuki set<br>the major league record for<br>hits in a season with 258,<br>breaking George Sisler's<br>84-year-old mark with a pair<br>of singles Friday night. The<br>Seattle star chopped a leadoff<br>single in the first inning,<br>then made history with a<br>grounder up the middle in the<br>third..."
"The intruder who entered<br>British Queen Elizabeth II<br>#39;s official Scottish<br>residence and caused a<br>security scare was a reporter<br>from the London-based Sunday<br>Times newspaper, local media<br>reported Friday."
"IBM's p5-575, a specialized<br>server geared for high-<br>performance computing, has<br>eight 1.9GHz Power5<br>processors."
"Bruce Wasserstein, head of<br>Lazard LLC, is asking partners<br>to take a one-third pay cut as<br>he readies the world #39;s<br>largest closely held<br>investment bank for a share<br>sale, people familiar with the<br>situation said."
"Canadian Press - FREDERICTON<br>(CP) - A New Brunswick truck<br>driver arrested in Ontario<br>this week has been accused by<br>police of stealing 50,000 cans<br>of Moosehead beer."
"Reuters - British police said<br>on Monday they had\\charged a<br>man with sending hoax emails<br>to relatives of people\\missing<br>since the Asian tsunami,<br>saying their loved ones<br>had\\been confirmed dead."
"The Lemon Bay Manta Rays were<br>not going to let a hurricane<br>get in the way of football. On<br>Friday, they headed to the<br>practice field for the first<br>time in eight"
"Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill<br>Gates has donated \\$400,000 to<br>a campaign in California<br>trying to win approval of a<br>measure calling for the state<br>to sell \\$3 billion in bonds<br>to fund stem-cell research."
"AP - Track star Marion Jones<br>filed a defamation lawsuit<br>Wednesday against the man<br>whose company is at the center<br>of a federal investigation<br>into illegal steroid use among<br>some of the nation's top<br>athletes."
"LOS ANGELES - On Sept. 1,<br>former secretary of<br>Agriculture Dan Glickman<br>replaced the legendary Jack<br>Valenti as president and CEO<br>of Hollywood #39;s trade<br>group, the Motion Picture<br>Association of America."
"England #39;s players hit out<br>at cricket #39;s authorities<br>tonight and claimed they had<br>been used as quot;political<br>pawns quot; after the Zimbabwe<br>government produced a<br>spectacular U-turn to ensure<br>the controversial one-day<br>series will go ahead."
"Newspaper publisher Pulitzer<br>Inc. said Sunday that company<br>officials are considering a<br>possible sale of the firm to<br>boost shareholder value."
"Shares of Merck amp; Co.<br>plunged almost 10 percent<br>yesterday after a media report<br>said that documents show the<br>pharmaceutical giant hid or<br>denied"
"AP - The Japanese won the<br>pregame home run derby. Then<br>the game started and the major<br>league All-Stars put their<br>bats to work. Back-to-back<br>home runs by Moises Alou and<br>Vernon Wells in the fourth<br>inning and by Johnny Estrada<br>and Brad Wilkerson in the<br>ninth powered the major<br>leaguers past the Japanese<br>stars 7-3 Sunday for a 3-0<br>lead in the eight-game series."
"Reuters - Wall Street was<br>expected to dip at\\Thursday's<br>opening, but shares of Texas<br>Instruments Inc.\\, may climb<br>after it gave upbeat earnings<br>guidance."
"Chinese authorities detained a<br>prominent, U.S.-based Buddhist<br>leader in connection with his<br>plans to reopen an ancient<br>temple complex in the Chinese<br>province of Inner Mongolia<br>last week and have forced<br>dozens of his American<br>followers to leave the region,<br>local officials said<br>Wednesday."
"The director of the National<br>Hurricane Center stays calm in<br>the midst of a storm, but<br>wants everyone in hurricane-<br>prone areas to get the message<br>from his media advisories:<br>Respect the storm's power and<br>make proper response plans."
"With Chelsea losing their<br>unbeaten record and Manchester<br>United failing yet again to<br>win, William Hill now make<br>Arsenal red-hot 2/5 favourites<br>to retain the title."
"Late in August, Boeing #39;s<br>top sales execs flew to<br>Singapore for a crucial sales<br>pitch. They were close to<br>persuading Singapore Airlines,<br>one of the world #39;s leading<br>airlines, to buy the American<br>company #39;s new jet, the<br>mid-sized 7E7."
"SBC Communications and<br>BellSouth will acquire<br> with the goal<br>of building the site into a<br>nationwide online business<br>index, the companies said<br>Thursday."
"Theresa special bookcase in Al<br>Grohs office completely full<br>of game plans from his days in<br>the NFL. Green ones are from<br>the Jets."
"SAN FRANCISCO Several<br>California cities and<br>counties, including Los<br>Angeles and San Francisco, are<br>suing Microsoft for what could<br>amount to billions of dollars."
"Newcastle ensured their place<br>as top seeds in Friday #39;s<br>third round UEFA Cup draw<br>after holding Sporting Lisbon<br>to a 1-1 draw at St James #39;<br>Park."
"Adorned with Turkish and EU<br>flags, Turkey #39;s newspapers<br>hailed Thursday an official EU<br>report recommending the<br>country start talks to join<br>the bloc, while largely<br>ignoring the stringent<br>conditions attached to the<br>announcement."
"Google plans to release a<br>version of its desktop search<br>tool for computers that run<br>Apple Computer #39;s Mac<br>operating system, Google #39;s<br>chief executive, Eric Schmidt,<br>said Friday."
"AMD : sicurezza e prestazioni<br>ottimali con il nuovo<br>processore mobile per notebook<br>leggeri e sottili; Acer Inc.<br>preme sull #39;acceleratore<br>con il nuovo notebook a<br>marchio Ferrari."
"The sounds of tinkling bells<br>could be heard above the<br>bustle of the Farmers Market<br>on the Long Beach Promenade,<br>leading shoppers to a row of<br>bright red tin kettles dotting<br>a pathway Friday."
"CBC SPORTS ONLINE - Bode<br>Miller continued his<br>impressive 2004-05 World Cup<br>skiing season by winning a<br>night slalom race in<br>Sestriere, Italy on Monday."
"Firefox use around the world<br>climbed 34 percent in the last<br>month, according to a report<br>published by Web analytics<br>company WebSideStory Monday."
"If a plastic card that gives<br>you credit for something you<br>don't want isn't your idea of<br>a great gift, you can put it<br>up for sale or swap."
"WASHINGTON Aug. 17, 2004<br>Scientists are planning to<br>take the pulse of the planet<br>and more in an effort to<br>improve weather forecasts,<br>predict energy needs months in<br>advance, anticipate disease<br>outbreaks and even tell<br>fishermen where the catch will<br>be ..."
"Damien Rhodes scored on a<br>2-yard run in the second<br>overtime, then Syracuse's<br>defense stopped Pittsburgh on<br>fourth and 1, sending the<br>Orange to a 38-31 victory<br>yesterday in Syracuse, N.Y."
"AP - Anthony Harris scored 18<br>of his career-high 23 points<br>in the second half to help<br>Miami upset No. 19 Florida<br>72-65 Saturday and give first-<br>year coach Frank Haith his<br>biggest victory."
"LONDON Santander Central<br>Hispano of Spain looked<br>certain to clinch its bid for<br>the British mortgage lender<br>Abbey National, after HBOS,<br>Britain #39;s biggest home-<br>loan company, said Wednesday<br>it would not counterbid, and<br>after the European Commission<br>cleared"
"New communications technology<br>could spawn future products.<br>Could your purse tell you to<br>bring an umbrella?"
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>Justice Department is<br>investigating possible<br>accounting fraud at Fannie<br>Mae, bringing greater<br>government scrutiny to bear on<br>the mortgage finance company,<br>already facing a parallel<br>inquiry by the SEC, a source<br>close to the matter said on<br>Thursday."
"AP - The five cities looking<br>to host the 2012 Summer Games<br>submitted bids to the<br>International Olympic<br>Committee on Monday, entering<br>the final stage of a long<br>process in hopes of landing<br>one of the biggest prizes in<br>sports."
"SAP has won a \\$35 million<br>contract to install its human<br>resources software for the US<br>Postal Service. The NetWeaver-<br>based system will replace the<br>Post Office #39;s current<br>25-year-old legacy application"
"The FIA has already cancelled<br>todays activities at Suzuka as<br>Super Typhoon Ma-On heads<br>towards the 5.807km circuit.<br>Saturday practice has been<br>cancelled altogether while<br>pre-qualifying and final<br>qualifying"
"Thailand's prime minister<br>visits the southern town where<br>scores of Muslims died in army<br>custody after a rally."
"Indian industrial group Tata<br>agrees to invest \\$2bn in<br>Bangladesh, the biggest single<br>deal agreed by a firm in the<br>south Asian country."
"NewsFactor - For years,<br>companies large and small have<br>been convinced that if they<br>want the sophisticated<br>functionality of enterprise-<br>class software like ERP and<br>CRM systems, they must buy<br>pre-packaged applications.<br>And, to a large extent, that<br>remains true."
"Following in the footsteps of<br>the RIAA, the MPAA (Motion<br>Picture Association of<br>America) announced that they<br>have began filing lawsuits<br>against people who use peer-<br>to-peer software to download<br>copyrighted movies off the<br>Internet."
" GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas<br>(Reuters) - Betting on horses<br>was banned in Texas until as<br>recently as 1987. Times have<br>changed rapidly since.<br>Saturday, Lone Star Park race<br>track hosts the \\$14 million<br>Breeders Cup, global racing's<br>end-of-season extravaganza."
"MacCentral - At a special<br>music event featuring Bono and<br>The Edge from rock group U2<br>held on Tuesday, Apple took<br>the wraps off the iPod Photo,<br>a color iPod available in 40GB<br>or 60GB storage capacities.<br>The company also introduced<br>the iPod U2, a special edition<br>of Apple's 20GB player clad in<br>black, equipped with a red<br>Click Wheel and featuring<br>engraved U2 band member<br>signatures. The iPod Photo is<br>available immediately, and<br>Apple expects the iPod U2 to<br>ship in mid-November."
"Beijing: At least 170 miners<br>were trapped underground after<br>a gas explosion on Sunday<br>ignited a fire in a coalmine<br>in north-west China #39;s<br>Shaanxi province, reports<br>said."
"The steel tubing company<br>reports sharply higher<br>earnings, but the stock is<br>falling."
"It might be a stay of<br>execution for Coach P, or it<br>might just be a Christmas<br>miracle come early. SU #39;s<br>upset win over BC has given<br>hope to the Orange playing in<br>a post season Bowl game."
"PHIL Neville insists<br>Manchester United don #39;t<br>fear anyone in the Champions<br>League last 16 and declared:<br>quot;Bring on the Italians."
"Playboy Enterprises, the adult<br>entertainment company, has<br>announced plans to open a<br>private members club in<br>Shanghai even though the<br>company #39;s flagship men<br>#39;s magazine is still banned<br>in China."
"Reuters - Oracle Corp is<br>likely to win clearance\\from<br>the European Commission for<br>its hostile #36;7.7<br>billion\\takeover of rival<br>software firm PeopleSoft Inc.,<br>a source close\\to the<br>situation said on Friday."
"TORONTO (CP) - Earnings<br>warnings from Celestica and<br>Coca-Cola along with a<br>slowdown in US industrial<br>production sent stock markets<br>lower Wednesday."
"IBM (Quote, Chart) said it<br>would spend a quarter of a<br>billion dollars over the next<br>year and a half to grow its<br>RFID (define) business."
"Eastman Kodak Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of<br>photographic film, said<br>Wednesday it expects sales of<br>digital products and services<br>to grow at an annual rate of<br>36 percent between 2003 and<br>2007, above prior growth rate<br>estimates of 26 percent<br>between 2002"
"SAMARRA (Iraq): With renewe d<br>wave of skirmishes between the<br>Iraqi insurgents and the US-<br>led coalition marines, several<br>people including top police<br>officers were put to death on<br>Saturday."
" - NASA released one<br>of the best pictures ever made<br>of Saturn's moon Titan as the<br>Cassini spacecraft begins a<br>close-up inspection of the<br>satellite today. Cassini is<br>making the nearest flyby ever<br>of the smog-shrouded moon."
"AFP - The Iraqi government<br>plans to phase out slowly<br>subsidies on basic products,<br>such as oil and electricity,<br>which comprise 50 percent of<br>public spending, equal to 15<br>billion dollars, the planning<br>minister said."
"ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS - Nova<br>Scotia Power officials<br>continued to keep the sluice<br>gates open at one of the<br>utility #39;s hydroelectric<br>plants Wednesday in hopes a<br>wayward whale would leave the<br>area and head for the open<br>waters of the Bay of Fundy."
"TORONTO -- Toronto Raptors<br>point guard Alvin Williams<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season after undergoing<br>surgery on his right knee<br>Monday."
"The federal agency that<br>insures pension plans said<br>that its deficit, already at<br>the highest in its history,<br>had doubled in its last fiscal<br>year, to \\$23.3 billion."
"AFP - Like most US Latinos,<br>members of the extended<br>Rodriguez family say they will<br>cast their votes for Democrat<br>John Kerry in next month's<br>presidential polls."
"A Milan judge on Tuesday opens<br>hearings into whether to put<br>on trial 32 executives and<br>financial institutions over<br>the collapse of international<br>food group Parmalat in one of<br>Europe #39;s biggest fraud<br>cases."
"AP - Tennessee's two freshmen<br>quarterbacks have Volunteers<br>fans fantasizing about the<br>next four years. Brent<br>Schaeffer and Erik Ainge<br>surprised many with the nearly<br>seamless way they rotated<br>throughout a 42-17 victory<br>over UNLV on Sunday night."
"In fact, Larry Ellison<br>compares himself to the<br>warlord, according to<br>PeopleSoft's former CEO,<br>defending previous remarks he<br>made."
"FALLUJAH, Iraq -- Four Iraqi<br>fighters huddled in a trench,<br>firing rocket-propelled<br>grenades at Lieutenant Eric<br>Gregory's Bradley Fighting<br>Vehicle and the US tanks and<br>Humvees that were lumbering<br>through tight streets between<br>boxlike beige houses."
"MADRID, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>Portugal captain Luis Figo<br>said on Wednesday he was<br>taking an indefinite break<br>from international football,<br>but would not confirm whether<br>his decision was final."
"The Bank of England on<br>Thursday left its benchmark<br>interest rate unchanged, at<br>4.75 percent, as policy makers<br>assessed whether borrowing<br>costs, already the highest in<br>the Group of Seven, are<br>constraining consumer demand."
"AP - Several thousand<br>Christians who packed a<br>cathedral compound in the<br>Egyptian capital hurled stones<br>at riot police Wednesday to<br>protest a woman's alleged<br>forced conversion to Islam. At<br>least 30 people were injured."
"A group of Saudi religious<br>scholars have signed an open<br>letter urging Iraqis to<br>support jihad against US-led<br>forces. quot;Fighting the<br>occupiers is a duty for all<br>those who are able, quot; they<br>said in a statement posted on<br>the internet at the weekend."
"Fashion retailers Austin Reed<br>and Ted Baker have reported<br>contrasting fortunes on the<br>High Street. Austin Reed<br>reported interim losses of 2."
"AP - Shaun Rogers is in the<br>backfield as often as some<br>running backs. Whether teams<br>dare to block Detroit's star<br>defensive tackle with one<br>player or follow the trend of<br>double-teaming him, he often<br>rips through offensive lines<br>with a rare combination of<br>size, speed, strength and<br>nimble footwork."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - A<br>federal judge on Friday<br>approved Citigroup Inc.'s<br>\\$2.6 billion settlement with<br>WorldCom Inc. investors who<br>lost billions when an<br>accounting scandal plunged<br>the telecommunications company<br>into bankruptcy protection."
"The Lions and Eagles entered<br>Sunday #39;s game at Ford<br>Field in the same place --<br>atop their respective<br>divisions -- and with<br>identical 2-0 records."
"An unspecified number of<br>cochlear implants to help<br>people with severe hearing<br>loss are being recalled<br>because they may malfunction<br>due to ear moisture, the US<br>Food and Drug Administration<br>announced."
"Profits triple at McDonald's<br>Japan after the fast-food<br>chain starts selling larger<br>burgers."
"After Marcos Moreno threw four<br>more interceptions in last<br>week's 14-13 overtime loss at<br>N.C. A T, Bison Coach Ray<br>Petty will start Antoine<br>Hartfield against Norfolk<br>State on Saturday."
"You can empty your pockets of<br>change, take off your belt and<br>shoes and stick your keys in<br>the little tray. But if you've<br>had radiation therapy<br>recently, you still might set<br>off Homeland Security alarms."
"Mountaineers retrieve three<br>bodies believed to have been<br>buried for 22 years on an<br>Indian glacier."
"SEOUL, Oct 19 Asia Pulse -<br>LG.Philips LCD Co.<br>(KSE:034220), the world #39;s<br>second-largest maker of liquid<br>crystal display (LCD), said<br>Tuesday it has developed the<br>world #39;s largest organic<br>light emitting diode"
"SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. --<br>Looking ahead to the US<br>championship game almost cost<br>Conejo Valley in the<br>semifinals of the Little<br>League World Series."
"The Cubs didn #39;t need to<br>fly anywhere near Florida to<br>be in the eye of the storm.<br>For a team that is going on<br>100 years since last winning a<br>championship, the only thing<br>they never are at a loss for<br>is controversy."
"Security experts warn of<br>banner ads with a bad attitude<br>--and a link to malicious<br>code. Also: Phishers, be gone."
"KETTERING, Ohio Oct. 12, 2004<br>- Cincinnati Bengals defensive<br>end Justin Smith pleaded not<br>guilty to a driving under the<br>influence charge."
"com October 15, 2004, 5:11 AM<br>PT. Wood paneling and chrome<br>made your dad #39;s station<br>wagon look like a million<br>bucks, and they might also be<br>just the ticket for Microsoft<br>#39;s fledgling"
"President Thabo Mbeki met with<br>Ivory Coast Prime Minister<br>Seydou Diarra for three hours<br>yesterday as part of talks<br>aimed at bringing peace to the<br>conflict-wracked Ivory Coast."
"MINNEAPOLIS -- For much of the<br>2004 season, Twins pitcher<br>Johan Santana didn #39;t just<br>beat opposing hitters. Often,<br>he overwhelmed and owned them<br>in impressive fashion."
"Britain #39;s inflation rate<br>fell in August further below<br>its 2.0 percent government-set<br>upper limit target with<br>clothing and footwear prices<br>actually falling, official<br>data showed on Tuesday."
" KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal's<br>Maoist rebels have<br>temporarily suspended a<br>crippling economic blockade of<br>the capital from Wednesday,<br>saying the move was in<br>response to popular appeals."
"Reuters - An Algerian<br>suspected of being a leader\\of<br>the Madrid train bombers has<br>been identified as one of<br>seven\\people who blew<br>themselves up in April to<br>avoid arrest, Spain's\\Interior<br>Ministry said on Friday."
"KABUL: An Afghan man was found<br>guilty on Saturday of killing<br>four journalists in 2001,<br>including two from Reuters,<br>and sentenced to death."
"Yasser Arafat, the leader for<br>decades of a fight for<br>Palestinian independence from<br>Israel, has died at a military<br>hospital in Paris, according<br>to news reports."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>shares shrugged off a spike in<br>the euro to a fresh all-time<br>high Wednesday, with telecoms<br>again leading the way higher<br>after interim profits at<br>Britain's mm02 beat<br>expectations."
"WASHINGTON - Weighed down by<br>high energy prices, the US<br>economy grew slower than the<br>government estimated in the<br>April-June quarter, as higher<br>oil prices limited consumer<br>spending and contributed to a<br>record trade deficit."
"CHICAGO United Airlines says<br>it will need even more labor<br>cuts than anticipated to get<br>out of bankruptcy. United told<br>a bankruptcy court judge in<br>Chicago today that it intends<br>to start talks with unions<br>next month on a new round of<br>cost savings."
" JABALYA, Gaza Strip (Reuters)<br>- Israel pulled most of its<br>forces out of the northern<br>Gaza Strip Saturday after a<br>four-day incursion it said<br>was staged to halt Palestinian<br>rocket attacks on southern<br>Israeli towns."
"Computer Associates<br>International yesterday<br>reported a 6 increase in<br>revenue during its second<br>fiscal quarter, but posted a<br>\\$94 million loss after paying<br>to settle government<br>investigations into the<br>company, it said yesterday."
"THE Turkish embassy in Baghdad<br>was investigating a television<br>report that two Turkish<br>hostages had been killed in<br>Iraq, but no confirmation was<br>available so far, a senior<br>Turkish diplomat said today."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>supporters of<br>Ukraine's\\opposition leader,<br>Viktor Yushchenko, celebrated<br>on the streets\\in the early<br>hours on Monday after an exit<br>poll showed him\\winner of a<br>bitterly fought presidential<br>election."
"LONDON : The United States<br>faced rare criticism over<br>human rights from close ally<br>Britain, with an official<br>British government report<br>taking Washington to task over<br>concerns about Iraq and the<br>Guantanamo Bay jail."
"The University of California,<br>Berkeley, has signed an<br>agreement with the Samoan<br>government to isolate, from a<br>tree, the gene for a promising<br>anti- Aids drug and to share<br>any royalties from the sale of<br>a gene-derived drug with the<br>people of Samoa."
"At a charity auction in New<br>Jersey last weekend, baseball<br>memorabilia dealer Warren<br>Heller was approached by a man<br>with an unusual but topical<br>request."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei average jumped 2.5<br>percent by mid-afternoon on<br>Monday as semiconductor-<br>related stocks such as<br>Advantest Corp. mirrored a<br>rally by their U.S. peers<br>while banks and brokerages<br>extended last week's gains."
"INTER Milan coach Roberto<br>Mancini believes the club<br>#39;s lavish (northern) summer<br>signings will enable them to<br>mount a serious Serie A<br>challenge this season."
"LONDON - A bomb threat that<br>mentioned Iraq forced a New<br>York-bound Greek airliner to<br>make an emergency landing<br>Sunday at London's Stansted<br>Airport escorted by military<br>jets, authorities said. An<br>airport spokeswoman said an<br>Athens newspaper had received<br>a phone call saying there was<br>a bomb on board the Olympic<br>Airlines plane..."
"Links to this week's topics<br>from search engine forums<br>across the web: New MSN Search<br>Goes LIVE in Beta - Microsoft<br>To Launch New Search Engine -<br>Google Launches 'Google<br>Advertising Professionals' -<br>Organic vs Paid Traffic ROI? -<br>Making Money With AdWords? -<br>Link Building 101"
"AP - Brad Ott shot an 8-under<br>64 on Sunday to win the<br>Nationwide Tour's Price Cutter<br>Charity Championship for his<br>first Nationwide victory."
"AP - New York Jets running<br>back Curtis Martin passed Eric<br>Dickerson and Jerome Bettis on<br>the NFL career rushing list<br>Sunday against the St. Louis<br>Rams, moving to fourth all-<br>time."
"Eight conservation groups are<br>fighting the US government<br>over a plan to poison<br>thousands of prairie dogs in<br>the grasslands of South<br>Dakota, saying wildlife should<br>not take a backseat to<br>ranching interests."
"ATHENS, Greece - Sheryl<br>Swoopes made three big plays<br>at the end - two baskets and<br>another on defense - to help<br>the United States squeeze out<br>a 66-62 semifinal victory over<br>Russia on Friday. Now, only<br>one game stands between the<br>U.S..."
"Instead of standing for ante<br>meridian and post meridian,<br>though, fans will remember the<br>time periods of pre-Mia and<br>after-Mia. After playing for<br>18 years and shattering nearly<br>every record"
"General Motors (GM) plans to<br>announce a massive<br>restructuring Thursday that<br>will eliminate as many as<br>12,000 jobs in Europe in a<br>move to stem the five-year<br>flow of red ink from its auto<br>operations in the region."
"Scientists are developing a<br>device which could improve the<br>lives of kidney dialysis<br>patients."
"KABUL, Afghanistan The Afghan<br>government is blaming drug<br>smugglers for yesterday #39;s<br>attack on the leading vice<br>presidential candidate ."
"Stephon Marbury, concerned<br>about his lousy shooting in<br>Athens, used an off day to go<br>to the gym and work on his<br>shot. By finding his range, he<br>saved the United States #39;<br>hopes for a basketball gold<br>medal."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>held firm on Wednesday as<br>Hurricane Ivan closed off<br>crude output and shut<br>refineries in the Gulf of<br>Mexico, while OPEC's Gulf<br>producers tried to reassure<br>traders by recommending an<br>output hike."
"State-owned, running a<br>monopoly on imports of jet<br>fuel to China #39;s fast-<br>growing aviation industry and<br>a prized member of Singapore<br>#39;s Stock Exchange."
"Google has won a trade mark<br>dispute, with a District Court<br>judge finding that the search<br>engines sale of sponsored<br>search terms Geico and Geico<br>Direct did not breach car<br>insurance firm GEICOs rights<br>in the trade marked terms."
"Wall Street bounded higher for<br>the second straight day<br>yesterday as investors reveled<br>in sharply falling oil prices<br>and the probusiness agenda of<br>the second Bush<br>administration. The Dow Jones<br>industrials gained more than<br>177 points for its best day of<br>2004, while the Standard amp;<br>Poor's 500 closed at its<br>highest level since early<br>2002."
"Key factors help determine if<br>outsourcing benefits or hurts<br>Americans."
"The US Trade Representative on<br>Monday rejected the European<br>Union #39;s assertion that its<br>ban on beef from hormone-<br>treated cattle is now<br>justified by science and that<br>US and Canadian retaliatory<br>sanctions should be lifted."
"One of the leading figures in<br>the Greek Orthodox Church, the<br>Patriarch of Alexandria Peter<br>VII, has been killed in a<br>helicopter crash in the Aegean<br>Sea."
"Siding with chip makers,<br>Microsoft said it won't charge<br>double for its per-processor<br>licenses when dual-core chips<br>come to market next year."
"NEW YORK -- Wall Street's<br>fourth-quarter rally gave<br>stock mutual funds a solid<br>performance for 2004, with<br>small-cap equity funds and<br>real estate funds scoring some<br>of the biggest returns. Large-<br>cap growth equities and<br>technology-focused funds had<br>the slimmest gains."
"CANBERRA, Australia -- The<br>sweat-stained felt hats worn<br>by Australian cowboys, as much<br>a part of the Outback as<br>kangaroos and sun-baked soil,<br>may be heading for the history<br>books. They fail modern<br>industrial safety standards."
"Big Food Group Plc, the UK<br>owner of the Iceland grocery<br>chain, said second-quarter<br>sales at stores open at least<br>a year dropped 3.3 percent,<br>the second consecutive<br>decline, after competitors cut<br>prices."
"A London-to-Washington flight<br>is diverted after a security<br>alert involving the singer<br>formerly known as Cat Stevens."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>first case of soybean rust has<br>been found on the mainland<br>United States and could affect<br>U.S. crops for the near<br>future, costing farmers<br>millions of dollars, the<br>Agriculture Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"IBM and the Spanish government<br>have introduced a new<br>supercomputer they hope will<br>be the most powerful in<br>Europe, and one of the 10 most<br>powerful in the world."
"The Supreme Court today<br>overturned a five-figure<br>damage award to an Alexandria<br>man for a local auto dealer<br>#39;s alleged loan scam,<br>ruling that a Richmond-based<br>federal appeals court had<br>wrongly"
"AP - President Bush declared<br>Friday that charges of voter<br>fraud have cast doubt on the<br>Ukrainian election, and warned<br>that any European-negotiated<br>pact on Iran's nuclear program<br>must ensure the world can<br>verify Tehran's compliance."
"TheSpaceShipOne team is handed<br>the \\$10m cheque and trophy it<br>won for claiming the Ansari<br>X-Prize."
"Security officials have<br>identified six of the<br>militants who seized a school<br>in southern Russia as being<br>from Chechnya, drawing a<br>strong connection to the<br>Chechen insurgents who have<br>been fighting Russian forces<br>for years."
"AP - Randy Moss is expected to<br>play a meaningful role for the<br>Minnesota Vikings this weekend<br>against the Giants, even<br>without a fully healed right<br>hamstring."
"Pros: Fits the recent profile<br>(44, past PGA champion, fiery<br>Ryder Cup player); the job is<br>his if he wants it. Cons:<br>Might be too young to be<br>willing to burn two years of<br>play on tour."
"SEOUL -- North Korea set three<br>conditions yesterday to be met<br>before it would consider<br>returning to six-party talks<br>on its nuclear programs."
"Official figures show the<br>12-nation eurozone economy<br>continues to grow, but there<br>are warnings it may slow down<br>later in the year."
"Elmer Santos scored in the<br>second half, lifting East<br>Boston to a 1-0 win over<br>Brighton yesterday afternoon<br>and giving the Jets an early<br>leg up in what is shaping up<br>to be a tight Boston City<br>League race."
"In upholding a lower court<br>#39;s ruling, the Supreme<br>Court rejected arguments that<br>the Do Not Call list violates<br>telemarketers #39; First<br>Amendment rights."
"US-backed Iraqi commandos were<br>poised Friday to storm rebel<br>strongholds in the northern<br>city of Mosul, as US military<br>commanders said they had<br>quot;broken the back quot; of<br>the insurgency with their<br>assault on the former rebel<br>bastion of Fallujah."
"Infineon Technologies, the<br>second-largest chip maker in<br>Europe, said Wednesday that it<br>planned to invest about \\$1<br>billion in a new factory in<br>Malaysia to expand its<br>automotive chip business and<br>be closer to customers in the<br>region."
"Mozilla's new web browser is<br>smart, fast and user-friendly<br>while offering a slew of<br>advanced, customizable<br>functions. By Michelle Delio."
"Saints special teams captain<br>Steve Gleason expects to be<br>fined by the league after<br>being ejected from Sunday's<br>game against the Carolina<br>Panthers for throwing a punch."
"JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime<br>Minister Ariel Sharon, facing<br>a party mutiny over his plan<br>to quit the Gaza Strip, has<br>approved 1,000 more Israeli<br>settler homes in the West Bank<br>in a move that drew a cautious<br>response on Tuesday from ..."
"Play has begun in the<br>Australian Masters at<br>Huntingdale in Melbourne with<br>around half the field of 120<br>players completing their first<br>rounds."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Washington Post Co. &lt;A HREF<br>=\"http://www.investor.reuters.<br>com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WPO.<br>N target=/stocks/quickinfo/ful<br>lquote\"&gt;WPO.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>said on Friday that quarterly<br>profit jumped, beating<br>analysts' forecasts, boosted<br>by results at its Kaplan<br>education unit and television<br>broadcasting operations."
"GHAZNI, Afghanistan, 6 October<br>2004 - Wartime security was<br>rolled out for Afghanistans<br>interim President Hamid Karzai<br>as he addressed his first<br>election campaign rally<br>outside the capital yesterday<br>amid spiraling violence."
"LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Louisville<br>men #39;s basketball head<br>coach Rick Pitino and senior<br>forward Ellis Myles met with<br>members of the media on Friday<br>to preview the Cardinals #39;<br>home game against rival<br>Kentucky on Satursday."
"AP - Sounds like David<br>Letterman is as big a \"Pops\"<br>fan as most everyone else."
"originally offered on notebook<br>PCs -- to its Opteron 32- and<br>64-bit x86 processors for<br>server applications. The<br>technology will help servers<br>to run"
"New orders for US-made durable<br>goods increased 0.2pc in<br>September, held back by a big<br>drop in orders for<br>transportation goods, the US<br>Commerce Department said<br>today."
"Siblings are the first ever to<br>be convicted for sending<br>boatloads of junk e-mail<br>pushing bogus products. Also:<br>Microsoft takes MSN music<br>download on a Euro trip....<br>Nokia begins legal battle<br>against European<br>counterparts.... and more."
"I always get a kick out of the<br>annual list published by<br>Forbes singling out the<br>richest people in the country.<br>It #39;s almost as amusing as<br>those on the list bickering<br>over their placement."
"MacCentral - After Apple<br>unveiled the iMac G5 in Paris<br>this week, Vice President of<br>Hardware Product Marketing<br>Greg Joswiak gave Macworld<br>editors a guided tour of the<br>desktop's new design. Among<br>the topics of conversation:<br>the iMac's cooling system, why<br>pre-installed Bluetooth<br>functionality and FireWire 800<br>were left out, and how this<br>new model fits in with Apple's<br>objectives."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc., operator<br>of home furnishing chains<br>including Pottery Barn, said<br>third-quarter earnings rose 19<br>percent, boosted by store<br>openings and catalog sales."
"We #39;ve known about<br>quot;strained silicon quot;<br>for a while--but now there<br>#39;s a better way to do it.<br>Straining silicon improves<br>chip performance."
"This week, Sir Richard Branson<br>announced his new company,<br>Virgin Galactic, has the<br>rights to the first commercial<br>flights into space."
"71-inch HDTV comes with a home<br>stereo system and components<br>painted in 24-karat gold."
"Arsenal was held to a 1-1 tie<br>by struggling West Bromwich<br>Albion on Saturday, failing to<br>pick up a Premier League<br>victory when Rob Earnshaw<br>scored with 11 minutes left."
"TOKYO - Mitsubishi Heavy<br>Industries said today it #39;s<br>in talks to buy a plot of land<br>in central Japan #39;s Nagoya<br>city from Mitsubishi Motors<br>for building aircraft parts."
"China has confirmed that it<br>found a deadly strain of bird<br>flu in pigs as early as two<br>years ago. China #39;s<br>Agriculture Ministry said two<br>cases had been discovered, but<br>it did not say exactly where<br>the samples had been taken."
"Baseball #39;s executive vice<br>president Sandy Alderson<br>insisted last month that the<br>Cubs, disciplined for an<br>assortment of run-ins with<br>umpires, would not be targeted<br>the rest of the season by<br>umpires who might hold a<br>grudge."
"As Superman and Batman would<br>no doubt reflect during their<br>cigarette breaks, the really<br>draining thing about being a<br>hero was that you have to keep<br>riding to the rescue."
"MacCentral - RealNetworks Inc.<br>said on Tuesday that it has<br>sold more than a million songs<br>at its online music store<br>since slashing prices last<br>week as part of a limited-time<br>sale aimed at growing the user<br>base of its new digital media<br>software."
"With the presidential election<br>less than six weeks away,<br>activists and security experts<br>are ratcheting up concern over<br>the use of touch-screen<br>machines to cast votes.<br>&lt;FONT face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;<br>t;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"NEW YORK, September 14 (New<br>Ratings) - Yahoo! Inc<br>(YHOO.NAS) has agreed to<br>acquire Musicmatch Inc, a<br>privately held digital music<br>software company, for about<br>\\$160 million in cash."
"Japan #39;s Sumitomo Mitsui<br>Financial Group Inc. said<br>Tuesday it proposed to UFJ<br>Holdings Inc. that the two<br>banks merge on an equal basis<br>in its latest attempt to woo<br>UFJ away from a rival suitor."
"Oil futures prices were little<br>changed Thursday as traders<br>anxiously watched for<br>indications that the supply or<br>demand picture would change in<br>some way to add pressure to<br>the market or take some away."
"Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to<br>propose a ban Thursday on the<br>sale of violent and sexually<br>explicit video games to<br>minors, something other states<br>have tried with little<br>success."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Delta Air<br>Lines Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://<br><br>uote.aspx?ticker=DAL.N target=<br>/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&g<br>t;DAL.N&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Tuesday it will cut wages by<br>10 percent and its chief<br>executive will go unpaid for<br>the rest of the year, but it<br>still warned of bankruptcy<br>within weeks unless more cuts<br>are made."
"AP - Ten years after the Irish<br>Republican Army's momentous<br>cease-fire, negotiations<br>resumed Wednesday in hope of<br>reviving a Catholic-Protestant<br>administration, an elusive<br>goal of Northern Ireland's<br>hard-fought peace process."
"A cable channel plans to<br>resurrect each of the 1,230<br>regular-season games listed on<br>the league's defunct 2004-2005<br>schedule by setting them in<br>motion on a video game<br>console."
" SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican<br>Republic, Sept. 18 -- Tropical<br>Storm Jeanne headed for the<br>Bahamas on Saturday after an<br>assault on the Dominican<br>Republic that killed 10<br>people, destroyed hundreds of<br>houses and forced thousands<br>from their homes."
"An explosion tore apart a car<br>in Gaza City Monday, killing<br>at least one person,<br>Palestinian witnesses said.<br>They said Israeli warplanes<br>were circling overhead at the<br>time of the blast, indicating<br>a possible missile strike."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A<br>former Fannie Mae &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=FNM.N <br>target=/stocks/quickinfo/fullq<br>uote\"&gt;FNM.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>employee who gave U.S.<br>officials information about<br>what he saw as accounting<br>irregularities will not<br>testify as planned before a<br>congressional hearing next<br>week, a House committee said<br>on Friday."
"Beijing, Oct. 25 (PTI): China<br>and the US today agreed to<br>work jointly to re-energise<br>the six-party talks mechanism<br>aimed at dismantling North<br>Korea #39;s nuclear programmes<br>while Washington urged Beijing<br>to resume"
"AFP - Sporadic gunfire and<br>shelling took place overnight<br>in the disputed Georgian<br>region of South Ossetia in<br>violation of a fragile<br>ceasefire, wounding seven<br>Georgian servicemen."
"PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - The<br>European Aeronautic Defence<br>and Space Company reported<br>Thursday that its nine-month<br>net profit more than doubled,<br>thanks largely to sales of<br>Airbus aircraft, and raised<br>its full-year forecast."
"AP - Eric Hinske and Vernon<br>Wells homered, and the Toronto<br>Blue Jays completed a three-<br>game sweep of the Baltimore<br>Orioles with an 8-5 victory<br>Sunday."
" - When<br>\"Halo\" became a smash video<br>game hit following Microsoft's<br>launch of the Xbox console in<br>2001, it was a no-brainer that<br>there would be a sequel to the<br>science fiction shoot-em-up."
"The number of people claiming<br>unemployment benefit last<br>month fell by 6,100 to<br>830,200, according to the<br>Office for National<br>Statistics."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Todd<br>Walker homered, had three hits<br>and drove in four runs to lead<br>the Chicago Cubs to a 12-5 win<br>over the Cincinnati Reds in<br>National League play at<br>Wrigley Field on Monday."
"PARIS -- The city of Paris<br>intends to reduce its<br>dependence on software<br>suppliers with \"de facto<br>monopolies,\" but considers an<br>immediate switch of its 17,000<br>desktops to open source<br>software too costly, it said<br>Wednesday."
" FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) -<br>U.S. forces hit Iraq's rebel<br>stronghold of Falluja with the<br>fiercest air and ground<br>bombardment in months, as<br>insurgents struck back on<br>Saturday with attacks that<br>killed up to 37 people in<br>Samarra."
"MIAMI (Sports Network) -<br>Shaquille O #39;Neal made his<br>home debut, but once again it<br>was Dwyane Wade stealing the<br>show with 28 points as the<br>Miami Heat downed the<br>Cleveland Cavaliers, 92-86, in<br>front of a record crowd at<br>AmericanAirlines Arena."
"AP - The San Diego Chargers<br>looked sharp #151; and played<br>the same way. Wearing their<br>powder-blue throwback jerseys<br>and white helmets from the<br>1960s, the Chargers did almost<br>everything right in beating<br>the Jacksonville Jaguars 34-21<br>on Sunday."
"The vast majority of consumers<br>are unaware that an Apple iPod<br>digital music player only<br>plays proprietary iTunes<br>files, while a smaller<br>majority agree that it is<br>within RealNetworks #39;<br>rights to develop a program<br>that will make its music files<br>compatible"
"Tyler airlines are gearing up<br>for the beginning of holiday<br>travel, as officials offer<br>tips to help travelers secure<br>tickets and pass through<br>checkpoints with ease."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - The<br>fate of a radical Shi'ite<br>rebellion in the holy city of<br>Najaf was uncertain Friday<br>amid disputed reports that<br>Iraqi police had gained<br>control of the Imam Ali<br>Mosque."
" PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) -<br>You change the oil in your car<br>every 5,000 miles or so. You<br>clean your house every week or<br>two. Your PC needs regular<br>maintenance as well --<br>especially if you're using<br>Windows and you spend a lot of<br>time on the Internet."
"NERVES - no problem. That<br>#39;s the verdict of Jose<br>Mourinho today after his<br>Chelsea side gave a resolute<br>display of character at<br>Highbury."
"AP - The latest low point in<br>Ron Zook's tenure at Florida<br>even has the coach wondering<br>what went wrong. Meanwhile,<br>Sylvester Croom's first big<br>win at Mississippi State has<br>given the Bulldogs and their<br>fans a reason to believe in<br>their first-year leader.<br>Jerious Norwood's 37-yard<br>touchdown run with 32 seconds<br>remaining lifted the Bulldogs<br>to a 38-31 upset of the 20th-<br>ranked Gators on Saturday."
"A criminal trial scheduled to<br>start Monday involving former<br>Enron Corp. executives may<br>shine a rare and potentially<br>harsh spotlight on the inner<br>workings"
"The Motley Fool - Here's<br>something you don't see every<br>day -- the continuing brouhaha<br>between Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL -<br>News) and PeopleSoft (Nasdaq:<br>PSFT - News) being a notable<br>exception. South Africa's<br>Harmony Gold Mining Company<br>(NYSE: HMY - News) has<br>announced a hostile takeover<br>bid to acquire fellow South<br>African miner Gold Fields<br>Limited (NYSE: GFI - News).<br>The transaction, if it takes<br>place, would be an all-stock<br>acquisition, with Harmony<br>issuing 1.275 new shares in<br>payment for each share of Gold<br>Fields. The deal would value<br>Gold Fields at more than<br>#36;8 billion. ..."
"Someone forgot to inform the<br>US Olympic basketball team<br>that it was sent to Athens to<br>try to win a gold medal, not<br>to embarrass its country."
" - NASA's Mars \\rover<br>Opportunity nbsp;will back its<br>\\way out of a nbsp;crater it<br>has spent four months<br>exploring after reaching<br>terrain nbsp;that appears \\too<br>treacherous to tread. nbsp;"
"Sony Corp. announced Tuesday a<br>new 20 gigabyte digital music<br>player with MP3 support that<br>will be available in Great<br>Britain and Japan before<br>Christmas and elsewhere in<br>Europe in early 2005."
"Wal-Mart Stores Inc. #39;s<br>Asda, the UK #39;s second<br>biggest supermarket chain,<br>surpassed Marks amp; Spencer<br>Group Plc as Britain #39;s<br>largest clothing retailer in<br>the last three months,<br>according to the Sunday<br>Telegraph."
"Ten-man Paris St Germain<br>clinched their seventh<br>consecutive victory over arch-<br>rivals Olympique Marseille<br>with a 2-1 triumph in Ligue 1<br>on Sunday thanks to a second-<br>half winner by substitute<br>Edouard Cisse."
"Until this week, only a few<br>things about the strange,<br>long-ago disappearance of<br>Charles Robert Jenkins were<br>known beyond a doubt. In the<br>bitter cold of Jan. 5, 1965,<br>the 24-year-old US Army<br>sergeant was leading"
"Roy Oswalt wasn #39;t<br>surprised to hear the Astros<br>were flying Sunday night<br>through the remnants of a<br>tropical depression that<br>dumped several inches of rain<br>in Louisiana and could bring<br>showers today in Atlanta."
"AP - This hardly seemed<br>possible when Pitt needed<br>frantic rallies to overcome<br>Division I-AA Furman or Big<br>East cellar dweller Temple. Or<br>when the Panthers could barely<br>move the ball against Ohio<br>#151; not Ohio State, but Ohio<br>U."
"Everyone is moaning about the<br>fallout from last weekend but<br>they keep on reporting the<br>aftermath. #39;The fall-out<br>from the so-called<br>quot;Battle of Old Trafford<br>quot; continues to settle over<br>the nation and the debate"
"Oil supply concerns and broker<br>downgrades of blue-chip<br>companies left stocks mixed<br>yesterday, raising doubts that<br>Wall Street #39;s year-end<br>rally would continue."
"Genentech Inc. said the<br>marketing of Rituxan, a cancer<br>drug that is the company #39;s<br>best-selling product, is the<br>subject of a US criminal<br>investigation."
