Issues | Packages | Commit Messages | Code Style

# Contributing Thanks for taking the time to read this guide and please _do_ contribute to Oh My Fish. This is an open initiative and _everyone_ is welcome. :metal: ## Issues Please [open an issue]( for bug reports / patches. Include your OS version, code examples, stack traces and everything you can to help you debug your problem. If you have a new feature or large change in mind, please open a new issue with your suggestion to discuss the idea together. ## Package Repositories This is the repository for the core Oh My Fish framework and bootstrap installer. If your issue is related to a specific package, we still may be able to help, but consider visiting that package's issue tracker first. ## Commit Messages + Use the [present tense]( ("add awesome-package" not "added ...") + Less than 72 characters or less for the first line of your commit. + Use of [emoji]( is definitely encouraged. :lollipop: ## Code Style > These rules are not set in stone. Feel free to open an issue with suggestions and/or feedback. ### Control Flow Using `if..else..end` blocks is preferred. ```fish if not set -q ENV_VARIABLE set -g ENV_VARIABLE 42 end ``` The following syntax is more concise, but arguably less transparent. > You still may use `and` / `or` statements if you consider `if..else..then` to be overkill. ```fish set -q VAR; set -g VAR 42 ``` ### Functions Use named arguments `-a`: ```fish function greet -a message echo "$message" end ``` Use `-d` description fields: ```fish function greet -a message -d "Display a greeting message" echo "$message" end ``` `fish` does not have private functions, so in order to avoid polluting the global namespace, use a prefix based in the scope of your code. For example, if you are writing a `ninja` plugin using `__ninja_function_name`. If you are writing a function inside another function, prefix the inner one with the parent's name. ```fish function parent function parent_child end end ``` Note that it's still possible to mimic private functions in `fish` by deleting the function before returning using `functions -e function_name` ```fish function public_func function private_func # ... functions -e private_func end end ``` ### Blocks Blocks allow you to write code resembling macro expressions composed of smaller blocks without relying on variables. Compare the following _without_ blocks: ```fish set -l colors green1 green2 green3 if test $error -ne 0 set colors red1 red2 red3 end for color in $colors printf "%s"(set_color $color)">" end ``` and _using_ blocks: ```fish for color in (begin if test $error -ne 0 and printf "%s\n" red1 red2 red3 or printf "%s\n" green1 green2 green3 end) printf "%s"(set_color $color)">" end ``` The second example does not use a `colors` variable.