set -g __ta_error 1 set -g __ta_error_bad_input 2 set -g __ta_error_no_tasks 3 # Standalone installation. if set -q ta_path for file in $ta_path/** switch $file case \*.fish set -l dir (dirname $file) # Skip completions and spec directories. if test (basename $dir) != "completions" -a \ (basename $dir) != "spec" if not contains -- "$dir" $fish_function_path set fish_function_path "$dir" $fish_function_path end end end end # Oh-my-fish installation. else if set -q fish_path set -g ta_path $fish_path/plugins/ta # Oh-my-fish lets you import modules easily. For standalone fish # installations, fish getopts is already included in the path. import plugins/getopts else # Neither $INSTALL_PATH or $fish_path exists. echo "Please review the installation instructions and try again." ^&2 exit $__ta_error end set -g __ta_file_info $ta_path/config/tafile set -g __ta_file_data $ta_path/data/tasks # Regular expression used to extract tags from tasks. set -g __ta_regex "#\S*" # Seconds elapsed between last and current task to commit. set -g __ta_delta 0 # Flag to track whether the undo stack is locked. Tasks are usually # inmutable except for the most recent task to allow simple mistake # correction. set -q __ta_undo_lock or set -g __ta_undo_lock false