# _tiny_ > git.io for the lazy ## Synopsis ``` tiny [-u --user ] [-r --repo ] [-c --code ] [-o --open] [-h --help] tiny [-c --code] [-o --open] owned-repo/url ``` ## Description Tap into [git.io](http://git.io), github's URL shortener service, to easily _shorten_ any github URL. The generated URL is printed to `stdout` and copied to the clipboard. You can optionally specify the `-o` flag to open it up on your browser too. ## Options #### `-u --user` Username. If omitted, the git global config is queried. #### `-r --repo` Repository name. #### `-c --code` Own code to setup a personal `vanity` URL. A regular short URL is generated if the specified code is not available. #### `-o --open` Open the short URL in the browser. #### `-h --help` Display usage help. ## Default Options It's possible to omit the `-u` option and just specify the `url` to shorten. ```fish tiny my-awesome-repo ``` In this case, the username will be retrieved from your git configuration file. You can add your github username to git's configuration like this: ```fish git config github.user ``` Another common use case is to simply copy paste an existing URL into the terminal: ```fish tiny [-o --open] http://github.com/facebook/react ``` ## Diagnostics The following error codes are generated: + _1_ git.io failed to shorten the URL + _2_ invalid input or no input. ## Links + [git.io](http://git.io) + [Github's URL shortener](https://github.com/blog/985-git-io-github-url-shortener) ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) © [Jorge Bucaran](https://bucaran.me)