function -a keys number if not test -e $__ta_file_data echo "There are no tasks." return $__ta_error_no_tasks end set -l result set -l flags set -q argv[3] and set flags $argv[3..-1] # UI colors. set -l tag_color "1;93" set -l grep_color "0;103;1;90" set -l text_color (set_color 777) set -l query_color (set_color FF1493) set -l normal_color (set_color normal) if test -n "$number" # Truncate results via tail -n$number set number "n$number" end if contains -- regex $flags set result (env GREP_COLOR="$grep_color" \ grep --color=always -E "$keys" $__ta_file_data) else set result (cat $__ta_file_data) if test -n "$keys" for key in (echo "$keys" | tr + \n) # grep results consecutively to produce an AND operator. # Notice we append a `#' to the $key to filter only tags. set result (printf "%s\n" $result | grep "#$key") end end end if test -z "$result" echo "Nothing to see here." return $__ta_error_no_tasks end # Trim special flags, print results in reverse and color #tags. if set result (printf "%s\n" $result \ | cut -d\t -f1 | tail -r"$number" \ | ta.util.color.tags $tag_color) # Append |$ at the end of the tag regex to make sure grep prints all # incoming lines from the tail pipe, but colors only tags. $ matches # the end of all lines but has nothing to colorize. set -l count (count $result) set -l s # Plural? test $count -gt 1; and set s "s" # If both keys and number are empty just print tasks. if test -z "$keys" -a -z "$number" # set count (ta.util.tasks.count) echo $text_color"$count task$s completed."$normal_color if test $count -gt 0 set -l mark_color (set_color blue) # Task marker is red if the task was completed within 10 mins. if test $__ta_delta -gt 0 -a $__ta_delta -lt 600 set mark_color (set_color red) end echo -n $mark_color\* $normal_color end else if test -n "$keys" echo /$query_color"$keys"$normal_color/ | begin # Only for tag search, colorize `+' characters for love. if not contains -- regex $keys sed "s/+/$normal_color+$query_color/g" end end end echo $text_color"$count result$s."$normal_color end printf "%s\n" $result end end