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methylation age.", "evidence": {"22038539": [{"sentences": [1], "label": "CONTRADICT"}, {"sentences": [3], "label": "CONTRADICT"}, {"sentences": [4], "label": "CONTRADICT"}, {"sentences": [7], "label": "CONTRADICT"}, {"sentences": [8], "label": "CONTRADICT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [22038539]} {"id": 213, "claim": "CRP is not predictive of postoperative mortality following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [13625993]} {"id": 216, "claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells impairs T cell survival", "evidence": {"21366394": [{"sentences": [4], "label": "CONTRADICT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [21366394]} {"id": 217, "claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells promotes T cell survival", "evidence": {"21366394": [{"sentences": [4], "label": "SUPPORT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [21366394]} {"id": 218, "claim": "CX3CR1 on the Th2 cells promotes airway inflammation.", "evidence": {"21366394": [{"sentences": [2], "label": "SUPPORT"}, {"sentences": [3], "label": "SUPPORT"}, 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diabetes in mutant carriers by the age of 14 years", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [56893404]} {"id": 501, "claim": "Headaches are not correlated with cognitive impairment.", "evidence": {"17930286": [{"sentences": [12], "label": "SUPPORT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [17930286]} {"id": 502, "claim": "Healthcare delivery efficiency in crowded delivery centers is impaired by improving structural, logistical, and interpersonal elements.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [13071728]} {"id": 507, "claim": "Helminths interfere with immune system control of macrophages activated by IL-4 favor Mycobacterium tuberculosis replication.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [30774694]} {"id": 508, "claim": "Hematopoietic Stem Cell purification reaches purity rate of up to 50%.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [13980338]} {"id": 513, "claim": "High cardiopulmonary fitness causes increased mortality rate.", "evidence": {"13230773": [{"sentences": [11], "label": "CONTRADICT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [13230773]} {"id": 514, "claim": "High dietary calcium intakes are unnecessary for prevention of secondary hyperparathyroidism in subjects with 25(OH)D levels above 75 nmol/liter.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [16256507]} {"id": 516, "claim": "High levels of CRP reduces the risk of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).", "evidence": {"29564505": [{"sentences": [8], "label": "CONTRADICT"}, {"sentences": [13], "label": "CONTRADICT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [29564505]} {"id": 517, "claim": "High levels of copeptin decrease risk of diabetes.", "evidence": {}, "cited_doc_ids": [15663829]} {"id": 521, "claim": "High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (HSCT-T) dosage may not be diagnostic if the onset of symptoms occurs less than 3 hours before acute myocardial injury (AMI).", "evidence": {"34873974": [{"sentences": [14], "label": "SUPPORT"}]}, "cited_doc_ids": [34873974]} {"id": 525, "claim": "Histone demethylase recruitment and a transient decrease in histone 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