You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
5.8 KiB

This is a single-page streamlit app for experimenting with OpenAI embeddings.
Before running, install required dependencies with:
`pip install -r apps/embeddings-playground/requirements.txt`
You may need to change the path to match your local path.
Verify installation of streamlit with `streamlit hello`.
Run this script with:
`streamlit run apps/embeddings-playground/`
Again, you may need to change the path to match your local path.
import altair as alt
import openai
import os
import pandas as pd
from scipy import spatial
import streamlit as st
from tenacity import (
# get embeddings
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_attempt(6))
def embedding_from_string(input: str, model: str) -> list:
response = openai.Embedding.create(input=input, model=model)
embedding = response["data"][0]["embedding"]
return embedding
# plot distance matrix
def plot_distance_matrix(strings: list, engine: str, distance: str):
# create dataframe of embedding distances
df = pd.DataFrame({"string": strings, "index": range(len(strings))})
df["embedding"] = df["string"].apply(lambda string: embedding_from_string(string, engine))
df["string"] = df.apply(lambda row: f"({row['index'] + 1}) {row['string']}", axis=1)
df["dummy_key"] = 0
df = pd.merge(df, df, on="dummy_key", suffixes=("_1", "_2")).drop("dummy_key", axis=1)
df = df[df["string_1"] != df["string_2"]] # filter out diagonal (always 0)
df["distance"] = df.apply(
lambda row: distance_metrics[distance](row["embedding_1"], row["embedding_2"]),
df["label"] = df["distance"].apply(lambda d: f"{d:.2f}")
# set chart params
text_size = 32
label_size = 16
pixels_per_string = 80 # aka row height & column width (perpendicular to text)
max_label_width = 256 # in pixels, not characters, I think?
chart_width = (
+ min(max_label_width, max(df["string_1"].apply(len) * label_size/2))
+ len(strings) * pixels_per_string
# extract chart parameters from data
color_min = df["distance"].min()
color_max = 1.5 * df["distance"].max()
x_order = df["string_1"].values
ranked = False
if ranked:
ranked_df = df[(df["string_1"] == f"(1) {strings[0]}")].sort_values(by="distance")
y_order = ranked_df["string_2"].values
y_order = x_order
# create chart
boxes = (
alt.Chart(df, title=f"{engine}")
x=alt.X("string_1", title=None, sort=x_order),
y=alt.Y("string_2", title=None, sort=y_order),
color=alt.Color("distance:Q", title=f"{distance} distance", scale=alt.Scale(domain=[color_min,color_max], scheme="darkblue", reverse=True)),
labels = (
boxes.mark_text(align="center", baseline="middle", fontSize=text_size)
.configure_axis(labelLimit=max_label_width, labelFontSize=label_size)
.properties(width=chart_width, height=chart_width)
st.altair_chart(labels) # note: layered plots are not supported in streamlit :(
st.title("OpenAI Embeddings Playground")
# get API key
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
st.write(f"API key sucessfully retrieved: {openai.api_key[:3]}...{openai.api_key[-4:]}")
st.header("Enter API Key")
openai.api_key = st.text_input("API key")
# select distance metric
st.header("Select distance metric")
distance_metrics = {
"cosine": spatial.distance.cosine,
"L1 (cityblock)": spatial.distance.cityblock,
"L2 (euclidean)": spatial.distance.euclidean,
"Linf (chebyshev)": spatial.distance.chebyshev,
#'correlation': spatial.distance.correlation, # not sure this makes sense for individual vectors - looks like cosine
distance_metric_options = list(distance_metrics.keys())
distance ="Distance metric", distance_metric_options)
# select models
st.header("Select models")
models = [
prechecked_models = [
model_values = [st.checkbox(model, key=model, value=(model in prechecked_models)) for model in models]
# enter strings
st.header("Enter strings")
strings = []
if "num_boxes" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.num_boxes = 5
if st.session_state.num_boxes > 2:
if st.button("Remove last text box"):
st.session_state.num_boxes -= 1
if st.button("Add new text box"):
st.session_state.num_boxes += 1
for i in range(st.session_state.num_boxes):
string = st.text_input(f"String {i+1}")
# rank strings
st.header("Rank strings by relatedness")
if st.button("Rank"):
# display a dataframe comparing rankings to string #1
ranked_strings = {}
for model, value in zip(models, model_values):
if value:
query_embedding = embedding_from_string(strings[0], model)
df = pd.DataFrame({"string": strings})
df[model] = df["string"].apply(lambda string: embedding_from_string(string, model))
df["distance"] = df[model].apply(
lambda embedding: distance_metrics[distance](query_embedding, embedding)
df = df.sort_values(by="distance")
ranked_strings[model] = df["string"].values
df = pd.DataFrame(ranked_strings)
# display charts of all the pairwise distances between strings
st.subheader("Distance matrices")
for model, value in zip(models, model_values):
if value:
plot_distance_matrix(strings, model, distance)