import plugins/fish-spec function describe_fish-spec -d "Fish-Spec" function it_has_an_output_if_suite_is_blank set -l suite " import plugins/fish-spec " expect (run_nested_suite $suite) --to-equal "No tests found." end function it_has_an_output_if_there_are_no_tests set -l suite " import plugins/fish-spec function describe_blank_suite end " expect (run_nested_suite $suite) --to-equal "No tests found." end function it_runs_all_describe_blocks set -l describe_one 0 1 0 set -l describe_two 1 0 0 set -l describe_expects 1 1 0 set -l suites for return_code_index in (seq (count $describe_one)) set suites $suites " import plugins/fish-spec function describe_blank_suite function it_returns_0_1_0_1_in_that_order return $describe_one[$return_code_index] end end function describe_another_blank_suite function it_returns_1_0_0_1_in_that_order return $describe_two[$return_code_index] end end " end for index in (seq (count $suites)) run_nested_suite $suites[$index] expect $status --to-equal $describe_expects[$index] or return 1 end end function it_runs_all_it_blocks set -l suite " import plugins/fish-spec function describe_suite function it_is_executed return 0 end function it_is_also_executed return 0 end function it_is_also_executed return 1 end end " run_nested_suite $suite expect $status --to-equal 1 end function it_adds_a_dot_for_a_successful_expectation set -l suite " import plugins/fish-spec function describe_suite function it_is_executed expect 'success' --to-equal 'success' end end " set -l output (run_nested_suite $suite) set -l dot (echo -ne (set_color 00FF7F).) expect "$output" --to-equal $dot end function it_adds_a_dot_for_each_successful_test set -l suite " import plugins/fish-spec function describe_suite function it_is_executed expect 'success' --to-equal 'success' end function it_is_executed_again expect 'success' --to-equal 'success' end end " set -l output (run_nested_suite $suite) set -l dot (echo -ne (set_color 00FF7F).) expect "$output" --to-equal $dot$dot end end function run_nested_suite -a suite # Erase and backup original suite functions to avoid an infinite loop. spec.functions -eb it_ describe_ -- "backup." # Run nested suite eval $suite set -l result $status # Erase functions created by the nested suite spec.functions -e it_ describe_ # Restore original suite functions spec.functions -re backup. return $result end $argv