# NAME # _prepend_tree - add a dependency tree to fish_function_path # # SYNOPSIS # _prepend_tree [-v --verbose] [..] # # DESCRIPTION # Search a path tree and prepend directories with fish files. Use a glob # list to include or exclude other file extensions. Use -v --verbose to # output directories to be added to the path. # # OPTIONS # [-v --verbose] # Optional. Print directories that match the glob. Must be the # first argument if used. # # # Required. Specify the path to search for glob patterns. # # [ [ ..]] # Glob pattern to match when traversing the path path. # # OPERATORS # [! -not glob] # Negates the following glob. # # [ -o -or ..] # Default. Must meet at least one listed criteria. # # [ [-a -and ..]] # Must meet *all* listed criteria. # # EXAMPLES # _prepend_tree $path # Match directories in $path containing `.fish` files. # # _prepend_tree $path \*.fish \*.sh # Match directories in $path with either `.fish` OR `.sh` files. # # _prepend_tree $path \*.fish -a ! _\*.\* # Match directories with `.fish` files that do not start with `_`. # # AUTHORS # Jorge Bucaran # # SEE ALSO # .oh-my-fish/functions/_prepend_path.fish # # v.0.2.0 #/ function _prepend_tree -d "Add a dependency tree to the Fish path." # Match directories with .fish files always. set -l glob -name \*.fish set -l verbose "" # Retrieve first argument, either the path or the -v option. set -l path $argv[1] if contains -- $path -v --verbose set verbose -v # Option first, path should be next. set path $argv[2] end # Parse glob options to create the main glob pattern. if [ (count $argv) -gt 2 ] set -l operator -o for option in $argv[3..-1] switch $option case ! -not set operator $operator ! case -o -or set operator -o case -a -and set operator -a case "*" if [ operator = ! ] set glob $operator $glob else set glob $glob $operator end set glob $glob -name $option set operator -o # Default end end end # Traverse $path prepending only directories with matches. Excludes completions folder. test -d $path and for dir in (find $path \! -name "completions" -type d) # Use head to retrieve at least one match. Skip not found errors # for directories that do not exist. if [ -z (find "$dir" $glob -maxdepth 1 ^/dev/null | head -1) ] continue end # Print matched directories if the -v option is set. if not [ -z $verbose ] printf "%s\n" $dir end # Prepend matched directory to the the global fish function path. # Note path duplicates are already handled by _prepend_path. _prepend_path $dir -d fish_function_path end end