You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
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import { FileLite, FileChunk } from "../types/file";
import { embedding } from "./openai";
// This is the minimum cosine similarity score that a file must have with the search query to be considered relevant
// This is an arbitrary value, and you should vary/ remove this depending on the diversity of your dataset
// This function takes a search query and a list of files, and returns the chunks of text that are most semantically similar to the query
export async function searchFileChunks({
}: {
searchQuery: string;
files: FileLite[];
maxResults: number;
}): Promise<FileChunk[]> {
// Get the search query embedding
const searchQueryEmbeddingResponse = await embedding({
input: searchQuery,
// Get the first element in the embedding array
const searchQueryEmbedding =
searchQueryEmbeddingResponse.length > 0
? searchQueryEmbeddingResponse[0]
: [];
// Rank the chunks by their cosine similarity to the search query (using dot product since the embeddings are normalized) and return this
const rankedChunks = files
// Map each file to an array of chunks with the file name and score
.flatMap((file) =>
? => {
// Calculate the dot product between the chunk embedding and the search query embedding
const dotProduct = chunk.embedding.reduce(
(sum, val, i) => sum + val * searchQueryEmbedding[i],
// Assign the dot product as the score for the chunk
return { ...chunk, filename:, score: dotProduct };
: []
// Sort the chunks by their scores in descending order
.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score)
// Filter the chunks by their score above the threshold
.filter((chunk) => chunk.score > COSINE_SIM_THRESHOLD)
// Take the first maxResults chunks
.slice(0, maxResults);
return rankedChunks;