# name: bobthefish # # bobthefish is a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome. # # You will probably need a Powerline-patched font for this to work: # # https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/fontpatching.html # # I recommend picking one of these: # # https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts # # You can override some default options in your config.fish: # # set -g theme_display_git no # set -g theme_display_hg yes # set -g theme_display_virtualenv no # set -g theme_display_ruby no # set -g theme_display_user yes # set -g default_user your_normal_user set -g __bobthefish_current_bg NONE # Powerline glyphs set __bobthefish_branch_glyph \uE0A0 set __bobthefish_ln_glyph \uE0A1 set __bobthefish_padlock_glyph \uE0A2 set __bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph \uE0B0 set __bobthefish_right_arrow_glyph \uE0B1 set __bobthefish_left_black_arrow_glyph \uE0B2 set __bobthefish_left_arrow_glyph \uE0B3 # Additional glyphs set __bobthefish_detached_glyph \u27A6 set __bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph '! ' set __bobthefish_superuser_glyph '$ ' set __bobthefish_bg_job_glyph '% ' set __bobthefish_hg_glyph \u263F # Python glyphs set __bobthefish_superscript_glyph \u00B9 \u00B2 \u00B3 set __bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph \u25F0 set __bobthefish_pypy_glyph \u1D56 # Colors set __bobthefish_lt_green addc10 set __bobthefish_med_green 189303 set __bobthefish_dk_green 0c4801 set __bobthefish_lt_red C99 set __bobthefish_med_red ce000f set __bobthefish_dk_red 600 set __bobthefish_ruby_red af0000 set __bobthefish_slate_blue 255e87 set __bobthefish_med_blue 005faf set __bobthefish_lt_orange f6b117 set __bobthefish_dk_orange 3a2a03 set __bobthefish_dk_grey 333 set __bobthefish_med_grey 999 set __bobthefish_lt_grey ccc set __bobthefish_dk_brown 4d2600 set __bobthefish_med_brown 803F00 set __bobthefish_lt_brown BF5E00 # =========================== # Helper methods # =========================== # function __bobthefish_in_git -d 'Check whether pwd is inside a git repo' # command which git > /dev/null 2>&1; and command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1 # end # function __bobthefish_in_hg -d 'Check whether pwd is inside a hg repo' # command which hg > /dev/null 2>&1; and command hg stat > /dev/null 2>&1 # end function __bobthefish_git_branch -d 'Get the current git branch (or commitish)' set -l ref (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null) if [ $status -gt 0 ] set -l branch (command git show-ref --head -s --abbrev | head -n1 ^/dev/null) set ref "$__bobthefish_detached_glyph $branch" end echo $ref | sed "s#refs/heads/#$__bobthefish_branch_glyph #" end function __bobthefish_hg_branch -d 'Get the current hg branch' set -l branch (command hg branch ^/dev/null) set -l book " @ "(command hg book | grep \* | cut -d\ -f3) echo "$__bobthefish_branch_glyph $branch$book" end function __bobthefish_pretty_parent -d 'Print a parent directory, shortened to fit the prompt' echo -n (dirname $argv[1]) | sed -e 's#/private##' -e "s#^$HOME#~#" -e 's#/\(\.\{0,1\}[^/]\)\([^/]*\)#/\1#g' -e 's#/$##' end function __bobthefish_git_project_dir -d 'Print the current git project base directory' [ "$theme_display_git" = 'no' ]; and return command git rev-parse --show-toplevel ^/dev/null end function __bobthefish_hg_project_dir -d 'Print the current hg project base directory' [ "$theme_display_hg" = 'yes' ]; or return set d (pwd) while not [ $d = / ] if [ -e $d/.hg ] command hg root --cwd "$d" ^/dev/null return end set d (dirname $d) end end function __bobthefish_project_pwd -d 'Print the working directory relative to project root' echo "$PWD" | sed -e "s#$argv[1]##g" -e 's#^/##' end # =========================== # Segment functions # =========================== function __bobthefish_start_segment -d 'Start a prompt segment' set -l bg $argv[1] set -e argv[1] set -l fg $argv[1] set -e argv[1] set_color normal # clear out anything bold or underline... set_color -b $bg set_color $fg $argv if [ "$__bobthefish_current_bg" = 'NONE' ] # If there's no background, just start one echo -n ' ' else # If there's already a background... if [ "$bg" = "$__bobthefish_current_bg" ] # and it's the same color, draw a separator echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_arrow_glyph " else # otherwise, draw the end of the previous segment and the start of the next set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph " set_color $fg $argv end end set __bobthefish_current_bg $bg end function __bobthefish_path_segment -d 'Display a shortened form of a directory' if [ -w "$argv[1]" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_grey $__bobthefish_med_grey else __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_red $__bobthefish_lt_red end set -l directory set -l parent switch "$argv[1]" case / set directory '/' case "$HOME" set directory '~' case '*' set parent (__bobthefish_pretty_parent "$argv[1]") set parent "$parent/" set directory (basename "$argv[1]") end [ "$parent" ]; and echo -n -s "$parent" set_color fff --bold echo -n "$directory " set_color normal end function __bobthefish_finish_segments -d 'Close open prompt segments' if [ -n $__bobthefish_current_bg -a $__bobthefish_current_bg != 'NONE' ] set_color -b normal set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph " set_color normal end set -g __bobthefish_current_bg NONE end # =========================== # Theme components # =========================== function __bobthefish_prompt_status -d 'Display symbols for a non zero exit status, root and background jobs' set -l nonzero set -l superuser set -l bg_jobs # Last exit was nonzero if [ $status -ne 0 ] set nonzero $__bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph