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# Set fish_custom to the path where your custom config files
# and plugins exist, or use the default custom instead.
if not set -q fish_custom
set -g fish_custom $fish_path/custom
# Extract user defined functions from path and prepend later to
# avoid collisions with oh-my-fish internal functions and allow
# users to override/customize plugins, themes, etc.
set user_function_path $fish_function_path[1]
set -e fish_function_path[1]
# Add functions defined in oh-my-fish/functions to path.
if not contains $fish_path/functions/ $fish_function_path
set fish_function_path $fish_path/functions/ $fish_function_path
# Add required plugins, completions and themes. Imported commands can be
# customized via the $fish_path/custom directory. To customize a theme,
# create a directory under $fish_path/custom/themes with the same name
# as the theme. Use the same approach for plugins, etc.
import plugins/$fish_plugins themes/$fish_theme
# Prepend all user custom paths to the fish path and source load files.
for custom_file in $fish_custom/**
_prepend_path $custom_file -d fish_function_path
switch $custom_file
case \*.load
. $custom_file
# Prepend extracted user functions so they have the highest priority.
set fish_function_path $user_function_path $fish_function_path