# name: ocean # A fish theme with ocean in mind. ## Set this options in your config.fish (if you want to) # set -g theme_display_user yes # set -g default_user default_username set __oceanfish_glyph_anchor \u2693 set __oceanfish_glyph_flag \u2691 set __oceanfish_glyph_radioactive \u2622 function _git_branch_name echo (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||') end function _is_git_dirty echo (command git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty ^/dev/null) end function fish_prompt set -l last_status $status set -l magenta (set_color magenta) set -l red (set_color red) set -l cyan (set_color cyan) set -l white (set_color white) set -l black (set_color black) set -l bg_blue (set_color -b blue) set -l bg_cyan (set_color -b cyan) set -l bg_white (set_color -b white) set -l bg_red (set_color -b red) set -l bg_yellow (set_color -b yellow) set -l normal (set_color normal) set -l cwd $white(prompt_pwd) set -l uid (id -u $USER) # Show a yellow radioactive symbol for root privileges if [ $uid -eq 0 ] echo -n -s $bg_yellow $black " $__oceanfish_glyph_radioactive " $normal end # Display virtualenv name if in a virtualenv if set -q VIRTUAL_ENV echo -n -s $bg_cyan $black " " (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") " " $normal end # Show a nice anchor (turns red if previous command failed) if test $last_status -ne 0 echo -n -s $bg_red $white " $__oceanfish_glyph_anchor " $normal else echo -n -s $bg_blue $white " $__oceanfish_glyph_anchor " $normal end if [ "$theme_display_user" = "yes" ] if [ "$USER" != "$default_user" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] echo -n -s $bg_white $cyan " " (whoami) "@" (hostname -s) " " $normal end end # Display current path echo -n -s $bg_cyan " $cwd " $normal # Show git branch and dirty state if [ (_git_branch_name) ] set -l git_branch (_git_branch_name) if [ (_is_git_dirty) ] echo -n -s $bg_white $magenta " $git_branch " $red "$__oceanfish_glyph_flag " $normal else echo -n -s $bg_white $magenta " $git_branch " $normal end end # Terminate with a space echo -n -s ' ' $normal end