"American Lindsay Davenport<br>regained the No. 1 ranking in<br>the world for the first time<br>since early 2002 by defeating<br>Dinara Safina of Russia 6-4,<br>6-2 in the second round of the<br>Kremlin Cup on Thursday."
" The world's No. 2 soft drink<br>company said on Thursday<br>quarterly profit rose due to<br>tax benefits."
"TOKYO (AP) -- The electronics<br>and entertainment giant Sony<br>Corp. (SNE) is talking with<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc..."
"After an unprecedented span of<br>just five days, SpaceShipOne<br>is ready for a return trip to<br>space on Monday, its final<br>flight to clinch a \\$10<br>million prize."
"The United States on Tuesday<br>modified slightly a threat of<br>sanctions on Sudan #39;s oil<br>industry in a revised text of<br>its UN resolution on<br>atrocities in the country<br>#39;s Darfur region."
"Freshman Jeremy Ito kicked<br>four field goals and Ryan<br>Neill scored on a 31-yard<br>interception return to lead<br>improving Rutgers to a 19-14<br>victory on Saturday over<br>visiting Michigan State."
"Hi-tech monitoring of<br>livestock at pig farms could<br>help improve the animal growth<br>process and reduce costs."
"Third-seeded Guillermo Canas<br>defeated Guillermo Garcia-<br>Lopez of Spain 7-6 (1), 6-3<br>Monday on the first day of the<br>Shanghai Open on Monday."
"AP - France intensified<br>efforts Tuesday to save the<br>lives of two journalists held<br>hostage in Iraq, and the Arab<br>League said the militants'<br>deadline for France to revoke<br>a ban on Islamic headscarves<br>in schools had been extended."
"Cable amp; Wireless plc<br>(NYSE: CWP - message board) is<br>significantly ramping up its<br>investment in local loop<br>unbundling (LLU) in the UK,<br>and it plans to spend up to 85<br>million (\\$152."
" - Personal<br>finance software programs are<br>the computer industry's<br>version of veggies: Everyone<br>knows they're good for you,<br>but it's just hard to get<br>anyone excited about them."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after last week's heavy<br>selloff, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally would<br>hold after fresh economic data<br>suggested the December U.S.<br>jobs report due Friday might<br>not live up to expectations."
"AFP - Microsoft said that it<br>had launched a new desktop<br>search tool that allows<br>personal computer users to<br>find documents or messages on<br>their PCs."
"At least 12 people die in an<br>explosion at a fuel pipeline<br>on the outskirts of Nigeria's<br>biggest city, Lagos."
"The three largest computer<br>makers spearheaded a program<br>today designed to standardize<br>working conditions for their<br>non-US workers."
"Description: Illinois Gov. Rod<br>Blagojevich is backing state<br>legislation that would ban<br>sales or rentals of video<br>games with graphic sexual or<br>violent content to children<br>under 18."
"Volkswagen demanded a two-year<br>wage freeze for the<br>170,000-strong workforce at<br>Europe #39;s biggest car maker<br>yesterday, provoking union<br>warnings of imminent conflict<br>at key pay and conditions<br>negotiations."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stock futures pointed to a<br>lower open on Wall Street on<br>Thursday, extending the<br>previous session's sharp<br>fall, with rising energy<br>prices feeding investor<br>concerns about corporate<br>profits and slower growth."
"But to play as feebly as it<br>did for about 35 minutes last<br>night in Game 1 of the WNBA<br>Finals and lose by only four<br>points -- on the road, no less<br>-- has to be the best<br>confidence builder since Cindy<br>St."
"MILAN General Motors and Fiat<br>on Wednesday edged closer to<br>initiating a legal battle that<br>could pit the two carmakers<br>against each other in a New<br>York City court room as early<br>as next month."
"Are you bidding on keywords<br>through Overture's Precision<br>Match, Google's AdWords or<br>another pay-for-placement<br>service? If so, you're<br>eligible to participate in<br>their contextual advertising<br>programs."
"Two of the Ford Motor Company<br>#39;s most senior executives<br>retired on Thursday in a sign<br>that the company #39;s deep<br>financial crisis has abated,<br>though serious challenges<br>remain."
"Citing security concerns, the<br>U.S. Embassy on Thursday<br>banned its employees from<br>using the highway linking the<br>embassy area to the<br>international airport, a<br>10-mile stretch of road<br>plagued by frequent suicide<br>car-bomb attacks."
"Nobel Laureate Wilkins, 87,<br>played an important role in<br>the discovery of the double<br>helix structure of DNA, the<br>molecule that carries our<br>quot;life code quot;,<br>Kazinform refers to BBC News."
"With yesterday #39;s report on<br>its athletic department<br>violations completed, the<br>University of Washington says<br>it is pleased to be able to<br>move forward."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Wall<br>Street was expected to start<br>little changed on Friday as<br>investors continue to fret<br>over the impact of high oil<br>prices on earnings, while<br>Boeing &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.<br><br>.aspx?ticker=BA.N target=/stoc<br>ks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;BA.<br>N&lt;/A&gt; will be eyed<br>after it reiterated its<br>earnings forecast."
"AP - Tom Daschle bade his<br>fellow Senate Democrats<br>farewell Tuesday with a plea<br>that they seek common ground<br>with Republicans yet continue<br>to fight for the less<br>fortunate."
"Sammy Sosa was fined \\$87,400<br>-- one day's salary -- for<br>arriving late to the Cubs'<br>regular-season finale at<br>Wrigley Field and leaving the<br>game early. The slugger's<br>agent, Adam Katz , said<br>yesterday Sosa most likely<br>will file a grievance. Sosa<br>arrived 70 minutes before<br>Sunday's first pitch, and he<br>apparently left 15 minutes<br>after the game started without<br>..."
"Having an always-on, fast net<br>connection is changing the way<br>Britons use the internet,<br>research suggests."
"AP - Police defused a bomb in<br>a town near Prime Minister<br>Silvio Berlusconi's villa on<br>the island of Sardinia on<br>Wednesday shortly after<br>British Prime Minister Tony<br>Blair finished a visit there<br>with the Italian leader."
"Is the Oklahoma defense a<br>notch below its predecessors?<br>Is Texas #39; offense a step-<br>ahead? Why is Texas Tech<br>feeling good about itself<br>despite its recent loss?"
"The coffin of Yasser Arafat,<br>draped with the Palestinian<br>flag, was bound for Ramallah<br>in the West Bank Friday,<br>following a formal funeral on<br>a military compound near<br>Cairo."
"US Ambassador to the United<br>Nations John Danforth resigned<br>on Thursday after serving in<br>the post for less than six<br>months. Danforth, 68, said in<br>a letter released Thursday"
"Crude oil futures prices<br>dropped below \\$51 a barrel<br>yesterday as supply concerns<br>ahead of the Northern<br>Hemisphere winter eased after<br>an unexpectedly high rise in<br>US inventories."
"New York gets 57 combined<br>points from its starting<br>backcourt of Jamal Crawford<br>and Stephon Marbury and tops<br>Denver, 107-96."
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Photos<br>were published yesterday in<br>newspapers across Pakistan of<br>six terror suspects, including<br>a senior Al Qaeda operative,<br>the government says were<br>behind attempts to assassinate<br>the nation's president."
"AP - Shawn Marion had a<br>season-high 33 points and 15<br>rebounds, leading the Phoenix<br>Suns on a fourth-quarter<br>comeback despite the absence<br>of Steve Nash in a 95-86 win<br>over the New Orleans Hornets<br>on Friday night."
"By Lilly Vitorovich Of DOW<br>JONES NEWSWIRES SYDNEY (Dow<br>Jones)--Rupert Murdoch has<br>seven weeks to convince News<br>Corp. (NWS) shareholders a<br>move to the US will make the<br>media conglomerate more<br>attractive to"
"A number of signs point to<br>increasing demand for tech<br>workers, but not all the<br>clouds have been driven away."
"Messina upset defending<br>champion AC Milan 2-1<br>Wednesday, while Juventus won<br>its third straight game to<br>stay alone atop the Italian<br>league standings."
"Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>filed nine new lawsuits<br>against spammers who send<br>unsolicited e-mail, including<br>an e-mail marketing Web<br>hosting company, the world<br>#39;s largest software maker<br>said on Thursday."
"AP - Padraig Harrington<br>rallied to a three-stroke<br>victory in the German Masters<br>on a windy Sunday, closing<br>with a 2-under-par 70 and<br>giving his game a big boost<br>before the Ryder Cup."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The Athens<br>Paralympics canceled<br>celebrations at its closing<br>ceremony after seven<br>schoolchildren traveling to<br>watch the event died in a bus<br>crash on Monday."
"The rocket plane SpaceShipOne<br>is just one flight away from<br>claiming the Ansari X-Prize, a<br>\\$10m award designed to kick-<br>start private space travel."
"Reuters - Three American<br>scientists won the\\2004 Nobel<br>physics prize on Tuesday for<br>showing how tiny<br>quark\\particles interact,<br>helping to explain everything<br>from how a\\coin spins to how<br>the universe was built."
"Ironically it was the first<br>regular season game for the<br>Carolina Panthers that not<br>only began the history of the<br>franchise, but also saw the<br>beginning of a rivalry that<br>goes on to this day."
"Baltimore Ravens running back<br>Jamal Lewis did not appear at<br>his arraignment Friday, but<br>his lawyers entered a not<br>guilty plea on charges in an<br>expanded drug conspiracy<br>indictment."
"AP - Sharp Electronics Corp.<br>plans to stop selling its<br>Linux-based handheld computer<br>in the United States, another<br>sign of the slowing market for<br>personal digital assistants."
"After serving a five-game<br>suspension, Milton Bradley<br>worked out with the Dodgers as<br>they prepared for Tuesday's<br>opener against the St. Louis<br>Cardinals."
"AP - Prime Time won't be<br>playing in prime time this<br>time. Deion Sanders was on the<br>inactive list and missed a<br>chance to strut his stuff on<br>\"Monday Night Football.\""
"Reuters - Glaciers once held<br>up by a floating\\ice shelf off<br>Antarctica are now sliding off<br>into the sea --\\and they are<br>going fast, scientists said on<br>Tuesday."
"DUBAI : An Islamist group has<br>threatened to kill two Italian<br>women held hostage in Iraq if<br>Rome does not withdraw its<br>troops from the war-torn<br>country within 24 hours,<br>according to an internet<br>statement."
"AP - Warning lights flashed<br>atop four police cars as the<br>caravan wound its way up the<br>driveway in a procession fit<br>for a presidential candidate.<br>At long last, Azy and Indah<br>had arrived. They even flew<br>through a hurricane to get<br>here."
"The man who delivered the<br>knockout punch was picked up<br>from the Seattle scrap heap<br>just after the All-Star Game.<br>Before that, John Olerud<br>certainly hadn't figured on<br>facing Pedro Martinez in<br>Yankee Stadium in October."
"\\Female undergraduates work<br>harder and are more open-<br>minded than males, leading to<br>better results, say<br>scientists."
"A heavy quake rocked Indonesia<br>#39;s Papua province killing<br>at least 11 people and<br>wounding 75. The quake<br>destroyed 150 buildings,<br>including churches, mosques<br>and schools."
"LONDON : A consortium,<br>including former world<br>champion Nigel Mansell, claims<br>it has agreed terms to ensure<br>Silverstone remains one of the<br>venues for the 2005 Formula<br>One world championship."
" BATON ROUGE, La. (Sports<br>Network) - LSU has named Les<br>Miles its new head football<br>coach, replacing Nick Saban."
"The United Nations annual<br>World Robotics Survey predicts<br>the use of robots around the<br>home will surge seven-fold by<br>2007. The boom is expected to<br>be seen in robots that can mow<br>lawns and vacuum floors, among<br>other chores."
"The long-term economic health<br>of the United States is<br>threatened by \\$53 trillion in<br>government debts and<br>liabilities that start to come<br>due in four years when baby<br>boomers begin to retire."
"Reuters - A small group of<br>suspected\\gunmen stormed<br>Uganda's Water Ministry<br>Wednesday and took<br>three\\people hostage to<br>protest against proposals to<br>allow President\\Yoweri<br>Museveni for a third<br>term.\\Police and soldiers with<br>assault rifles cordoned off<br>the\\three-story building, just<br>328 feet from Uganda's<br>parliament\\building in the<br>capital Kampala."
"The Moscow Arbitration Court<br>ruled on Monday that the YUKOS<br>oil company must pay RUR<br>39.113bn (about \\$1.34bn) as<br>part of its back tax claim for<br>2001."
"NOVEMBER 11, 2004 -- Bankrupt<br>US Airways this morning said<br>it had reached agreements with<br>lenders and lessors to<br>continue operating nearly all<br>of its mainline and US Airways<br>Express fleets."
"Venezuela suggested Friday<br>that exiles living in Florida<br>may have masterminded the<br>assassination of a prosecutor<br>investigating a short-lived<br>coup against leftist President<br>Hugo Chvez"
"Want to dive deep -- really<br>deep -- into the technical<br>literature about search<br>engines? Here's a road map to<br>some of the best web<br>information retrieval<br>resources available online."
"Reuters - Ancel Keys, a<br>pioneer in public health\\best<br>known for identifying the<br>connection between<br>a\\cholesterol-rich diet and<br>heart disease, has died."
"The US government asks the<br>World Trade Organisation to<br>step in to stop EU member<br>states from \"subsidising\"<br>planemaker Airbus."
"Reuters - T-Mobile USA, the<br>U.S. wireless unit\\of Deutsche<br>Telekom AG (DTEGn.DE), does<br>not expect to offer\\broadband<br>mobile data services for at<br>least the next two years,\\its<br>chief executive said on<br>Thursday."
"Verizon Communications is<br>stepping further into video as<br>a way to compete against cable<br>companies."
"Facing a popular outcry at<br>home and stern warnings from<br>Europe, the Turkish government<br>discreetly stepped back<br>Tuesday from a plan to<br>introduce a motion into a<br>crucial penal reform bill to<br>make adultery a crime<br>punishable by prison."
"Boston Scientific Corp.<br>(BSX.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) said on Wednesday it<br>received US regulatory<br>approval for a device to treat<br>complications that arise in<br>patients with end-stage kidney<br>disease who need dialysis."
"North-west Norfolk MP Henry<br>Bellingham has called for the<br>release of an old college<br>friend accused of plotting a<br>coup in Equatorial Guinea."
"With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
"AP - The Chicago Blackhawks<br>re-signed goaltender Michael<br>Leighton to a one-year<br>contract Wednesday."
"Oracle Corp. plans to release<br>the latest version of its CRM<br>(customer relationship<br>management) applications<br>within the next two months, as<br>part of an ongoing update of<br>its E-Business Suite."
"Toyota Motor Corp. #39;s<br>shares fell for a second day,<br>after the world #39;s second-<br>biggest automaker had an<br>unexpected quarterly profit<br>drop."
"AFP - Want to buy a castle?<br>Head for the former East<br>Germany."
"Hosted CRM service provider<br> took another<br>step forward last week in its<br>strategy to build an online<br>ecosystem of vendors that<br>offer software as a service."
"Britain-based HBOS says it<br>will file a complaint to the<br>European Commission against<br>Spanish bank Santander Central<br>Hispano (SCH) in connection<br>with SCH #39;s bid to acquire<br>British bank Abbey National"
"AFP - Steven Gerrard has moved<br>to allay Liverpool fans' fears<br>that he could be out until<br>Christmas after breaking a<br>metatarsal bone in his left<br>foot."
"Verizon Wireless on Thursday<br>announced an agreement to<br>acquire all the PCS spectrum<br>licenses of NextWave Telecom<br>Inc. in 23 markets for \\$3<br>billion."
" -<br>Technology giants IBM and<br>Hewlett-Packard are injecting<br>hundreds of millions of<br>dollars into radio-frequency<br>identification technology,<br>which aims to advance the<br>tracking of items from ho-hum<br>bar codes to smart tags packed<br>with data."
"ATHENS -- She won her first<br>Olympic gold medal in kayaking<br>when she was 18, the youngest<br>paddler to do so in Games<br>history. Yesterday, at 42,<br>Germany #39;s golden girl<br>Birgit Fischer won her eighth<br>Olympic gold in the four-woman<br>500-metre kayak race."
"England boss Sven Goran<br>Eriksson has defended<br>goalkeeper David James after<br>last night #39;s 2-2 draw in<br>Austria. James allowed Andreas<br>Ivanschitz #39;s shot to slip<br>through his fingers to<br>complete Austria comeback from<br>two goals down."
"MINSK - Legislative elections<br>in Belarus held at the same<br>time as a referendum on<br>whether President Alexander<br>Lukashenko should be allowed<br>to seek a third term fell<br>significantly short of<br>democratic standards, foreign<br>observers said here Monday."
"An Olympic sailor is charged<br>with the manslaughter of a<br>Briton who died after being<br>hit by a car in Athens."
"The Norfolk Broads are on<br>their way to getting a clean<br>bill of ecological health<br>after a century of stagnation."
"AP - Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Friday praised the<br>peace deal that ended fighting<br>in Iraq's holy city of Najaf<br>and said the presence of U.S.<br>forces in the area helped make<br>it possible."
"The quot;future quot; is<br>getting a chance to revive the<br>presently struggling New York<br>Giants. Two other teams also<br>decided it was time for a<br>change at quarterback, but the<br>Buffalo Bills are not one of<br>them."
"For the second time this year,<br>an alliance of major Internet<br>providers - including Atlanta-<br>based EarthLink -iled a<br>coordinated group of lawsuits<br>aimed at stemming the flood of<br>online junk mail."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>PIMCO mutual fund group has<br>agreed to pay \\$50 million to<br>settle fraud charges involving<br>improper rapid dealing in<br>mutual fund shares, the U.S.<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission said on Monday."
"Via Technologies has released<br>a version of the open-source<br>Xine media player that is<br>designed to take advantage of<br>hardware digital video<br>acceleration capabilities in<br>two of the company #39;s PC<br>chipsets, the CN400 and<br>CLE266."
"The Conference Board reported<br>Thursday that the Leading<br>Economic Index fell for a<br>third consecutive month in<br>August, suggesting slower<br>economic growth ahead amid<br>rising oil prices."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Software maker Adobe Systems<br>Inc.&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.inv<br><br>px?ticker=ADBE.O target=/stock<br>s/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;ADBE<br>.O&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>posted a quarterly profit that<br>rose more than one-third from<br>a year ago, but shares fell 3<br>percent after the maker of<br>Photoshop and Acrobat software<br>did not raise forecasts for<br>fiscal 2005."
"William Morrison Supermarkets<br>has agreed to sell 114 small<br>Safeway stores and a<br>distribution centre for 260.2<br>million pounds. Morrison<br>bought these stores as part of<br>its 3 billion pound"
"SCO Group has a plan to keep<br>itself fit enough to continue<br>its legal battles against<br>Linux and to develop its Unix-<br>on-Intel operating systems."
"Flushing Meadows, NY (Sports<br>Network) - The men #39;s<br>semifinals at the 2004 US Open<br>will be staged on Saturday,<br>with three of the tournament<br>#39;s top-five seeds ready for<br>action at the USTA National<br>Tennis Center."
"Pepsi pushes a blue version of<br>Mountain Dew only at Taco<br>Bell. Is this a winning<br>strategy?"
"New software helps corporate<br>travel managers track down<br>business travelers who<br>overspend. But it also poses a<br>dilemma for honest travelers<br>who are only trying to save<br>money."
"NATO Secretary-General Jaap de<br>Hoop Scheffer has called a<br>meeting of NATO states and<br>Russia on Tuesday to discuss<br>the siege of a school by<br>Chechen separatists in which<br>more than 335 people died, a<br>NATO spokesman said."
"26 August 2004 -- Iraq #39;s<br>top Shi #39;ite cleric, Grand<br>Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,<br>arrived in the city of Al-<br>Najaf today in a bid to end a<br>weeks-long conflict between US<br>forces and militiamen loyal to<br>Shi #39;ite cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"AFP - Senior executives at<br>business software group<br>PeopleSoft unanimously<br>recommended that its<br>shareholders reject a 8.8<br>billion dollar takeover bid<br>from Oracle Corp, PeopleSoft<br>said in a statement Wednesday."
"Reuters - Neolithic people in<br>China may have\\been the first<br>in the world to make wine,<br>according to\\scientists who<br>have found the earliest<br>evidence of winemaking\\from<br>pottery shards dating from<br>7,000 BC in northern China."
"Given nearly a week to examine<br>the security issues raised by<br>the now-infamous brawl between<br>players and fans in Auburn<br>Hills, Mich., Nov. 19, the<br>Celtics returned to the<br>FleetCenter last night with<br>two losses and few concerns<br>about their on-court safety."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Electronics<br>conglomerate Sony Corp.<br>unveiled eight new flat-screen<br>televisions on Thursday in a<br>product push it hopes will<br>help it secure a leading 35<br>percent of the domestic<br>market in the key month of<br>December."
"As the election approaches,<br>Congress abandons all pretense<br>of fiscal responsibility,<br>voting tax cuts that would<br>drive 10-year deficits past<br>\\$3 trillion."
"PARIS : French trade unions<br>called on workers at France<br>Telecom to stage a 24-hour<br>strike September 7 to protest<br>government plans to privatize<br>the public telecommunications<br>operator, union sources said."
"ServiceMaster profitably<br>bundles services and pays a<br>healthy 3.5 dividend."
"The Indonesian tourism<br>industry has so far not been<br>affected by last week #39;s<br>bombing outside the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta and<br>officials said they do not<br>expect a significant drop in<br>visitor numbers as a result of<br>the attack."
"\\$222.5 million -- in an<br>ongoing securities class<br>action lawsuit against Enron<br>Corp. The settlement,<br>announced Friday and"
"Arsenals Thierry Henry today<br>missed out on the European<br>Footballer of the Year award<br>as Andriy Shevchenko took the<br>honour. AC Milan frontman<br>Shevchenko held off<br>competition from Barcelona<br>pair Deco and"
"Donald Halsted, one target of<br>a class-action suit alleging<br>financial improprieties at<br>bankrupt Polaroid, officially<br>becomes CFO."
"Neil Mellor #39;s sensational<br>late winner for Liverpool<br>against Arsenal on Sunday has<br>earned the back-up striker the<br>chance to salvage a career<br>that had appeared to be<br>drifting irrevocably towards<br>the lower divisions."
"ABOUT 70,000 people were<br>forced to evacuate Real Madrid<br>#39;s Santiago Bernabeu<br>stadium minutes before the end<br>of a Primera Liga match<br>yesterday after a bomb threat<br>in the name of ETA Basque<br>separatist guerillas."
"The team learned on Monday<br>that full-back Jon Ritchie<br>will miss the rest of the<br>season with a torn anterior<br>cruciate ligament in his left<br>knee."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart<br>said on Wednesday she wants<br>to start serving her prison<br>sentence for lying about a<br>suspicious stock sale as soon<br>as possible, so she can put<br>her \"nightmare\" behind her."
"Apple Computer's iPod remains<br>the king of digital music<br>players, but robust pretenders<br>to the throne have begun to<br>emerge in the Windows<br>universe. One of them is the<br>Zen Touch, from Creative Labs."
"The 7710 model features a<br>touch screen, pen input, a<br>digital camera, an Internet<br>browser, a radio, video<br>playback and streaming and<br>recording capabilities, the<br>company said."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) --<br>Crude futures closed under<br>\\$46 a barrel Wednesday for<br>the first time since late<br>September and heating-oil and<br>unleaded gasoline prices<br>dropped more than 6 percent<br>following an across-the-board<br>climb in US petroleum<br>inventories."
"The University of Iowa #39;s<br>market for US presidential<br>futures, founded 16-years ago,<br>has been overtaken by a<br>Dublin-based exchange that is<br>now 25 times larger."
"Venus Williams barely kept<br>alive her hopes of qualifying<br>for next week #39;s WTA Tour<br>Championships. Williams,<br>seeded fifth, survived a<br>third-set tiebreaker to<br>outlast Yuilana Fedak of the<br>Ukraine, 6-4 2-6 7-6"
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - Arnold<br>Palmer has taken a swing at<br>America's top players,<br>criticizing their increasing<br>reluctance to travel abroad<br>to play in tournaments."
"MARK Thatcher will have to<br>wait until at least next April<br>to face trial on allegations<br>he helped bankroll a coup<br>attempt in oil-rich Equatorial<br>Guinea."
"A top Red Hat executive has<br>attacked the open-source<br>credentials of its sometime<br>business partner Sun<br>Microsystems. In a Web log<br>posting Thursday, Michael<br>Tiemann, Red Hat #39;s vice<br>president of open-source<br>affairs"
"President Bush #39;s drive to<br>deploy a multibillion-dollar<br>shield against ballistic<br>missiles was set back on<br>Wednesday by what critics<br>called a stunning failure of<br>its first full flight test in<br>two years."
"Although he was well-beaten by<br>Retief Goosen in Sunday #39;s<br>final round of The Tour<br>Championship in Atlanta, there<br>has been some compensation for<br>the former world number one,<br>Tiger Woods."
"WAYNE Rooney and Henrik<br>Larsson are among the players<br>nominated for FIFAs<br>prestigious World Player of<br>the Year award. Rooney is one<br>of four Manchester United<br>players on a list which is<br>heavily influenced by the<br>Premiership."
"It didn #39;t look good when<br>it happened on the field, and<br>it looked worse in the<br>clubhouse. Angels second<br>baseman Adam Kennedy left the<br>Angels #39; 5-2 win over the<br>Seattle Mariners"
"Air travelers moved one step<br>closer to being able to talk<br>on cell phones and surf the<br>Internet from laptops while in<br>flight, thanks to votes by the<br>Federal Communications<br>Commission yesterday."
"MySQL developers turn to an<br>unlikely source for database<br>tool: Microsoft. Also: SGI<br>visualizes Linux, and the<br>return of Java veteran Kim<br>Polese."
"DESPITE the budget deficit,<br>continued increases in oil and<br>consumer prices, the economy,<br>as measured by gross domestic<br>product, grew by 6.3 percent<br>in the third"
"NEW YORK - A drop in oil<br>prices and upbeat outlooks<br>from Wal-Mart and Lowe's<br>helped send stocks sharply<br>higher Monday on Wall Street,<br>with the swing exaggerated by<br>thin late summer trading. The<br>Dow Jones industrials surged<br>nearly 130 points..."
"Freshman Darius Walker ran for<br>115 yards and scored two<br>touchdowns, helping revive an<br>Irish offense that had managed<br>just one touchdown in the<br>season's first six quarters."
"Consumers who cut it close by<br>paying bills from their<br>checking accounts a couple of<br>days before depositing funds<br>will be out of luck under a<br>new law that takes effect Oct.<br>28."
"Dell Inc. said its profit<br>surged 25 percent in the third<br>quarter as the world's largest<br>personal computer maker posted<br>record sales due to rising<br>technology spending in the<br>corporate and government<br>sectors in the United States<br>and abroad."
"AP - NBC is adding a 5-second<br>delay to its NASCAR telecasts<br>after Dale Earnhardt Jr. used<br>a vulgarity during a postrace<br>TV interview last weekend."
" BOSTON (Sports Network) - The<br>New York Yankees will start<br>Orlando \"El Duque\" Hernandez<br>in Game 4 of the American<br>League Championship Series on<br>Saturday against the Boston<br>Red Sox."
"The future of Sven-Goran<br>Eriksson as England coach is<br>the subject of intense<br>discussion after the draw in<br>Austria. Has the Swede lost<br>the confidence of the nation<br>or does he remain the best man<br>for the job?"
"Component problems meant<br>Brillian's new big screens<br>missed the NFL's kickoff<br>party."
"Spain begin their third final<br>in five seasons at the Olympic<br>stadium hoping to secure their<br>second title since their first<br>in Barcelona against Australia<br>in 2000."
"Second-seeded David Nalbandian<br>of Argentina lost at the Japan<br>Open on Thursday, beaten by<br>Gilles Muller of Luxembourg<br>7-6 (4), 3-6, 6-4 in the third<br>round."
"Thursday #39;s unexpected<br>resignation of Memphis<br>Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown<br>left a lot of questions<br>unanswered. In his unique way<br>of putting things, the<br>71-year-old Brown seemed to<br>indicate he was burned out and<br>had some health concerns."
"RUDI Voller had quit as coach<br>of Roma after a 3-1 defeat<br>away to Bologna, the Serie A<br>club said today. Under the<br>former Germany coach, Roma had<br>taken just four league points<br>from a possible 12."
"A Russian court on Thursday<br>rejected an appeal by the<br>Yukos oil company seeking to<br>overturn a freeze on the<br>accounts of the struggling oil<br>giant #39;s core subsidiaries."
"ONE by one, the players #39;<br>faces had flashed up on the<br>giant Ibrox screens offering<br>season #39;s greetings to the<br>Rangers fans. But the main<br>presents were reserved for<br>Auxerre."
"Switzerland #39;s struggling<br>national airline reported a<br>second-quarter profit of 45<br>million Swiss francs (\\$35.6<br>million) Tuesday, although its<br>figures were boosted by a<br>legal settlement in France."
"ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia --<br>Hundreds of protesters<br>ransacked and occupied the<br>regional administration<br>building in a southern Russian<br>province Tuesday, demanding<br>the resignation of the region<br>#39;s president, whose former<br>son-in-law has been linked to<br>a multiple"
"SIPTU has said it is strongly<br>opposed to any privatisation<br>of Aer Lingus as pressure<br>mounts on the Government to<br>make a decision on the future<br>funding of the airline."
"Reuters - SBC Communications<br>said on Monday it\\would offer<br>a television set-top box that<br>can handle music,\\photos and<br>Internet downloads, part of<br>SBC's efforts to expand\\into<br>home entertainment."
"Molson Inc. Chief Executive<br>Officer Daniel O #39;Neill<br>said he #39;ll provide<br>investors with a positive #39;<br>#39; response to their<br>concerns over the company<br>#39;s plan to let stock-<br>option holders vote on its<br>planned merger with Adolph<br>Coors Co."
"South Korea #39;s Grace Park<br>shot a seven-under-par 65 to<br>triumph at the CJ Nine Bridges<br>Classic on Sunday. Park #39;s<br>victory made up her final-<br>round collapse at the Samsung<br>World Championship two weeks<br>ago."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hopes<br>-- and worries -- that U.S.<br>regulators will soon end the<br>ban on using wireless phones<br>during U.S. commercial flights<br>are likely at least a year or<br>two early, government<br>officials and analysts say."
"AFP - Iraqi Foreign Minister<br>Hoshyar Zebari arrived<br>unexpectedly in the holy city<br>of Mecca Wednesday where he<br>met Crown Prince Abdullah bin<br>Abdul Aziz, the official SPA<br>news agency reported."
"Titans QB Steve McNair was<br>released from a Nashville<br>hospital after a two-night<br>stay for treatment of a<br>bruised sternum. McNair was<br>injured during the fourth<br>quarter of the Titans #39;<br>15-12 loss to Jacksonville on<br>Sunday."
"Keith Miller, Australia #39;s<br>most prolific all-rounder in<br>Test cricket, died today at a<br>nursing home, Cricket<br>Australia said. He was 84."
"Haitian police and UN troops<br>moved into a slum neighborhood<br>on Sunday and cleared street<br>barricades that paralyzed a<br>part of the capital."
"TORONTO Former Toronto pitcher<br>John Cerutti (seh-ROO<br>#39;-tee) was found dead in<br>his hotel room today,<br>according to the team. He was<br>44."
"withdrawal of troops and<br>settlers from occupied Gaza<br>next year. Militants seek to<br>claim any pullout as a<br>victory. quot;Islamic Jihad<br>will not be broken by this<br>martyrdom, quot; said Khaled<br>al-Batsh, a senior political<br>leader in Gaza."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>world's largest gold producer,<br>Newmont Mining Corp. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=NEM<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;NEM.N&lt;/A&gt;,<br>on Wednesday said higher gold<br>prices drove up quarterly<br>profit by 12.5 percent, even<br>though it sold less of the<br>precious metal."
"The U.S. military has found<br>nearly 20 houses where<br>intelligence officers believe<br>hostages were tortured or<br>killed in this city, including<br>the house with the cage that<br>held a British contractor who<br>was beheaded last month."
"AFP - Opponents of the Lao<br>government may be plotting<br>bomb attacks in Vientiane and<br>other areas of Laos timed to<br>coincide with a summit of<br>Southeast Asian leaders the<br>country is hosting next month,<br>the United States said."
"After a year of pilots and<br>trials, Siebel Systems jumped<br>with both feet into the SMB<br>market Tuesday, announcing a<br>new approach to offer Siebel<br>Professional CRM applications<br>to SMBs (small and midsize<br>businesses) -- companies with<br>revenues up to about \\$500<br>million."
"AP - Russia agreed Thursday to<br>send warships to help NATO<br>naval patrols that monitor<br>suspicious vessels in the<br>Mediterranean, part of a push<br>for closer counterterrorism<br>cooperation between Moscow and<br>the western alliance."
"Intel won't release a 4-GHz<br>version of its flagship<br>Pentium 4 product, having<br>decided instead to realign its<br>engineers around the company's<br>new design priorities, an<br>Intel spokesman said today.<br>\\\\"
"AP - A Soyuz spacecraft<br>carrying two Russians and an<br>American rocketed closer<br>Friday to its docking with the<br>international space station,<br>where the current three-man<br>crew made final departure<br>preparations."
"Defense: Ken Lucas. His<br>biggest play was his first<br>one. The fourth-year<br>cornerback intercepted a Ken<br>Dorsey pass that kissed off<br>the hands of wide receiver<br>Rashaun Woods and returned it<br>25 yards to set up the<br>Seahawks #39; first score."
"Scientists have manipulated<br>carbon atoms to create a<br>material that could be used to<br>create light-based, versus<br>electronic, switches. The<br>material could lead to a<br>supercharged Internet based<br>entirely on light, scientists<br>say."
"A military plane crashed in<br>the mountains near Caracas,<br>killing all 16 persons on<br>board, including two high-<br>ranking military officers,<br>officials said."
"The powerful St. Louis trio of<br>Albert Pujols, Scott Rolen and<br>Jim Edmonds is 4 for 23 with<br>one RBI in the series and with<br>runners on base, they are 1<br>for 13."
"A voice recording said to be<br>that of suspected Al Qaeda<br>commander Abu Mussab al-<br>Zarqawi, claims Iraq #39;s<br>Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is<br>the militant network #39;s<br>number one target."
"BEIJING -- More than a year<br>after becoming China's<br>president, Hu Jintao was<br>handed the full reins of power<br>yesterday when his<br>predecessor, Jiang Zemin, gave<br>up the nation's most powerful<br>military post."
"LOS ANGELES (Reuters)<br>Qualcomm has dropped an \\$18<br>million claim for monetary<br>damages from rival Texas<br>Instruments for publicly<br>discussing terms of a<br>licensing pact, a TI<br>spokeswoman confirmed Tuesday."
"Hewlett-Packard is the latest<br>IT vendor to try blogging. But<br>analysts wonder if the weblog<br>trend is the 21st century<br>equivalent of CB radios, which<br>made a big splash in the 1970s<br>before fading."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fannie<br>Mae executives and their<br>regulator squared off on<br>Wednesday, with executives<br>denying any accounting<br>irregularity and the regulator<br>saying the housing finance<br>company's management may need<br>to go."
"The scientists behind Dolly<br>the sheep apply for a license<br>to clone human embryos. They<br>want to take stem cells from<br>the embryos to study Lou<br>Gehrig's disease."
"As the first criminal trial<br>stemming from the financial<br>deals at Enron opened in<br>Houston on Monday, it is<br>notable as much for who is not<br>among the six defendants as<br>who is - and for how little<br>money was involved compared<br>with how much in other Enron"
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- British<br>bank Barclays on Thursday said<br>it is in talks to buy a<br>majority stake in South<br>African bank ABSA. Free!"
"The Jets signed 33-year-old<br>cornerback Terrell Buckley,<br>who was released by New<br>England on Sunday, after<br>putting nickel back Ray<br>Mickens on season-ending<br>injured reserve yesterday with<br>a torn ACL in his left knee."
"Some of the silly tunes<br>Japanese pay to download to<br>use as the ring tone for their<br>mobile phones sure have their<br>knockers, but it #39;s for<br>precisely that reason that a<br>well-known counselor is raking<br>it in at the moment, according<br>to Shukan Gendai (10/2)."
"WEST INDIES thrilling victory<br>yesterday in the International<br>Cricket Council Champions<br>Trophy meant the world to the<br>five million people of the<br>Caribbean."
"AP - Greenpeace activists<br>scaled the walls of Ford Motor<br>Co.'s Norwegian headquarters<br>Tuesday to protest plans to<br>destroy hundreds of non-<br>polluting electric cars."
"Investors sent stocks sharply<br>lower yesterday as oil prices<br>continued their climb higher<br>and new questions about the<br>safety of arthritis drugs<br>pressured pharmaceutical<br>stocks."
"Scotland manager Berti Vogts<br>insists he is expecting<br>nothing but victory against<br>Moldova on Wednesday. The game<br>certainly is a must-win affair<br>if the Scots are to have any<br>chance of qualifying for the<br>2006 World Cup finals."
"IBM announced yesterday that<br>it will invest US\\$250 million<br>(S\\$425 million) over the next<br>five years and employ 1,000<br>people in a new business unit<br>to support products and<br>services related to sensor<br>networks."
"AFP - The chances of Rupert<br>Murdoch's News Corp relocating<br>from Australia to the United<br>States have increased after<br>one of its biggest<br>institutional investors has<br>chosen to abstain from a vote<br>next week on the move."
"AFP - An Indian minister said<br>a school text-book used in the<br>violence-prone western state<br>of Gujarat portrayed Adolf<br>Hitler as a role model."
"Reuters - The head of UAL<br>Corp.'s United\\Airlines said<br>on Thursday the airline's<br>restructuring plan\\would lead<br>to a significant number of job<br>losses, but it was\\not clear<br>how many."
"DOVER, N.H. (AP) -- Democrat<br>John Kerry is seizing on the<br>Bush administration's failure<br>to secure hundreds of tons of<br>explosives now missing in<br>Iraq."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. goes into<br>round two Friday of its battle<br>to get the European Union's<br>sweeping antitrust ruling<br>lifted having told a judge<br>that it had been prepared<br>during settlement talks to<br>share more software code with<br>its rivals than the EU<br>ultimately demanded."
" INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) -<br>Jenny Thompson will take the<br>spotlight from injured U.S.<br>team mate Michael Phelps at<br>the world short course<br>championships Saturday as she<br>brings down the curtain on a<br>spectacular swimming career."
"Martin Brodeur made 27 saves,<br>and Brad Richards, Kris Draper<br>and Joe Sakic scored goals to<br>help Canada beat Russia 3-1<br>last night in the World Cup of<br>Hockey, giving the Canadians a<br>3-0 record in round-robin<br>play."
"AP - Sears, Roebuck and Co.,<br>which has successfully sold<br>its tools and appliances on<br>the Web, is counting on having<br>the same magic with bedspreads<br>and sweaters, thanks in part<br>to expertise gained by its<br>purchase of Lands' End Inc."
"com September 14, 2004, 9:12<br>AM PT. With the economy slowly<br>turning up, upgrading hardware<br>has been on businesses radar<br>in the past 12 months as their<br>number two priority."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Children's Place Retail Stores<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=PLCE.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PL<br>CE.O&lt;/A&gt; said on<br>Wednesday it will buy 313<br>retail stores from Walt<br>Disney Co., and its stock rose<br>more than 14 percent in early<br>morning trade."
"ALBANY, N.Y. -- A California-<br>based company that brokers<br>life, accident, and disability<br>policies for leading US<br>companies pocketed millions of<br>dollars a year in hidden<br>payments from insurers and<br>from charges on clients'<br>unsuspecting workers, New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>charged yesterday."
"NORTEL Networks plans to slash<br>its workforce by 3500, or ten<br>per cent, as it struggles to<br>recover from an accounting<br>scandal that toppled three top<br>executives and led to a<br>criminal investigation and<br>lawsuits."
"Ebay Inc. (EBAY.O: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Friday it would buy,<br>an Internet housing rental<br>listing service, for \\$415<br>million in a deal that gives<br>it access to a new segment of<br>the online real estate market."
"Austin police are working with<br>overseas officials to bring<br>charges against an English man<br>for sexual assault of a child,<br>a second-degree felony."
"United Nations officials<br>report security breaches in<br>internally displaced people<br>and refugee camps in Sudan<br>#39;s embattled Darfur region<br>and neighboring Chad."
"Noranda Inc., Canada #39;s<br>biggest mining company, began<br>exclusive talks on a takeover<br>proposal from China Minmetals<br>Corp. that would lead to the<br>spinoff of Noranda #39;s<br>aluminum business to<br>shareholders."
"San Francisco<br>developer/publisher lands<br>coveted Paramount sci-fi<br>license, \\$6.5 million in<br>funding on same day. Although<br>it is less than two years old,<br>Perpetual Entertainment has<br>acquired one of the most<br>coveted sci-fi licenses on the<br>market."
"ST. LOUIS -- Mike Martz #39;s<br>week of anger was no empty<br>display. He saw the defending<br>NFC West champions slipping<br>and thought taking potshots at<br>his players might be his best<br>shot at turning things around."
"Google warned Thursday that<br>increased competition and the<br>maturing of the company would<br>result in an quot;inevitable<br>quot; slowing of its growth."
"By KELLY WIESE JEFFERSON<br>CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Missouri<br>will allow members of the<br>military stationed overseas to<br>return absentee ballots via<br>e-mail, raising concerns from<br>Internet security experts<br>about fraud and ballot<br>secrecy..."
"Avis Europe PLC has dumped a<br>new ERP system based on<br>software from PeopleSoft Inc.<br>before it was even rolled out,<br>citing substantial delays and<br>higher-than-expected costs."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - The Nikkei<br>average rose 0.55 percent by<br>midsession on Wednesday as<br>some techs including Advantest<br>Corp. gained ground after<br>Wall Street reacted positively<br>to results from Intel Corp.<br>released after the U.S. market<br>close."
"Yahoo #39;s (Quote, Chart)<br>public embrace of the RSS<br>content syndication format<br>took a major leap forward with<br>the release of a revamped My<br>Yahoo portal seeking to<br>introduce the technology to<br>mainstream consumers."
"KINGSTON, Jamaica - Hurricane<br>Ivan's deadly winds and<br>monstrous waves bore down on<br>Jamaica on Friday, threatening<br>a direct hit on its densely<br>populated capital after<br>ravaging Grenada and killing<br>at least 33 people. The<br>Jamaican government ordered<br>the evacuation of half a<br>million people from coastal<br>areas, where rains on Ivan's<br>outer edges were already<br>flooding roads..."
"North Korea has denounced as<br>quot;wicked terrorists quot;<br>the South Korean officials who<br>orchestrated last month #39;s<br>airlift to Seoul of 468 North<br>Korean defectors."
"The Black Watch regiment has<br>returned to its base in Basra<br>in southern Iraq after a<br>month-long mission standing in<br>for US troops in a more<br>violent part of the country,<br>the Ministry of Defence says."
"Romanian soccer star Adrian<br>Mutu as he arrives at the<br>British Football Association<br>in London, ahead of his<br>disciplinary hearing, Thursday<br>Nov. 4, 2004."
"Australia completed an<br>emphatic Test series sweep<br>over New Zealand with a<br>213-run win Tuesday, prompting<br>a caution from Black Caps<br>skipper Stephen Fleming for<br>other cricket captains around<br>the globe."
"AP - A senior Congolese<br>official said Tuesday his<br>nation had been invaded by<br>neighboring Rwanda, and U.N.<br>officials said they were<br>investigating claims of<br>Rwandan forces clashing with<br>militias in the east."
"Liverpool, England (Sports<br>Network) - Former English<br>international and Liverpool<br>great Emlyn Hughes passed away<br>Tuesday from a brain tumor."
" ATLANTA (Reuters) - Soft<br>drink giant Coca-Cola Co.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=KO.N target=/stocks/quic<br>kinfo/fullquote\"&gt;KO.N&lt;/A<br>&gt;, stung by a prolonged<br>downturn in North America,<br>Germany and other major<br>markets, on Thursday lowered<br>its key long-term earnings<br>and sales targets."
"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- They<br>were singing in the Colts #39;<br>locker room today, singing<br>like a bunch of wounded<br>songbirds. Never mind that<br>Marcus Pollard, Dallas Clark<br>and Ben Hartsock won #39;t be<br>recording a remake of Kenny<br>Chesney #39;s song,<br>quot;Young, quot; any time<br>soon."
"TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese<br>electronics and entertainment<br>giant Sony Corp. (SNE) plans<br>to begin selling a camcorder<br>designed for consumers that<br>takes video at digital high-<br>definition quality and is<br>being priced at about<br>\\$3,600..."
"As the close-knit NASCAR<br>community mourns the loss of<br>team owner Rick Hendrick #39;s<br>son, brother, twin nieces and<br>six others in a plane crash<br>Sunday, perhaps no one outside<br>of the immediate family<br>grieves more deeply than<br>Darrell Waltrip."
"AP - Purdue quarterback Kyle<br>Orton has no trouble<br>remembering how he felt after<br>last year's game at Michigan."
"UNITED NATIONS - The United<br>Nations #39; nuclear agency<br>says it is concerned about the<br>disappearance of equipment and<br>materials from Iraq that could<br>be used to make nuclear<br>weapons."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU's<br>historic deal with Turkey to<br>open entry talks with the vast<br>Muslim country was hailed by<br>supporters as a bridge builder<br>between Europe and the Islamic<br>world."
"Iraqi President Ghazi al-<br>Yawar, who was due in Paris on<br>Sunday to start a European<br>tour, has postponed his visit<br>to France due to the ongoing<br>hostage drama involving two<br>French journalists, Arab<br>diplomats said Friday."
" SAO PAULO, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>President Luiz Inacio Lula da<br>Silva's Workers' Party (PT)<br>won the mayoralty of six state<br>capitals in Sunday's municipal<br>vote but was forced into a<br>run-off to defend its hold on<br>the race's biggest prize, the<br>city of Sao Paulo."
"ATHENS, Greece - They are<br>America's newest golden girls<br>- powerful and just a shade<br>from perfection. The U.S..."
"AMMAN, Sept. 15. - The owner<br>of a Jordanian truck company<br>announced today that he had<br>ordered its Iraq operations<br>stopped in a bid to save the<br>life of a driver held hostage<br>by a militant group."
"Israel is prepared to back a<br>Middle East conference<br>convened by Tony Blair early<br>next year despite having<br>expressed fears that the<br>British plans were over-<br>ambitious and designed"
"AP - U.S. State Department<br>officials learned that seven<br>American children had been<br>abandoned at a Nigerian<br>orphanage but waited more than<br>a week to check on the youths,<br>who were suffering from<br>malnutrition, malaria and<br>typhoid, a newspaper reported<br>Saturday."
"\\Angry mobs in Ivory Coast's<br>main city, Abidjan, marched on<br>the airport, hours after it<br>came under French control."
"Several workers are believed<br>to have been killed and others<br>injured after a contruction<br>site collapsed at Dubai<br>airport. The workers were<br>trapped under rubble at the<br>site of a \\$4."
"Talks between Sudan #39;s<br>government and two rebel<br>groups to resolve the nearly<br>two-year battle resume Friday.<br>By Abraham McLaughlin Staff<br>writer of The Christian<br>Science Monitor."
"In a meeting of the cinematic<br>with the scientific, Hollywood<br>helicopter stunt pilots will<br>try to snatch a returning NASA<br>space probe out of the air<br>before it hits the ground."
"Legend has it (incorrectly, it<br>seems) that infamous bank<br>robber Willie Sutton, when<br>asked why banks were his<br>favorite target, responded,<br>quot;Because that #39;s where<br>the money is."
"Brown is a second year player<br>from Memphis and has spent the<br>2004 season on the Steelers<br>#39; practice squad. He played<br>in two games last year."
"A Canadian court approved Air<br>Canada #39;s (AC.TO: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) plan of<br>arrangement with creditors on<br>Monday, clearing the way for<br>the world #39;s 11th largest<br>airline to emerge from<br>bankruptcy protection at the<br>end of next month"
"Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and<br>Purdue Pharma are the first<br>drugmakers willing to take the<br>plunge and use radio frequency<br>identification technology to<br>protect their US drug supply<br>chains from counterfeiters."
"Barret Jackman, the last of<br>the Blues left to sign before<br>the league #39;s probable<br>lockout on Wednesday,<br>finalized a deal Monday that<br>is rare in the current<br>economic climate but fitting<br>for him."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>eased on Monday after rebels<br>in Nigeria withdrew a threat<br>to target oil operations, but<br>lingering concerns over<br>stretched supplies ahead of<br>winter kept prices close to<br>\\$50."
"AP - In the tumult of the<br>visitors' clubhouse at Yankee<br>Stadium, champagne pouring all<br>around him, Theo Epstein held<br>a beer. \"I came in and there<br>was no champagne left,\" he<br>said this week. \"I said, 'I'll<br>have champagne if we win it<br>all.'\" Get ready to pour a<br>glass of bubbly for Epstein.<br>No I.D. necessary."
"Search any fee-based digital<br>music service for the best-<br>loved musical artists of the<br>20th century and most of the<br>expected names show up."
"Barcelona held on from an<br>early Deco goal to edge game<br>local rivals Espanyol 1-0 and<br>carve out a five point<br>tabletop cushion. Earlier,<br>Ronaldo rescued a point for<br>Real Madrid, who continued<br>their middling form with a 1-1<br>draw at Real Betis."
"MONTREAL (CP) - The Expos may<br>be history, but their demise<br>has heated up the market for<br>team memorabilia. Vintage<br>1970s and 1980s shirts are<br>already sold out, but<br>everything from caps, beer<br>glasses and key-chains to<br>dolls of mascot Youppi!"
"Stansted airport is the<br>designated emergency landing<br>ground for planes in British<br>airspace hit by in-flight<br>security alerts. Emergency<br>services at Stansted have<br>successfully dealt"
"The massive military operation<br>to retake Fallujah has been<br>quot;accomplished quot;, a<br>senior Iraqi official said.<br>Fierce fighting continued in<br>the war-torn city where<br>pockets of resistance were<br>still holding out against US<br>forces."
"There are some signs of<br>progress in resolving the<br>Nigerian conflict that is<br>riling global oil markets. The<br>leader of militia fighters<br>threatening to widen a battle<br>for control of Nigeria #39;s<br>oil-rich south has"
"A strong earthquake hit Taiwan<br>on Monday, shaking buildings<br>in the capital Taipei for<br>several seconds. No casualties<br>were reported."
"America Online Inc. is<br>packaging new features to<br>combat viruses, spam and<br>spyware in response to growing<br>online security threats.<br>Subscribers will be able to<br>get the free tools"
"A 76th minute goal from<br>European Footballer of the<br>Year Pavel Nedved gave<br>Juventus a 1-0 win over Bayern<br>Munich on Tuesday handing the<br>Italians clear control at the<br>top of Champions League Group<br>C."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>climbed above \\$42 a barrel on<br>Wednesday, rising for the<br>third day in a row as cold<br>weather gripped the U.S.<br>Northeast, the world's biggest<br>heating fuel market."
"A policeman ran amok at a<br>security camp in Indian-<br>controlled Kashmir after an<br>argument and shot dead seven<br>colleagues before he was<br>gunned down, police said on<br>Sunday."
"ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Some NHL<br>players who took part in a<br>charity hockey game at the<br>University of Michigan on<br>Thursday were hopeful the news<br>that the NHL and the players<br>association will resume talks<br>next week"
"New York police have developed<br>a pre-emptive strike policy,<br>cutting off demonstrations<br>before they grow large."
"CAPE CANAVERAL-- NASA aims to<br>launch its first post-Columbia<br>shuttle mission during a<br>shortened nine-day window<br>March, and failure to do so<br>likely would delay a planned<br>return to flight until at<br>least May."
"Travelers headed home for<br>Thanksgiving were greeted<br>Wednesday with snow-covered<br>highways in the Midwest, heavy<br>rain and tornadoes in parts of<br>the South, and long security<br>lines at some of the nation<br>#39;s airports."
"BOULDER, Colo. -- Vernand<br>Morency ran for 165 yards and<br>two touchdowns and Donovan<br>Woods threw for three more<br>scores, lifting No. 22<br>Oklahoma State to a 42-14<br>victory over Colorado<br>yesterday."
"The Chinese city of Beijing<br>has cancelled an order for<br>Microsoft software, apparently<br>bowing to protectionist<br>sentiment. The deal has come<br>under fire in China, which is<br>trying to build a domestic<br>software industry."
"Apple says it will deliver its<br>iTunes music service to more<br>European countries next month.<br>Corroborating several reports<br>in recent months, Reuters is<br>reporting today that Apple<br>Computer is planning the next"
"Reuters - Motorola Inc., the<br>world's\\second-largest mobile<br>phone maker, said on Tuesday<br>it expects\\to sustain strong<br>sales growth in the second<br>half of 2004\\thanks to new<br>handsets with innovative<br>designs and features."
"PULLMAN - Last week, in<br>studying USC game film, Cougar<br>coaches thought they found a<br>chink in the national<br>champions armor. And not just<br>any chink - one with the<br>potential, right from the get<br>go, to"
"The union representing flight<br>attendants on Friday said it<br>mailed more than 5,000 strike<br>authorization ballots to its<br>members employed by US Airways<br>as both sides continued talks<br>that are expected to stretch<br>through the weekend."
"AP - Matt Leinart was quite a<br>baseball prospect growing up,<br>showing so much promise as a<br>left-handed pitcher that<br>scouts took notice before high<br>school."
"PRAGUE, Czech Republic --<br>Eugene Cernan, the last man to<br>walk on the moon during the<br>final Apollo landing, said<br>Thursday he doesn't expect<br>space tourism to become<br>reality in the near future,<br>despite a strong demand.<br>Cernan, now 70, who was<br>commander of NASA's Apollo 17<br>mission and set foot on the<br>lunar surface in December 1972<br>during his third space flight,<br>acknowledged that \"there are<br>many people interested in<br>space tourism.\" But the<br>former astronaut said he<br>believed \"we are a long way<br>away from the day when we can<br>send a bus of tourists to the<br>moon.\" He spoke to reporters<br>before being awarded a medal<br>by the Czech Academy of<br>Sciences for his contribution<br>to science..."
"Never shy about entering a<br>market late, Microsoft Corp.<br>is planning to open the<br>virtual doors of its long-<br>planned Internet music store<br>next week. &lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"AP - On his first birthday<br>Thursday, giant panda cub Mei<br>Sheng delighted visitors by<br>playing for the first time in<br>snow delivered to him at the<br>San Diego Zoo. He also sat on<br>his ice cake, wrestled with<br>his mom, got his coat<br>incredibly dirty, and didn't<br>read any of the more than 700<br>birthday wishes sent him via<br>e-mail from as far away as<br>Ireland and Argentina."
"AP - Researchers put a<br>satellite tracking device on a<br>15-foot shark that appeared to<br>be lost in shallow water off<br>Cape Cod, the first time a<br>great white has been tagged<br>that way in the Atlantic."
"LSU will stick with a two-<br>quarterback rotation Saturday<br>at Auburn, according to Tigers<br>coach Nick Saban, who seemed<br>to have some fun telling the<br>media what he will and won<br>#39;t discuss Monday."
"Bulgaria has started its first<br>co-mission with the EU in<br>Bosnia and Herzegovina, along<br>with some 30 countries,<br>including Canada and Turkey."
"The Windows Future Storage<br>(WinFS) technology that got<br>cut out of Windows<br>quot;Longhorn quot; is in<br>serious trouble, and not just<br>the hot water a feature might<br>encounter for missing its<br>intended production vehicle."
"Seattle -- - Not so long ago,<br>the 49ers were inflicting on<br>other teams the kind of pain<br>and embarrassment they felt in<br>their 34-0 loss to the<br>Seahawks on Sunday."
"AP - The pileup of events in<br>the city next week, including<br>the Republican National<br>Convention, will add to the<br>security challenge for the New<br>York Police Department, but<br>commissioner Ray Kelly says,<br>\"With a big, experienced<br>police force, we can do it.\""
" - Let the<br>games begin. Not the Olympics<br>again, but the all-out battle<br>between video game giants Sony<br>Corp. and Nintendo Co. Ltd.<br>The two Japanese companies are<br>rolling out new gaming<br>consoles, but Nintendo has<br>beaten Sony to the punch by<br>announcing an earlier launch<br>date for its new hand-held<br>game player."
"London - Manchester City held<br>fierce crosstown rivals<br>Manchester United to a 0-0<br>draw on Sunday, keeping the<br>Red Devils eleven points<br>behind leaders Chelsea."
"LONDON, Dec 11 (IranMania) -<br>Iraqi Vice-President Ibrahim<br>al-Jaafari refused to believe<br>in remarks published Friday<br>that Iran was attempting to<br>influence Iraqi polls with the<br>aim of creating a<br>quot;crescent quot; dominated<br>by Shiites in the region."
"LOS ANGELES (CBS.MW) - The US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission is probing<br>transactions between Delphi<br>Corp and EDS, which supplies<br>the automotive parts and<br>components giant with<br>technology services, Delphi<br>said late Wednesday."
"MONTREAL (CP) - Molson Inc.<br>and Adolph Coors Co. are<br>sweetening their brewery<br>merger plan with a special<br>dividend to Molson<br>shareholders worth \\$381<br>million."
"AP - Echoing what NASA<br>officials said a day earlier,<br>a Russian space official on<br>Friday said the two-man crew<br>on the international space<br>station could be forced to<br>return to Earth if a planned<br>resupply flight cannot reach<br>them with food supplies later<br>this month."
"InfoWorld - SANTA CLARA,<br>CALIF. -- Accommodating large<br>patch sets in Linux is<br>expected to mean forking off<br>of the 2.7 version of the<br>platform to accommodate these<br>changes, according to Andrew<br>Morton, lead maintainer of the<br>Linux kernel for Open Source<br>Development Labs (OSDL)."
"AMSTERDAM The mobile phone<br>giants Vodafone and Nokia<br>teamed up on Thursday to<br>simplify cellphone software<br>written with the Java computer<br>language."
"WELLINGTON: National carrier<br>Air New Zealand said yesterday<br>the Australian Competition<br>Tribunal has approved a<br>proposed alliance with Qantas<br>Airways Ltd, despite its<br>rejection in New Zealand."
"The late Princess Dianas<br>former bodyguard, Ken Wharfe,<br>dismisses her suspicions that<br>one of her lovers was bumped<br>off. Princess Diana had an<br>affair with Barry Mannakee, a<br>policeman who was assigned to<br>protect her."
"Long considered beyond the<br>reach of mainland mores, the<br>Florida city is trying to<br>limit blatant displays of<br>sexual behavior."
"The overall Linux market is<br>far larger than previous<br>estimates show, a new study<br>says. In an analysis of the<br>Linux market released late<br>Tuesday, market research firm<br>IDC estimated that the Linux<br>market -- including"
"By PAUL ELIAS SAN FRANCISCO<br>(AP) -- Several California<br>cities and counties, including<br>San Francisco and Los Angeles,<br>sued Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) on<br>Friday, accusing the software<br>giant of illegally charging<br>inflated prices for its<br>products because of monopoly<br>control of the personal<br>computer operating system<br>market..."
"New Ole Miss head coach Ed<br>Orgeron, speaking for the<br>first time since his hiring,<br>made clear the goal of his<br>football program. quot;The<br>goal of this program will be<br>to go to the Sugar Bowl, quot;<br>Orgeron said."
"\"Everyone's nervous,\" Acting<br>Undersecretary of Defense<br>Michael W. Wynne warned in a<br>confidential e-mail to Air<br>Force Secretary James G. Roche<br>on July 8, 2003."
"Reuters - Alpharma Inc. on<br>Friday began\\selling a cheaper<br>generic version of Pfizer<br>Inc.'s #36;3\\billion a year<br>epilepsy drug Neurontin<br>without waiting for a\\court<br>ruling on Pfizer's request to<br>block the copycat medicine."
"Public opinion of the database<br>giant sinks to 12-year low, a<br>new report indicates."
"Opinion: Privacy hysterics<br>bring old whine in new bottles<br>to the Internet party. The<br>desktop search beta from this<br>Web search leader doesn #39;t<br>do anything you can #39;t do<br>already."
"It is much too easy to call<br>Pedro Martinez the selfish<br>one, to say he is walking out<br>on the Red Sox, his baseball<br>family, for the extra year of<br>the Mets #39; crazy money."
"It is impossible for young<br>tennis players today to know<br>what it was like to be Althea<br>Gibson and not to be able to<br>quot;walk in the front door,<br>quot; Garrison said."
"Senator John Kerry said today<br>that the war in Iraq was a<br>\"profound diversion\" from the<br>war on terror and Osama bin<br>Laden."
"For spammers, it #39;s been a<br>summer of love. Two newly<br>issued reports tracking the<br>circulation of unsolicited<br>e-mails say pornographic spam<br>dominated this summer, nearly<br>all of it originating from<br>Internet addresses in North<br>America."
"The Nordics fared well because<br>of their long-held ideals of<br>keeping corruption clamped<br>down and respect for<br>contracts, rule of law and<br>dedication to one-on-one<br>business relationships."
"Microsoft portrayed its<br>Longhorn decision as a<br>necessary winnowing to hit the<br>2006 timetable. The<br>announcement on Friday,<br>Microsoft executives insisted,<br>did not point to a setback in<br>software"
"Here #39;s an obvious word of<br>advice to Florida athletic<br>director Jeremy Foley as he<br>kicks off another search for<br>the Gators football coach: Get<br>Steve Spurrier on board."
"Don't bother with the small<br>stuff. Here's what really<br>matters to your lender."
"A problem in the Service Pack<br>2 update for Windows XP may<br>keep owners of AMD-based<br>computers from using the long-<br>awaited security package,<br>according to Microsoft."
"Five years ago, running a<br>telephone company was an<br>immensely profitable<br>proposition. Since then, those<br>profits have inexorably<br>declined, and now that decline<br>has taken another gut-<br>wrenching dip."
"NEW YORK - The litigious<br>Recording Industry Association<br>of America (RIAA) is involved<br>in another legal dispute with<br>a P-to-P (peer-to-peer)<br>technology maker, but this<br>time, the RIAA is on defense.<br>Altnet Inc. filed a lawsuit<br>Wednesday accusing the RIAA<br>and several of its partners of<br>infringing an Altnet patent<br>covering technology for<br>identifying requested files on<br>a P-to-P network."
"A group claiming to have<br>captured two Indonesian women<br>in Iraq has said it will<br>release them if Jakarta frees<br>Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir<br>being held for alleged<br>terrorist links."
"Amid the stormy gloom in<br>Gotham, the rain-idled Yankees<br>last night had plenty of time<br>to gather in front of their<br>televisions and watch the Red<br>Sox Express roar toward them.<br>The national telecast might<br>have been enough to send a<br>jittery Boss Steinbrenner<br>searching his Bartlett's<br>Familiar Quotations for some<br>quot;Little Engine That Could<br>quot; metaphor."
"FULHAM fans would have been<br>singing the late Elvis #39;<br>hit #39;The wonder of you<br>#39; to their player Elvis<br>Hammond. If not for Frank<br>Lampard spoiling the party,<br>with his dedication to his<br>late grandfather."
"Indonesian police said<br>yesterday that DNA tests had<br>identified a suicide bomber<br>involved in a deadly attack<br>this month on the Australian<br>embassy in Jakarta."
"NEW YORK - Wal-Mart Stores<br>Inc.'s warning of<br>disappointing sales sent<br>stocks fluctuating Monday as<br>investors' concerns about a<br>slowing economy offset their<br>relief over a drop in oil<br>prices. October contracts<br>for a barrel of light crude<br>were quoted at \\$46.48, down<br>24 cents, on the New York<br>Mercantile Exchange..."
"Iraq #39;s top Shi #39;ite<br>cleric made a sudden return to<br>the country on Wednesday and<br>said he had a plan to end an<br>uprising in the quot;burning<br>city quot; of Najaf, where<br>fighting is creeping ever<br>closer to its holiest shrine."
"For two weeks before MTV<br>debuted U2 #39;s video for the<br>new single quot;Vertigo,<br>quot; fans had a chance to see<br>the band perform the song on<br>TV -- in an iPod commercial."
"A bird #39;s eye view of the<br>circuit at Shanghai shows what<br>an event Sunday #39;s Chinese<br>Grand Prix will be. The course<br>is arguably one of the best<br>there is, and so it should be<br>considering the amount of<br>money that has been spent on<br>it."
"KABUL, Afghanistan Aug. 22,<br>2004 - US soldiers sprayed a<br>pickup truck with bullets<br>after it failed to stop at a<br>roadblock in central<br>Afghanistan, killing two women<br>and a man and critically<br>wounding two other"
"Oct. 26, 2004 - The US-<br>European spacecraft Cassini-<br>Huygens on Tuesday made a<br>historic flyby of Titan,<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>passing so low as to almost<br>touch the fringes of its<br>atmosphere."
"Reuters - A volcano in central<br>Japan sent smoke and\\ash high<br>into the sky and spat out<br>molten rock as it erupted\\for<br>a fourth straight day on<br>Friday, but experts said the<br>peak\\appeared to be quieting<br>slightly."
"Shares of Google Inc. made<br>their market debut on Thursday<br>and quickly traded up 19<br>percent at \\$101.28. The Web<br>search company #39;s initial<br>public offering priced at \\$85"
"SYDNEY -- Prime Minister John<br>Howard of Australia, a key US<br>ally and supporter of the Iraq<br>war, celebrated his election<br>win over opposition Labor<br>after voters enjoying the<br>fruits of a strong economy<br>gave him another term."
"Reuters - Global warming is<br>melting\\Ecuador's cherished<br>mountain glaciers and could<br>cause several\\of them to<br>disappear over the next two<br>decades, Ecuadorean and\\French<br>scientists said on Wednesday."
"AP - Sirius Satellite Radio<br>signed a deal to air the men's<br>NCAA basketball tournament<br>through 2007, the latest move<br>made in an attempt to draw<br>customers through sports<br>programming."
"Rather than tell you, Dan<br>Kranzler chooses instead to<br>show you how he turned Mforma<br>into a worldwide publisher of<br>video games, ringtones and<br>other hot downloads for mobile<br>phones."
"UK interest rates have been<br>kept on hold at 4.75 following<br>the latest meeting of the Bank<br>of England #39;s rate-setting<br>committee."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two rockets<br>hit a downtown Baghdad hotel<br>housing foreigners and<br>journalists Thursday, and<br>gunfire erupted in the<br>neighborhood across the Tigris<br>River from the U.S. Embassy<br>compound..."
"The Prevention of Terrorism<br>Act 2002 (Pota) polarised the<br>country, not just by the<br>manner in which it was pushed<br>through by the NDA government<br>through a joint session of<br>Parliament but by the shabby<br>and often biased manner in<br>which it was enforced."
"Not being part of a culture<br>with a highly developed<br>language, could limit your<br>thoughts, at least as far as<br>numbers are concerned, reveals<br>a new study conducted by a<br>psychologist at the Columbia<br>University in New York."
"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A native of<br>Red Oak, Iowa, who was a<br>pioneer in astronomy who<br>proposed the quot;dirty<br>snowball quot; theory for the<br>substance of comets, has died."
"Resurgent oil prices paused<br>for breath as the United<br>States prepared to draw on its<br>emergency reserves to ease<br>supply strains caused by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
"(Sports Network) - The<br>inconsistent San Diego Padres<br>will try for consecutive wins<br>for the first time since<br>August 28-29 tonight, when<br>they begin a huge four-game<br>set against the Los Angeles<br>Dodgers at Dodger Stadium."
"A Portuguese-sounding version<br>of the virus has appeared in<br>the wild. Be wary of mail from<br>Manaus."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top seed<br>Roger Federer survived a<br>stirring comeback from twice<br>champion Andre Agassi to reach<br>the semifinals of the U.S.<br>Open for the first time on<br>Thursday, squeezing through<br>6-3, 2-6, 7-5, 3-6, 6-3."
"President Bush, who credits<br>three years of tax relief<br>programs with helping<br>strengthen the slow economy,<br>said Saturday he would sign<br>into law the Working Families<br>Tax Relief Act to preserve tax<br>cuts."
"HEN investors consider the<br>bond market these days, the<br>low level of interest rates<br>should be more cause for worry<br>than for gratitude."
"Reuters - Hunters soon may be<br>able to sit at\\their computers<br>and blast away at animals on a<br>Texas ranch via\\the Internet,<br>a prospect that has state<br>wildlife officials up\\in arms."
"The Bedminster-based company<br>yesterday said it was pushing<br>into 21 new markets with the<br>service, AT amp;T CallVantage,<br>and extending an introductory<br>rate offer until Sept. 30. In<br>addition, the company is<br>offering in-home installation<br>of up to five ..."
"Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.<br>has developed a new LCD<br>(liquid crystal display)<br>technology that builds a touch<br>screen into the display, a<br>development that could lead to<br>thinner and cheaper display<br>panels for mobile phones, the<br>company said Tuesday."
"The US military says marines<br>in Fallujah shot and killed an<br>insurgent who engaged them as<br>he was faking being dead, a<br>week after footage of a marine<br>killing an apparently unarmed<br>and wounded Iraqi caused a<br>stir in the region."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rallied on Monday after<br>software maker PeopleSoft Inc.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=PSFT.O target=/stocks/qu<br>ickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;PSFT.O&l<br>t;/A&gt; accepted a sweetened<br>\\$10.3 billion buyout by rival<br>Oracle Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=ORCL.O ta<br>rget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquo<br>te\"&gt;ORCL.O&lt;/A&gt; and<br>other big deals raised<br>expectations of more<br>takeovers."
"SAN FRANCISCO - What Babe Ruth<br>was to the first half of the<br>20th century and Hank Aaron<br>was to the second, Barry Bonds<br>has become for the home run<br>generation."
"Description: NPR #39;s Alex<br>Chadwick talks to Colin Brown,<br>deputy political editor for<br>the United Kingdom #39;s<br>Independent newspaper,<br>currently covering the British<br>Labour Party Conference."
"Birgit Fischer settled for<br>silver, leaving the 42-year-<br>old Olympian with two medals<br>in two days against decidedly<br>younger competition."
"The New Jersey-based Accoona<br>Corporation, an industry<br>pioneer in artificial<br>intelligence search<br>technology, announced on<br>Monday the launch of Accoona."
"Hamas vowed revenge yesterday<br>after an Israeli airstrike in<br>Gaza killed one of its senior<br>commanders - the latest<br>assassination to have weakened<br>the militant group."
"There was no mystery ... no<br>secret strategy ... no baited<br>trap that snapped shut and<br>changed the course of history<br>#39;s most lucrative non-<br>heavyweight fight."
"Notre Dame accepted an<br>invitation Sunday to play in<br>the Insight Bowl in Phoenix<br>against a Pac-10 team on Dec.<br>28. The Irish (6-5) accepted<br>the bid a day after losing to<br>Southern California"
"Greg Anderson has so dominated<br>Pro Stock this season that his<br>championship quest has evolved<br>into a pursuit of NHRA<br>history. By Bob Hesser, Racers<br>Edge Photography."
"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on<br>Thursday said fourth-quarter<br>profit rose as its fixed-<br>income, currency and<br>commodities business soared<br>while a rebounding stock<br>market boosted investment<br>banking."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Monday in a<br>retracement from last week's<br>steep losses, but dealers said<br>the bias toward a weaker<br>greenback remained intact."
"Michael Powell, chairman of<br>the FCC, said Wednesday he was<br>disappointed with ABC for<br>airing a sexually suggestive<br>opening to \"Monday Night<br>Football.\""
"The message against illegally<br>copying CDs for uses such as<br>in file-sharing over the<br>Internet has widely sunk in,<br>said the company in it #39;s<br>recent announcement to drop<br>the Copy-Control program."
"Former Washington football<br>coach Rick Neuheisel looked<br>forward to a return to<br>coaching Wednesday after being<br>cleared by the NCAA of<br>wrongdoing related to his<br>gambling on basketball games."
"Reuters - California will<br>become hotter and\\drier by the<br>end of the century, menacing<br>the valuable wine and\\dairy<br>industries, even if dramatic<br>steps are taken to curb\\global<br>warming, researchers said on<br>Monday."
"A senior member of the<br>Palestinian resistance group<br>Hamas has been released from<br>an Israeli prison after<br>completing a two-year<br>sentence."
"IBM said Monday that it won a<br>500 million (AUD\\$1.25<br>billion), seven-year services<br>contract to help move UK bank<br>Lloyds TBS from its<br>traditional voice<br>infrastructure to a converged<br>voice and data network."
"MPs have announced a new<br>inquiry into family courts and<br>whether parents are treated<br>fairly over issues such as<br>custody or contact with their<br>children."
"Canadian Press - MELBOURNE,<br>Australia (AP) - A 36-year-old<br>businesswoman was believed to<br>be the first woman to walk<br>around Australia on Friday<br>after striding into her<br>hometown of Melbourne to<br>complete her 16,700-kilometre<br>trek in 365 days."
"Most remaining Pakistani<br>prisoners held at the US<br>Guantanamo Bay prison camp are<br>freed, officials say."
"Space shuttle astronauts will<br>fly next year without the<br>ability to repair in orbit the<br>type of damage that destroyed<br>the Columbia vehicle in<br>February 2003."
"Moscow - Russia plans to<br>combine Gazprom, the world<br>#39;s biggest natural gas<br>producer, with state-owned oil<br>producer Rosneft, easing rules<br>for trading Gazprom shares and<br>creating a company that may<br>dominate the country #39;s<br>energy industry."
"AP - Rutgers basketball player<br>Shalicia Hurns was suspended<br>from the team after pleading<br>guilty to punching and tying<br>up her roommate during a<br>dispute over painkilling<br>drugs."
"By cutting WinFS from Longhorn<br>and indefinitely delaying the<br>storage system, Microsoft<br>Corp. has also again delayed<br>the Microsoft Business<br>Framework (MBF), a new Windows<br>programming layer that is<br>closely tied to WinFS."
"French police are<br>investigating an arson-caused<br>fire at a Jewish Social Center<br>that might have killed dozens<br>without the quick response of<br>firefighters."
"Rodney King, whose videotaped<br>beating led to riots in Los<br>Angeles in 1992, is out of<br>jail now and talking frankly<br>for the first time about the<br>riots, himself and the<br>American way of life."
"AFP - Radical Islamic cleric<br>Abu Hamza al-Masri was set to<br>learn Thursday whether he<br>would be charged under<br>Britain's anti-terrorism law,<br>thus delaying his possible<br>extradition to the United<br>States to face terrorism-<br>related charges."
"Diversified manufacturer<br>Honeywell International Inc.<br>(HON.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) posted a rise in<br>quarterly profit as strong<br>demand for aerospace equipment<br>and automobile components"
"This was the event Michael<br>Phelps didn't really need to<br>compete in if his goal was to<br>win eight golds. He probably<br>would have had a better chance<br>somewhere else."
"Samsung's new SPH-V5400 mobile<br>phone sports a built-in<br>1-inch, 1.5-gigabyte hard disk<br>that can store about 15 times<br>more data than conventional<br>handsets, Samsung said."
"Reuters - U.S. housing starts<br>jumped a\\larger-than-expected<br>6.4 percent in October to the<br>busiest pace\\since December as<br>buyers took advantage of low<br>mortgage rates,\\a government<br>report showed on Wednesday."
"Gabe Kapler became the first<br>player to leave the World<br>Series champion Boston Red<br>Sox, agreeing to a one-year<br>contract with the Yomiuri<br>Giants in Tokyo."
"Louisen Louis, 30, walked<br>Monday in the middle of a<br>street that resembled a small<br>river with brown rivulets and<br>waves. He wore sandals and had<br>a cut on one of his big toes."
"BALI, Indonesia - Svetlana<br>Kuznetsova, fresh off her<br>championship at the US Open,<br>defeated Australian qualifier<br>Samantha Stosur 6-4, 6-4<br>Thursday to reach the<br>quarterfinals of the Wismilak<br>International."
"The Securities and Exchange<br>Commission ordered mutual<br>funds to stop paying higher<br>commissions to brokers who<br>promote the companies' funds<br>and required portfolio<br>managers to reveal investments<br>in funds they supervise."
"A car bomb exploded outside<br>the main hospital in Chechny<br>#39;s capital, Grozny, on<br>Sunday, injuring 17 people in<br>an attack apparently targeting<br>members of a Chechen security<br>force bringing in wounded from<br>an earlier explosion"
"AP - Just like the old days in<br>Dallas, Emmitt Smith made life<br>miserable for the New York<br>Giants on Sunday."
"Sumitomo Mitsui Financial<br>Group (SMFG), Japans second<br>largest bank, today put<br>forward a 3,200 billion (\\$29<br>billion) takeover bid for<br>United Financial Group (UFJ),<br>the countrys fourth biggest<br>lender, in an effort to regain<br>initiative in its bidding"
"AP - Gay marriage is emerging<br>as a big enough issue in<br>several states to influence<br>races both for Congress and<br>the presidency."
"TAMPA, Fla. - Chris Simms<br>first NFL start lasted 19<br>plays, and it might be a while<br>before he plays again for the<br>Tampa Bay Buccaneers."
"Vendor says it #39;s<br>developing standards-based<br>servers in various form<br>factors for the telecom<br>market. By Darrell Dunn.<br>Hewlett-Packard on Thursday<br>unveiled plans to create a<br>portfolio of products and<br>services"
"Jarno Trulli made the most of<br>the conditions in qualifying<br>to claim pole ahead of Michael<br>Schumacher, while Fernando<br>finished third."
"More than 30 aid workers have<br>been airlifted to safety from<br>a town in Sudan #39;s troubled<br>Darfur region after fighting<br>broke out and their base was<br>bombed, a British charity<br>says."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>chain store retail sales<br>slipped during the<br>Thanksgiving holiday week, as<br>consumers took advantage of<br>discounted merchandise, a<br>retail report said on<br>Tuesday."
"Ziff Davis - The company this<br>week will unveil more programs<br>and technologies designed to<br>ease users of its high-end<br>servers onto its Integrity<br>line, which uses Intel's<br>64-bit Itanium processor."
"The Mac maker says it will<br>replace about 28,000 batteries<br>in one model of PowerBook G4<br>and tells people to stop using<br>the notebook."
"It #39;s the mildest of mild<br>winters down here in the south<br>of Italy and, last weekend at<br>Bcoli, a pretty suburb by the<br>seaside west of Naples, the<br>customers of Pizzeria quot;Da<br>Enrico quot; were making the<br>most of it."
"By George Chamberlin , Daily<br>Transcript Financial<br>Correspondent. Concerns about<br>oil production leading into<br>the winter months sent shivers<br>through the stock market<br>Wednesday."
"Airbus has withdrawn a filing<br>that gave support for<br>Microsoft in an antitrust case<br>before the European Union<br>#39;s Court of First Instance,<br>a source close to the<br>situation said on Friday."
"WASHINGTON - A spotty job<br>market and stagnant paychecks<br>cloud this Labor Day holiday<br>for many workers, highlighting<br>the importance of pocketbook<br>issues in the presidential<br>election. \"Working harder<br>and enjoying it less,\" said<br>economist Ken Mayland,<br>president of ClearView<br>Economics, summing up the<br>state of working America..."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks rose on Wednesday<br>lifted by a merger between<br>retailers Kmart and Sears,<br>better-than-expected earnings<br>from Hewlett-Packard and data<br>showing a slight rise in core<br>inflation."
"AP - Authorities are<br>investigating whether bettors<br>at New York's top thoroughbred<br>tracks were properly informed<br>when jockeys came in<br>overweight at races, a source<br>familiar with the probe told<br>The Associated Press."
"European Commission president<br>Romano Prodi has unveiled<br>proposals to loosen the<br>deficit rules under the EU<br>Stability Pact. The loosening<br>was drafted by monetary<br>affairs commissioner Joaquin<br>Almunia, who stood beside the<br>president at the announcement."
"Canadian Press - MONTREAL (CP)<br>- A 19-year-old man charged in<br>a firebombing at a Jewish<br>elementary school pleaded<br>guilty Thursday to arson."
"Retail sales in Britain saw<br>the fastest growth in<br>September since January,<br>casting doubts on the view<br>that the economy is slowing<br>down, according to official<br>figures released Thursday."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Interstate Bakeries Corp.<br>&lt;A HREF=\"http://www.investo<br><br>icker=IBC.N target=/stocks/qui<br>ckinfo/fullquote\"&gt;IBC.N&lt;<br>/A&gt;, maker of Hostess<br>Twinkies and Wonder Bread,<br>filed for bankruptcy on<br>Wednesday after struggling<br>with more than \\$1.3 billion<br>in debt and high costs."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Thursday<br>said it reached a deal with<br>FedEx Express to sell eight<br>McDonnell Douglas MD11<br>aircraft and four spare<br>engines for delivery in 2004."
"Michael Owen scored his first<br>goal for Real Madrid in a 1-0<br>home victory over Dynamo Kiev<br>in the Champions League. The<br>England striker toe-poked home<br>Ronaldo #39;s cross in the<br>35th minute to join the<br>Russians"
" quot;Resuming uranium<br>enrichment is not in our<br>agenda. We are still committed<br>to the suspension, quot;<br>Foreign Ministry spokesman<br>Hamid Reza."
"Leading OPEC producer Saudi<br>Arabia said on Monday in<br>Vienna, Austria, that it had<br>made a renewed effort to<br>deflate record high world oil<br>prices by upping crude output<br>again."
"The U.S. military presence in<br>Iraq will grow to 150,000<br>troops by next month, the<br>highest level since the<br>invasion last year."
"UPDATE, SUN 9PM: More than a<br>million people have left their<br>homes in Cuba, as Hurricane<br>Ivan approaches. The ferocious<br>storm is headed that way,<br>after ripping through the<br>Cayman Islands, tearing off<br>roofs, flooding homes and<br>causing general havoc."
"Jason Giambi has returned to<br>the New York Yankees'<br>clubhouse but is still<br>clueless as to when he will be<br>able to play again."
"Seventy-five National Hockey<br>League players met with union<br>leaders yesterday to get an<br>update on a lockout that shows<br>no sign of ending."
"Howard, at 6-4 overall and 3-3<br>in the Mid-Eastern Athletic<br>Conference, can clinch a<br>winning record in the MEAC<br>with a win over Delaware State<br>on Saturday."
"Millions of casual US anglers<br>are having are larger than<br>appreciated impact on sea fish<br>stocks, scientists claim."
"The founders of the Pilgrim<br>Baxter amp; Associates money-<br>management firm agreed<br>yesterday to personally fork<br>over \\$160 million to settle<br>charges they allowed a friend<br>to"
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Top-ranked<br>Argentina booked their berth<br>in the women's hockey semi-<br>finals at the Athens Olympics<br>on Friday but defending<br>champions Australia now face<br>an obstacle course to qualify<br>for the medal matches."
"IBM Corp. Tuesday announced<br>plans to acquire software<br>vendor Systemcorp ALG for an<br>undisclosed amount. Systemcorp<br>of Montreal makes project<br>portfolio management software<br>aimed at helping companies<br>better manage their IT<br>projects."
"The Notre Dame message boards<br>are no longer discussing<br>whether Tyrone Willingham<br>should be fired. Theyre<br>already arguing about whether<br>the next coach should be Barry<br>Alvarez or Steve Spurrier."
" - By now you<br>probably know that earnings of<br>Section 529 college savings<br>accounts are free of federal<br>tax if used for higher<br>education. But taxes are only<br>part of the problem. What if<br>your investments tank? Just<br>ask Laurence and Margo<br>Williams of Alexandria, Va. In<br>2000 they put #36;45,000 into<br>the Virginia Education Savings<br>Trust to open accounts for<br>daughters Lea, now 5, and<br>Anne, now 3. Since then their<br>investment has shrunk 5 while<br>the average private college<br>tuition has climbed 18 to<br>#36;18,300."
"German Chancellor Gerhard<br>Schroeder said Sunday that<br>there was quot;no problem<br>quot; with Germany #39;s<br>support to the start of<br>negotiations on Turkey #39;s<br>entrance into EU."
"Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd.,<br>Australia #39;s biggest soft-<br>drink maker, offered A\\$500<br>million (\\$382 million) in<br>cash and stock for fruit<br>canner SPC Ardmona Ltd."
"US technology shares tumbled<br>on Friday after technology<br>bellwether Intel Corp.<br>(INTC.O: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) slashed its revenue<br>forecast, but blue chips were<br>only moderately lower as drug<br>and industrial stocks made<br>solid gains."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Final<br>U.S. government tests on an<br>animal suspected of having mad<br>cow disease were not yet<br>complete, the U.S. Agriculture<br>Department said, with no<br>announcement on the results<br>expected on Monday."
"MANILA Fernando Poe Jr., the<br>popular actor who challenged<br>President Gloria Macapagal<br>Arroyo in the presidential<br>elections this year, died<br>early Tuesday."
" THOMASTOWN, Ireland (Reuters)<br>- World number three Ernie<br>Els overcame difficult weather<br>conditions to fire a sparkling<br>eight-under-par 64 and move<br>two shots clear after two<br>rounds of the WGC-American<br>Express Championship Friday."
"Lamar Odom supplemented 20<br>points with 13 rebounds and<br>Kobe Bryant added 19 points to<br>overcome a big night from Yao<br>Ming as the Los Angeles Lakers<br>ground out an 84-79 win over<br>the Rockets in Houston<br>Saturday."
"AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - A<br>Dutch filmmaker who outraged<br>members of the Muslim<br>community by making a film<br>critical of the mistreatment<br>of women in Islamic society<br>was gunned down and stabbed to<br>death Tuesday on an Amsterdam<br>street."
"Microsoft Xbox Live traffic on<br>service provider networks<br>quadrupled following the<br>November 9th launch of Halo-II<br>-- which set entertainment<br>industry records by selling<br>2.4-million units in the US<br>and Canada on the first day of<br>availability, driving cash"
"Lawyers in a California class<br>action suit against Microsoft<br>will get less than half the<br>payout they had hoped for. A<br>judge in San Francisco ruled<br>that the attorneys will<br>collect only \\$112."
"Google Browser May Become<br>Reality\\\\There has been much<br>fanfare in the Mozilla fan<br>camps about the possibility of<br>Google using Mozilla browser<br>technology to produce a<br>GBrowser - the Google Browser.<br>Over the past two weeks, the<br>news and speculation has<br>escalated to the point where<br>even Google itself is ..."
"Metro, Germany's biggest<br>retailer, turns in weaker-<br>than-expected profits as sales<br>at its core supermarkets<br>division dip lower."
"It rained Sunday, of course,<br>and but another soppy, sloppy<br>gray day at Westside Tennis<br>Club did nothing to deter<br>Roger Federer from his<br>appointed rounds."
"Hewlett-Packard has joined<br>with Brocade to integrate<br>Brocade #39;s storage area<br>network switching technology<br>into HP Bladesystem servers to<br>reduce the amount of fabric<br>infrastructure needed in a<br>datacentre."
"Zimbabwe #39;s most persecuted<br>white MP began a year of hard<br>labour last night after<br>parliament voted to jail him<br>for shoving the Justice<br>Minister during a debate over<br>land seizures."
"BOSTON (CBS.MW) -- First<br>Command has reached a \\$12<br>million settlement with<br>federal regulators for making<br>misleading statements and<br>omitting important information<br>when selling mutual funds to<br>US military personnel."
"A smashing blow is being dealt<br>to thousands of future<br>pensioners by a law that has<br>just been brought into force<br>by the Federal Government."
"The US Senate Commerce<br>Committee on Wednesday<br>approved a measure that would<br>provide up to \\$1 billion to<br>ensure consumers can still<br>watch television when<br>broadcasters switch to new,<br>crisp digital signals."
"Amelie Mauresmo was handed a<br>place in the Advanta<br>Championships final after<br>Maria Sharapova withdrew from<br>their semi-final because of<br>injury."
"AP - An Israeli helicopter<br>fired two missiles in Gaza<br>City after nightfall<br>Wednesday, one at a building<br>in the Zeitoun neighborhood,<br>witnesses said, setting a<br>fire."
"Reuters - Internet stocks<br>are\\as volatile as ever, with<br>growth-starved investors<br>flocking to\\the sector in the<br>hope they've bought shares in<br>the next online\\blue chip."
"The federal government, banks<br>and aircraft lenders are<br>putting the clamps on<br>airlines, particularly those<br>operating under bankruptcy<br>protection."
