__vi_mode_bind_directions_g normal vi_mode_normal ''
iffunctions-q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user g
functionvi_mode_normal-d"WIP vi-like key bindings for fish (normal mode)"
__vi_mode normal
# NOTE: bind '' self-insert seems to be required to allow the
# prompt to change, but we don't want unbound keys to be able to
# self-insert, so set the default binding, but bind everything to
# do nothing (which is wasteful, but seems to work):
# Fish recently gained support for this, redirect to /dev/null so it
# doesn't fall over if running an old version of fish:
commandline-f suppress-autosuggestion 2>/dev/null
bind i '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; vi_mode_insert'
bind I '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command normal fnw; vi_mode_insert'
bind a '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f forward-char; vi_mode_insert'
bind A '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f end-of-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind o '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command o ""; vi_mode_insert'
bind O '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; __vi_mode_direction_command O ""; vi_mode_insert'
# Cool, these functions are pretty close to what I wanted:
# FIXME: Cursor not placed in correct position, but moving it prevents further searching
bind j down-or-search
bind k up-or-search
bind x '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f delete-char'
bind D '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-line'
# bind Y 'commandline -f kill-whole-line yank'
bind P '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f yank'
bind p '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f yank forward-char'# Yes, this is reversed. Otherwise it does the wrong thing. Go figure.
bind C '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind S '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f kill-whole-line; vi_mode_insert'
bind s '__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f delete-char; vi_mode_insert'
bind r __vi_mode_replace
bind R __vi_mode_overwrite
# XXX: The automagic completion sometimes displays the case from the
# command it wants to complete instead of the case actually on the
# commandline, so even though this works, it may not always appear to work.
# I'm not sure if I can do anything about that, I'll need to look at the
# code. Ideally I would turn off automagic completion whenever I'm not in
# insert mode.
bind\~'__vi_mode_save_cmdline; commandline -f forward-char; __vi_mode_direction_command swapcase l'
__vi_mode_bind_directions normal vi_mode_normal ''
bind d '__vi_mode_bind_directions delete vi_mode_normal __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
bind c '__vi_mode_bind_directions change vi_mode_insert __vi_mode_save_cmdline'
# Override generic direction code for simple things that have a close
# match in fish's builtin commands, which should be faster:
bind h backward-char
bind l forward-char
bind 0 beginning-of-line
# bind \$ end-of-line #FIXME: Cursor position
# bind b backward-word # Note: built-in implementation only recently fixed. Also, before enabling this override, determine if this matches on the right characters
bind g __vi_mode_g # MUST BE AFTER BIND_DIRECTIONS... I'm thinking about changing it so that this is all handled by bind_directions
bind u __vi_mode_undo
# bind 2 vi-arg-digit
# bind y yank-direction
# bind g magic :-P
# bind ^a increment next number
# bind ^x decrement next number
# bind /?nN search (jk kind of does this)
# registers (maybe try to make sensible integration into X, like an
# explicit yank with y goes to an X selection, while an implicit
# delete with x etc. doesn't. "* and "+ should natually go to the
# appropriate X selection if possible)
# etc.
iffunctions-q vi_mode_user
vi_mode_user normal
functionvi_mode_insert-d"vi-like key bindings for fish (insert mode)"