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function omf.core.update
# If on the stable channel, checkout the latest tag.
if test ( = stable
# If the channel isn't explicitly set and we are currently tracking a branch instead of a version, the user probably
# upgraded from an old version. Let them know that we will start updating to stable versions.
if begin; not test -f $OMF_CONFIG/channel; and command git -C "$OMF_PATH" symbolic-ref -q HEAD > /dev/null; end
set_color yellow --bold 2> /dev/null
echo ">> You have been switched to the stable release channel of Oh My Fish."
echo ">> To switch back to the development channel, run `omf channel dev`."
set_color normal 2> /dev/null
# Determine the remote to fetch from.
set -l remote origin
if test (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" config --get remote.upstream.url)
set remote upstream
# Fetch the latest tags.
command git -C "$OMF_PATH" fetch --quiet --tags $remote
# Get the commit for the latest release.
and set -l hash (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" rev-list --tags='v*' --max-count=1 2> /dev/null)
# Get the release tag.
and set -l tag (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" describe --tags $hash)
# Checkout the release.
and command git -C "$OMF_PATH" checkout --quiet tags/$tag
and return 0
# Something went wrong.
echo (omf::err)"No release versions found."(omf::off)
return 1
# Determine the branch to use for the dev channel.
or set -l OMF_DEV_BRANCH master
# Switch to the master branch if we are in a detached head.
command git -C "$OMF_PATH" symbolic-ref -q HEAD > /dev/null
or command git -C "$OMF_PATH" checkout $OMF_DEV_BRANCH --quiet
# Pull the latest for the current branch.
omf.repo.pull $OMF_PATH