# ----- PINECONE CONFIG ----- PINECONE_API_KEY: "" PINECONE_INDEX: "" # dimensions: 1536, metric: cosine similarity PINECONE_ENV: "" # ----- SERVER PORT ---- SERVER_PORT: "8080" # ---- OPENAI CONFIG ----- EMBEDDINGS_MODEL: "text-embedding-ada-002" GENERATIVE_MODEL: "gpt-3.5-turbo" # use gpt-4 for better results EMBEDDING_DIMENSIONS: 1536 TEXT_EMBEDDING_CHUNK_SIZE: 200 # This is the minimum cosine similarity score that a file must have with the search query to be considered relevant # This is an arbitrary value, and you should vary/ remove this depending on the diversity of your dataset COSINE_SIM_THRESHOLD: 0.7 MAX_TEXTS_TO_EMBED_BATCH_SIZE: 100 MAX_PINECONE_VECTORS_TO_UPSERT_PATCH_SIZE: 100