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6 years ago
# nvim-luadev
This plugins set up a REPL-like environment for developing lua plugins in Nvim.
The `:Luadev` command will open an scratch window which will show output from executing lua code.
Use the folllowing mappings to execute lua code:
Binding | Action
------------------------- | ------
`<Plug>(Luadev-RunLine)` | Execute the current line
`<Plug>(Luadev-Run)` | in visual mode: execute visual selection
`<Plug>(Luadev-RunWord)` | Eval identifier under cursor, including `table.attr`
If the code is a expression, it will be evaluated, and the result shown with
`inspect.lua`. Otherwise it will be executed as a block of code. A top-level
`return` will cause the returned value to be inspected. A bare `nil` will not
be shown.
Global `print()` is also redirected to the output buffer, but only when executing
code via this plugin. `require'luadev'.print(...)` can be used to print to the
buffer from some other context.
Planned features:
- [x] autodetect expression vs statements
- [x] Fix `inspect.lua` to use `tostring()` on userdata (done on a local copy)
- [ ] omnicompletion of global names and table attributes
- [ ] make `<Plug>(Luadev-Run)` a proper operator
- [ ] solution for step-wise execution of code with `local` assignments (such
as a flag to copy local values to an env)
- [ ] tracebacks