# NAME # _prepend_path - adds a path to a list # # SYNOPSIS # _prepend_path [-d --destination ] # # DESCRIPTION # Adds a path to a list. # If no list specified, defaults to $PATH # # OPTIONS # # Required. Specify the path to add to the list. # OPERATORS # -d # Should appear at the end if used. Specifies the name of the # list to prepend the paths to. # If not used, $PATH is assumed by default. # # EXAMPLES # _prepend_path $path # Add $path to $PATH # # _prepend_path $path -d $fish_function_path # Add $path to $fish_function_path #/ function _prepend_path # $PATH is the default destination path set -l destination_path PATH set -l path $argv if test (count $argv) -gt 2 switch $path[-2] case -d --destination set destination_path $path[-1] set path $path[1..-3] end end for path in $path if test -d $path if not contains $path $$destination_path set $destination_path $path $$destination_path end end end end