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30 lines
954 B

set dotenv-load := true
nightly := "nightly-2021-11-18"
# list available recipes
@just --list --unsorted
# run integration tests with coverage
cargo install grcov
rustup toolchain install {{nightly}} --component llvm-tools-preview
rm -rf *.profraw ./target/debug/coverage
RUSTFLAGS="-Zinstrument-coverage -Clink-dead-code" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="coverage-%p-%m.profraw" cargo +{{nightly}} test --all-features
rustup run {{nightly}} grcov . -s . --binary-path ./target/debug/ -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing -o ./target/debug/coverage
rm -f *.profraw
# upload coverage to GitHub Pages
upload-coverage: coverage
git checkout gh-pages
rm -rf badges examples src tests coverage.json index.html
cp -R target/debug/coverage/ .
git add -A badges examples src tests coverage.json index.html
git commit -m "Coverage for $(git rev-parse --short main)"
git push
git checkout main