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use time::Duration;
use super::Client;
use crate::{
requests::{inputs::InputId, media_inputs::Request},
responses::media_inputs as responses,
/// API functions related to media inputs.
pub struct MediaInputs<'a> {
pub(super) client: &'a Client,
impl<'a> MediaInputs<'a> {
/// Gets the status of a media input.
#[doc(alias = "GetMediaInputStatus")]
pub async fn status(&self, input: InputId<'_>) -> Result<responses::MediaStatus> {
self.client.send_message(Request::Status { input }).await
/// Sets the cursor position of a media input.
/// This request does not perform bounds checking of the cursor position.
#[doc(alias = "SetMediaInputCursor")]
pub async fn set_cursor(&self, input: InputId<'_>, cursor: Duration) -> Result<()> {
.send_message(Request::SetCursor { input, cursor })
/// Offsets the current cursor position of a media input by the specified value.
/// This request does not perform bounds checking of the cursor position.
#[doc(alias = "OffsetMediaInputCursor")]
pub async fn offset_cursor(&self, input: InputId<'_>, offset: Duration) -> Result<()> {
.send_message(Request::OffsetCursor { input, offset })
/// Triggers an action on a media input.
#[doc(alias = "TriggerMediaInputAction")]
pub async fn trigger_action(&self, input: InputId<'_>, action: MediaAction) -> Result<()> {
.send_message(Request::TriggerAction { input, action })