"EURO DISNEY, the financially<br>crippled French theme park<br>operator, has admitted that<br>its annual losses more than<br>doubled last financial year as<br>it was hit by a surge in<br>costs."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey<br>(Sports Network) - Retired NBA<br>center and seven-time All-<br>Star Alonzo Mourning is going<br>to give his playing career<br>one more shot."
"NASA has released an inventory<br>of the scientific devices to<br>be put on board the Mars<br>Science Laboratory rover<br>scheduled to land on the<br>surface of Mars in 2009, NASAs<br>news release reads."
"The U.S. Congress needs to<br>invest more in the U.S.<br>education system and do more<br>to encourage broadband<br>adoption, the chief executive<br>of Cisco said Wednesday.&lt;p&<br>gt;ADVERTISEMENT&lt;/p&gt;&lt;<br>p&gt;&lt;img src=\"<br><br>neral/sbcspotrssfeed;sz=1x1;or<br>d=200301151450?\" width=\"1\"<br>height=\"1\"<br>border=\"0\"/&gt;&lt;a href=\"htt<br>p://;922<br>8975;9651165;a?<br><br>html?lpid0103035400730000idlp\"<br>&gt;SBC Case Study: Crate Ba<br>rrel&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;What<br>sold them on improving their<br>network? A system that could<br>cut management costs from the<br>get-go. Find out<br>more.&lt;/p&gt;"
"The Philippines put the toll<br>at more than 1,000 dead or<br>missing in four storms in two<br>weeks but, even with a break<br>in the weather on Saturday"
"Reuters - Four explosions were<br>reported at petrol\\stations in<br>the Madrid area on Friday,<br>Spanish radio stations\\said,<br>following a phone warning in<br>the name of the armed<br>Basque\\separatist group ETA to<br>a Basque newspaper."
"Thirty-two countries and<br>regions will participate the<br>Fifth China International<br>Aviation and Aerospace<br>Exhibition, opening Nov. 1 in<br>Zhuhai, a city in south China<br>#39;s Guangdong Province."
"Jordan have confirmed that<br>Timo Glock will replace<br>Giorgio Pantano for this<br>weekend #39;s Chinese GP as<br>the team has terminated its<br>contract with Pantano."
"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -<br>Hurricane Jeanne got stronger,<br>bigger and faster as it<br>battered the Bahamas and bore<br>down on Florida Saturday,<br>sending huge waves crashing<br>onto beaches and forcing<br>thousands into shelters just<br>weeks after Frances ravaged<br>this area..."
" News:- Virgin<br>Electronics has joined the mp3<br>race with a \\$250, five gig<br>player which also handles<br>Microsoft #39;s WMA format."
"WASHINGTON The idea of a no-<br>bid contract for maintaining<br>airport security equipment has<br>turned into a non-starter for<br>the Transportation Security<br>Administration."
"Eyetech (EYET:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) did not open for<br>trading Friday because a Food<br>and Drug Administration<br>advisory committee is meeting<br>to review the small New York-<br>based biotech #39;s<br>experimental eye disease drug."
"The continuing heartache of<br>Wake Forest #39;s ACC football<br>season was best described by<br>fifth-ranked Florida State<br>coach Bobby Bowden, after his<br>Seminoles had edged the<br>Deacons 20-17 Saturday at<br>Groves Stadium."
"On September 13, 2001, most<br>Americans were still reeling<br>from the shock of the<br>terrorist attacks on New York<br>and the Pentagon two days<br>before."
"Microsoft has suspended the<br>beta testing of the next<br>version of its MSN Messenger<br>client because of a potential<br>security problem, a company<br>spokeswoman said Wednesday."
"AP - Business software maker<br>Oracle Corp. attacked the<br>credibility and motives of<br>PeopleSoft Inc.'s board of<br>directors Monday, hoping to<br>rally investor support as the<br>17-month takeover battle<br>between the bitter business<br>software rivals nears a<br>climactic showdown."
"NEW YORK - Elena Dementieva<br>shook off a subpar serve that<br>produced 15 double-faults, an<br>aching left thigh and an upset<br>stomach to advance to the<br>semifinals at the U.S. Open<br>with a 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (1)<br>victory Tuesday over Amelie<br>Mauresmo..."
"THE glory days have returned<br>to White Hart Lane. When Spurs<br>new first-team coach Martin<br>Jol promised a return to the<br>traditions of the 1960s,<br>nobody could have believed he<br>was so determined to act so<br>quickly and so literally."
"A new worm has been discovered<br>in the wild that #39;s not<br>just settling for invading<br>users #39; PCs--it wants to<br>invade their homes too."
"Domestic air travelers could<br>be surfing the Web by 2006<br>with government-approved<br>technology that allows people<br>access to high-speed Internet<br>connections while they fly."
"GENEVA: Cross-border<br>investment is set to bounce in<br>2004 after three years of deep<br>decline, reflecting a stronger<br>world economy and more<br>international merger activity,<br>the United Nations (UN) said<br>overnight."
"Researchers have for the first<br>time established the existence<br>of odd-parity superconductors,<br>materials that can carry<br>electric current without any<br>resistance."
"Chewing gum giant Wm. Wrigley<br>Jr. Co. on Thursday said it<br>plans to phase out production<br>of its Eclipse breath strips<br>at a plant in Phoenix, Arizona<br>and shift manufacturing to<br>Poznan, Poland."
"Prime Minister Dr Manmohan<br>Singh inaugurated a research<br>centre in the Capital on<br>Thursday to mark 400 years of<br>compilation of Sikh holy book<br>the Guru Granth Sahib."
"com September 16, 2004, 7:58<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
"BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) --<br>European antitrust regulators<br>said Monday they have extended<br>their review of a deal between<br>Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and<br>Time Warner Inc..."
"AP - When Paula Radcliffe<br>dropped out of the Olympic<br>marathon miles from the<br>finish, she sobbed<br>uncontrollably. Margaret Okayo<br>knew the feeling. Okayo pulled<br>out of the marathon at the<br>15th mile with a left leg<br>injury, and she cried, too.<br>When she watched Radcliffe<br>quit, Okayo thought, \"Let's<br>cry together.\""
"Tightness in the labour market<br>notwithstanding, the prospects<br>for hiring in the third<br>quarter are down from the<br>second quarter, according to<br>the new Manpower Employment<br>Outlook Survey."
"THE re-election of British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>would be seen as an<br>endorsement of the military<br>action in Iraq, Prime Minister<br>John Howard said today."
"Fans who can't get enough of<br>\"The Apprentice\" can visit a<br>new companion Web site each<br>week and watch an extra 40<br>minutes of video not broadcast<br>on the Thursday<br>show.&lt;br&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-Leslie<br>Walker&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;"
" ATLANTA (Sports Network) -<br>The Atlanta Hawks signed free<br>agent Kevin Willis on<br>Wednesday, nearly a decade<br>after the veteran big man<br>ended an 11- year stint with<br>the team."
"An adult Web site publisher is<br>suing Google, saying the<br>search engine company made it<br>easier for users to see the<br>site #39;s copyrighted nude<br>photographs without paying or<br>gaining access through the<br>proper channels."
"When his right-front tire went<br>flying off early in the Ford<br>400, the final race of the<br>NASCAR Nextel Cup Series<br>season, Kurt Busch, it seemed,<br>was destined to spend his<br>offseason"
"A Washington-based public<br>opinion firm has released the<br>results of an election day<br>survey of Nevada voters<br>showing 81 support for the<br>issuance of paper receipts<br>when votes are cast<br>electronically."
"NAPSTER creator SHAWN FANNING<br>has revealed his plans for a<br>new licensed file-sharing<br>service with an almost<br>unlimited selection of tracks."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rose on Friday, after a<br>U.S. report showed consumer<br>prices in line with<br>expections, reminding<br>investors that the Federal<br>Reserve was likely to<br>continue raising interest<br>rates, analysts said."
"Brandon Backe and Woody<br>Williams pitched well last<br>night even though neither<br>earned a win. But their<br>outings will show up in the<br>record books."
"President George W. Bush<br>pledged Friday to spend some<br>of the political capital from<br>his re-election trying to<br>secure a lasting Middle East<br>peace, and he envisioned the<br>establishment"
"The Football Association today<br>decided not to charge David<br>Beckham with bringing the game<br>into disrepute. The FA made<br>the surprise announcement<br>after their compliance unit<br>ruled"
"Last year some election<br>watchers made a bold<br>prediction that this<br>presidential election would<br>set a record: the first half<br>billion dollar campaign in<br>hard money alone."
"It #39;s one more blow to<br>patients who suffer from<br>arthritis. Pfizer, the maker<br>of Celebrex, says it #39;s<br>painkiller poses an increased<br>risk of heart attacks to<br>patients using the drugs."
"NEW DELHI - A bomb exploded<br>during an Independence Day<br>parade in India's remote<br>northeast on Sunday, killing<br>at least 15 people, officials<br>said, just an hour after Prime<br>Minister Manmohan Singh<br>pledged to fight terrorism.<br>The outlawed United Liberation<br>Front of Asom was suspected of<br>being behind the attack in<br>Assam state and a second one<br>later in the area, said Assam<br>Inspector General of Police<br>Khagen Sharma..."
"Two separate studies by U.S.<br>researchers find that super<br>drug-resistant strains of<br>tuberculosis are at the<br>tipping point of a global<br>epidemic, and only small<br>changes could help them spread<br>quickly."
" CRANS-SUR-SIERRE, Switzerland<br>(Reuters) - World number<br>three Ernie Els says he feels<br>a failure after narrowly<br>missing out on three of the<br>year's four major<br>championships."
"A UN envoy to Sudan will visit<br>Darfur tomorrow to check on<br>the government #39;s claim<br>that some 70,000 people<br>displaced by conflict there<br>have voluntarily returned to<br>their homes, a spokesman said."
"Dell cut prices on some<br>servers and PCs by as much as<br>22 percent because it #39;s<br>paying less for parts. The<br>company will pass the savings<br>on components such as memory<br>and liquid crystal displays"
"AP - Most of the presidential<br>election provisional ballots<br>rejected so far in Ohio came<br>from people who were not even<br>registered to vote, election<br>officials said after spending<br>nearly two weeks poring over<br>thousands of disputed votes."
"Striker Bonaventure Kalou<br>netted twice to send AJ<br>Auxerre through to the first<br>knockout round of the UEFA Cup<br>at the expense of Rangers on<br>Wednesday."
"AP - Rival inmates fought each<br>other with knives and sticks<br>Wednesday at a San Salvador<br>prison, leaving at least 31<br>people dead and two dozen<br>injured, officials said."
"WASHINGTON: The European-<br>American Cassini-Huygens space<br>probe has detected traces of<br>ice flowing on the surface of<br>Saturn #39;s largest moon,<br>Titan, suggesting the<br>existence of an ice volcano,<br>NASA said Tuesday."
"The economic growth rate in<br>the July-September period was<br>revised slightly downward from<br>an already weak preliminary<br>report, the government said<br>Wednesday."
"All ISS systems continue to<br>function nominally, except<br>those noted previously or<br>below. Day 7 of joint<br>Exp.9/Exp.10 operations and<br>last full day before 8S<br>undocking."
"BAGHDAD - Two Egyptian<br>employees of a mobile phone<br>company were seized when<br>gunmen stormed into their<br>Baghdad office, the latest in<br>a series of kidnappings in the<br>country."
"BRISBANE, Australia - The body<br>of a whale resembling a giant<br>dolphin that washed up on an<br>eastern Australian beach has<br>intrigued local scientists,<br>who agreed Wednesday that it<br>is rare but are not sure just<br>how rare."
" quot;Magic can happen. quot;<br>Sirius Satellite Radio<br>(nasdaq: SIRI - news - people<br>) may have signed Howard Stern<br>and the men #39;s NCAA<br>basketball tournaments, but XM<br>Satellite Radio (nasdaq: XMSR<br>- news - people ) has its<br>sights on your cell phone."
"Trick-or-treaters can expect<br>an early Halloween treat on<br>Wednesday night, when a total<br>lunar eclipse makes the moon<br>look like a glowing pumpkin."
"THIS weekend sees the<br>quot;other quot; showdown<br>between New York and New<br>England as the Jets and<br>Patriots clash in a battle of<br>the unbeaten teams."
"Sifting through millions of<br>documents to locate a valuable<br>few is tedious enough, but<br>what happens when those files<br>are scattered across different<br>repositories?"
"President Bush aims to<br>highlight American drug-<br>fighting aid in Colombia and<br>boost a conservative Latin<br>American leader with a stop in<br>the Andean nation where<br>thousands of security forces<br>are deployed to safeguard his<br>brief stay."
"Dubai - Former Palestinian<br>security minister Mohammed<br>Dahlan said on Monday that a<br>quot;gang of mercenaries quot;<br>known to the Palestinian<br>police were behind the<br>shooting that resulted in two<br>deaths in a mourning tent for<br>Yasser Arafat in Gaza."
"A drug company executive who<br>spoke out in support of<br>Montgomery County's proposal<br>to import drugs from Canada<br>and similar legislation before<br>Congress said that his company<br>has launched an investigation<br>into his political activities."
"Nicolas Anelka is fit for<br>Manchester City #39;s<br>Premiership encounter against<br>Tottenham at Eastlands, but<br>the 13million striker will<br>have to be content with a<br>place on the bench."
" PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - Ben<br>Roethlisberger passed for 183<br>yards and two touchdowns,<br>Hines Ward scored twice and<br>the Pittsburgh Steelers<br>rolled to a convincing 27-3<br>victory over Philadelphia on<br>Sunday for their second<br>straight win against an<br>undefeated opponent."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - The U.S.<br>men's basketball team got<br>their first comfortable win<br>at the Olympic basketball<br>tournament Monday, routing<br>winless Angola 89-53 in their<br>final preliminary round game."
"A Frenchman working for Thales<br>SA, Europe #39;s biggest maker<br>of military electronics, was<br>shot dead while driving home<br>at night in the Saudi Arabian<br>city of Jeddah."
"Often, the older a pitcher<br>becomes, the less effective he<br>is on the mound. Roger Clemens<br>apparently didn #39;t get that<br>memo. On Tuesday, the 42-year-<br>old Clemens won an<br>unprecedented"
"NASA #39;s Mars rovers have<br>uncovered more tantalizing<br>evidence of a watery past on<br>the Red Planet, scientists<br>said Wednesday. And the<br>rovers, Spirit and<br>Opportunity, are continuing to<br>do their jobs months after<br>they were expected to ..."
"SYDNEY (AFP) - Australia #39;s<br>commodity exports are forecast<br>to increase by 15 percent to a<br>record 95 billion dollars (71<br>million US), the government<br>#39;s key economic forecaster<br>said."
"Google won a major legal<br>victory when a federal judge<br>ruled that the search engines<br>advertising policy does not<br>violate federal trademark<br>laws."
"Intel Chief Technology Officer<br>Pat Gelsinger said on<br>Thursday, Sept. 9, that the<br>Internet needed to be upgraded<br>in order to deal with problems<br>that will become real issues<br>soon."
"China will take tough measures<br>this winter to improve the<br>country #39;s coal mine safety<br>and prevent accidents. State<br>Councilor Hua Jianmin said<br>Thursday the industry should<br>take"
"AT amp;T Corp. on Thursday<br>said it is reducing one fifth<br>of its workforce this year and<br>will record a non-cash charge<br>of approximately \\$11."
"BAGHDAD (Iraq): As the<br>intensity of skirmishes<br>swelled on the soils of Iraq,<br>dozens of people were put to<br>death with toxic shots by the<br>US helicopter gunship, which<br>targeted the civilians,<br>milling around a burning<br>American vehicle in a Baghdad<br>street on"
" LONDON (Reuters) - Television<br>junkies of the world, get<br>ready for \"Friends,\" \"Big<br>Brother\" and \"The Simpsons\" to<br>phone home."
"A rift appeared within Canada<br>#39;s music industry yesterday<br>as prominent artists called on<br>the CRTC to embrace satellite<br>radio and the industry warned<br>of lost revenue and job<br>losses."
"Reuters - A key Iranian<br>nuclear facility which<br>the\\U.N.'s nuclear watchdog<br>has urged Tehran to shut down<br>is\\nearing completion, a<br>senior Iranian nuclear<br>official said on\\Sunday."
"Spain's Football Federation<br>launches an investigation into<br>racist comments made by<br>national coach Luis Aragones."
"Bricks and plaster blew inward<br>from the wall, as the windows<br>all shattered and I fell to<br>the floorwhether from the<br>shock wave, or just fright, it<br>wasn #39;t clear."
"Surfersvillage Global Surf<br>News, 13 September 2004: - -<br>Hurricane Ivan, one of the<br>most powerful storms to ever<br>hit the Caribbean, killed at<br>least 16 people in Jamaica,<br>where it wrecked houses and<br>washed away roads on Saturday,<br>but appears to have spared"
"I #39;M FEELING a little bit<br>better about the hundreds of<br>junk e-mails I get every day<br>now that I #39;ve read that<br>someone else has much bigger<br>e-mail troubles."
"NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan<br>agreed on Monday to step up<br>cooperation in the energy<br>sector, which could lead to<br>Pakistan importing large<br>amounts of diesel fuel from<br>its neighbour, according to<br>Pakistani Foreign Minister<br>Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri."
"LONDON, England -- A US<br>scientist is reported to have<br>observed a surprising jump in<br>the amount of carbon dioxide,<br>the main greenhouse gas."
"Microsoft's antispam Sender ID<br>technology continues to get<br>the cold shoulder. Now AOL<br>adds its voice to a growing<br>chorus of businesses and<br>organizations shunning the<br>proprietary e-mail<br>authentication system."
"PSV Eindhoven faces Arsenal at<br>Highbury tomorrow night on the<br>back of a free-scoring start<br>to the season. Despite losing<br>Mateja Kezman to Chelsea in<br>the summer, the Dutch side has<br>scored 12 goals in the first"
"Through the World Community<br>Grid, your computer could help<br>address the world's health and<br>social problems."
"Zimbabwe #39;s ruling Zanu-PF<br>old guard has emerged on top<br>after a bitter power struggle<br>in the deeply divided party<br>during its five-yearly<br>congress, which ended<br>yesterday."
"PLAYER OF THE GAME: Playing<br>with a broken nose, Seattle<br>point guard Sue Bird set a<br>WNBA playoff record for<br>assists with 14, also pumping<br>in 10 points as the Storm<br>claimed the Western Conference<br>title last night."
"Reuters - Thousands of<br>demonstrators pressing<br>to\\install Ukraine's<br>opposition leader as president<br>after a\\disputed election<br>launched fresh street rallies<br>in the capital\\for the third<br>day Wednesday."
"Michael Jackson wishes he had<br>fought previous child<br>molestation claims instead of<br>trying to \"buy peace\", his<br>lawyer says."
"North Korea says it will not<br>abandon its weapons programme<br>after the South admitted<br>nuclear activities."
"While there is growing<br>attention to ongoing genocide<br>in Darfur, this has not<br>translated into either a<br>meaningful international<br>response or an accurate<br>rendering of the scale and<br>evident course of the<br>catastrophe."
"A planned component for<br>Microsoft #39;s next version<br>of Windows is causing<br>consternation among antivirus<br>experts, who say that the new<br>module, a scripting platform<br>called Microsoft Shell, could<br>give birth to a whole new<br>generation of viruses and<br>remotely"
"THE prosecution on terrorism<br>charges of extremist Islamic<br>cleric and accused Jemaah<br>Islamiah leader Abu Bakar<br>Bashir will rely heavily on<br>the potentially tainted<br>testimony of at least two<br>convicted Bali bombers, his<br>lawyers have said."
"SAN JOSE, California Yahoo<br>will likely have a tough time<br>getting American courts to<br>intervene in a dispute over<br>the sale of Nazi memorabilia<br>in France after a US appeals<br>court ruling."
"TORONTO (CP) - Glamis Gold of<br>Reno, Nev., is planning a<br>takeover bid for Goldcorp Inc.<br>of Toronto - but only if<br>Goldcorp drops its<br>\\$2.4-billion-Cdn offer for<br>another Canadian firm, made in<br>early December."
"Clashes between US troops and<br>Sadr militiamen escalated<br>Thursday, as the US surrounded<br>Najaf for possible siege."
"eBay Style director Constance<br>White joins Post fashion<br>editor Robin Givhan and host<br>Janet Bennett to discuss how<br>to find trends and bargains<br>and pull together a wardrobe<br>online."
"This week will see the release<br>of October new and existing<br>home sales, a measure of<br>strength in the housing<br>industry. But the short<br>holiday week will also leave<br>investors looking ahead to the<br>holiday travel season."
"Frankfurt - World Cup winners<br>Brazil were on Monday drawn to<br>meet European champions<br>Greece, Gold Cup winners<br>Mexico and Asian champions<br>Japan at the 2005<br>Confederations Cup."
"Third baseman Vinny Castilla<br>said he fits fine with the<br>Colorado youth movement, even<br>though he #39;ll turn 38 next<br>season and the Rockies are<br>coming off the second-worst"
"With a sudden shudder, the<br>ground collapsed and the pipe<br>pushed upward, buckling into a<br>humped shape as Cornell<br>University scientists produced<br>the first simulated earthquake"
"AFP - A battle group of<br>British troops rolled out of<br>southern Iraq on a US-<br>requested mission to deadlier<br>areas near Baghdad, in a major<br>political gamble for British<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair."
"(Sports Network) - Two of the<br>top teams in the American<br>League tangle in a possible<br>American League Division<br>Series preview tonight, as the<br>West-leading Oakland Athletics<br>host the wild card-leading<br>Boston Red Sox for the first<br>of a three-game set at the"
"over half the children in the<br>world - suffer extreme<br>deprivation because of war,<br>HIV/AIDS or poverty, according<br>to a report released yesterday<br>by the United Nations Children<br>#39;s Fund."
"Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has<br>fired another salvo in its<br>ongoing spam battle, this time<br>against porn peddlers who don<br>#39;t keep their smut inside<br>the digital equivalent of a<br>quot;Brown Paper Wrapper."
" BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - The<br>use of some antidepressant<br>drugs appears linked to an<br>increase in suicidal behavior<br>in some children and teen-<br>agers, a U.S. advisory panel<br>concluded on Tuesday."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - The next<br>version of the Windows<br>operating system, Microsoft<br>Corp.'s &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>kup.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>flagship product, will ship<br>in 2006, the world's largest<br>software maker said on<br>Friday."
"Reuters - Philippine rescue<br>teams\\evacuated thousands of<br>people from the worst flooding<br>in the\\central Luzon region<br>since the 1970s as hungry<br>victims hunted\\rats and birds<br>for food."
"Inverness Caledonian Thistle<br>appointed Craig Brewster as<br>its new manager-player<br>Thursday although he #39;s<br>unable to play for the team<br>until January."
"The Afghan president expresses<br>deep concern after a bomb<br>attack which left at least<br>seven people dead."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>technology stocks opened lower<br>on Thursday after a sales<br>warning from Applied Materials<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AMAT.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AM<br>AT.O&lt;/A&gt;, while weekly<br>jobless claims data met Wall<br>Street's expectations,<br>leaving the Dow and S P 500<br>market measures little<br>changed."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Alan Shearer<br>converted an 87th-minute<br>penalty to give Newcastle a<br>1-0 win over Panionios in<br>their UEFA Cup Group D match."
"Fossil remains of the oldest<br>and smallest known ancestor of<br>Tyrannosaurus rex, the world<br>#39;s favorite ferocious<br>dinosaur, have been discovered<br>in China with evidence that<br>its body was cloaked in downy<br>quot;protofeathers."
"Derek Jeter turned a season<br>that started with a terrible<br>slump into one of the best in<br>his accomplished 10-year<br>career. quot;I don #39;t<br>think there is any question,<br>quot; the New York Yankees<br>manager said."
"Gardez (Afghanistan), Sept. 16<br>(Reuters): Afghan President<br>Hamid Karzai escaped an<br>assassination bid today when a<br>rocket was fired at his US<br>military helicopter as it was<br>landing in the southeastern<br>town of Gardez."
"The Jets came up with four<br>turnovers by Dolphins<br>quarterback Jay Fiedler in the<br>second half, including an<br>interception returned 66 yards<br>for a touchdown."
"China's Guo Jingjing easily<br>won the women's 3-meter<br>springboard last night, and Wu<br>Minxia made it a 1-2 finish<br>for the world's diving<br>superpower, taking the silver."
"GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Ticker)<br>-- Brett Favre will be hoping<br>his 200th consecutive start<br>turns out better than his last<br>two have against the St."
"People fishing for sport are<br>doing far more damage to US<br>marine fish stocks than anyone<br>thought, accounting for nearly<br>a quarter of the"
"When an NFL team opens with a<br>prolonged winning streak,<br>former Miami Dolphins coach<br>Don Shula and his players from<br>the 17-0 team of 1972 root<br>unabashedly for the next<br>opponent."
"MIANNE Bagger, the transsexual<br>golfer who prompted a change<br>in the rules to allow her to<br>compete on the professional<br>circuit, made history<br>yesterday by qualifying to<br>play full-time on the Ladies<br>European Tour."
"Great Britain #39;s gold medal<br>tally now stands at five after<br>Leslie Law was handed the<br>individual three day eventing<br>title - in a courtroom."
"This particular index is<br>produced by the University of<br>Michigan Business School, in<br>partnership with the American<br>Society for Quality and CFI<br>Group, and is supported in<br>part by ForeSee Results"
"CHICAGO : Interstate Bakeries<br>Corp., the maker of popular,<br>old-style snacks Twinkies and<br>Hostess Cakes, filed for<br>bankruptcy, citing rising<br>costs and falling sales."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL:NYSE -<br>commentary - research) will<br>cut employees and benefits but<br>give a bigger-than-expected<br>role to Song, its low-cost<br>unit, in a widely anticipated<br>but still unannounced<br>overhaul, has<br>learned."
"By byron kho. A consortium of<br>movie and record companies<br>joined forces on Friday to<br>request that the US Supreme<br>Court take another look at<br>peer-to-peer file-sharing<br>programs."
"DUBLIN -- Prime Minister<br>Bertie Ahern urged Irish<br>Republican Army commanders<br>yesterday to meet what he<br>acknowledged was ''a heavy<br>burden quot;: disarming and<br>disbanding their organization<br>in support of Northern<br>Ireland's 1998 peace accord."
"Mayor Tom Menino must be<br>proud. His Boston Red Sox just<br>won their first World Series<br>in 86 years and his Hyde Park<br>Blue Stars yesterday clinched<br>their first Super Bowl berth<br>in 32 years, defeating<br>O'Bryant, 14-0. Who would have<br>thought?"
"While reproductive planning<br>and women #39;s equality have<br>improved substantially over<br>the past decade, says a United<br>Nations report, world<br>population will increase from<br>6.4 billion today to 8.9<br>billion by 2050, with the 50<br>poorest countries tripling in"
"Instead of the skinny black<br>line, showing a hurricane<br>#39;s forecast track,<br>forecasters have drafted a<br>couple of alternative graphics<br>to depict where the storms<br>might go -- and they want your<br>opinion."
"South Korea have appealed to<br>sport #39;s supreme legal body<br>in an attempt to award Yang<br>Tae-young the Olympic<br>gymnastics all-round gold<br>medal after a scoring error<br>robbed him of the title in<br>Athens."
"BERLIN - Volkswagen AG #39;s<br>announcement this week that it<br>has forged a new partnership<br>deal with Malaysian carmaker<br>Proton comes as a strong euro<br>and Europe #39;s weak economic<br>performance triggers a fresh<br>wave of German investment in<br>Asia."
"AP - Johan Santana had an<br>early lead and was well on his<br>way to his 10th straight win<br>when the rain started to fall."
"ATHENS-In one of the biggest<br>shocks in Olympic judo<br>history, defending champion<br>Kosei Inoue was defeated by<br>Dutchman Elco van der Geest in<br>the men #39;s 100-kilogram<br>category Thursday."
"Consumers in Dublin pay more<br>for basic goods and services<br>that people elsewhere in the<br>country, according to figures<br>released today by the Central<br>Statistics Office."
"LIBERTY Media #39;s move last<br>week to grab up to 17.1 per<br>cent of News Corporation<br>voting stock has prompted the<br>launch of a defensive<br>shareholder rights plan."
"NBC is adding a 5-second delay<br>to its Nascar telecasts after<br>Dale Earnhardt Jr. used a<br>vulgarity during a postrace<br>interview last weekend."
"LONDON - Wild capuchin monkeys<br>can understand cause and<br>effect well enough to use<br>rocks to dig for food,<br>scientists have found.<br>Capuchin monkeys often use<br>tools and solve problems in<br>captivity and sometimes"
"San Francisco Giants<br>outfielder Barry Bonds, who<br>became the third player in<br>Major League Baseball history<br>to hit 700 career home runs,<br>won the National League Most<br>Valuable Player Award"
"The blue-chip Hang Seng Index<br>rose 171.88 points, or 1.22<br>percent, to 14,066.91. On<br>Friday, the index had slipped<br>31.58 points, or 0.2 percent."
"BAR's Anthony Davidson and<br>Jenson Button set the pace at<br>the first Chinese Grand Prix."
"Shares plunge after company<br>says its vein graft treatment<br>failed to show benefit in<br>late-stage test. CHICAGO<br>(Reuters) - Biotechnology<br>company Corgentech Inc."
"WASHINGTON - Contradicting the<br>main argument for a war that<br>has cost more than 1,000<br>American lives, the top U.S.<br>arms inspector reported<br>Wednesday that he found no<br>evidence that Iraq produced<br>any weapons of mass<br>destruction after 1991..."
"The key to hidden treasure<br>lies in your handheld GPS<br>unit. GPS-based \"geocaching\"<br>is a high-tech sport being<br>played by thousands of people<br>across the globe."
"AFP - Style mavens will be<br>scanning the catwalks in Paris<br>this week for next spring's<br>must-have handbag, as a<br>sweeping exhibition at the<br>French capital's fashion and<br>textile museum reveals the bag<br>in all its forms."
"Canadian Press - SAINT-<br>QUENTIN, N.B. (CP) - A major<br>highway in northern New<br>Brunswick remained closed to<br>almost all traffic Monday, as<br>local residents protested<br>planned health care cuts."
"The U.S. information tech<br>sector lost 403,300 jobs<br>between March 2001 and April<br>2004, and the market for tech<br>workers remains bleak,<br>according to a new report."
" NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - A<br>radical Iraqi cleric leading a<br>Shi'ite uprising agreed on<br>Wednesday to disarm his<br>militia and leave one of the<br>country's holiest Islamic<br>shrines after warnings of an<br>onslaught by government<br>forces."
"Saudi security forces have<br>killed a wanted militant near<br>the scene of a deadly shootout<br>Thursday. Officials say the<br>militant was killed in a<br>gunbattle Friday in the<br>northern town of Buraida,<br>hours after one"
"Portsmouth chairman Milan<br>Mandaric said on Tuesday that<br>Harry Redknapp, who resigned<br>as manager last week, was<br>innocent of any wrong-doing<br>over agent or transfer fees."
"This record is for all the<br>little guys, for all the<br>players who have to leg out<br>every hit instead of taking a<br>relaxing trot around the<br>bases, for all the batters<br>whose muscles aren #39;t"
"Two South Africans acquitted<br>by a Zimbabwean court of<br>charges related to the alleged<br>coup plot in Equatorial Guinea<br>are to be questioned today by<br>the South African authorities."
"Charlie Hodgson #39;s record-<br>equalling performance against<br>South Africa was praised by<br>coach Andy Robinson after the<br>Sale flyhalf scored 27 points<br>in England #39;s 32-16 victory<br>here at Twickenham on<br>Saturday."
"com September 30, 2004, 11:11<br>AM PT. SanDisk announced<br>Thursday increased capacities<br>for several different flash<br>memory cards. The Sunnyvale,<br>Calif."
"MOSCOW (CP) - Russia mourned<br>89 victims of a double air<br>disaster today as debate<br>intensified over whether the<br>two passenger liners could<br>have plunged almost<br>simultaneously from the sky by<br>accident."
"US blue-chip stocks rose<br>slightly on Friday as<br>government data showed better-<br>than-expected demand in August<br>for durable goods other than<br>transportation equipment, but<br>climbing oil prices limited<br>gains."
"BASEBALL Atlanta (NL):<br>Optioned P Roman Colon to<br>Greenville (Southern);<br>recalled OF Dewayne Wise from<br>Richmond (IL). Boston (AL):<br>Purchased C Sandy Martinez<br>from Cleveland (AL) and<br>assigned him to Pawtucket<br>(IL). Cleveland (AL): Recalled<br>OF Ryan Ludwick from Buffalo<br>(IL). Chicago (NL): Acquired<br>OF Ben Grieve from Milwaukee<br>(NL) for player to be named<br>and cash; acquired C Mike ..."
"Australia #39;s prime minister<br>says a body found in Fallujah<br>is likely that of kidnapped<br>aid worker Margaret Hassan.<br>John Howard told Parliament a<br>videotape of an Iraqi<br>terrorist group executing a<br>Western woman appears to have<br>been genuine."
"roundup Plus: Tech firms rally<br>against copyright bill...Apple<br>.Mac customers suffer e-mail<br>glitches...Alvarion expands<br>wireless broadband in China."
"BRONX, New York (Ticker) --<br>Kelvim Escobar was the latest<br>Anaheim Angels #39; pitcher to<br>subdue the New York Yankees.<br>Escobar pitched seven strong<br>innings and Bengie Molina tied<br>a career-high with four hits,<br>including"
"Business software maker<br>PeopleSoft Inc. said Monday<br>that it expects third-quarter<br>revenue to range between \\$680<br>million and \\$695 million,<br>above average Wall Street<br>estimates of \\$651."
"Sep 08 - Vijay Singh revelled<br>in his status as the new world<br>number one after winning the<br>Deutsche Bank Championship by<br>three shots in Boston on<br>Monday."
"Reuters - Enron Corp. ,<br>desperate to\\meet profit<br>targets, \"parked\" unwanted<br>power generating barges\\at<br>Merrill Lynch in a sham sale<br>designed to be reversed,<br>a\\prosecutor said on Tuesday<br>in the first criminal trial<br>of\\former executives at the<br>fallen energy company."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - The<br>dollar rebounded on Monday<br>after a heavy selloff last<br>week, but analysts were<br>uncertain if the rally could<br>hold as the drumbeat of<br>expectation began for to the<br>December U.S. jobs report due<br>Friday."
"AP - Their first debate less<br>than a week away, President<br>Bush and Democrat John Kerry<br>kept their public schedules<br>clear on Saturday and began to<br>focus on their prime-time<br>showdown."
"Many people in golf are asking<br>that today. He certainly wasn<br>#39;t A-list and he wasn #39;t<br>Larry Nelson either. But you<br>couldn #39;t find a more solid<br>guy to lead the United States<br>into Ireland for the 2006<br>Ryder Cup Matches."
"Coles Myer Ltd. Australia<br>#39;s biggest retailer,<br>increased second-half profit<br>by 26 percent after opening<br>fuel and convenience stores,<br>selling more-profitable<br>groceries and cutting costs."
"MOSCOW: Us oil major<br>ConocoPhillips is seeking to<br>buy up to 25 in Russian oil<br>giant Lukoil to add billions<br>of barrels of reserves to its<br>books, an industry source<br>familiar with the matter said<br>on Friday."
"Australian Stuart Appleby, who<br>was the joint second-round<br>leader, returned a two-over 74<br>to drop to third at three-<br>under while American Chris<br>DiMarco moved into fourth with<br>a round of 69."
"PARIS Getting to the bottom of<br>what killed Yassar Arafat<br>could shape up to be an ugly<br>family tug-of-war. Arafat<br>#39;s half-brother and nephew<br>want copies of Arafat #39;s<br>medical records from the<br>suburban Paris hospital"
"Red Hat is acquiring security<br>and authentication tools from<br>Netscape Security Solutions to<br>bolster its software arsenal.<br>Red Hat #39;s CEO and chairman<br>Matthew Szulik spoke about the<br>future strategy of the Linux<br>supplier."
"With a doubleheader sweep of<br>the Minnesota Twins, the New<br>York Yankees moved to the<br>verge of clinching their<br>seventh straight AL East<br>title."
"Global Web portal Yahoo! Inc.<br>Wednesday night made available<br>a beta version of a new search<br>service for videos. Called<br>Yahoo! Video Search, the<br>search engine crawls the Web<br>for different types of media<br>files"
"Interactive posters at 25<br>underground stations are<br>helping Londoners travel<br>safely over Christmas."
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - The first official<br>track event took place this<br>morning and Italy #39;s Ivano<br>Brugnetti won the men #39;s<br>20km walk at the Summer<br>Olympics in Athens."
" THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Former<br>Yugoslav President Slobodan<br>Milosevic condemned his war<br>crimes trial as a \"pure farce\"<br>on Wednesday in a defiant<br>finish to his opening defense<br>statement against charges of<br>ethnic cleansing in the<br>Balkans."
"US Airways Group (otc: UAIRQ -<br>news - people ) on Thursday<br>said it #39;ll seek a court<br>injunction to prohibit a<br>strike by disaffected unions."
"Shares in Unilever fall after<br>the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods<br>giant issued a surprise<br>profits warning."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) - The<br>Canadian government will sell<br>its 19 percent stake in Petro-<br>Canada for \\$2.49 billion,<br>according to the final<br>prospectus filed with the US<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission Thursday."
"Champions Arsenal opened a<br>five-point lead at the top of<br>the Premier League after a 4-0<br>thrashing of Charlton Athletic<br>at Highbury Saturday."
"The Redskins and Browns have<br>traded field goals and are<br>tied, 3-3, in the first<br>quarter in Cleveland."
" HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=MSFT.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt; will<br>hire several hundred new staff<br>at its new Indian campus in<br>the next year, its chief<br>executive said on Monday, in a<br>move aimed at strengthening<br>its presence in Asia's fourth-<br>biggest economy."
"According to Swiss<br>authorities, history was made<br>Sunday when 2723 people in<br>four communities in canton<br>Geneva, Switzerland, voted<br>online in a national federal<br>referendum."
" GUWAHATI, India (Reuters) -<br>People braved a steady drizzle<br>to come out to vote in a<br>remote northeast Indian state<br>on Thursday, as troops<br>guarded polling stations in an<br>election being held under the<br>shadow of violence."
"AFP - Three of the nine<br>Canadian sailors injured when<br>their newly-delivered,<br>British-built submarine caught<br>fire in the North Atlantic<br>were airlifted Wednesday to<br>hospital in northwest Ireland,<br>officials said."
"Alitalia SpA, Italy #39;s<br>largest airline, reached an<br>agreement with its flight<br>attendants #39; unions to cut<br>900 jobs, qualifying the<br>company for a government<br>bailout that will keep it in<br>business for another six<br>months."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A series of<br>strong explosions shook<br>central Baghdad near dawn<br>Sunday, and columns of thick<br>black smoke rose from the<br>Green Zone where U.S. and<br>Iraqi government offices are<br>located..."
"Forget September call-ups. The<br>Red Sox may tap their minor<br>league system for an extra<br>player or two when the rules<br>allow them to expand their<br>25-man roster Wednesday, but<br>any help from the farm is<br>likely to pale against the<br>abundance of talent they gain<br>from the return of numerous<br>players, including Trot Nixon<br>, from the disabled list."
"P amp;Os cutbacks announced<br>today are the result of the<br>waves of troubles that have<br>swamped the ferry industry of<br>late. Some would say the<br>company has done well to<br>weather the storms for as long<br>as it has."
"Sven-Goran Eriksson may gamble<br>by playing goalkeeper Paul<br>Robinson and striker Jermain<br>Defoe in Poland."
"Foreign Secretary Jack Straw<br>has flown to Khartoum on a<br>mission to pile the pressure<br>on the Sudanese government to<br>tackle the humanitarian<br>catastrophe in Darfur."
" Nextel was the big story in<br>telecommunications yesterday,<br>thanks to the Reston company's<br>mega-merger with Sprint, but<br>the future of wireless may be<br>percolating in dozens of<br>Washington area start-ups."
"Reuters - A senior U.S.<br>official said on<br>Wednesday\\deals should not be<br>done with hostage-takers ahead<br>of the\\latest deadline set by<br>Afghan Islamic militants who<br>have\\threatened to kill three<br>kidnapped U.N. workers."
"I have been anticipating this<br>day like a child waits for<br>Christmas. Today, PalmOne<br>introduces the Treo 650, the<br>answer to my quot;what smart<br>phone will I buy?"
"THOUSAND OAKS -- Anonymity is<br>only a problem if you want it<br>to be, and it is obvious Vijay<br>Singh doesn #39;t want it to<br>be. Let others chase fame."
"Wikipedia has surprised Web<br>watchers by growing fast and<br>maturing into one of the most<br>popular reference sites."
"It only takes 20 minutes on<br>the Internet for an<br>unprotected computer running<br>Microsoft Windows to be taken<br>over by a hacker. Any personal<br>or financial information<br>stored"
"TORONTO (CP) - Russia #39;s<br>Severstal has made an offer to<br>buy Stelco Inc., in what #39;s<br>believed to be one of several<br>competing offers emerging for<br>the restructuring but<br>profitable Hamilton steel<br>producer."
"Prices for flash memory cards<br>-- the little modules used by<br>digital cameras, handheld<br>organizers, MP3 players and<br>cell phones to store pictures,<br>music and other data -- are<br>headed down -- way down. Past<br>trends suggest that prices<br>will drop 35 percent a year,<br>but industry analysts think<br>that rate will be more like 40<br>or 50 percent this year and<br>next, due to more<br>manufacturers entering the<br>market."
"Walt Disney Co. #39;s<br>directors nominated Michael<br>Ovitz to serve on its board<br>for another three years at a<br>meeting just weeks before<br>forcing him out of his job as"
"The European Union, Japan,<br>Brazil and five other<br>countries won World Trade<br>Organization approval to<br>impose tariffs worth more than<br>\\$150 million a year on<br>imports from the United"
"Industrial conglomerate<br>Honeywell International on<br>Wednesday said it has filed a<br>lawsuit against 34 electronics<br>companies including Apple<br>Computer and Eastman Kodak,<br>claiming patent infringement<br>of its liquid crystal display<br>technology."
"Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams<br>has put the pressure for the<br>success or failure of the<br>Northern Ireland assembly<br>talks firmly on the shoulders<br>of Ian Paisley."
"Australia #39;s Computershare<br>has agreed to buy EquiServe of<br>the United States for US\\$292<br>million (\\$423 million),<br>making it the largest US share<br>registrar and driving its<br>shares up by a third."
"David Coulthard #39;s season-<br>long search for a Formula One<br>drive next year is almost<br>over. Negotiations between Red<br>Bull Racing and Coulthard, who<br>tested for the Austrian team<br>for the first time"
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities were mixed<br>in yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$18<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.640<br>percent, up from 1.635 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$16<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.840<br>percent, down from 1.860<br>percent."
"Two top executives of scandal-<br>tarred insurance firm Marsh<br>Inc. were ousted yesterday,<br>the company said, the latest<br>casualties of an industry<br>probe by New York's attorney<br>general."
"AP - Southern California<br>tailback LenDale White<br>remembers Justin Holland from<br>high school. The Colorado<br>State quarterback made quite<br>an impression."
"TIM HENMAN last night admitted<br>all of his energy has been<br>drained away as he bowed out<br>of the Madrid Masters. The top<br>seed, who had a blood test on<br>Wednesday to get to the bottom<br>of his fatigue, went down"
"USDA #39;s Animal Plant Health<br>Inspection Service (APHIS)<br>this morning announced it has<br>confirmed a detection of<br>soybean rust from two test<br>plots at Louisiana State<br>University near Baton Rouge,<br>Louisiana."
" JAKARTA (Reuters) - President<br>Megawati Sukarnoputri urged<br>Indonesians on Thursday to<br>accept the results of the<br>country's first direct<br>election of a leader, but<br>stopped short of conceding<br>defeat."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan early<br>Monday test-fired its<br>indigenously developed short-<br>range nuclear-capable Ghaznavi<br>missile, the Inter Services<br>Public Relations (ISPR) said<br>in a statement."
"While the US software giant<br>Microsoft has achieved almost<br>sweeping victories in<br>government procurement<br>projects in several Chinese<br>provinces and municipalities,<br>the process"
"Mexican Cemex, being the third<br>largest cement maker in the<br>world, agreed to buy its<br>British competitor - RMC Group<br>- for \\$5.8 billion, as well<br>as their debts in order to<br>expand their activity on the<br>building materials market of<br>the USA and Europe."
