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> The [Fishshell][fishshell] Framework
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<b><a href="#about">About</a></b>
<b><a href="#install">Install</a></b>
<b><a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a></b>
<b><a href="#advanced">Advanced</a></b>
<b><a href="">Screencasts</a></b>
<b><a href="/">Contributing</a></b>
<b><a href="/">FAQ</a></b>
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10 years ago
# About
Oh My Fish is an all-purpose framework for the [fishshell][Fishshell]. It looks after your configuration, themes and packages. It's lightning fast and easy to use.
We love contributions, [fork and send us a PR](
# Install
curl -L | sh
omf help
Or _download_ and run it yourself:
curl -L > install
chmod +x install
# :beginner: Getting Started
Oh My Fish includes a small utility `omf` to fetch and install new packages and themes.
## `omf update`
Update framework and installed packages.
## `omf install` _`[package|url ...]`_
Install one _or more_ packages.
- You can install packages directly by URL via `omf install URL`
- When called without arguments, install missing packages from [bundles](#dotfiles).
## `omf list`
List installed packages.
## `omf theme` _`<theme>`_
Apply a theme. To list available themes type `omf theme`.
## `omf remove` _`<name>`_
Remove a theme or package.
> Packages subscribed to `uninstall_<pkg>` events are notified before the package is removed to allow custom cleanup of resources. See [Uninstall](#uninstall).
## `omf new pkg | theme` _`<name>`_
Scaffold out a new package or theme.
> This creates a new directory under `$OMF_CONFIG/{pkg | themes}/` with a template.
## `omf submit` _`pkg/<name>`_ _`[<url>]`_
Add a new package. To add a theme use `omf submit` _`themes/<name>`_ _`<url>`_.
Make sure to [send us a PR][omf-pulls-link] to update the registry.
## `omf query` _`<variable name>`_
Use to inspect all session variables. Useful to dump _path_ variables like `$fish_function_path`, `$fish_complete_path`, `$PATH`, etc.
## `omf destroy`
Uninstall Oh My Fish. See [uninstall](#uninstall) for more information.
# :triangular_flag_on_post: Advanced
+ [Startup](#startup)
+ [Dotfiles](#dotfiles)
+ [Core Library](#core-library)
+ [Packages](#packages)
+ [Creating](#creating)
+ [Submitting](#submitting)
+ [Initialization](#initialization)
+ [Uninstall](#uninstall)
+ [Ignoring](#ignoring)
## Startup
This script runs each time a new session begins, autoloading packages, themes and your _config_ path in that order.
9 years ago
The _config_ path (`~/.config/omf` by default) is defined by `$OMF_CONFIG` in `~/.config/fish/`. Modify this to load your own configuration, if you have any, as discussed in the [FAQ](
## Dotfiles
The `$OMF_CONFIG` directory represents the user state of Oh My Fish, and is the perfect
candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There are two important files:
- __`theme`__ - The current theme
- __`bundle`__ - List of currently installed packages/themes
### About the bundle
Everytime a package/theme is installed or removed the `bundle` file is updated. You can also edit it manually and run `omf install` afterwards to satisfy the changes. Please note that while packages/themes added to the bundle gets automagically installed, a package/theme removed from bundle isn't removed from user installation.
## Core Library
The core library is a minimum set of basic utility functions that extend your shell.
+ [See the documentation](/lib/
## Packages
### Creating
> A package name may only contain lowercase letters and hyphens to separate words.
To scaffold out a new package:
$ omf new pkg my_package
> Use `omf new theme my_theme` for themes.
Please provide [auto completion]( for your utilities if applicable and describe how your package works in the ``.
`` defines a single function:
function my_package -d "My package"
> Bear in mind that fish lacks a private scope so consider the following options to avoid polluting the global namespace:
+ Prefix functions: `my_package_my_func`.
+ Using [blocks](
9 years ago
### Submitting
Oh My Fish keeps a registry of packages under `$OMF_PATH/db/`.
To create a new entry run:
omf submit pkg/my_package .../my_package.git
9 years ago
Similarly for themes use:
omf submit theme/my_theme .../my_theme.git
This will add a new entry to your local copy of the registry. Please [send us a PR][omf-pulls-link] to update the global registry.
### Initialization
If you want to be [notified]( when your package loads, declare the following function in your ``:
function init -a path --on-event init_mypkg
Use this event to modify the environment, load resources, autoload functions, etc. If your package does not export any functions, you can still use this event to add functionality to your package.
### Uninstall
Oh My Fish emits `uninstall_<pkg>` events before a package is removed via `omf remove <pkg>`. Subscribers can use the event to clean up custom resources, etc.
function uninstall --on-event uninstall_pkg
### Ignoring
Remove any packages you wish to turn off using `omf remove <package name>`. Alternatively, you can set a global env variable `$OMF_IGNORE` in your `~/.config/fish/` with the packages you wish to ignore. For example:
set -g OMF_IGNORE skip this that ...
# License
MIT © [Oh My Fish][contributors] :metal:
10 years ago