# These methods override the default calls to append `bundle exec` if this gem # is available within the context of bundler. # # You can add more bundled executables in your config.fish: # # set bundler_plugin_execs jekyll mustache # set -l execs annotate \ cap \ capify \ cucumber \ dashing \ foreman \ guard \ kitchen \ middleman \ nanoc \ puma \ rackup \ rainbows \ rake \ rspec \ rubocop \ ruby \ shotgun \ sidekiq \ spec \ spinach \ spork \ thin \ thor \ unicorn \ unicorn_rails if set -q bundler_plugin_execs set execs $execs $bundler_plugin_execs end # Fish 2.1.1+ has support for --inherit-variable set -l do_eval (echo $FISH_VERSION | grep 2.1.1-) for executable in $execs if test -z "$do_eval" eval "function $executable; __execute_as_bundler $executable \$argv; end" else function $executable --inherit-variable executable __execute_as_bundler $executable $argv end end end function __execute_as_bundler if __is_a_bundled_executable $argv[1] command bundle exec $argv else eval command $argv end end function __is_a_bundled_executable set -l bindir (command bundle exec ruby -e 'puts Gem.bindir') test -f "$bindir/$argv" end