"Microsoft Corp. has delayed<br>automated distribution of a<br>major security upgrade to its<br>Windows XP Professional<br>operating system, citing a<br>desire to give companies more<br>time to test it."
"The trial of a man accused of<br>murdering York backpacker<br>Caroline Stuttle begins in<br>Australia."
"ATHENS -- US sailors needed a<br>big day to bring home gold and<br>bronze medals from the sailing<br>finale here yesterday. But<br>rolling the dice on windshifts<br>and starting tactics backfired<br>both in Star and Tornado<br>classes, and the Americans had<br>to settle for a single silver<br>medal."
"Intel Corp. is refreshing its<br>64-bit Itanium 2 processor<br>line with six new chips based<br>on the Madison core. The new<br>processors represent the last<br>single-core Itanium chips that<br>the Santa Clara, Calif."
"The world's largest insurance<br>group pays \\$126m in fines as<br>part of a settlement with US<br>regulators over its dealings<br>with two firms."
"BRUSSELS: The EU sought<br>Wednesday to keep pressure on<br>Turkey over its bid to start<br>talks on joining the bloc, as<br>last-minute haggling seemed<br>set to go down to the wire at<br>a summit poised to give a<br>green light to Ankara."
"AP - J. Cofer Black, the State<br>Department official in charge<br>of counterterrorism, is<br>leaving government in the next<br>few weeks."
"For the first time, broadband<br>connections are reaching more<br>than half (51 percent) of the<br>American online population at<br>home, according to measurement<br>taken in July by<br>Nielsen/NetRatings, a<br>Milpitas-based Internet<br>audience measurement and<br>research ..."
"AP - Cavaliers forward Luke<br>Jackson was activated<br>Wednesday after missing five<br>games because of tendinitis in<br>his right knee. Cleveland also<br>placed forward Sasha Pavlovic<br>on the injured list."
"The tobacco firm John Player<br>amp; Sons has announced plans<br>to lay off 90 workers at its<br>cigarette factory in Dublin.<br>The company said it was<br>planning a phased closure of<br>the factory between now and<br>February as part of a review<br>of its global operations."
"AP - Consumers borrowed more<br>freely in September,<br>especially when it came to<br>racking up charges on their<br>credit cards, the Federal<br>Reserve reported Friday."
"AFP - The United States<br>presented a draft UN<br>resolution that steps up the<br>pressure on Sudan over the<br>crisis in Darfur, including<br>possible international<br>sanctions against its oil<br>sector."
"AFP - At least 33 people were<br>killed and dozens others<br>wounded when two bombs ripped<br>through a congregation of<br>Sunni Muslims in Pakistan's<br>central city of Multan, police<br>said."
"Bold, innovative solutions are<br>key to addressing the rapidly<br>rising costs of higher<br>education and the steady<br>reduction in government-<br>subsidized help to finance<br>such education."
"Just as the PhD crowd emerge<br>with different interpretations<br>of today's economy, everyday<br>Americans battling to balance<br>the checkbook hold diverse<br>opinions about where things<br>stand now and in the future."
"The Brisbane Lions #39;<br>football manager stepped out<br>of the changerooms just before<br>six o #39;clock last night and<br>handed one of the milling<br>supporters a six-pack of beer."
"Authorities here are always<br>eager to show off their<br>accomplishments, so when<br>Beijing hosted the World<br>Toilet Organization conference<br>last week, delegates were<br>given a grand tour of the<br>city's toilets."
"Cavaliers owner Gordon Gund is<br>in quot;serious quot;<br>negotiations to sell the NBA<br>franchise, which has enjoyed a<br>dramatic financial turnaround<br>since the arrival of star<br>LeBron James."
"WASHINGTON Trying to break a<br>deadlock on energy policy, a<br>diverse group of<br>environmentalists, academics<br>and former government<br>officials were to publish a<br>report on Wednesday that<br>presents strategies for making<br>the United States cleaner,<br>more competitive"
"After two days of gloom, China<br>was back on the winning rails<br>on Thursday with Liu Chunhong<br>winning a weightlifting title<br>on her record-shattering binge<br>and its shuttlers contributing<br>two golds in the cliff-hanging<br>finals."
"One question that arises<br>whenever a player is linked to<br>steroids is, \"What would he<br>have done without them?\"<br>Baseball history whispers an<br>answer."
"AFP - A series of torchlight<br>rallies and vigils were held<br>after darkness fell on this<br>central Indian city as victims<br>and activists jointly<br>commemorated a night of horror<br>20 years ago when lethal gas<br>leaked from a pesticide plant<br>and killed thousands."
"Consider the New World of<br>Information - stuff that,<br>unlike the paper days of the<br>past, doesn't always<br>physically exist. You've got<br>notes, scrawlings and<br>snippets, Web graphics, photos<br>and sounds. Stuff needs to be<br>cut, pasted, highlighted,<br>annotated, crossed out,<br>dragged away. And, as Ross<br>Perot used to say (or maybe it<br>was Dana Carvey impersonating<br>him), don't forget the graphs<br>and charts."
"The second round of the<br>Canadian Open golf tournament<br>continues Saturday Glenn Abbey<br>Golf Club in Oakville,<br>Ontario, after play was<br>suspended late Friday due to<br>darkness."
"A consortium led by Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group that is<br>developing gas reserves off<br>Russia #39;s Sakhalin Island<br>said Thursday it has struck a<br>US\\$6 billion (euro4."
"Major Hollywood studios on<br>Tuesday announced scores of<br>lawsuits against computer<br>server operators worldwide,<br>including eDonkey, BitTorrent<br>and DirectConnect networks,<br>for allowing trading of<br>pirated movies."
"A massive plan to attract the<br>2012 Summer Olympics to New<br>York, touting the city's<br>diversity, financial and media<br>power, was revealed Wednesday."
"A Zimbabwe court Friday<br>convicted a British man<br>accused of leading a coup plot<br>against the government of oil-<br>rich Equatorial Guinea on<br>weapons charges, but acquitted<br>most of the 69 other men held<br>with him."
"But will Wi-Fi, high-<br>definition broadcasts, mobile<br>messaging and other<br>enhancements improve the game,<br>or wreck it?\\&lt;br /&gt;<br>Photos of tech-friendly parks\\"
"An audit by international<br>observers supported official<br>elections results that gave<br>President Hugo Chavez a<br>victory over a recall vote<br>against him, the secretary-<br>general of the Organisation of<br>American States announced."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- The fatal stabbing of a<br>young man trying to eject<br>unwanted party guests from his<br>family home, the third such<br>knifing in just weeks, has<br>police worried about a<br>potentially fatal holiday<br>recipe: teens, alcohol and<br>knives."
"NICK Heidfeld #39;s test with<br>Williams has been brought<br>forward after BAR blocked<br>plans for Anthony Davidson to<br>drive its Formula One rival<br>#39;s car."
"MOSCOW - A female suicide<br>bomber set off a shrapnel-<br>filled explosive device<br>outside a busy Moscow subway<br>station on Tuesday night,<br>officials said, killing 10<br>people and injuring more than<br>50."
"Grace Park closed with an<br>eagle and two birdies for a<br>7-under-par 65 and a two-<br>stroke lead after three rounds<br>of the Wachovia LPGA Classic<br>on Saturday."
"ABIDJAN (AFP) - Two Ivory<br>Coast military aircraft<br>carried out a second raid on<br>Bouake, the stronghold of the<br>former rebel New Forces (FN)<br>in the divided west African<br>country, a French military<br>source told AFP."
"Carlos Beltran drives in five<br>runs to carry the Astros to a<br>12-3 rout of the Braves in<br>Game 5 of their first-round NL<br>playoff series."
"On-demand viewing isn't just<br>for TiVo owners anymore.<br>Television over internet<br>protocol, or TVIP, offers<br>custom programming over<br>standard copper wires."
"Apple is recalling 28,000<br>faulty batteries for its<br>15-inch Powerbook G4 laptops."
"Since Lennox Lewis #39;s<br>retirement, the heavyweight<br>division has been knocked for<br>having more quantity than<br>quality. Eight heavyweights on<br>Saturday night #39;s card at<br>Madison Square Garden hope to<br>change that perception, at<br>least for one night."
"PalmSource #39;s European<br>developer conference is going<br>on now in Germany, and this<br>company is using this<br>opportunity to show off Palm<br>OS Cobalt 6.1, the latest<br>version of its operating<br>system."
"The former Chief Executive<br>Officer of Computer Associates<br>was indicted by a federal<br>grand jury in New York<br>Wednesday for allegedly<br>participating in a massive<br>fraud conspiracy and an<br>elaborate cover up of a scheme<br>that cost investors"
"Speaking to members of the<br>Massachusetts Software<br>Council, Microsoft CEO Steve<br>Ballmer touted a bright future<br>for technology but warned his<br>listeners to think twice<br>before adopting open-source<br>products like Linux."
"MIAMI - The Trillian instant<br>messaging (IM) application<br>will feature several<br>enhancements in its upcoming<br>version 3.0, including new<br>video and audio chat<br>capabilities, enhanced IM<br>session logs and integration<br>with the Wikipedia online<br>encyclopedia, according to<br>information posted Friday on<br>the product developer's Web<br>site."
"Honeywell International Inc.,<br>the world #39;s largest<br>supplier of building controls,<br>agreed to buy Novar Plc for<br>798 million pounds (\\$1.53<br>billion) to expand its<br>security, fire and<br>ventilation-systems business<br>in Europe."
"San Francisco investment bank<br>Thomas Weisel Partners on<br>Thursday agreed to pay \\$12.5<br>million to settle allegations<br>that some of the stock<br>research the bank published<br>during the Internet boom was<br>tainted by conflicts of<br>interest."
"AFP - A state of civil<br>emergency in the rebellion-hit<br>Indonesian province of Aceh<br>has been formally extended by<br>six month, as the country's<br>president pledged to end<br>violence there without foreign<br>help."
" - Peter Frankling<br>tapped an unusual source to<br>fund his new business, which<br>makes hot-dog-shaped ice cream<br>treats known as Cool Dogs: Two<br>investors, one a friend and<br>the other a professional<br>venture capitalist, put in<br>more than #36;100,000 each<br>from their Individual<br>Retirement Accounts. Later<br>Franklin added #36;150,000<br>from his own IRA."
"Reuters - Online DVD rental<br>service Netflix Inc.\\and TiVo<br>Inc., maker of a digital video<br>recorder, on Thursday\\said<br>they have agreed to develop a<br>joint entertainment\\offering,<br>driving shares of both<br>companies higher."
"A San Diego insurance<br>brokerage has been sued by New<br>York Attorney General Elliot<br>Spitzer for allegedly<br>soliciting payoffs in exchange<br>for steering business to<br>preferred insurance companies."
"The European Union agreed<br>Monday to lift penalties that<br>have cost American exporters<br>\\$300 million, following the<br>repeal of a US corporate tax<br>break deemed illegal under<br>global trade rules."
"US Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell on Monday said he had<br>spoken to both Indian Foreign<br>Minister K Natwar Singh and<br>his Pakistani counterpart<br>Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri late<br>last week before the two met<br>in New Delhi this week for<br>talks."
"NEW YORK - Victor Diaz hit a<br>tying, three-run homer with<br>two outs in the ninth inning,<br>and Craig Brazell's first<br>major league home run in the<br>11th gave the New York Mets a<br>stunning 4-3 victory over the<br>Chicago Cubs on Saturday.<br>The Cubs had much on the<br>line..."
"AFP - At least 54 people have<br>died and more than a million<br>have fled their homes as<br>torrential rains lashed parts<br>of India and Bangladesh,<br>officials said."
"LOS ANGELES - California has<br>adopted the world's first<br>rules to reduce greenhouse<br>emissions for autos, taking<br>what supporters see as a<br>dramatic step toward cleaning<br>up the environment but also<br>ensuring higher costs for<br>drivers. The rules may lead<br>to sweeping changes in<br>vehicles nationwide,<br>especially if other states opt<br>to follow California's<br>example..."
" LONDON (Reuters) - European<br>stock markets scaled<br>near-2-1/2 year highs on<br>Friday as oil prices held<br>below \\$48 a barrel, and the<br>euro held off from mounting<br>another assault on \\$1.30 but<br>hovered near record highs<br>against the dollar."
"Tim Duncan had 17 points and<br>10 rebounds, helping the San<br>Antonio Spurs to a 99-81<br>victory over the New York<br>Kicks. This was the Spurs<br>fourth straight win this<br>season."
"Nagpur: India suffered a<br>double blow even before the<br>first ball was bowled in the<br>crucial third cricket Test<br>against Australia on Tuesday<br>when captain Sourav Ganguly<br>and off spinner Harbhajan<br>Singh were ruled out of the<br>match."
"AFP - Republican and<br>Democratic leaders each<br>declared victory after the<br>first head-to-head sparring<br>match between President George<br>W. Bush and Democratic<br>presidential hopeful John<br>Kerry."
"THIS YULE is all about console<br>supply and there #39;s<br>precious little units around,<br>it has emerged. Nintendo has<br>announced that it is going to<br>ship another 400,000 units of<br>its DS console to the United<br>States to meet the shortfall<br>there."
"Annual global semiconductor<br>sales growth will probably<br>fall by half in 2005 and<br>memory chip sales could<br>collapse as a supply glut saps<br>prices, world-leading memory<br>chip maker Samsung Electronics<br>said on Monday."
"NEW YORK - Traditional phone<br>systems may be going the way<br>of the Pony Express. Voice-<br>over-Internet Protocol,<br>technology that allows users<br>to make and receive phone<br>calls using the Internet, is<br>giving the old circuit-<br>switched system a run for its<br>money."
"AP - Former New York Yankees<br>hitting coach Rick Down was<br>hired for the same job by the<br>Mets on Friday, reuniting him<br>with new manager Willie<br>Randolph."
"Last night in New York, the UN<br>secretary-general was given a<br>standing ovation - a robust<br>response to a series of<br>attacks in past weeks."
"FILDERSTADT (Germany) - Amelie<br>Mauresmo and Lindsay Davenport<br>took their battle for the No.<br>1 ranking and Porsche Grand<br>Prix title into the semi-<br>finals with straight-sets<br>victories on Friday."
"Reuters - The company behind<br>the Atkins Diet\\on Friday<br>shrugged off a recent decline<br>in interest in low-carb\\diets<br>as a seasonal blip, and its<br>marketing chief said\\consumers<br>would cut out starchy foods<br>again after picking up\\pounds<br>over the holidays."
"There #39;s something to be<br>said for being the quot;first<br>mover quot; in an industry<br>trend. Those years of extra<br>experience in tinkering with a<br>new idea can be invaluable in<br>helping the first"
"JOHANNESBURG -- Meeting in<br>Nigeria four years ago,<br>African leaders set a goal<br>that 60 percent of children<br>and pregnant women in malaria-<br>affected areas around the<br>continent would be sleeping<br>under bed nets by the end of<br>2005."
"AP - The first U.S. cases of<br>the fungus soybean rust, which<br>hinders plant growth and<br>drastically cuts crop<br>production, were found at two<br>research sites in Louisiana,<br>officials said Wednesday."
"Carter returned, but it was<br>running back Curtis Martin and<br>the offensive line that put<br>the Jets ahead. Martin rushed<br>for all but 10 yards of a<br>45-yard drive that stalled at<br>the Cardinals 10."
" quot;There #39;s no way<br>anyone would hire them to<br>fight viruses, quot; said<br>Sophos security analyst Gregg<br>Mastoras. quot;For one, no<br>security firm could maintain<br>its reputation by employing<br>hackers."
"Symantec has revoked its<br>decision to blacklist a<br>program that allows Web<br>surfers in China to browse<br>government-blocked Web sites.<br>The move follows reports that<br>the firm labelled the Freegate<br>program, which"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares<br>of Chiron Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"ht<br>tp://<br>FullQuote.aspx?ticker=CHIR.O t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;CHIR.O&lt;/A&gt; fell<br>7 percent before the market<br>open on Friday, a day after<br>the biopharmaceutical company<br>said it is delaying shipment<br>of its flu vaccine, Fluvirin,<br>because lots containing 4<br>million vaccines do not meet<br>product sterility standards."
"The nation's top<br>telecommunications regulator<br>said yesterday he will push --<br>before the next president is<br>inaugurated -- to protect<br>fledgling Internet telephone<br>services from getting taxed<br>and heavily regulated by the<br>50 state governments."
"Microsoft has signed a pact to<br>work with the United Nations<br>Educational, Scientific and<br>Cultural Organization (UNESCO)<br>to increase computer use,<br>Internet access and teacher<br>training in developing<br>countries."
"DENVER (Ticker) -- Jake<br>Plummer more than made up for<br>a lack of a running game.<br>Plummer passed for 294 yards<br>and two touchdowns as the<br>Denver Broncos posted a 23-13<br>victory over the San Diego<br>Chargers in a battle of AFC<br>West Division rivals."
"DALLAS -- Belo Corp. said<br>yesterday that it would cut<br>250 jobs, more than half of<br>them at its flagship<br>newspaper, The Dallas Morning<br>News, and that an internal<br>investigation into circulation<br>overstatements"
"AP - Duke Bainum outspent Mufi<br>Hannemann in Honolulu's most<br>expensive mayoral race, but<br>apparently failed to garner<br>enough votes in Saturday's<br>primary to claim the office<br>outright."
"roundup Plus: Microsoft tests<br>Windows Marketplace...Nortel<br>delays financials<br>again...Microsoft updates<br>SharePoint."
"The Federal Reserve still has<br>some way to go to restore US<br>interest rates to more normal<br>levels, Philadelphia Federal<br>Reserve President Anthony<br>Santomero said on Monday."
"It took all of about five<br>minutes of an introductory<br>press conference Wednesday at<br>Heritage Hall for USC<br>basketball to gain something<br>it never really had before."
"Delta Air Lines (DAL.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) said on<br>Wednesday its auditors have<br>expressed doubt about the<br>airline #39;s financial<br>viability."
"POLITICIANS and aid agencies<br>yesterday stressed the<br>importance of the media in<br>keeping the spotlight on the<br>appalling human rights abuses<br>taking place in the Darfur<br>region of Sudan."
"AP - The Boston Red Sox looked<br>at the out-of-town scoreboard<br>and could hardly believe what<br>they saw. The New York Yankees<br>were trailing big at home<br>against the Cleveland Indians<br>in what would be the worst<br>loss in the 101-year history<br>of the storied franchise."
"The Red Sox will either<br>complete an amazing comeback<br>as the first team to rebound<br>from a 3-0 deficit in<br>postseason history, or the<br>Yankees will stop them."
"\\Children who have a poor diet<br>are more likely to become<br>aggressive and anti-social, US<br>researchers believe."
"OPEN SOURCE champion Microsoft<br>is expanding its programme to<br>give government organisations<br>some of its source code. In a<br>communique from the lair of<br>the Vole, in Redmond,<br>spinsters have said that<br>Microsoft"
"The Red Sox have reached<br>agreement with free agent<br>pitcher Matt Clement yesterday<br>on a three-year deal that will<br>pay him around \\$25 million,<br>his agent confirmed yesterday."
"Takeover target Ronin Property<br>Group said it would respond to<br>an offer by Multiplex Group<br>for all the securities in the<br>company in about three weeks."
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>Contrary to Immigration<br>Department claims, there is no<br>shortage of native-borne<br>exotic dancers in Canada, says<br>a University of Toronto law<br>professor who has studied the<br>strip club business."
"HEN Manny Ramirez and David<br>Ortiz hit consecutive home<br>runs Sunday night in Chicago<br>to put the Red Sox ahead,<br>there was dancing in the<br>streets in Boston."
"Google Inc. is trying to<br>establish an online reading<br>room for five major libraries<br>by scanning stacks of hard-to-<br>find books into its widely<br>used Internet search engine."
"HOUSTON--(BUSINESS<br>WIRE)--Sept. 1, 2004-- L<br>#39;operazione crea una<br>centrale globale per l<br>#39;analisi strategica el<br>#39;approfondimento del<br>settore energetico IHS Energy,<br>fonte globale leader di<br>software, analisi e<br>informazioni"
"The European Union presidency<br>yesterday expressed optimism<br>that a deal could be struck<br>over Turkey #39;s refusal to<br>recognize Cyprus in the lead-<br>up to next weekend #39;s EU<br>summit, which will decide<br>whether to give Ankara a date<br>for the start of accession<br>talks."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on Friday set a<br>four-year goal of seeing a<br>Palestinian state established<br>and he and British Prime<br>Minister Tony Blair vowed to<br>mobilize international<br>support to help make it happen<br>now that Yasser Arafat is<br>dead."
"WASHINGTON Can you always tell<br>when somebody #39;s lying? If<br>so, you might be a wizard of<br>the fib. A California<br>psychology professor says<br>there #39;s a tiny subculture<br>of people that can pick out a<br>lie nearly every time they<br>hear one."
" KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan on<br>Saturday questioned U.N.<br>estimates that up to 70,000<br>people have died from hunger<br>and disease in its remote<br>Darfur region since a<br>rebellion began 20 months<br>ago."
"Type design was once the<br>province of skilled artisans.<br>With the help of new computer<br>programs, neophytes have<br>flooded the Internet with<br>their creations."
"RCN Inc., co-owner of<br>Starpower Communications LLC,<br>the Washington area<br>television, telephone and<br>Internet provider, filed a<br>plan of reorganization<br>yesterday that it said puts<br>the company"
"MIAMI -- Bryan Randall grabbed<br>a set of Mardi Gras beads and<br>waved them aloft, while his<br>teammates exalted in the<br>prospect of a trip to New<br>Orleans."
"&lt;strong&gt;Letters&lt;/stro<br>ng&gt; Reports of demise<br>premature"
"TORONTO (CP) - With an injured<br>Vince Carter on the bench, the<br>Toronto Raptors dropped their<br>sixth straight game Friday,<br>101-87 to the Denver Nuggets."
"The US airline industry,<br>riddled with excess supply,<br>will see a significant drop in<br>capacity, or far fewer seats,<br>as a result of at least one<br>airline liquidating in the<br>next year, according to<br>AirTran Airways Chief<br>Executive Joe Leonard."
"Boeing (nyse: BA - news -<br>people ) Chief Executive Harry<br>Stonecipher is keeping the<br>faith. On Monday, the head of<br>the aerospace and military<br>contractor insists he #39;s<br>confident his firm will<br>ultimately win out"
"While not quite a return to<br>glory, Monday represents the<br>Redskins' return to the<br>national consciousness."
"Australia #39;s biggest<br>supplier of fresh milk,<br>National Foods, has posted a<br>net profit of \\$68.7 million,<br>an increase of 14 per cent on<br>last financial year."
"Lawyers for customers suing<br>Merck amp; Co. want to<br>question CEO Raymond Gilmartin<br>about what he knew about the<br>dangers of Vioxx before the<br>company withdrew the drug from<br>the market because of health<br>hazards."
"Vijay Singh has won the US PGA<br>Tour player of the year award<br>for the first time, ending<br>Tiger Woods #39;s five-year<br>hold on the honour."
"New York; September 23, 2004 -<br>The Department of Justice<br>(DoJ), FBI and US Attorney<br>#39;s Office handed down a<br>10-count indictment against<br>former Computer Associates<br>(CA) chairman and CEO Sanjay<br>Kumar and Stephen Richards,<br>former CA head of worldwide<br>sales."
"AFP - At least four Georgian<br>soldiers were killed and five<br>wounded in overnight clashes<br>in Georgia's separatist, pro-<br>Russian region of South<br>Ossetia, Georgian officers<br>near the frontline with<br>Ossetian forces said early<br>Thursday."
"Intel, the world #39;s largest<br>chip maker, scrapped a plan<br>Thursday to enter the digital<br>television chip business,<br>marking a major retreat from<br>its push into consumer<br>electronics."
"PACIFIC Hydro shares yesterday<br>caught an updraught that sent<br>them more than 20 per cent<br>higher after the wind farmer<br>moved to flush out a bidder."
"The European Commission is<br>expected later this week to<br>recommend EU membership talks<br>with Turkey. Meanwhile, German<br>Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder<br>and Turkish Prime Minister<br>Tayyip Erdogan are<br>anticipating a quot;positive<br>report."
"The US is the originator of<br>over 42 of the worlds<br>unsolicited commercial e-mail,<br>making it the worst offender<br>in a league table of the top<br>12 spam producing countries<br>published yesterday by anti-<br>virus firm Sophos."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>consumer confidence retreated<br>in August while Chicago-area<br>business activity slowed,<br>according to reports on<br>Tuesday that added to worries<br>the economy's patch of slow<br>growth may last beyond the<br>summer."
"Intel is drawing the curtain<br>on some of its future research<br>projects to continue making<br>transistors smaller, faster,<br>and less power-hungry out as<br>far as 2020."
"England got strikes from<br>sparkling debut starter<br>Jermain Defoe and Michael Owen<br>to defeat Poland in a Uefa<br>World Cup qualifier in<br>Chorzow."
"The Canadian government<br>signalled its intention<br>yesterday to reintroduce<br>legislation to decriminalise<br>the possession of small<br>amounts of marijuana."
"A screensaver targeting spam-<br>related websites appears to<br>have been too successful."
"Titleholder Ernie Els moved<br>within sight of a record sixth<br>World Match Play title on<br>Saturday by solving a putting<br>problem to overcome injured<br>Irishman Padraig Harrington 5<br>and 4."
"If the Washington Nationals<br>never win a pennant, they have<br>no reason to ever doubt that<br>DC loves them. Yesterday, the<br>District City Council<br>tentatively approved a tab for<br>a publicly financed ballpark<br>that could amount to as much<br>as \\$630 million."
"Plus: Experts fear Check 21<br>could lead to massive bank<br>fraud."
"By SIOBHAN McDONOUGH<br>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fewer<br>American youths are using<br>marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy,<br>but more are abusing<br>prescription drugs, says a<br>government report released<br>Thursday. The 2003 National<br>Survey on Drug Use and Health<br>also found youths and young<br>adults are more aware of the<br>risks of using pot once a<br>month or more frequently..."
" ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory<br>Coast warplanes killed nine<br>French soldiers on Saturday in<br>a bombing raid during the<br>fiercest clashes with rebels<br>for 18 months and France hit<br>back by destroying most of<br>the West African country's<br>small airforce."
"Unilever has reported a three<br>percent rise in third-quarter<br>earnings but warned it is<br>reviewing its targets up to<br>2010, after issuing a shock<br>profits warning last month."
"A TNO engineer prepares to<br>start capturing images for the<br>world's biggest digital photo."
"Defensive back Brandon<br>Johnson, who had two<br>interceptions for Tennessee at<br>Mississippi, was suspended<br>indefinitely Monday for<br>violation of team rules."
"Points leader Kurt Busch spun<br>out and ran out of fuel, and<br>his misfortune was one of the<br>reasons crew chief Jimmy<br>Fennig elected not to pit with<br>20 laps to go."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>extended recent heavy losses<br>on Wednesday ahead of weekly<br>U.S. data expected to show<br>fuel stocks rising in time<br>for peak winter demand."
"(CP) - The NHL all-star game<br>hasn #39;t been cancelled<br>after all. It #39;s just been<br>moved to Russia. The agent for<br>New York Rangers winger<br>Jaromir Jagr confirmed Monday<br>that the Czech star had joined<br>Omsk Avangard"
"PalmOne is aiming to sharpen<br>up its image with the launch<br>of the Treo 650 on Monday. As<br>previously reported, the smart<br>phone update has a higher-<br>resolution screen and a faster<br>processor than the previous<br>top-of-the-line model, the<br>Treo 600."
"GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip --<br>Islamic militant groups behind<br>many suicide bombings<br>dismissed yesterday a call<br>from Mahmoud Abbas, the<br>interim Palestinian leader, to<br>halt attacks in the run-up to<br>a Jan. 9 election to replace<br>Yasser Arafat."
"Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell is wrapping up an East<br>Asia trip focused on prodding<br>North Korea to resume talks<br>aimed at ending its nuclear-<br>weapons program."
"HERE in the land of myth, that<br>familiar god of sports --<br>karma -- threw a bolt of<br>lightning into the Olympic<br>stadium yesterday. Marion<br>Jones lunged desperately with<br>her baton in the 4 x 100m<br>relay final, but couldn #39;t<br>reach her target."
"kinrowan writes quot;MIT,<br>inventor of Kerberos, has<br>announced a pair of<br>vulnerabities in the software<br>that will allow an attacker to<br>either execute a DOS attack or<br>execute code on the machine."
"The risk of intestinal damage<br>from common painkillers may be<br>higher than thought, research<br>suggests."
"AN earthquake measuring 7.3 on<br>the Richter Scale hit western<br>Japan this morning, just hours<br>after another strong quake<br>rocked the area."
"Vodafone has increased the<br>competition ahead of Christmas<br>with plans to launch 10<br>handsets before the festive<br>season. The Newbury-based<br>group said it will begin<br>selling the phones in<br>November."
"Reuters - Former Pink Floyd<br>mainman Roger\\Waters released<br>two new songs, both inspired<br>by the U.S.-led\\invasion of<br>Iraq, via online download<br>outlets Tuesday."
"A former assistant treasurer<br>at Enron Corp. (ENRNQ.PK:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>agreed to plead guilty to<br>conspiracy to commit<br>securities fraud on Tuesday<br>and will cooperate with"
"Britain #39;s Prince Harry,<br>struggling to shed a growing<br>quot;wild child quot; image,<br>won #39;t apologize to a<br>photographer he scuffled with<br>outside an exclusive London<br>nightclub, a royal spokesman<br>said on Saturday."
"UK house prices fell by 1.1 in<br>October, confirming a<br>softening of the housing<br>market, Halifax has said. The<br>UK #39;s biggest mortgage<br>lender said prices rose 18."
"Pakistan #39;s interim Prime<br>Minister Chaudhry Shaujaat<br>Hussain has announced his<br>resignation, paving the way<br>for his successor Shauket<br>Aziz."
"A previously unknown group<br>calling itself Jamaat Ansar<br>al-Jihad al-Islamiya says it<br>set fire to a Jewish soup<br>kitchen in Paris, according to<br>an Internet statement."
"More than six newspaper<br>companies have received<br>letters from the Securities<br>and Exchange Commission<br>seeking information about<br>their circulation practices."
"THE 64,000 dollar -<br>correction, make that 500<br>million dollar -uestion<br>hanging over Shire<br>Pharmaceuticals is whether the<br>5 per cent jump in the<br>companys shares yesterday<br>reflects relief that US<br>regulators have finally<br>approved its drug for"
"The deadliest attack on<br>Americans in Iraq since May<br>came as Iraqi officials<br>announced that Saddam<br>Hussein's deputy had not been<br>captured on Sunday."
"AP - Kenny Rogers lost at the<br>Coliseum for the first time in<br>more than 10 years, with Bobby<br>Crosby's three-run double in<br>the fifth inning leading the<br>Athletics to a 5-4 win over<br>the Texas Rangers on Thursday."
"A fundraising concert will be<br>held in London in memory of<br>the hundreds of victims of the<br>Beslan school siege."
"Dambulla, Sri Lanka - Kumar<br>Sangakkara and Avishka<br>Gunawardene slammed impressive<br>half-centuries to help an<br>under-strength Sri Lanka crush<br>South Africa by seven wickets<br>in the fourth one-day<br>international here on<br>Saturday."
"Fresh off being the worst team<br>in baseball, the Arizona<br>Diamondbacks set a new record<br>this week: fastest team to<br>both hire and fire a manager."
"Nebraska head coach Bill<br>Callahan runs off the field at<br>halftime of the game against<br>Baylor in Lincoln, Neb.,<br>Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004."
"NASA has been working on a<br>test flight project for the<br>last few years involving<br>hypersonic flight. Hypersonic<br>flight is fight at speeds<br>greater than Mach 5, or five<br>times the speed of sound."
"AFP - The landmark trial of a<br>Rwandan Roman Catholic priest<br>accused of supervising the<br>massacre of 2,000 of his Tutsi<br>parishioners during the<br>central African country's 1994<br>genocide opens at a UN court<br>in Tanzania."
"The Irish government has<br>stepped up its efforts to free<br>the British hostage in Iraq,<br>Ken Bigley, whose mother is<br>from Ireland, by talking to<br>diplomats from Iran and<br>Jordan."
"AP - Republican Sen. Lincoln<br>Chafee, who flirted with<br>changing political parties in<br>the wake of President Bush's<br>re-election victory, says he<br>will stay in the GOP."
"AP - Microsoft Corp. announced<br>Wednesday that it would offer<br>a low-cost, localized version<br>of its Windows XP operating<br>system in India to tap the<br>large market potential in this<br>country of 1 billion people,<br>most of whom do not speak<br>English."
"Businesses saw inventories<br>rise in July and sales picked<br>up, the government reported<br>Wednesday. The Commerce<br>Department said that stocks of<br>unsold goods increased 0.9 in<br>July, down from a 1.1 rise in<br>June."
" EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (Sports<br>Network) - The Toronto<br>Raptors have traded All-Star<br>swingman Vince Carter to the<br>New Jersey Nets in exchange<br>for center Alonzo Mourning,<br>forward Eric Williams,<br>center/forward Aaron Williams<br>and two first- round draft<br>picks."
"AP - Utah State University has<br>secured a #36;40 million<br>contract with NASA to build an<br>orbiting telescope that will<br>examine galaxies and try to<br>find new stars."
"South Korean President Roh<br>Moo-hyun pays a surprise visit<br>to troops in Iraq, after his<br>government decided to extend<br>their mandate."
"As the European Union<br>approaches a contentious<br>decision - whether to let<br>Turkey join the club - the<br>Continent #39;s rulers seem to<br>have left their citizens<br>behind."
"What riot? quot;An Argentine<br>friend of mine was a little<br>derisive of the Pacers-Pistons<br>eruption, quot; says reader<br>Mike Gaynes. quot;He snorted,<br>#39;Is that what Americans<br>call a riot?"
"All season, Chris Barnicle<br>seemed prepared for just about<br>everything, but the Newton<br>North senior was not ready for<br>the hot weather he encountered<br>yesterday in San Diego at the<br>Footlocker Cross-Country<br>National Championships. Racing<br>in humid conditions with<br>temperatures in the 70s, the<br>Massachusetts Division 1 state<br>champion finished sixth in 15<br>minutes 34 seconds in the<br>5-kilometer race. ..."
"Shares of Genta Inc. (GNTA.O:<br>Quote, Profile, Research)<br>soared nearly 50 percent on<br>Monday after the biotechnology<br>company presented promising<br>data on an experimental<br>treatment for blood cancers."
"I spend anywhere from three to<br>eight hours every week<br>sweating along with a motley<br>crew of local misfits,<br>shelving, sorting, and hauling<br>ton after ton of written<br>matter in a rowhouse basement<br>in Baltimore. We have no heat<br>nor air conditioning, but<br>still, every week, we come and<br>work. Volunteer night is<br>Wednesday, but many of us also<br>work on the weekends, when<br>we're open to the public.<br>There are times when we're<br>freezing and we have to wear<br>coats and gloves inside,<br>making handling books somewhat<br>tricky; other times, we're all<br>soaked with sweat, since it's<br>90 degrees out and the<br>basement is thick with bodies.<br>One learns to forget about<br>personal space when working at<br>The Book Thing, since you can<br>scarcely breathe without<br>bumping into someone, and we<br>are all so accustomed to<br>having to scrape by each other<br>that most of us no longer<br>bother to say \"excuse me\"<br>unless some particularly<br>dramatic brushing occurs."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A<br>deadline set by militants who<br>have threatened to kill two<br>Americans and a Briton seized<br>in Iraq was due to expire<br>Monday, and more than two<br>dozen other hostages were<br>also facing death unless rebel<br>demands were met."
"Alarmed by software glitches,<br>security threats and computer<br>crashes with ATM-like voting<br>machines, officials from<br>Washington, D.C., to<br>California are considering an<br>alternative from an unlikely<br>place: Nevada."
"Some Venezuelan television<br>channels began altering their<br>programs Thursday, citing<br>fears of penalties under a new<br>law restricting violence and<br>sexual content over the<br>airwaves."
"SBC Communications Inc. plans<br>to cut at least 10,000 jobs,<br>or 6 percent of its work<br>force, by the end of next year<br>to compensate for a drop in<br>the number of local-telephone<br>customers."
"afrol News, 4 October -<br>Hundred years of conservation<br>efforts have lifted the<br>southern black rhino<br>population from about hundred<br>to 11,000 animals."
"THE death of Philippine movie<br>star and defeated presidential<br>candidate Fernando Poe has<br>drawn some political backlash,<br>with some people seeking to<br>use his sudden demise as a<br>platform to attack President<br>Gloria Arroyo."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major<br>cigarette makers go on trial<br>on Tuesday in the U.S.<br>government's \\$280 billion<br>racketeering case that<br>charges the tobacco industry<br>with deliberately deceiving<br>the public about the risks of<br>smoking since the 1950s."
"More Americans are quitting<br>their jobs and taking the risk<br>of starting a business despite<br>a still-lackluster job market."
"AP - Coach Tyrone Willingham<br>was fired by Notre Dame on<br>Tuesday after three seasons in<br>which he failed to return one<br>of the nation's most storied<br>football programs to<br>prominence."
"COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Joel<br>Statham completed 18 of 25<br>passes for 268 yards and two<br>touchdowns in No. 23<br>Maryland's 45-22 victory over<br>Temple last night, the<br>Terrapins' 12th straight win<br>at Byrd Stadium."
"Manchester United boss Sir<br>Alex Ferguson wants the FA to<br>punish Arsenal good guy Dennis<br>Bergkamp for taking a swing at<br>Alan Smith last Sunday."
"VIENTIANE, Laos China moved<br>yet another step closer in<br>cementing its economic and<br>diplomatic relationships with<br>Southeast Asia today when<br>Prime Minister Wen Jiabao<br>signed a trade accord at a<br>regional summit that calls for<br>zero tariffs on a wide range<br>of"
" - With nbsp;food<br>stores nbsp;running low, the<br>two \\astronauts living aboard<br>the International Space<br>Station (ISS) are cutting back<br>\\their meal intake and<br>awaiting a critical cargo<br>nbsp;delivery expected to<br>arrive \\on Dec. 25."
"British judges in London<br>Tuesday ordered radical Muslim<br>imam Abu Hamza to stand trial<br>for soliciting murder and<br>inciting racial hatred."
"Federal Reserve policy-makers<br>raised the benchmark US<br>interest rate a quarter point<br>to 2.25 per cent and restated<br>a plan to carry out"
" DETROIT (Reuters) - A<br>Canadian law firm on Tuesday<br>said it had filed a lawsuit<br>against Ford Motor Co. &lt;A H<br>REF=\"http://www.investor.reute<br><br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;F.N&lt;/A&gt; over<br>what it claims are defective<br>door latches on about 400,000<br>of the automaker's popular<br>pickup trucks and SUVs."
"Published reports say Barry<br>Bonds has testified that he<br>used a clear substance and a<br>cream given to him by a<br>trainer who was indicted in a<br>steroid-distribution ring."
"SARASOTA, Fla. - The<br>devastation brought on by<br>Hurricane Charley has been<br>especially painful for an<br>elderly population that is<br>among the largest in the<br>nation..."
" ATHENS (Reuters) - Christos<br>Angourakis added his name to<br>Greece's list of Paralympic<br>medal winners when he claimed<br>a bronze in the T53 shot put<br>competition Thursday."
" quot;He is charged for having<br>a part in the Bali incident,<br>quot; state prosecutor Andi<br>Herman told Reuters on<br>Saturday. bombing attack at<br>the US-run JW."
"Jay Fiedler threw for one<br>touchdown, Sage Rosenfels<br>threw for another and the<br>Miami Dolphins got a victory<br>in a game they did not want to<br>play, beating the New Orleans<br>Saints 20-19 Friday night."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Terrell<br>Owens scored three touchdowns<br>and the Philadelphia Eagles<br>amassed 35 first-half points<br>on the way to a 49-21<br>drubbing of the Dallas Cowboys<br>in Irving, Texas, Monday."
"AstraZeneca Plc suffered its<br>third setback in two months on<br>Friday as lung cancer drug<br>Iressa failed to help patients<br>live longer"
"Virgin Electronics hopes its<br>slim Virgin Player, which<br>debuts today and is smaller<br>than a deck of cards, will<br>rise as a lead competitor to<br>Apple's iPod."
"Researchers train a monkey to<br>feed itself by guiding a<br>mechanical arm with its mind.<br>It could be a big step forward<br>for prosthetics. By David<br>Cohn."
"Bruce Wasserstein, the<br>combative chief executive of<br>investment bank Lazard, is<br>expected to agree this week<br>that he will quit the group<br>unless he can pull off a<br>successful"
"A late strike by Salomon Kalou<br>sealed a 2-1 win for Feyenoord<br>over NEC Nijmegen, while<br>second placed AZ Alkmaar<br>defeated ADO Den Haag 2-0 in<br>the Dutch first division on<br>Sunday."
"The United Nations called on<br>Monday for an immediate<br>ceasefire in eastern Congo as<br>fighting between rival army<br>factions flared for a third<br>day."
"What a disgrace Ron Artest has<br>become. And the worst part is,<br>the Indiana Pacers guard just<br>doesn #39;t get it. Four days<br>after fueling one of the<br>biggest brawls in the history<br>of pro sports, Artest was on<br>national"
"Allowing dozens of casinos to<br>be built in the UK would bring<br>investment and thousands of<br>jobs, Tony Blair says."
"The shock here was not just<br>from the awful fact itself,<br>that two vibrant young Italian<br>women were kidnapped in Iraq,<br>dragged from their office by<br>attackers who, it seems, knew<br>their names."
"Tehran/Vianna, Sept. 19 (NNN):<br>Iran on Sunday rejected the<br>International Atomic Energy<br>Agency (IAEA) call to suspend<br>of all its nuclear activities,<br>saying that it will not agree<br>to halt uranium enrichment."
"A 15-year-old Argentine<br>student opened fire at his<br>classmates on Tuesday in a<br>middle school in the south of<br>the Buenos Aires province,<br>leaving at least four dead and<br>five others wounded, police<br>said."
"Dr. David J. Graham, the FDA<br>drug safety reviewer who<br>sounded warnings over five<br>drugs he felt could become the<br>next Vioxx has turned to a<br>Whistleblower protection group<br>for legal help."
"AP - Scientists in 17<br>countries will scout waterways<br>to locate and study the<br>world's largest freshwater<br>fish species, many of which<br>are declining in numbers,<br>hoping to learn how to better<br>protect them, researchers<br>announced Thursday."
"AP - Google Inc.'s plans to<br>move ahead with its initial<br>public stock offering ran into<br>a roadblock when the<br>Securities and Exchange<br>Commission didn't approve the<br>Internet search giant's<br>regulatory paperwork as<br>requested."
"Jenson Button has revealed<br>dissatisfaction with the way<br>his management handled a<br>fouled switch to Williams. Not<br>only did the move not come<br>off, his reputation may have<br>been irreparably damaged amid<br>news headline"
"The Kmart purchase of Sears,<br>Roebuck may be the ultimate<br>expression of that old saying<br>in real estate: location,<br>location, location."
"Citing security risks, a state<br>university is urging students<br>to drop Internet Explorer in<br>favor of alternative Web<br>browsers such as Firefox and<br>Safari."
"Redknapp and his No2 Jim Smith<br>resigned from Portsmouth<br>yesterday, leaving<br>controversial new director<br>Velimir Zajec in temporary<br>control."
"Despite being ranked eleventh<br>in the world in broadband<br>penetration, the United States<br>is rolling out high-speed<br>services on a quot;reasonable<br>and timely basis to all<br>Americans, quot; according to<br>a new report narrowly approved<br>today by the Federal<br>Communications"
"Sprint Corp. (FON.N: Quote,<br>Profile, Research) on Friday<br>said it plans to cut up to 700<br>jobs as it realigns its<br>business to focus on wireless<br>and Internet services and<br>takes a non-cash network<br>impairment charge."
"As the season winds down for<br>the Frederick Keys, Manager<br>Tom Lawless is starting to<br>enjoy the progress his<br>pitching staff has made this<br>season."
"Britain #39;s Bradley Wiggins<br>won the gold medal in men<br>#39;s individual pursuit<br>Saturday, finishing the<br>4,000-meter final in 4:16."
