# name: Numist function fish_prompt set -l last_status $status # Colours set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan) set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow) set -l green (set_color -o green) set -l red (set_color -o red) set -l blue (set_color -o blue) set -l magenta (set_color magenta) set -l white (set_color white) set -l normal (set_color normal) # Prints first argument left-aligned, second argument right-aligned, newline function _rprint if [ (count $argv) = 1 ] echo -s $argv else set -l arglength (echo -n -s "$argv[1]$argv[2]" | perl -le 'while (<>) { s/ \e[ #%()*+\-.\/]. | (?:\e\[|\x9b) [ -?]* [@-~] | # CSI ... Cmd (?:\e\]|\x9d) .*? (?:\e\\|[\a\x9c]) | # OSC ... (ST|BEL) (?:\e[P^_]|[\x90\x9e\x9f]) .*? (?:\e\\|\x9c) | # (DCS|PM|APC) ... ST \e.|[\x80-\x9f] //xg; print; }' | awk '{printf length;}') set -l termwidth (tput cols) set -l padding if [ $arglength -lt $termwidth ] set padding (printf "%0"(math $termwidth - $arglength)"d"|tr "0" " ") end echo -s "$argv[1]$padding$argv[2]" end end # Unconditional stuff set -l path $blue(pwd | sed "s:^$HOME:~:") set -l basic_prompt $yellow(whoami)$normal" at "$green(hostname -s)$normal" in "$blue$path" " # Prompt set -l prompt set -l UID (id -u $USER) if [ "$UID" = "0" ] set prompt "$red# " else set prompt "$normal% " end # Git stuff set -l git_info if [ (command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree ^/dev/null) ] # Get the current branch name/commit set -l git_branch_name (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||') if [ -z $git_branch_name ] set git_branch_name (command git show-ref --head -s --abbrev | head -n1 2> /dev/null) end # Unconditional git component set git_info "$normal""on $white$git_branch_name" if [ (command git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty | wc -l) -gt 0 ] set git_info "$git_info$yellow*" end set git_info "$git_info " end # Job count set -l job_info set -l job_count (jobs -c | wc -l | awk '{ print $1; }') if [ $job_count -gt 0 ] if [ $job_count -eq 1 ] set job_info "$magenta""($job_count job)" else set job_info "$magenta""($job_count jobs)" end end # Last command set -l status_info "" if [ $last_status -ne 0 ] set status_info "$red""command failed with status: $last_status" end # WTB: time spend on last command (if ≥ 1s) ################################################## # Output if [ -n $status_info ] echo -s $status_info end _rprint "$basic_prompt$git_info" $job_info echo -n -s $prompt end