from typing import List, Union from smokey import Smokey import openai def get_candidates( prompt: str, stop: List[str], temperature: float, priming_prefix: str, engine: str, n: int = 5, ) -> List[str]: """ Generate N candidate completions based on the prompt, generated with a specific temperature. :param prompt: The prompt to start the conversation with. :param stop: A list of tokens that indicate the end of the generation. :param temperature: The temperature of the generation. :param priming_prefix: The prefix to use for the priming. :param engine: The engine to use for the generation. :param n: The number of completions to generate. :return: A list of completions. """ response = openai.Completion.create( engine=engine, prompt=prompt, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=150, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0, stop=stop, n=n, ) responses = [priming_prefix + choice.text for choice in response.choices] return responses def rindex(lst: List, value: str) -> int: """ Return the index of the last occurence of a value in a list. :param lst: The list to search in. :param value: The value to search for. :return: The index of the last occurence of the value. """ try: return len(lst) - lst[::-1].index(value) - 1 except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Answer start token `{value}` not found in the eval template") def eval_candidate( candidate_answer: str, original_instruction: str, eval_template: str, answer_start_token: str, engine: str, ) -> float: """ Evaluate a candidate answer by calculating the average log probability of the original instruction, given the candidate answer with a specific evaluation template, aimed at reconstructing the original instruction. :param candidate_answer: The candidate answer to evaluate. :param original_instruction: The original instruction. :param eval_template: The template to use for the evaluation. :param answer_start_token: The token to use to indicate the start of the answer. :param engine: The engine to use for the evaluation. :return: The evaluation of the candidate answer. """ response = openai.Completion.create( engine=engine, prompt=eval_template.format(candidate_answer, original_instruction), temperature=0, max_tokens=0, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0, logprobs=1, echo=True, ) answer_start = rindex( response["choices"][0]["logprobs"]["tokens"], answer_start_token ) logprobs = response["choices"][0]["logprobs"]["token_logprobs"][answer_start + 1 :] return sum(logprobs) / len(logprobs) def backtranslation( prompt_template: str, additional_info: str, instruction: str, eval_template: str, priming_prefix: str = "SELECT", stop1: List[str] = ["#", ";"], answer_start_token: str = "--", n: int = 5, temperature: float = 0.5, return_all_results: bool = False, engine: str = "davinci-codex", ) -> Union[str, List[str, float]]: """ Generate a number of SQL queries given a natural language instruction, and pick the best one based on the average log probability of explaining the candidate SQL query with the exact original instruction, when prompted for a natural language explanation of the candidate SQL query. :param prompt_template: The template to use for the prompt to generate SQL. :param additional_info: Additional information to include in the prompt (SQL Tables, and their properties). :param instruction: The instruction in natural language. :param eval_template: The template to use for the evaluation. :param priming_prefix: The prefix to use for the priming of the SQL query. :param stop1: A list of tokens that indicate the end of the generation. :param answer_start_token: The token to use to indicate the start of the natural answer. :param n: The number of candidates to generate. :param temperature: The temperature of the generation. :param return_all_results: Whether to return all results or just the best one. :param engine: The engine to use for the generation and evaluation. :return: The best SQL query, or a list of all scored generated SQL queries. """ prompt_template = prompt_template.format( additional_info, instruction, priming_prefix ) candidates = [] responses = get_candidates( prompt_template, stop1, temperature, priming_prefix, engine=engine, n=n ) for i in range(n): quality = eval_candidate( responses[i], instruction, eval_template, answer_start_token, engine=engine, ) candidates.append((responses[i], quality)) candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if return_all_results: return candidates return candidates[0][0] def main( nl_query: str = "Return the name of each department that had more than 10 employees in June 2021", eval_template: str = "{};\n-- Explanation of the above query in human readable format\n-- {}", table_definitions: str = "# Employee(id, name, department_id)\n# Department(id, name, address)\n# Salary_Payments(id, employee_id, amount, date)\n", prompt_template: str = "### Postgres SQL tables, with their properties:\n#\n{}#\n### {}\n{}", n: int = 3, temperature: float = 0.3, engine: str = "davinci-codex", ): """ Generate a number of SQL queries given a natural language instruction, and pick the best one based on the highest backtranslation score. :param nl_query: The natural language query. :param eval_template: The template to use for the evaluation. :param table_definitions: The definitions of the tables used in the query. :param prompt_template: The template to use for the prompt to generate SQL. :param n: The number of candidates to generate. :param temperature: The temperature of the generation. :param engine: The engine to use for the generation and evaluation. :return: The best SQL query, or a list of all scored generated SQL queries. """ result = backtranslation( prompt_template, table_definitions, nl_query, eval_template, priming_prefix="SELECT", temperature=temperature, n=n, engine=engine, ) print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": Smokey(main)