end # if superuser (uid == 0) set -l uid (id -u $USER) if [ $uid -eq 0 ] set superuser $__bobthefish_superuser_glyph end # Jobs display if [ (jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ] set bg_jobs $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph end set -l status_flags "$nonzero$superuser$bg_jobs" if [ "$nonzero" -o "$superuser" -o "$bg_jobs" ] __bobthefish_start_segment fff 000 if [ "$nonzero" ] set_color $__bobthefish_med_red --bold echo -n $__bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph end if [ "$superuser" ] set_color $__bobthefish_med_green --bold echo -n $__bobthefish_superuser_glyph end if [ "$bg_jobs" ] set_color $__bobthefish_slate_blue --bold echo -n $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph end set_color normal end end function __bobthefish_prompt_user -d 'Display actual user if different from $default_user' if [ "$theme_display_user" = 'yes' ] if [ "$USER" != "$default_user" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_lt_grey $__bobthefish_slate_blue echo -n -s (whoami) '@' (hostname | cut -d . -f 1) ' ' end end end function __bobthefish_prompt_hg -d 'Display the actual hg state' set -l dirty (command hg stat; or echo -n '*') set -l flags "$dirty" [ "$flags" ]; and set flags "" set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green if [ "$dirty" ] set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red set flag_fg fff end __bobthefish_path_segment $argv[1] __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg echo -n -s $__bobthefish_hg_glyph ' ' __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg --bold echo -n -s (__bobthefish_hg_branch) $flags ' ' set_color normal set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $argv[1]) if [ "$project_pwd" ] if [ -w "$PWD" ] __bobthefish_start_segment 333 999 else __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red end echo -n -s $project_pwd ' ' end end function __bobthefish_prompt_git -d 'Display the actual git state' set -l dirty (command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; or echo -n '*') set -l staged (command git diff --cached --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; or echo -n '~') set -l stashed (command git rev-parse --verify --quiet refs/stash >/dev/null; and echo -n '$') set -l ahead (command git rev-list --left-right '@{upstream}...HEAD' ^/dev/null | awk '/>/ {a += 1} / 0) nextfile} END {if (a > 0 && b > 0) print "±"; else if (a > 0) print "+"; else if (b > 0) print "-"}') set -l new (command git ls-files --other --exclude-standard); [ "$new" ]; and set new '…' set -l flags "$dirty$staged$stashed$ahead$new" [ "$flags" ]; and set flags " $flags" set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green if [ "$dirty" -o "$staged" ] set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red set flag_fg fff else if [ "$stashed" ] set flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_orange set flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_orange end __bobthefish_path_segment $argv[1] __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg --bold echo -n -s (__bobthefish_git_branch) $flags ' ' set_color normal set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $argv[1]) if [ "$project_pwd" ] if [ -w "$PWD" ] __bobthefish_start_segment 333 999 else __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red end echo -n -s $project_pwd ' ' end end function __bobthefish_prompt_dir -d 'Display a shortened form of the current directory' __bobthefish_path_segment "$PWD" end function __bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version -d 'Get current python version' set -l python_version (readlink (which python)) switch "$python_version" case python2 echo $__bobthefish_superscript_glyph[2] case python3 echo $__bobthefish_superscript_glyph[3] case pypy echo $__bobthefish_pypy_glyph end end function __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish -d "Display activated virtual environment (only for virtualfish, virtualenv's activate.fish changes prompt by itself)" [ "$theme_display_virtualenv" = 'no' -o -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; and return set -l version_glyph (__bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version) if [ "$version_glyph" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_blue $__bobthefish_lt_grey echo -n -s $__bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph $version_glyph end __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_blue $__bobthefish_lt_grey --bold echo -n -s (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") ' ' set_color normal end function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -d 'Display current Ruby (rvm/rbenv)' [ "$theme_display_ruby" = 'no' ]; and return set -l ruby_version if type rvm-prompt >/dev/null set ruby_version (rvm-prompt i v g) else if type rbenv >/dev/null set ruby_version (rbenv version-name) # Don't show global ruby version... [ "$ruby_version" = (rbenv global) ]; and return end [ -z "$ruby_version" ]; and return __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_ruby_red $__bobthefish_lt_grey --bold echo -n -s $ruby_version ' ' set_color normal end # =========================== # Apply theme # =========================== function fish_prompt -d 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome' __bobthefish_prompt_status __bobthefish_prompt_user __bobthefish_prompt_rubies __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish set -l git_root (__bobthefish_git_project_dir) set -l hg_root (__bobthefish_hg_project_dir) if [ (echo "$hg_root" | wc -c) -gt (echo "$git_root" | wc -c) ] __bobthefish_prompt_hg $hg_root else if [ "$git_root" ] __bobthefish_prompt_git $git_root else __bobthefish_prompt_dir end __bobthefish_finish_segments end