"And when David Akers #39;<br>50-yard field goal cleared the<br>crossbar in overtime, they did<br>just that. They escaped a<br>raucous Cleveland Browns<br>Stadium relieved but not<br>broken, tested but not<br>cracked."
"NEW YORK - A cable pay-per-<br>view company has decided not<br>to show a three-hour election<br>eve special with filmmaker<br>Michael Moore that included a<br>showing of his documentary<br>\"Fahrenheit 9/11,\" which is<br>sharply critical of President<br>Bush. The company, iN<br>DEMAND, said Friday that its<br>decision is due to \"legitimate<br>business and legal concerns.\"<br>A spokesman would not<br>elaborate..."
"Democracy candidates picked up<br>at least one more seat in<br>parliament, according to exit<br>polls."
"The IOC wants suspended<br>Olympic member Ivan Slavkov to<br>be thrown out of the<br>organisation."
" BANGKOK (Reuters) - The<br>ouster of Myanmar's prime<br>minister, architect of a<br>tentative \"roadmap to<br>democracy,\" has dashed faint<br>hopes for an end to military<br>rule and leaves Southeast<br>Asia's policy of constructive<br>engagement in tatters."
"San Antonio, TX (Sports<br>Network) - Dean Wilson shot a<br>five-under 65 on Friday to<br>move into the lead at the<br>halfway point of the Texas<br>Open."
"Now that Chelsea have added<br>Newcastle United to the list<br>of clubs that they have given<br>what for lately, what price<br>Jose Mourinho covering the<br>Russian-funded aristocrats of<br>west London in glittering<br>glory to the tune of four<br>trophies?"
"AP - Former Seattle Seahawks<br>running back Chris Warren has<br>been arrested in Virginia on a<br>federal warrant, accused of<br>failing to pay #36;137,147 in<br>child support for his two<br>daughters in Washington state."
"The anguish of hostage Kenneth<br>Bigley in Iraq hangs over<br>Prime Minister Tony Blair<br>today as he faces the twin<br>test of a local election and a<br>debate by his Labour Party<br>about the divisive war."
"Says that amount would have<br>been earned for the first 9<br>months of 2004, before AT<br>amp;T purchase. LOS ANGELES,<br>(Reuters) - Cingular Wireless<br>would have posted a net profit<br>of \\$650 million for the first<br>nine months"
"NewsFactor - Taking an<br>innovative approach to the<br>marketing of high-performance<br>\\computing, Sun Microsystems<br>(Nasdaq: SUNW) is offering its<br>N1 Grid program in a pay-for-<br>use pricing model that mimics<br>the way such commodities as<br>electricity and wireless phone<br>plans are sold."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Goodyear<br>Tire Rubber Co. &lt;A HREF=\"<br><br>m/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=GT.N t<br>arget=/stocks/quickinfo/fullqu<br>ote\"&gt;GT.N&lt;/A&gt; said<br>on Friday it will cut 340 jobs<br>in its engineered products and<br>chemical units as part of its<br>cost-reduction efforts,<br>resulting in a third-quarter<br>charge."
" quot;There were 16 people<br>travelling aboard. ... It<br>crashed into a mountain, quot;<br>Col. Antonio Rivero, head of<br>the Civil Protection service,<br>told."
"Reuters - Shares of long-<br>distance phone\\companies AT T<br>Corp. and MCI Inc. have<br>plunged\\about 20 percent this<br>year, but potential buyers<br>seem to be\\holding out for<br>clearance sales."
"Reuters - Madonna and m-Qube<br>have\\made it possible for the<br>star's North American fans to<br>download\\polyphonic ring tones<br>and other licensed mobile<br>content from\\her official Web<br>site, across most major<br>carriers and without\\the need<br>for a credit card."
"President Bush is reveling in<br>winning the popular vote and<br>feels he can no longer be<br>considered a one-term accident<br>of history."
"Russian oil giant Yukos files<br>for bankruptcy protection in<br>the US in a last ditch effort<br>to stop the Kremlin auctioning<br>its main production unit."
"British Airways #39; (BA)<br>chief executive Rod Eddington<br>has admitted that the company<br>quot;got it wrong quot; after<br>staff shortages led to three<br>days of travel chaos for<br>passengers."
"It #39;s official: US Open had<br>never gone into the third<br>round with only two American<br>men, including the defending<br>champion, Andy Roddick."
"Canadian Press - TORONTO (CP)<br>- Thousands of Royal Bank<br>clerks are being asked to<br>display rainbow stickers at<br>their desks and cubicles to<br>promote a safe work<br>environment for gays,<br>lesbians, and bisexuals."
"The chipmaker is back on a<br>buying spree, having scooped<br>up five other companies this<br>year."
"The issue of drug advertising<br>directly aimed at consumers is<br>becoming political."
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- England coach<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson has urged<br>the international soccer<br>authorities to preserve the<br>health of the world superstar<br>footballers for major<br>tournaments, who expressed his<br>will in Slaley of England on<br>Tuesday ..."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A car<br>bomb killed two American<br>soldiers and wounded eight<br>when it exploded in Baghdad on<br>Saturday, the U.S. military<br>said in a statement."
"Juventus coach Fabio Capello<br>has ordered his players not to<br>kick the ball out of play when<br>an opponent falls to the<br>ground apparently hurt because<br>he believes some players fake<br>injury to stop the match."
"AP - China's economic boom is<br>still roaring despite efforts<br>to cool sizzling growth, with<br>the gross domestic product<br>climbing 9.5 percent in the<br>first three quarters of this<br>year, the government reported<br>Friday."
"Soaring petroleum prices<br>pushed the cost of goods<br>imported into the U.S. much<br>higher than expected in<br>August, the government said<br>today."
"Anheuser-Busch teams up with<br>Vietnam's largest brewer,<br>laying the groundwork for<br>future growth in the region."
"You #39;re angry. You want to<br>lash out. The Red Sox are<br>doing it to you again. They<br>#39;re blowing a playoff<br>series, and to the Yankees no<br>less."
"TORONTO -- There is no<br>mystique to it anymore,<br>because after all, the<br>Russians have become commoners<br>in today's National Hockey<br>League, and Finns, Czechs,<br>Slovaks, and Swedes also have<br>been entrenched in the<br>Original 30 long enough to<br>turn the ongoing World Cup of<br>Hockey into a protracted<br>trailer for the NHL season."
"Sudanese authorities have<br>moved hundreds of pro-<br>government fighters from the<br>crisis-torn Darfur region to<br>other parts of the country to<br>keep them out of sight of<br>foreign military observers<br>demanding the militia #39;s<br>disarmament, a rebel leader<br>charged"
"CHARLOTTE, NC - Shares of<br>Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.<br>#39;s fell sharply Monday as a<br>79 percent plunge in third-<br>quarter earnings and an<br>intensifying accounting<br>investigation overshadowed the<br>pastrymaker #39;s statement<br>that the low-carb craze might<br>be easing."
"The company hopes to lure<br>software partners by promising<br>to save them from<br>infrastructure headaches."
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb<br>Tuesday ripped through a busy<br>market near a Baghdad police<br>headquarters where Iraqis were<br>waiting to apply for jobs on<br>the force, and gunmen opened<br>fire on a van carrying police<br>home from work in Baqouba,<br>killing at least 59 people<br>total and wounding at least<br>114. The attacks were the<br>latest attempts by militants<br>to wreck the building of a<br>strong Iraqi security force, a<br>keystone of the U.S..."
"The Israeli prime minister<br>said today that he wanted to<br>begin withdrawing settlers<br>from Gaza next May or June."
"Indianapolis, IN (Sports<br>Network) - The Indiana Pacers<br>try to win their second<br>straight game tonight, as they<br>host Kevin Garnett and the<br>Minnesota Timberwolves in the<br>third of a four-game homestand<br>at Conseco Fieldhouse."
"OXNARD - A leak of explosive<br>natural gas forced dozens of<br>workers to evacuate an<br>offshore oil platform for<br>hours Thursday but no damage<br>or injuries were reported."
"AP - Assets of the nation's<br>retail money market mutual<br>funds rose by #36;2.85<br>billion in the latest week to<br>#36;845.69 billion, the<br>Investment Company Institute<br>said Thursday."
"Peter Mandelson provoked fresh<br>Labour in-fighting yesterday<br>with an implied attack on<br>Gordon Brown #39;s<br>quot;exaggerated gloating<br>quot; about the health of the<br>British economy."
"Queen Elizabeth II stopped<br>short of apologizing for the<br>Allies #39; bombing of Dresden<br>during her first state visit<br>to Germany in 12 years and<br>instead acknowledged quot;the<br>appalling suffering of war on<br>both sides."
"JC Penney said yesterday that<br>Allen I. Questrom, the chief<br>executive who has restyled the<br>once-beleaguered chain into a<br>sleeker and more profitable<br>entity, would be succeeded by<br>Myron E. Ullman III, another<br>longtime retail executive."
" In the cosmetics department<br>at Hecht's in downtown<br>Washington, construction crews<br>have ripped out the<br>traditional glass display<br>cases, replacing them with a<br>system of open shelves stacked<br>high with fragrances from<br>Chanel, Burberry and Armani,<br>now easily within arm's reach<br>of the impulse buyer."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>slid from record highs above<br>\\$50 a barrel Wednesday as the<br>U.S. government reported a<br>surprise increase in crude<br>stocks and rebels in Nigeria's<br>oil-rich delta region agreed<br>to a preliminary cease-fire."
"Rocky Shoes and Boots makes an<br>accretive acquisition -- and<br>gets Dickies and John Deere as<br>part of the deal."
"AP - Fugitive Taliban leader<br>Mullah Mohammed Omar has<br>fallen out with some of his<br>lieutenants, who blame him for<br>the rebels' failure to disrupt<br>the landmark Afghan<br>presidential election, the<br>U.S. military said Wednesday."
"HAVANA -- Cuban President<br>Fidel Castro's advancing age<br>-- and ultimately his<br>mortality -- were brought home<br>yesterday, a day after he<br>fractured a knee and arm when<br>he tripped and fell at a<br>public event."
" BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) -<br>The United States and Brazil<br>predicted on Tuesday Latin<br>America's largest country<br>would resolve a dispute with<br>the U.N. nuclear watchdog over<br>inspections of a uranium<br>enrichment plant."
"Call it the Maximus factor.<br>Archaeologists working at the<br>site of an old Roman temple<br>near Guy #39;s hospital in<br>London have uncovered a pot of<br>cosmetic cream dating back to<br>AD2."
"It is a team game, this Ryder<br>Cup stuff that will commence<br>Friday at Oakland Hills<br>Country Club. So what are the<br>teams? For the Americans,<br>captain Hal Sutton isn't<br>saying."
"Two bombs exploded today near<br>a tea shop and wounded 20<br>people in southern Thailand,<br>police said, as violence<br>continued unabated in the<br>Muslim-majority region where<br>residents are seething over<br>the deaths of 78 detainees<br>while in military custody."
"BONN: Deutsche Telekom is<br>bidding 2.9 bn for the 26 it<br>does not own in T-Online<br>International, pulling the<br>internet service back into the<br>fold four years after selling<br>stock to the public."
"Motorola Inc. says it #39;s<br>ready to make inroads in the<br>cell-phone market after<br>posting a third straight<br>strong quarter and rolling out<br>a series of new handsets in<br>time for the holiday selling<br>season."
"Prime Minister Junichiro<br>Koizumi, back in Tokyo after<br>an 11-day diplomatic mission<br>to the Americas, hunkered down<br>with senior ruling party<br>officials on Friday to focus<br>on a major reshuffle of<br>cabinet and top party posts."
"Costs of employer-sponsored<br>health plans are expected to<br>climb an average of 8 percent<br>in 2005, the first time in<br>five years increases have been<br>in single digits."
"NEW YORK - A sluggish gross<br>domestic product reading was<br>nonetheless better than<br>expected, prompting investors<br>to send stocks slightly higher<br>Friday on hopes that the<br>economic slowdown would not be<br>as bad as first thought.<br>The 2.8 percent GDP growth in<br>the second quarter, a revision<br>from the 3 percent preliminary<br>figure reported in July, is a<br>far cry from the 4.5 percent<br>growth in the first quarter..."
"After again posting record<br>earnings for the third<br>quarter, Taiwan Semiconductor<br>Manufacturing Company (TSMC)<br>expects to see its first<br>sequential drop in fourth-<br>quarter revenues, coupled with<br>a sharp drop in capacity<br>utilization rates."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - A huge<br>explosion in North Korea last<br>week may have been due to a<br>combination of demolition work<br>for a power plant and<br>atmospheric clouds, South<br>Korea's spy agency said on<br>Wednesday."
"The deal comes as Cisco pushes<br>to develop a market for CRS-1,<br>a new line of routers aimed at<br>telephone, wireless and cable<br>companies."
"Many people who have never<br>bounced a check in their life<br>could soon bounce their first<br>check if they write checks to<br>pay bills a couple of days<br>before their paycheck is<br>deposited into their checking<br>account."
" LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) -<br>Microsoft Corp told a judge on<br>Thursday that the European<br>Commission must be stopped<br>from ordering it to give up<br>secret technology to<br>competitors."
"SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 (IDG NEWS<br>SERVICE) - Sun Microsystems<br>Inc. and Microsoft Corp. next<br>month plan to provide more<br>details on the work they are<br>doing to make their products<br>interoperable, a Sun executive<br>said yesterday."
"MANCHESTER United today<br>dramatically rejected the<br>advances of Malcolm Glazer,<br>the US sports boss who is<br>mulling an 825m bid for the<br>football club."
"Dow Jones Industrial Average<br>futures declined amid concern<br>an upcoming report on<br>manufacturing may point to<br>slowing economic growth."
"AP - Astronomy buffs and<br>amateur stargazers turned out<br>to watch a total lunar eclipse<br>Wednesday night #151; the<br>last one Earth will get for<br>nearly two and a half years."
"Reuters - U.S. industrial<br>output advanced in\\July, as<br>American factories operated at<br>their highest capacity\\in more<br>than three years, a Federal<br>Reserve report on<br>Tuesday\\showed."
"As usual, the Big Ten coaches<br>were out in full force at<br>today #39;s Big Ten<br>Teleconference. Both OSU head<br>coach Jim Tressel and Iowa<br>head coach Kirk Ferentz<br>offered some thoughts on the<br>upcoming game between OSU"
"Sir Martin Sorrell, chief<br>executive of WPP, yesterday<br>declared he was quot;very<br>impressed quot; with Grey<br>Global, stoking speculation<br>WPP will bid for the US<br>advertising company."
"The compact disc has at least<br>another five years as the most<br>popular music format before<br>online downloads chip away at<br>its dominance, a new study<br>said on Tuesday."
"New York Knicks #39; Stephon<br>Marbury (3) fires over New<br>Orleans Hornets #39; Dan<br>Dickau (2) during the second<br>half in New Orleans Wednesday<br>night, Dec. 8, 2004."
"AP - Sudan's U.N. ambassador<br>challenged the United States<br>to send troops to the Darfur<br>region if it really believes a<br>genocide is taking place as<br>the U.S. Congress and<br>President Bush's<br>administration have<br>determined."
"At the very moment when the<br>Red Sox desperately need<br>someone slightly larger than<br>life to rally around, they<br>suddenly have the man for the<br>job: Thrilling Schilling."
"Does Your Site Need a Custom<br>Search Engine<br>Toolbar?\\\\Today's surfers<br>aren't always too comfortable<br>installing software on their<br>computers. Especially free<br>software that they don't<br>necessarily understand. With<br>all the horror stories of<br>viruses, spyware, and adware<br>that make the front page these<br>days, it's no wonder. So is<br>there ..."
"Dale Earnhardt Jr, right,<br>talks with Matt Kenseth, left,<br>during a break in practice at<br>Lowe #39;s Motor Speedway in<br>Concord, NC, Thursday Oct. 14,<br>2004 before qualifying for<br>Saturday #39;s UAW-GM Quality<br>500 NASCAR Nextel Cup race."
"Several starting spots may<br>have been usurped or at least<br>threatened after relatively<br>solid understudy showings<br>Sunday, but few players<br>welcome the kind of shot<br>delivered to Oakland"
"TEMPE, Ariz. -- Neil Rackers<br>kicked four field goals and<br>the Arizona Cardinals stifled<br>rookie Chris Simms and the<br>rest of the Tampa Bay offense<br>for a 12-7 victory yesterday<br>in a matchup of two sputtering<br>teams out of playoff<br>contention. Coach Jon Gruden's<br>team lost its fourth in a row<br>to finish 5-11, Tampa Bay's<br>worst record since going ..."
"AFP - A junior British<br>minister said that people<br>living in camps after fleeing<br>their villages because of<br>conflict in Sudan's Darfur<br>region lived in fear of<br>leaving their temporary homes<br>despite a greater presence now<br>of aid workers."
"US Deputy Secretary of State<br>Richard Armitage (L) shakes<br>hands with Pakistani Foreign<br>Minister Khurshid Kasuri prior<br>to their meeting in Islamabad,<br>09 November 2004."
"Spammers aren't ducking<br>antispam laws by operating<br>offshore, they're just<br>ignoring it."
"AP - Biologists plan to use<br>large nets and traps this week<br>in Chicago's Burnham Harbor to<br>search for the northern<br>snakehead #151; a type of<br>fish known for its voracious<br>appetite and ability to wreak<br>havoc on freshwater<br>ecosystems."
"BAE Systems PLC and Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. won \\$45 million<br>contracts yesterday to develop<br>prototypes of anti-missile<br>technology that could protect<br>commercial aircraft from<br>shoulder-fired missiles."
"AP - Democrat John Edwards<br>kept up a long-distance debate<br>over his \"two Americas\"<br>campaign theme with Vice<br>President Dick Cheney on<br>Tuesday, saying it was no<br>illusion to thousands of laid-<br>off workers in Ohio."
"Like introductory credit card<br>rates and superior customer<br>service, some promises just<br>aren #39;t built to last. And<br>so it is that Bank of America<br>- mere months after its pledge<br>to preserve"
"A group of 76 Eritreans on a<br>repatriation flight from Libya<br>Friday forced their plane to<br>change course and land in the<br>Sudanese capital, Khartoum,<br>where they"
"Reuters - Accounting firm KPMG<br>will pay #36;10\\million to<br>settle charges of improper<br>professional conduct\\while<br>acting as auditor for Gemstar-<br>TV Guide International Inc.\\,<br>the U.S. Securities and<br>Exchange Commission said<br>on\\Wednesday."
"Family matters made public: As<br>eager cousins wait for a slice<br>of the \\$15 billion cake that<br>is the Pritzker Empire,<br>Circuit Court Judge David<br>Donnersberger has ruled that<br>the case will be conducted in<br>open court."
"Users of Microsoft #39;s<br>Hotmail, most of whom are<br>accustomed to getting regular<br>sales pitches for premium<br>e-mail accounts, got a<br>pleasant surprise in their<br>inboxes this week: extra<br>storage for free."
"AP - They say that opposites<br>attract, and in the case of<br>Sen. John Kerry and Teresa<br>Heinz Kerry, that may be true<br>#151; at least in their public<br>personas."
"The weekly survey from<br>mortgage company Freddie Mac<br>had rates on 30-year fixed-<br>rate mortgages inching higher<br>this week, up to an average<br>5.82 percent from last week<br>#39;s 5.81 percent."
"The classic power struggle<br>between Walt Disney Co. CEO<br>Michael Eisner and former<br>feared talent agent Michael<br>Ovitz makes for high drama in<br>the courtroom - and apparently<br>on cable."
"ATHENS France, Britain and the<br>United States issued a joint<br>challenge Thursday to Germany<br>#39;s gold medal in equestrian<br>team three-day eventing."
"LONDON (CBS.MW) -- Elan<br>(UK:ELA) (ELN) and partner<br>Biogen (BIIB) said the FDA has<br>approved new drug Tysabri to<br>treat relapsing forms of<br>multiple sclerosis."
"IT services provider<br>Electronic Data Systems<br>yesterday reported a net loss<br>of \\$153 million for the third<br>quarter, with earnings hit in<br>part by an asset impairment<br>charge of \\$375 million<br>connected with EDS's N/MCI<br>project."
"ATLANTA - Who could have<br>imagined Tommy Tuberville in<br>this position? Yet there he<br>was Friday, standing alongside<br>the SEC championship trophy,<br>posing for pictures and<br>undoubtedly chuckling a bit on<br>the inside."
"AP - Impoverished North Korea<br>might resort to selling<br>weapons-grade plutonium to<br>terrorists for much-needed<br>cash, and that would be<br>\"disastrous for the world,\"<br>the top U.S. military<br>commander in South Korea said<br>Friday."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp. said Wednesday<br>it had agreed to settle most<br>of the issues in a suit over<br>changes in its pension plans<br>on terms that allow the<br>company to continue to appeal<br>a key question while capping<br>its liability at \\$1.7<br>billion. &lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT<br>face=\"verdana,MS Sans<br>Serif,arial,helvetica\"<br>size=\"-2\"\\ color=\"#666666\"&gt;<br>&lt;B&gt;-The Washington<br>Post&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;"
"Dubai: Osama bin Laden on<br>Thursday called on his<br>fighters to strike Gulf oil<br>supplies and warned Saudi<br>leaders they risked a popular<br>uprising in an audio message<br>said to be by the Western<br>world #39;s most wanted terror<br>mastermind."
"Bank of New Zealand has frozen<br>all accounts held in the name<br>of Access Brokerage, which was<br>yesterday placed in<br>liquidation after a client<br>fund shortfall of around \\$5<br>million was discovered."
"Edward Kozel, Cisco's former<br>chief technology officer,<br>joins the board of Linux<br>seller Red Hat."
"Reuters - International<br>Business Machines\\Corp. late<br>on Wednesday rolled out a new<br>version of its\\database<br>software aimed at users of<br>Linux and Unix<br>operating\\systems that it<br>hopes will help the company<br>take away market\\share from<br>market leader Oracle Corp. ."
"NASA #39;s Mars Odyssey<br>mission, originally scheduled<br>to end on Tuesday, has been<br>granted a stay of execution<br>until at least September 2006,<br>reveal NASA scientists."
"ZDNet #39;s survey of IT<br>professionals in August kept<br>Wired amp; Wireless on top<br>for the 18th month in a row.<br>Telecommunications equipment<br>maker Motorola said Tuesday<br>that it would cut 1,000 jobs<br>and take related"
"John Thomson threw shutout<br>ball for seven innings<br>Wednesday night in carrying<br>Atlanta to a 2-0 blanking of<br>the New York Mets. New York<br>lost for the 21st time in 25<br>games on the"
"BEIJING -- Chinese authorities<br>have arrested or reprimanded<br>more than 750 officials in<br>recent months in connection<br>with billions of dollars in<br>financial irregularities<br>ranging from unpaid taxes to<br>embezzlement, according to a<br>report made public yesterday."
"Canadian Press - GAUHATI,<br>India (AP) - Residents of<br>northeastern India were<br>bracing for more violence<br>Friday, a day after bombs<br>ripped through two buses and a<br>grenade was hurled into a<br>crowded market in attacks that<br>killed four people and wounded<br>54."
"Vikram Solanki beat the rain<br>clouds to register his second<br>one-day international century<br>as England won the third one-<br>day international to wrap up a<br>series victory."
"Some 28 people are charged<br>with trying to overthrow<br>Sudan's President Bashir,<br>reports say."
"Hong Kong #39;s Beijing-backed<br>chief executive yesterday<br>ruled out any early moves to<br>pass a controversial national<br>security law which last year<br>sparked a street protest by<br>half a million people."
"BRITAIN #39;S largest<br>financial institutions are<br>being urged to take lead roles<br>in lawsuits seeking hundreds<br>of millions of dollars from<br>the scandal-struck US<br>insurance industry."
"Bankrupt UAL Corp. (UALAQ.OB:<br>Quote, Profile, Research) on<br>Thursday reported a narrower<br>third-quarter net loss. The<br>parent of United Airlines<br>posted a loss of \\$274<br>million, or"
"A three-touchdown point spread<br>and a recent history of late-<br>season collapses had many<br>thinking the UCLA football<br>team would provide little<br>opposition to rival USC #39;s<br>march to the BCS-championship<br>game at the Orange Bowl."
" PHOENIX (Sports Network) -<br>Free agent third baseman Troy<br>Glaus is reportedly headed to<br>the Arizona Diamondbacks."
"The European Union #39;s head<br>office issued a bleak economic<br>report Tuesday, warning that<br>the sharp rise in oil prices<br>will quot;take its toll quot;<br>on economic growth next year<br>while the euro #39;s renewed<br>climb could threaten crucial<br>exports."
"Third-string tailback Chris<br>Markey ran for 131 yards to<br>lead UCLA to a 34-26 victory<br>over Oregon on Saturday.<br>Markey, playing because of an<br>injury to starter Maurice<br>Drew, also caught five passes<br>for 84 yards"
"Though Howard Stern's<br>defection from broadcast to<br>satellite radio is still 16<br>months off, the industry is<br>already trying to figure out<br>what will fill the crater in<br>ad revenue and listenership<br>that he is expected to leave<br>behind."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States set final anti-<br>dumping duties of up to 112.81<br>percent on shrimp imported<br>from China and up to 25.76<br>percent on shrimp from Vietnam<br>to offset unfair pricing, the<br>Commerce Department said on<br>Tuesday."
"Jay Payton #39;s three-run<br>homer led the San Diego Padres<br>to a 5-1 win over the San<br>Francisco Giants in National<br>League play Saturday, despite<br>a 701st career blast from<br>Barry Bonds."
"The optimists among Rutgers<br>fans were delighted, but the<br>Scarlet Knights still gave the<br>pessimists something to worry<br>about."
"Beer consumption has doubled<br>over the past five years,<br>prompting legislators to<br>implement new rules."
"BusinessWeek Online - The<br>jubilation that swept East<br>Germany after the fall of the<br>Berlin Wall in 1989 long ago<br>gave way to the sober reality<br>of globalization and market<br>forces. Now a decade of<br>resentment seems to be boiling<br>over. In Eastern cities such<br>as Leipzig or Chemnitz,<br>thousands have taken to the<br>streets since July to protest<br>cuts in unemployment benefits,<br>the main source of livelihood<br>for 1.6 million East Germans.<br>Discontent among<br>reunification's losers fueled<br>big gains by the far left and<br>far right in Brandenburg and<br>Saxony state elections Sept.<br>19. ..."
"NEW YORK -- When Office Depot<br>Inc. stores ran an electronics<br>recycling drive last summer<br>that accepted everything from<br>cellphones to televisions,<br>some stores were overwhelmed<br>by the amount of e-trash they<br>received."
"In a discovery sure to set off<br>a firestorm of debate over<br>human migration to the western<br>hemisphere, archaeologists in<br>South Carolina say they have<br>uncovered evidence that people<br>lived in eastern North America<br>at least 50,000 years ago -<br>far earlier than"
"AP - Former president Bill<br>Clinton on Monday helped<br>launch a new Internet search<br>company backed by the Chinese<br>government which says its<br>technology uses artificial<br>intelligence to produce better<br>results than Google Inc."
"The International Monetary<br>Fund expressed concern Tuesday<br>about the impact of the<br>troubles besetting oil major<br>Yukos on Russia #39;s standing<br>as a place to invest."
"Perhaps the sight of Maria<br>Sharapova opposite her tonight<br>will jog Serena Williams #39;<br>memory. Wimbledon. The final.<br>You and Maria."
"At least 79 people were killed<br>and 74 were missing after some<br>of the worst rainstorms in<br>recent years triggered<br>landslides and flash floods in<br>southwest China, disaster<br>relief officials said<br>yesterday."
"LinuxWorld Conference amp;<br>Expo will come to Boston for<br>the first time in February,<br>underscoring the area's<br>standing as a hub for the<br>open-source software being<br>adopted by thousands of<br>businesses."
"BANGKOK Thai military aircraft<br>dropped 100 million paper<br>birds over southern Thailand<br>on Sunday in a gesture<br>intended to promote peace in<br>mainly Muslim provinces, where<br>more than 500 people have died<br>this year in attacks by<br>separatist militants and"
"Insurgents threatened on<br>Saturday to cut the throats of<br>two Americans and a Briton<br>seized in Baghdad, and<br>launched a suicide car bomb<br>attack on Iraqi security<br>forces in Kirkuk that killed<br>at least 23 people."
"Five days after making the<br>putt that won the Ryder Cup,<br>Colin Montgomerie looked set<br>to miss the cut at a European<br>PGA tour event."
"Sun Microsystems plans to<br>release its Sun Studio 10<br>development tool in the fourth<br>quarter of this year,<br>featuring support for 64-bit<br>applications running on AMD<br>Opteron and Nocona processors,<br>Sun officials said on Tuesday."
"Karachi - Captain Inzamam ul-<br>Haq and coach Bob Woolmer came<br>under fire on Thursday for<br>choosing to bat first on a<br>tricky pitch after Pakistan<br>#39;s humiliating defeat in<br>the ICC Champions Trophy semi-<br>final."
"Scottish champions Celtic saw<br>their three-year unbeaten home<br>record in Europe broken<br>Tuesday as they lost 3-1 to<br>Barcelona in the Champions<br>League Group F opener."
"Interest rates on short-term<br>Treasury securities rose in<br>yesterday's auction. The<br>Treasury Department sold \\$19<br>billion in three-month bills<br>at a discount rate of 1.710<br>percent, up from 1.685 percent<br>last week. An additional \\$17<br>billion was sold in six-month<br>bills at a rate of 1.950<br>percent, up from 1.870<br>percent."
"Most IT Managers won #39;t<br>question the importance of<br>security, but this priority<br>has been sliding between the<br>third and fourth most<br>important focus for companies."
"AP - Andy Roddick searched out<br>Carlos Moya in the throng of<br>jumping, screaming Spanish<br>tennis players, hoping to<br>shake hands."
"AP - The Federal Trade<br>Commission on Thursday filed<br>the first case in the country<br>against software companies<br>accused of infecting computers<br>with intrusive \"spyware\" and<br>then trying to sell people the<br>solution."
"While shares of Apple have<br>climbed more than 10 percent<br>this week, reaching 52-week<br>highs, two research firms told<br>investors Friday they continue<br>to remain highly bullish about<br>the stock."
"Moody #39;s Investors Service<br>on Wednesday said it may cut<br>its bond ratings on HCA Inc.<br>(HCA.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) deeper into junk,<br>citing the hospital operator<br>#39;s plan to buy back about<br>\\$2."
"States are now barred from<br>imposing telecommunications<br>regulations on Net phone<br>providers."
"Telekom Austria AG, the<br>country #39;s biggest phone<br>operator, won the right to buy<br>Bulgaria #39;s largest mobile<br>phone company, MobilTel EAD,<br>for 1.6 billion euros (\\$2.1<br>billion), an acquisition that<br>would add 3 million<br>subscribers."
"Shares of ID Biomedical jumped<br>after the company reported<br>Monday that it signed long-<br>term agreements with the three<br>largest flu vaccine<br>wholesalers in the United<br>States in light of the<br>shortage of vaccine for the<br>current flu season."
"ENGLAND captain and Real<br>Madrid midfielder David<br>Beckham has played down<br>speculation that his club are<br>moving for England manager<br>Sven-Goran Eriksson."
"The federal government closed<br>its window on the oil industry<br>Thursday, saying that it is<br>selling its last 19 per cent<br>stake in Calgary-based Petro-<br>Canada."
"Strong sales of new mobile<br>phone models boosts profits at<br>Carphone Warehouse but the<br>retailer's shares fall on<br>concerns at a decline in<br>profits from pre-paid phones."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - IBM and<br>top scientific research<br>organizations are joining<br>forces in a humanitarian<br>effort to tap the unused<br>power of millions of computers<br>and help solve complex social<br>problems."
" NEW YORK, Nov. 11 -- The 40<br>percent share price slide in<br>Merck #38; Co. in the five<br>weeks after it pulled the<br>painkiller Vioxx off the<br>market highlighted larger<br>problems in the pharmaceutical<br>industry that may depress<br>performance for years,<br>according to academics and<br>stock analysts who follow the<br>sector."
"Low-fare carrier Southwest<br>Airlines Co. said Thursday<br>that its third-quarter profit<br>rose 12.3 percent to beat Wall<br>Street expectations despite<br>higher fuel costs."
"Another shock hit the drug<br>sector Friday when<br>pharmaceutical giant Pfizer<br>Inc. announced that it found<br>an increased heart risk to<br>patients for its blockbuster<br>arthritis drug Celebrex."
"AFP - National Basketball<br>Association players trying to<br>win a fourth consecutive<br>Olympic gold medal for the<br>United States have gotten the<br>wake-up call that the \"Dream<br>Team\" days are done even if<br>supporters have not."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Secretary<br>of State Colin Powell will<br>urge China Monday to exert its<br>influence over North Korea to<br>resume six-party negotiations<br>on scrapping its suspected<br>nuclear weapons program."
"Reuters - An Israeli missile<br>strike killed at least\\two<br>Hamas gunmen in Gaza City<br>Monday, a day after a<br>top\\commander of the Islamic<br>militant group was killed in a<br>similar\\attack, Palestinian<br>witnesses and security sources<br>said."
"England will be seeking their<br>third clean sweep of the<br>summer when the NatWest<br>Challenge against India<br>concludes at Lord #39;s. After<br>beating New Zealand and West<br>Indies 3-0 and 4-0 in Tests,<br>they have come alive"
"AP - The Pentagon has restored<br>access to a Web site that<br>assists soldiers and other<br>Americans living overseas in<br>voting, after receiving<br>complaints that its security<br>measures were preventing<br>legitimate voters from using<br>it."
"The number of US information<br>technology workers rose 2<br>percent to 10.5 million in the<br>first quarter of this year,<br>but demand for them is<br>dropping, according to a new<br>report."
"Montreal - The British-built<br>Canadian submarine HMCS<br>Chicoutimi, crippled since a<br>fire at sea that killed one of<br>its crew, is under tow and is<br>expected in Faslane, Scotland,<br>early next week, Canadian<br>naval commander Tyrone Pile<br>said on Friday."
"AP - Grizzly and black bears<br>killed a majority of elk<br>calves in northern Yellowstone<br>National Park for the second<br>year in a row, preliminary<br>study results show."
"Thirty-five Pakistanis freed<br>from the US Guantanamo Bay<br>prison camp arrived home on<br>Saturday and were taken<br>straight to prison for further<br>interrogation, the interior<br>minister said."
"AP - Mark Richt knows he'll<br>have to get a little creative<br>when he divvies up playing<br>time for Georgia's running<br>backs next season. Not so on<br>Saturday. Thomas Brown is the<br>undisputed starter for the<br>biggest game of the season."
"Witnesses in the trial of a US<br>soldier charged with abusing<br>prisoners at Abu Ghraib have<br>told the court that the CIA<br>sometimes directed abuse and<br>orders were received from<br>military command to toughen<br>interrogations."
"Insurance firm says its board<br>now consists of its new CEO<br>Michael Cherkasky and 10<br>outside members. NEW YORK<br>(Reuters) - Marsh amp;<br>McLennan Cos."
"Michael Phelps, the six-time<br>Olympic champion, issued an<br>apology yesterday after being<br>arrested and charged with<br>drunken driving in the United<br>States."
"AP - Italian and Lebanese<br>authorities have arrested 10<br>suspected terrorists who<br>planned to blow up the Italian<br>Embassy in Beirut, an Italian<br>news agency and the Defense<br>Ministry said Tuesday."
"CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- John F.<br>Kerry and President Bush<br>clashed sharply over the war<br>in Iraq last night during the<br>first debate of the<br>presidential campaign season,<br>with the senator from<br>Massachusetts accusing"
"GONAIVES, Haiti -- While<br>desperately hungry flood<br>victims wander the streets of<br>Gonaives searching for help,<br>tons of food aid is stacking<br>up in a warehouse guarded by<br>United Nations peacekeepers."
"As part of its much-touted new<br>MSN Music offering, Microsoft<br>Corp. (MSFT) is testing a Web-<br>based radio service that<br>mimics nearly 1,000 local<br>radio stations, allowing users<br>to hear a version of their<br>favorite radio station with<br>far fewer interruptions."
"AFP - The resignation of<br>disgraced Fiji Vice-President<br>Ratu Jope Seniloli failed to<br>quell anger among opposition<br>leaders and the military over<br>his surprise release from<br>prison after serving just<br>three months of a four-year<br>jail term for his role in a<br>failed 2000 coup."
"ATHENS Larry Brown, the US<br>coach, leaned back against the<br>scorer #39;s table, searching<br>for support on a sinking ship.<br>His best player, Tim Duncan,<br>had just fouled out, and the<br>options for an American team<br>that"
"Sourav Ganguly files an appeal<br>against a two-match ban<br>imposed for time-wasting."
"Ziff Davis - A quick<br>resolution to the Mambo open-<br>source copyright dispute seems<br>unlikely now that one of the<br>parties has rejected an offer<br>for mediation."
"Greek police surrounded a bus<br>full of passengers seized by<br>armed hijackers along a<br>highway from an Athens suburb<br>Wednesday, police said."
"Spain have named an unchanged<br>team for the Davis Cup final<br>against the United States in<br>Seville on 3-5 December.<br>Carlos Moya, Juan Carlos<br>Ferrero, Rafael Nadal and<br>Tommy Robredo will take on the<br>US in front of 22,000 fans at<br>the converted Olympic stadium."
"BAGHDAD: A suicide car bomber<br>attacked a police convoy in<br>Baghdad yesterday as guerillas<br>kept pressure on Iraq #39;s<br>security forces despite a<br>bloody rout of insurgents in<br>Fallujah."
"Slot machine maker<br>International Game Technology<br>(IGT.N: Quote, Profile,<br>Research) on Tuesday posted<br>better-than-expected quarterly<br>earnings, as casinos bought"
"Fixtures and fittings from<br>Damien Hirst's restaurant<br>Pharmacy sell for 11.1, 8m<br>more than expected."
"Last Tuesday night, Harvard<br>knocked off rival Boston<br>College, which was ranked No.<br>1 in the country. Last night,<br>the Crimson knocked off<br>another local foe, Boston<br>University, 2-1, at Walter<br>Brown Arena, which marked the<br>first time since 1999 that<br>Harvard had beaten them both<br>in the same season."
"Venezuelan election officials<br>say they expect to announce<br>Saturday, results of a partial<br>audit of last Sunday #39;s<br>presidential recall<br>referendum."
"About 500 prospective jurors<br>will be in an Eagle, Colorado,<br>courtroom Friday, answering an<br>82-item questionnaire in<br>preparation for the Kobe<br>Bryant sexual assault trial."
"Students take note - endless<br>journeys to the library could<br>become a thing of the past<br>thanks to a new multimillion-<br>pound scheme to make classic<br>texts available at the click<br>of a mouse."
"Moscow - The next crew of the<br>International Space Station<br>(ISS) is to contribute to the<br>Russian search for a vaccine<br>against Aids, Russian<br>cosmonaut Salijan Sharipovthe<br>said on Thursday."
"Locked away in fossils is<br>evidence of a sudden solar<br>cooling. Kate Ravilious meets<br>the experts who say it could<br>explain a 3,000-year-old mass<br>migration - and today #39;s<br>global warming."
"By ANICK JESDANUN NEW YORK<br>(AP) -- Taran Rampersad didn't<br>complain when he failed to<br>find anything on his hometown<br>in the online encyclopedia<br>Wikipedia. Instead, he simply<br>wrote his own entry for San<br>Fernando, Trinidad and<br>Tobago..."
"Five years after catastrophic<br>floods and mudslides killed<br>thousands along Venezuela's<br>Caribbean coast, survivors in<br>this town still see the signs<br>of destruction - shattered<br>concrete walls and tall weeds<br>growing atop streets covered<br>in dried mud."
"How do you top a battle<br>between Marines and an alien<br>religious cult fighting to the<br>death on a giant corona in<br>outer space? The next logical<br>step is to take that battle to<br>Earth, which is exactly what<br>Microsoft"
"Sony Ericsson Mobile<br>Communications Ltd., the<br>mobile-phone venture owned by<br>Sony Corp. and Ericsson AB,<br>said third-quarter profit rose<br>45 percent on camera phone<br>demand and forecast this<br>quarter will be its strongest."
"NEW YORK, September 17<br>( - Alcatel<br>(ALA.NYS) has expanded its<br>operations and presence in the<br>core North American<br>telecommunication market with<br>two separate acquisitions for<br>about \\$277 million."
"Four U.S. agencies yesterday<br>announced a coordinated attack<br>to stem the global trade in<br>counterfeit merchandise and<br>pirated music and movies, an<br>underground industry that law-<br>enforcement officials estimate<br>to be worth \\$500 billion each<br>year."
"BEIJING The NBA has reached<br>booming, basketball-crazy<br>China _ but the league doesn<br>#39;t expect to make any money<br>soon. The NBA flew more than<br>100 people halfway around the<br>world for its first games in<br>China, featuring"
"The UN nuclear watchdog<br>confirmed Monday that nearly<br>400 tons of powerful<br>explosives that could be used<br>in conventional or nuclear<br>missiles disappeared from an<br>unguarded military<br>installation in Iraq."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Curt<br>Schilling pitched 6 2/3<br>innings and Manny Ramirez hit<br>a three-run homer in a seven-<br>run fourth frame to lead the<br>Boston Red Sox to a 9-3 win<br>over the host Anaheim Angels<br>in their American League<br>Divisional Series opener<br>Tuesday."
"AP - The game between the<br>Minnesota Twins and the New<br>York Yankees on Tuesday night<br>was postponed by rain."
"Oil giant Shell swept aside<br>nearly 100 years of history<br>today when it unveiled plans<br>to merge its UK and Dutch<br>parent companies. Shell said<br>scrapping its twin-board<br>structure"
"Caesars Entertainment Inc. on<br>Thursday posted a rise in<br>third-quarter profit as Las<br>Vegas hotels filled up and<br>Atlantic City properties<br>squeaked out a profit that was<br>unexpected by the company."
"Half of all U.S. Secret<br>Service agents are dedicated<br>to protecting President<br>Washington #151;and all the<br>other Presidents on U.S.<br>currency #151;from<br>counterfeiters."
"One of India #39;s leading<br>telecommunications providers<br>will use Cisco Systems #39;<br>gear to build its new<br>Ethernet-based broadband<br>network."
"Militants in Iraq have killed<br>the second of two US civilians<br>they were holding hostage,<br>according to a statement on an<br>Islamist website."
"PARIS The verdict is in: The<br>world #39;s greatest race car<br>driver, the champion of<br>champions - all disciplines<br>combined - is Heikki<br>Kovalainen."
"Pakistan won the toss and<br>unsurprisingly chose to bowl<br>first as they and West Indies<br>did battle at the Rose Bowl<br>today for a place in the ICC<br>Champions Trophy final against<br>hosts England."
"Shares of Beacon Roofing<br>Suppler Inc. shot up as much<br>as 26 percent in its trading<br>debut Thursday, edging out<br>bank holding company Valley<br>Bancorp as the biggest gainer<br>among a handful of new stocks<br>that went public this week."
"More than 4,000 American and<br>Iraqi soldiers mounted a<br>military assault on the<br>insurgent-held city of<br>Samarra."
"Maxime Faget conceived and<br>proposed the development of<br>the one-man spacecraft used in<br>Project Mercury, which put the<br>first American astronauts into<br>suborbital flight, then<br>orbital flight"
"The first weekend of holiday<br>shopping went from red-hot to<br>dead white, as a storm that<br>delivered freezing, snowy<br>weather across Colorado kept<br>consumers at home."
" MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -<br>Mexican President Vicente Fox<br>said on Monday he hoped<br>President Bush's re-election<br>meant a bilateral accord on<br>migration would be reached<br>before his own term runs out<br>at the end of 2006."
" LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar<br>fell within half a cent of<br>last week's record low against<br>the euro on Thursday after<br>capital inflows data added to<br>worries the United States may<br>struggle to fund its current<br>account deficit."
" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac said<br>on Friday he had not refused<br>to meet Iraqi interim Prime<br>Minister Iyad Allawi after<br>reports he was snubbing the<br>Iraqi leader by leaving an EU<br>meeting in Brussels early."
