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3 years ago
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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate
### Changed
- **BREAKING CHANGE:** Upgraded to obs-websocket `4.9.0`, adding all the new events and requests.
Some existing ones have changes as well.
- Dependencies updated to the latest version, including the just released `tokio-tungstenite` with
support for `rustls` as TLS backend.
- The `tls` feature now uses `rustls` instead of `native-tls` as backend.
### Fixed
- obs-websocket sends a non-JSON message when shutting down that is now properly handled instead of
failing. Thanks @715209 !
## [0.4.0] - 2021-01-22
3 years ago
### Added
- The client can now be shut down with the `disconnect` function and will do so automatically on
drop. It is still recommended to call this manually as it allows to wait for the client to fully
close all the internal machinery.
### Changed
- Events are opt-in with the `events` feature flag to reduce final binary size when events aren't
### Fixed
- All fields of `ConnectConfig` have been made public to actually allow setting them.
## [0.3.0] - 2021-01-11
3 years ago
### Added
- Github actions added to run automated tests and lints on each commit.
- Unit tests for all custom (de)serializers ensuring the right in-/output.
- More integration tests, covering almost all requests now.
- Added `.editorconfig` file to allow consistent indenting and other common editor settings.
- Added a `Justfile` (similar to a `Makefile`) that allows to run common tasks and especially code
coverage conveniently.
- A new `connect_with_config` function that allows to customize the client behavior.
- Support for TLS connections.
### Changed
- Update readme to show the current code coverage.
- Upgraded to `tokio` **1.0** and all related dependencies.
### Fixed
- Corrected a few links in the API docs.
- A required tokio feature was missing as the dev dependencies added it.
## [0.2.0]
### Added
- Most request types implement `Default` for easier request creation.
- Many integration tests.
- Basic usage details in the docs and readme.
### Changed
- Parse into more concrete types where possible. For example durations and timestamps are
represented as types from the `chrono` crate instead of strings and integers now.
- Errors are specific now, using `thiserror` instead of `anyhow` allowing to match against the error
and find out what exactly went wrong on a type level.
### Fixed
- Various small fixes in request and response types that were found while creating the integration
- Some links in the API docs were broken, pointing to private items.
## [0.1.0]
### Added
- Initial release.
3 years ago