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# Set OMF_CONFIG if not set.
if not set -q OMF_CONFIG
set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME; or set -l XDG_CONFIG_HOME "$HOME/.config"
# Source custom file
test -f $OMF_CONFIG/
and source $OMF_CONFIG/ ^/dev/null
emit perf:timer:start "Oh My Fish initialisation"
# Read current theme
read -l theme < $OMF_CONFIG/theme
# Prepare Oh My Fish paths
set -l core_function_path $OMF_PATH/lib{,/git}
set -l theme_function_path {$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/themes*/$theme{,/functions}
# Autoload core library
set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] \
$core_function_path \
$theme_function_path \
# Require all packages
emit perf:timer:start "Oh My Fish init installed packages"
require --path {$OMF_PATH,$OMF_CONFIG}/pkg/*
emit perf:timer:finish "Oh My Fish init installed packages"
# Backup key bindings
functions -q fish_user_key_bindings
and not functions -q __original_fish_user_key_bindings
and functions -c fish_user_key_bindings __original_fish_user_key_bindings
# Override key bindings, calling original if existent
function fish_user_key_bindings
read -l theme < $OMF_CONFIG/theme
# Prepare packages key bindings paths
set -l key_bindings $OMF_CONFIG/key_binding?.fish \
{$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/pkg/*/ \
# Source all keybindings collected
for file in $key_bindings
source $file
# Call original key bindings if existent
functions -q __original_fish_user_key_bindings
and __original_fish_user_key_bindings
emit perf:timer:start "Oh My Fish init user config path"
require --no-bundle --path $OMF_CONFIG
emit perf:timer:finish "Oh My Fish init user config path"
set -g OMF_VERSION "2"
emit perf:timer:finish "Oh My Fish initialisation"