"China has pledged to invest<br>\\$20 billion in Argentina in<br>the next 10 years, La Nacion<br>reported Wednesday. The<br>announcement came during the<br>first day of a two-day visit"
"NEW YORK - Former President<br>Bill Clinton was in good<br>spirits Saturday, walking<br>around his hospital room in<br>street clothes and buoyed by<br>thousands of get-well messages<br>as he awaited heart bypass<br>surgery early this coming<br>week, people close to the<br>family said. Clinton was<br>expected to undergo surgery as<br>early as Monday but probably<br>Tuesday, said Democratic Party<br>Chairman Terry McAuliffe, who<br>said the former president was<br>\"upbeat\" when he spoke to him<br>by phone Friday..."
"Toyota Motor Corp., the world<br>#39;s biggest carmaker by<br>value, will invest 3.8 billion<br>yuan (\\$461 million) with its<br>partner Guangzhou Automobile<br>Group to boost manufacturing<br>capacity in"
"Poland will cut its troops in<br>Iraq early next year and won<br>#39;t stay in the country<br>quot;an hour longer quot; than<br>needed, the country #39;s<br>prime minister said Friday."
"AP - Boston Red Sox center<br>fielder Johnny Damon is having<br>a recurrence of migraine<br>headaches that first bothered<br>him after a collision in last<br>year's playoffs."
"The patch fixes a flaw in the<br>e-mail server software that<br>could be used to get access to<br>in-boxes and information."
"Felix Cardenas of Colombia won<br>the 17th stage of the Spanish<br>Vuelta cycling race Wednesday,<br>while defending champion<br>Roberto Heras held onto the<br>overall leader #39;s jersey<br>for the sixth day in a row."
"AP - Being the biggest dog may<br>pay off at feeding time, but<br>species that grow too large<br>may be more vulnerable to<br>extinction, new research<br>suggests."
"A car bomb exploded at a US<br>military convoy in the<br>northern Iraqi city of Mosul,<br>causing several casualties,<br>the army and Iraqi officials<br>said."
"Newest Efficeon processor also<br>offers higher frequency using<br>less power."
"BAE Systems has launched a<br>search for a senior American<br>businessman to become a non-<br>executive director. The high-<br>profile appointment is<br>designed to strengthen the<br>board at a time when the<br>defence giant is"
"AP - In what it calls a first<br>in international air travel,<br>Finnair says it will let its<br>frequent fliers check in using<br>text messages on mobile<br>phones."
"Computer Associates<br>International is expected to<br>announce that its new chief<br>executive will be John<br>Swainson, an I.B.M. executive<br>with strong technical and<br>sales credentials."
"Established star Landon<br>Donovan and rising sensation<br>Eddie Johnson carried the<br>United States into the<br>regional qualifying finals for<br>the 2006 World Cup in emphatic<br>fashion Wednesday night."
"STOCKHOLM (Dow<br>Jones)--Expectations for<br>Telefon AB LM Ericsson #39;s<br>(ERICY) third-quarter<br>performance imply that while<br>sales of mobile telephony<br>equipment are expected to have<br>dipped, the company"
"ATHENS, Greece - Michael<br>Phelps took care of qualifying<br>for the Olympic 200-meter<br>freestyle semifinals Sunday,<br>and then found out he had been<br>added to the American team for<br>the evening's 400 freestyle<br>relay final. Phelps' rivals<br>Ian Thorpe and Pieter van den<br>Hoogenband and teammate Klete<br>Keller were faster than the<br>teenager in the 200 free<br>preliminaries..."
" JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>intends to present a timetable<br>for withdrawal from Gaza to<br>lawmakers from his Likud Party<br>Tuesday despite a mutiny in<br>the right-wing bloc over the<br>plan."
"Search Engine for Programming<br>Code\\\\An article at Newsforge<br>pointed me to Koders (<br> ) a<br>search engine for finding<br>programming code. Nifty.\\\\The<br>front page allows you to<br>specify keywords, sixteen<br>languages (from ASP to VB.NET)<br>and sixteen licenses (from AFL<br>to ZPL -- fortunately there's<br>an information page to ..."
" #147;Apple once again was the<br>star of the show at the annual<br>MacUser awards, #148; reports<br>MacUser, #147;taking away six<br>Maxine statues including<br>Product of the Year for the<br>iTunes Music Store. #148;<br>Other Apple award winners:<br>Power Mac G5, AirPort Express,<br>20-inch Apple Cinema Display,<br>GarageBand and DVD Studio Pro<br>3. Nov 22"
" KABUL (Reuters) - Three U.N.<br>workers held by militants in<br>Afghanistan were in their<br>third week of captivity on<br>Friday after calls from both<br>sides for the crisis to be<br>resolved ahead of this<br>weekend's Muslim festival of<br>Eid al-Fitr."
"AP - A sweeping wildlife<br>preserve in southwestern<br>Arizona is among the nation's<br>10 most endangered refuges,<br>due in large part to illegal<br>drug and immigrant traffic and<br>Border Patrol operations, a<br>conservation group said<br>Friday."
"ROME, Oct 29 (AFP) - French<br>President Jacques Chirac urged<br>the head of the incoming<br>European Commission Friday to<br>take quot;the appropriate<br>decisions quot; to resolve a<br>row over his EU executive team<br>which has left the EU in<br>limbo."
"The Anglo-Dutch oil giant<br>Shell today sought to draw a<br>line under its reserves<br>scandal by announcing plans to<br>spend \\$15bn (8.4bn) a year to<br>replenish reserves and develop<br>production in its oil and gas<br>business."
"SEPTEMBER 20, 2004<br>(COMPUTERWORLD) - At<br>PeopleSoft Inc. #39;s Connect<br>2004 conference in San<br>Francisco this week, the<br>software vendor is expected to<br>face questions from users<br>about its ability to fend off<br>Oracle Corp."
"Russia's parliament will<br>launch an inquiry into a<br>school siege that killed over<br>300 hostages, President<br>Vladimir Putin said on Friday,<br>but analysts doubt it will<br>satisfy those who blame the<br>carnage on security services."
"Tony Blair talks to business<br>leaders about new proposals<br>for a major shake-up of the<br>English exam system."
"KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia A<br>Malaysian woman has claimed a<br>new world record after living<br>with over six-thousand<br>scorpions for 36 days<br>straight."
"PBS's Charlie Rose quizzes Sun<br>co-founder Bill Joy,<br> chief Jeff Taylor,<br>and venture capitalist John<br>Doerr."
"Circulation declined at most<br>major US newspapers in the<br>last half year, the latest<br>blow for an industry already<br>rocked by a scandal involving<br>circulation misstatements that<br>has undermined the confidence<br>of investors and advertisers."
"Skype Technologies is teaming<br>with Siemens to offer cordless<br>phone users the ability to<br>make Internet telephony calls,<br>in addition to traditional<br>calls, from their handsets."
"AP - After years of<br>resistance, the U.S. trucking<br>industry says it will not try<br>to impede or delay a new<br>federal rule aimed at cutting<br>diesel pollution."
"INDIANAPOLIS - ATA Airlines<br>has accepted a \\$117 million<br>offer from Southwest Airlines<br>that would forge close ties<br>between two of the largest US<br>discount carriers."
"could take drastic steps if<br>the talks did not proceed as<br>Tehran wants. Mehr news agency<br>quoted him as saying on<br>Wednesday. that could be used"
"Wizards coach Eddie Jordan<br>says the team is making a<br>statement that immaturity will<br>not be tolerated by suspending<br>Kwame Brown one game for not<br>taking part in a team huddle<br>during a loss to Denver."
"EVERETT Fire investigators<br>are still trying to determine<br>what caused a two-alarm that<br>destroyed a portion of a South<br>Everett shopping center this<br>morning."
"Umesh Patel, a 36-year old<br>software engineer from<br>California, debated until the<br>last minute."
"Sure, the PeopleSoft board<br>told shareholders to just say<br>no. This battle will go down<br>to the wire, and even<br>afterward Ellison could<br>prevail."
"Investors cheered by falling<br>oil prices and an improving<br>job picture sent stocks higher<br>Tuesday, hoping that the news<br>signals a renewal of economic<br>strength and a fall rally in<br>stocks."
"AP - Andy Roddick has yet to<br>face a challenge in his U.S.<br>Open title defense. He beat<br>No. 18 Tommy Robredo of Spain<br>6-3, 6-2, 6-4 Tuesday night to<br>move into the quarterfinals<br>without having lost a set."
"Now that hell froze over in<br>Boston, New England braces for<br>its rarest season -- a winter<br>of content. Red Sox fans are<br>adrift from the familiar<br>torture of the past."
" CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart<br>Stores Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=WMT.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;, the<br>world's largest retailer, said<br>on Saturday it still<br>anticipates September U.S.<br>sales to be up 2 percent to 4<br>percent at stores open at<br>least a year."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo's<br>Nikkei stock average opened<br>down 0.15 percent on<br>Wednesday as investors took a<br>breather from the market's<br>recent rises and sold shares<br>of gainers such as Sharp<br>Corp."
"AP - From now until the start<br>of winter, male tarantulas are<br>roaming around, searching for<br>female mates, an ideal time to<br>find out where the spiders<br>flourish in Arkansas."
"Israeli authorities have<br>launched an investigation into<br>death threats against Israeli<br>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br>and other officials supporting<br>his disengagement plan from<br>Gaza and parts of the West<br>Bank, Jerusalem police said<br>Tuesday."
"NewsFactor - While a U.S.<br>District Court continues to<br>weigh the legality of<br>\\Oracle's (Nasdaq: ORCL)<br>attempted takeover of<br>\\PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT),<br>Oracle has taken the necessary<br>steps to ensure the offer does<br>not die on the vine with<br>PeopleSoft's shareholders."
"NEW YORK : World oil prices<br>fell, capping a drop of more<br>than 14 percent in a two-and-<br>a-half-week slide triggered by<br>a perception of growing US<br>crude oil inventories."
"SUFFOLK -- Virginia Tech<br>scientists are preparing to<br>protect the state #39;s<br>largest crop from a disease<br>with strong potential to do<br>damage."
"It was a carefully scripted<br>moment when Russian President<br>Vladimir Putin began quoting<br>Taras Shevchenko, this country<br>#39;s 19th-century bard,<br>during a live television"
"China says it welcomes Russia<br>#39;s ratification of the<br>Kyoto Protocol that aims to<br>stem global warming by<br>reducing greenhouse-gas<br>emissions."
"Analysts said the smartphone<br>enhancements hold the<br>potential to bring PalmSource<br>into an expanding market that<br>still has room despite early<br>inroads by Symbian and<br>Microsoft."
"The Metropolitan<br>Transportation Authority is<br>proposing a tax increase to<br>raise \\$900 million a year to<br>help pay for a five-year<br>rebuilding program."
"AFP - The Canadian armed<br>forces chief of staff on was<br>elected to take over as head<br>of NATO's Military Committee,<br>the alliance's highest<br>military authority, military<br>and diplomatic sources said."
"AFP - Two proposed resolutions<br>condemning widespread rights<br>abuses in Sudan and Zimbabwe<br>failed to pass a UN committee,<br>mired in debate between<br>African and western nations."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) -<br>Citigroup Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"htt<br>p://<br>ullQuote.aspx?ticker=C.N targe<br>t=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"<br>&gt;C.N&lt;/A&gt; the world's<br>largest financial services<br>company, said on Tuesday it<br>will acquire First American<br>Bank in the quickly-growing<br>Texas market."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - U.S.<br>oil prices hovered just below<br>\\$50 a barrel on Tuesday,<br>holding recent gains on a rash<br>of crude supply outages and<br>fears over thin heating oil<br>tanks."
"THE South Africans have called<br>the Wallabies scrum cheats as<br>a fresh round of verbal<br>warfare opened in the Republic<br>last night."
"The return of noted reformer<br>Nabil Amr to Palestinian<br>politics comes at a crucial<br>juncture."
"An overwhelming majority of<br>NHL players who expressed<br>their opinion in a poll said<br>they would not support a<br>salary cap even if it meant<br>saving a season that was<br>supposed to have started Oct.<br>13."
"Tony Eury Sr. oversees Dale<br>Earnhardt Jr. on the<br>racetrack, but Sunday he<br>extended his domain to Victory<br>Lane. Earnhardt was unbuckling<br>to crawl out of the No."
"AP - After two debates, voters<br>have seen President Bush look<br>peevish and heard him pass the<br>buck. They've watched Sen.<br>John Kerry deny he's a flip-<br>flopper and then argue that<br>Saddam Hussein was a threat<br>#151; and wasn't. It's no<br>wonder so few minds have<br>changed."
"(Sports Network) - The New<br>York Yankees try to move one<br>step closer to a division<br>title when they conclude their<br>critical series with the<br>Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park."
"US retail sales fell 0.3 in<br>August as rising energy costs<br>and bad weather persuaded<br>shoppers to reduce their<br>spending."
"The United States says the<br>Lebanese parliament #39;s<br>decision Friday to extend the<br>term of pro-Syrian President<br>Emile Lahoud made a<br>quot;crude mockery of<br>democratic principles."
"Kurt Busch claimed a stake in<br>the points lead in the NASCAR<br>Chase for the Nextel Cup<br>yesterday, winning the<br>Sylvania 300 at New Hampshire<br>International Speedway."
"TOKYO (AFP) - Japan #39;s<br>Fujitsu and Cisco Systems of<br>the US said they have agreed<br>to form a strategic alliance<br>focusing on routers and<br>switches that will enable<br>businesses to build advanced<br>Internet Protocol (IP)<br>networks."
"GEORGETOWN, Del., Oct. 28 --<br>Plaintiffs in a shareholder<br>lawsuit over former Walt<br>Disney Co. president Michael<br>Ovitz's \\$140 million<br>severance package attempted<br>Thursday to portray Ovitz as a<br>dishonest bumbler who botched<br>the hiring of a major<br>television executive and<br>pushed the release of a movie<br>that angered the Chinese<br>government, damaging Disney's<br>business prospects in the<br>country."
"US stocks gained ground in<br>early trading Thursday after<br>tame inflation reports and<br>better than expected jobless<br>news. Oil prices held steady<br>as Hurricane Ivan battered the<br>Gulf coast, where oil<br>operations have halted."
"It #39;s a new internet<br>browser. The first full<br>version, Firefox 1.0, was<br>launched earlier this month.<br>In the sense it #39;s a<br>browser, yes, but the<br>differences are larger than<br>the similarities."
"LOUDON, NH - As this<br>newfangled stretch drive for<br>the Nextel Cup championship<br>ensues, Jeff Gordon has to be<br>considered the favorite for a<br>fifth title."
"PepsiCo. Inc., the world #39;s<br>No. 2 soft- drink maker, plans<br>to buy General Mills Inc.<br>#39;s stake in their European<br>joint venture for \\$750<br>million in cash, giving it<br>complete ownership of Europe<br>#39;s largest snack-food<br>company."
"Microsoft will accelerate SP2<br>distribution to meet goal of<br>100 million downloads in two<br>months."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks opened little changed<br>on Friday, after third-<br>quarter gross domestic product<br>data showed the U.S. economy<br>grew at a slower-than-expected<br>pace."
"International Business<br>Machines Corp., taken to court<br>by workers over changes it<br>made to its traditional<br>pension plan, has decided to<br>stop offering any such plan to<br>new employees."
"NEW YORK - With four of its<br>executives pleading guilty to<br>price-fixing charges today,<br>Infineon will have a hard time<br>arguing that it didn #39;t fix<br>prices in its ongoing<br>litigation with Rambus."
"By nick giongco. YOU KNOW you<br>have reached the status of a<br>boxing star when ring<br>announcer extraordinaire<br>Michael Buffer calls out your<br>name in his trademark booming<br>voice during a high-profile<br>event like yesterday"
"Canadian Press - OTTAWA (CP) -<br>The prime minister says he's<br>been assured by President<br>George W. Bush that the U.S.<br>missile defence plan does not<br>necessarily involve the<br>weaponization of space."
"AP - Even with a big lead,<br>Eric Gagne wanted to pitch in<br>front of his hometown fans one<br>last time."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Limited<br>Brands Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>Quote.aspx?ticker=LTD.N target<br>=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&<br>gt;LTD.N&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Thursday reported higher<br>quarterly operating profit as<br>cost controls and strong<br>lingerie sales offset poor<br>results at the retailer's<br>Express apparel stores."
"General Motors and<br>DaimlerChrysler are<br>collaborating on development<br>of fuel- saving hybrid engines<br>in hopes of cashing in on an<br>expanding market dominated by<br>hybrid leaders Toyota and<br>Honda."
"ATHENS, Greece -- Larry Brown<br>was despondent, the head of<br>the US selection committee was<br>defensive and an irritated<br>Allen Iverson was hanging up<br>on callers who asked what went<br>wrong."
"Fifty-six miners are dead and<br>another 92 are still stranded<br>underground after a gas blast<br>at the Daping coal mine in<br>Central China #39;s Henan<br>Province, safety officials<br>said Thursday."
"BEIRUT, Lebanon - Three<br>Lebanese men and their Iraqi<br>driver have been kidnapped in<br>Iraq, the Lebanese Foreign<br>Ministry said Sunday, as<br>Iraq's prime minister said his<br>government was working for the<br>release of two Americans and a<br>Briton also being held<br>hostage. Gunmen snatched<br>the three Lebanese, who worked<br>for a travel agency with a<br>branch in Baghdad, as they<br>drove on the highway between<br>the capital and Fallujah on<br>Friday night, a ministry<br>official said..."
"PORTLAND, Ore. - It's been<br>almost a year since singer-<br>songwriter Elliott Smith<br>committed suicide, and fans<br>and friends will be looking<br>for answers as the posthumous<br>\"From a Basement on the Hill\"<br>is released..."
"AP - Courtney Brown refuses to<br>surrender to injuries. He's<br>already planning another<br>comeback."
" GAZA (Reuters) - Israel<br>expanded its military<br>offensive in northern Gaza,<br>launching two air strikes<br>early on Monday that killed<br>at least three Palestinians<br>and wounded two, including a<br>senior Hamas leader, witnesses<br>and medics said."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Nintendo<br>Co. Ltd. raised its 2004<br>shipment target for its DS<br>handheld video game device by<br>40 percent to 2.8 million<br>units on Thursday after many<br>stores in Japan and the<br>United States sold out in the<br>first week of sales."
"It took an off-the-cuff<br>reference to a serial<br>murderer/cannibal to punctuate<br>the Robby Gordon storyline.<br>Gordon has been vilified by<br>his peers and put on probation"
"By BOBBY ROSS JR. Associated<br>Press Writer. play the Atlanta<br>Hawks. They will be treated to<br>free food and drink and have.<br>their pictures taken with<br>Mavericks players, dancers and<br>team officials."
"ARSENAL #39;S Brazilian World<br>Cup winning midfielder<br>Gilberto Silva is set to be<br>out for at least a month with<br>a back injury, the Premiership<br>leaders said."
"INDIANAPOLIS -- With a package<br>of academic reforms in place,<br>the NCAA #39;s next crusade<br>will address what its<br>president calls a dangerous<br>drift toward professionalism<br>and sports entertainment."
"Autodesk this week unwrapped<br>an updated version of its<br>hosted project collaboration<br>service targeted at the<br>construction and manufacturing<br>industries. Autodesk Buzzsaw<br>lets multiple, dispersed<br>project participants --<br>including building owners,<br>developers, architects,<br>construction teams, and<br>facility managers -- share and<br>manage data throughout the<br>life of a project, according<br>to Autodesk officials."
"AP - It was difficult for<br>Southern California's Pete<br>Carroll and Oklahoma's Bob<br>Stoops to keep from repeating<br>each other when the two<br>coaches met Thursday."
"Reuters - Sudan's government<br>resumed\\talks with rebels in<br>the oil-producing south on<br>Thursday while\\the United<br>Nations set up a panel to<br>investigate charges<br>of\\genocide in the west of<br>Africa's largest country."
"Andy Roddick, along with<br>Olympic silver medalist Mardy<br>Fish and the doubles pair of<br>twins Bob and Mike Bryan will<br>make up the US team to compete<br>with Belarus in the Davis Cup,<br>reported CRIENGLISH."
"NEW YORK - Optimism that the<br>embattled technology sector<br>was due for a recovery sent<br>stocks modestly higher Monday<br>despite a new revenue warning<br>from semiconductor company<br>Broadcom Inc. While<br>Broadcom, which makes chips<br>for television set-top boxes<br>and other electronics, said<br>high inventories resulted in<br>delayed shipments, investors<br>were encouraged as it said<br>future quarters looked<br>brighter..."
"A report indicates that many<br>giants of the industry have<br>been able to capture lasting<br>feelings of customer loyalty."
"It is the news that Internet<br>users do not want to hear: the<br>worldwide web is in danger of<br>collapsing around us. Patrick<br>Gelsinger, the chief<br>technology officer for<br>computer chip maker Intel,<br>told a conference"
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>employers hired just 96,000<br>workers in September, the<br>government said on Friday in a<br>weak jobs snapshot, the final<br>one ahead of presidential<br>elections that also fueled<br>speculation about a pause in<br>interest-rate rises."
"Cisco Systems CEO John<br>Chambers said today that his<br>company plans to offer twice<br>as many new products this year<br>as ever before."
"While the world #39;s best<br>athletes fight the noble<br>Olympic battle in stadiums and<br>pools, their fans storm the<br>streets of Athens, turning the<br>Greek capital into a huge<br>international party every<br>night."
"Carlos Barrios Orta squeezed<br>himself into his rubber diving<br>suit, pulled on an 18-pound<br>helmet that made him look like<br>an astronaut, then lowered<br>himself into the sewer. He<br>disappeared into the filthy<br>water, which looked like some<br>cauldron of rancid beef stew,<br>until the only sign of him was<br>air bubbles breaking the<br>surface."
"The mutilated body of a woman<br>of about sixty years,<br>amputated of arms and legs and<br>with the sliced throat, has<br>been discovered this morning<br>in a street of the south of<br>Faluya by the Marines,<br>according to a statement by<br>AFP photographer."
"Every day, somewhere in the<br>universe, there #39;s an<br>explosion that puts the power<br>of the Sun in the shade. Steve<br>Connor investigates the riddle<br>of gamma-ray bursts."
"Ten months after NASA #39;s<br>twin rovers landed on Mars,<br>scientists reported this week<br>that both robotic vehicles are<br>still navigating their rock-<br>studded landscapes with all<br>instruments operating"
"EVERTON showed they would not<br>be bullied into selling Wayne<br>Rooney last night by rejecting<br>a 23.5million bid from<br>Newcastle - as Manchester<br>United gamble on Goodison<br>#39;s resolve to keep the<br>striker."
"SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- The<br>magazine known for evaluating<br>cars and electronics is<br>setting its sights on finding<br>the best value and quality of<br>prescription drugs on the<br>market."
"After months of legal<br>wrangling, the case of<br>&lt;em&gt;People v. Kobe Bean<br>Bryant&lt;/em&gt; commences on<br>Friday in Eagle, Colo., with<br>testimony set to begin next<br>month."
"(SH) - In Afghanistan, Hamid<br>Karzai defeated a raft of<br>candidates to win his historic<br>election. In Iraq, more than<br>200 political parties have<br>registered for next month<br>#39;s elections."
"Lyon coach Paul le Guen has<br>admitted his side would be<br>happy with a draw at Old<br>Trafford on Tuesday night. The<br>three-times French champions<br>have assured themselves of<br>qualification for the<br>Champions League"
"British scientists say they<br>have found a new, greener way<br>to power cars and homes using<br>sunflower oil, a commodity<br>more commonly used for cooking<br>fries."
"A mouse, a house, and your<br>tax-planning spouse all factor<br>huge in the week of earnings<br>that lies ahead."
"The United States #39; top<br>computer-security official has<br>resigned after a little more<br>than a year on the job, the US<br>Department of Homeland<br>Security said on Friday."
"Reuters - Barry Bonds failed<br>to collect a hit in\\his bid to<br>join the 700-homer club, but<br>he did score a run to\\help the<br>San Francisco Giants edge the<br>host Milwaukee Brewers\\3-2 in<br>National League action on<br>Tuesday."
" SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -<br>Intel Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http:/<br>/<br>eLookup.jhtml?ticker=INTC.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;INTC.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>on Thursday outlined its<br>vision of the Internet of the<br>future, one in which millions<br>of computer servers would<br>analyze and direct network<br>traffic to make the Web safer<br>and more efficient."
"Margaret Hassan, who works for<br>charity Care International,<br>was taken hostage while on her<br>way to work in Baghdad. Here<br>are the main events since her<br>kidnapping."
"Check out new gadgets as<br>holiday season approaches."
"DALLAS (CBS.MW) -- Royal<br>Dutch/Shell Group will pay a<br>\\$120 million penalty to<br>settle a Securities and<br>Exchange Commission<br>investigation of its<br>overstatement of nearly 4.5<br>billion barrels of proven<br>reserves, the federal agency<br>said Tuesday."
"After waiting an entire summer<br>for the snow to fall and<br>Beaver Creek to finally open,<br>skiers from around the planet<br>are coming to check out the<br>Birds of Prey World Cup action<br>Dec. 1 - 5. Although everyones"
"TOKYO, Sep 08, 2004 (AFX-UK<br>via COMTEX) -- Sony Corp will<br>launch its popular projection<br>televisions with large liquid<br>crystal display (LCD) screens<br>in China early next year, a<br>company spokeswoman said."
"I confess that I am a complete<br>ignoramus when it comes to<br>women #39;s beach volleyball.<br>In fact, I know only one thing<br>about the sport - that it is<br>the supreme aesthetic<br>experience available on planet<br>Earth."
"Manchester United Plc may<br>offer US billionaire Malcolm<br>Glazer a seat on its board if<br>he agrees to drop a takeover<br>bid for a year, the Observer<br>said, citing an unidentified<br>person in the soccer industry."
"PHOENIX America West Airlines<br>has backed away from a<br>potential bidding war for<br>bankrupt ATA Airlines, paving<br>the way for AirTran to take<br>over ATA operations."
"US stock-index futures<br>declined. Dow Jones Industrial<br>Average shares including<br>General Electric Co. slipped<br>in Europe. Citigroup Inc."
"For a guy who spent most of<br>his first four professional<br>seasons on the disabled list,<br>Houston Astros reliever Brad<br>Lidge has developed into quite<br>the ironman these past two<br>days."
"AFP - Outgoing EU competition<br>commissioner Mario Monti wants<br>to reach a decision on<br>Oracle's proposed takeover of<br>business software rival<br>PeopleSoft by the end of next<br>month, an official said."
"Former Bengal Corey Dillon<br>found his stride Sunday in his<br>second game for the New<br>England Patriots. Dillon<br>gained 158 yards on 32 carries<br>as the Patriots beat the<br>Arizona Cardinals, 23-12, for<br>their 17th victory in a row."
"If legend is to be believed,<br>the end of a victorious war<br>was behind Pheidippides #39;<br>trek from Marathon to Athens<br>2,500 years ago."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Satellite companies would be<br>able to retransmit<br>broadcasters' television<br>signals for another five<br>years but would have to offer<br>those signals on a single<br>dish, under legislation<br>approved by Congress on<br>Saturday."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Wimbledon<br>champion Maria Sharapova<br>demolished fellow Russian<br>Tatiana Panova 6-1, 6-1 to<br>advance to the quarter-finals<br>of the China Open on<br>Wednesday."
"Sven Jaschan, who may face<br>five years in prison for<br>spreading the Netsky and<br>Sasser worms, is now working<br>in IT security. Photo: AFP."
"Padres general manager Kevin<br>Towers called Expos general<br>manager Omar Minaya on<br>Thursday afternoon and told<br>him he needed a shortstop<br>because Khalil Greene had<br>broken his"
" Nine of the<br>ten Formula One teams have<br>united to propose cost-cutting<br>measures for the future, with<br>the notable exception of<br>Ferrari."
"Reuters - The United States<br>modified its\\call for U.N.<br>sanctions against Sudan on<br>Tuesday but still kept\\up the<br>threat of punitive measures if<br>Khartoum did not<br>stop\\atrocities in its Darfur<br>region."
"Human rights and environmental<br>activists have hailed the<br>award of the 2004 Nobel Peace<br>Prize to Wangari Maathai of<br>Kenya as fitting recognition<br>of the growing role of civil<br>society"
"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan<br>Greenspan has done it again.<br>For at least the fourth time<br>this year, he has touched the<br>electrified third rail of<br>American politics - Social<br>Security."
"An Al Qaeda-linked militant<br>group beheaded an American<br>hostage in Iraq and threatened<br>last night to kill another two<br>Westerners in 24 hours unless<br>women prisoners were freed<br>from Iraqi jails."
"TechWeb - An Indian Institute<br>of Technology professor--and<br>open-source evangelist--<br>discusses the role of Linux<br>and open source in India."
"Here are some of the latest<br>health and medical news<br>developments, compiled by<br>editors of HealthDay: -----<br>Contaminated Fish in Many U.S.<br>Lakes and Rivers Fish<br>that may be contaminated with<br>dioxin, mercury, PCBs and<br>pesticides are swimming in<br>more than one-third of the<br>United States' lakes and<br>nearly one-quarter of its<br>rivers, according to a list of<br>advisories released by the<br>Environmental Protection<br>Agency..."
"Argentina, Denmark, Greece,<br>Japan and Tanzania on Friday<br>won coveted two-year terms on<br>the UN Security Council at a<br>time when pressure is mounting<br>to expand the powerful<br>15-nation body."
"Description: Scientists say<br>the arthritis drug Bextra may<br>pose increased risk of<br>cardiovascular troubles.<br>Bextra is related to Vioxx,<br>which was pulled off the<br>market in September for the<br>same reason."
"Steve Francis and Shaquille O<br>#39;Neal enjoyed big debuts<br>with their new teams. Kobe<br>Bryant found out he can #39;t<br>carry the Lakers all by<br>himself."
"The trial of a lawsuit by Walt<br>Disney Co. shareholders who<br>accuse the board of directors<br>of rubberstamping a deal to<br>hire Michael Ovitz"
"Australia, by winning the<br>third Test at Nagpur on<br>Friday, also won the four-<br>match series 2-0 with one<br>match to go. Australia had<br>last won a Test series in<br>India way back in December<br>1969 when Bill Lawry #39;s<br>team beat Nawab Pataudi #39;s<br>Indian team 3-1."
"LOS ANGELES Grocery giant<br>Albertsons says it has<br>purchased Bristol Farms, which<br>operates eleven upscale stores<br>in Southern California."
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and India<br>agreed on Friday to re-open<br>the Khokhropar-Munabao railway<br>link, which was severed nearly<br>40 years ago."
"Final Score: Connecticut 61,<br>New York 51 New York, NY<br>(Sports Network) - Nykesha<br>Sales scored 15 points to lead<br>Connecticut to a 61-51 win<br>over New York in Game 1 of<br>their best-of-three Eastern<br>Conference Finals series at<br>Madison Square Garden."
"NEW YORK - Stocks moved higher<br>Friday as a stronger than<br>expected retail sales report<br>showed that higher oil prices<br>aren't scaring consumers away<br>from spending. Federal Reserve<br>Chairman Alan Greenspan's<br>positive comments on oil<br>prices also encouraged<br>investors..."
"The figures from a survey<br>released today are likely to<br>throw more people into the<br>ranks of the uninsured,<br>analysts said."
"Bill Gates is giving his big<br>speech right now at Microsofts<br>big Digital Entertainment<br>Anywhere event in Los Angeles.<br>Well have a proper report for<br>you soon, but in the meantime<br>we figured wed"
"Spinal and non-spinal<br>fractures are reduced by<br>almost a third in women age 80<br>or older who take a drug<br>called strontium ranelate,<br>European investigators<br>announced"
"JB Oxford Holdings Inc., a<br>Beverly Hills-based discount<br>brokerage firm, was sued by<br>the Securities and Exchange<br>Commission for allegedly<br>allowing thousands of improper<br>trades in more than 600 mutual<br>funds."
"BERLIN: Apple Computer Inc is<br>planning the next wave of<br>expansion for its popular<br>iTunes online music store with<br>a multi-country European<br>launch in October, the<br>services chief architect said<br>on Wednesday."
"Charlotte, NC -- LeBron James<br>poured in a game-high 19<br>points and Jeff McInnis scored<br>18 as the Cleveland Cavaliers<br>routed the Charlotte Bobcats,<br>106-89, at the Charlotte<br>Coliseum."
"Goldman Sachs reported strong<br>fourth quarter and full year<br>earnings of \\$1.19bn, up 36<br>per cent on the previous<br>quarter. Full year profit rose<br>52 per cent from the previous<br>year to \\$4.55bn."
"Saddam Hussein lives in an<br>air-conditioned 10-by-13 foot<br>cell on the grounds of one of<br>his former palaces, tending<br>plants and proclaiming himself<br>Iraq's lawful ruler."
"Lehmann, who was at fault in<br>two matches in the tournament<br>last season, was blundering<br>again with the German set to<br>take the rap for both Greek<br>goals."
"Calls to 13 other countries<br>will be blocked to thwart<br>auto-dialer software."
"AP - Brazilian U.N.<br>peacekeepers will remain in<br>Haiti until presidential<br>elections are held in that<br>Caribbean nation sometime next<br>year, President Luiz Inacio<br>Lula da Silva said Monday."
"com September 27, 2004, 5:00<br>AM PT. This fourth priority<br>#39;s main focus has been<br>improving or obtaining CRM and<br>ERP software for the past year<br>and a half."
"Jeju Island, South Korea<br>(Sports Network) - Grace Park<br>and Carin Koch posted matching<br>rounds of six-under-par 66 on<br>Friday to share the lead after<br>the first round of the CJ Nine<br>Bridges Classic."
" - The Zero Gravity<br>Corporation \\ has been given<br>the thumbs up by the Federal<br>Aviation Administration (FAA)<br>to \\ conduct quot;weightless<br>flights quot; for the general<br>public, providing the \\<br>sensation of floating in<br>space."
"A 32-year-old woman in Belgium<br>has become the first woman<br>ever to give birth after<br>having ovarian tissue removed,<br>frozen and then implanted back<br>in her body."
"Argosy Gaming (AGY:NYSE - news<br>- research) jumped in early<br>trading Thursday, after the<br>company agreed to be acquired<br>by Penn National Gaming<br>(PENN:Nasdaq - news -<br>research) in a \\$1."
"No sweat, says the new CEO,<br>who's imported from IBM. He<br>also knows this will be the<br>challenge of a lifetime."
"Iraq is quot;working 24 hours<br>a day to ... stop the<br>terrorists, quot; interim<br>Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad<br>Allawi said Monday. Iraqis are<br>pushing ahead with reforms and<br>improvements, Allawi told"
"AP - Their discoveries may be<br>hard for many to comprehend,<br>but this year's Nobel Prize<br>winners still have to explain<br>what they did and how they did<br>it."
"The DuPont Co. has agreed to<br>pay up to \\$340 million to<br>settle a lawsuit that it<br>contaminated water supplies in<br>West Virginia and Ohio with a<br>chemical used to make Teflon,<br>one of its best-known brands."
"Benfica and Real Madrid set<br>the standard for soccer<br>success in Europe in the late<br>1950s and early #39;60s. The<br>clubs have evolved much<br>differently, but both have<br>struggled"
"AP - Musicians, composers and<br>authors were among the more<br>than two dozen people<br>Wednesday honored with<br>National Medal of Arts and<br>National Humanities awards at<br>the White House."
"More than 15 million homes in<br>the UK will be able to get on-<br>demand movies by 2008, say<br>analysts."
"Wynton Marsalis, the trumpet-<br>playing star and artistic<br>director of Jazz at Lincoln<br>Center, has become an entity<br>above and around the daily<br>jazz world."
"A well-researched study by the<br>National Academy of Sciences<br>makes a persuasive case for<br>refurbishing the Hubble Space<br>Telescope. NASA, which is<br>reluctant to take this<br>mission, should rethink its<br>position."
"BUENOS AIRES: Pakistan has<br>ratified the Kyoto Protocol on<br>Climatic Change, Environment<br>Minister Malik Khan said on<br>Thursday. He said that<br>Islamabad has notified UN<br>authorities of ratification,<br>which formally comes into<br>effect in February 2005."
"Reuters - Jeffrey Greenberg,<br>chairman and chief\\executive<br>of embattled insurance broker<br>Marsh McLennan Cos.\\, is<br>expected to step down within<br>hours, a newspaper\\reported on<br>Friday, citing people close to<br>the discussions."
"Staff Sgt. Johnny Horne, Jr.,<br>and Staff Sgt. Cardenas Alban<br>have been charged with murder<br>in the death of an Iraqi, the<br>1st Cavalry Division announced<br>Monday."
"LONDON -- In a deal that<br>appears to buck the growing<br>trend among governments to<br>adopt open-source<br>alternatives, the U.K.'s<br>Office of Government Commerce<br>(OGC) is negotiating a renewal<br>of a three-year agreement with<br>Microsoft Corp."
"WASHINGTON - A Pennsylvania<br>law requiring Internet service<br>providers (ISPs) to block Web<br>sites the state's prosecuting<br>attorneys deem to be child<br>pornography has been reversed<br>by a U.S. federal court, with<br>the judge ruling the law<br>violated free speech rights."
"The Microsoft Corp. chairman<br>receives four million e-mails<br>a day, but practically an<br>entire department at the<br>company he founded is<br>dedicated to ensuring that<br>nothing unwanted gets into his<br>inbox, the company #39;s chief<br>executive said Thursday."
"The 7100t has a mobile phone,<br>e-mail, instant messaging, Web<br>browsing and functions as an<br>organiser. The device looks<br>like a mobile phone and has<br>the features of the other<br>BlackBerry models, with a<br>large screen"
"President Vladimir Putin makes<br>a speech as he hosts Russia<br>#39;s Olympic athletes at a<br>Kremlin banquet in Moscow,<br>Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004."
"Apple Computer has unveiled<br>two new versions of its hugely<br>successful iPod: the iPod<br>Photo and the U2 iPod. Apple<br>also has expanded"
"Pakistan are closing in fast<br>on Sri Lanka #39;s first<br>innings total after impressing<br>with both ball and bat on the<br>second day of the opening Test<br>in Faisalabad."
"A state regulatory board<br>yesterday handed a five-year<br>suspension to a Lawrence<br>funeral director accused of<br>unprofessional conduct and<br>deceptive practices, including<br>one case where he refused to<br>complete funeral arrangements<br>for a client because she had<br>purchased a lower-priced<br>casket elsewhere."
"AP - This year's hurricanes<br>spread citrus canker to at<br>least 11,000 trees in<br>Charlotte County, one of the<br>largest outbreaks of the<br>fruit-damaging infection to<br>ever affect Florida's citrus<br>industry, state officials<br>said."
"AFP - Hundreds of Buddhists in<br>southern Russia marched<br>through snow to see and hear<br>the Dalai Lama as he continued<br>a long-awaited visit to the<br>country in spite of Chinese<br>protests."
"British officials were on<br>diplomatic tenterhooks as they<br>awaited the arrival on<br>Thursday of French President<br>Jacques Chirac for a two-day<br>state visit to Britain."
" SYDNEY (Reuters) - A group of<br>women on Pitcairn Island in<br>the South Pacific are standing<br>by their men, who face<br>underage sex charges, saying<br>having sex at age 12 is a<br>tradition dating back to 18th<br>century mutineers who settled<br>on the island."
"Two aircraft are flying out<br>from the UK on Sunday to<br>deliver vital aid and supplies<br>to Haiti, which has been<br>devastated by tropical storm<br>Jeanne."
"A scare triggered by a<br>vibrating sex toy shut down a<br>major Australian regional<br>airport for almost an hour<br>Monday, police said. The<br>vibrating object was<br>discovered Monday morning"
"IBM moved back into the iSCSI<br>(Internet SCSI) market Friday<br>with a new array priced at<br>US\\$3,000 and aimed at the<br>small and midsize business<br>market."
"Ron Artest has been hit with a<br>season long suspension,<br>unprecedented for the NBA<br>outside doping cases; Stephen<br>Jackson banned for 30 games;<br>Jermaine O #39;Neal for 25<br>games and Anthony Johnson for<br>five."
"The California Public<br>Utilities Commission on<br>Thursday upheld a \\$12.1<br>million fine against Cingular<br>Wireless, related to a two-<br>year investigation into the<br>cellular telephone company<br>#39;s business practices."
"Barclays, the British bank<br>that left South Africa in 1986<br>after apartheid protests, may<br>soon resume retail operations<br>in the nation."
"AP - An Indiana congressional<br>candidate abruptly walked off<br>the set of a debate because<br>she got stage fright."
"Italian-based Parmalat is<br>suing its former auditors --<br>Grant Thornton International<br>and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu<br>-- for billions of dollars in<br>damages. Parmalat blames its<br>demise on the two companies<br>#39; mismanagement of its<br>finances."
"Reuters - Having reached out<br>to Kashmiris during a two-day<br>visit to the region, the prime<br>minister heads this weekend to<br>the country's volatile<br>northeast, where public anger<br>is high over alleged abuses by<br>Indian soldiers."
"SAN JUAN IXTAYOPAN, Mexico --<br>A pair of wooden crosses<br>outside the elementary school<br>are all that mark the macabre<br>site where, just weeks ago, an<br>angry mob captured two federal<br>police officers, beat them<br>unconscious, and set them on<br>fire."
"Three shots behind Grace Park<br>with five holes to go, six-<br>time LPGA player of the year<br>Sorenstam rallied with an<br>eagle, birdie and three pars<br>to win her fourth Samsung<br>World Championship by three<br>shots over Park on Sunday."
"update An alliance of<br>technology workers on Tuesday<br>accused conglomerate Honeywell<br>International of planning to<br>move thousands of jobs to low-<br>cost regions over the next<br>five years--a charge that<br>Honeywell denies."
"NSW Rugby CEO Fraser Neill<br>believes Waratah star Mat<br>Rogers has learned his lesson<br>after he was fined and ordered<br>to do community service<br>following his controversial<br>comments about the club rugby<br>competition."
"American Technology Research<br>analyst Shaw Wu has initiated<br>coverage of Apple Computer<br>(AAPL) with a #39;buy #39;<br>recommendation, and a 12-month<br>target of US\\$78 per share."
" - Cell<br>phone shoppers looking for new<br>deals and features didn't find<br>them yesterday, a day after<br>Sprint Corp. and Nextel<br>Communications Inc. announced<br>a merger that the phone<br>companies promised would shake<br>up the wireless business."
"ATHENS: China, the dominant<br>force in world diving for the<br>best part of 20 years, won six<br>out of eight Olympic titles in<br>Athens and prompted<br>speculation about a clean<br>sweep when they stage the<br>Games in Beijing in 2008."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Northrop<br>Grumman Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http<br>://<br>llQuote.aspx?ticker=NOC.N targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;NOC.N&lt;/A&gt; reported<br>higher third-quarter earnings<br>on Wednesday and an 11<br>percent increase in sales on<br>strength in its mission<br>systems, integrated systems,<br>ships and space technology<br>businesses."
"JAPANESE GIANT Sharp has<br>pulled the plug on its Linux-<br>based PDAs in the United<br>States as no-one seems to want<br>them. The company said that it<br>will continue to sell them in<br>Japan where they sell like hot<br>cakes"
"DUBLIN : An Olympic Airlines<br>plane diverted to Ireland<br>following a bomb alert, the<br>second faced by the Greek<br>carrier in four days, resumed<br>its journey to New York after<br>no device was found on board,<br>airport officials said."
"New NavOne offers handy PDA<br>and Pocket PC connectivity,<br>but fails to impress on<br>everything else."
"TORONTO (CP) - Shares of<br>Iamgold fell more than 10 per<br>cent after its proposed merger<br>with Gold Fields Ltd. was<br>thrown into doubt Monday as<br>South Africa #39;s Harmony<br>Gold Mining Company Ltd."
"The Marvel deal calls for<br>Mforma to work with the comic<br>book giant to develop a<br>variety of mobile applications<br>based on Marvel content."
" LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices<br>tumbled again on Monday to an<br>8-week low under \\$46 a<br>barrel, as growing fuel stocks<br>in the United States eased<br>fears of a winter supply<br>crunch."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The<br>United States said on Friday<br>it is preparing a new U.N.<br>resolution on Darfur and that<br>Secretary of State Colin<br>Powell might address next week<br>whether the violence in<br>western Sudan constitutes<br>genocide."
"The Houston Astros won their<br>19th straight game at home and<br>are one game from winning<br>their first playoff series in<br>42 years."
" - The<br>Portable Media Center -- a<br>new, Microsoft-conceived<br>handheld device that presents<br>video and photos as well as<br>music -- would be a decent<br>idea if there weren't such a<br>thing as lampposts. Or street<br>signs. Or trees. Or other<br>cars."
