# name: Jacaetevha function tbytes -d 'calculates the total size of the files in the current directory' set -l tBytes (ls -al | grep "^-" | awk 'BEGIN {i=0} { i += $5 } END { print i }') if test $tBytes -lt 1048576 set -g total (echo -e "scale=3 \n$tBytes/1048 \nquit" | bc) set -g units " Kb" else set -g total (echo -e "scale=3 \n$tBytes/1048576 \nquit" | bc) set -g units " Mb" end echo -n "$total$units" end function fish_prompt set_color yellow printf '%s' (whoami) set_color normal printf ' at ' set_color magenta printf '%s' (hostname|cut -d . -f 1) set_color normal printf ' in ' set_color $fish_color_cwd printf '%s ' (prompt_pwd) set_color blue printf '%s' (tbytes) set_color normal printf '%s' (__fish_git_prompt) # Line 2 echo if test $VIRTUAL_ENV printf "(%s) " (set_color blue)(basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)(set_color normal) end printf '↪ ' set_color normal end