# Just a sprunge wrapper for fish-shell # Paul Joannon (paulloz) # https://github.com/Paulloz/fish-sprunge # Based on oh-my-zsh's sprunge plugin function sprunge echo -e 'This plugin is obsolete.\nConsider using dpaste, it is tested, has more features, and supports different sites, including sprunge.\nFor more information, enable dpaste plugin and execute it:\n$ dpaste\n' >&2 if isatty if [ (count $argv) -gt 0 ] if [ -f $argv ] cat $argv else echo $argv end | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us else echo -e "Usage: * sprunge < README.md * sprunge README.md * cat README.md | sprunge * sprunge "I \<3 paulloz"" end else curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us end end