"Alcoa Inc., one of the world<br>#39;s top producers of<br>aluminum, said Monday that it<br>received an unsolicited<br>quot;mini-tender quot; offer<br>from Toronto-based TRC Capital<br>Corp."
"The European Commission is to<br>warn Greece about publishing<br>false information about its<br>public finances."
"The Air Force Reserve #39;s<br>Hurricane Hunters, those<br>fearless crews who dive into<br>the eyewalls of hurricanes to<br>relay critical data on<br>tropical systems, were chased<br>from their base on the<br>Mississippi Gulf Coast by<br>Hurricane Ivan."
" LONDON (Reuters) - U.S.<br>shares were expected to open<br>lower on Wednesday after<br>crude oil pushed to a fresh<br>high overnight, while Web<br>search engine Google Inc.<br>dented sentiment as it<br>slashed the price range on its<br>initial public offering."
"The eighth-seeded American<br>fell to sixth-seeded Elena<br>Dementieva of Russia, 0-6 6-2<br>7-6 (7-5), on Friday - despite<br>being up a break on four<br>occasions in the third set."
"TUCSON, Arizona (Ticker) --<br>No. 20 Arizona State tries to<br>post its first three-game<br>winning streak over Pac-10<br>Conference rival Arizona in 26<br>years when they meet Friday."
"NAJAF, Iraq : Iraq #39;s top<br>Shiite Muslim clerics, back in<br>control of Najaf #39;s Imam<br>Ali shrine after a four-month<br>militia occupation, met amid<br>the ruins of the city as life<br>spluttered back to normality."
"Embargo or not, Fidel Castro's<br>socialist paradise has quietly<br>become a pharmaceutical<br>powerhouse. (They're still<br>working on the capitalism<br>thing.) By Douglas Starr from<br>Wired magazine."
"AP - Phillip Fulmer kept his<br>cool when starting center<br>Jason Respert drove off in the<br>coach's golf cart at practice."
"GOALS from Wayne Rooney and<br>Ruud van Nistelrooy gave<br>Manchester United the win at<br>Newcastle. Alan Shearer<br>briefly levelled matters for<br>the Magpies but United managed<br>to scrape through."
"The telemarketer at the other<br>end of Orlando Castelblanco<br>#39;s line promised to reduce<br>the consumer #39;s credit card<br>debt by at least \\$2,500 and<br>get his 20 percent -- and<br>growing -- interest rates down<br>to single digits."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Blue-<br>chip stocks fell slightly on<br>Monday after No. 1 retailer<br>Wal-Mart Stores Inc. &lt;A HRE<br>F=\"http://www.investor.reuters<br>.com/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=WMT<br>.N target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;WMT.N&lt;/A&gt;<br>reported lower-than-expected<br>Thanksgiving sales, while<br>technology shares were lifted<br>by a rally in Apple Computer<br>Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=AAPL.O target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;AA<br>PL.O&lt;/A&gt;."
"Reuters - House of<br>Representatives<br>Majority\\Leader Tom DeLay,<br>admonished twice in six days<br>by his chamber's\\ethics<br>committee, withstood calls on<br>Thursday by rival\\Democrats<br>and citizen groups that he<br>step aside."
"WPP Group Inc., the world<br>#39;s second- largest<br>marketing and advertising<br>company, said it won the<br>bidding for Grey Global Group<br>Inc."
"AFP - Australia has accounted<br>for all its nationals known to<br>be working in Iraq following a<br>claim by a radical Islamic<br>group to have kidnapped two<br>Australians, Foreign Affairs<br>Minister Alexander Downer<br>said."
"A new worm can spy on users by<br>hijacking their Web cameras, a<br>security firm warned Monday.<br>The worm -- the latest<br>in a long line of similar<br>worms; one security firm<br>estimates that more than 4,000<br>variations"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks<br>were slightly lower on<br>Tuesday, as concerns about<br>higher oil prices cutting into<br>corporate profits and<br>consumer demand weighed on<br>sentiment, while retail sales<br>posted a larger-than-expected<br>decline in August."
"The separation of PalmOne and<br>PalmSource will be complete<br>with Eric Benhamou's<br>resignation as the latter's<br>chairman."
"AP - Two-time U.S. Open<br>doubles champion Max Mirnyi<br>will lead the Belarus team<br>that faces the United States<br>in the Davis Cup semifinals in<br>Charleston later this month."
"The hurricane appeared to be<br>strengthening and forecasters<br>warned of an increased threat<br>of serious flooding and wind<br>damage."
"AP - New York Jets safety Erik<br>Coleman got his souvenir<br>football from the equipment<br>manager and held it tightly."
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil<br>prices climbed above \\$42 a<br>barrel on Wednesday, rising<br>for the third day in a row as<br>the heavy consuming U.S.<br>Northeast feels the first<br>chills of winter."
"\\\\\"(CNN) -- A longtime<br>associate of al Qaeda leader<br>Osama bin Laden surrendered<br>to\\Saudi Arabian officials<br>Tuesday, a Saudi Interior<br>Ministry official said.\"\\\\\"But<br>it is unclear what role, if<br>any, Khaled al-Harbi may have<br>had in any terror\\attacks<br>because no public charges have<br>been filed against him.\"\\\\\"The<br>Saudi government -- in a<br>statement released by its<br>embassy in Washington<br>--\\called al-Harbi's surrender<br>\"the latest direct result\" of<br>its limited, one-month\\offer<br>of leniency to terror<br>suspects.\"\\\\This is great! I<br>hope this really starts to pay<br>off. Creative solutions<br>to\\terrorism that don't<br>involve violence. \\\\How<br>refreshing! \\\\Are you paying<br>attention Bush<br>administration?\\\\"
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Merck<br>Co Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www<br><br>e.aspx?ticker=MRK.N target=/st<br>ocks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;M<br>RK.N&lt;/A&gt; on Thursday<br>pulled its arthritis drug<br>Vioxx off the market after a<br>study showed it doubled the<br>risk of heart attack and<br>stroke, a move that sent its<br>shares plunging and erased<br>\\$25 billion from its market<br>value."
"AT T Corp. is cutting 7,400<br>more jobs and slashing the<br>book value of its assets by<br>\\$11.4 billion, drastic moves<br>prompted by the company's plan<br>to retreat from the<br>traditional consumer telephone<br>business following a lost<br>court battle."
"The government on Wednesday<br>defended its decision to<br>radically revise the country<br>#39;s deficit figures, ahead<br>of a European Commission<br>meeting to consider possible<br>disciplinary action against<br>Greece for submitting faulty<br>figures."
"Ivan Hlinka coached the Czech<br>Republic to the hockey gold<br>medal at the 1998 Nagano<br>Olympics and became the coach<br>of the Pittsburgh Penguins two<br>years later."
"Four homeless men were<br>bludgeoned to death and six<br>were in critical condition on<br>Friday following early morning<br>attacks by unknown assailants<br>in downtown streets of Sao<br>Paulo, a police spokesman<br>said."
"OPEC ministers yesterday<br>agreed to increase their<br>ceiling for oil production to<br>help bring down stubbornly<br>high prices in a decision that<br>traders and analysts dismissed<br>as symbolic because the cartel<br>already is pumping more than<br>its new target."
"Williams-Sonoma Inc. said<br>second- quarter profit rose 55<br>percent, boosted by the<br>addition of Pottery Barn<br>stores and sale of outdoor<br>furniture."
"Celerons form the basis of<br>Intel #39;s entry-level<br>platform which includes<br>integrated/value motherboards<br>as well. The Celeron 335D is<br>the fastest - until the<br>Celeron 340D - 2.93GHz -<br>becomes mainstream - of the"
"The entertainment industry<br>asks the Supreme Court to<br>reverse the Grokster decision,<br>which held that peer-to-peer<br>networks are not liable for<br>copyright abuses of their<br>users. By Michael Grebb."
" HONG KONG/SAN FRANCISCO<br>(Reuters) - China's largest<br>personal computer maker,<br>Lenovo Group Ltd., said on<br>Tuesday it was in acquisition<br>talks with a major technology<br>company, which a source<br>familiar with the situation<br>said was IBM."
"Phone companies are not doing<br>enough to warn customers about<br>internet \"rogue-dialling\"<br>scams, watchdog Icstis warns."
"Reuters - Oil prices stayed<br>close to #36;49 a\\barrel on<br>Thursday, supported by a<br>forecast for an early<br>cold\\snap in the United States<br>that could put a strain on a<br>thin\\supply cushion of winter<br>heating fuel."
"AUBURN - Ah, easy street. No<br>game this week. Light<br>practices. And now Auburn is<br>being touted as the No. 3 team<br>in the Bowl Championship<br>Series standings."
"Portsmouth #39;s Harry<br>Redknapp has been named as the<br>Barclays manager of the month<br>for October. Redknapp #39;s<br>side were unbeaten during the<br>month and maintained an<br>impressive climb to ninth in<br>the Premiership."
"India's main opposition party<br>takes action against senior<br>party member Uma Bharti after<br>a public row."
"Hewlett-Packard will shell out<br>\\$16.1 billion for chips in<br>2005, but Dell's wallet is<br>wide open, too."
"WASHINGTON (CBS.MW) --<br>President Bush announced<br>Monday that Kellogg chief<br>executive Carlos Gutierrez<br>would replace Don Evans as<br>Commerce secretary, naming the<br>first of many expected changes<br>to his economic team."
"Iron Mountain moved further<br>into the backup and recovery<br>space Tuesday with the<br>acquisition of Connected Corp.<br>for \\$117 million. Connected<br>backs up desktop data for more<br>than 600 corporations, with<br>more than"
"Three directors of Manchester<br>United have been ousted from<br>the board after US tycoon<br>Malcolm Glazer, who is<br>attempting to buy the club,<br>voted against their re-<br>election."
"The Russian military yesterday<br>extended its offer of a \\$10<br>million reward for information<br>leading to the capture of two<br>separatist leaders who, the<br>Kremlin claims, were behind<br>the Beslan massacre."
"AP - Manny Ramirez singled and<br>scored before leaving with a<br>bruised knee, and the<br>streaking Boston Red Sox beat<br>the Detroit Tigers 5-3 Friday<br>night for their 10th victory<br>in 11 games."
"A remote attacker could take<br>complete control over<br>computers running many<br>versions of Microsoft software<br>by inserting malicious code in<br>a JPEG image that executes<br>through an unchecked buffer"
"Montgomery County (website -<br>news) is a big step closer to<br>shopping for prescription<br>drugs north of the border. On<br>a 7-2 vote, the County Council<br>is approving a plan that would<br>give county"
"Israels Shin Bet security<br>service has tightened<br>protection of the prime<br>minister, MPs and parliament<br>ahead of next weeks crucial<br>vote on a Gaza withdrawal."
"The news comes fast and<br>furious. Pedro Martinez goes<br>to Tampa to visit George<br>Steinbrenner. Theo Epstein and<br>John Henry go to Florida for<br>their turn with Pedro. Carl<br>Pavano comes to Boston to<br>visit Curt Schilling. Jason<br>Varitek says he's not a goner.<br>Derek Lowe is a goner, but he<br>says he wishes it could be<br>different. Orlando Cabrera ..."
"The disclosure this week that<br>a Singapore-listed company<br>controlled by a Chinese state-<br>owned enterprise lost \\$550<br>million in derivatives<br>transactions"
"Reuters - Iraq's interim<br>defense minister<br>accused\\neighbors Iran and<br>Syria on Wednesday of aiding<br>al Qaeda\\Islamist Abu Musab<br>al-Zarqawi and former agents<br>of Saddam\\Hussein to promote a<br>\"terrorist\" insurgency in<br>Iraq."
"AP - The Senate race in<br>Kentucky stayed at fever pitch<br>on Thursday as Democratic<br>challenger Daniel Mongiardo<br>stressed his opposition to gay<br>marriage while accusing<br>Republican incumbent Jim<br>Bunning of fueling personal<br>attacks that seemed to suggest<br>Mongiardo is gay."
"The lawsuit claims the<br>companies use a patented<br>Honeywell technology for<br>brightening images and<br>reducing interference on<br>displays."
"The co-president of Oracle<br>testified that her company was<br>serious about its takeover<br>offer for PeopleSoft and was<br>not trying to scare off its<br>customers."
"VANCOUVER - A Vancouver-based<br>firm won #39;t sell 1.2<br>million doses of influenza<br>vaccine to the United States<br>after all, announcing Tuesday<br>that it will sell the doses<br>within Canada instead."
"An extremely rare Hawaiian<br>bird dies in captivity,<br>possibly marking the<br>extinction of its entire<br>species only 31 years after it<br>was first discovered."
"Does Geico's trademark lawsuit<br>against Google have merit? How<br>will the case be argued?<br>What's the likely outcome of<br>the trial? A mock court of<br>trademark experts weighs in<br>with their verdict."
"Treo 650 boasts a high-res<br>display, an improved keyboard<br>and camera, a removable<br>battery, and more. PalmOne<br>this week is announcing the<br>Treo 650, a hybrid PDA/cell-<br>phone device that addresses<br>many of the shortcomings"
"FRED Hale Sr, documented as<br>the worlds oldest man, has<br>died at the age of 113. Hale<br>died in his sleep on Friday at<br>a hospital in Syracuse, New<br>York, while trying to recover<br>from a bout of pneumonia, his<br>grandson, Fred Hale III said."
"The Oakland Raiders have<br>traded Jerry Rice to the<br>Seattle Seahawks in a move<br>expected to grant the most<br>prolific receiver in National<br>Football League history his<br>wish to get more playing time."
"consortium led by the Sony<br>Corporation of America reached<br>a tentative agreement today to<br>buy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the<br>Hollywood studio famous for<br>James Bond and the Pink<br>Panther, for"
"International Business<br>Machines Corp.'s possible exit<br>from the personal computer<br>business would be the latest<br>move in what amounts to a long<br>goodbye from a field it<br>pioneered and revolutionized."
"Leipzig Game Convention in<br>Germany, the stage for price-<br>slash revelations. Sony has<br>announced that it #39;s<br>slashing the cost of PS2 in<br>the UK and Europe to 104.99<br>GBP."
"AP - Florida coach Ron Zook<br>was fired Monday but will be<br>allowed to finish the season,<br>athletic director Jeremy Foley<br>told The Gainesville Sun."
"The country-cooking restaurant<br>chain has agreed to pay \\$8.7<br>million over allegations that<br>it segregated black customers,<br>subjected them to racial slurs<br>and gave black workers<br>inferior jobs."
"Troy Brown has had to make a<br>lot of adjustments while<br>playing both sides of the<br>football. quot;You always<br>want to score when you get the<br>ball -- offense or defense"
" PORT LOUIS, Aug. 17<br>(Xinhuanet) -- Southern<br>African countries Tuesday<br>pledged better trade and<br>investment relations with<br>China as well as India in the<br>final communique released at<br>the end of their two-day<br>summit."
"In yet another devastating<br>body blow to the company,<br>Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) announced<br>it would be canceling its<br>4-GHz Pentium chip. The<br>semiconductor bellwether said<br>it was switching"
"Jenson Button will tomorrow<br>discover whether he is allowed<br>to quit BAR and move to<br>Williams for 2005. The<br>Englishman has signed<br>contracts with both teams but<br>prefers a switch to Williams,<br>where he began his Formula One<br>career in 2000."
"Seagate #39;s native SATA<br>interface technology with<br>Native Command Queuing (NCQ)<br>allows the Barracuda 7200.8 to<br>match the performance of<br>10,000-rpm SATA drives without<br>sacrificing capacity"
"ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger<br>last night suffered a<br>Champions League setback as<br>Brazilian midfielder Gilberto<br>Silva (above) was left facing<br>a long-term injury absence."
"BAGHDAD - A militant group has<br>released a video saying it<br>kidnapped a missing journalist<br>in Iraq and would kill him<br>unless US forces left Najaf<br>within 48 hours."
"18 August 2004 -- There has<br>been renewed fighting in the<br>Iraqi city of Al-Najaf between<br>US and Iraqi troops and Shi<br>#39;a militiamen loyal to<br>radical cleric Muqtada al-<br>Sadr."
"You #39;re probably already<br>familiar with one of the most<br>common questions we hear at<br>iPodlounge: quot;how can I<br>load my iPod up with free<br>music?"
" SINGAPORE (Reuters) -<br>Investors bought shares in<br>Asian exporters and<br>electronics firms such as<br>Fujitsu Ltd. on Tuesday,<br>buoyed by a favorable outlook<br>from U.S. technology<br>bellwethers and a slide in oil<br>prices."
"Ace Ltd. will stop paying<br>brokers for steering business<br>its way, becoming the third<br>company to make concessions in<br>the five days since New York<br>Attorney General Eliot Spitzer<br>unveiled a probe of the<br>insurance industry."
"Vice chairman of the office of<br>the chief executive officer in<br>Novell Inc, Chris Stone is<br>leaving the company to pursue<br>other opportunities in life."
"Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., the world<br>#39;s largest maker of chewing<br>gum, agreed to buy candy<br>businesses including Altoids<br>mints and Life Savers from<br>Kraft Foods Inc."
"American improves to 3-1 on<br>the season with a hard-fought<br>overtime win, 74-63, against<br>Loyala at Bender Arena on<br>Friday night."
"Australia tighten their grip<br>on the third Test and the<br>series after dominating India<br>on day two in Nagpur."
" #39;Reaching a preliminary<br>pilot agreement is the single<br>most important hurdle they<br>have to clear, but certainly<br>not the only one."
"Bee Staff Writers. SAN<br>FRANCISCO - As Eric Johnson<br>drove to the stadium Sunday<br>morning, his bruised ribs were<br>so sore, he wasn #39;t sure he<br>#39;d be able to suit up for<br>the game."
"The New England Patriots are<br>so single-minded in pursuing<br>their third Super Bowl triumph<br>in four years that they almost<br>have no room for any other<br>history."
"TORONTO (CP) - Canada #39;s<br>big banks are increasing<br>mortgage rates following a<br>decision by the Bank of Canada<br>to raise its overnight rate by<br>one-quarter of a percentage<br>point to 2.25 per cent."
" SEOUL (Reuters) - North<br>Korea's two-year-old nuclear<br>crisis has taxed the world's<br>patience, the chief United<br>Nations nuclear regulator<br>said on Wednesday, urging<br>communist Pyongyang to return<br>to its disarmament treaty<br>obligations."
" - Microsoft<br>is going to Tinseltown today<br>to announce plans for its<br>revamped Windows XP Media<br>Center, part of an aggressive<br>push to get ahead in the<br>digital entertainment race."
"GROZNY, Russia - The Russian<br>government's choice for<br>president of war-ravaged<br>Chechnya appeared to be the<br>victor Sunday in an election<br>tainted by charges of fraud<br>and shadowed by last week's<br>terrorist destruction of two<br>airliners. Little more than<br>two hours after polls closed,<br>acting Chechen president<br>Sergei Abramov said<br>preliminary results showed<br>Maj..."
"Because, while the Eagles are<br>certain to stumble at some<br>point during the regular<br>season, it seems inconceivable<br>that they will falter against<br>a team with as many offensive<br>problems as Baltimore has<br>right now."
"AP - J.J. Arrington ran for 84<br>of his 121 yards in the second<br>half and Aaron Rodgers shook<br>off a slow start to throw two<br>touchdown passes to help No. 5<br>California beat Washington<br>42-12 on Saturday."
"BAGHDAD, Sept 5 (AFP) - Izzat<br>Ibrahim al-Duri, Saddam<br>Hussein #39;s deputy whose<br>capture was announced Sunday,<br>is 62 and riddled with cancer,<br>but was public enemy number<br>two in Iraq for the world<br>#39;s most powerful military."
"AP - An explosion targeted the<br>Baghdad governor's convoy as<br>he was traveling through the<br>capital Tuesday, killing two<br>people but leaving him<br>uninjured, the Interior<br>Ministry said."
"GENEVA: Rescuers have found<br>the bodies of five Swiss<br>firemen who died after the<br>ceiling of an underground car<br>park collapsed during a fire,<br>a police spokesman said last<br>night."
"John Kerry has held 10 \"front<br>porch visit\" events an actual<br>front porch is optional where<br>perhaps 100 people ask<br>questions in a low-key<br>campaigning style."
"AP - Most of the turkeys<br>gracing the nation's dinner<br>tables Thursday have been<br>selectively bred for their<br>white meat for so many<br>generations that simply<br>walking can be a problem for<br>many of the big-breasted birds<br>and sex is no longer possible."
"OTTAWA (CP) - The economy<br>created another 43,000 jobs<br>last month, pushing the<br>unemployment rate down to 7.1<br>per cent from 7.2 per cent in<br>August, Statistics Canada said<br>Friday."
"The right-win opposition<br>Conservative Party and Liberal<br>Center Union won 43 seats in<br>the 141-member Lithuanian<br>parliament, after more than 99<br>percent of the votes were<br>counted"
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's<br>Nikkei average rose 0.39<br>percent by midsession on<br>Friday, bolstered by solid<br>gains in stocks dependent on<br>domestic business such as Kao<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.i<br><br>aspx?ticker=4452.T target=/sto<br>cks/quickinfo/fullquote\"&gt;44<br>52.T&lt;/A&gt;."
" FRANKFURT (Reuters) -<br>DaimlerChrysler and General<br>Motors will jointly develop<br>new hybrid motors to compete<br>against Japanese rivals on<br>the fuel-saving technology<br>that reduces harmful<br>emissions, the companies said<br>on Monday."
" SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft<br>Corp. &lt;A HREF=\"http://www.r<br><br>p.jhtml?ticker=MSFT.O<br>qtype=sym infotype=info<br>qcat=news\"&gt;MSFT.O&lt;/A&gt;<br>is making a renewed push this<br>week to get its software into<br>living rooms with the launch<br>of a new version of its<br>Windows XP Media Center, a<br>personal computer designed for<br>viewing movies, listening to<br>music and scrolling through<br>digital pictures."
"KHARTOUM, Aug 18 (Reuters) -<br>The United Nations said on<br>Wednesday it was very<br>concerned by Sudan #39;s lack<br>of practical progress in<br>bringing security to Darfur,<br>where more than a million<br>people have fled their homes<br>for fear of militia ..."
"SHANGHAI, China The Houston<br>Rockets have arrived in<br>Shanghai with hometown<br>favorite Yao Ming declaring<br>himself quot;here on<br>business."
"Charleston, SC (Sports<br>Network) - Andy Roddick and<br>Mardy Fish will play singles<br>for the United States in this<br>weekend #39;s Davis Cup<br>semifinal matchup against<br>Belarus."
"AFP - With less than two<br>months until the November 2<br>election, President George W.<br>Bush is working to shore up<br>support among his staunchest<br>supporters even as he courts<br>undecided voters."
"The bass should be in your<br>face. That's what Matt Kelly,<br>of Boston's popular punk rock<br>band Dropkick Murphys, thinks<br>is the mark of a great stereo<br>system. And he should know.<br>Kelly, 29, is the drummer for<br>the band that likes to think<br>of itself as a bit of an Irish<br>lucky charm for the Red Sox."
"Chile's government says it<br>will build a prison for<br>officers convicted of human<br>rights abuses in the Pinochet<br>era."
"Slumping corporate spending<br>and exports caused the economy<br>to slow to a crawl in the<br>July-September period, with<br>real gross domestic product<br>expanding just 0.1 percent<br>from the previous quarter,<br>Cabinet Office data showed<br>Friday."
"US President George W. Bush<br>signed into law a bill<br>replacing an export tax<br>subsidy that violated<br>international trade rules with<br>a \\$145 billion package of new<br>corporate tax cuts and a<br>buyout for tobacco farmers."
"The Nikkei average was up 0.37<br>percent in mid-morning trade<br>on Thursday as a recovery in<br>the dollar helped auto makers<br>among other exporters, but<br>trade was slow as investors<br>waited for important Japanese<br>economic data."
"Jennifer Canada knew she was<br>entering a boy's club when she<br>enrolled in Southern Methodist<br>University's Guildhall school<br>of video-game making."
"RICKY PONTING believes the<br>game #39;s watchers have<br>fallen for the quot;myth<br>quot; that New Zealand know<br>how to rattle Australia."
"MILWAUKEE (SportsTicker) -<br>Barry Bonds tries to go where<br>just two players have gone<br>before when the San Francisco<br>Giants visit the Milwaukee<br>Brewers on Tuesday."
"Palestinian leader Mahmoud<br>Abbas reiterated calls for his<br>people to drop their weapons<br>in the struggle for a state. a<br>clear change of strategy for<br>peace with Israel after Yasser<br>Arafat #39;s death."
"The new software is designed<br>to simplify the process of<br>knitting together back-office<br>business applications."
"SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Colorado<br>Group Ltd. (CDO.AU), an<br>Australian footwear and<br>clothing retailer, said Monday<br>it expects net profit for the<br>fiscal year ending Jan. 29 to<br>be over 30 higher than that of<br>a year earlier."
"NEW YORK - What are the odds<br>that a tiny nation like<br>Antigua and Barbuda could take<br>on the United States in an<br>international dispute and win?"
"AP - With Tom Brady as their<br>quarterback and a stingy,<br>opportunistic defense, it's<br>difficult to imagine when the<br>New England Patriots might<br>lose again. Brady and<br>defensive end Richard Seymour<br>combined to secure the<br>Patriots' record-tying 18th<br>straight victory, 31-17 over<br>the Buffalo Bills on Sunday."
"FRANKFURT, GERMANY -- The<br>German subsidiaries of<br>Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) and<br>Novell Inc. are teaming to<br>offer Linux-based products to<br>the country's huge public<br>sector."
"SBC Communications expects to<br>cut 10,000 or more jobs by the<br>end of next year through<br>layoffs and attrition. That<br>#39;s about six percent of the<br>San Antonio-based company<br>#39;s work force."
" BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's<br>U.S.-backed government said on<br>Tuesday that \"major neglect\"<br>by its American-led military<br>allies led to a massacre of 49<br>army recruits at the weekend."
" - \"I'm<br>back,\" declared Apple<br>Computer's Steve Jobs on<br>Thursday morning in his first<br>public appearance before<br>reporters since cancer surgery<br>in late July."
"BEIJING -- Police have<br>detained a man accused of<br>slashing as many as nine boys<br>to death as they slept in<br>their high school dormitory in<br>central China, state media<br>reported today."
"Health India: London, Nov 4 :<br>Cosmetic face cream used by<br>fashionable Roman women was<br>discovered at an ongoing<br>archaeological dig in London,<br>in a metal container, complete<br>with the lid and contents."
"Israeli Prime Minister Ariel<br>Sharon #39;s Likud party<br>agreed on Thursday to a<br>possible alliance with<br>opposition Labour in a vote<br>that averted a snap election<br>and strengthened his Gaza<br>withdrawal plan."
"Another United Airlines union<br>is seeking to oust senior<br>management at the troubled<br>airline, saying its strategies<br>are reckless and incompetent."
"Approaching Hurricane Ivan has<br>led to postponement of the<br>game Thursday night between<br>10th-ranked California and<br>Southern Mississippi in<br>Hattiesburg, Cal #39;s<br>athletic director said Monday."
"Global oil prices boomed on<br>Wednesday, spreading fear that<br>energy prices will restrain<br>economic activity, as traders<br>worried about a heating oil<br>supply crunch in the American<br>winter."
"Custom-designed imported<br>furniture was once an<br>exclusive realm. Now, it's the<br>economical alternative for<br>commercial developers and<br>designers needing everything<br>from seats to beds to desks<br>for their projects."
"SAN DIEGO (Ticker) - The San<br>Diego Padres lacked speed and<br>an experienced bench last<br>season, things veteran<br>infielder Eric Young is<br>capable of providing."
"This is an eye chart,<br>reprinted as a public service<br>to the New York Mets so they<br>may see from what they suffer:<br>myopia. Has ever a baseball<br>franchise been so shortsighted<br>for so long?"
"Short-term interest rate<br>futures struggled on Thursday<br>after a government report<br>showing US core inflation for<br>August below market<br>expectations failed to alter<br>views on Federal Reserve rate<br>policy."
"MacCentral - Microsoft's<br>Macintosh Business Unit on<br>Tuesday issued a patch for<br>Virtual PC 7 that fixes a<br>problem that occurred when<br>running the software on Power<br>Mac G5 computers with more<br>than 2GB of RAM installed.<br>Previously, Virtual PC 7 would<br>not run on those computers,<br>causing a fatal error that<br>crashed the application.<br>Microsoft also noted that<br>Virtual PC 7.0.1 also offers<br>stability improvements,<br>although it wasn't more<br>specific than that -- some<br>users have reported problems<br>with using USB devices and<br>other issues."
"Samsung is now the world #39;s<br>second-largest mobile phone<br>maker, behind Nokia. According<br>to market watcher Gartner, the<br>South Korean company has<br>finally knocked Motorola into<br>third place."
"Don't bother buying Star Wars:<br>Battlefront if you're looking<br>for a first-class shooter --<br>there are far better games out<br>there. But if you're a Star<br>Wars freak and need a fix,<br>this title will suffice. Lore<br>Sjberg reviews Battlefront."
"While the American forces are<br>preparing to launch a large-<br>scale attack against Falluja<br>and al-Ramadi, one of the<br>chieftains of Falluja said<br>that contacts are still<br>continuous yesterday between<br>members representing the city<br>#39;s delegation and the<br>interim"
"UN Security Council<br>ambassadors were still<br>quibbling over how best to<br>pressure Sudan and rebels to<br>end two different wars in the<br>country even as they left for<br>Kenya on Tuesday for a meeting<br>on the crisis."
"HENDALA, Sri Lanka -- Day<br>after day, locked in a cement<br>room somewhere in Iraq, the<br>hooded men beat him. They told<br>him he would be beheaded.<br>''Ameriqi! quot; they shouted,<br>even though he comes from this<br>poor Sri Lankan fishing<br>village."
"THE kidnappers of British aid<br>worker Margaret Hassan last<br>night threatened to turn her<br>over to the group which<br>beheaded Ken Bigley if the<br>British Government refuses to<br>pull its troops out of Iraq."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo<br>stocks climbed to a two week<br>high on Friday after Tokyo<br>Electron Ltd. and other chip-<br>related stocks were boosted<br>by a bullish revenue outlook<br>from industry leader Intel<br>Corp."
"More than by brain size or<br>tool-making ability, the human<br>species was set apart from its<br>ancestors by the ability to<br>jog mile after lung-stabbing<br>mile with greater endurance<br>than any other primate,<br>according to research<br>published today in the journal"
" LONDON (Reuters) - A medical<br>product used to treat both<br>male hair loss and prostate<br>problems has been added to the<br>list of banned drugs for<br>athletes."
"AP - Curtis Martin and Jerome<br>Bettis have the opportunity to<br>go over 13,000 career yards<br>rushing in the same game when<br>Bettis and the Pittsburgh<br>Steelers play Martin and the<br>New York Jets in a big AFC<br>matchup Sunday."
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) -<br>Ten Colombian police<br>officerswere killed on Tuesday<br>in an ambush by the National<br>LiberationArmy, or ELN, in the<br>worst attack by the Marxist<br>group inyears, authorities<br>told Reuters.&lt;/p&gt;"
"Woodland Hills-based Brilliant<br>Digital Entertainment and its<br>subsidiary Altnet announced<br>yesterday that they have filed<br>a patent infringement suit<br>against the Recording Industry<br>Association of America (RIAA)."
"AFP - US President George W.<br>Bush called his Philippines<br>counterpart Gloria Arroyo and<br>said their countries should<br>keep strong ties, a spokesman<br>said after a spat over<br>Arroyo's handling of an Iraq<br>kidnapping."
"A scathing judgment from the<br>UK #39;s highest court<br>condemning the UK government<br>#39;s indefinite detention of<br>foreign terror suspects as a<br>threat to the life of the<br>nation, left anti-terrorist<br>laws in the UK in tatters on<br>Thursday."
"Sony Ericsson and Cingular<br>provide Z500a phones and<br>service for military families<br>to stay connected on today<br>#39;s quot;Dr. Phil Show<br>quot;."
"Reuters - Australia's<br>conservative Prime<br>Minister\\John Howard, handed<br>the most powerful mandate in a<br>generation,\\got down to work<br>on Monday with reform of<br>telecommunications,\\labor and<br>media laws high on his agenda."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Typhoon<br>Megi killed one person as it<br>slammed ashore in northern<br>Japan on Friday, bringing the<br>death toll to at least 13 and<br>cutting power to thousands of<br>homes before heading out into<br>the Pacific."
"Cairo: Egyptian President<br>Hosni Mubarak held telephone<br>talks with Palestinian leader<br>Yasser Arafat about Israel<br>#39;s plan to pull troops and<br>the 8,000 Jewish settlers out<br>of the Gaza Strip next year,<br>the Egyptian news agency Mena<br>said."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - Adobe<br>Systems Inc. &lt;A HREF=\"http:<br>//<br>lQuote.aspx?ticker=ADBE.O targ<br>et=/stocks/quickinfo/fullquote<br>\"&gt;ADBE.O&lt;/A&gt; on<br>Monday reported a sharp rise<br>in quarterly profit, driven by<br>robust demand for its<br>Photoshop and document-sharing<br>software."
"Dow Jones amp; Co., publisher<br>of The Wall Street Journal,<br>has agreed to buy online<br>financial news provider<br>MarketWatch Inc. for about<br>\\$463 million in a bid to<br>boost its revenue from the<br>fast-growing Internet<br>advertising market."
"The first American military<br>intelligence soldier to be<br>court-martialed over the Abu<br>Ghraib abuse scandal was<br>sentenced Saturday to eight<br>months in jail, a reduction in<br>rank and a bad-conduct<br>discharge."
" TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will<br>seek an explanation at weekend<br>talks with North Korea on<br>activity indicating Pyongyang<br>may be preparing a missile<br>test, although Tokyo does not<br>think a launch is imminent,<br>Japan's top government<br>spokesman said."
"Michigan Stadium was mostly<br>filled with empty seats. The<br>only cheers were coming from<br>near one end zone -he Iowa<br>section. By Carlos Osorio, AP."
"The International Rugby Board<br>today confirmed that three<br>countries have expressed an<br>interest in hosting the 2011<br>World Cup. New Zealand, South<br>Africa and Japan are leading<br>the race to host rugby union<br>#39;s global spectacular in<br>seven years #39; time."
"Officials at EarthLink #39;s<br>(Quote, Chart) R amp;D<br>facility have quietly released<br>a proof-of-concept file-<br>sharing application based on<br>the Session Initiated Protocol<br>(define)."
"Low-fare airline ATA has<br>announced plans to lay off<br>hundreds of employees and to<br>drop most of its flights out<br>of Midway Airport in Chicago."
" BEIJING (Reuters) - Iran will<br>never be prepared to<br>dismantle its nuclear program<br>entirely but remains committed<br>to the non-proliferation<br>treaty (NPT), its chief<br>delegate to the International<br>Atomic Energy Agency said on<br>Wednesday."
" WASHINGTON (Reuters) -<br>Germany's Bayer AG &lt;A HREF=<br>\"http://www.investor.reuters.c<br>om/FullQuote.aspx?ticker=BAYG.<br>DE target=/stocks/quickinfo/fu<br>llquote\"&gt;BAYG.DE&lt;/A&gt;<br>has agreed to plead guilty<br>and pay a \\$4.7 million fine<br>for taking part in a<br>conspiracy to fix the prices<br>of synthetic rubber, the U.S.<br>Justice Department said on<br>Wednesday."
"MIAMI (Ticker) -- In its first<br>season in the Atlantic Coast<br>Conference, No. 11 Virginia<br>Tech is headed to the BCS.<br>Bryan Randall threw two<br>touchdown passes and the<br>Virginia Tech defense came up<br>big all day as the Hokies<br>knocked off No."
"(CP) - Somehow, in the span of<br>half an hour, the Detroit<br>Tigers #39; pitching went from<br>brutal to brilliant. Shortly<br>after being on the wrong end<br>of several records in a 26-5<br>thrashing from to the Kansas<br>City"
"&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;<br>SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) -<br>President Bush on<br>Saturdayreached into a throng<br>of squabbling bodyguards and<br>pulled aSecret Service agent<br>away from Chilean security<br>officers afterthey stopped the<br>U.S. agent from accompanying<br>the president ata<br>dinner.&lt;/p&gt;"
" quot;It #39;s your mail,<br>quot; the Google Web site<br>said. quot;You should be able<br>to choose how and where you<br>read it. You can even switch<br>to other e-mail services<br>without having to worry about<br>losing access to your<br>messages."
"The US oil giant got a good<br>price, Russia #39;s No. 1 oil<br>company acquired a savvy<br>partner, and Putin polished<br>Russia #39;s image."
"With the Huskies reeling at<br>0-4 - the only member of a<br>Bowl Championship Series<br>conference left without a win<br>-an Jose State suddenly looms<br>as the only team left on the<br>schedule that UW will be<br>favored to beat."
"Darryl Sutter, who coached the<br>Calgary Flames to the Stanley<br>Cup finals last season, had an<br>emergency appendectomy and was<br>recovering Friday."
"The maker of Hostess Twinkies,<br>a cake bar and a piece of<br>Americana children have<br>snacked on for almost 75<br>years, yesterday raised<br>concerns about the company<br>#39;s ability to stay in<br>business."
"Iranian deputy foreign<br>minister Gholamali Khoshrou<br>denied Tuesday that his<br>country #39;s top leaders were<br>at odds over whether nuclear<br>weapons were un-Islamic,<br>insisting that it will<br>quot;never quot; make the<br>bomb."
" quot;Israel mercenaries<br>assisting the Ivory Coast army<br>operated unmanned aircraft<br>that aided aerial bombings of<br>a French base in the country,<br>quot; claimed"
"Athens, Greece (Sports<br>Network) - For the second<br>straight day a Briton captured<br>gold at the Olympic Velodrome.<br>Bradley Wiggins won the men<br>#39;s individual 4,000-meter<br>pursuit Saturday, one day<br>after teammate"
"AFP - SAP, the world's leading<br>maker of business software,<br>may need an extra year to<br>achieve its medium-term profit<br>target of an operating margin<br>of 30 percent, its chief<br>financial officer said."
"Tenet Healthcare Corp., the<br>second- largest US hospital<br>chain, said fourth-quarter<br>charges may exceed \\$1 billion<br>and its loss from continuing<br>operations will widen from the<br>third quarter #39;s because of<br>increased bad debt."
"AFP - The airline Swiss said<br>it had managed to cut its<br>first-half net loss by about<br>90 percent but warned that<br>spiralling fuel costs were<br>hampering a turnaround despite<br>increasing passenger travel."
"Vulnerable youngsters expelled<br>from schools in England are<br>being let down by the system,<br>say inspectors."
"Yasser Arafat was undergoing<br>tests for possible leukaemia<br>at a military hospital outside<br>Paris last night after being<br>airlifted from his Ramallah<br>headquarters to an anxious<br>farewell from Palestinian<br>well-wishers."
"The world #39;s only captive<br>great white shark made history<br>this week when she ate several<br>salmon fillets, marking the<br>first time that a white shark<br>in captivity"
"Nepal #39;s main opposition<br>party urged the government on<br>Monday to call a unilateral<br>ceasefire with Maoist rebels<br>and seek peace talks to end a<br>road blockade that has cut the<br>capital off from the rest of<br>the country."
"Communications aggregator<br>iPass said Monday that it is<br>adding in-flight Internet<br>access to its access<br>portfolio. Specifically, iPass<br>said it will add access<br>offered by Connexion by Boeing<br>to its list of access<br>providers."
"The London-based brokerage<br>Collins Stewart Tullett placed<br>55m of new shares yesterday to<br>help fund the 69.5m purchase<br>of the money and futures<br>broker Prebon."
"BOSTON - The New York Yankees<br>and Boston were tied 4-4 after<br>13 innings Monday night with<br>the Red Sox trying to stay<br>alive in the AL championship<br>series. Boston tied the<br>game with two runs in the<br>eighth inning on David Ortiz's<br>solo homer, a walk to Kevin<br>Millar, a single by Trot Nixon<br>and a sacrifice fly by Jason<br>Varitek..."
"A Steffen Iversen penalty was<br>sufficient to secure the<br>points for Norway at Hampden<br>on Saturday. James McFadden<br>was ordered off after 53<br>minutes for deliberate<br>handball as he punched Claus<br>Lundekvam #39;s header off the<br>line."
"Reuters - The country may be<br>more\\or less evenly divided<br>along partisan lines when it<br>comes to\\the presidential<br>race, but the Republican Party<br>prevailed in\\the Nielsen<br>polling of this summer's<br>nominating conventions."
" PARIS (Reuters) - European<br>equities flirted with 5-month<br>peaks as hopes that economic<br>growth was sustainable and a<br>small dip in oil prices<br>helped lure investors back to<br>recent underperformers such<br>as technology and insurance<br>stocks."
" NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.<br>stocks looked to open higher<br>on Friday, as the fourth<br>quarter begins on Wall Street<br>with oil prices holding below<br>\\$50 a barrel."
"LONDON : World oil prices<br>stormed above 54 US dollars<br>for the first time Tuesday as<br>strikes in Nigeria and Norway<br>raised worries about possible<br>supply shortages during the<br>northern hemisphere winter."
"AP - Ailing St. Louis reliever<br>Steve Kline was unavailable<br>for Game 3 of the NL<br>championship series on<br>Saturday, but Cardinals<br>manager Tony LaRussa hopes the<br>left-hander will pitch later<br>this postseason."
"Company launches free test<br>version of service that<br>fosters popular Internet<br>activity."
"Outdated computer systems are<br>hampering the work of<br>inspectors, says the UN<br>nuclear agency."
" In Vice President Cheney's<br>final push before next<br>Tuesday's election, talk of<br>nuclear annihilation and<br>escalating war rhetoric have<br>blended with balloon drops,<br>confetti cannons and the other<br>trappings of modern<br>campaigning with such ferocity<br>that it is sometimes tough to<br>tell just who the enemy is."
"MADRID: A stunning first-half<br>free kick from David Beckham<br>gave Real Madrid a 1-0 win<br>over newly promoted Numancia<br>at the Bernabeu last night."
"MacCentral - You Software Inc.<br>announced on Tuesday the<br>availability of You Control:<br>iTunes, a free\\download that<br>places iTunes controls in the<br>Mac OS X menu bar.<br>Without\\leaving the current<br>application, you can pause,<br>play, rewind or skip songs,\\as<br>well as control iTunes' volume<br>and even browse your entire<br>music library\\by album, artist<br>or genre. Each time a new song<br>plays, You Control:<br>iTunes\\also pops up a window<br>that displays the artist and<br>song name and the<br>album\\artwork, if it's in the<br>library. System requirements<br>call for Mac OS X\\v10.2.6 and<br>10MB free hard drive space.<br>..."
"Favourites Argentina beat<br>Italy 3-0 this morning to<br>claim their place in the final<br>of the men #39;s Olympic<br>football tournament. Goals by<br>leading goalscorer Carlos<br>Tevez, with a smart volley<br>after 16 minutes, and"
"Shortly after Steve Spurrier<br>arrived at Florida in 1990,<br>the Gators were placed on NCAA<br>probation for a year stemming<br>from a child-support payment<br>former coach Galen Hall made<br>for a player."
"The US Secret Service Thursday<br>announced arrests in eight<br>states and six foreign<br>countries of 28 suspected<br>cybercrime gangsters on<br>charges of identity theft,<br>computer fraud, credit-card<br>fraud, and conspiracy."
"US stocks were little changed<br>on Thursday as an upbeat<br>earnings report from chip<br>maker National Semiconductor<br>Corp. (NSM) sparked some<br>buying, but higher oil prices<br>limited gains."
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"PC World - Updated antivirus<br>software for businesses adds<br>intrusion prevention features."
"PC World - Send your video<br>throughout your house--<br>wirelessly--with new gateways<br>and media adapters."
"PC World - Symantec, McAfee<br>hope raising virus-definition<br>fees will move users to\\<br>suites."
"Gateway computers will be more<br>widely available at Office<br>Depot, in the PC maker #39;s<br>latest move to broaden<br>distribution at retail stores<br>since acquiring rival<br>eMachines this year."
"PC World - The one-time World<br>Class Product of the Year PDA<br>gets a much-needed upgrade."
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"Should you want to, you can also make an interactive 3D plot of the embeddings with the function `chart_from_components_3D`. (Doing so will require recomputing the t-SNE components with `n_components=3`.)"
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